Personal Information:
Famlily Name: Wang Given Name: Bin
Date of Birth: July 12, 1971 Birth Place: Beijing
Sex: Male
Marital Status: Unmarried
Telephone:(010)62771234Pager: 99900-1234567
E-mail: 585858@58.com
Work Experience:
Nov.1998-present CCIDE Inc, as a director of software development and web publishing.Organized and attended trade shows(Comdex 99).Summer of 1997 BIT Companyas a technican ,designed various web sites.Designed and maintained the web site of our division independently from s electing suitable materials, content editing to designing web page by FrontPage, Photoshop and java as well;
1991-August 1996 Dept.of Automation,Tsinghua University, B.E.Achievements & Activities:
President and Founder of the Costumer Committee
Established the organization as a member of BIT
President of Communications for the Marketing Association
Representative in the Student Association
Computer Abilities:
Skilled in use of MS Frontpage, Win 95/NT, Sun, java beans, HTML, CGI, , Perl, Visual Interdev, Distributed Objects, CORBA, C, C++, Project 98, Office 97, Rational RequisitePro, Process,Pascal, PL/I and SQL software
English Skills :
Have a good command of both spoken and written English.Past CET-6, TOEFL:623;GRE: 2213
Others :
Aggressive, independent and be able to work under a dynamic environment.Have coordination skills, teamwork spirit.Studious na ture and dedication are my greatest strengths.
Personal data:
Name: Li Zhao
Gender: Female
Date of Birth: August 9, 1989
Present Address: 323 Zhongshan Road, Nanchang, Jiangxi province Postal Code: 3300**
Tel No.:(0791)81******
To seek a position of a dean of teaching and research section, utilizing my professional knowledge and management skills.Qualifications:
●Proficient in words processing, and PowerPoint, Excel, and Graphic-Design software.● Obtained the teacher's certificate.● Holds Bachelor of Fine Arts B.F.A.Education/Training:
Studied in the Nanchang University(1999-2003), majored in advertising.Work Experience:
Worked at Jiangxi Garments College(2003--present)
● Excellent in teaching, awarded the title of excellent teacher.(2004--2006)● Served in a dean of teaching and research section concurrently.(2007--2010)● Organized students to participate in competition of the classified AD, and won many awards.Referee:
Zuoming Wang
1,96%缺乏针对性 一份标准模版下做出来的简历适用于多种行业,多个职位的求职.精明的 HR 稍稍瞄上 一眼就能明白,此人拥有“一份简历求遍天下职”的“雄心壮志”.没针对性,你自然入不 得 HR 的法眼了.2,89%职业路径混乱 工作一年换两三家公司, 五年内进过六七个不同行业, 职业经历没有连贯性, 频繁跳槽, 职业生涯空白期一目了然尽显于 HR 眼底.职业生涯这么乱,哪家企业敢用你啊!3,85%电话沟通一问三不知 或许是网络投简历太轻松了,投出的简历多得连自己应聘了什么都不知道.HR 去电, 丝毫不在状态,对自己投过的职位压根没印象,更谈不上对企业基本信息的了解.一问三不 知,试问企业怎能相中你? 4,82%信息表达不到位 描述工作经历时,只罗列工作内容,注重表达我曾做过什么,很少有人能从过往工作经 历中体现出自己的价值.有的在工作内容一栏里,甚至只有六七个字.这是一个工作了 2 年的销售员,说自己先是“仪器仪表销售” ,后来是“卖一,二手房” ,最近一份是“置业顾 问”.真是惜字如金啊!干过是一回事,干得怎么样又是另一回事.做销售的人不用数字说 话,如何了解你的能力,企业凭什么选你? 5,78%投递职位与经历不匹配 人家招网络工程师, 偏偏你个主要经历为平面设计师的也去凑热闹, 结果自然是直接枪 毙.或许当中不乏想通过跳槽来实现转型的,但在简历中无力明确表达.如果职业目标不确 定, 将会导致求职的低效, 同时也会使生活状态变得质量低下.企业想找能创造价值的人才, 而不是找供其慢慢学习适应的实习生.没有相关从业资质达不到岗位要求的你, 企业如何大 度“收容”? 6,70%未表达真实价值 花了数百字之多来描述自己曾经的学习背景和工作经历, 甚至是参加过怎样的特殊培训, 文笔流畅,颇富感情,感受真实,但就是让人看不懂这些经历的背后自己积累了多少宝贵经 验和技能.当下的求职,会表达更要能总结,一个好的产品要想被市场接受,首先得亮出它 的价值与特色.想把自己推销出去,表达自己真实价值才是关键啊!7,36%相片不合适
这简历配上一张相片可以加深 HR 对你的印象,而在配过相片的人群中,有近三分之一 的相片很不合适.有的用 Q 版大头贴,可爱搞怪五花八门;有的是装嗔真人秀,骚首弄姿 极尽妩媚;还有的是自拍狂,家里的窗帘,书桌,灯饰分别做背景统统发来当附件.HR 不 禁坦言:一份简历配上好的相片能加分,而一张不适时宜的大头贴很可能将你直接 OUT.8,26%信息错乱明显 简历中有明显的信息错乱,工作经历重复填写,重要信息漏填,语句不通,错字连连, 出现断句,表达混乱,甚至滥用省略号,破折号.有人这样写自我评价“我是一个非常感性
的人,挺适合贵公司的职业规划师一职,不知你对我的感觉如何……” ,如此“含蓄”的表 达,真让 HR 哭笑不得.9,6%多岗多投 一个人发来 N 份同样的简历,从邮件标题中得知,原来此人既想做前台接待,又想当 咨询顾问,还想进公司当助理.针对同一企业的不同职位投简,本想表现“我啥都能干,务 必给个机会吧” ,孰不知反被精明 HR 贴上了“恐怖分子”的标签.敢多岗多投,HR 直接拉 你进“恶意投递黑名单”!10,4.5%隐瞒基本信息 简历不写真实姓名,用“李先生”“张小姐”等字样代替,工作背景描述中,常常以“A , 公司” “某公司” 经理“ ”B “某主管”来替换,故意隐瞒其真实信息.这样一方面给 HR 的背 景调查带来了阻碍,另一方面也表现其严重缺乏诚意.把自己重重包裹起来求职,企业怎敢 大度接纳你? “以上所有问题,有 85%情况属于求职者缺乏清晰的职业生涯定位和职业规划所致,其 他属于求职当中的一些小技术问题.”专家这样说道.如果原则性问题没有解决,继续盲目 求职乱投简历, 不光会害自己要花费更多的时间和精力不断重复着求职面试, 也会害企业浪 费更多的人力和资源来筛选适合企业的真正人才.重视你的每一次求职机会吧, 简历是个两 面派,它可以带你走向平庸,也可能助你迈向成功!
供应届毕业生参考英文 简历 模板
Room 212 Building 343
Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084
(010)62771234 Email:good@tsinghua.edu.com
Zheng Yan
To obtain a challenging position as a software engineer with an emphasis in software design and development.Education
1997.9-2000.6 Dept.of Automation,Graduate School of Tsinghua University, M.E.1993.9-1997.7 Dept.of Automation,Beijing Insititute of Technology,B.E.Academic Main Courses
Advanced Mathematics probability and Statistics Linear Algebra
Engineering Mathematics Numerical Algorithm Operational Algorithm
Functional Analysis Linear and Nonlinear programming
Electronics and Computer
Circuit principal Data Structures Digital Electronics
Artificial Intelligence Computer Local Area Network
Computer Abilitees
Skilledin use of MS Frontpage, Win 95/NT, Sun, Javabeans, HTML, CGI, JavaScript, perl, Visual Interdev, Distributed Objects, CORBA, C, C , project 98, Office 97, Rational Requisitepro, process,pascal, pL/I and SQL software
English Skills
Have a good command of both spoken and written English.past CET-6, TOEFL:623;GRE:2213
Scholarships and Awards
1999.3 Guanghua First-class Scholarship for graduate
1998.11 Metal Machining practice Award
1997.4 Academic progress Award
General business knowledge relating to financial, healthcare
Have a passion for the Internet, and an abundance of common sense