
时间:2019-05-11 23:33:16下载本文作者:会员上传


My Definition of Success

Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen.Today, the title of my speech is “My Definition of Success”.It’s a safe bet that you have talked about success for thousands of times.What usually come to our mind are those great achievements and shining cases like Abraham Lincoln abolishing slavery in the United States or Steve Jobs inventing iphone, But to me, success is just in each time we rise up to challenges.Why is success so dear to everybody? Because it is not easy to come by, because in the process of our striving for success, we have both our body and soul tempered, and we are enlightened by the most valuable qualities of human beings: confidence, courage, love, fortitude, patience and sense of responsibility.These are the best treasure a person can ever possess, and these are the greatest power for us to strive for the truth and happiness.We are gathering here not only hoping to get good grades but hoping to make progress in our speech, otherwise you can just copy some materials on the Internet instead of writing this speech seriously.The concept of success is not constant but relative because the nature of difficulty is also relative.If you are a shy person by nature who easily suffers from stage fright, had to pluck up great courage to stand here and finish your speech, you are successful;if you are good at speech, getting more speech experience and making some progress is your

success.For me, if I get good grades, it will be a great success for me.What’s your definition of success? Everybody has his own interpretations just as I do.There is one thing for sure, that is every kind of success leads you to an ever brighter future.My friends , believe in yourselves that you can make the best of yourselves.Thank you.


On the way to success

Good morning, teachers and my dear students,Today I am very glad to be here to share my ideas of success with you.My topic is on the way to success.Nowadays,when talking about success, mostly the first image comes into our mind is a business man with high social status, apartment, and quite a lot of property.So most people believe that is success and all that they do is for this purpose.Yes,it’s right for us to pursue this.But as far as us ,is it the real success ?

Frankly,walth and fame are symbols of success.While,it doesn’t just mean that but to try your best.To a football player,scoring on the field is success.To a soldier, killing the enemy is success.To a saleman, saling goods is success.No matter which kind success is your respect,it never comes to us accidentally, but as a result of continuous prepartory work.Without adequate preparations, most of our efforts would be random and we probably end up with failure.Devotion, I think, is a key factor if we want to succeed,which means that we must concentrate our mind and effort on everything.Whatever job we are doing, we must love and be completely occupied with it.As long as we devote , there will always be harvested.A strong will, wise thinking,action and diligence are essential when we are on the way to make it.As we all know there is a will ,there is a way, Set your goal and trace on it, make a small progress day by day, one month later it will be a big difference.What’s more,with being determined we won’t give up easily when we meet difficulties.As Thomas Alva Edison said that genius is one percent inspiration,ninety-nine percent perspiration.Edison once tried more than 3000 materials in order to test out the most suitable one of wire.He strongly believed that although he had less talent, hard working may compensate for his deficiency.And finally, he became a inventor of the bulb.Learning from Thomas Alva Edison, we would firmly hold that industry lead to success.There is no serect of success,if anything,it’s your ubiquitous confidence,passion that makes you stand out.So ladies and gentlemen, believe in our hopes, believe in ourselves, we, every one of us, can be a successful man!

That’s all.Thank you.


Good morning, teachers and my fellow students, Today I am very glad to be here to share my ideas of success with you.What is success? It is what everyone is longing for.Sometimes success would be rather simple.Winning a game is success;getting a high grade in the exam is success;making a new friend is success;even now I am standing here giving my speech is somehow also success.However, as a person’s whole life is concerned, success becomes very complicated.Is fortune success? Is fame success? Is high social status success? No, I don’t think so.I believe success is the realization of people’s hopes and ideals.Nowadays, in the modern society there are many people who are regarded as the successful.And the most obvious characteristics of hem are money, high position and luxurious life.So most people believe that success and all that they do is for this purpose.But the problem is whether it is real success.We all know there are always more money, higher position and better condition in front of us.If we keep chasing them, where is the end? What will satisfy us at last? Therefore, we can see, to get the real Success we must need something inside, which is the realization of people’ hopes and ideals.Different people have different ideas about success;cause people’s hopes and ideas vary from one another.But I am sure every success is dear to everybody, because it is not easy to come by, because in the process of our striving for success, we got both our body and soul tempted, meanwhile we are enlightened by the most valuable qualities of human beings: love, patient, courage and sense of responsibility.These are the best treasures.So now I am very proud that I have this opportunity to stand here speaking to all of you.It is my success, because I raise up to challenge my hope.What is success? Everyone has his own interpretation as I do.But I am sure

every success leads to an ever-brighter future.So ladies and gentlemen, believe in our hopes, believe in ourselves, we, every one of us, can make a successful life!

Wish you all good success!That’s all.Thank you.


Many people say that they owe much of their success to the cultivation of certain good habits in their early life.In forming good habits and achieving success we should focus on four points, that is, honesty, industry, enthusiasm and thrift.“Honesty is the best policy.” This is a proverb to which we must pay attention.There are so many temptations in the society that with a little carelessness we may go astray.But as long as we are honest to others they will be honest to as in return..Industry gives everyone, no matter you’re a man or woman, a boy or a girl, proper work to do.Wasting time doing nothing is to ruin oneself.Enthusiasm is a great force.One’s soul will expand if one devotes oneself to a noble cause.We met although there are tremendous difficulties before head, we can leave nothing unaccomplished with enthusiasm.There are many proverbs which set forth the advantages of thrift.Since we live in the world where “money is a very powerful thing”, we should always try to save a portion of our earnings for future.These are the four keys to which we must pay attention.It is only through this way that we can achieve success.译文:许多人都说他们的成功归因于在早年就养成了良好的习惯。依我看,要养成良好的习惯,我们必须注意四点,那就是诚实、勤勉、热心和节俭。






Self-confidence in Success

Ladies and Gentlemen:

Good evening!For me, it’s a great thing to be given this chance to deliver you this speech.At this time, I would like to look together with you into one of the most important factors that contribute to success-Self-confidence.Several days ago, I read one motivational poem: The Victor.Some fragments of it are put like this:

If you think you are beaten, you are

If you think you dare not, you do not

Success begins with a fellow’s will

It’s all in the state of mind

Sooner or later, the man who wins

Is the man who thinks he can

It dawned upon me that self-confidence is a key to survive in this world and is the only key to win the rat race in every walk of life.What’s self-confidence? It’s a kind of strong psychological hint that one believe in himself or herself in doing something.Everyone can possess it but may find it difficult to own it.Self-confidence has been high valued by innumerable celebrities from ancient times to the present and from abroad to home.Among them is

Beyonce, one of the most popular American stars and who once said, “ There is nothing more sexier than being confident.”

where on earth does self-confidence’s power lie in? Self-confidence enables us to have enough strength, bravery and strong will to overcome difficulties;it makes us never dare to experience failure or frustration and keep in good spirit and have beautiful smile in face.With self-confidence, we can put our thoughts into words in a better and more pleasing way, and we can portray the finer points of our personality in such a way that the places we do lack are never highlighted.These are all essential traits needed for success.In contrast, we often see that as a result of lack of confidence, some people perform well below their caliber.Be it in a public speech, proposing their beloved, visas for college or in an interview or say even on the eve before their exams.In a word, low self-confidence is just like driving through life with hand-break on.Self-confidence is so powerful that it can change our life and create miracles.Once a psychologist chose the most foolish and unpopular girl in a class as his experimental subject.Her classmates were required to change their bad attitudes towards her.They took care of her very carefully, complimented her, and accompanied her home.Just for these kind actions, the girl got to know that she really had strengths and became confident.From that time on, she stopped being an ugly duck and was determined to

make a difference.One year later, she was admitted to Peking University.Self-confidence became her first step to success.Self-confidence is of great importance in succeeding;however, we should never be over-confident.This means that the confidence should be based on our practical abilities.We should know ourselves very well, including our priorities and shortcomings.Otherwise, we can never get the ideal result of our efforts.In conclusion, suitable self-confidence can radiate from us like sunlight and attract success to us like magnet.That’s all for my speech.Thank you!



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