
时间:2019-05-14 05:29:22下载本文作者:会员上传


city,shanxi province ,70km from wutai county town ,140km from xinzhou city town and 240km from taiyuan city in the southwest and 210km from datong in the north ,with a total area of about 2837sq.km.wutai mountain scenic spot area is situated in the region with taihuai town as center in the north part of wutai county ,with an area of 376sq.km.it is a national –level scenic spot area at nation level and a national class 4a tourist scenic spot area wutai mountain has peaks rising one higher than another and chain of mountains in stagger like a coiling dragon and crouching tiger.the whole mountain has more than 1100 varieties of plant and ,among them ,the wutai mountain mushroom is both the good food for eating and valuable drug and was determined as an article of tribute by an emperor in historywutai mountain is the highest mountainous land in north china region ,with the north platform top being at an altitude of 3058m above sea level and called “roof ridge of north china ”,wutai mountain had its name because it has five main peaks with flat and broad platforms.it has five called cool mountain by the buddhists believers and is one of the five main buddhist holy lands in the world and also a famous activity place of buddhism in china ,ranking first among the “four main buddhist famous mountains in china ,where often reside 1200 monks and nuns now ,from north wei to qing dynasty ,the emperors of the past dynasties all have arrived wutai mountain and the eminent monks and great teachers of wutai mountain came forth in large numbers ,these great teachers and grand masters in the history of chinese buddhism have made outstanding contributions for the buddhist culture of wutai mountain so that wutai mountain has become an institution for the overseas believers to study abroad and listen to scriptures and written down a brilliant historic volume of sino-foreign cultural exchange.www.xiexiebang.comwww.xiexiebang.com整理该文章,版权归原作者、原出处所有。wutai mountain is a treasure –house of ancient architecture of china ,where the cultural relics gather together and treasures come together in crowds.now , wutai mountain has 47 temples ,and among them are 4 national-level key cultural relic preservation units and nearly 20 are provincial –level key cultural relic preservation units.of the four wood –structure buildings of tang dynasty kept in shanxi ,two are in wutai mountain ,tang song ,liao ,jin ,yuan ,ming and qing dynasties ,and minguo all left behind large buildings of typical wood structure and this itself is a volume of vast and numerious ancient architectural history of china.wutai mountain has long cultural history and magnificent natural sight.in the temples of the whole mountain ate kept 17445 buddha statues ,224pieces of stone tablets, 58 pieces of horizontal boards, 7297 volumes of scriptures books in 928 cases,frescoes of 911sq.km and 1355 pieces of valuable cultural relics such as musical instruments used in buddhist mass and offering wares.all these are the valuable materials for studying the ancient history.science and culture and arts of china.wutai mountain was also renowned for the revolutionary base area.in the initial period of the war of resistance against japan, wutai mountain was the first base area of resistance against japan behind enemy’s lines in china and the birthplace of shanxi –chahar –hebei border area.in the years of revolutionary war ,the revolutionaries of old generation such as mao zedong ,zhou enlai ,liu shaoqi and zhu de and the international communist fighter batune fought and worked here.today ,what we will tour at first is xiantong temple ,xiantong temple is situated at the south foot of lingjiu peak in the central district of taihuai town and is one of five main mediation places of wutai mountain.it is also the leader temple most worshipped in the buddhist circle of wutai mountain.xiantong temple occupies a land of 43700sq.km and has 400 houses and 65 halls in total.it was initially built in the eleventh year of yongping period ,east han dynasty and has a history of nearly 2000 years to date.since the peak of posa top is very similar to the vulture peak of india(the place where sakyamuni taught scriptures of his disciples),it was named lingjiu temple after the name of the mountain later ming emperor of han dynasty added two characters “da fu”in chinese(meaning grandness and creditability)before “lingjiu temple ”so that the complete name of temple was dafu lingjiu temple.it was rebuilt in xiaowen emperor period of north wei dynasty and divided into 12 courtyards.it was also called garden temple because of the garden in front.later ,it war rebuilt once again by taizong emperor of tang dynasty and renamed great huayan temple by wu zetian because the newly translated huayan scriptures were collected here.it finally was granted a horizontal board “large xiantong temple ”by zhu yuanhang,the taizu emperor of ming dynasty[bell tower]bell tower is of two –storeyed and three-eave structure ,and on the beam in the tower is hung a bronze bell,the largest one in wutai mountain.such bell was called long ringing bell and also called nether world bell and cast in july of the forty-eighth year of wanly period ,ming dynasty.with a weight of up to 9999.5jin.[dragon and tiger tablet s]there is no heaven king hall but only two pieces of stone tablets in xiantong temple ,the dragon and tiger tablets we see now.these two tablets have the implied meaning that dragon and tiger is guarding the gate and there is no need to trouble the four main heaven kings.[front courtyard ]the tablet board “rosy clouds decorated heaven city” in gold characters on the top of gate was personally written by qinanlong emperor.in the hall are worshipped 3 statues of bodhisattvas ,with guanyin bodhisattva in the middle and wenshu bodhisattva and puxian bodhisattva on both sides separately ,so it was also called “three-main-scholar hall ” it was also called scripture collection hall because scripture books are fully placed on both sides.in each of the left and right tablet pavilions outside guanyin hall is a tablet.the two tablet pavilions are completely the same in size of tablet ,shape system and pattern, one piece engraved with “tablet inscription of xiantong temple personally written by emperor “ and the other being characterless and called characterless tablet.the stone tablets of wutain mountain are roughly divided into imperial tablet.official document tablet ,merits and virtues tablet ,event record keeping tablet ,poem and writing tablet ,tomb tablet and the special buddha foot tablet and characterless tablet.among the special characterless tablets at home ,three pieces are most attractive ,i e the first is the characterless tablet left on the top of taishan mountain for guarding against the six states after qinshi emperor defeated the six states;the second is the characterless tablet set up by wu zetian at qian tomb in xi’an ,meaning that merits and demerits as well as right and wrong would be left behind to the later generations to comment and no handwriting was left;the third is the characterless tablet we see just now ,which was set up by kangxi emperor.the characterless of the tablet seemed to praise that xiantong temple was so grand and magnificent and buddhism was so broad and profound that it was difficult to express them in written language.as record in “annals of cool mountain ”,under the two pieces of stone tablets were two circular water ponds.according to legend ,after kangxi arriving at wutai mountain at that time ,as soon as he entered xiantong temple he saw at far distance that the decorated arch on posa top looks like a big dragon-head.the two wood poles look like dragon horns ,and the 108 flight steps look like dragon tongues ,after entering xiantong temple ,kangxi asked at one the old buddhist abbot said just coincided with what kangxi saw ,the old buddhist abbot said that ,when the sun shines on the water ponds at noon ,there would appear two light rings on both sides of the decorated arch of posa top and posa top was just a live dragon.then,kangxi gave an order to let the monks of xiantong temple fill up the two water ponds and set up two pieces of stone tablets ,with one tablet bearing written language and the other characterless.[large wenshu hall]wutai mountain is the place where wenshu bodhisattva makes buddhist rites ,and in most of the temples were build wenshu hall.while the name of this wenshu hall was prefixed with a “large”, and such a word “large” contains 4 meanings;the first is that xingtong temple is the oldest temple in wutai mountain ‘the second is that xiantong temple is the temple with largest floor area among the temple of wutai mountain ‘the third is that xiantong temple is the temple most completely preserved in wutai mountain;the fourth is that the number of wenshu bodhisattva worshipped here is most(6 statues of wenshu bodhisattvas in total),so that it is called large wenshu hall ,since wenshu in 5 directions can be worshipped at the same time ,local people call it “convenient pilgrimage platform” [daxiong precious hall] daxiong precious hall was also called large buddha hall ,it is the main building in xiantong temple and also the center of the whole temple.in the hall is worshipped the horizontal buddha of the third generation.daxiong was the honorific title of sakyamuni, saying he was “a warrior fearing nothing ” the hall was built in the architectural form with the wood structure as primary part and the upper four –a-shaped roofs and lower four extending corridors as secondary ,with 108 wood columns supporting the whole large hall and the walls having only the function of shielding off the wind and resisting the cold ,when you enter the hall ,you will feel that it is very spacious.this hall occupies a land of 1.2 mu and is the largest daxiong precious hall in xutai mountain ,it is also the place for holding grand buddhist activities in the temple.this is the first feature of xiantong temple –complete wood structure.[beamless hall] beamless hall is a white complete-brick architectural structure.it was built by completely laying up bricks without use of beams and hence its name “beamless hall ” ,it looks like a european –style building in appearance and was painted white.white represents pureness in the west ,while symbolizes the buddhist pure land and boundless brightness here.since this hall is mot supported by beams and columns ,the weight of hall top is borne by the thick and heavy wall bodies on four sides ,to form a sharp contrast with form of emulating wood structure ,and the brick-laid round columns and dipper –like arches and carved extending raves embody typical combined chinese and west styles.the whole large hall seems to have 7 rooms when you are looking externally ,but actually it has only 3 rooms.it looks like having two floors when you are looking outdoors but ,internally , it is a one-storeyed building ,the interior of the hall adapted the form of internal dipper –like arch ,which is reduced floor by floor to form a roof style of natural vault.this large hall was built in the thirty –seventh year of wanly period , ming dynasty and has a history of nearly 400 years till now.this is the second feature of xiantong temple-architecture of complete brick structure.in the middle of hall is worshipped lushena buddha ,the body statue of the ancestor of buddha and stands duohao buddha pagoda ,the thirteen –storeyed wood pagoda of ming dynasty, which is also the only wood pagoda in wutai mountain.beamless hall was also caked “seven-place and nine-meeting hall”, which means that sakyamuni has taught scriptures in seven places for 9 times ,therefore ,it looks like having seven rooms.[thousand alms –bowl wenshu hall] the wenshu with one thousand alms bowls ,one thousand hands and one thousand sakyas worshipped in thousand alms –bowl hall may be rated a rare rush in the casting history.it was cast in the ninth year of wanly period ,ming dynasty through designing and financing fund s by hanshan himself ,a grand master of the age.[large bronze hall] large bronze hall is of world renown ,when you are looking externally ,you can find that it is of double eaves and lying –mountain top and divided into the upper and lower floors.on each of the four sides of upper floor are nounted 6 lattice-fans ,and on the upper and lower ends of each lattice-fan are carved and cast grass ,trees ,flowers and plants as well as birds and beasts.on each of the upper and lower parts of the four column and column base being one integrated mass and fixing the 100 thousand jin heavy bronze hall.the four sides of the upper floor of the bronze hall are surrounded by about 1m high rails.in both ends of the roof ridge of hall are cast separately two legendary animals appearing vividly to fly ,with a wind millstone and precious bottle in the middle ,the bronze hall looks like two floors in appearance but actually is only one room ,4.2m in row depth ,about 4.7m wide ,5m high and carved with 10 thousand statues of buddhas from inside ,therefore, somebody also called it ten-thousand –buddha hall.this hall was built by miaofeng ,the founder of a sect of buddhaism ,through begging alms of one wanly period.ming dynasty ,the saying “xiantong, xiantong, hundred-thousand-jin bronze” spread among the people originated from his behavior.since this hall was completely made of complete bronze by casting ,it embodies the third feature of xiantong temple –architecture of complete bronze structure.the first bronze pagodas and bronze halls were cast in one and the same period ,and represent the five orientations and five platform tops of wutai mountain.the middle three ones among them are ruined later while being supplementarily cast in recent years.[back high hall] behind the large bronze hall is back high hall situated in the highest position ,which was called scripture collection pavilion in the past.now ,here is worshipped sweet dew wenshu with a sweet dew bottle held in hand ,to mean that the sweet dew is sprinkled extensively.in the both flanks are eight grand expounding masters ,who were the buddhist grand master specially engaged in teaching and translating scripture texts.


mount wutai nominated world heritage sites:mount wutai, is constituted by two parts:taihuai core area geographic coordinate is n39°e113°,and foguang temple core area geographic coordinate is n38°e113°, the core area is 18415 hectares and the buffer zone area is 42312 hectares.世界遗产提名地:五台山,由两部分组成:台怀核心区和佛光寺核心区,核心区面积18415公顷,缓冲区42312公顷。located in wutai county of xinzhou city the northeastern of shanxi province china.位于中国山西省东北部忻州市五台县境内。

is made of the oldest stratum in the world which is more than 2.5 billion years.由大于25亿年的世界古老地层构成

it has 5 peaks in north south east west and center, the peak is 3061 meters above sea level which is called as “the ridge of northern china”


mount wutai has a magnificent natural landscape and a rich geological heritage, 五台山自然景观奇伟瑰丽,地质遗产丰富

its unique palaeotectonic relics, rare periglacial and glacier land form, 其独特的古地质构造遗迹,稀有的冰原冰川地貌景观 and valuable species and ecological resources, 珍贵物种和生态资源

serves as a typical evidence of an important period in the history of earth evolution.使其成为代表地球演变史重要阶段的典型例证

the age of various rock units of granite and greenstone belts in mount wutai is around 2.6 to 2.5 billion years, 五台山花岗岩~绿岩带的年龄在26至25亿年 and it’s exposed in the great height difference of the new generation of mountains and valleys, 并且出露于高差巨大的新生代山脉和山谷内

various levels of rocks exposed to surface.各种层次岩石组成良好出露地表

and it has time continuity and irreplaceability in geological time.在地质时代上具有时间的连续性和不可替代性

the displayed rich geological phenomenon is irreplaceability in the world.所展示的丰富地质现象在世界范围内也具有不可替代性

campared with those well known mountains around the world its long history of geological evolution is very rare, 其漫长的地质演化史在世界著名山峰中非常罕见 and it became field visit location in many international geological conferences and is the classic geological research area in china.成为多次地质会议的考察地及中国经典的地质研究地区

the granite-greenstone belt of mount wutai also led to the formation of typical neoarchean collision orogenic belts, 五台山花岗岩~绿岩带构成典型的新太古代碰撞造山带

it fully revealing the early collision orogen structure sectionand different levels of crustal, 完整展示出早期碰撞造山带构造剖面及不同地壳层次

and has typical geological evolution significance.具有典型的地质演化意义 therefore ,mount wutai is key evidence for studies of the archean plate tectonics and the collision orogenic belts.是研究太古宙板块构造与碰撞造山带的关键例证 the geochronological boundary of the archean and proterozoic eons, is considered as the most important geological events in tectonic evolution.太古宙到远古宙界限被认为是地壳演化史上最重要的地质事件

during this period, the earth has undergone profound changes.地球在这一时期发生了深刻变化

mount wutai reserve many unconformities interface before and after 2.5 billion years, 五台山保留有多个25亿年前后的不整个界面

and has clear lines of demarcation between different stages of geological evolution, 具有明显的地质演化阶段性 it’s also involving the radical environmental changes of continental extensions after the end of the collision orogeny(2.5billion years).涉及典型板块碰撞造山结束,向板内伸展环境的剧烈变化

they provide sound conditions for setting off the boundaries of the archean and proterozoic eons, 非常有利于划分太古宙~远古宙界限

and is typical area for establishing the archean proterozoic boundary before 2.5 billion years.是建立太古宙~远古宙界限的典型地区


五台山保留完整的古元古代地层记录(2.5~1.9亿年)there are well-preserved early weathering crusts, ancient red bed as well as rich records of stromatolites in the stratigraphic sections.地层剖面保留了早期古风化壳、古红层及异常丰富的叠层石记录

there is a rich reserve of paleofloral fossils in the doucun subgroup of mount wutai, 五台山豆村带群中发现了丰富的古植物化石 and they are the earliest china’s eukaryotic organisms before 2.4 billion years, 并有中国已知最古老的真壳生物化石(24亿年前)

it’s 600-700 million years earlier than the previously acclaimed oldest eukaryotic fossil record.比先前认为的最古老真壳生物化石记录早6至7亿年

in this regard mount wutai is valuable to the understanding of earlier evolution of life.对认识早期生命演化具有重要价值


mount wutai is a typhical example of the cenozoic continental extension and of the fault block orogeny.五台山为早期寒武纪地壳中新生代伸展、断块造山活动的典型代表

there is several thousand meters of altitude differerce between the top of ancient razed plane and the buried deep of the sedimentary basins of north china which is very rare in east asia.其台顶古夷平面与华北断陷盆地中深埋夷平面之间达到数千米的高差,在整个东亚非常罕见

成为中国北方地形演化研究对比的最重要标志,也是中国北方最古老的山地夷平面 in this sense, mount wutai has typhical significance to the entire east asia region, 在整个东亚地区具有典型的代表意义

and being an important example to the cenozoic extensional tectonic evolution, and the basin and mountain relationship in the east part of the asia continent.是亚洲大陆东部新生代伸展构造演化及其盆地作用的重要例证

the time-honored buddhism cultural continuity, the glorious artistic achievements, 五台山其历史久远的佛教文化传承,灿烂恢宏的艺术成就


makes mount wutai occupied an important position in china and the world buddhism development.使五台山在中国和世界佛教发展的历史长河中占据了极其重要的地位


it is the most recognized buddhism mountain in china and is considered as one of the five buddhism holy land in the world.位居中国四大佛教名山之首,世界五大佛教圣地之一

the buddhist buildings at mount wutai is the world leading in terms of the long time span and the large scgle, and are among the best in the world.五台山佛教建筑群无论时间跨度之长还是规模之宏大,都在世界范围内首屈一指

in its 15 centuries’ development, mount wutai gradually formed ambitious buddhist buildings.五台山在长达15个世纪的发展中,逐渐形成了宏大的佛教建筑群

in terms of the size the temple buildings here are virtually matchless no matter in china or in the world.其寺庙建筑的规模不论在中国还是在世界上都是鲜有的 during the northern qi period(ad551-557)there had been more than 200 temples, and the figure rose to over 360 in the prime time of tang dynasty(ad618-907).北齐时,五台山就有寺庙200多座,唐代最多是达360余座

so far, mount wutai still reserve 68 temples and over 150 pagodas built in seven differert dynasties since tang.至今,五台山仍保存有唐以来7个朝代的寺庙68座,佛塔150余座

these temples are vary in size and architectural configuration.这些寺庙规模大小不一,形制布局各有特色

for instance, with over 400 halls, pavilions and monks’abodes, the xiantong temple is known for its extension of space and all buildings here look grand.如显通寺,寺宇开阔,殿宇宏伟,计有殿堂楼阁,禅房僧舍等400余间 the bishan temple consists of 3-bay courtyards with a total number of 108 assembly and meditation halls.碧山寺为三进院落,计有殿堂禅堂108间,within the 1123-hectare boundary of the taihuai proposed core zone,而在五台山台怀寺庙集中区仅仅11.23平方千米的范围内

there are 24 temples and the number of singular buildings are countless.就分布着寺庙24座,其中的单体建筑更是数不胜数

together, these buildings constitute a sizable grand simple,yet sublime temple ensemble in harmony with the nature.形成了一个规模庞大,宏伟壮观,古朴庄严,与自然环境和谐一致的寺庙建筑群 mount wutai is a nominated heritage site where coexist the holy objects of the han and tibetan buddhism which bearing witness to the seamless blend of the han and tibetan cultures.五台山是汉藏佛教物质遗存共存的遗产提名地,汉藏文化融汇无痕

mount wutai is one of the four most famous sacred places of buuhism in china and the meeting point of the han and tibetan buddhism.五台山不仅是中国佛教四大名山之一,而且也是汉藏佛教汇集之地



and an important bridge for cultural exchanges between the han, tibetan, mongolian people.以及汉藏蒙等民族文化交流的桥梁

historically, mount wutai has helped generations of monarchs in the solution of the problems related to different ethnic groups.历史上,五台山也在中央统治者处理民族宗教问题中发挥着重要作用

at the prime time of qing dynasty there were 122 temples and monasteries at mount wutai, 在清代鼎盛时期,五台山共有青黄庙122座

in which 25 temples are following the tibetan buddhism and 97 are following the han buddhism.其中黄庙25座,青庙97座

up to now, there are 7 tibetan lamaseries existent, and more than 40 han buddhism monasteries existent within the circle formed by the five terracess.至今,台内古建筑群中仍遗存着大规模黄庙7座,青庙40余座

mount wutai has played an active role in the fusion and development of the han and tibetan buddhism.五台山在汉藏佛教的融合与发展方面起到了非常重要的积极作用 like other similar heritage site it has contributed greatly to the development of the buddhist culture.与其他类似遗产地一样,为佛教文化的发展做出了突出的贡献

mount wutai is the center of manjusri worship in the world of buddhism, 五台山是世界佛教的文殊信仰中心

it is recorded in the “avatamsaka sutra” translated in the jin dynasty that mount wutai is the bodhimanda of manjusri.据佛教华严经记载,五台山是文殊菩萨的道场

the establishment and the spread of manjusri worshipat at mount wutai converted it into the no.1 of the four buddhist sacred mountains in china in the middle of the tang dynasty.五台山文殊信仰的确立和推广使五台山在唐代中叶就成了中国佛教四大名山之首,中国佛教的首府,与印度灵鹫山争俊的佛教圣地

in the past 1000 years mount wutai has gone beyond the limitations of regions nationalities religious sects, 在一千多年间,五台山超越了地区和民族,超越了不同教派



mount wutai has a unique status in the chinese art history as with the great achievements attained in the sculpture and mural arts, 五台山在中国美术史上地位杰出

it is an outstanding example of the localization of the buddhist art in china.是佛教艺术中国化的理想实物例证

many world heritage sites in china embody high artistic value.the artistic achievements of these heritage sites represent the creative genius of human beings.in terms of the category, the buddhist statues and murals of mount wutai belong to the temple building’s art, 从类型来看,五台山的佛教雕塑与壁画属于寺观建筑类 mount wutai represent the coexistence of the tibetan and han buddhist art.代表了汉藏并存的佛教艺术成就

从数量来看,五台山作为中国著名的佛教圣地,自东汉年间建寺造像以来,历久不衰 now mount wutai holds variety of clay sculptures, wood carvigs, stone carvigs, metal foundry ,gauze, porcelain, embroidery, painting and other artworks.保存有泥塑,木雕,石刻,金属铸像,脱纱,烧瓷,刺绣,绘画等诸多种类的造像艺术作品

the huge number of buddhist shrines in china is in the second to none.其数量之庞大,在中国佛教圣地中首屈一指

mount wutai is the most typical royal bodhimanda in china, 五台山是最典型的中国皇家道场

among the four buddhist sacred mountains in china mount wutai has maintained the closest link with xi’an, luoyang, kaifeng, beijing and other places of the central power.中国佛教四大名山中,五台山与历代中央集权帝都西安,洛阳,开封,北京等联系最为紧密

besides the political center it turns into the holiest royal bodhimanda for over 1000 years.这使她在一千多年间,实际成为政治中心以外最具神圣地位的皇家道场

mount wutai reflects the relations between generations of the ruling class with buddhism, 反映了历朝历代统治阶级与佛教的渊源关系篇二:山西省:显通寺导游词一












大家都知道“做一天和尚撞一天钟”这句话,它已成为“得过且过”的代名词。因为在许多人看来,撞钟很简单,到时辰敲几下就可混过一天,既不用动脑子,又不多花力气。这实际上是对佛门职事僧工作的误解。撞钟时,要撞出轻重缓急的节奏,钟声要抑扬顿挫,传的远还要回荡不息,要撞出具有五台山特色的钟声和佛教乐理的神秘。早晚两次撞钟,要紧七下、慢八下,不紧不慢二十下,这是一通,重复三次,共撞105下,最后在撞三下,前后共108 下。撞钟时还要念固定的佛经。








五台山是文殊菩萨的道场,许多寺庙内都有专门的文殊殿,显通寺也是如此。前面这座大殿便是大文殊殿。1 2篇三:五台山导游词



















city,shanxi province ,70km from wutai county town ,140km from xinzhou city town and 240km from taiyuan city in the southwest and 210km from datong in the north ,with a total area of about 2837sq.km.wutai mountain scenic spot area is situated in the region with taihuai town as center in the north part of wutai county ,with an area of 376sq.km.it is a national –level scenic spot area at nation level and a national class 4a tourist scenic spot area wutai mountain has peaks rising one higher than another and chain of mountains in stagger like a coiling dragon and crouching tiger.the whole mountain has more than 1100 varieties of plant and ,among them ,the wutai mountain mushroom is both the good food for eating and valuable drug and was determined as an article of tribute by an emperor in historywutai mountain is the highest mountainous land in north china region ,with the north platform top being at an altitude of 3058m above sea level and called “roof ridge of north china ”,wutai mountain had its name because it has five main peaks with flat and broad platforms.it has five called cool mountain by the buddhists believers and is one of the five main buddhist holy lands in the world and also a famous activity place of buddhism in china ,ranking first among the “four main buddhist famous mountains in china ,where often reside 1200 monks and nuns now ,from north wei to qing dynasty ,the emperors of the past dynasties all have arrived wutai mountain and the eminent monks and great teachers of wutai mountain came forth in large numbers ,these great teachers and grand masters in the history of chinese buddhism have made outstanding contributions for the buddhist culture of wutai mountain so that wutai mountain has become an institution for the overseas believers to study abroad and listen to scriptures and written down a brilliant historic volume of sino-foreign cultural exchange.www.xiexiebang.com第~范文网整理该文章,版权归原作者、原出处所有。wutai mountain is a treasure –house of ancient architecture of china ,where the cultural relics gather together and treasures come together in crowds.now , wutai mountain has 47 temples ,and among them are 4 national-level key cultural relic preservation units and nearly 20 are provincial –level key cultural relic preservation units.of the four wood –structure buildings of tang dynasty kept in shanxi ,two are in wutai mountain ,tang song ,liao ,jin ,yuan ,ming and qing dynasties ,and minguo all left behind large buildings of typical wood structure and this itself is a volume of vast and numerious ancient architectural history of china.wutai mountain has long cultural history and magnificent natural sight.in the temples of the whole mountain ate kept 17445 buddha statues ,224pieces of stone tablets, 58 pieces of horizontal boards, 7297 volumes of scriptures books in 928 cases,frescoes of 911sq.km and 1355 pieces of valuable cultural relics such as musical instruments used in buddhist mass and offering wares.all these are the valuable materials for studying the ancient history.science and culture and arts of china.wutai mountain was also renowned for the revolutionary base area.in the initial period of the war of resistance against japan, wutai mountain was the first base area of resistance against japan behind enemy’s lines in china and the birthplace of shanxi –chahar –hebei border area.in the years of revolutionary war ,the revolutionaries of old generation such as mao zedong ,zhou enlai ,liu shaoqi and zhu de and the international communist fighter batune fought and worked here.today ,what we will tour at first is xiantong temple ,xiantong temple is situated at the south foot of lingjiu peak in the central district of taihuai town and is one of five main mediation places of wutai mountain.it is also the leader temple most worshipp

ed in the buddhist circle of wutai mountain.xiantong temple occupies a land of 43700sq.km and has 400 houses and 65 halls in total.it was initially built in the eleventh year of yongping period ,east han dynasty and has a history of nearly 2000 years to date.since the peak of posa top is very similar to the vulture peak of india(the place where sakyamuni taught scriptures of his disciples),it was named lingjiu temple after the name of the mountain later ming emperor of han dynasty added two characters “da fu”in chinese(meaning grandness and creditability)before “lingjiu temple ”so that the complete name of temple was dafu lingjiu temple.it was rebuilt in xiaowen emperor period of north wei dynasty and divided into 12 courtyards.it was also called garden temple because of the garden in front.later ,it war rebuilt once again by taizong emperor of tang dynasty and renamed great huayan temple by wu zetian because the newly translated huayan scriptures were collected here.it finally was granted a horizontal board “large xiantong temple ”by zhu yuanhang,the taizu emperor of ming dynasty[bell tower]bell tower is of two –storeyed and three-eave structure ,and on the beam in the tower is hung a bronze bell,the largest one in wutai mountain.such bell was called long ringing bell and also called nether world bell and cast in july of the forty-eighth year of wanly period ,ming dynasty.with a weight of up to 9999.5jin.[dragon and tiger tablet s]there is no heaven king hall but only two pieces of stone tablets in xiantong temple ,the dragon and tiger tablets we see now.these two tablets have the implied meaning that dragon and tiger is guarding the gate and there is no need to trouble the four main heaven kings.[front courtyard ]the tablet board “rosy clouds decorated heaven city” in gold characters on the top of gate was personally written by qinanlong emperor.in the hall are worshipped 3 statues of bodhisattvas ,with guanyin bodhisattva in the middle and wenshu bodhisattva and puxian bodhisattva on both sides separately ,so it was also called “three-main-scholar hall ” it was also called scripture collection hall because scripture books are fully placed on both sides.in each of the left and right tablet pavilions outside guanyin hall is a tablet.the two tablet pavilions are completely the same in size of tablet ,shape system and pattern, one piece engraved with “tablet inscription of xiantong temple personally written by emperor “ and the other being characterless and called characterless tablet.the stone tablets of wutain mountain are roughly divided into imperial tablet.official document tablet ,merits and virtues tablet ,event record keeping tablet ,poem and writing tablet ,tomb tablet and the special buddha foot tablet and characterless tablet.among the special characterless tablets at home ,three pieces are most attractive ,i e the first is the characterless tablet left on the top of taishan mountain for guarding against the six states after qinshi emperor defeated the six states;the second is the characterless tablet set up by wu zetian at qian tomb in xi’an ,meaning that merits and demerits as well as right and wrong would be left behind to the later generations to comment and no handwriting was left;the third is the characterless tablet we see just now ,which was set up by kangxi emperor.the characterless of the tablet seemed to praise that xiantong temple was so grand and magnificent and buddhism was so broad and profound that it was difficult to express them in written language.as record in “annals of cool mountain ”,under the two pieces of stone tablets were two circular water ponds.according to legend ,after kangxi arriving at wutai mountain at that time ,as soon as he entered xiantong temple he saw at far distance that the decorated arch on posa top looks like a big dragon-head.the two wood poles look like dragon horns ,and the 108 flight steps look like dragon tongue

s ,after entering xiantong temple ,kangxi asked at one the old buddhist abbot said just coincided with what kangxi saw ,the old buddhist abbot said that ,when the sun shines on the water ponds at noon ,there would appear two light rings on both sides of the decorated arch of posa top and posa top was just a live dragon.then,kangxi gave an order to let the monks of xiantong temple fill up the two water ponds and set up two pieces of stone tablets ,with one tablet bearing written language and the other characterless.[large wenshu hall]wutai mountain is the place where wenshu bodhisattva makes buddhist rites ,and in most of the temples were build wenshu hall.while the name of this wenshu hall was prefixed with a “large”, and such a word “large” contains 4 meanings;the first is that xingtong temple is the oldest temple in wutai mountain ‘the second is that xiantong temple is the temple with largest floor area among the temple of wutai mountain ‘the third is that xiantong temple is the temple most completely preserved in wutai mountain;the fourth is that the number of wenshu bodhisattva worshipped here is most(6 statues of wenshu bodhisattvas in total),so that it is called large wenshu hall ,since wenshu in 5 directions can be worshipped at the same time ,local people call it “convenient pilgrimage platform” [daxiong precious hall] daxiong precious hall was also called large buddha hall ,it is the main building in xiantong temple and also the center of the whole temple.in the hall is worshipped the horizontal buddha of the third generation.daxiong was the honorific title of sakyamuni, saying he was “a warrior fearing nothing ” the hall was built in the architectural form with the wood structure as primary part and the upper four –a-shaped roofs and lower four extending corridors as secondary ,with 108 wood columns supporting the whole large hall and the walls having only the function of shielding off the wind and resisting the cold ,when you enter the hall ,you will feel that it is very spacious.this hall occupies a land of 1.2 mu and is the largest daxiong precious hall in xutai mountain ,it is also the place for holding grand buddhist activities in the temple.this is the first feature of xiantong temple –complete wood structure.[beamless hall] beamless hall is a white complete-brick architectural structure.it was built by completely laying up bricks without use of beams and hence its name “beamless hall ” ,it looks like a european –style building in appearance and was painted white.white represents pureness in the west ,while symbolizes the buddhist pure land and boundless brightness here.since this hall is mot supported by beams and columns ,the weight of hall top is borne by the thick and heavy wall bodies on four sides ,to form a sharp contrast with form of emulating wood structure ,and the brick-laid round columns and dipper –like arches and carved extending raves embody typical combined chinese and west styles.the whole large hall seems to have 7 rooms when you are looking externally ,but actually it has only 3 rooms.it looks like having two floors when you are looking outdoors but ,internally , it is a one-storeyed building ,the interior of the hall adapted the form of internal dipper –like arch ,which is reduced floor by floor to form a roof style of natural vault.this large hall was built in the thirty –seventh year of wanly period , ming dynasty and has a history of nearly 400 years till now.this is the second feature of xiantong temple-architecture of complete brick structure.in the middle of hall is worshipped lushena buddha ,the body statue of the ancestor of buddha and stands duohao buddha pagoda ,the thirteen –storeyed wood pagoda of ming dynasty, which is also the only wood pagoda in wutai mountain.beamless hall was also caked “seven-place and nine-

meeting hall”, which means that sakyamuni has taught scriptures in seven places for 9 times ,therefore ,it looks like having seven rooms.[thousand alms –bowl wenshu hall] the wenshu with one thousand alms bowls ,one thousand hands and one thousand sakyas worshipped in thousand alms –bowl hall may be rated a rare rush in the casting history.it was cast in the ninth year of wanly period ,ming dynasty through designing and financing fund s by hanshan himself ,a grand master of the age.[large bronze hall] large bronze hall is of world renown ,when you are looking externally ,you can find that it is of double eaves and lying –mountain top and divided into the upper and lower floors.on each of the four sides of upper floor are nounted 6 lattice-fans ,and on the upper and lower ends of each lattice-fan are carved and cast grass ,trees ,flowers and plants as well as birds and beasts.on each of the upper and lower parts of the four column and column base being one integrated mass and fixing the 100 thousand jin heavy bronze hall.the four sides of the upper floor of the bronze hall are surrounded by about 1m high rails.in both ends of the roof ridge of hall are cast separately two legendary animals appearing vividly to fly ,with a wind millstone and precious bottle in the middle ,the bronze hall looks like two floors in appearance but actually is only one room ,4.2m in row depth ,about 4.7m wide ,5m high and carved with 10 thousand statues of buddhas from inside ,therefore, somebody also called it ten-thousand –buddha hall.this hall was built by miaofeng ,the founder of a sect of buddhaism ,through begging alms of one wanly period.ming dynasty ,the saying “xiantong, xiantong, hundred-thousand-jin bronze” spread among the people originated from his behavior.since this hall was completely made of complete bronze by casting ,it embodies the third feature of xiantong temple –architecture of complete bronze structure.the first bronze pagodas and bronze halls were cast in one and the same period ,and represent the five orientations and five platform tops of wutai mountain.the middle three ones among them are ruined later while being supplementarily cast in recent years.[back high hall] behind the large bronze hall is back high hall situated in the highest position ,which was called scripture collection pavilion in the past.now ,here is worshipped sweet dew wenshu with a sweet dew bottle held in hand ,to mean that the sweet dew is sprinkled extensively.in the both flanks are eight grand expounding masters ,who were the buddhist grand master specially engaged in teaching and translating scripture texts.









































Mount Wutai Nominated World Heritage Sites:Mount Wutai, is constituted by two parts:Taihuai core area Geographic coordinate is N39°E113°,and Foguang temple core area Geographic coordinate is N38°E113°, the core area is 18415 hectares and the buffer zone area is 42312 hectares.世界遗产提名地:五台山,由两部分组成:台怀核心区和佛光寺核心区,核心区面积18415公顷,缓冲区42312公顷。

located in Wutai County of Xinzhou City the northeastern of Shanxi Province China.位于中国山西省东北部忻州市五台县境内。

is made of the oldest stratum in the world which is more than 2.5 billion years.由大于25亿年的世界古老地层构成

It has 5 peaks in north south east west and center, the peak is 3061 meters above sea level which is called as “the ridge of Northern China”


The mountaintops are flat and wide commonly known as platform, so it was called the Five Flat-top Mountains.五座山峰顶部平坦宽广,俗称台顶,因此得名五台山。

Mount Wutai has a magnificent natural landscape and a rich geological heritage, 五台山自然景观奇伟瑰丽,地质遗产丰富

Its unique palaeotectonic relics, rare periglacial and glacier land form, 其独特的古地质构造遗迹,稀有的冰原冰川地貌景观 and valuable species and ecological resources, 珍贵物种和生态资源

serves as a typical evidence of an important period in the history of earth evolution.使其成为代表地球演变史重要阶段的典型例证

The age of various rock units of granite and greenstone belts in Mount Wutai is around 2.6 to 2.5 billion years, 五台山花岗岩~绿岩带的年龄在26至25亿年

and it’s exposed in the great height difference of the new generation of mountains and valleys, 并且出露于高差巨大的新生代山脉和山谷内 various levels of rocks exposed to surface.各种层次岩石组成良好出露地表

And it has time continuity and irreplaceability in geological time.在地质时代上具有时间的连续性和不可替代性

The displayed rich geological phenomenon is irreplaceability in the world.所展示的丰富地质现象在世界范围内也具有不可替代性

Campared with those well known mountains around the world its long history of geological evolution is very rare, 其漫长的地质演化史在世界著名山峰中非常罕见

And it became field visit location in many international geological conferences and is the classic geological research area in China.成为多次地质会议的考察地及中国经典的地质研究地区

The granite-greenstone belt of Mount Wutai also led to the formation of typical Neoarchean collision orogenic belts, 五台山花岗岩~绿岩带构成典型的新太古代碰撞造山带

it fully revealing the early collision orogen structure sectionand different levels of crustal, 完整展示出早期碰撞造山带构造剖面及不同地壳层次

and has typical geological evolution significance.具有典型的地质演化意义

Therefore ,Mount Wutai is key evidence for studies of the Archean plate tectonics and the collision orogenic belts.是研究太古宙板块构造与碰撞造山带的关键例证

The geochronological boundary of the Archean and Proterozoic Eons, is considered as the most important geological events in tectonic evolution.太古宙到远古宙界限被认为是地壳演化史上最重要的地质事件 During this period, the Earth has undergone profound changes.地球在这一时期发生了深刻变化

International Commission on Stratigraphy proposes that the line of demarcation be drawn at 2.5 billion years ago.国际地层委员会建议这一界限年代应划分在25亿年前

Mount Wutai Reserve many unconformities interface before and after 2.5 billion years, 五台山保留有多个25亿年前后的不整个界面

and has clear lines of demarcation between different stages of geological evolution, 具有明显的地质演化阶段性

it’s also involving the radical environmental changes of continental extensions after the end of the collision orogeny(2.5billion years).涉及典型板块碰撞造山结束,向板内伸展环境的剧烈变化

They provide sound conditions for setting off the boundaries of the Archean and Proterozoic Eons, 非常有利于划分太古宙~远古宙界限

and is typical area for establishing the Archean Proterozoic boundary before 2.5 billion years.是建立太古宙~远古宙界限的典型地区

It’s also bearing comparable value to universal geological studies.具有全球地质对比价值

Mount Wutai keeps a complete records of the Paleoproterozoic strata before 2.5-1.9 billion years, 五台山保留完整的古元古代地层记录(2.5~1.9亿年)

there are well-preserved early weathering crusts, ancient red bed as well as rich records of stromatolites in the stratigraphic sections.地层剖面保留了早期古风化壳、古红层及异常丰富的叠层石记录

There is a rich reserve of paleofloral fossils in the Doucun Subgroup of Mount Wutai, 五台山豆村带群中发现了丰富的古植物化石

and they are the earliest China’s Eukaryotic organisms before 2.4 billion years, 并有中国已知最古老的真壳生物化石(24亿年前)

it’s 600-700 million years earlier than the previously acclaimed oldest Eukaryotic fossil record.比先前认为的最古老真壳生物化石记录早6至7亿年

In this regard Mount Wutai is valuable to the understanding of earlier evolution of life.对认识早期生命演化具有重要价值

Compared with other ancient planation surfaces of East Asia, 与东亚其他古夷体面相比

Mount Wutai is a typhical example of the Cenozoic continental extension and of the fault block orogeny.五台山为早期寒武纪地壳中新生代伸展、断块造山活动的典型代表

There is several thousand meters of altitude differerce between the top of ancient razed plane and the buried deep of the sedimentary basins of North China which is very rare in East Asia.其台顶古夷平面与华北断陷盆地中深埋夷平面之间达到数千米的高差,在整个东亚非常罕见

The ancient planation surfaces of Mount Wutai have became one of the most important symbols in the comparative study of Cenozoic tectonic and landscape evolution in North China,成为中国北方地形演化研究对比的最重要标志,也是中国北方最古老的山地夷平面 in this sense, Mount Wutai has typhical significance to the entire East Asia region, 在整个东亚地区具有典型的代表意义

and being an important example to the Cenozoic extensional tectonic evolution, and the basin and mountain relationship in the east part of the Asia continent.是亚洲大陆东部新生代伸展构造演化及其盆地作用的重要例证

The time-honored Buddhism cultural continuity, the glorious artistic achievements,五台山其历史久远的佛教文化传承,灿烂恢宏的艺术成就

the spectacular ancient Buddhist temple complex and those profound cultural accumulation, 恢宏壮观的佛教古寺庙建筑群等深厚的文化积淀

makes Mount Wutai occupied an important position in China and the world Buddhism development.使五台山在中国和世界佛教发展的历史长河中占据了极其重要的地位

With over 1600 years continuous Buddhism practice Mount Wutai has become the center of the reverence of Maniusri Bodhisattva.成为持续1600余年的佛教文殊信仰中心

It is the most recognized Buddhism Mountain in China and is considered as one of the five Buddhism holy land in the world.位居中国四大佛教名山之首,世界五大佛教圣地之一

The Buddhist buildings at Mount Wutai is the world leading in terms of the long time span and the large scgle, and are among the best in the world.五台山佛教建筑群无论时间跨度之长还是规模之宏大,都在世界范围内首屈一指

In its 15 centuries’ development, Mount Wutai gradually formed ambitious Buddhist buildings.五台山在长达15个世纪的发展中,逐渐形成了宏大的佛教建筑群

In terms of the size the temple buildings here are virtually matchless no matter in China or in the world.其寺庙建筑的规模不论在中国还是在世界上都是鲜有的

During the Northern Qi Period(AD551-557)there had been more than 200 temples, and the figure rose to over 360 in the prime time of Tang Dynasty(AD618-907).北齐时,五台山就有寺庙200多座,唐代最多是达360余座

So far, Mount Wutai still reserve 68 temples and over 150 pagodas built in seven differert dynasties since Tang.至今,五台山仍保存有唐以来7个朝代的寺庙68座,佛塔150余座 These temples are vary in size and architectural configuration.这些寺庙规模大小不一,形制布局各有特色

For instance, with over 400 halls, pavilions and monks’abodes, the XianTong Temple is known for its extension of space and all buildings here look grand.如显通寺,寺宇开阔,殿宇宏伟,计有殿堂楼阁,禅房僧舍等400余间

The Bishan Temple consists of 3-bay courtyards with a total number of 108 assembly and meditation halls.碧山寺为三进院落,计有殿堂禅堂108间,Within the 1123-hectare boundary of the Taihuai Proposed Core Zone,而在五台山台怀寺庙集中区仅仅11.23平方千米的范围内

there are 24 temples and the number of singular buildings are countless.就分布着寺庙24座,其中的单体建筑更是数不胜数

Together, these buildings constitute a sizable grand simple,yet sublime temple ensemble in harmony with the nature.形成了一个规模庞大,宏伟壮观,古朴庄严,与自然环境和谐一致的寺庙建筑群

Mount Wutai is a nominated heritage site where coexist the holy objects of the Han and Tibetan Buddhism which bearing witness to the seamless blend of the Han and Tibetan cultures.五台山是汉藏佛教物质遗存共存的遗产提名地,汉藏文化融汇无痕

Mount Wutai is one of the four most famous sacred places of Buuhism in China and the meeting point of the Han and Tibetan Buddhism.五台山不仅是中国佛教四大名山之一,而且也是汉藏佛教汇集之地

Since the introduction of Tibetan Buddhism, Mount Wutai has become one of the most important centers for the development of Tibetan Buddhism in the non-Tibetan central areas.自藏传佛教传入五台以来,这里就成为藏传佛教在中原内地的重要发展中心

In this sense, Tibetan Buddhism at Mount Wutai has therefore become a link between the central and local Mongolian and Tibetan affairs, 五台山藏传佛教也因之成为连接中央和蒙藏地方关系的纽带

and an important bridge for cultural exchanges between the Han, Tibetan, Mongolian people.以及汉藏蒙等民族文化交流的桥梁

Historically, Mount Wutai has helped generations of monarchs in the solution of the problems related to different ethnic groups.历史上,五台山也在中央统治者处理民族宗教问题中发挥着重要作用

At the Prime time of Qing Dynasty there were 122 temples and monasteries at Mount Wutai, 在清代鼎盛时期,五台山共有青黄庙122座

in which 25 temples are following the Tibetan Buddhism and 97 are following the Han Buddhism.其中黄庙25座,青庙97座

Up to now, there are 7 Tibetan lamaseries existent, and more than 40 Han Buddhism monasteries existent within the circle formed by the five terracess.至今,台内古建筑群中仍遗存着大规模黄庙7座,青庙40余座

Mount Wutai has played an active role in the fusion and development of the Han and Tibetan Buddhism.五台山在汉藏佛教的融合与发展方面起到了非常重要的积极作用

Like other similar heritage site it has contributed greatly to the development of the Buddhist culture.与其他类似遗产地一样,为佛教文化的发展做出了突出的贡献

Mount Wutai is the center of Manjusri worship in the world of Buddhism, 五台山是世界佛教的文殊信仰中心

it is recorded in the “Avatamsaka Sutra” translated in the Jin Dynasty that Mount Wutai is the bodhimanda of Manjusri.据佛教华严经记载,五台山是文殊菩萨的道场 The establishment and the spread of Manjusri worshipat at Mount Wutai converted it into the NO.1 of the four Buddhist sacred mountains in China in the middle of the Tang Dynasty.五台山文殊信仰的确立和推广使五台山在唐代中叶就成了中国佛教四大名山之首,It was the Buddhist “capital” of China comparable to the Vulture Peak of India.中国佛教的首府,与印度灵鹫山争俊的佛教圣地

In the past 1000 years Mount Wutai has gone beyond the limitations of regions nationalities religious sects, 在一千多年间,五台山超越了地区和民族,超越了不同教派

the succession of dynasties, the difference between the monarches and the common pilgrims, 超越了朝代更迭,超越了君主和平民香客的界限

and become the Buddhist center of Manjusri worship with far-reaching influence felt even nowadays.成为至今仍产生深刻影响的文殊信仰中心

Mount Wutai has a unique status in the Chinese art history as with the great achievements attained in the sculpture and mural arts,五台山在中国美术史上地位杰出

it is an outstanding example of the localization of the Buddhist art in China.是佛教艺术中国化的理想实物例证

Many World Heritage sites in China embody high artistic value.The artistic achievements of these heritage sites represent the creative genius of human beings.In terms of the category, the Buddhist statues and murals of Mount Wutai belong to the temple building’s art, 从类型来看,五台山的佛教雕塑与壁画属于寺观建筑类

Mount Wutai represent the coexistence of the Tibetan and Han Buddhist art.代表了汉藏并存的佛教艺术成就

In terms of numberas an established Buddhist sacred place in China, Mount Wutai has a temple building and statue sculpting tradition that can be dated back to the Eastern Han Dynasty.从数量来看,五台山作为中国著名的佛教圣地,自东汉年间建寺造像以来,历久不衰

Now Mount Wutai holds variety of clay sculptures, wood carvigs, stone carvigs, metal foundry ,gauze, porcelain, embroidery, painting and other artworks.保存有泥塑,木雕,石刻,金属铸像,脱纱,烧瓷,刺绣,绘画等诸多种类的造像艺术作品 The huge number of Buddhist shrines in China is in the second to none.其数量之庞大,在中国佛教圣地中首屈一指

Mount Wutai is the most typical royal bodhimanda in China, 五台山是最典型的中国皇家道场

Among the four Buddhist sacred mountains in China Mount Wutai has maintained the closest link with Xi’an, Luoyang, Kaifeng, Beijing and other places of the central power.中国佛教四大名山中,五台山与历代中央集权帝都西安,洛阳,开封,北京等联系最为紧密 Besides the political center it turns into the holiest royal bodhimanda for over 1000 years.这使她在一千多年间,实际成为政治中心以外最具神圣地位的皇家道场

Mount Wutai reflects the relations between generations of the ruling class with Buddhism, 反映了历朝历代统治阶级与佛教的渊源关系 and presents a full picture of the social economic and spiritual lives in the certain extent.也在一定程度上反映了当时的社会 经济和精神生活

The royal Buddhist cultural belief is an important component of the social and cultural life during the several thousands years of the feudal period in China,皇家佛教文化信仰,是中国几千年封建社会文化生活的重要组成部分 it has profound impact to the rise and fall of Buddhism, 对佛教的兴衰发展具有深刻影响

however, it has not been fully reflected in the world heritage.Mount Wutai is a typical speciment of the royal bodhimanda in China.五台山正是中国皇家道场的典型代表

The Buddhist buildings on Mount Wutai have a important position in the world architecture history,五台山佛教建筑在世界建筑史上占有十分重要的地位

The heritage nomination of Mount Wutai has the largest and best preserved timber structure of Tang Dynasty---the East Main Hall of Foguang Temple.五台山遗产提名地拥有中国现存规模最大,保存最完好的唐代木构建筑佛光寺东大殿

Currently, there are only four existent timber structures in China which was built in the Tang Dynasty, 中国目前已知的唐代木构建筑遗存仅有4座

Among them, the East Main Hall of Foguang Temple is located right in the Core Zone of the nominated site, 其中,佛光寺东大殿即位于提名地的佛光寺核心区内

in terms of the architectural configuration and the state of conservation, 从建筑的单体形制和木构遗存状况来看

the East Main Hall of Foguang Temple is the largest, best preserved and most valuable one of the four existent Tang buildings.佛光寺东大殿是现存4座唐代木构建筑中规模最大,保存最完好,历史价值最高的一座

In his history of more than twelve hunderd years, the original identity is well maintained and no overhaul has been made.在近12个世纪的历史中,没有经过一次落架大修,却仍然风采依旧

the East Main Hall of Foguang Temple is matchless even within the global context.In the world existing ancient wooden structures, 甚至在世界现存的古代木构建筑中,佛光寺东大殿都堪称楷模

the Foguang Temple retains its integrity and artistry in the past thousand years, and asserts itself as the living fossil of the world architectural history.是世界建筑史上不可多得的活化石

It represents a perfect combination of geology and landform with the Buddhist culture,五台山是古老地质地貌与佛教文化完美结合的典例

it’s featured by a unique and complete geological structure formed at the early stages of the Earth, 其所拥有独特而完整的地球早期地质构造

stratigraphical sections, fossils Cenozoic planation surfaces and perigalcial landforms, 地层剖面,古生物化石遗迹,新生代夷平面及冰缘地貌

which speak for a long geological history and a rich reserve of geological relics.具有漫长的地质历史和丰富的地质遗迹

The five terraces and other ancient razed plane are the result of the oregenic elevation of the blocks, 以五座台顶为代表的古夷平面经历断块造山抬升

with evolution of the typical periglacial landfroms and cool climates.发育了典型的冰原地貌,形成清凉高寒的气候条件 Among all of the existing Buddhism related heritage sites, 在世界已有的佛教相关遗产地中

there has not been any mixed natural and cultural heritage with such ancient geological landforms, 尚未出现具有古老地质地貌的自然文化双遗产

Mount Wutai is not only at the same time has the ancient geological resources and ancient Buddhist culture resources,五台山不仅同时具备古老的地质资源与古老的佛教文化资源 But also to integrate the two into one.而且将二者珠联璧合的融为一体

The natural and cultural combination fixes the Buddhist belief inside the worship to natural mountains, 典型地将对佛的崇信凝结在对自然山体的崇拜之中

realizing the traditional Chinese philosophic idea of “Human and nature being one”.完美体现了中国天人合一的哲学思想

Mount Wutai is the sacred place endowed by nature to human beings for the inheritance and propagation of civilization.五台山是大自然赋予人类繁衍生息传承文明的圣地

The mountain douds appear and disappear around the trees 山云吞吐翠微中

The color here is heavy bule and light green 淡绿深青一万重

I thought the landscape could only be found in heaven 此景只应天上有

But adually I am just at the wonderful mountain peak 岂知身在妙高峰

With profound natural and cultural accumulation, 作为自然与人文的厚重积淀

Mount Wutai is showing its great beauty and wonderfulness, with the value of both natural and cultural heritage.五台山正以其独特的自然与文化双遗产价值,向世界展示着她的博大和瑰丽



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