
时间:2019-05-12 00:39:35下载本文作者:会员上传



Hello everyone,good afternoon.It’s true that almost every one of you know this famous director,animator and cartoonist,and some of his famous or nameless movies.But today,what I’m going to talk about is the Ghibli studio,which is founded by this man ,and it’s also my favorite studio.First,Ghibli means the seasonal hot wind of the Sahara Desert,and the studio regards Totoro as their symbol.Because the movie My Neighbor,Totoro successfully prevented the studio from running out of business.P3-5

Now,I list the main works of the studio for you.Since most of them are so famous that there’s no need for me to talk about them in detail.I’m just give you a few seconds to take a look.And if you don’t see one or two of them,you can ask me for a favor,I have almost all of them except the last two.Besides,many of these works are rearranged from famous books or comics.P6

I want to tell you that I am a crazy fan of this studio and its works.But why?How can it fascinate me and many people around the whole Earth so much.From my perspective,some factors must be mentioned.P7

There are countless reasons that I want to list here.But in this presentation I will only show you the two most important reasons.First one is that the theme of its most famous and successful movies is always the relationship between human and nature.The second reason may make you feel strange and confused.But the Ghibli Museum is sure to add a bright touch to the studio.P8

It is known to all that the relationship between human and nature is an everlasting arguments.But the Ghibli Studio tells us the answer through its works.Some of you may have seen the movie The Valley Of The Winds or Princess Mononoke.Though I’m an environmental protector,each time I see these movie I will feel guilty.It’s not shy to admit that I want cry after seeing these movie.I’m confused by the fact that many people damage the environment and ignore the lament of the nature just for their own sake.And even myself don’t show enough respect to the nature.Each time I see the movie, the efforts of heroes and heroines and their love and respect to nature leave a deep impression on me.They tell me that as a member of the living beings on the earth.It’s our duty to love and protect our planet and get along with other species equally and friendly.P9

Let’s move to the second point.Maybe the reason is strange,but the Ghibli Museum undoubtedly makes me love the studio more deeply.First of all,I want to ask has anyone of you been there? P10 Actually,photographing is not allowed inside the house.Some of these pictures come from the Internet.First is the bus you have to take to reach the museum.Get off the bus ,you should follow the finger posts.P11

Then comes the ticket office,where you can buy the ticket,but I buy the ticket on a machine in LOWSON,many people will go there,so you must buy the ticket in advance.And the door of the museum.After entering the museum you will exchange your ticket to a special one.And the interesting restroom.P12-13 And some details.You must have seen some of them in the movie.P14 The happy time always passed quickly.That’s the end ,thanks for your attention


















P14总体上各项制度基本执行到位,管理安全大致顺畅有序。(PPT)P15其他主要工作补充: P162017年的工作中,同样也存在着不少问题 P17






6、装修、施工过程中没有提前做好完整规划以至于返工,对公司利益造成不必要的损失 P18其他主要工作补充: P19P20一元复始,气象万千,新的成绩催生新的起点,新的希望承载新的使命。2018年我们将面临更加严峻的经济形势,市场竞争也愈加激烈,企业需要加强自身的人才队伍建设,坚持“走出去,引进来”战略,通过不断学习和创新,提高自身综合实力。








Hello every, I’d like to recommend you a song today.First of all, please enjoy a music video.Just now you see this music video is from a rock band who’s named Kodaline.If you are deeply attracted by the song, please join me in exploring this stunning song.The accompaniment of this song was used as the background music of Google zeitgeist in 2012.This song make people extrapolate.And its video is filled with the meaning of the deep.First, let’s see the general situation about the bank.Kodaline is a-basedquartet.Originally known as 21 Demands, the band made chart history in March 2007, when their debut single “Give Me A Minute” topped the;becoming the first independently-released track to achieve the feat.In 2011 the band changed its name to Kodaline.Kodaline is a band form Ireland, which include four members.Stephen Garrigan is the lead singer.Their guitarist is Mark Prendergast.Vinny May Jr acts as a drummer.Vinny May Jr and Mark Prendergast are best friends in their childhood.Jason Boland is the last member and he is the bass player.They organized this band in1989.Then let’s enjoy the lyric.….As you can see, the lyric full of the breath of sorrow.We can achieve resonance easily.In fact I like this song’s video is more than the song itself.In the video, the hero is a man of very ugly appearance.People always dislike him and even ignore him because of his ugly appearance.But when he saw the actress smiled at him, which he felt that life is beautiful.When I watched the man fight for his sweetheart, how moved I’m!Which make me think of the Notre Dame de Paris.In our life, maybe we can’t decide our appearance by ourselves, but we can model powerful character and kind heart.Only in this way, can we obtain our love and hope.As we all know, music is mankind’s friends.Music is inspirable from creative.Some people will be inspired by the phenomenon.I think that most time music is a story, which reflect our society and human nature.I really like this song, not only because its melody, but also for its far-reaching significance.This is , my favorite song, I hope that all of you like it.Thank you.































全家福 活动结束后大家都和小朋友们合影留念,我们看出了他们的不舍,我们又何尝不是呢,美好的时光总是有限的,但是我们之间的友谊是永远不会改变的。(边展示边说)


第五篇:PPT 演讲稿

Slide 1: Very good morning/afternoon to Dr.Olga Onoshchenko, Ms.Aneta Dent and Ms.Legha Momtazian.Today I am going to present business enterprise and Accounting.My presentation is going to take 8 minutes of your time.If you have any questions, you can ask me at the end of my presentation.Slide 2: Here is the outline for my presentation.At the beginning, my presentation is going to cover a brief introduction of the role of enterprise and application of accounting principles in practice, and then I will highlight the main body of my presentation which contains three aspects.They are the role of accountancy in the long term performance and survival of business and how this informs and supports the managerial decision making process.Finally, I will give a conclusion for this topic and display the references which helped me to conduct the literature review.Slide 3: Here is the introduction of the main body.I will introduce from three aspects as slide shows:

• The concept of enterprise and application of accounting principles in practice • Examine value and value creation as factors that determine competitive advantage

in the market and then explore how and why economic activity develops • The role of accountancy in the long term performance and survival of business and

how this informs and supports the managerial decision making process.And then, I

will expound separately these aspects.(Next Click)

Slide 4: Enterprise concept is the enterprise in the sustainable operation and long-term development of enterprises, inherit the tradition, meet the requirements of the times, actively advocated by entrepreneurs, staff consciously practice, so as to form representatives of enterprises faith to stimulate the vitality and promote enterprise production, team spirit and norms of behavior.According to the different arrangement, enterprise concept is divided into spiritual culture and organization two type.In economic form, enterprises are the main participants in the market economy activities.Market economic activities cannot go smoothly without the enterprise production and sales activities, Therefore, the enterprise production and operating activities directly related with the development of market economy.Enterprises are the direct undertakers in social production and circulation.The main process of social and economic activities in the production and circulation are undertook and completed by enterprises.Leave the enterprise, social economic activities will be interrupted or stop.The status of the enterprise's production and economic benefits can directly affect the national economy and the improvement of people's living level.Enterprise is the main force of social economic and technological progress.Enterprises not only create and bring about social wealth in the competition, but also produce advanced technology and advanced production tools, which promote the whole social economic and technological progress in the through the production and business activities in the economic activities.Slide 5 : Creation of the enterprise's creation of value and continuous development.It's pointed out that the creation of the enterprise's social value is an important means of improving its competitive power.Create value is significance of the enterprises.Enterprise value can be an enterprise's value idea that reflect the enterprise must make their own value recognized in order to survive and develop in the fierce market competition, and constantly seek the way to maximize the value of strategic target engaged in various business activities.The first step in achieving an organization focus on value creation is understanding the sources and drivers of value creation within the industry, company, and marketplace.As Robert S.Kaplan and David P.Norton wrote in their book Strategy Maps: Converting Intangible Assets into Tangible Outcomes.If customers value consistent quality, then the skills, systems, and processes that produce and deliver quality products and services are highly valuable to the organization.If customers value innovation and high performance, then the skills, systems, and processes that create new products and better services take on high value.Consistent alignment of actions and capabilities with the customer value proposition is the core of strategy execution.Creating value for customers helps sell products and services, while creating value for shareholders, means stock price increasing and the future availability of investment capital to fund operations insured.If companies are to focus on the value created for the customer, manager must have a method of recognizing and evaluating that value.Consider that how value proposition can be applied to the benefit of the customers, and to drive the company's employees to further enhance the value created.Slide 6: The Financial Accounting Standards Board(FASB)uses the basic accounting principles and guidelines as a basis for their own detailed and comprehensive set of accounting rules and standards(Benston, 2006).Accounting principles consists of three important sets of rules:(1)The basic accounting principles and guidelines,(2)The detailed rules and standards issued by FASB and its predecessor the Accounting Principles Board(APB),(3)The generally accepted industry practices(Belkaoui, 2004).The practice of accounting is a highly skilled and technical profession that affects public welfare.It is entirely appropriate for the state to regulate the profession by means of a licensing system for accountants.Accounting keeps track of not only current financial information but also a history, which will aid not only employees but outside interested parties as well.Two types of users rely upon financial accounting-external and internal.Accounting help improve the effectiveness of the business.In every business companies, there is a need for a competent and efficient accounting, it is a key to success in financial world.Every business companies need to set up a specialized department to train accounting to enhance financial developing.Slide 7: Here is the references list

Slide 8: Thank you for your time.



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