
时间:2019-05-14 04:51:00下载本文作者:会员上传


As is known to all, qingming festival is a special traditional festival.During the festival , we often clean the tomb of our dead relatives to show our honest heart to them., Or hold some activities to commemorate them.As a child , Follow the parents to commemorate ancestors will make us early understand: Filial piety is the most important of all virtues, and let us try our best to go on their dreams.To say it briefly, We should the same things as the ancient people do: Being able to reflect your own mistakes ,being able to study the advantage of others, Find the ideal and faith once you are for.Clarity is not only to commemorate the undead grave, but also to sweep clean our body and mind.Students, when facing the Five-Starred Red Flag, Chaoyang rising, you may have thought: why so bright five-star red flag, flags of the five-star on why so shiny? Students will not hesitate to answer: bright flag of the martyrs are infected because their blood, five-star sparkling pool are a hero because of the spirit!?

Qingming Festival is a traditional folk holiday of our country, today we are at a grand rally here to pay tribute to the martyrs, memory of martyrs.Since we know that the martyrs are with their own blood a red flag, with the precious lives of building the foundation for the Republic, to the great martyrs are immortal, they are perpetuating the spirit of the Republic will never forget them!The people will not forget them!Living life in the happy young people will not forget them!No matter what kind of future our profession, our sons and daughters of the motherland, they were not responsible for the completion of the martyrs of the cause of shoulder construction economically developed, civilized, prosperous and strong, stand tall in the eastern part of the world the great historic task of the motherland!?

Recalling the past, untold We cherish the memory of martyrs of the infinite;look Jinzhao,唱不完We look forward to tomorrow unlimited;show the future, our confidence, enthusiasm and high aspirations.Let us study the “Implementation Outline for Improving Civic Morality” and “secondary conventional etiquette” requirements, the active participation of the moral code of conduct and behavior education, and strive to become a “five speakers? Simei,” the students well.Filial piety to do at home parents, caring for others, thrift, love of work “helper”;make love in the homeland society, polite and civilized, honest and trustworthy, law-abiding “model”;to do at school solidarity, mutual help, respect for others adept at co-operation of “partnership”;in the community and caring for public property to do in public places, pay attention to hygiene, environmental protection, and comply with the order of the “Guardian”;to do alone at the open-minded, mental health, diligent self-reliance and innovation, “the master” take concrete actions to call civilization spring, From Here to comfort the martyrs.? For a new cause of China's liberation of the heroic martyrs who gave their lives immortal!




在家庭做孝顺父母、关心他人、勤俭节约、热爱劳动的“帮手”;在社会做热爱祖国、文明礼貌、诚实守信、遵纪守法的“标兵”;在学校做团结友爱、互相帮助、尊重他人、善于合作的“伙伴”;在社区和公共场所做爱护公物、讲究卫生、保护环境、遵守秩序的“卫士”;在独处时做胸怀开阔,心理健康、勤奋自立、勇于创新的“主人”,以实际行动呼唤文明春风,告慰烈士忠魂。? 为新中国的解放事业而英勇献身的烈士们永垂不朽!

Yesterday(or today, tomorrow, then we should not do to say that Qingming Festival!)Is the Ching Ming Festival, I think many students are ancestral home of the grave.“Qingming Festival rain have, on the road pedestrians Deep Sorrow.” Say is that every time this particular time, it will double the missing dead loved ones inevitably feel sad.In this solemn flag-raising ceremony today, we are staring at the blood stained flag of martyrs, not feel his thoughts back to those days of hard rugged: the wounds of old China and the imperialist war of bullying, the people suffered hardships and humiliation.Old Shanghai of the park entrance once stood a striking sign that says “Chinese and dogs not admitted.” Foreign vessel on the Huangpu River wanton career in, knocked Chinese civilian vessels, no matter the Chinese people drowned.Then do whatever they like foreigners on Chinese soil, people have lost the most basic dignity of life.Distress of the motherland, the countless patriots to stand up to the independent reunification of the motherland and the people's liberation, willing to sacrifice a hot blood.Not hesitate to buy from the daughter sword, Diaoqiu for wine worthy of Lady Qiu Jin Ho, to a blood handling treasure chamber, spilled it can still transform into green water of Zou Rong;from Sister Jiang to Liu Hulan;from numerous Huang Jiguang to Dong Cunrui......heroes and martyrs with their lives, write one after another heroic patriotic movement.Do not they know that life is precious it? No!They are very jealous of their lives, but they deeply understand: when the peril of the motherland, as a Chinese, to defend the motherland, to save the motherland is the responsibility of their own, in order to liberate the motherland, the martyrs shed their blood, the flames of war highlighted the danger, unyielding prison, place of execution on the morally.With their lives, blood in exchange for a new Chinese nation.Although the heroes and martyrs who laid the country, but their cause has not been completed.Compared with developed countries, China is still poor and backward.To round prosperity of the nation dream, to the martyrs of the ideal into reality, every Chinese people duty-bound to take up the historical task of building a prosperous motherland.Yes, China is also poor, and as such, it requires us to explore the construction of a beautiful home.The United States has also poor, then development of the western United States when cowboys in no Coca-Cola, but their offspring do not complain, wait and see, and no escape and betrayal.Relying on the efforts of generations, they become rich.China is in need of such poor hard gas, inheritance martyrs behest, to achieve martyrs dying wish, we can only hardships, self-improvement.Who would not want their country growing stronger? Who do not want to go abroad can be proud to call themselves Chinese? The root of the motherland and the nation, patriotism is the national spirit.Anywhere in the world of a great nation regarded the spirit of patriotism as their source of support and strength of the letter.The train has entered the era of the 21st century into the new century gives new meaning of patriotism.Not change nothing patriotic, patriotism is no longer of the performance of the shed blood for the motherland.Today we are speaking here of patriotism, I would like to be settled in our work, study, love school, dedicated on Imagine a person who does not love his work, a person who does not love their school, one does not love to learn scientific and cultural knowledge people can talk about patriotism?

Today's world is high-tech playing field to compete after accession to the WTO will be an ever higher.As Chinese people, especially middle school students, they should actively strive to learn scientific and cultural knowledge, to master science and technology.This is not only China's modernization needs, but also our personal survival and development.But the knowledge of dreaming dreams do not come, to hand Otherwise, only by the efforts of today to learn, over time.Students, today's patriotic is to study hard and become the backbone of the country as soon as possible;teachers, school dedicated today's love is the best measure of patriotism.Training for the motherland can hold up the backbone of the Masterpieces of Chinese nation, it not only the best embodiment of patriotism it?“Should know that learning difficulties, care drip ground”, teachers, students, and seize the day, strenuous efforts, and let us comfort with honors of the martyrs were buried green Panasonic







Celebrated two weeks after the vernal equinox(24节气之一的春分), Tomb Sweeping Day is one of the few traditional Chinese holidays that follows the lunar calendar(lunar calendar,意为农历、阴历)--typically falling on April 4, 5, or 6.Its Chinese name ”Qing Ming“ literally means ”Clear Brightness," hinting at its importance as a celebration of Spring.Similar to the spring festivals of other cultures, Tomb Sweeping Day celebrates the rebirth of nature, while marking the beginning of the planting season and other outdoor activities.Qing Ming Jie in Ancient Times


In ancient times, people celebrated Qing Ming Jie with dancing, singing, picnics, and kite flying.Colored boiled eggs(原来古代中国的清明节和西方复活节一样有彩蛋……小编只能感叹历史惊人的相似了……)would be broken to symbolize the opening of life.In the capital, the Emperor would plant trees on the palace grounds to celebrate the renewing nature of spring.In the villages, young men and women would court each other.The Tomb Sweeping Day as Celebrated Today


With the passing of time, this celebration of life became a day to the honor past ancestors.Following folk religion(folk religion,民间习俗、信仰), the Chinese believed that the spirits of deceased ancestors looked after the family.Sacrifices of food and spirit money could keep them happy, and the family would prosper through good harvests and more children.Today, Chinese visit their family graves to tend to any underbrush that has grown.Weeds are pulled, and dirt swept away, and the family will set out offerings of food and spirit money(注意纸钱的官方说法啊:spirit money).Unlike the sacrifices at a family's home altar, the offerings at the tomb usually consist of dry, bland food.One theory is that since any number of ghosts rome around a grave area, the less appealing food will be consumed by the ancestors, and not be plundered by strangers.Honoring Ancestors


Honoring ancestors begins with proper positioning of a gravesite and coffin.Experts in feng shui, or geomancy, determine the quality of land by the surrounding aspects of streams, rivers, trees, hills, and so forth.An area that faces south, with groves of pine trees creates the best flow of cosmic energy required to keep ancestors happy.Unfortunately, nowadays, with China's burgeoning population, public cemeteries have quickly surpplanted private

gravesites.Family elders will visit the gravesite at least once a year to tend to the tombs.While bland food is placed by the tombs on Qing Ming Jie, the Chinese regularly provide scrumptious offerings to their ancestors at altar tables in their homes.The food usually

consists of chicken, eggs, or other dishes a deceased ancestor was fond of.Accompanied by rice, the dishes and eating utensils are carefully arranged so as to bring good luck.Sometimes, a family will put burning incense with the offering so as to expedite the transfer of nutritious elements to the ancestors.In some parts of China, the food is then eaten by the entire family.Kites


Besides the traditions of honoring the dead, people also often fly kits on Tomb Sweeping Day.Kites can come in all kinds of shapes, sizes, and colors.Designs could include frogs, dragonflies, butterflies, crabs, bats, and storks.


Good morning , ladies and Gentlemen

Today it is my great honor to be here and make a speech about my view on computer games.I would like to begin with a story.It is about my elder cousin.He is 24 now.What a great and beautiful age ,full of hope, dream , and success.But all these beautiful things are so far away him , a murderer who has been kept him in prison for two years.He used to be a top student in senior high school.But since he fell in love with computer gemes,he spent all of his time sitting in front of the screen , crazily playing those computer games day and night.As a result , his school records turned out to be a mess.What’s more , one day he had a quarrel with his partner.My cousin grabbed an cap and hit heavily on his partner’head.That was the tragedy,for both of them.So my view is strong , definite , and clear.Down with computer games!

Nowadays children are spending far too much time on computer games.They don’t realize that computer games are in fact nothing but a great waste of time , money and energy.They don’t realize how harmful the computer games are to their physical and mental growth.First of all ,many children are so much appeal to computer games that they even forget food and sleep.It is very bad for their phsical health.For example , children desert the football ground as they all sit at home around the computer plauing the games which are noisy , and will damage their eyes and ears.As a result , children cannot be physically fit and strong.Secondly , computer games distract children’s attention form their studies.They finish their homework in a hurry , or even copy their classmates’, in order to squeeze time to play games.Thirdy ,some computer games are filled with violence and sex.Children are too young to tell right from wrong.They may blindly imitate the bad behavior.Computer gamesare realy extremely harmful to their mental growth.Therefore ,down with computer games!They are just fantasy.Young people should be encouraged to do more meaningful and museums.They should be encouraged to set a real goal in life and pursue their great ideals All in all , down with computer games!.


“爱生活 爱英语”






















准备是搞好演讲的前提。首先是要确立一个题目或一个话题。一般演讲赛都分为命题演讲和即兴演讲。如要进行演讲比赛则必须对各个方面加以准备:政治、经济、文化、教育等,找好立意点,拟定题目,如政治方面的演讲主题:WTO、统一、和平与发展、机遇与挑战;经济方面演讲主题:西部大开发、农村经济、再就业;教育方面演讲方题:中西方教育的不同、远程教育、终身教育、枪手;文化方面演讲主题:文化的交流与融合、校园文化;环保方面演讲主题:man and nature;科技方面演讲主题:网络、克隆、基因;卫生方面演讲主题:keep physically and mentally healthy;体育方面演讲主题:Olympics……有些方面题目太大,可从多角度和多侧面思考,找好切入点,将题目细化和具体化,写出演讲稿的提纲,构思和组织演讲稿结构。





词要准确,尽量避免使用生僻、模糊、晦涩的字词。总之,要考虑听众对象,注意演讲的措辞,但又要简明扼要、有理有力、结构紧凑。许多著名的演说家的不朽之作都有振奋人心、扭转乾坤般的力量。从马丁.路德.金的“I have a dream”,美国总统林肯所作的著名的盖茨堡演说,到克林顿在北大的演说,不少句子都成为不朽的佳句,值得认真研读.3进行演讲




有了充分的准备,进行演讲就不太难了。在演讲的整个过程中还要注意一些演讲的要领与技巧,如演讲者与听众目光的接触(eye contact),声音的抑扬顿挫(vocal variety),和肢体语言的配合(hand gestures and body language)等等,但要恰当,不要太多,否则会喧宾夺主,影响演讲效果。



其次就是每个要讲的点,就叫论点好了,最好都举个比较简单的例子去支撑这个论点。有的时候你可以说according to 谁谁谁或者xxx书籍,去更好的支撑你的论点,非正式场合,基本上可以胡编乱语,但正式场合一定要有理论依据或者论据来源。举例子举一两个就好,举多了就跑题。举例子的同时就可以考虑下一步要说什么。

论点之间会有转折,接续等等的词,比如转折就有however,in spite of, although, etc.接续就有moreover,furthermore,thus。当然像firstly,secondly, thirdly也比较经常会用到。还有就是即兴演讲有的时候说的很兴奋,可能说的东西不是那么正确,你就要说,this is only my opinion,或者其他类似,这只是我的意见。如果你知道有不同的意见,你并不同意,当然也要提一两句,并且给出你不同意的原因。


结尾的时候你要对题目还是要做一下总结,这很重要。然后要说,Thank you for your time, is there any question?当然也可以不用说有没有什么问题。













Ladies and gentlemen, good afternoon!I’m very glad to stand here and give you a short speech.today my topic is “youth”.I hope you will like it, and found the importance in your youth so that more cherish it.First I want to ask you some questions:

1、do you know what is youth?

2、how do you master your youth?

Youth is not a time of life, it is a state of mind;it is not rosy cheeks, red lips and supple knees, it is a matter of the emotions: it is the freshness;it is the freshness of the deep springs of life.Youth means a temperamental predominance of courage over timidity of the appetite, for adventure over the love of ease.This often exists in a man of 60 more than a boy of 20.Nobody grows old merely by a number of years.We grow old by exerting our ideals.years wrinkle the skin , but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul.worry , fear , self –distrust bows the heart and turns the spirit back to dust.whether 60 of 16 , there is in every human being ‘s heart the lure of wonders, the unfailing childlike appetite of what’s next and the joy of the game of living.in the center of your heart and my heart there’s a wireless station : so long as it receives messages of beauty , hope ,cheer, courage and power from men and from the infinite, so long as you are young.When the aerials are down, and your spirit is covered with snows of cynicism and the ice of pessimism, then you are grown old, even at 20, but as long as your aerials are up, to catch waves of optimism, there is hope you may die young at 80.Thank you!



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