
时间:2020-12-02 14:40:59下载本文作者:会员上传





From the picture, we can see that some schools only want their students to study hard at their lessons but ignore the educating on students' ability of practice, communication and organization.These schools regard study as the most important thing but other abilities such as communication skills, public-minded awareness, are not useful to them.This idea is one-sided.We should take everything into account in students' education.If a school has such an idea, it is not good for their students' future development.In the current society, people must have an all-round ability to adapt to society.If not, students will find it difficult to find a good job.Besides, book is not the only way to success.EQ is sometimes more important than IQ.So students should develop such abilities as communication, organization, public relation, and creativity.As far as I am concerned, on the one hand, it is important for us to study from books well and achieve excellent academic scores;on the other hand, it is more important to develop other skills.One should be sociable and capable so that he can be socially useful.


In the past, we just take it for granted that a teacher's purpose is to teach students, he knew and solve all their problems.As a result, students can in this case the MOTOROLA's discretion.As a result, the students gradually lost the ability to learn itself.In addition, they are only equipped with the professor in class for each question, may suddenly appear in the same judgment.Of course, they will find their own knowledge to solve practical problems.So, now is to change teaching methods.A teacher's goal is to help students to develop, not only the ability of learning, but their own skills, in every aspect of their judgment.That doesn't need to seek help from teachers when meeting with difficulties for students.First of all is to cultivate students' ability to make any problem, correct judgment and overcome the difficulties.All in all, teaching is the goal of liberation, but MOTOROLA bound to make the right judgment inherent power of students.


today is march 12, our national tree planting day.our class observed the day by planting trees.in high spirits we talked and smiled all the way.as soon as we got to a piece of wasteland far from the school, we began to work.some were engaged in digging holes;some were busying themselves in covering the roots of the young trees with earth and watering the trees one by one.we worked so hard that soon each of us was wet in sweat.on the way home we kept on singing up, because we've done a good thing to make our homeland green.


The and advantages and disadvantages of online education

Being online is no longer something new or fresh in our life.To some extent, it has become part of our daily life.We can do a lot of things online, such as searching for information and communicating with friends far away.Recently, online education has come into fashion.The popularity of online education is due to its outstanding advantages.Firstly, it breaks down the barrier between time and space.One can conveniently study at home by accessing the Internet via computers at any time.Secondly, instead of reading those dull textbooks, one can enjoy colorful images, nice sounds and fascinating videos online, which will arouse great interest in his study.However, the disadvantage of online education is obvious.Sometimes there is a lack of sufficient interaction between students and teachers due to bad internet connection.As the old saying goes, “Every coin has two sides.” It is true that online education is not well developed and has limitations.I still believe that with the further development of the Internet, online education will see a more promising future.


i have a few words to say about current english education problems we have to think about.the demand of english language as a skill have been increasing very fast, but the quality of english education is not following, the gap between these two is really increasing.if you talk about quality, we have to think about two main roles, teacher and students.from my study, for example, you would send a newly gratuated teacher, obviosly english majored, to a school to teach, before you send them, understand about his english level, and after one year, check his english level again.unfortunatly they haven`t improve, they are declining, why?

from the situatin above, you can easily find out that the system is crashed or out of date,or something else, i am not qualified to say what it is.just like computer, if the computer is crashed, the software would not work;if the system is out of date, you cannot install newly developed up-to-date software, or even you can install it, it would work really slow.we know that so many people have been doing research on how to learn english,and so many papers have been published, but teachers seems like a lay person, they don`t care about it, or they don`t worry, because they are full time employed and no pressure.student`s results are not their work, there are no practical supervising system to the teachers.and everyone think that they can become teacher as long as they get uni degrees, or master degrees.teaching become a easy work in this society, ridiculous....forigners in chinese education system, leave this topic to you who would spend time reading my articles, leave me your opinion, thanks!


Nowadays, What should we learn in the dog-eat-dog society? Besides knowledge, the most important thing is interpersonal interaction ability.University is an important turning point in relationship to social.All kinds of about interpersonal communication course in the university will teach us how to get along with others , the course will make us to be friendly, outgoing and kind.In college, we have roommates, classmates, teachers and so many people will help us get better along with others.As we get along with others and communicate with roommates, classmates and teachers, we will continue to broaden our horizons, enhance our own ability.And more importantly, we will know a lot of good people and make friends with them, broaden our friends circle, so many benefits will play role in our development in the future, so everyone needs to go to college.






1.1 善用课文


Names的游戏:让学生用一张小纸条以几句话描述或解释自己的名字,然后随意抽出纸条念上面的名字解释,让学生猜“名字谜”。这个环节只是小练笔。游戏结束后,见学生的情绪仍然高涨,再趁热打铁,让学生就Mv Name Story为题写一篇作文。为了帮学生扩展写作思路,设计了下面几个引导性的问题供学生参考:What do you think o your name? What does your name mean? Why did your parents or grandparents give you the name? Do you like your name?Why?这次练笔是与原课文教学的一次巧妙结合,根据学生的兴趣和学情自动生成的。由此可见,只要我们用心,教材就是我们可利用的巨大写作资源库。

1.2“BulletinBoard”的作品展示北师大版教材中每单元都有个BulletinBoard,往往成为我们教学时“被遗忘的角落”。但笔者觉得恰恰这个角落给学生们提供了一个练笔的平台,因为它常常提出一些学生感兴趣的话题,如:“Make a footprint maps how ing the places you’ve visited or want to visit‘What Durpose do you use the Internet?’’“What qualities should ahem 0rheroinehave?”等,这些话题贴近学生的生活,学生们能畅所欲言,各抒己见,就像在网上发贴一样。让学生把他们的观点写在一张小贴纸上,在课室开辟一个角落展示他们的作品。这样不仅能让学生们进行心灵的交流及思想的碰撞,而且在不知不觉中就练习了写作,达到了真正书面交流的目的。





不少老师利用英语歌训练学生的口语及听力能力,其实,在此基础上,我们可以将训练进一步深入,训练学生的写作能力。选歌要符合学生的爱好、认知及贴近生活,以利于写作练习的顺利进行。如在教学中就曾选取过一 首歌颂友谊 的歌曲 :Bridge0ver Troubled Water.在完 成了听说的活动后,让学生就 TrueFriendship为题写一篇短文阐述自己对友谊的看法。类似这样的写作活动学生是比较容易接受的,因为听歌可以带给他们美妙的感受,觉得在歌声中练笔比平常的写作训练有趣多了。

3.2 英语写作画中游







3-3 实用性练笔







The Distinctions of Education Between China and America

Good morning,dear teacher and classmates.Today,we are going to talk something about the distinctions of education between China and America.There are several differences between China and America in education.We think the most important difference is the aim of education.China's education is to make students master fundamental knowledge.While in America,education is to cultivate students' innovation ability.The difference of education aims leads to the distinctions in many other aspects.We will elaborate these differences from the following perspectives.First,the education philosophy is different.In China,we mainly learn the arranged courses to grasp the fundamental knowledge.This makes Chinese students learning very passive.Differently,students in America will select the courses that they are interested in.So they can study actively.Second,the class-room behavior of Chinese students is distinct from that of American students.A good-behaved Chinese student should sit straightly,listen quietly and take notes quickly.While a American students may talk freely,think lively and discuss enthusiastically in class.And most Chinese students do not ask questions even though they do not understand, They believe that sitting upright is the respect for teachers.But American students may ask questions actively no matter how clever they are, They usually sit in disorder so that they can communicate with their teachers more conveniently.In a word,American students are more active than Chinese students in class.Third,the emphasis of education is different.We put emphasis on the storage of knowledge while American pay attention to the students’ practical ability.So,when we are sitting in the classroom and listening to teachers,American students maybe doing experiments.What’s more,The attitude towards examination scores of China is quite different from that of America.Chinese take exam result very important,we usually measure students by there exam scores and Chinese students have to pass all kinds of exams before they graduate.These leads we Chinese students bury ourselves in textbooks and workbooks for higher exam scores and to pass the university entrance exam.Differently from us,in America ,the school reports are regarded as‘privacy’.Teachers can only give parents their own children’s grades,and the whole class results will not be published.They measure students not only by there study results but also by there comprehensive quality.Briefly,China implements exam-oriented education while America quality education.Last but not the least,the after-school life is quite different between China and America.Chinese students have to do a lot of homework to consolidate their knowledge.This takes most of their spare time so they can hardly have time to do things they are interested in.But American students have more spare time than us,they also have a lot of free time after doing homework.So they can take all kinds of

activities to enrich their after-school life.All in all, there are many differences between China’s education and American’s education Education is the soul of a nation.Education system should be based on its own cultural tradition.We can’t tell which education system is better.Every coin has two sides ,each education system has its strong points and weak points s.We should reject the dross and absorb the cream of them to advance the educational









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