高一英语Book2 Units1-2单元复习达标检测

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高一英语Book2 Units1-2单元复习达标检测

I.Words1.Much importance should be a_____________ to the environmental protection.2.No matter how __________(频繁)performed, the works of Beethoven always attract a large number of people.

3.Absorbed in painting, John didn’t notice evening a__________________.4.It took him a while to a______________ himself to his new surroundings.5.They are arguing with their classmates about the s____________ to the puzzle.6.The online books will be renewed and enriched gradually according to readers’ borrowing

habits and __________________(偏好).7.It is highly r_____________ that the students should read the following books.8.She dropped her handbag and the c__________________ fell out on the floor.9.One of the great ________________(优点)of the Internet is that it provides information.10.It was really a great a_______________ for people to land on the moon.11.We get together to offer our c_________________ on your winning first prize in the competition.12.You will not be a____________ to the theatre after the performance has started.13.Different English programs r___________ from dancing to musicals were displayed.14.As the a_____________ age of the population increases, there are more and more old people to

care for.15.The exercises are designed to s______________ your muscles.16.Though ____________(缺乏)the support of the banks, Mike managed to save his company with

the help of his friends.17.She glanced at the price of the dictionary and bought it without ____________(犹豫).18.I think store shopping will exist along with online shopping but will never be ________(取代).19.I don’t think it possible to ____________(掌握)a foreign language without much memory work.20.The international game will surely bridge the distance between people________(遍及)the world.21.In face of dangerous situation, the pilot had to made an e____________ landing.22.If __________(逼迫), he will admit that he knew about all the details of the affairs.23.There have been a lot of a_______________ about who was responsible for the accident.24.The advertisement was t________________ at low-income families.25.F_______________ for him, his hard work paid off in the end.26.There are plans to divide the corporation into a number of smaller _______________(独立的)

companies.27.Work is always _________________(次要的)to spending time with my family.28.It is possible that his comments will _______________(招致,招引)criticism.29.There can be growing racial __________________(紧张关系)along the border.30.The government needs more ______________(灵活的)approaches to education in the new era.II.Sentences

1.It took 500 workers 100 days to build the fine model, ___________(更不必说)the thousands of

props inside.2.My lecture today may not be able to________________(公平对待)all the work people who have

done behind scenes.3.Hopefully, next time you go to the cinema, you’ll spare a thought for all those talented people

__________________(幕后).4.Whatever your answer is, _______________________(有更多)than first meets the eye.5.Actually, the film you see on the screen is the product of a huge amount of hard work, __________________________(大多数发生)behind the scenes.6.Dark thoughts about your physical appearance can_____________(使你忧心忡忡)you all the

time like a rain cloud.7.These thoughts can have a negative effect on people of any shape or size, both male and female,and it is important to __________(提防)the causes.8.Teenagers who try to copy the looks of their favorite stars are ______________(打无望的战争).9.They will only_____________(以......告终)feeling worse about themselves.10.You may be good at painting or playing the piano, so _______________(引以为豪)things you

do well instead of worrying about things you cannot change.

11.Most people assume that regular exercise ______ _____________ ______(对……有奇效)the body and mind.12.Above all, choose activities you enjoy because, in this way, you’re more likely to _______ ________(坚持)them.13.Remember to drink throughout exercise to _______ ________ _______ water _______ _______ sweat(弥补流汗造成的水分流失).14.This extra effort makes them grow stronger _____ ______ _______ ________(长期).15._____ ________ _______ ________ _________(为了避免软组织受伤), make sure that you wear proper clothes and equipment when exercising.16.It has also been proven that active people ________ ______(往往)have better immune systems.17._____ _________ _____(作为对……的回应)public interest, our aerobics class has been replaced with several fun options, including modern dance.18._______ _________(难怪)some tai chi moves are named after animals—Chinese martial arts have a long-standing practice of imitating animals.19.I discovered that tai chi _____ _________ _________ ______(深深植根于)the Chinese philosophy of yin and yang, which are believed to form the unity of opposites.20.Zhang Sanfeng was said to have invented tai chi after _____ ________ _____(从……中获得灵感)a fight between a snake and a bird.

III.Multiple choices

1.Hospital patients who see tree branches out their window are ________ to recover at a faster rate

than patients who see buildings or sky instead.A.likely B.possible C.probable D.potential

2.I think the companies place too much _______ on cost and not enough on quality of their products.A.rate B.press C.stress D.focus

3.______ on trust and existing relationship, a lot of business is done just over the phone.A.Basing B.Based C.To base D.Being based

4.Training for a marathon ______ careful preparation and gradual increases in the length of the runs.A.calls on B.calls up C.calls in D.calls for

5.The tourists stuck together, _______ in the knowledge that the rescue helicopter was on the way.A.positive B.secure C.equal D.calm

6.Television broadcasters were warned to exercise caution over describing _______ of violence.A.views B.sights C.scenes D.resources

7.All the people _______ will be brought to the police station and questioned about the accident.A.concerned B.concerning C.to concern D.having been concerned

8.Traditional Culture Exhibition will be ________ in the school stadium to promote Chinese factors

among the students.A.put on B.put up C.put away D.put down

9.After recovering from the operation, he should be able to lead a ______ life.A.common B.ordinary C.usual D.normal

10.It is believed that of equal importance ________ a positive attitude and good study habits.A.is B.are C.was D.were

11.Confucius believed knives would _____ people of killings and were too violent for use at the table.A.expect B.inform C.warn D.remind

12.Review your lessons in time, _______ you’ll get far left behind.A.or B.but C.and D.while

13.The traditional viewpoint that girls are not as good at science and math as boys is _______ by the

experts at home and abroad.A.acquired B.balanced C.exchanged D.challenged

14.The university alone can’t ________ the fact that there are more and more graduates unable to

obtain employment.A.lie in B.account for C.cheer up D.make a difference to

15.It’s a long climb to the top of the mountain, but well worth the _________.A.facility B.contribution C.effort D.opportunity


How will we keep astronauts entertained?

The lucky residents of the International Space Station pull 12-hour shifts, including two and a half hours of gym time and six and a half hours of lab work, among other duties.16 If the timing’s right, they call home to catch up.They watch their favorite football games.NASA has sent up playthings like guitars, keyboards, as well as a chess.Staying entertained is vital because when you’re on long space flights, feeling bored can be dangerous.17 Breaking a tool is a lot more worrying when you’re trying to keep a spaceship on course.Not only does playtime keep operations smooth, it also helps Americans relate to their high-flying heroes.Maintaining a constant long-distance signal will be tough.But when bandwidth(带宽)allows,Houston could beam up TV series for binge-watching(疯狂追剧).The agency is also looking into virtual reality so space travelers can spend an afternoon at the beach.What will the people we send to space do for fun decades from now? “ 19 ” Picano replies.For a glimpse, look to the South Pole’s McMurdo Research Station, which once had a bowling alley(保龄球道)and now features a wine and coffee bar.20 “If you send soldiers or scientists to small and enclosed environments, they will find ways to play.It never ceases to amaze me.”

A.Boy, I have no idea.B.It may lead to performance errors.C.It can enable astronaut to accomplish their tasks.D.As a species we can always come up with new ideas.E.We encourage contributions focused on individual needs.F.They sleep eight hours, leaving another four for doing nothing.G.But astronauts might not always have that solid link to Earth.V.Grammar close test

B2U2 Reading

If you want to start exercising, you should follow the steps below.First of all, you ought to have a better understanding of the benefits of exercise.Not only can regular exercise make your heart and lungs grow 1____(strong)over the long term, but it can 2___ be beneficial to your mental health.In addition, you should plan your exercise routine, of which the first thing 3 _____(consider)is what you expect to improve.Different types of exercise play different 4(role)in a healthy routine.Moreover, like cars 5(run)on petrol, your muscles burn carbohydrates for energy, so what to eat and when to eat 6 also of great importance.Last but not least, to avoid injury, make sure that you do exercise 7(wear)proper clothes and equipment, remember to warm up before beginning a difficult activity and stretch 8 the end of your workout.In a word, only when you know the benefits of exercise and how to do it safely and 9(effective)can you enjoy yourself to the 10(full).(4)B2U2 Extended reading & Project

When my friend first suggested we 1(join)the tai chi club, I hesitated for I always believed tai chi was for old people.2 , I had to admit that I had been wrong about tai chi.The most interesting things of the first few tai chi classes 3(catch)my imagination were the moves and their descriptive names.Initially, people believed it was Zhang Sanfeng 4 had invented tai chi after drawing 5(inspire)from a fight between a snake and a crane.But nowadays Chen Wangting is believed 6(invent)tai chi based on martial arts skills.After learning the basic of tai chi I found myself 7(bore)and aching from doing the same moves over and over again.But thanks 8 my coach’s guidance, I learned how to relax my muscles and focus on peace of mind 9 performing the routine.In a word, after a year of practising tai chi, I was amazed at its significant effect on my physical and mental health.10 , tai chi has inspired me to explore Chinese culture behind it.

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