研究生英语阅读大观部分文章稿——21.Religious Beliefs on Nature

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第一篇:研究生英语阅读大观部分文章稿——21.Religious Beliefs on Nature

21.Religious Beliefs on Nature Taoism and Sustainable DevelopmentThe modern thought of sustainable development has, actually, stemmed from people’s growing understanding of and their deep concern about environmental problems.In fact, a variety of views and ideas on sustainable development have also been embodied in the principles, doctrines and practices of Taoism.The Taoist idea of “cherishing human beings and treasuring life” does not, however, entail(把……给以)upon men the privilege to put themselves above nature.Instead, it requires mankind to live in harmony with nature, under the principle that man is an integral(组成的)part of nature.To grasp such a dialectical relationship is of crucial importance in today’s drive to achieve a sustainable development.Buddhism and Ecological EnvironmentBuddhist theory of “pratityasamutpāda” emphasize the importance of relations in different things and points out that there are no things which are isolated.The theory of “Connection Among Three Worlds” and other theories are the way for Buddhism to link up subject and object.The real intention of Dharma is to establish an equal circle of life between human beings living things and nonliving things.According to the Buddhist belief, the transformation of the external environment and the realization of an ideal environment are set up on the reform of the subjective world of man.The environmental crisis today is namely the result of human deviation from the Buddhist principle.The Buddhist Ecological Views and Practice The Buddhist ecological views are mainly embodied in its attitudes toward nature, life and ideal.The Buddhist ecological practices not only provide the Buddhists with the way of self-improvement and guide them toward their adaptation to the community and their service to the masses, but also demonstrate that the way to achieve global ecological protection depends on enhancing the people’s understanding and participation.Islamic Ecological Outlook and Its Modern SignificanceThe Islamic culture’s outlook of a harmonious ecology and ties brilliant success achieved through integration(结合)with other cultures and in the spirit of modern science will be revitalized(复活)to demonstrate important spiritual value in overcoming ecological crisis and facilitating sustainable development.And it will also contribute in encouraging people to create an ecologically harmonious world, featuring luxuriant(丰富的)forests crystal-clear lakes, paradise of chirping birds and gardens of fragrant(香的)flowers in the new century.The Contribution of Taoists to the Protection of Ecological EnvironmentThe age-old Chinese Taoism has been contributing to the development of human civilization, over the past two millenniums, through the development of its rich ideals, culture and religious legacy(遗产).Taoists of all ages have taken Nature as the fundamental theme of their faith and religious practice, and so have made active contribution to protecting the natural ecological environment.Carry Forward the Ideal of Taoism, Protect Ecological Environment and Benefit MankindAs an ecological crisis worsens around the world, more and more people have realized that the environment problem is not merely a result of over zealous(狂热的)industrial and technological development, but is an issue closely related to people’s world outlook, values and knowledge system.We hold that only when the Taoist belief of “letting things take their own nature course” takes root at the heart of all people and is earnestly practiced, can the world’s ecological crisis be thoroughly resolved and mankind’s eternal welfare be preserved.Love Nature, Respect LifeTaoism, an old-aged Chinese religion, views the mankind and nature as a harmonious unit, and that all matters on earth bear the character of truth and possesses the right and value to exist.It regards protection of the natural environment an essential part of its religious practice, and holds that the natural ecological valance must be preserved.It advocates(主张)that men should take the limit of endurance of the natural ecological environment into full consideration during economic development, and enhance people’s consciousness of the harmonious co-existence with nature.It also respects life, opposes war and killing and advocates peaceful co-existence of all races, ethnic nationalities and religions.

第二篇:研究生英语阅读大观部分文章稿19.What is Religion

19.What is Religion? No simple definition can describe the numerous religions in the world.For many people, religion is an organized system of beliefs, ceremonies, practices, and worship that center on supreme God, or the Deity.For many others, religion involves a number of gods, or deities.Some people have a religion in which no specific God or gods are worshiped.There are also people who practice their own religious beliefs in their own personal way, largely independent of organized religion.But almost all people who follow some of religion believe that a divine([di'vain])power created the world and influences their lives.People practice religion for several reasons.Many people throughout the world follow a religion simple because it is part of the heritage of their culture, tribe, or family.Religion gives many people a feeling of security because they believe that a divine power watches over them.These people often ask the power for help or protection.Numerous people follow a religion because it promises them salvation and either happiness or the sense of individual fulfillment and gives meaning to life.In addition, religion provides answers to such questions as “what is the purpose of life? What is the final destiny of a person? What is the difference between the right and wrong? And what are one’s obligations to other people?” Finally, many people follow a religion to enjoy a sense of kinship with their fellow believers.There are thousands of religions in the world.The eight major ones are Buddhism, Christianity, Confucianism, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, Shinto, and Taoism.Of these eight religions, Hinduism, Shinto, and Taoism developed over many countries.Each of the other religions traditionally bases its faith on the life or teachings of specific individuals.They are Prince Siddhartha Gautama, who became known as Gautama Buddha, for Buddhism;Jesus Christ for Christianity;Confucius for Confucianism;Muhammad for Islam;and Abraham and Moses for Judaism.The religions that trace their history to individuals follow a general pattern of development.During the individual’s lifetime or soon after his death, a distinctive system of worship ceremonies grew up around his life and teaching.This system, called a cult, became the basis of the religion.The heart of the cult is the individual’s teaching.In addition to inspiring worship, the individual represents an ideal way of life that followers try to imitate.The teachings of religions have shaped the lives of people since prehistoric times.Judaism, Islam, and especially Christianity([,kristi'æniti])have been major influences in the formation of Western culture.These three faiths, particularly Islam, have also played a crucial role in the development of Middle Eastern culture.The cultures of Asia have been shaped by Buddhism, Confucianism, Hinduism, Shinto, and Taoism.Religion has been a supreme source of inspiration in the arts.Some of the most beautiful buildings in the world are houses of worship.Much of the world’s greatest music is religious.Religious stories have provided countless subjects for painting, sculptures, literature, dances, and motion pictures.

第三篇:研究生英语阅读大观部分文章稿03.Your Speech is Changing-24

3.Your Speech is Changing If a contemporary Rip Van Winkle had slept for forty years and awakened today, he would have to go back to school before he could understand a daily newspaper or a magazine.He would never have heard of atomic bombs, baby sitters, flying saucers or contact lenses-nor of mambo, microfilms, nylons, or smog.Many new words have been added to the English language in the past forty years;and since Shakespeare’s time the number of words in the language has increased more than five times, from about 14,000 to somewhere between 700,000 and 800,000.Most of these new words have not come from borrowing, but from the nature growth of the language.The language has always changed, but the rate of the change has been uneven;minor changes have slowly accumulated in every generation, but there have been periods of rapid changes as well.The most important of these periods occurred during the two hundred and fifty years after 1066, the year the Normans conquered England.Before the conquest, the inhabitants in England spoke Anglo-Saxon, a complex Germanic language.The Normans were Norsemen who, after generation of raiding, had settled in northern France in the tenth century and by 1066 were speaking a form of French.After their conquest of England they instituted Norman French as the dominant language—the language of the upper class, of law, of government, and of such commerce as there was.Nevertheless, the masses went right on speaking Anglo-Saxon.By about three hundred years after the Norman conquest, Anglo-Saxon had re-established itself as the language of the upper class, as English, and had become a flexible, exact splendid, and moving instrument of expression.Norman French, meanwhile, had become something comic, spoken by the villain in the old mystery plays just for a laugh.The seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, during which printing became established, saw the stabilization of spelling and, more important, the establishment of colonies in America.Immediately, the language of the New Word and that of the Old World began to draw apart.In writing, too, a change has taken place.The use of the colloquial in American writing is increasing rather than diminishing.The increasing use of the colloquial in our writing is an interesting change that is bound to have far-reaching consequences.The enormous of enlargement of our vocabulary, the increasing use in our writing of the spoken idiom, and changes in our pronunciation are not the only changes that are taking place, however.There have also been significant grammatical alterations in our language.Such changes take place only by generations or decades at the fastest, so they pass unnoticed by all but grammarians;yet even the layman can perceive them when he is told that something that seems “quite all right” to him was regarded as erroneous only a few years ago.Nobody knows why all these changes are been made, perhaps we are in the process of reducing our verbs to a few basic words.If this is so, it may mark a change as significant as that which took place after the Norman conquests.Whatever the reasons for the changes that are taking place, the vocabulary will probably continue to expand, because the expansion of our knowledge and experience requires the invention of new words or the adaptation of old ones.Meaning will depend more and more upon word order and context, spelling will become simpler, with fewer common variants.Pronunciation, because of the great mobility of our population and the spread of radio and television, will tend to become more uniform.


以下内容为笔者整理的书后translation部分的书上例子和习题,如有错误请批评指正。Unit1 举例:

1.I had so worked upon my imagination as really to believe that about the whole mansion and domain there hung an atmosphere peculiar to themselves and their immediate vicinity— an atmosphere which had no affinity with the air of heaven, but which had reeked up from the decayed trees, and the grey wall, and the silent tarn—a pestilent and mystic vapor, dull, sluggish, faintly discernible, and leaden-hued.(Edgar Allan Poe: “The Fall of the House of Usher”)

译文: 我如此沉湎于自己的想象,以至于我实实在在地认为那宅院及其周围悬浮着一种它们所特有的空气。那种空气并非生发于天地自然,而是生发于那些枯树残枝、灰墙暗壁,生发于那一汪死气沉沉的湖水。那是一种神秘而致命的雾霭,阴晦,凝滞,朦胧,沉浊如铅。2.She had a very thin face like the dial of a small clock seen faintly in a dark room in the middle of a night when you waken to see the time and see the clock telling you the hour and the minute and the second, with a white silence and a glowing, all certainty and knowing what it has to tell of the night passing swiftly on toward further darkness but moving also toward a new sun.(Ray Douglas Bradbury: Fahrenheit 451)译文:(她的)容貌那么清秀,就像半夜里醒来时在黑暗中隐约可见的小小的钟面,报告时刻的钟面。它皎洁而安静,深知时间在飞驰,深信黑暗虽然越来越深沉,却也越来越接近新生的太阳。练习:

1.I’ve been spared a lot, one of the blessed of the earth, at least one of its lucky, that privileged handful of the dramatically prospering, the sort whose secrets are asked, like the hundred-year-old man.译文:我一直活得无忧无虑,深得上帝垂爱,至少算个幸运儿,少数人才享有的尊荣富贵,我垂手得之。就像百岁人瑞总有人讨教,我的秘诀也总有人探询。

2.And so Franklin Roosevelt found that he had, in effect, to recruit an entirely new and temporary government to be piled on top of the old one, the new government to get the tanks and airplanes built, the uniforms made, the men and women assembled and trained and shipped abroad, and the battles fought and won.译文:富兰克林· 罗斯福因此意识到他必须招募新班人马,组建临时机构来补强不能胜任的旧政府。新成立的政府机构专门负责建造坦克飞机,定制军服,招募培训战士。这些战士将被派往前线,去赢得一场场的战争。unit2 举例:

1.It is well known that animals cannot be maintained in good health on diets which will supply the necessary calories together with protein, fat and mineral requirements, if certain accessory food factors, the vitamins, are absent from the diet.译文:动物的食物缺乏维生素这类附加成分时,即使还有蛋白质、脂肪和无机物,而且能供给必需的热量,也不能保持动物的健康,这是人所熟知的事实。

2.I was on my way home from tramping about the street, my drawings under my arm, when I found myself in front of the Mathews Gallery.译文:我挟着书稿在街上兜了一圈,回家的路上无意中发现自己逛到马太书廊的门口。3.The idea that she had that helpless and gentle creature to protect, gave additional strength to the natural courage of the honest Irishman.(W.M.Thackeray: Vanity Fair)译文:这厚道的爱尔兰女人本来有胆量;她一想起这个无能的、温柔的小东西需要她来保护,越发添了勇气。练习:

1.Such is human nature in the West that a great many people are often willing to sacrifice higherpay for the privilege of becoming white collar workers.译文:许多人宁愿牺牲比较高的工资以换取成为白领工人的社会地位,这在西方倒是人之常情。

2.Cosmopolitan Shanghai was born to the world in 1842 when the British man-of-war Nemesis, slipping unnoticed into the mouth of the Yangtze River, reduced the Wusong Fort and took the city without a fight.译文:1842 年英国战舰尼米西斯号悄悄潜入长江口,击毁吴淞炮台,不费一枪一卒占据了上海,国际化的上海就此诞生了。

3.A study of the letter leaves us in no doubt as to the motives behind it.译文:研究了一下那封信,我们毫不怀疑该信是别有用心的。

4.The happiness—the superior advantages of the young women round about her, gave Rebecca inexpressible pangs of envy.译文:丽贝卡看见她周围的小姐那么有福气,享受种种优越的权利,真是说不出的妒忌。5.Poor Joe’s panic lasted for two or three days;during which he did not visit the house.译文:乔继续恐慌了两三天;其间这可怜虫都不肯回家。unit3 举例:

1.The meeting was not held due to the airline strike.It was held to discuss the impact an aging society would have on our environment.译文:不是因为航空公司罢工才举行会议的。召开这个会议是为了讨论老龄化社会对环境造成的影响。

2.There was nothing to do in Loma in the evening except to go to the saloon, an old board building with swinging doors and a wooden side walk awning.Neither prohibition nor repeal had changed its business, its clientele, or the quality of its whisky.In the course of an evening every male inhabitant of Loma over fifteen years old came at least once to the Buffalo Bar, had a drink, talked a while and went home.There would be a game of the mildest kind of poker going on.Timothy Ratz, the husband of my landlady, would be playing solitaire, cheating pretty badly because he took a drink only when he got it out.I’ve seen him get out five minutes in a row.When he won he piled the cards neatly, stood up and walked with great dignity to the bar.Fat Carl, the owner and bartender, with a glass half filled before he arrived, asked, “What’ll it be?”

“Whisky,” said Timothy gravely.译文:在洛曼小镇,晚饭后除了去镇上唯一的那家酒馆便无事可做。酒馆是一座老式的木制建筑,有一扇转门,门前人行道上方有一块木制雨篷。无论是政府的禁酒令还是后来废除禁酒令的法令都未曾改变过它生意的兴隆、顾客的数量,也未曾改变过它威士忌的质量。每天晚饭后,镇上十五岁以上的男子至少要光顾布法罗酒馆一次,喝杯酒,聊聊天,然后回家。



1.I am a journalist, not a historian, and while this book is an effort to describe a moment in the past, it is less a work of history than of personal reminiscence and reflection.Essentially, it is an account of my own observations and experiences in wartime Washington, supplemented by material drawn from interviews and other sources.I have tried to create out of it all a portrait of the pain and struggle of a city and a government suddenly called upon to fight, and to lead other nations in fighting, the greatest war in history, but pathetically and sometimes hilariously unprepared to do so.译文:我是新闻工作者,不是历史学家,所以本书描写的虽然是过往岁月中的一刻,却称不上是一部史学著作,而仅是个人的追思。书中所写的主要是战争期间我本人在华盛顿的观察和经历,辅以采访等材料。我试图刻画一个城市和一个政府的痛苦与挣扎,这个城市和政府突然被要求参加战争,还要在战争中领导别的国家,参与的又是有史以来最伟大的战争,实在是有些措手不及,因此表现得很糟糕,有时甚至很可笑。

2.This is bound to be somewhere close to the last reporting from that period based on firsthand sources.One after another, with unsettling rapidity, those in positions of power and responsibility during World War II are passing from the scene.Several who agreed to recall and describe their experiences in the war years died before I could get to them.译文:这几乎肯定是以第一手资料写成的、有关那个时期的最后一场报道。二战中位高权重的人物一个接一个很快去世,实在令人不安。有几位原本已经答应回忆并讲述一下他们在二战中的经历,可我还没来得及拜访,他们就离开了人世。

3.I have not dealt here in any detail with the grand strategy of the war in Europe and the Pacific.Instead, I have tried to report mainly on what I saw and heard and learned in Washington during years now fading into a misty past, the wartime experience of a country two-thirds of whose people are now too young to remember any of it.The result is a sort of Our Town at war, the story of a city astonished and often confused to find itself at the center of a worldwide conflict without ever hearing a shot fired.A strange city, set up in the first place to be the center of government and, like government itself at that time, a city moving slowly and doing little.译文:我在本书中没有对欧洲及太平洋战区中的宏大战略做详尽的描述。相反,我主要报道了那些年我在华盛顿的所见所闻。这些往事已经在人们的记忆中变得越来越模糊,对于那场战争,这个国家中有三分之二的人都太年轻,对它并无记忆。结果,本书描写的就是一个以战争为背景的“我们的小镇”,讲的是一个城市在根本没有听到一声枪响的情况下,就卷入了一场全球性冲突,因而变得很惊愕,常常也很困惑。这是一个不同寻常的城市,设立时主要是想将它建成政府的中心,因此这个城市便和当时的政府一样,行动十分缓慢,所做相当有限。

unit4【缩译法】 举例:

1.Darkness came down on the field and the city: And Amelia was praying for George, who was lying on his face, dead, with a bullet through his heart.译文:夜色四罩,城中之妻祈天保夫无恙,战场上其夫扑卧,一弹穿心,死矣。

2.He seated himself close to her;he gazed at her in silence, or told her stories of the days gone by, of her childhood and of the convert.译文:他坐在她身旁,静静地望着她,或者和她谈谈往事,她的童年和她在修道院的情景。3.The liquid water is heated so that it becomes steam.译文:液态水受热而变成蒸汽。

4.No one has told them about the British custom of lining up for a bus so that the first person who arrives at a bus stop is the first person to get on the bus.译文:谁也没有跟他们说过,英国人有排队候车、先到先上的习惯。5.Two men occupied the same hospital room.They were both seriously ill.译文:两位重病患者住在同一间病房里。

6.Her experiment got nowhere.There is no sign of progress since.译文:但是,她的实验已陷入僵局,并且至今也没取得任何进展。练习:

1.In the course of the same for war, a serious epidemic broke out.译文:在战争的同一时期里,一场严重的传染病爆发。

2.A receptor is shaped in such a way that it can receive only a certain messenger.译文:受体的构造形状使得它只能接受某一类型的信使。

3.The structure of the steel and the resulting properties will depend on how hot the steel gets and how quickly or slowly it is cooled.译文:钢的结构和性质,视其加热成度和冷却快慢而定。4.Take care of pence, and the pound will take care of themselves.译文:积少成多或集腋成裘。unit 5【拆译法】

1.He shall be glad of your company on journey.译文:如果你能陪他一块儿去,他会很高兴的。

2.She had a sound feeling that idiom was the backbone of a language and she was all for the racy phrases.译文:她感到习语是语言的支柱,因此特别主张用生动的短语,她的想法是完全正确的。3.“But we have a lot of small, very disruptive day-in and day-out problems on the factory floor,” one industrialist said.译文:一位实业家说:“在工厂办公楼里,我们面临许多很小但破坏性却很大的问题,它们日复一日,无休无止地发生。”

4.Thunderstorm in spring and summer often come with intensity great enough to cause flash-flooding.译文:春夏两季,雷雨交加,猛烈异常,往往会导致暴雨成灾。

5.In the course of decay of the vegetable and animal matter in the soil, various acids and gases are formed which help to decompose the rock particles and other compounds needed for the plant foods.译文:动植物在泥土里腐烂的过程中,形成各种酸和气体。这些酸和气体有助于分解岩石粒和其他化合物,以供植物作养料。

6.Considerable attention has been focused on the dilemma presented by the patient with chest pain who, on angiographic study, has normal coronary arteries and no other objective evidence of heart disease.译文:有一种胸痛病人,其冠状动脉造影检查正常,又无心脏病的其他客观特征,其诊断上的困难引起了人们的极大重视。

7.This development is in part a result of experimental studies indicating that favorable alterations in the determinants of myocardial oxygen consumption may reduce ischemic injury and that reduction after load may be associated with improved cardiac performance.译文:从某种程度上讲,这方面的进展是实验研究的结果。实验结果表明,有效改善心肌耗氧量的决定因素可减轻局部损害,并且负荷的减轻也能改善心肌功能。

8.Could any spectacle, for instance, be more grimly whimsical than that of gunners using science to shatter men’s bodies while, close at hand, surgeons use it to restore them?

译文:例如:炮兵利用科学毁坏人体,而就在附近,外科医生用科学抢救被炮兵毁坏的人体,还有什么情景比这更怪诞可怕的吗? 练习:

1.They vainly tried to find out the stranger’s name.他们想查出那陌生人的姓名,却徒劳无功。

2.The infinitesimal amount of nuclear fuel required makes it possible to build power reactors in that mountainous area.动力反应堆所需要的核燃料极少,因此可以把它建在那个山区。

3.It all began in the mid-1850s, when Lowe’s experiments with balloons led him to believe in the existence of an upper stream of air that moved in an easterly direction, no matter what direction the lower currents flowed.译文:这一切都始于19世纪50年代中叶,当时罗威的气球实验使他相信上升气流的存在。不管下层的气流向什么方向流动,这种上升气流总是向东流动。

4.More puzzling is the remarkable increase in occurrence of this disease which has happened since World War II in a number of western countries where standards of hygiene were continuously improving.译文:第二次世界大战以来,一些西方国家的卫生条件在不断地改善,但在这些国家中,此病的发生率也明显增加。这一点颇令人费解。unit6【摘译】 举例:

1.Apple expects to have a fix this month for a vulnerability in the IPHONE that could allow an attacker to gain control of the device remotely via SMS, according to CNET.NET.com.据美国CNET科技资讯网报道,苹果公司预计将于本月修复IPHONE中存在的一个安全漏洞,这一漏洞使得黑客能够通过收发短信遥控手机。

An attacker could exploit a weakness in the way IPHONE handle SMS messages to do things likes use GPS to track the phone's location, turn on the microphone for eavesdropping, or take control of the device and add it to botnet, Charlie Miller, co-author of the Mac Hacker's Handbook and principal security analyst at Independent Security Evaluator, said in a presentation at the SyScan conference in Singapore.The presentation was covered by IDG News Service.独立安全评估公司的首席安全分析师查理·米勒,同时也是苹果黑客手册的合著者,在新加坡硅感技术会议上声称,黑客能够利用IPHONE处理短信服务中的漏洞,采用全球定位系统来跟踪IPHONE的位置,打开手机话筒窃取用户通话,或者控制手机,把手机变成“僵尸网络”的一员。该发言由IDG新闻服务报道。

Miller said that under an agreement with Apple, he was barred from providing too much detail on the vulnerability.He plans to give more detailed presentation on the hole at the Black Hat conference in Las Vegas at the end of the month.米勒说,根据与苹果公司的协议,他被禁止提供太多的细节的漏洞。他计划于本月底在拉斯维加斯举行的黑帽会议上给出对这个漏洞的更详细说明。

Despite the SMS hole, the IPHONE is more secure than OS X on computers, Miller said.That is because the IPHONE doesn't support Adobe Flash and Java, only runs software digitally signed by Apple, includes hardware protection for data stored in memory, and runs applications in a sandbox, he said.米勒指出尽管存在这一短信服务漏洞,不过相对于电脑上的OS X系统,IPONE还是比较安全的。他说,这是因为IPHONE不支持Adobe Flash和Java,只能运行苹果数字签名的软件,包括对内存中存储数据的保护硬件,和在沙箱中运行的应用程序。

Apple representatives did not immediately respond to an email request for comment.苹果代表没有立即回复电子邮件评论。

2.A 36 years-old Swiss amateur parachutist made a successful 650-metre drop using a replica of a parachute designed more than 500 years ago by Leonardo da Vinci.“I came down „ smack in the middle of the tarmac at Payerne military airport,” said Olivier Vietti-Teppa.“A perfect jump.” Vietti-Teppa is the first person to have made it safely to the ground with the Leonardo model.In 2000, Britain's Adrian Nicholas tried it but had to pull the ripcord on a modern backup parachute to complete his descent safely.瑞士一名36岁的跳伞爱好者成功地从650的高空降落,而他用的降落伞是500多年前的莱昂纳多·达·芬奇设计的降落伞的复制品。“我降落了„„手掌击在佩也那军用机场的停机坪上,”奥利弗 维耶提—帕特说道,“完美的一跳。” 维耶提—帕特是第一个用达·芬奇设计的这款降落伞安全降落到地面的人。在2000年,英国的尼古拉斯·阿德里安曾尝试但不得不打开备用的现代伞而完成安全降落。

Vietti-Teppa jumped from a hovering helicopter and the Leonardo parachute opened at 600 meters, he reported.The parachute he used was made using modern fabric along lines designed by the Renaissance genius.The specifications were found in a text dating from 1485.The parachute consists of four equilateral triangles, seven meters on each side, made of parachute fabric, Vietti-Teppa explained.The base of the pyramid is a square of mosquito net, which enables the parachute to open.A wooden frame originally conceived by da Vinci was not used on the model in action on Saturday.One drawback: it is impossible to maneuver or steer the Leonardo parachute.“You come down at the whim of the wind,” said Vietti-Teppa, who carried out advance tests using a scale dummy model launched from a remote-controlled model helicopter.维耶蒂-特帕说他从一架盘旋的直升机上跳下在600米处打开了达芬奇降落伞。降落伞是由现代的材质制造的但是其设计来自于文艺复兴时期的天才。其制作说明来自于1485年的一份资料。维耶蒂-特帕解释说:”这个降落伞由4个边长为7米的等边三角形组成,材质为降落伞绸。”金字塔底部是一块正方形的蚊帐,它可以帮助撑开降落伞。周六所使用的降落伞并没有使用达芬奇之前设计的木质框架。这种降落伞的一个缺点是你不可能控制其方向。维耶蒂-特帕说:“当你跳下来后就只能随风飘了。”他之前使用遥控直升机对比例模型进行过试验。练习:

Prime Minister Gordon Brown of Britain disclosed Saturday that an eye examination showed two tears in his right retina—a revelation that could embolden critics who want him to step down before a national election.Downing Street moved quickly to quash speculation over Brown's health, issuing the statement only one day after a regular examination at a London eye hospital.Brown's office said his eyesight remained unchanged and that no operations were planned to address the situation.“Were there to be any change, he would of course make a further statement,” Brown’s office said in a statement.Brown, who lost the use of his left eye in a sporting accident when he was a teenager and had surgery to save the sight in the other one, has been dogged by questions about his eyesight in recent months.During a visit to the United States for the Group of 20 summit, he was forced to deny that he was slowly going blind.NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams had questioned Brown over reports that he was using larger and larger text sizes as his remaining vision declined.”I had all sorts of operations,” Brown said during the September interview.“ I then had one operation on the other eye and that was very successful, so my sight is not at all deteriorating,” he said.The same month he told the BBC that “it would be a terrible, terrible indictment of our political system if you thought that because someone had this medical issue they couldn’t do their job.” The September comments came as former Home Secretary Charles Clarke told the London Evening Standard newspaper that he hoped rumors Brown would quit—perhaps on health grounds—would come true.Brown must call a general election by June 2010.Recent polls overwhelmingly suggest that the opposition Conservative Party will win after 13 years out of power.British prime ministers rarely disclose details about their health unless they need to take time off work as in 2004, when Brown’s predecessor Tony Blair had a surgical procedure to correct an irregular heartbeat.Som Prasad, a consultant ophthalmologist at Arrowe Park Hospital in northwest England, said retinal tears affect 3% of people over 40 in Britain, and only occasionally cause serious problems.摘译:英国首相办公室周六发表声明说,首相戈登,布朗在接受眼睛检查时发现右眼视网膜上有两处裂缝,据悉,反对派可能以此为由要求布朗在大选前提前下台,但布朗办公室说,这次视网膜破裂不影响布朗视力,目前也没有动手术的打算,布朗年轻时参加体育活动受伤,左眼失明,但通过手术保住了右眼视力。全文翻译:




NBC晚间新闻主播布瑞恩威廉姆斯提出质疑,剩存视力下降使得布朗的报告使用是大字体 布朗九月的采访中说道:“我做了多种手术。”他说:“然后我还在另一只眼睛动了手术,手术非常成功,所以我的视力根本没有恶化。同月,布朗告诉英国广播公司,“如果你认为有人因为这样的医疗问题而他们不能做他们的工作,这将是对政治系统的可怕的控诉。九月,伦敦标准晚报刊登前内政大臣查尔斯克拉克的意见,他希望关于布朗可能因健康背景而将要退出的谣言将成真。布朗必须在2010六月召开大选。最近的民意调查都显示了反对党将失去权利的13年后赢得大选。

除非他们需要休息一段时间,例如2004,布朗的前任托尼布莱尔需要纠正心律不齐外科手术,否则英国首相很少披露有关他们自己的健康细节。英国西北部的Arrowe公园医院眼科顾问山姆·帕萨迪说,视网膜裂孔影响3% 的40岁以上的英国人,偶尔会导致严重的问题。uint7【新闻】(不重要)练习:

1,S Korea set emissions-cut target.2,Firm vie for bigger share of car market.3,Spanish PM: Somali pirates free fishermen.4,China receives 94m overseas tourists in Jan-sept, down 3.45%.5,US, Russian leaders say nations closer to deal to cut nuclear arms.6,South African runner Caster Semenya will be allow to keep the gold medal she won in the women's 800-meters at the World Athletics Championships in Berlin, Germany, in August, the country's sports ministry announced Thursdays.7,After complaining of feeling badly for days, Nicole Richie was hospitalized for pneumonia at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles and was “doing well”, her rep said Wednesday.1,韩国制定目标,减少尾气排放。2,汽车公司争夺更大的市场份额。





1.The heart is about the size of a fist, weighs about 9-11 ounces and is placed snugly between the lungs, a little more to the left than to the right.2.The successful launching of China’s first experimental communication satellite, which was propelled by a three-stage rocket and has been in operation ever since, indicates that our nation has entered a new stage in the development of carrier rockets and electronics.3.Since the joint gap between a piston and a cylinder has great influence on the service life of an engine, and the primary factor influencing the joint gap is the deformation of piston under working condition, it is important to show up the actual deformation of piston and for this purpose the finite element has been widely applied to analyze it numerically in China.1.心脏约有一只拳头那么大,重约9到11盎司,位于两肺之间,略偏于左方。



1.In case the buyer fail to carry out any of the terms or conditions to this Contract with the Seller, the Seller shall have the right to terminate all or any part of this Contract with the Buyer or postpone shipment or stop any goods in transit and the Buyer shall in every such case be liable to the Seller for all losses, damages and expenses thereby incurred.倘若买方未能履行与卖方所订合同的任何条款,卖方有权中止与买方的全部或部分合同,或延期交货,或截留运输中货物。在任何一种情况下,买方必须负责赔偿卖方由此发生的损失、损坏或相应的费用。

2.The Contractor shall notify the insurers of changes in the nature, extent or program for the execution of the Works and ensure the adequacy of the insurance at all times in accordance with the terms of the Contract and shall, when required, produce to the Employer the insurance policies in force and receipts for payment of the current premiums.承包人应该把工程施工的性质、范围或计划进度方面的变化情况通知承保人,并保证按合同条款在整个期间内有完备的保险,并在需要时,向业主出示生效保险单及本期保险费的支付收据。

unit10【广告】(不重要)1.Start ahead.(飘柔)

2.Every time a good time.(麦当劳)3.Everyone’s invited.(三星数码)4.The world’s local bank.(汇丰银行)

5.Time is what you make of it.(斯沃奇手表)1.成功之路,从头开始。



一、Y: 杨锐中央电视台英语频道“对话”节目主持人

H: 何其莘教授北京外国语大学副校长

D: Donald Holder 北大附中外籍教师

Y: What do Eastern and Western family education share in shaping a child's mind and character? Y:东方和西方家庭教育分享在塑造孩子的人的心灵和品格? H: Parental guidance is probably the first thing.Both the east and west emphasize the quality of family life.Usually parents are the first teachers for a child.A child very often imitates the parents and he is likely to regard whatever the parents do as positive.H:父母的指导可能是第一件事。东方和西方都强调家庭生活的质量。通常父母为孩子的第一任老师。一个孩子经常模仿父母和他可能认为不管父母做积极的。

D: I agree with Prof.He.It seems that in both families whether it's east or west, the child is the center and becomes the focus of the parents' hopes and dreams.And on both sides we also have this idea of putting pressure on the child.Especially in China, that pressure becomes even more apparent.Americans...sometimes it's a little more subtle in this side.But both sides share that a child is


what carries the family to next generation and is the base for the improvement of a family.什么携带家人下一代的基础,是提高一个家庭。

Y: Parents sometimes have moments of embarrassment with their children, for example, what do you think is the most reasonable way of answering children's questions such as how they were born and why their parents sleep together while putting them in their own rooms?

Y:父母有时有尴尬的时刻与他们的孩子,例如,你认为什么是最合理的方式回答孩子的问题,比如他们如何出生和为什么他们的父母睡在一起而使他们在他们自己的房间吗? D: In America because we have so many different religions and cultures that at present everybody has their own taboos and about what to do.Every family and culture has its own definition of “sexual morality”.Some parents are very frank, they'll tell the child from a very early age when they start questioning about sex.D:在美国,因为我们有这么多不同的宗教和文化,目前每个人都有他们自己的禁忌和对要做什么。每个家庭和文化都有自己的定义“性道德”。一些父母非常坦率,他们会告诉孩子们从很小的时候当他们开始询问关于性。

Y: How is sex education conducted in a typical American school?

Y:性教育进行了在一个典型的美国学校吗? D: In primary school education we leave the parents to handle that.By the time of junior high school when their bodies are changing, they have the health classes or PE classes1.You have the boys and girls over and they are going to talk about the physical changes.And by the time they go to high school, they have a health class, which talks about sex, sexual problems and diseases.D:在小学教育我们离开父母来处理这样的。到初中当他们的身体正在改变,他们有健康类或PE classes1。你有男孩和女孩在和他们要谈的是物理变化。和当他们去高中,他们有一个健康类,它谈论性、性问题和疾病。

Y: As a parent and teacher of English, did you ever talk to your child or students explicitly about sex? Y:作为家长和老师的英语,你有没有跟你的孩子或者学生明确的关于性? H: Well, sex is a more sensitive topic in China especially in families and schools.In most families,sex is regarded as a rigid taboo so teachers would avoid talking about it and parents would not talk about sex at home either.If I were asked by a little boy of five or four why Mom and Dad sleep together I would probably say Mom and Dad love each other and we need talk when you get into bed, something like that.H:嗯,性是一个更加敏感的话题在中国尤其在家庭和学校。在大多数家庭,性被视为刚性禁忌,教师会避免谈论它和父母不会谈论性在家里也。如果我问一个小男孩的五个或四个为什么妈妈和爸爸一起睡,我大概会说妈妈和爸爸爱彼此,我们需要谈话当你上床,这样的东西。Y: Okay, let's say, if the parents know clearly that sex will inevitably happen between their sons and their girlfriends when they go camping during the summer holiday, what do American parents usually do in this case?

Y:好吧,让我们说,如果父母很清楚,性将不可避免地发生在他们的儿子和他们的女朋友当他们去露营暑假期间,美国的父母通常在这种情况下吗? D: Well, this is back to parental education.The parents are resigning themselves sometimes to the fact that their teenager children in high school might have sex with his or her girlfriend or bo yfriend.We can't stop this from happening, but can teach them to be careful and responsible.维:嗯,这是回到父母的教育。父母都是辞职自己有时这样的事实,即他们在高中少年儿童可能性与他或她的女朋友或bo yfriend。我们不能阻止这种情况的发生,但是可以教导他们要谨慎和负责任的。

Y: Prof.He, you have said that another main difference between Eastern and Western education is that the Asian teaching method is much more test-oriented.A student's future may be determined by the result of one test after he or she graduated from high school.So are you questioning the current national entrance exam2 for entering universities?

Y:教授,你曾经说过,他的另一个主要区别东方和西方的教育是,亚洲教学方法更以考试为目的。一个学生的未来也可能取决于一个试验的结果后,他或她从高中毕业。所以你要质疑当前高考进入大学exam2吗? H: This is what's in my mind.I understand the difficulty of conducting national entrance exams more than once in such a large country like China, but I think we probably should learn from our American colleagues, especially in their SAT3 system, to provide more chances for children to take part in the exams.H:这是什么在我的头脑。我理解的困难进行不止一次的国家入学考试在这样一个幅员辽阔的国家像中国一样,但我认为我们应该从我们的美国同事学习,特别是在他们的SAT3系统,提供更多的机会对孩子参加考试。

Y: How many national tests do you have or do you have any national tests for entering universities?

Y:有多少国家测试你或你有任何国家测试进入大学吗? D: There are two national exams for entering college: the SAT and the ACT.4 But we have to emphasize here that these exams are optional.They are not required by every school in America, and in fact most state schools5 don't require them at all if you live in the United States.So when you're at your last year of high school, the question is not whether you like to enter a college or the exams will let you enter a college, the question is “Do you want to go to college? ” And that takes a lot of pressure off the child and gives more room to the child to grow as a learner, knowing that the exams are important but they don't decide who you are and what kind of student you are.I think this is one of the biggest differences between Chinese education and American education.D:有两个国家考试:SAT和进入大学的行为。4但我们必须强调在这里,这些考试是可选的。他们并不要求每一所学校在美国,事实上,大多数国家schools5不要求他们如果你住在美国。所以当你在你的高中的最后一年,问题不在于你是否喜欢进入大学或考试会让你进入大学,问题是“你想去上大学?“,这需要很大的压力下的孩子,提供更大的空间来孩子成长为一个学习者,知道考试是很重要的,但是他们并不决定你是谁,你是什么样的学生。我认为这是一个区别最大的中国教育和美国教育。

Y: Asian students usually score the highest in math and science in the world.What comments do you have on this?

Y:亚洲学生通常得分最高的数学和科学的世界。你有什么评论吗? H: This reminds me of one TV program, a special report on Asian students in American universities by NBC6 in 1996.After citing a few examples to illustrate the excellent performance of Asian students in American universities, the anchorman7 concluded by saying:“There has been a saying in many top American universities lately, if you see so many Asian faces in your class on the


first day of the semester, drop it out.”8 I think in a way this is a good summary of the excellent academic performance of Asian students.But at the same time, we have to admit that Asian students do not do an equally good job in their laboratories.I think this is partly because too much emphasis has been placed on test result instead of their ability of using their hands.So I think if we start giving more emphasis on the ability of doing things, I think they can probably do a better job not only in tests but also in their abilities.新学期的第一天,掉出来。“我认为在某种程度上8这是一个很好的概括的亚洲学生优异的学业表现。但同时,我们必须承认亚洲学生不做一个同样好工作在他们的实验室。我认为部分原因是由于太多的重点是要测试的结果,而不是他们使用他们的手的能力。所以我认为如果我们开始给予更多强调的做事的能力,我认为他们可以做一个更好的工作不仅在测试中,也在自己的能力。

D: The problem is that if you don't balance that by taking knowledge from head and putting it on hands and use it, I won't need that person for a job market.This person will be a scholar and will know much, but he can't do anything.Let me be very honest with you.We praise our Asian students in our colleges, but in fact they never ever get to the top.They are always the best assistants, the best researchers if I give them a task, but they are never the team leaders and they are never the managers.They are always the workers.I think that reflects the exam-memorization side of the education system.They know how to memorize and learn it, but they don't know how to creatively take it out of their heads and do things on their own.That is something that needs to be looked at carefully in the education system here.D:问题是,如果你不平衡,以知识并把它从头部和手使用它,我不需要那人对就业市场。这个人会成为一个学者,就会知道太多,但他不能做任何事情。让我很诚实地告诉你。我们赞美我们的亚洲学生在我们的大学,但事实上他们永远不会到达山顶。他们总是最好的助手,最好的研究人员如果我给他们一个任务,但他们从不团队领导人和他们永远是经理。他们总是工人。我认为这反映了考试识记一边的教育系统。他们知道如何记忆和学习它,但他们不知道如何创造性地把它从他们的头和做自己的事情。这是需要仔细的在这里的教育体系。

Y: Now more and more Chinese parents are sending their children abroad for secondary schooling.9 Do you think they do so simply to let their children to have a taste of Western life and education? Or is it because of a very practical concern, Prof.He?

Y:现在越来越多的中国家长把孩子送到国外中学教育。9你认为他们这么做只是为了让他们的孩子有品味的西方生活和教育?或者是因为一个非常现实的担忧,教授吗? H: The reasons behind that vary.Some of the parents are thinking of providing a proper college education for the child, because the competition of entering a Chinese college is still fierce at this moment.And some are thinking of providing a well paying job for their children in the future.And some are probably thinking of sending their children abroad as the first step of immigrating into a foreign country themselves.H:变化的背后的原因。一些父母都想提供一个合适的大学教育孩子,因为竞争进入中国的大学仍然是激烈的这一刻。和一些正考虑提供好工作为孩子支付在未来。和一些可能考虑把子女送到国外作为第一步的移民到国外自己。

Y: But how do we look at this, many Asian Ph.D.students are roaming the streets of Singapore,Hong Kong and Taiwan even looking for Jobs?

Y:但是我们怎么看这,许多亚洲人漫步街头,博士生的新加坡、香港和台湾甚至找工作吗? D: Well, the Ph.D.only tells me you have studied.If I want to be a university professor or a science researcher, definitely Ph.D.is important because I need to be in the top of my field of research.But if I were the president of the company and I need to hire creative work staff, I'm going to look what you've done and I don't care how much you've studied.维:嗯,博士学位只告诉我你研究过。如果我想成为一个大学教授或科学研究员,绝对博士是很重要的,因为我需要在我的研究领域的顶部。但如果我是这家公司的董事长和我需要雇佣有创造性的工作人员,我要看看你都做了什么,我不在乎你是多么的研究。

Y: Now a question for each of you before we end this interview.What should we as parents and teachers do to let children be more creative and innovative?

Y:现在一个问题对每个你在我们结束这个采访。我们应该为家长和教师都让孩子们更有创造力和创新? D: I would encourage them to question and always be supportive to them.You should take the time to make the child be interested in the world around them and question everything they know and to seek their own truth as well.So be there as a listener, but at the same time, be a guide that can show them how to find the answers themselves.D:我会鼓励他们的问题和永远支持他们。你应该花时间使孩子有兴趣在他们周围的世界,并质疑一切他们知道和寻求自己的真理一样。所以在那里作为一个监听器,但同时,是一个指南,可以向他们显示如何找到答案。

H: I think we should have more discussion classes, both at the primary and secondary levels.The debates in the classes will encourage the students to think more creatively.And they will become thinkers instead of followers of the instructions of teachers.H:我认为我们应该有更多的讨论类,无论是在初级和中级水平。在类的辩论将会鼓励学生更富创造性的思考。他们将成为思想家,而不是老师的指示的追随者。1.体育课。PE: Physical Education.2.高考。3.SATscholastic aptitude test学业能力倾向测验。4.ACTAmerican College Test美国大学测验。

5.公立学校。6.NBCNational Broadcasting Company美国全国广播公司。7.节目主持人。8.别上这个班。9.上中学。__

二、Let's Put the Heat on Campus Cheats 让我们把热量在校园骗子 The scandal of college cheating.该丑闻的大学作弊。By Stephen Barr 斯蒂芬·巴尔 Declining Morals 道德滑坡

James Karge-Taylor was astonished at the rampant cheating taking place in his jazz-history class at the University of Arizona.Students looked over each other's shoulders, devised coughing codes to communicate to friends, and flashed answers on the backs of their hands while pretending to stretch.詹姆斯Karge-Taylor感到惊讶猖獗的作弊发生在他的修读爵士历史类的亚利桑那大学。学生看着彼此的肩膀,设计了咳嗽编码与朋友交流,和闪烁的答案背后的手而假装伸展。

He once caught one student using his cell phone to send answers to a friend's pager.The code “54*2,” for instance, meant the answer to question 54 was B.Karge-Taylor kicked them out of his classroom and gave both an F.他曾抓住一个学生用他的手机发送一个朋友的寻呼机的答案。代码“54 * 2,“例如,意味着题的答案是B 54。Karge-Taylor踢他们离开自己的教室,并送了一个F。

At small Morningside College in Sioux City, Iowa, philosophy professor Heather Reid discovered cheating in, of all places, her introductory ethics class.Two students turned in homework assignments that were almost identical.Reid reported the incident to the academic dean, leading to an investigation.One student was suspended and given an F for the course.在小晨边学院爱荷华州苏城,哲学教授希瑟·里德发现作弊,所有的地方,她的介绍性的伦理类。两个学生在作业了,几乎是相同的。Reid报道此事的教务长,导致一个调查。一个学生被停职,给定一个F的课程。

Incidents such as these are all too common.In recent years many colleges and universities have reported a surge in plagiarism, unauthorized collusion on assignments and cheating on tests.诸如此类的事件都太常见。近年来许多学院和大学报道激增的剽窃,未经授权的勾结的作业和考试作弊。

In research conducted at 31 schools over the past decade, Rutgers University professor Donald McCabe has found that nearly 70 percent of students admit to cheating at some point during college, with over 15 percent reporting that they were, in McCabe's words, “serious, repetitive cheaters.”

在研究31学校在过去的十年中,罗格斯大学教授唐纳德麦凯布已经发现,近70%的学生承认作弊在某种程度上,大学期间超过15%报告说,他们在McCabe的话说“严重的、,重复的骗子。” While this surge has been blamed on many factors, including a declining emphasis on moral values in the home and school, without question it's never been easier to cheat.With the Internet, students have access to a treasure-trove of information they can pinch without proper attribution.“There's a cowboy feeling about the Internet that the information is out there for everybody to use as they see fit,” says


Michele Goldfarb, director of the Office of Student Conduct at the University of Pennsylvania.米歇尔·戈德法布办公室的主任,学生行为在宾夕法尼亚大学。

In a composition class, University of Texas instructor Sharan Daniel asked students to write an evaluative argument, which could include reviewing a contemporary film.在一篇作文类,德克萨斯大学讲师夏朗丹尼尔要求学生写下一个评价参数,其中可能包括回顾当代电影。

One student chose a Bruce Willis movie.一个学生选择一个布鲁斯·威利斯的电影。

Daniel suspected plagiarism when the paper turned in was different in style from the 丹尼尔涉嫌剽窃论文的时候把在不同的风格

student's previous work.She did a search on the Internet and found the review the 学生以前的工作。她做了一个在互联网上搜索,发现了审查 student had lifted in its entirety.学生在其全部解除。

There are hundreds of websites, with names like schoolsucks.com and 有成百上千的网站,像schoolsucks.com和名称

CollegeTermPapers.com, which offer ready-made essays on topics ranging from


anthropology to zoology.Some sites are free, as long as you contribute a paper of 人类学生态。有些网站是免费的,只要你贡献的一篇论文

your own, while others charge anything from a modest membership fee to over 你自己的,而其他的收费从一个适度的会费超过 $100 a paper.100美元一纸。

Students also get papers directly from their peers.As the semester-end approaches, 学生可以直接从他们的同龄人的论文。随着学期结束的临近, the online message boards and chat rooms on many websites fill with requests for 在线留言板和聊天室在许多网站充满请求 papers from desperate students.论文从绝望的学生。

The website of the Evil House of Cheat boasts 2000 daily visitors.There you can pick 该网站的邪恶的房子的欺骗拥有每天接待2000名参观者。在那里你可以选择

up tips on how to cheat on exams and read comments from people described as satisfied users, like one student who said he had raised his grade-point average from a D-to a B+ after he paid his $9.95 annual membership fee.小技巧如何在考试中作弊和阅读评论人描述为满足用户,像一个学生说他举起他的平均分从DHe was unmoved.´´You are smart enough.You´ll see a change!´´Nothing.然而,在那之后,战争。史蒂夫依然不想´t做他的家庭作业。´´试试它,一个星期!´´——他无动于衷。´´你足够聪明。你会看到一个变化´!´´——没有什么感到他。´´给自己一个机会。唐´t放弃你的生活!´´——没有什么。

´´Steve, please!I care about you!´´ Wow!Suddenly Steve got it.Someone cared about him? Someone totally unattainable and perfect, caredhim ?

´´史蒂夫,谢谢!我在乎你!´´哇!突然史蒂夫得到它了。有人关心他?有人完全高不可攀和完美,关心——他——大约? Steve went home from school, thoughtful that afternoon.He could not bear the overpowering stench in his house.He quickly gathered up his camping gear: a jar of peanut butter, a loaf of bread, a bottle of water, and this time his school books.Grim-faced and determined, he headed for the woods.史蒂夫从学校回家,深思熟虑的那个下午。他不能忍受这些刺鼻的臭味在他的房子。他迅速收拾起他的野营装备:一罐花生酱,一块面包,一瓶水,这一次他的学校的书。冷面和决心,他又去了树林。

The following Monday Miss White gave a quiz on the weekend homework.Steve hurried through the test and was first to hand in his paper.With a look of surprise Miss White took his paper.Obviously puzzled, she began to look it over.在接下来的星期一怀特小姐给对周末的家庭作业进行测验。史蒂夫匆匆完成测试,是第一个手在他的论文。用一下惊奇怀特小姐把他的论文。显然很困惑,她开始看仔细了。

Miss White´s face was in total shock.She glanced up at Steve, then down then up.Suddenly her face broke into a radiance of smile.The smartest boy in the 7th grade had just passed his first test.怀特小姐´s脸上总冲击。她瞟了一眼史蒂夫,然后下来然后起来。突然她的脸闯入一个光辉的微笑。最聪明的男孩在七年级刚刚通过了第一个测试。

From that moment nothing was the same for Steve.Steve began to excel.And he continued this course throughout his school life.After high school Steve enlisted in the Navy, and he had a successful military career.Steve began a second career after the Navy, and he continued to inspire others, as astral professor in a nearby college.Miss White left great legecy3年高等教育改革


former SEdC have established 216 teaching reform pilots for short 2-3 years higher education nationally, and the establishments of pilot colleges are progressing successfully and a number of disciplines and colleges with short higher education characteristics are also taking shape.Recently, with the condition of education provision of those colleges greatly improved and their pace of basic construction speed up, the overall capacity of education provision of them has remarkably strengthened and important achievements have been made in the field of teaching reform.The experience and achievements gained in the reform of short 2-3 years higher education provied important experience for the development of higher vocational education.The state policy of energetically developing higher vocational education in return provides new opportunity for the development of short 2-3 years higher education, which has shown up its great vitality.上次更新216年前建立了教学改革飞行员短23年高等教育加上重要经验,为发展高等职业教育。国家政策的大力发展高等职业教育作为回报提供了新的机会为发展高等教育只有2-3年,它显示了强大的生命力。

7The establishment of macro management system on quality of higher education made stable progress



1993, the Department of Higher Education of former SEdC began to research the assessment plan and the practice of teaching assessment.Aimed at helping the HEIs consistently identify their schooling directive ideology, improving the schooling conditions, enhancing the basic construction of teaching, deepening teaching reform, increasing management level and gradually setting up and perfecting the system of self-development and self-restrain so as to continuously improve education quality and increase schooling efficiency, the assessment of undergraduate teaching adheres to the principle of “promoting reform and establishment through assessment, combining assessment and establishment together with the emphasis laying on establishment”.There are three forms of assessment: the first is the pass level teaching assessment to the universities with comparatively weak basis and short history of undergraduate education£? the second is the excellent level assessment to the universities with good basis, high teaching level and a comparatively long history of undergraduate education;and the last one is the random level assessment to the universities between pass level and excellent level.Since 1994, 146 HEIs with weak basis and short history of undergraduate education have undertook the pass level assessment step by step and 10 key universities have undertook the excellent level assessment.The development of teaching assessment evoked intense repercussions among educational administrative departments and HEIs and played an important role in promoting the improvement of higher education quality.在1993年,高等教育部门的前上次开始研究评估计划与实践教学评估。旨在帮助他实现识别他们的学校教育指导思想、改善教育状况,加强教学基本建设,深化教学改革,提高管理水平,逐步建立和完善系统的自我发展和自我约束,以不断提高教育质量和提高教育效率、评估本科教学坚持原则的“促进改革和机构通过评估,结合评估和建立重点一起躺在机构”。有三种形式的评估:第一个是通过水平的高校教学评估与相对较弱的基础和短暂历史的本科教育£?第二个是优秀的水平评估的高校有良好的基础,高教学水平和相对历史悠久的大学本科教育;最后一个是随机水平评估的高校之间通过水平和优秀的水平。自1994年以来,146年他与基础薄弱和短暂历史的本科教育已经承担了通过水平评估一步一步和10个主要大学的高超水平进行了评估。教学评估的发展引发强烈反响教育行政部门和高校,发挥着重要作用,推动高等教育质量的提高。

8The importance attached to the research of higher education theory and directing teaching reform with scientific theory



early l993, with other three departments, the Department of Higher Education of former SEdC jointly sponsored and organized research team for the task of “On the research of theory for socialistic higher education with Chinese characteristics”.With the keys on what is the socialistic higher education with Chinese characteristics and how to establish such higher education, the team carried out their theoretical research.Supported by educational administrative departments at various levels, after four years' endeavour, a number of important research achievements like “the Theory keys of Higher Education with Chinese Characteristics” have been made and aroused great influence in the higher education circle.After this research, in the light of development of our socialistic modernization construction and higher education reform and the historic opportunity of entering anew millenium for our human beings, MoE organized the research team for the task of “ Chinese Higher Education in 21st Century ” to continue the theoretical research on socialistic higher education with Chinese characteristics.在早期的基本法草案,与其他三个部门,该部门的高等教育的共同发起和前上次研究小组的任务”的理论研究高等教育具有中国特色的社会主义”。用钥匙在什么是中国特色社会主义的高等教育,以及如何建立这样的高等教育,研究小组进行了理论研究。支持各级教育行政部门,经过四年的努力,许多重要的研究成果就像“高等教育理论键具有中国特色的“已经和引起极大的影响的高等教育圈。在这之后的研究,针对我们的社会主义现代化建设的发展和高等教育改革和历史性的机遇重新进入年对于我们人类,MoE组织研究小组的任务是“中国高等教育在21世纪的“继续理论研究具有中国特色的社会主义的高等教育。9

The track of managing higher education through laws 9的轨道高等教育管理通过法律

OnAugust, 1998, the 4th conference of the 9th standing committee of National Congress passed the “Higher Education Law of People's Republic of China” which is implemented from 1 Jan, 1 999.Higher Education Law is the first complete higher education legal document in term of legislature.It is a law, which standardizes the internal and external complicated social re1ationship of higher education and its own activities.It is a basic law promulgated under the direction of the constitute and Education Law which laying the important foundation for the establishment of a systematic and perfect higher education legal system led by the Higher Education Law.8月29日,1998年,第四届会议第九届全国代表大会常务委员会通过了“高等教育法律中华人民共和国实现从999年1月,1。高等教育法律是第一个完成高等教育法律文件在术语的立法机构。这是一个法律,规范了内部和外部的复杂的社会re1ationship高等教育和自己的活动。这是一个基本的法律颁布指导下构成和教育法律,奠定了重要基础,建立一个系统和完善高等教育法律体系高等教育领导的法律。

The assurance of further deepened reform through further improvement of schooling conditions



the deepening of teaching reform, inadequate input in it has been an obstacle.In order to solve the problem, educational administrative departments at various levels and HEIs have actively explored the measures and ways to increase educational expenditure and improve schooling conditions.At present, the World Bank Loan Project, which is being carried out, will all together input $70 million to improve the experiment conditions for the basic courses in HEIs.Local governments at various levels have also take a serious of measures to expand the input to locaI HEIs to enhance the construction of disciplines, bases, curriculum, laboratory and library for HEIs, greatly improving the material


conditions of these HEIs.这些高校的条件。

The Construction Of Teaching Contingent



the end of l980's to the early l990's, the problems of aging, lacking young teachers and low qualification have obviously shown up concerning the teaching contingent in HEIs.To change the situation, educational administrative departments at various levels and HEIs made different policies and took all kinds of measures, After l0 years unremitting efforts, all those problems have been solved primarily.从l980年底的早期l990的,问题的老化,缺少年轻教师和低资格已经明显出现有关教学在高校队伍。为改变此现状,各级教育行政部门和高校让不同的政策,把各种各样的措施,在10年不懈努力,所有这些问题已经解决主要。

1With many young teachers replenished, the age structure of teachers' contingent has been adjusted.A number of middle-aged and young teachers have gradually developed themselves and become the backbone teams in teaching and research.1和许多青年教师补充,年龄结构的教师队伍已经被调整。大量的中青年教师已逐渐发展了自己和成为骨干团队在教学和研究。

2The policies relative to position promotion have been made and the position structure of teaching contingent has been adjusted.这个政策相对位置推广已经和位置的结构已经调整教师队伍。

3The proportion of Ph.Ds and masters to be selected and remained in HEIs has been increased and the degree structure of teachers has been adjusted.Ds的比例和硕士博士被选中和仍在增加,高校教师的学历结构得到调整。

4The knowledge structural of teachers has been adjusted through in-service training, offering in-service degree education, selecting teachers to go aboard for advanced studies and carrying out cooperative research.The teachers contingent is replenished and the development of new disciplines is promoted by recruiting the returning overseas students.4知识结构的教师已经调整通过在职培训,提供在职学位教育,选择教师上船高级研究和开展合作研究。教师队伍是补充和发展新学科是被招募返回的海外学生。

The Industry, Teaching And Research In HEIs 这个行业,在高校教学和科研


recently years, taking full advantage of their talents, knowledge, science and technology, the HEIs emphasized the practical research and development in the light of economic construction of our country and made great effort to serve the central task of economic construction while at the same time strengthening the basic research.In addition, HEIs have taken part in the construction of science parks, establish high-tech enterprises run by HEIs and combine industry, teaching and research together to turn the scientific and research fruits into real productivity and spread them to the whole society.For example, with its own advantage of talents and technology, the Fourder Group run by Peking University not only revolutionized the printing industry of China, but also occupied 90% of the market of Chinese newspapers at home and aboard.The Group has its own master and doctoral training pilots, post-doctor mobilizing departments, national key laboratories and research centers for national projects, thus the integration of industry, teaching and research into reality.在最近几年,充分利用他们的才能、知识、科学和技术,他强调实际研究和开发针对我国的经济建设做出了巨大的努力,为经济建设的核心任务,同时加强基础研究。此外,他参与了建设科学公园,建立高新技术企业由他和结合工业、教学和研究在一起把科学和研究成果为真正的生产力和传播到整个社会。例如,利用自身优势的人才和技术,Fourder集团由北京大学不仅彻底改变了中国的印刷行业,但也占据了90%的市场份额的中国报纸国内外。该集团有自己的硕士和博士训练飞行员、与工程从事博士后研究动员部门,国家重点实验室和研究中心为国家项目,因此一体化的产业、教学和研究变成现实。

Chinese government attaches great importance to the international cooperation and exchanges of higher education.Since the reform and opening up to the outside world in 1978, international cooperation and exchanges of higher education have become more and more active and achieved fruitful results.In the past 20 years, China has established educational cooperative and exchanges relationship with 154 countries and areas, sent 300, 000 students to go aboard for study to more than l00 countries and areas, received 210, 000 foreign students from 160 countries and areas, sent 1800 teachers and experts to teach aboard and employed 40, 000 foreign teachers and experts.Recently, through the reform of sending and management of overseas students, Chinese government adopted the policy of “supporting overseas studies, encouraging overseas students to come back after they complete their studies and guaranteeing their freedom of coming and go” to encourage the overseas students to come back and serve the country in various forms after they finish their studies.By opening to the outside world, we broadly learn the useful foreign experience, promote the reform and development of our higher education and enhance mutual understanding and friendship between China and other countries.中国政府高度重视国际合作与交流的高等教育。改革开放以来外部世界在1978年,国际合作与交流的高等教育已成为越来越多的活动,取得了丰硕的成果。在过去的20年中,中国已经建立了教育合作与交流关系,与154个国家和地区派出300学生出国学习到超过l00国家和地区,收到了210的外国学生来自160个国家和地区,派出1800名教师和专家教登上和雇佣了40 000外籍教师和专家。最近,从改革发送和管理的海外学生,中国政府采取的政策,”支持海外研究,鼓励海外学生回来之后他们完成学业,保证他们的自由的未来,去“鼓励海外学生回来、为国服务以各种形式在他们完成他们的学业。通过打开到外面的世界,我们广泛学习有用的国外经验,促进改革和发展我国高等教育和增进相互了解和友谊中国和其他国家。

下载研究生英语阅读大观部分文章稿——21.Religious Beliefs on Natureword格式文档
下载研究生英语阅读大观部分文章稿——21.Religious Beliefs on Nature.doc


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