
2023-08-16 09:12:18下载本文作者:会员上传


The thing that goes the farthest toward making life worthwhile, that costs the least and does the most, is just a pleasant smile.


The smile that bubbles from the heart that loves its fellow men, will drive away the clouds of gloom and coax the Sun again.


It's full of worth and goodness, too, with manly kindness blent; it’s worth a million dollars, and it doesn’t cost a cent.


There is no room for sadness when we see a cheery smile; It always has the same good look; it's never out of style; It nerves us on to try again when failure makes us blue;


The dimples of encouragement are good for me and you.It pays the highest interest — for it is merely lent;


It's worth a million dollars, and it doesn’t cost a cent.


A smile comes very easy — you can wrinkle up with cheer. A hundred times before you can squeeze out a salty tear. It ripples out, moreover, to the heartstrings that will tug, and always leaves an echo that is very like a hug.


So, smile away! Folks understand what by a smile is meant. It’s worth a million dollars, and it doesn’t cost a cent.



In the technology society, the Internet has become an important part in daily life. There area growing number of peopleinterested in the Internet. People can study, entertain, and watch the news on the Internet. For our students, we are able to get the latest information and learning materials in the Internet. Besides, we can join group discussions with other students, and the distance education on the Internet is very useful to us. Except for study, students can have fun on the Internet, such as watching movies, listening to the music and getting news. It helps us to broaden our horizons. But, we should control ourselves and can not spend too much on searching the Internet.


Making a choice is difficult, because people often want to have all the things he choose, but maybe he can't own them at the same time. There is a saying that you can't have the best of both worlds. When you are to make a choice, the first thing you need to consider is what are you really want or need. If you figure it out, your choice may become simpler. However, the reality is that many people do not really know what they want or what they need. Besides, they always think that they may can have both in the same time. Because of various reasons, making a choice is difficult.


Communicating with others is a big problem in daily life. Some people are easy to talk to oters, but some others not. When you want to talk to someone, firstly you should find some topics to talk about, but the topics should not included the privacy,such as age, marriage or wage. Secondly, pay attention to your attitude that do not make others feel uncomfortable. Comfort is the basic of communication. Thirdly, pay attention to your body language. Body language can transmit much information, such as your attitude, manners or something you do not realize. Finally, focus on your pacing. Don't talk too fast or too slow.


The 2012 London Olympic Games has successfully started on July 27. The opening ceremony was so splendid that made the world surprised. The movie plots go throughout the opening ceremony, James Bond, Mr. Bean, Harry Potter. Now, the 2012 London Olympic Games has been carried out for 8 days. Many athletes performed excellently and won the gold medals. Because of time difference, it's a great pity that I can't watch the games from beginning to end. But some games I never miss. I hope that the athletes can performe well in this games.


我的生日礼物 My Britihday Gifts

Yesterday was my birthday and I received a lot of presents. These presents were packed in coloured paper and two of them were funny and interesting, which impressed me.


My sister sent a bag of present to me. The bag was big and round. I though it was a football. But when I opened it, I saw a clock. The other one was given by my brother. He left me a message, which said “my present is lying in your bedroom”. When I got to my bedroom, I found a laptop. Oh!Great!' I jumped with joy. I know, they Want me to study hard and not to waste time.


I would never forget this birthday.



My hometown is Guangxi Yulin which lies in the south of China. I study in Luchuan High school and I'm in grade 2.Our campus is very beautiful and there are much charming view.


I study hard every day and I wish to go abroad for further education.I have some hobbies such as basketball,tennis,swimming and so on.I like making friends with others.



Different countries have different customs.When you travel in other countries,you should know the customs of those countries In Japan,when you enter someone's home,you should take off your shoes.In Brazil,people never go out with their hair wet. In Indonesia,you mustn't point to anything with your foot. Don't eat with your left hand in Muslim countries,and don't touch a child on the head in Thailand.


People always like to ask their kids the question like who do you think is better between father and mother. It is the very difficult question to answer, because they love their parents both and can’t tell which one is less important. As for me, my mother gives me the life and takes care of me all the time. Though my father has less time to company me, I can feel his love. Once, I had a very important exam and early in the morning, my father wanted to walked me to school, but I refused, because I grew up and wanted to be independent. Later my mother told me that my father had followed me secretly, just to make sure I arrived school safely. I was moved.



It is a common weak point among today's college students that the majority of them have little knowledge of social reality. Social practice is a bridge between their theory and reality. Timely participation in social practice will benefit them all through their life.

Social practice must become an organic component of the nation's higher education. If so, students are sure to learn more than their textbooks. Their participation in social practice and knowledge of society they learn and national conditions might strengthen their sense of social responsibility; their close contact with the working people might help them to apply their knowledge to the solution to the practical problem.

in recent years. many college students have been sent to the basic level to keep in contact with workers and farmers. The process has proved effective in enriching their knowledge of reality.


It is cold and dry outside. The wind often blows strongly. The days areshorter and the nights are longer. Many animals go to sleep. They will sleep fora long time till the spring comes. People don’t like to go outside. They have towear heavy coats, scarves and gloves. But children like to be outside. Becauseit often snows. There is snow around. There is ice on the ground. Children canthrow snowballs, make the snowmen. Oh, look. What a surprise! Do you see? Theriver is frozen! Here come the boys, there come the girls, they are skating inthe river happily.

Oh! Winter comes. It is really an interesting season. It has so muchfun!





上课时,伊雪想着监护人睡着了。老师愤怒地喊道:伊雪,站起来!”“被唤醒的雪冷冷地说:疯狗。”“您说什么?”老师边说边打,但她没有打伊雪,而是打了伊雪旁边的男孩。“慕容俞晔,我不会打你-& mdash;& mdash“爸。夜羽扇了老师一巴掌。原来他属于世界上最富有的慕容家族。斯诺回忆道。




Today, the world is learning mandarin. According to the report, there areover one hundred million foreign people learning Chinese. What's more, a lot offoreign companies are having their workers master not only Chinese language, butalso the culture. Chinese dream influences so many people, which provides greatbusiness chances and let the young people realize their dreams. Just as thesuccessful person said, the 19th century belonged to the UK, 20th centurybelonged to America and the 21th century surely belonged to China, whetherpeople liked it or not. We need to master the chance and equip ourselves withmany skills, so that success will come at hand.



充满挑战的人生 The Life With Challenges

When I come to the middle school, I feel so excited, because I want to learn more knowledge and prepare for my future. Some of my friends are afraid of the coming challenges, they think they can’t handle, but for me, life will be wonderful with all kinds of challenges. It is the challenges that makes me stronger. If everything comes to me without hard working, then I won’t cherish it. I am so eager to meet the coming difficulties, I won’t give up no matter how hard they will be. Some day when I look back on these days, I will not be regretful of what I have done.




How to stay healthy

Would you like to keep healthy like the others do? Now let me tell you something about staying healthy.

1. Food. To keep yourself healthy, you shouldn't eat something that have too much oil, calory or salt. For that can cause a lot of diseases. The right way to keep healthy is to eat more vegetables and fruits.

2. Exercise. Another way which is always be ignored is to excercise more. An average of steps a normal adult have per day is 10000 - 15000. You'll find yourself more healthy after changing the steps to 15000 - 20000 per day, and you'll get more fit easily by that.

That's my own easy methods of staying healthy. I'll be glad if you have any ideas about that and have a discussion with me!


My favorite sport

There are many kinds of sports that I enjoy, such as swimming, running, and dancing. However, the sport that I like most is basketball. When I was in junior high, I started to play basketball in school. At that time, I found I had loved deeply this sport. Now, I would like to watch basketball games as much as I can. The basketball games have given me the most wonderful time in my life.



Last year’s Spring Festival is special. My uncle and my aunt came back from Shanghai. My family were very happy to keep the Spring Festival with them. And it was the most exciting festival of all the festivals.

On New Year’s Eve, my father and my uncle talked about their work together. My mum did some cooking with my aunt Grandparents and I watched the New Year TV programmes. At about six o’clock, we had a special family dinner. We all thought the dumplings were delicious.

On the first day of the New Year, we visited our relatives. In the afternoon, we went shopping in Jiefanf Road. My uncle bought some Jay’s CDs. He likes Jay’s music very much. There were so many people on the road. It was more alive than any other time of a year.

On the second and the third days, we spent a wonderful weekend in the country. There were much bigger trees than in the city. And the animals were more beautiful than in the city. We all enjoyed ourselves.

I had an interesting Spring Festival. How about you?


An unforgetful trip

I went Chong Qing in July 22.It is a city which was built near mountains. So people call it Mountain City. In Chong Qing,I went to the Red Stone Center, to see the places which the prisoners lived in the past. It is a terrible and awful trip. There are a lot of dogs, and soldiers with guns near the prisons. And most of the prisons are good, they didn't want to tell the bad people where the other people were. They lived in very small houses. No good food to eat, no good water to drink.They had only twenty minutes to stay out side per day but they still said nothing.

I think they are the heros in that century. I will follow their spirit.


Time waits for no one. If it flows away, it will never come to us again. We can't take charge of our time but we should know the importance of time and cherish time.

Yesterday has become the history. Nothing we can do to save it. Tomorrow is not within our reach. We dont know what will happen tomorrow. So the only thing we can do is to cherish what we have today and fight for tomorrow. Victory only belongs to those who work very hard! Therefore, we should make full use of today, fighting for what we want.

美丽人生 Beautiful Life

Marisa who is a beautiful girl from England, she works as a fitness instructor. She is also a fashionable icon. Having so many identities makes her life wonderful. But before Marisa was 20, who can imagine that she is a very fat girl. When Marisa was a small girl, she liked to eat all kinds of food, which made her a big fat girl. As she grew up, she noticed her difference and the boy she liked fell in love with her best friend. Marisa realized that she needed to lose weight, she refused to the junk food and ate the organic food. She kept practise every day. Finally, a year passed and she lose more than 80 pounds. She began her beautiful life.

玛丽莎来自英格兰,是一个美丽的女孩,她是一名健身教练。她也是一个时尚偶像。多重身份使得她的生活精彩。但在玛丽莎20岁之前, 谁能想象到她是一个非常胖的女孩。当玛丽莎还是一个小女孩的时候,她喜欢吃各种各样的食物,这使她成为一个大胖女孩。当她长大了,她注意到自己与众不同,她喜欢的男孩爱上了她最好的朋友。玛丽莎意识到她需要减肥,她拒绝垃圾食品,吃有机食品。她每天都锻炼。最后,一年过去了,她减掉了80多磅。她开始她的美丽生活。



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