Today I want to introduce my favorite basketball star.And these are his accomplishments he acquired in recent years.This is quite amazing.Tracy Mcgrady, nicknamed 麦子(that‘s why I choice the picture), t—mac was born in May24, 1979.He is 2.03 meters high, a very suitable height for playing basketball.And his position is shooting guard and small forward.Next, there is no denying that the mention of his career is necessary.From 1997 to 2000,he played for Toronto Raptors(多伦多猛龙队).At that time , Tracy was just a benchwarmer(替补球员).A year after he came here ,his cousin Vince Carter became a member of Raptors and quickly became the soul of team.He was overshadowed by his cousin(NBA star Vince Carter文斯·卡特).So he wanted to go to other teams to be a starter(首发球员).In 2000, T-Mac was traded to the Orlando Magic where he kept on improving.In the 2002-03 season he averaged 32 points per game, the following season he averaged 28 points per game, and he got 62 points against the Washington Wizards late in the year.In Orlondo Magic, T-Mac arrived in his perfect physical condition and reached the top of his career.In 2004, T-Mac came to Houston Rockets, became Yao Ming’s teammate.All the basketball fans of Rockets believed that with these two guys they would get the champion.The future seemed bright… Later , he came to Detroit pistons(活塞)
Atlanta hawks(老鹰)double star of
SAN Antonio spurs(马刺)
In addition, he has his unique labels.First, his legs are thin but it seems very powerful.Second, his charming eyes are very attractive.Besides, what impresses me most is his big palm.He can catch the ball with one hand.But there is always hard behind the glories.I admire him not just because of his accomplishments.His attitude towards life taught me a lot.To be NO.1 is not only his faith, but also mine.In the end, may 24 was his birthday.Here I want to wish my idol happy birthday.视频
That’s all.Thank you!
姓名:特雷西·麦克格雷迪(Tracy Mcgrady)
呢称:T-MAC 生日: 1979-5-24
号码: 1 位置:得分后卫
身高: 2.03 米体重: 98公斤
得分: 62分(03/10/04 对奇才)进攻篮板: 10个(02/29/00 对公牛)
投篮命中: 20次(2次)防守篮板: 12个(2次)
出手次数: 37次(2次)篮板总数: 17个(02/03/02 对马刺)
三分命中: 8次(3次)助攻: 13次(4次)
三分出手: 16次(02/02/03 对老鹰)抢断: 6次(03/15/02 对掘金)
罚球命中: 18次(12/25/02 对活塞)盖帽: 7个(03/19/00 对火箭)
罚球次数: 26次(03/10/04 对奇才)上场时间: 55分钟(02/28/03 对尼克斯)
特雷西.麦克格雷迪 [Tracy.McGrady] 是一个NBA联盟里最全面的篮球得分后卫之一,曾加盟多伦多猛龙-> 奥兰多魔术-> 休斯顿火箭->
纽约尼克斯等NBA球队。在魔术队时是麦迪的顶尖时期,被称为“冰人二世”,加盟火箭后更是备受喜欢称为“T-MAC“。在22连胜期间,经常有球迷打出”T-MAC 4
T-MAC麦迪1代是阿迪达斯为麦迪 [Tracy.McGrady]
推出的第一款专署签名球鞋,也是T-MAC麦迪篮球鞋系列中最为早的一款篮球鞋。这款T-MAC,是麦迪到魔术队后的第二个赛季装备的篮球鞋,麦迪1代最大特点是采用了贝壳头外形设计,鞋前掌放射状的设计,后跟“1”的标志。主要科技是前掌adiPRENE+避震胶与外底Torsion System抗扭转系统,大底使用Non
T-MAC 麦迪1代篮球鞋
T-MAC麦迪2代篮球鞋是麦迪1代的“幽灵版”。鞋头那有棱的Shell-Toe被去掉了,取而代之的只是原来贝壳头花纹的几根线条。而整个外观也因此变得更加圆滑,更流线型了。一个新的T-Mac标志出现在脚踝附近,是由T和M两个字母,再加上T-Mac的背号“1”共同组成类似篮球表面的纹路,比起麦迪1代简单的椭圆里嵌个一号来,这个标志要耐看得多。这款是由ADIDAS著名的设计师塔莉.坎德里安设计,其科技沿袭了一代的前掌adiPRENE+避震胶与Torsion System抗扭转系统,同样适合外场作战。
由于受麦迪2代的热销,阿迪达斯很快就推出了T-MAC 3代。阿迪达斯对麦迪3代的外型进行了大幅度的变化,但保留了麦迪系列惯有的舒适性原则,球鞋的内外侧使用不同材质和不同花纹。整款球鞋采用不对称设计,犹如蜘蛛网般的鞋面花纹,科技与前两代一样也是前掌adiPRENE+避震胶与Torsion System抗扭转系统。
Sports Wood第一次把木头植入鞋的中底加强稳定性,代替了之前几代的Torsion
T-MAC麦迪6代的设计灵感来自于特雷西.麦克格雷迪 [Tracy.McGrady]
打球的方式以及他在球场上的创造性。麦迪6代最显著的特点就是高度可视化的ADIDAS ForMotion 技术。阿迪达斯ForMotion
技术可以让运动员在球场快速奔跑时有超凡的控制力并且可以自发调整适应球场地面状况。T-MAC 6代鞋底的5个独立地面控制组件不仅可以实现传统缓冲技术难以实现的多项缓冲减震,还可以提供更强大的抓地性能和运动可控性,从而进一步减少对膝盖和脚踝的有害冲击力,大大减少脚掌过度外翻的几率,也就是说,穿着者的移动更敏捷的同时,身体也会更加安全。麦迪6代充分体现了ADIDAS
ForMotion 技术和麦迪无限创意的完美结合。外底用Non-marking的橡胶大底,所以尽量在内场打。
ADIDAS T-MAC Team signature
ADIDAS T-MAC Team signature
是团队篮球鞋的意思,是阿迪达斯兄弟理念篮球鞋系列的一款。基本上使用的都是adidas比较经典的科技,无论是减震还是防扭转基本上都和以前的篮球鞋差不多。总的说,ADIDAS T-MAC Team
ADIDAS T-MAC麦迪8代采用了阿迪达斯ClimaCool
manuscript Host: hey , welcoming, they are both NBA All-stars, they both play for the Huston Rocket.And they’re both Chinese, oh no, actually only one is Chinese.But they’re both enormous.Please say hello to Huston Rocket Tracy McGrady and YaoMing!
Welcome!Thank you for being here.Now, which one one of you is from China?(姚明指向麦迪)
Host: it would be him, all right!Besides being team-mates, you guys are pretty close friends, right? Yaoming: yeah,you know.Host: and do you like to hangout together outside the…..Mc: well, considering this guy is a video game freak, he never leaves the hotel.Host: really? What video game do you play? Yaoming : you passed that age already.host : you passed that age already.Yaoming : I mean you.Host: oh, yeah, I’m to old for video games.By the way, you are pass that height for video games.Cos I guess probably it’s hard for you guys to blend in.and it must be difficult to go out.Mc: it’s hard for him, Yao is a guy, you see, 7’5’’.Host: not too many guy, not too many guy are 7’5’’.But you ….You still live with your parents,right? Yaoming : yeah, I’m still stay with my parents.In china, people usually stay with parents before you’re married.Host: we get out like, 14, here.That’s our move.Yes, that,s the custom in China to stay until you get married.Yaoming : yeah.Host: so you must be dying to get married right away.Tracy ,yao wants you to get him a place, you know ,you’re in American, now.maybe save up and get him an apartment or something like that.Mc: I’m trying to get him out, trying to get him out more, he has a girlfriend, a lady to be together.That’d be the thing I wasn’t supposed to tell everybody there.Yaoming: I keep your secret.Mc: I’m sorry ,yao.I apologize.Host :and so , you ever go by the house, where yao’s parents were there?? And…you knock the door and say :”can yao come out and play?”, or….Yaoming : oh, that’s cool.Host: well no, I mean it’s usually because honestly , you know, I mean it’s different for us.Because it’s your custom, but here our custom is if you have more 11 dollars, move out of your parents’ house.Oh,Tracy , you have a big party in Vegas for the all-star game, right? Yaoming : absolutely, yeah.Mc : I mean, P-Daddy Puffy whatever you wanna call him.Yeah ,we have a party.Host: will you go to the party, yao? Yao: what will be happening in that party? Mc: I will stay in that party!Yao: I mean like, you know, what happenes in Vegas stay in Vegas.Mc: yes, good, yeah, yeah.He’s learning!he is learning
Host: if you did go there, will your parents come with you to Vegas for the Allstar game ? Yao: I don’t know!
Mc : you don’t know, yeah, you don’t have rooms.Host : well, this is the custom there.This is a very interesting fact, the most popular NBA jersey in China not Yaoming, but actually Tracy McGrady’s jersey is.Not a joke, I’m not kidding, it really is.Yao: yeah.Host: how does that happen? Mc: I don’t know, I really don’t know!I’ve been over there several times, and each time I go over there, I always take a special gift for all my Chinese fans.I have a limited edition of my signature shoe and..Host: and you give it to everyone in China? Mc: oh, no….come on … honestly, I don’t know why it is.Host: oh, yao ,you might know, because you are from there, you know why is Tracy so popular there in china.Yaoming: why? Host: yeah.Yaoming :nice guy!Host: but it’s weird that he’s jersey would sell better than yours!Yaoming :because they all have mine already!Host : all right ,that make sense.What do you like about America? This question is for both of you.what do you like best about it.Yaoming : Me? Host : yeah, we’ll start with you and we’ll go to Tracy.Yaoming: you drive a car Host: you like driving? Yaoming :yeah!I like driving!Particular… Host:They don’t like driving in China?
Yaoming : well, it’s…my city, my hometown in China is pretty crowded, traffic all way around ,and day and night.So… Host: what kind of car do you drive? Yaoming :it’s an SUV, it’s big style.Mc: I told him he had to get rid of it cos he had a BMW, because he was like..(做开车状)I told him he had to get an SUA, man.Host: when you are done playing basketball, will you move back to China ? or you stay here? Yaoming : I haven’t planned that yet.Host : you haven’t planned that yet? You don’t know? And Tracy you will stay here, right? Mc: you know what? Actually I don’t know, man.Cos I wanna play baseball also ,they love me so much over there, I figure I’ll play baseball there.Host: that’s not a bad idea!How’s your health? I know you’ve been having some problems.Mc: yeah, back spasms, it’s the worst, you ever had them?
Host: No, no, no…I heard the fake though…just to pretend things from… Mc: yeah…..Host: No it’s mystery, it’s mystery!Yao, have you ever had back spasms? Yaoming: no, I think it was terriable!Host: did you ever rub Tracy’s back when he has back spasms?
Mc: it’s funny as you just said something like that.Cos we were in the back I just found out.this guy, he’s Asian I guess, asked him something about what he likes doing and what did he do yesterday.He said, I guess, watched a movie ,or so, man.This Asian’s like: Brokeback mountain? And I’m not sure if he knew what the movie’s about.He’s like: yeah , man, Tracy watched it.Host : that’s very nice!I have an imagine you and Tracy and you parents right in the middle of the…
You guys seem like had a lot of fun, I appreciate your coming and merry Cheristmas!And hope that back spasms will be aii right soon.Thanks for Tracy McGrady and Yaoming,everybody!Merry cheristmas!