
时间:2019-05-11 23:23:48下载本文作者:会员上传



Gossip girl: Hey, upper east siders,Gossip girl here and I have the biggest news ever.One of my many sources-Melanie91 sends us this.Spotted: at grand central,Bags in hand,Serena van der woodsen.Was it only a year ago,our “it” girl mysteriously disappeared for “boarding

school”?And just as suddenly,She's back.Don't believe me?See for yourselves.Lucky for

us,Melanie91 sent proof.Thanks for the photo, mel.vol.2

Gossip Girl:Good morning, upper east

siders,Gossip girl here.Your one and only source into the scandalous lives of Manhattan's

elite.Top story on my home page: Serena van der Woodsen,everybody's favorite “it” girl,has just returned from a mysterious absence.vol.3

Gossip Girl:Good morning, upper east

siders,Gossip girl here.Your one and only source

into the scandalous lives of Manhattan's

elite.Top story on my home page: Serena van der Woodsen,everybody's favorite “it” girl,has just returned from a mysterious absence and was

learning the hard way that you can never go home again.vol.4

Gossip Girl:Good morning, upper east

siders,Gossip girl here.Your one and only source into the scandalous lives of Manhattan's elite.vol.5.~13

Gossip Girl:Gossip girl here.Your one and only source into the scandalous lives of Manhattan's elite.


建议1《绯闻少女》第2季第1集评论:恶魔纯爱看过这是一篇对电影《绯闻少女第2季》的评论B CN JS D是的,我想第二季,无论是观众还是主创都应该以这样的优先级来审视上东区绯闻男女的花边新闻,绯闻女孩读后感。Queen B和Evil C,你们还要演绎出怎样的故事啊爱恋满溢而不自知,恨之入骨却情弥坚,永远不服输的背叛游戏,只为了那肤浅的王位,哪里想到,在爱面前,女王和恶魔都要低下高傲的头颅。相比之下,S和D不经推敲的腻腻歪歪破镜重圆显得多么的乏味啊。不得不说,这一季S的风头恐怕要完全被B盖过了。曾经酗酒滥交嗑药无所不能的拉风女王S居然在分手后的夏天毫无作为,真是令人大失所望。南汉普顿性感到爆的海滩居然打不开S的欲望之门,还强拉N做个纯友谊幌子男友,让人哀叹一支罂粟竟变成了棉花。可还是相信我,S与N在白色派对上的一吻绝对只是个逗号,以后将会在previously中不停地回放,这一刻,吻得风生水起的S是整集中最亮眼的时刻,你相信只是为了帮助N让那个老女人嫉妒吗?在S郁闷地“修身养性”的暑假中,伪文青D却利用实习之际大肆沟女。千万别告诉我是为了填补S走后的空虚寂寞,这已是太老套的男人的借口。不过,倒是期待传说中的D的邪恶小宇宙赶紧爆发,否则,英伦范儿的五好青年谁都提不起胃口。白色派对虽然是首集的高潮聚集点,但显然成了J的个人舞台。小女孩换了新发型,身材也渐渐凹凸起来,时尚界的小菜鸟,真能上演一出《穿prada的恶魔》般的麻雀变凤凰?Queen B要不爽了,读后感《绯闻女孩读后感》。Eric越来越正太;预想中强势老太太Lily的老娘不仅端庄而且相当慈祥;Lily和Rufers基本没太露面,看来要在以后为大家看腻了少男少女时出来腻缝儿;G和V还会出现吗?忍不住还要说回B和C。地球人都知道他们俩般配得惊天地泣鬼神,没想到在结尾段,B即将坐上长相甚不讨喜的英国爵士小开的豪华轿车时,对C说出了那么肝肠寸断的话真没想到,一开始,就玩得这么大啊~看来,纵使这群花样恶魔有再大的本事搞出天来,也难逃在纯真的爱情前,让僵冷的心肠和邪恶的格子围巾化成天边一团绕指柔。《绯闻少女》第2季第2集评论:性情男女看过这是一篇对电影《绯闻少女第2季》的评论随时随地都要做。是的,在海滩上,在电梯里,在大巴上的washing room,干柴D和烈火S走到哪,只要两人的目光撞上,就连空气中仿佛也闪现着劈里啪啦的火星。是小别胜新婚式的激情迸发,是漫长夏日的欲望累积,还是本来就同为下半身思考的小兽?我更愿意相信是第三种。况且,暧昧不清的分手更扯下了羞赧的面纱,藕切断了,自有淫邪的丝牵连不安分的荷尔蒙。我就是想要你,现在,你想不想要我?如果照这个路子发展下去,S&D的戏份倒是好看了。谁愿意继续看你们上一季遮遮掩掩欲说还休的白骆驼(柏拉图)之恋啊!同样,虎狼之年的Catherine,面对糕点般甜腻的N,也总是太过轻易地被点燃。正好,永远摆脱不了麻烦制造者老爸的一脑门官司的N此时此刻除了“长者”的提点,也需要一个可以麻醉的躯体。然而,子曾经曰过:可以打野盘,但是要选好地盘。一时冲昏头脑的二人,在宽衣解带时怎么不想想:我们还在B的家里呢。于是,Queen B悄声而入,稍作惊讶后便恢复了志得意满的胜利者微笑。那表情仿佛在说:没错,就算我是你看不上眼的继子的女友又怎样,你还不是和我的前男友在鬼混!谁都有秘密,一旦我掌握了你的,就变成了后来者居上的优势。可是,谁都有秘密,谁都笑不到最后。N的全面溃败是毫无悬念的,一千一万个美型男,也始终抵挡不了“公爵夫人”的灿烂后冠的诱惑力大。还好他还有后路,因为V回来了,不,事实上,是V一直都在。美少妇想必也是狠角色,目前的B似乎还不是对手,唯一能治住她的,应该是目前笔墨颇少的老公爵。必败者还有B,因为有必胜者C。话说回来,谁敢说这不是另一场胜利呢?这一集中的C,不知为何让我想到了《small ville》里超人永远的对手和朋友Lex。你有时怕他,却不得不敬他;你有时恨他,恨过后竟爱他

第三篇:gossip girl 绯闻女孩 英文演讲稿

《gossip girl》is one of the most popular teleplays with American teenager and also grasps countless people’ s eyes.The story is about a group of upper siders in Manhattan, and their love story, friendship, and kinship.The show appeals so many people not only because there are many handsome guys and beautiful ladies, but also because of its wonderful plots and full of humor.Serena----the heroine in the show.She is a blonde lady who has perfect finger and people always attracted by her iconic smile, so she also an IT girl.S is kind and always think about others.But because S is a problem girl in the past, so she is paid the key attention not only by gossip girl, but also by people.Although she is confronted with tricks, separation and other hurt, she still tries to begin her new life and be herself well.Blair Waldorf , also called queen B, she is a typical white, wealthy, beautiful and graceful lady, melting and lovely and take some small shameless woman character that makes her become a favorite of many fans in the heart.She is actually very less secure lonely little girls.She try to use the means to achieve her goals, she only shows her tender in front of her friends and family;she is proud, sometimes she even feels jealous of her friend--Serena, because she is the center of attention.Chuck.His father is a rich businessman and then gets married with S’s mother.So he became S’s step-brother, he is Nate’s good friends as well;they two set up a deep friendship from high school.He is a cynical boy and the mixture of angel and devil.He always speaks to others ironically.However, he is a kind boy with a sincere heart, when the friends get into trouble, he will be ready to help them.He loves Blair very much.With the development of plot, Chuck attracts more and more women, by the charming eyes and good character.His most famous words are “I’m Chuck Bass.”

Nate is the perfect “Golden Boy” of the Upper East Side, always being fought over by the prominent female characters.He is often associated with girls, and treats every relationship seriously, but all of them turn out to be fruitless.Chuck and he are close friends, but sometimes they will also make unpleasant because of girls, but this does not affect the relationship between them.Nate is independent, he don’t like being pushed around by his family and always struggle for himself.Dan, a lonely boy.He from Brooklyn and he is handsome and has good grade at school, heis an outsider who becomes a part of the turbulent Manhattan scene, an aspiring writer and fairly straight-arrow(刚正不阿的)guy with a good heart and morals.He has simple character but a little reckless, once regard S as his dream lover, then he meet S and develop a crush on her.but it’s a pity that they two broke up because of many reasons.B&SThe friendship between S and she is very tortuous, they once became rival because of Nate , but more time they are a pair of intimate friends and never leave each other.Although they sometimes have contradiction, they will make peace with each other soon.People all moved by their friendship.B&CThey love each other very much.Chuck loves Blair deeply but fears that he can't suffer happiness for her, so, he refuses her at surface and sacrifice in silence, As a result, and both of them are struggling of it.Blair also loves Chuck very deeply, deep to willing to put down her most precious self-esteem and do everything for him.Every time he is in low spirits, B is always company with him.

第四篇:绯闻少女 台词汇总 经典

Lily: Serena you’ve been gone, doing who knows what with god knows who.Serena你一直都不在这里,在鬼知道什么是哪儿的地方做鬼知道是什么的事儿.* 很可爱的说法吧。

这里有同学提出疑问,某迷核对过了,是原文,you've been gone里的这个gone个人理解是做形容词(额,就是那个类型的了。不懂语法,差不多就是那个意思吧。),就像avril有首歌叫when you're gone,同理。恩。Chuck: Any interest in fresh air? 想出去走走透透气吗?

* 好了,邀请别人终于可以不用“do you want to/would you wanna„„”了。ps,这里C的意思是出去抽烟。Gossip: Game on.游戏开始了。

* on的用法如果全部都掌握,那么很多句子的表达都会更简洁了。比如“穿鞋”,就不用说“put your shoes on”而可以简单地说,“shoes on” 了。Eric: No offense.Blair: None taken.——没有冒犯的意思。——我不介意。

* 这是很经典的问答。好好记住了。Chuck: Move, plz.请让一下。

* 如果是某迷,之前只知道,“excuse me”和“outta my way”两个说法。目前觉得这个很可爱。ps说这个可爱的原因是觉得它体现了C的风格,贵族式的傲慢。Blair: Done and done.成交!

* 成交还有其他的说法,比如单用“Deal”。不过觉得大部份人应该都知道吧,下次可以用这个,比较有新鲜感了。嗯。Blair:Nighty-night.晚安。

* 可爱的说法吧~女孩子好好记下~。Nate: You set me up.你陷害了我。或者,你设计了我。

Gossip girl: Some one pours that man a drink.有人要使他难堪了。

* 这里的语境是C被bart发现看脱衣舞,C发现Bart跟另一个女人在一起,他心生报复之念,想要跟Lily告密,这时GG说了这句话。我以前会错意了。

“somebody pour him a drink的意思是“快来个人帮他倒杯酒”。如果是倒酒到某个人的身上应该是somebody pourED a drink ON him才是”。补充,by 刘仰牧

Blair:Yes, it would be really nice if I was sailing on the may flower.对,如果我是古代人(这样穿)就好看了。

* May flower 的典故。就是五月花号的那条船,英国人登上新大陆用的那条. Gossip:Be careful what you fish for.对你调查的东西要小心噢。* 这里用的fish for,有点意思。Chuck:I was born loaded.我是含着金汤匙出生的。* 原来金汤匙是这样说D。

Nate’s mum: Not another word of this.别说了。

Vanessa: Baby steps.慢慢来嘛。

Blair: Next you cross me, I won’t be as forgiving.下次你再背叛我,我就不会手软了。

* 背叛用的cross,手软用的forgiving,算是意译? Dan: I’m doomed.我完蛋了。

Nate’s pa: I can hardly contain my joy.我无法抑制自己的狂喜。Blair: Guard my drink.看着我的酒。* Guard~ Gossip girl: Prohibition never stood a chance against exhibition.“阻止”在“表现”面前是没有用的。* 这个。押韵。还有stand a chance.Nate: I’m not over you.我忘不了你。

* Over的感觉很棒,ASH新专辑里LITTLE MISS那首“I’m not over it”有感觉。Dan: Mum’s having an affair.妈妈有外遇了。

* 可能有人不知道affair有这个意思。比如某迷。Ep8 Father: You don’t say.不用说这个。

* Do 的用法很活,某迷印象比较深的一个是,问人家会不会说英语,一般不能惯性中文思维地问,can u speak English而是do you。Chuck: You wish.你想得美。

* 还有一个,是在前面出现的,In your dreams.Vanessa: C’mon, there’s nothin’ like a lil 80s hair metal to put a smile on your face after a day like this.在经历了这样一天后,没有什么能比80年代的轻金属更让你开心的事儿了。*很可爱的用法,to put a smile on your face.Serena: Good point.说得好。

Jenny: As you were.你们继续吧。

Ep9 Gossip: The only thing I’m dishing is seconds.我只会上炒冷饭这道菜。

* 之前不知道dish有动词,ps,根据同学的说法,seconds应该是类似于二手货之类的意思,我觉得应该也是。谢谢~ Dan: Right of your way, pal.看路啊,伙计。

* 从马路中间把S从出租车前救下来,哈。可惜S当时根本不认识他。Blair: How could he just blow me off? 他怎么可以放我鸽子?

* 以前放鸽子只知道Stand sb.Up这个说法。比如,she stood me up,她放我鸽子。Eleanor: You had me worried sick.你让我担心死了。Ep10 Serena: It was a last minute thing.(他)也是刚决定的。

* 如果说,I’m a last minute person,那也可能是表达“我就是那种不到最后一分钟就不努力型”的意思。Ep11 Serena: Then vite, vite!那就快点吧!

* 根据同学补充,这个是法语。GG里好像有好几处有法语和日语来着。

Eleanor: What am I supposed to do then? Make a scene? Behave like a pathetic, scorned wife? 那我应该怎么做?大闹一场?或者扮得像怨妇一样?

* 这里的重点是Make a scene,上一集Blair跟chuck说,Nate从来不会让我出丑,就用的这个词组。

Passer-by: Of course, the throng of children in mittens should have tipped me off.噢,当然,那群戴着棒球手套的孩子应该可以告诉我。

* 这里的告诉有暗示的意思,tip off这个词组在第一集还是第二集Dan在车上遇到NC的时候也有提到,他说,我的校服应该能告诉你们我跟你们是一个学校的,大概是这个意思。Gossip: Looks like daddy’s lil’ girl isn’t sugar and spice and everything nice after all.看来爸爸的乖女儿也不是那么地完美。

* 这里的重点有两个,一个是sugar and spice,一个是and everything.Ep12 Chuck: She’s been crystal about that since we got back.她对此表现得很明显。* 喜欢这里的用词,crystal.Dan: Thank you, even if I did have to drag it out of yourself.谢谢,虽然这是我逼你说出来的。

Blair: I can’t be held responsible for her mood swings.她心情不好不关我的事。

Serena: Since you and your reputation don’t need me and my low-rent taste, you and Warldof name can weather the storm alone.既然你和你的名声不需要我和我低下的品味,你和W的名声就独自面对(这一切,指B面对的危机)吧。

* 两个点,一个是low-rent taste,一个是weather the storm.Blair: We met briefly on Thanksgiving.我们在感恩节时见过一面。

* 用的是briefly~这里要小注意小注意下噢~之前我是不知道这个用法哒。Blair: She’s running herself ragged.她在努力。

* run oneself ragged.之前不知道这个说法,可以记一下。Ep17 Chuck: I’d say, let’s get the bitch.我会说,那*死定了。

* 这句话的直译是,让我们搞定/整死那*。相似的用法在《Freaky Friday》(辣妈辣妹,非常经典拉,Linz的一部很有名的校园喜剧)里也有出现,Anna说,he always tries to get me(他

总是想尽办法整我),所以,同鞋们记住这个神奇的get~用法超多的~ Ep18 Blair: Before you landed on my bed, we actually landed on a good idea.在你爬上我的床以前我们已经想到了一个好主意。* 重点是land on a good idea.Dan:(It)doesn’t quite roll off the tongue.这的确很难说出口。

* 外国人喜欢用一些形象的说法。不能从舌头上滚出来=很难说出口。Blair: Right on schedule.不出所料噢。

* 这里的语境是B算准G会打电话给D,不出5秒,G果然打了,然后B说的这句。可以在预料中的事情发生时用(废话。),感觉就像安排好了一样(schedule)。Chuck: There won’t be a dry eye in the house, trust me.在屋子的人都会哭得稀里哗啦的。


英文:gossip girl:I bet you're wondering what gossip girl is doing up so early.Truth is,I never went to bed.Why waste precious time dreaming when waking life is so much better.2.绯闻少女:我们都很清楚,一个国家不能有两个女王。

英文:gossip girl:We all know one nation can't have two queens 3.绯闻少女:爬得越快,跌的越狠。

英文:gossip girl:The faster you rise,the harder you fall.4.布莱尔:不得有任何借口。瑟琳娜必须找到最帅的男伴。如果他已有安排,他就得改变计划。如果他有女朋友,他就得甩了他。如果他不在城里,他就得包架直升机飞回来。这事一定得办成。英文:Blair:No more excuses.Serena must have the hottest date ever.If he's got plans,he'll change them.If he's a girlfriend,he'll dump her.If he's out town,he'll charter a G5 and fly home.Make it happen.5.绯闻少女:说我们陈腐也无所谓,但是有时候,童话的结局是需要骑士亲自下马给马上鞍的。英文:gossip girl:Call us old schools,but sometimes the fairy tale ending requires the knight to get off his ass and saddle up his steed.6.绯闻少女:我们是怎么说表象的来着?对了,表象是不可信的。但大多时候,眼见为实。英文:gossip girl:What is that we said about appearances?Yeah,they can be deceiving.But most of the time,what you see is what you get.7.绯闻少女:常言道,不管事实如何,人们总是只看到他们想看到的。有些人可能会退一步,然后发现他们一直以来看的都是同一副画面。有些人会发现,他们的谎言差点将自己都给骗了;有些人看到的可能一成不变,而还有些人,他们能跑多远就跑多远,这样他们就不用面对自己了。英文:gossip girl:It's often said no matter the truth,people see what they want to see.Some people might take a step back and find out they were looking at the same big picture all along.Some people might see that their lies have almost caught up to them.Some people may see what was there all along.And then there are those other people,the ones who run as far as they can so they don't have to look at themselves.8.绯闻女孩:“一”也许是最孤单的数字,但有时候只有孤单的人才玩的起。

英文:gossip girl:One may be the loneliest number,but sometimes only the lonely can play.1.布莱尔:这一切太恐怖了,我的人生整个被毁了。


英文:Blair:Everything's horrible.My whole life is falling apart.Serena:So rebuild it.You're a waldorf,remember?People don't tell you who you are.You tell them.Stay and fight.I'll fight with you.2.绯闻少女:现场直击:布莱尔和恰克联手为瑟琳娜的荣誉而战。有这样的朋友,谁还需要千军万马?

英文:gossip girl:Spotted,Blair and Chuck reunited to defend Serena's honor.With friends like this,who needs an army? 3.绯闻少女:人们说“爱”所向无敌,也许“爱”从来没有遇见过乔治娜·斯巴克斯。

英文:gossip girl:They say love conquers all,but maybe love never meet Georgina Sparks.4.绯闻少女:撒旦之子唯一恐惧的是什么呢?当然是爸妈。这也使得布莱尔·沃道夫明白贱人并非石头里蹦出来的,他们是人造的,是比子女更邪恶的父母造就的。

英文:gossip girl:The only thing feared by the spawn of Satan?Mum and dad.Leave to Blair Warldof to know that bitches don't just happen.They're made,by parents even more wicked than their offspring.5.绯闻少女:爱情可能随着季节的变迁而褪去,可友谊会为你全年守候。

英文:gossip girl:Love may fade with the season.But some friendships are year-round.6.绯闻少女:梦---人人都会有。有的是美梦,有的是噩梦,有的是你希望自己可以忘记的梦。有时你意识不到梦已经实现不了,有时你感觉到它们就要实现了。而我们中的一些人却只做噩梦。但不论你梦见什么,当黎明降临时,现实就会入侵,而梦也会悄悄溜走。

英文:gossip girl:Dreams.Everybody has them.Some good, some bad, some you wish you could forget.Sometimes you realize you’ve outgrown them.Sometimes you feel like they’ve finally coming true.And some of us just have nightmares.But no matter what you dream, when morning comes, reality intrudes.And the dream begins to slip away.7.绯闻少女:和魔鬼做交易存在一个问题-----他总是为了索求而来。

英文:gossip girl:One thing about making a deal with the devil,he always comes to collect.8.绯闻少女:就像季节一样,认识有能力去改变的。虽然这种能力不常用,但一旦用上了,那么结果总是向上的。有时镜子要破了才能重圆,有时你要对人们敞开怀抱,他们才会投入你怀中。但多数时候,一个害怕表达自我感情的人只是需要一个意想不到的机会。

英文:gossip girl: Just like the seasons, people have the ability to change.It doesn’t happen very often.But when it does, it’s almost always right.Sometimes it takes what’s broken becoming whole again.Sometimes it takes opening up to new people and letting them in.But most times, it takes just one person who is truly afraid to show what they feel getting an opportunity they never thought possible.9.绯闻少女:童话故事的问题是,他们总是故意让某位少女失望。现实世界中,王子总是找错了公主。。

英文:gossip girl:The problem with fairy tales is that they set a girl up for disappointment.In real life,the prince goes off with the wrong princess.Blair: Do you like me? B:你喜欢我吗?

Chuck: Define “like”.C:定义喜欢。

Chuck: You don’t belong with Nate, never have, never will.Blair: You don’t belong with anyone.C:你并不属于N,从来不会,并且永远不会。B:你不属于任何人。

C:Please don't leave with him.C: 请不要和他走。

Blair: Why? Give me a reason and “I'm Chuck Bass” doesn't count.B:为什么?给我个理由而“I am chuck bass”不算。Chuck: 'Cause you don't want to.C:因为你不想跟他走。Blair: Not good enough.B:不够好。

Chuck: 'Cause I don't want you to.C:因为我不想你跟他走。Blair: That's not enough.B:还不够。

Chuck: What else is there? C:还有什么呢?

Blair: The true reason, I should stay right where I am and not get in the car.Three words.Eight letters.Say it...and I'm yours.B:正真的理由啊,我应该不上车的理由!三个字,八个字母,说出来,那我就是你的了。Blair: Thank you.That's all I needed to hear.B:谢谢,我要听的已经够了。

B:whatever you're going through,I want to be there for you.B:不管你去哪里,我都会跟随着你的。

C:you are not my girlfriend.C: 你不是我的女朋友。

B: but I am me , you are you.we are chuck and blair,blair and chuck.The worst thing you've ever done,the darkest thought you have ever had.I will stand by you through anything.B:但是我是我,而你是你。我们是恰克和布莱尔,布莱尔和恰克。你做过的最坏的事情,你有过的最黑暗的时刻,我都会伴随着你。C: why would you do that? C:你为什么要这样做? B:because I love you.B:因为我爱你啊!C:well,that's too bad.C:噢,那太糟糕了。

Chuck: Not quite.Eight letters.Three syllables.Say them and I'm yours.C:不是的。八个字母,三个字,说出它们,我就是你的。

Blair: I'm already yours, you're ruining the mood with all this talk.B:我已经是你的了。你在这个谈话中彻底的破坏了气氛。Chuck: You can't say it.You wanted it from me.C:你不能这么说,你先向我要的。Blair: I'm prepared to settle.B:我已经准备解决了!Chuck: Maybe I'm not.C:噢?也许我还没有。

Blair: Chuck Bass, I...will never say those words to you.B:恰克柏斯,我....永远都不会对你说那些字!!

Chuck: Then you will never have me.C:那..你就永远不会拥有我。

Chuck: I chased you for long enough, now it's time you chase me.C:我已经追逐你够长时间的了,现在,换你来追求我。

Chuck: The reason we can't say those three words to each other, isn't because they aren't true.C:我们无法对对方说出那些字的原因不是因为那些话是假的。Chuck: Look i'd rather wait.Maybe in the future...C:我宁愿再等等,也许在未来....Blair: I suppose there could be some excruciating pleasure in that.B:我猜那一定是极度痛苦的快乐吧。

B:I can’t answer N’question while I’m waiting for you to answer mine.What are we,Chuck?

B:当我还在等候你给我的回答的时候,我无法回答N给我的问题。(N向B求好。)C:I want you to be happy.C:我希望你能快乐。

B:Tell me if what you feel for me is real or if it is just a game.If it’s real,We will figure it out.But if it’s not...Then please,Chuck.Just let me go.B:告诉我,你对我的感觉是真的,还是那只是一场游戏?如果是真的,那我们会圆满的。如果那不是真的,那么,拜托你恰克,就让我离开吧。C:It’s just a game.C:这仅仅是一场游戏而已。

{此刻的C傻傻的认为B跟着N才会幸福。哎。S:Chuck,why did you do that? S:恰克,你为什么要那么做?

C:{大大的深呼吸}Because I love her.And I can’t make her happy.C:因为我爱她,而我自己不能带给她快乐。

Blair: Last year you told Nate, this year you told Serena.You tell everyone but me, why can't you tell me? B:去年你告诉奈尔,今年你告诉司琳娜,你告诉所有人除了我,为什么你不可以告诉我呢? Blair: You can't run, you have to stay here and here it this time.Chuck Bass, I love you.I love you so much it consumes me.I love you and I know you love me too.Tell me you love me and everything we've done, all the gossip and the lies and the hurt will have been for something.Tell me it was for something.B:你不可逃走。你此时此刻必须流下来。恰克柏斯,我爱你。我如此爱你,以致快要被爱耗尽。我爱你而 且我知道你也爱我。告诉我你爱我那一切都如我们所愿了。绯闻少女的谎言和伤害会变成某事而已。告诉 我,告诉我那些事情。Chuck: Maybe it was, but it's not anymore.C:也许曾经我有爱过,但,再也没有了。

Chuck: You were right.I was a coward running away again, but everywhere I went, you caught up with me.So I had to come back.C:你是对的。我是一个一次次逃跑的懦夫,但无论我去到那里,我都在想你,所以我必须回来。Blair: I want to believe you, but I can't.You hurt me too many times.B:我想要相信你,但是我无法做到。你伤害我太多次了。Chuck: You can believe me this time.C:你这一次可以相信我。Blair: Oh.That's it? B:哦?就这样? Chuck: I love you too.C:我也爱你。

Blair: But can you say it twice? No i'm serious, say it twice!


Chuck: I love you, I love you, that's three, four, I love you.C:我爱你,我爱你,这是第三次。第四次,我爱你。

C:I want you to be happy.(暗示做的所有事都是为了她。)However that's achieved.C:我只要你快乐。不管用什么方法来实现。{感人啊。} B:What if we need game?What if without them we are boring? B:其实如果我们需要游戏怎么办?万一没了游戏我们会对彼此厌烦怎么办? C:We could never be boring.C:我们永远不会彼此生厌。

B:You say that but i know you,you are chuck bass.B:你虽然这么说,但是我了解你,你是恰克柏斯。C:I am not chuck bass without you.C:没有你我不是恰克柏斯。C: And you'd do this to me? 看看你对我做了什么?

B: What are you talking about? 你在说什么呢?

C: I'm Chuck Bass,and I told you I love you.我是恰克·拜斯,我还告诉你我爱你。

You're saying I'm easier to win over than a bunch of pseudo-intellectual,homesick malcontents? 你说的是我比一群书呆子和恋家的愤青更容易赢吗? You'd really insult me like this.你这真是对我的耻辱。

B: That's not how it is.不是这样的。

C: It's exactly how it is.就是这样的。

So the next time you forget you're Blair Waldorf, 如果下次你忘了你是布莱尔·霍道夫,remember, i'm Chuck Bass, and I love you.记得,我是恰克·拜斯,我爱你。

Just gonna stand there and watch me burn 你是不是就打算站在那看着我五内如焚

But that’s alright because I like the way it hurts 不过没关系,因为我喜欢这心痛的感觉 Just gonna stand there and hear me cry 你是不是就打算站在那听着我哭泣

But that’s alright because I love the way you lie, I love the way you lie 不过没关系,因为我连你的谎言都爱,连你的谎言都爱




电影中的男主角是车太贤,在其中他扮演的是一名知名DJ,同时也曾是偶像团队的成员。女主角是韩国国民妹妹朴宝英,在电影中她是车太贤初三那年一夜情留下的骨肉,她在车太贤的事业重新冒出无限生机时带着她六岁的小孩(王锡玄 饰),即车太贤的孙子找他相认。太贤十分焦急,无论这个女儿和孙子是真是假,最关键的是不能让广大粉丝们知道自己的丑闻。暂时收留他们不成问题,可偏偏宝英又是个不折不扣的跟踪狂,既要工作又要保守秘密防止宝英和小孙子曝光,太贤开始了他忙碌得没头没脑的生活。






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