
时间:2021-01-31 12:41:46下载本文作者:会员上传





The seventh harry potter movie opened to a jaw—dropping $330 million in global ticket sales over the weekend,underscoring the magical powers of the Warner brothers marketing and distribution departments.That brawny total easily made “harry potter and the deathly hallows: part1” no.1 in north America,where the boy wizard generated an estimated $125.1 million.The strong results for the film reflect the continued popularity of J.K.Rowling’s harry potter books,and “deathly hallows” also earned strong reviews.But equally important was a yearlong,full—court press by Warner’s global marketing chief,sue kroll,to position” deathly hallows” as a must—see event for children and adults alike.The advertising campaign played up the sophisticated,darker elements of the plot.Harry and pals are now grown up,for instance,and the good—versus—evil battle is intensifying as the story line reaches its climax.“Deathly hallows” beat “Alice in wonderland’ to become the top opening movie in Imax history.Imax showings on 239 screens accounted for $12.4 million of the domestic box office and contributed $16.6 million of the international gross.The harry potter series will conclude with the 3—D release of the second half of “deathly hallows” on July 15.


The series of Harry Potter books is great!It was written by J.K.Rowling.A normal boy called Harry Potter suddenly found that he was a wizard,his parents were killed by Lord Voldemort when he was only 1 years old.Then he went to Hogwarts,a school which teach wizards and witches how to use magic,to study.At there,he learned many things,and made friends with Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley.When he was 15,he understood that he was the only person who can kill the Dark Lord,Voldemort.Then Harry started to prepare to kill him.His friends stayed with him to help him.After many difficulties,at the age of 17,they finally finished the task.The whole world was saved by Harry,and became peaceful again.I can not describe so much in this short passage,but,really,the books are worth watching.You can learn many things in it,for example,many kinds of love.Your feeling goes with the story,you will laugh,you will cry,and you can not forget it.So come to enjoy it!


Do you like Harry Potter?If you do,you and other Harry fans may be heartbroken when the Harry Potter series ends.In the 7th book,the most important adults in Harrys life are already dead.He will still have his closest friends,but it seems he will face the fight with the dark lord,Voldemort,in a lonely position.Rowling said two main characters may die in the last bookof Harry Potter,but she didnt say who.Some people think they may be Harry Potter and Lord Voldemort.Some think they may be his two best friends,Ron and Hermione.Who will die?Lets wait for the answer.Thats all.Thank you!


Hello, everyone!My name is ZhouZheng, I’m so glad to have a speech for you all today!Well, do you know what the focus is in my following speech? Ha-ha, nobody knows? OK, here we go!Let me lead you to a magic world!

Look, who’s that? ZhouZheng? Oh, no, I meant the one on the right!It’s Harry Potter!I bet you all know him, or at least have heard about him before!In fact, he is so fascinating that I have actually attracted by him, especially for his magic world!

As you can see, whether in the movies or in reality, Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley are always standing by Harry’s side.In other words, they are good friends indeed!That is what I envy mostly.However, It’s quiet an interesting story about Harry Potter’s born.Why? Well, it is said that when J.K.Rowling was traveling on a train, suddenly the idea of creating the boy who named Harry Potter occurred her, then, Harry’s series books eventually came to this world.And there is one thing that I should mention: J.K.Rowling, the author of Harry Potter, has finished her first book in Edinburgh, where is very beautiful and natural!Oh, look at this, have you recalled something happy in your childhood?

Look, do you know who she is? Well, I do think most of you should remember her name, yeah;she is Hermione Granger, the incarnation of wisdom and beauty!In Harry Potter’s world, she is a very vital girl who not only often answers teacher’s questions perfectly, but also helps Harry face many difficulties frequently.Muggle though she is, she is better at magic than many witches!On such a nice girl I can only say that I love her!Then, how about you?

To be honest, when we refer to Hermione Granger, we cannot ignore another person who named Ron Weasley, because he is the boy friend of Hermione, eh, not all right, they have gotten married in the end of the story.However, that’s not the point, personally speaking, he is not smart as Hermione, he is not famous as Harry, he is not powerful as Draco Malfoy, however, he is not only pure, but also loyal to Harry.He has company with Harry going though many sorrows, however, they also shared many happiness together.A friend in need is a friend indeed, so is Ron!

This is Albus Dumbledore, I do think he is a real hero who can protect Harry Potter, and beat Voldemort at the same time, or at least, beat back Voldemort.However, others may do not think so, but there is nobody who can change my mind in the world, unless, you are Dumbledore.And this is Voldemort, the man who have strong magic power and a wild ambition on ruling the magic world.In brief, we can call him big boss!

In fact, Harry Potter’s world is quiet wonderful, here are powerful heroes, and also some strong enemies;here are not only fierce battles, but also romantic kisses.In Harry’s world, you will find what love is, however, and the death.To be honest, when Sirius Black passed away, I burst into tears;when Dumbledore passed away, I burst out crying!Sometimes, I can truly feel Harry’s feeling, including sorrows and misses, especially after joining in this university.I miss my parents, but they are not here;I miss my sister, but she is studying in Canada;I miss my brother, but he is at Fujian now;I miss my friends, but they are scattering from place to place…and sometimes, I can even meet my grandfather in a beautiful situation, however, when I wake up, tears fall down and just can’s stop……So, do you understand the feeling of missing someone? Well, you may cannot describe it clearly, however, I can, because I have the same feeling as Harry have.It is just like that you will spend a long hard time to turn the ice-cold water you have drunk into hot

tears.We human-beings, always follow our heart, and miss some persons, whether in other places, or in the beautiful heavens.But tears cannot make any wonders, unless we have treasured before missing it.Therefore, from now on, we should learn to treasure all the thing we have, even though you may think you don’t have anything.Whatever, life on the go, treasure all, miss less, and make wonders.


Good morning, everyone.My name is Iris.I’m from the School of Journalism and Communication.Today, before I tell you my presentation topic, I want to show you some pictures and ask several questions.Ok, now, let’s begin.Have you heard about a place like this? Do you know these scenes? Are you familiar with these people?

Well, I suppose that many of you have guessed what I will say.Today, I’m going to talk about a famous film——Harry Potter.Wellcome to Hogwarts, Hogwarts is a magic school of witch and wizard, lies in London.Its students come from every country, every area and everywhere.Because Hogwarts accepts every child who was born with magic potential.When these children are 11 years old, they will receive a letter from Hogwarts, be told that they are addmitted by Hogwarts.What’s fun, the letter isn’t send by postman or anyone else but a owl [aul].Hogwarts were divided/separated into four colleges.They are Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff and Slytherin.The four colleges were established/found by 4 old famous wizards and witchs in In ancient times, who were also the founders of Hogwarts.Gryffindor symbolizes courage, Ravenclaw symbolizes intelligence, Hufflepuff symbolizes diligence and Slytherin only accepts the pure blood,whose parents are both witch and wizard.Which college students belong to is decided by the sorting hat.After the introduction of Hogwarts, let’s come to introduce characters.This is our main character, Harry Potter, a brave and smart boy, loved by lots of people.Harry’s birth is unusual, his parents were killed by Lord Voldemort, an evil wizard who scares everyone in the world of wizardry.Harry kept living with his aunt’s family until he was 16 years old, an age that he has became an adult.In Hogwarts, he is a gryffindor student.He as well as his friends experienced lots of amazing and mysterious things in the magical world.This is Ron Weasley, Harry’s best friend, comes from a wizard family, acted by Rupert Grint.Ron is very funny, but sometimes is insensitive and immature.He is also easily shy.Ron is a honest friend, he is always in favor of Harry once Harry faced with diffficulties.Later, Ron fell in love with Hermione Granger and they married at last.The beautiful girl is Hermione Granger, Harry’s good friend, a bright and pretty girl but mud bloods, whose parents are muggles.Muggle means non-magical people.Hermione is good at study, she is always the top one in the grade.She is enthusiasm, but sometimes has perfect socialist tendency.She makes full use of her wisdom solved many problems when Harry and Ron are trapped into terrible situation.Hermione is acted by Emma Watson, a beautiful and intelligent girl, has been admitted to Yale University.I like Emma very much.This is Albus Dumbledore, Hogwarts’principal, a great wizard.He has awesome magic.Dumbledone is always protecting Harry, and he is the only person who can scare Voldmort.This is Severus Snape, Potions prefessor of Hogwarts.Snape is a complex character in the film.He hates Harry because Harry’s father, James Potter, was his rival in love, and stole his beloved, Lily.But meanwhile, he has to protect Harry since Harry is Lily’s son.Snape is always trapped into pains because Love, resentment(怨恨), remorse(悔恨), all struggled in his heart.In the last film, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Snape was killed by Vorldmort, but his memory told us all we didn’t know before.And we were all touched by him.The man is Sirius Black, Harry’s godfather.He’s Harry’s parents’ honest friend.But it’s a pity that Sirus was killed by a Death Eaters in the Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix, the fifth of the series.The boy is Draco Malfoy, Slytherin student, Harry’s sworn enemy at school.Malfoy is sly,arrogant [ærəɡənt](傲慢的),maybe has a little ambition.He also has a hardhearted(冷酷的)appearance.But he is not very bad.In Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Price,he didn't kill Dumbledore.Because he

isn’t cruel enough.And in the end, he realized his errors and began to be a kind person.She is Ginny Weasley, Ron’s younger sister.She likes Harry all the time but at the beginning Harry just treat her as his sister.With time flies, Harry gradually fell in love with Ginny and they married finally.This is Neville Longbottom,a boy looks silly but in fact he is very brave and friendly, played by Matthew Lewis.When Neville grew up, he surprised everyone.The little stupid boy has turned into a handsome man.The man looks scaring is Lord Voldmort, an evil and dark wizard.His original name is Tom Riddle.He has the ambition for world conquest.People dare to say his name, they call him the Mysterious Man.He murdered Harry’s parents when Harry was a little baby.Voldmort was followed by a crowd of Death Eaters, plan to kill Harry deliberately, but die of his own curse at last.Well, now, we have known some main characters.There many curses, let’s have a look.Such as Expecto Patronum, means 呼神护卫,守护神咒,and Obliviate,means一忘皆空, the third is Reducto, means粉碎咒, the fourth is Wingardium Leviosa,悬浮咒 and so on.Here are three Unforgivable Curses.【不可饶恕咒】

These curses are very evil [i:vəl] and can cause people die.Harry’s parents were just killed by Voldmort’s Avada Kedavra.When I was a child, I was eager to own special magic, but to my disappointment it’s impossible.Harry Potter is my favorite film when I was a teenager.I am a real fan of it.I grow up with Harry Potter together.So he played an important role in my adolescent.Although the series of Harry Potter has already ended, I’m still fond of it.I learned mangy significant qualities from Harry Potter, such as braveness, friendliness and unity.The real topic of the film is growing up with love.I made the PowerPoint is not only for today’s presentation, but also in honor of Harry Potter as well as my youth years when I was addicted to it/fascinated with it.That’s all, thanks for your listening.


Good afternoon everyone.The topic of my presentation is harry potter.This is the outline of my talk.I will go through three parts: author, the series of the books, main character.Now let us go to my first part, author.I know her not only from harry potter, but for a speech that she make in the Harvard University, that name is “The Fringe Benefits of Failure, and the Importance of Imagination”.My second part is the series of the books.In my third part I want to introduce three persons that are main characters in the book.Harry James Potter is the titular character and the protagonist of Harry Potter series.Harry learns more than magic at Hogwarts.He makes new friends and learns how important and difficult it is to be a good friend.Harry also learns to be brave and to do things he used to be afraid of.He learns the truth about his past ,a dark secret that will make his life and his choices more difficult.At Hogwarts ,Harry also learn about the power of love.Hermione had bushy(浓密的)brown hair and brown eyes.Hermione had a brilliant mind.She exceled at most subjects and often used her quick wit and encyclopedic knowledge to help them.RON and harry meet for the first time in Platform nine and three quarters,as the best friend of Harry Potter and Hermione Granger.RON like playing wizard chess, and eager to teach harry how to play.The central story arc(循弧线前进)concerns Harry„s struggle against the evil(邪恶的)wizard Lord(主人)Voldemort(伏地魔), who killed Harry‟s parents and many other innocent(无罪的)people in his quest(调查)to conquer(征服)the wizarding world and subjugate(使服从)non-magical people,who were called Muggles in the magical world.Harry is the last winner

This is all my presentation.Thank you.


Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1


Ministry 魔法部 Muggle 麻瓜

death eater 食尸人 obliviate 一忘皆空 The Order 凤凰会

Godric’s Hollow葛德里山谷 Infiltrate 混进 v Abomination 坏事 Goblin 妖精 Horcrux聚魂器

Ambush 埋伏 Bequest 遗物 Half-blood 混血 Splinch 分身 v.Lumos 荧光闪烁 treacherous 奸诈的 enchante 施法 piss尿

filthy 肮脏的Useful expressions

as inspiring as I find 尽管我很欣赏

give one’s way do sth.用自己的方式做某事 have sb.mate with sb.让某人与某人通婚 diffuse the tension 缓和紧张气氛 This is a false trail.这是误导.I’d like to volunteer myself for this task.我自愿执行这个任务.We’ll have time for a cozy catch-up later.现在没时间闲话家常。We’ve got to get the hell out of here.我们要离开这里。We didn’t stand a chance.我们总算死里逃生。It’s always been bigger than that.一直都是如此。Always the tone of surprise.你总是大惊小怪。Don’t let me spoil the fun.别因为我扫你们的兴。



Why Voldemort must be the one to kill Harry Porter? Does he envy Porter? How could Voldemort control death eater? Use food or others?

Voldemort can’t accept persons mate with Muggle.Is this a kind of racialism? Why did Hermione love Ron not Harry?

Does Voldemort finally collected the three deathly harrows? What’s the real identity of Elphias?

Ideas about the movie

From the beginning to the end of this movie, a lot of questions and puzzles come

into my mind, for it is my first time to watch the serious of Harry Potter.I have no knowledge of it, however, I still catch sight of some charming scenes of this movie.(1)Dark times VS.Love

At the beginning of the movie, the director tells us there is no denying that these are dark times, so the movie sets up a tense atmosphere.However, we can still feel the existence of love.In the Hemione’s house, her mother prepares a cup of hot tea for her.At this time, her parents sit together to watch TV.Then the director shows a lot of photos in Hemione’s home.All of those scenes extend us a harmonious family.In order to keep her parents’ safe, Hemione has to erase their memory using the magic “obliviation”.For my part, I think the love among them can enhance the courage of Hemione to fight for Voldemort.For Harry, when he watches the family of Dudley leaving away from the window, he feels sad.In my opinion, this kind of sadness is the reflection of love to friends and hometown.As a result, their battle with Voldemort is righteous.Then in the wedding of Bill and Lotus, we are moved by the kiss between Harry and Genny, although the coming of Ron disturbs the romantic feeling.This kind of love is also the shinning spot of this movie.(2)Virtue VS.Evil

At first, we see an entertaining “conference of evil” chaired by Voldemort, discussing how and where to snatch Harry.As the representation of evil, Voldemort says he must be the one to kill Harry Potter.To some degree, for my part, it is a kind of respect to his opponent.Then, in the next scene, Bathilda who is pretended by Nigini, a boa constrictor, plans to attack Harry.Form these scenes, we learn that Voldemort is full of wisdom too.In my opinion, the director want to tell us that evil can not defeat virtue at last.(3)Hero Harry VS.Common Harry

It is no doubt that Harry is a hero, especially in the teenagers’ minds.He is brave.For example, when he finds the sword is not the true one, he intends to search for it although Ron leaves.He is considerate.After Ron leaves, Harry intends to cheer Hermione up, so he dances with her, listening to a beautiful song.At the same time, he is handsome.It seems that he owns all the features that hero ought to have.These qualities hold him in respect.On the other hand, he is also a common person.He could be ill.Sometimes he is cheated by foxy enemy.He also has conflicts with friends, such as Ron.When he quarrels with Ron, he feels depressed.All of those prove he is a common person too.We like him not just because he is a hero, but also because he is a common one who is related to our real life.



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