
时间:2019-05-14 06:01:26下载本文作者:会员上传





There is no doubt that class cadres play a very important role in class management.They are the backbone and leader among students and the primary assistant for the instructor.However, they sometimes come into conflict with their classmate.Just as the picture shows, the boy insists that his classmate should do whatever he orders him to just due to the fact that he is a class cadre.Obviously, he is trying to make others listen to him by abusing his authority, which is not an appropriate way of getting things done.In my opinion, a class cadre should set a good example to others before making them obey rules.In addition, good communication skills are necessary to persuade classmates to behave better.易错表达:

1.abuse the authority 滥用职权

2.conflict n./’kɒnflɪkt / v./kən’flɪkt/conflict with sb./ come into conflict with(动作)be in conflict with(状态)

3.cope with / handle / deal with the conflict

4.live in harmony witha harmonious atmosphere

5.only +状语放句首才可以倒装:(误)only class cadres take responsibility, will students respect rules.6.in this way


Currently, there is a common phenomenon in every class that class cadres prefer to send orders to other students, whether the orders are reasonable.I don’t think this is correct.For many children, being class cadres means owning more power, which makes them take it for granted that other students should be controlled by them(take的宾语是句子时,用it做形式宾语,从句放后面).It’s very ridiculous.In my opinion, being class cadres means responsibility more than power.Class cadres should make every effort to serve students by helping them study well and live a happy life, but not force others to do what they don’t want to.Most importantly, class cadres should communicate with others peacefully, but not order them when coming across disagreement.As far as I’m concerned, only if class cadres take responsibility(only+状语放句首才能倒装), will students respect(遵守)rules and build a harmonious atmosphere in which to study and live well.Also, good communication between class cadres and students is of great importance.2

What class cadres do is what other students care about.However, there exists a phenomenon in our school that some class cadres abuse their power among students.As bridges linking teachers and students, class cadres play a key role in class management without doubt.A qualified class cadre can cope with / handle / deal with the conflict happening in the class properly and set a good example to other students.Nevertheless, the conflict between class cadres and students shouldn’t be ignored.With

the rest, thus taking it for granted that everyone should do whatever they ask them to.In my view, it is the power worship(权利崇拜)that leads to this phenomenon.To solve this problem, every class cadre should regard the power as a chance to devote themselves and communicate with students in a polite manner.After all, class cadres should cherish the chance, which not everyone has.Keeping the class quiet, handing out and collecting homework, organizing after-class activities---, class cadres help teachers a lot(三个并列的doing做状语表方式).However, between class cadres and ordinary students, there can be some argument sometimes.(can 有时会)

(动名词的复合结构做主语,必须用所有格), I think.Secondly, it is because class cadres think that they have the special right that they always force others to work in the way they like.Last but not least, some students always go against the class cadres’ advice on purpose.All of the above can contribute to the argument between class cadres and ordinary students.Personally, I hold the opinion that class cadres should respect others and regard themselves as ordinary students, while other student should respect class cadres and understand them.Only if

As we can see from the picture, in the classroom, a student says rudely, “I’m the class cadre and you have to follow me!”, while the other student seems to be frightened and doesn’t say a word.This picture mirrors a phenomenon in school that class cadres bully other students.From my point of view, class cadres who bully other students are to blame.They don’t take their position seriously and think that ordering others is a privilege for class cadres, which goes against the aim of education and has a bad effect on other students.When it comes to the solutions to this problem, in my opinion, teachers should take the responsibility to make students aware that what class cadres should do is to help other students in study and school life.As class cadres, they should be capable of coping with the conflict in class, but not bully others.Only in this way, can we stop this phenomenon from happening.



1.An idle youth,a needy age.少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。

2.There is only one me in this world.在这个世界上,我是独一无二的。4.I’m the best!I’m the greatest!I’m invincible.我是最棒的.我是不可征服的。

5.I’m ready for any challenge.我已经准备好应付任何挑战。

6.The future is in my hands.It’s totally up to me.我的未来我作主。

7.I’m born to succeed.我注定成功。

8.No one can call back yesterday;Yesterday will not be called again.昨日不复来。

9.Tomorrow comes never.切莫依赖明天。

10.One today is worth two tomorrows.一个今天胜似两个明天。

16.The day is short but the work is much.工作多,光阴迫。18.Have you somewhat to do tomorrow, do it today.明天如有事,今天就去做。

20.To save time is to lengthen life.节省时间就是延长生命。

21.Everything has its time and that time must be watched.万物皆有时,时来不可失。

23.When an opportunity is neglected, it never comes back to you.机不可失,时不再来;机会一过,永不再来。

25.Spike while the iro is hot.趁热打铁。

26.Work today, for you know not how much you may be hindered tomorrow.今朝有事今朝做,明朝可能阻碍多。

27.Punctuality is the soul of business.守时为立业之要素。

28.Procrastination is the thief of time.因循拖延是时间的大敌;拖延就是浪费时间。

30.Knowledge is power.知识就是力量。

31.Wisdom is more to be envied than riches.知识可羡,胜于财富。

32.Wisdom is better than gold or silver.知识胜过金银,33.Wisdom in the mind is better than money in the hand.胸中有知识,胜于手中有钱。

34.Wisdom is a good purchase though we pay dear for it.为了求知识,代价虽高也值得。

35.Doubt is the key of knowledge.怀疑是知识之钥。

36.If you want knowledge, you must toil for it.若要求知识,须从勤苦得。

37.A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.浅学误人。

39.Knowledge advances by steps and not by leaps.知识只能循序渐进,不能跃进。

41.It is good to learn at another man’s cost.前车可鉴。

42.Wisdom is to the mind what health is to the body.知识之于精神,一如健康之于肉体。

43.Experience is the best teacher.经验是最好的教师。

44.Experience is the father of wisdom and memory the mother.经验是知识之父,记忆是知识之母。

46.Practice makes perfect.熟能生巧。

47.Experience keeps a dear school,but fools learn in no other.经验学校学费高,愚人旁处学不到。

48.Experience without learning is better than learning without experience.有经验而无学问,胜于有学问而无经验。

49.Wit once bought is worth twice taught.由经验而得的智慧,胜于学习而得的智慧;一次亲身的体会,胜过两次的教师教导。

50.Seeing is believing.百闻不如一见。

51.Business is the salt of life.事业是生命之盐。

52.Business before pleasure.事业在先,享乐在后。

53.Business makes a man as well as pies him.事业可以考验人,也可以造就人。

54.Business neglected is business lost.忽视职业便是放弃职业。

55.Never think yourself above business.勿自视过高;不要眼高手低;永远不要认为自己是大才小用。

57.He that thinks his business below him will always be above his business.自命大才小用,往往眼高手低。

59.Everybody’s business is nobody’s business.众人的事就是无人过问的事。

61.Better master one than engage with ten.会十事,不如精一事。

62.A work ill done must be twice done.首次做不好,必须重新搞。

63.They who cannot do as they would, must do as they can.不能如愿而行,也须尽力而为。

64.If you would have a thing well done,do it yourself.想把事情来做好,就得亲自动手搞。

65.He that doth most at once doth least.什么都想一次做完,结果一件也做不完;贪多嚼不烂。

66.Do as most men do and men will speak well of thee.照大多数人那样干,人们会把你称赞。

67.What may be done at any time will be done at no time.在任何时候都可做的事情,总是在任何时候都不做的事情。

68.Better late than never.迟做总比不做好。

69.Whatever is worth doing at all is worth doing well.凡是值得做的事,就值得做好。

70.The shortest answer is doing the thing.最简短的回答就是一个“干”字。

71.Action is the proper fruit of knowledge.行动是知识之佳果。

72.Finished labours are pleasant.完成工作是一乐。

73.It is lost labour to sow where there is no soil.没有土壤,播种也是徒劳。

74.It is right to put everything in its proper use.凡事都应用得其所。

75.Affairs that are done by due degrees are soon ended.按部就班,事情很快就做完。

76.All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.只工作,不玩耍,聪明小孩也变傻。

77.Work bears witness who does well.工作能证明谁做的好。

78.It is not work that kills,but worry.工作不会伤身,伤身乃是忧虑。

79.He that will not work shall not eat.不工作者不得食。

81.Deliberate slowly,执行 promptly.慢慢酌量,快快行动。

82.Put your shoulder to the wheel.努力工作。

83.Never do things by halves.做事不要半途而废。

84.In for a penny,in for a pound.做事一开头,就要做到底;一不做,二不休。

85.Many hands make quick work.人多干活快。

86.Many hands make light work.众擎易举。

87.A bad workman quarrels with his tools.技术拙劣的工人抱怨自己的工具。

88.Diligence is the mohter of success.勤奋是成功之母。

89.Idleness is the root of all evil.懒惰乃万恶之源。

90.Care and diligence bring luck.谨慎和勤奋带来好运。

91.Diligence is the mother of good fortune.勤勉是好运之母。

92.Induspy is fortune’s right hand,and frugality her left.勤勉是幸运的右手,世俭是幸运的左手。

93.Idleness is the key of beggary.懒惰出乞丐。

95.Idle people(folks)have the most labour(take the most pains).懒人做工作,越懒越费力。

96.Sloth is the key of poverty.惰能致贫。

97.Sloth turneth the edge of wit.懒散能磨去才智的锋芒。

99.The secret of wealth lieth in the letters SAVE.节俭是致富的秘诀。

100.Time flies.时光易逝。

101.Time is money.一寸光阴一寸金。

102.Time and tide wait for no man


103.Time pies all.时间检验一切。

104.Time pies puth.时间检验真理。

105.Time past cannot be called back again./ All time is no time when it is past.光阴一去不复返。


高考作文之应用文---申请信 感谢信 邀请信 道歉信 演讲稿

写作指导 应用文写作三段式

第一段 开门见山 说明写信事由

1若是道歉信 I am writing to you to express my apologize.I am so sorry that+道歉 which I have promised

1若是感谢信 I am writing to you to express my appreciate.I am so thankful that +

1若是邀请信 I am writing to you to invite you to do.1若是申请信 I am xx I am writing to apply for the opportunity to...1若是演讲稿 Good morning.I’m Li Hua from Fujian, China. It’s my great honor to be here to say something about XX

and ways of dealing with it.第二段 交代具体内容

1若是道歉信 给出原因(适当想象)比如最常用的借口就是我多年不见得亲戚突然从国外回来了 接机

Just now, my cousin, Li Qing, who left home to Australia for his further study lastYear informed me that he would return this Saturday morning and asked me to pick him

up at the airport with his family.You know, we haven't seen each other for nearlya year.1若是感谢信 具体内容

1若是邀请信 具体内容

1若是申请信 介绍自己的情况 表达自己能胜任这份工作


第三段 表达美好祝愿,期待对方回信

1若是道歉信 一定要再次约时间

I sincerely hope you can accept my apologize and can we make another appointmentOnce again, I'm sorry for any inconvenience caused

1若是感谢信邀请别人 再次感谢

would you like to accept our invitation for travelling in China?

We sincerely wish you a pleasure journey here.Expresses our thanks once more.Have a nice day!


I hope that you can accept my invitation if it is convenient for you.Please call me at+电话号码if you have

any questions


I appreciate it if you give me the oppotunityI am looking forward to your reply.1若是演讲that is all.thank you




注意:1.词数:120-150;可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。Dear Tom,How is everything going? I feel terribly sorry for missing the chance of answering your letter in time.You know, I’ve been preparing for the final exams these days, so I forgot to write back.In your letter, you asked me for my plans on summer vacation.Now, I am writing to tell you some specific details.Overall, three things will make my summer vacation meaningful.To start with, doing a part-time job is my dream and I intend to work as a salesman because not only can I earn money by myself, but also it will broaden my horizons.In addition, it is a fabulous choice to visit some famous scenic spots such as Mount Tai during the vacation, in order to enjoy appealing scenery and make more friends.What is more, doing voluntary work, I think, will make a great contribution to the society, which is able to enrich my life.I sincerely apologize again for my mistake.By the way, what’s your plan to spend your summer vacation? I am looking forward to your reply.Yours sincerely,Li Hua




【表现】 读了作文要求之后,提笔就写——明明要求写一封表达建议的书信,结果写成了议论文;或者明明要求写说明文,偏偏写成了记叙文;或者总算文体没有弄错,结果写通知误用日记的格式,写书信又误用通知的格式。




症状二 时态人称混乱

【表现】 作文时,时态和人称运用混乱——时态方面,要么整篇文章都是一种时态(以一般现在时、一般过去时居多),要么就是一段甚至一句话中出现三种以上的时态;人称方面,要么文章开头是第一人称,写到文中甚至文末就成了第二、第三人称,要么前面是单数人称,写着写着就变成复数人称。

【症结】 英语基础知识不牢固,对英语中时态和人称所代表的含义及其运用掌握不足,因此无法根据文体来选择正确的时态和人称而滥用或者混用。

【突破之道】 明确时态和人称


症状三 词汇运用混乱

【表现】 经常出现乱用词语的现象,同时使用一些较难的、较长的、用法不熟悉的单词,或者明明用一些简单的词汇就能够很清楚地表达意思,偏偏要选择一些难度较大的、不常用的表达方式。

【症结】 写作时对文章的脉络把握不足就匆匆下笔,对其中所需的词汇和常用表达方式理解记忆不牢固。平时练习时,习惯性地忽略一些形式简单但用途较广泛的基本词汇和表达方式,喜欢选择复杂的词汇和表达方式。



【表现】 作文的语序、句序混乱,通常这里写一点,跳过去又另起一点,这样造成要么文章洋洋洒洒一大篇却全是废话,没有中心和重点,什么都没有表达清楚;要么通篇没有适当的过渡词、句,整篇文章一“逗”到底,密密麻麻让人找不着北。



【突破之道】 整理成篇 行文连贯



As is shown by the figure/percentage in the table/picture,____ has been on rise/ decrease, significantly/dramatically rising/decreasing from ____ in _____ to _____ in _____.From the sharp rise/decline in the chart, it goes without saying that _____.There are at least two good reasons accounting for _____.In one hand, ____.In the other hand, _____ is due to the fact that ______.In addition, ______ is responsible for _____.Maybe there are some other reasons to show ______.But itis generally believed that the above mentioned reasons are commonly convincing.As far as I am concerned, I hold the point of view that _______.I am sure my opinion is both sound and well-grounded.高中英语作文万用模板-书信作文模板

Your address

Month, Date, year

Receiver's address

Dear...,I am extremely pleased to hear from you.And I would like to write a letter to tell you that_____.„„

I will greatly appreciate a response from you at your earliest convenience/I am looking f0rward to your replies at your earliest convenience.Best regards for your health and success.Sincerely yours,高中英语作文万用模板-话题作文

Nowadays, there are more and more __ _ in __ _.It is estimated that ___.Why have there been so many ____? Maybe the reasons can be listed as follows.The first one is ______.Besides,_____.The third one is _____.To sum up, the main cause of it is due to _____.It is high time that something were done upon it.For one thing,_____.For another thing, _____.All these measures will certainly reduce the number of _____.高中英语作文万用模板-对比观点作文

_____ is becoming more and more popular recently.There are two sides of opinions of it.Some people say ____ is their favorite.They hold their view for the reason of ____.What is more,_____。Moreover,______.While others think that _____ is a better choice in the following three reasons.Firstly,_____.Secondly(besides),______.Thirdly(finally),_____.From my point of view, I think _____.The reason is that _____.As a matter of fact, there are some other reasons to explain my choice.For me, the former is surely a wise choice.最近,你校同学正在参加某英文报组织的一场讨论。讨论的主题是:公园要不要收门票?请你根据下表所提供的信息,客观地介绍讨论情况。








观点:More haste, less speed.Before moving to the next step, one needs a practical consideration on what he has already achieved.(欲速则不达)preparation.in one day, it takes one years’ practice to have a good command of the language.If we do not learn from spelling correct words and writing acceptable sentences, we are never able to write a good composition.And without practicing oral English a lot, we can never speak English fluently.If we don’t read and listen a lot and do a lot of efficient exercises, we can not pass English tests.In short, we should have a good foundation if we want to make great achievements in our studies and work or in other things as well.观点:欲速则不达。移动到下一个步骤之前,需要一个实际的考虑他已经实现了欲速则不达。





观点:Honesty is the best policy.(诚实为上)

It is true that most of us value honesty highly.Personally I agree that honesty is the best policy.As we know, if one is honest, other people will deeply respect him or her, and are willing to make friends with him or her.In addition, being honest can make people’s life easier and more harmonious(和谐的).There are a lot of examples to support the argument.consumers will not be afraid of being overcharged if dealers are Singapore is a trustworthy society and has a very low criminal rate.There is no doubt that being honest is of benefit to both the state and the individual.We should have the spirit of honesty.这是真的,我们当中的大多数人的价值诚实。就我个人而言,我认为诚实是上策。




现象:Should the students have the sense of competition?(是否应该培养学生的竞争意识)will do harm to the relationship between people.Besides, don’t want to try hard to succeed so that they can find an excuse of their failure.From my point of view, we should try to encourage students to have the sense of competition because there exists great competition in our modern world.Having the sense of it will certainly be important for students to develop after they leave school.However, we should guide our students to have a correct sense of it, getting them to know that they only have opponents but not enemies.We should also teach our students not to be afraid of failure because everyone may meet it more or less.Instead, try to face to and overcome it.有两种相反的意见的竞争。有些人认为小,相信它会伤害到人与人之间的关系。除此之外,一些人不想努力成功,以便他们能找到他们的失败的借口。




现象:Can “lucky numbers” bring good luck?(吉祥数字能带来好运吗?)lucky numbers that they even spend a lot of money to buy lucky numbers.Many other people hold different ideas about lucky numbers.numbers at all.Numbers and luck are two different things.So far as I’m concerned, I agree with the latter.Obviously, such belief is only a kind of superstition.Perhaps it holds true for some cases, but often it does not.Numbers can never bring good luck to a person at all and our luck is in our own hands.Therefore, everyone can have good luck only if he tries his best.Let’s always remember





主题:Reduce waste on campus(减少校园浪费)It is certain that the problem of waste is becoming more and more serious on campus and it’s time for us to reduce it.For one reason, we have already wasted a lot of precious resources such as water and electricity.For another, our waste adds our parents and the society a burden.electricity as much as possible.we should not spend too much money.we should stop wasting water when we bath, or clean faces, or wash clothes or dishes.教师是确信无疑的废物问题变得越来越严重的校园和它的时候,我们必须把价钱降低。因为某种原因,我们已经浪费很多宝贵的资源,例如水和电力。对另一些人来说,我们的浪





观点:Failure is the mother of success.(失败是成功之母)

People often say,the painter, the doctor and the scientist have failed time and again before they succeed in the end.helpful experiences from them and learn little by little what is the right way to our goal.It seems that failures are the steps in the mountain paths leading up to the peak where success lies.You have to climb the steps in order to reach the top.We should all take a positive attitude to failures and keep on working hard so as to meet with the final success in our studies and careers.人们常说:“失败是成功之母。”几乎没有任何成功赢得了没有失败。一个画家可以把许多失败才使图纸满意。医生可能会尝试了很多次才找到有效的治疗一种怪病。科学家可能使数以百计的实验之前,他得到了他所需要的数据。换句话说,画家,医生和科学家都失败了一次又一次地之前,他们成功。



现象:Cell phones in China(手机在中国)

number of cell phones was 85,260,000;in 2002, the number was 180,000,000;in 2003, 206,600,000;in 2004, 269,000,000;while in 2005, the number went up to 315,000,000.From these numbers, we can see the increasing use of cell phones.There are many reasons for this development.Firstly, cell phones are very convenient to be carried everywhere.Secondly, cell phones can make us get news, play games, listen to music and chat through sending short messages.Thirdly, the drop of price, including the phone price and the communication price, has made it possible for an average person to buy one and make more use of it.作为一项调查显示,手机在中国的普及程度越来越高。在2001年,这个数字手机是85,260,000;2002年,这个数字是18万元;2003年,206,600,000;2004年,26万9千人、在2005年,这个数字上升到31.5万只。从这些数字,我们可以看到越来越多的手机。


模板八: 正反观点,各圆己见

话题:Wealth or health, which is the more important?(金钱与健康哪一个更重要?)Some think that wealth means everything.In their eyes, they can have everything done with enough money.Some of them take risky chances to make money only with the result that they get neither wealth nor health.Actually, health is more important than wealth.Health is the foundation of one’s success If one gets sick, it is nearly impossible for him to do his work well.On the other hand, a person suffering from illness, in fact, cannot get any wealth: has to spend a lot of money on the medical treatment;enjoy his wealth.Health is the source of energy and it’s the starting point where everything begins.Therefore, you should exercise every day with proper diet, forming good living habits and trying to avoid any minor disease.一些人认为财富意味着一切。在他们眼中,他们就可以得到每件事,有足够的钱。他们中的一些人采取冒险的机会赚钱以致他们既不卫生。财富,实际上,健康比财富更重要。健康的身体是事业成功的基础。如果一个生病,这几乎是不可能的,他要做自己的工作。另一方面,一个身患疾病,事实上,找不到任何的财富:首先,我来治好他的病,他不得不花大量的钱在医疗;可是对另一位妈妈来说,如果他病了,所以他不能真正享受他的财富。



1.Time flies.--------------时间过得真快。

2.Kill two birds with one stone.--------------一举两得。

3.Where there is a will, there is a way.--------------世上无难事,只怕有心人。

4.Don’t put the cart before the horse.--------------不要本末倒置。

5.The early bird catches the worm.--------------早起的鸟儿有虫吃。

6.Nothing in the world is difficult for one who sets his mind to it.--------------世上无难事,只怕有心人。

7.A fox may grow gray, but never good.--------------江山易改,本性难移。

8.You cannot eat your cake and have it.--------------鱼与熊掌,不可得兼。



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