
2023-06-25 08:56:45下载本文作者:会员上传


I have two rules: one is to wash your hands before eating, wash feet before going to bed.

Say first wash their hands before eating, this house rules are my father, he scold me if I do not wash their hands before eating, it is called, “how do you and don't wash their hands, go and wash your hands!” I didn't wash their hands at a time, dad called me right away, roar loud: “go to wash your hands!” I was scold cry, tears all fall into the rice, the rice all become salty, I don't want to eat. It seems still remember to wash your hands before eating.

The second rule is to wash feet before going to bed, it is my mother, if you don't wash feet to sleep, then have to wash three times a day. One time I didn't wash feet, evening aunt stinks, mother said: “why don't you wash feet, aunt want to xiusi!” Being washed my feet, three times a day during the week for a week, a bath, will wash together every day in the morning, school also want to wash, you go to sleep at night to wash, really tired.

In violation of the rules is asked for it.


There are many rules at my house. I have to get up at six o'clock and be home by 6:30pm.on weekdays. I have to do my homework after school.I can't watch TV and play computer games on school nights. I have to stay at home instead of my friends’ home on school nights . I should clean up my room every morning and we take turns to take out the trush and wash dishes. My parents don’t allow me to stay up until 11:00 pm because teenagers should sleep for 8~9 hours . I think the most strict rule is that my parents do not allow me to watch TV at night ,thought it is good for me .I can't do it .I think it is a good way to have a rest . Althoug I don’t agree with some of the ruls, I know my parents love me so I always obey my family rules.


Dan and house rules can have a lot, and my family's house rules has eleven words, that is: working carefully and attentively, diligently, don't give up.

Why do you want to order the house rules? Also from when I was little. When I was a child, because they don't understand, so it is easy to attract other things. On one occasion, my mother and I and my sister go to my grandma's, grandmother home has a lot of fun. I entered, he saw a box of beautiful building, then rushed to the play. I ah, just take half of the time, I saw my sister was playing with a ball, the ball bounce, I just love the. So I immediately put down his block and also played the ball. Playing me, however, saw the cousin, the beautiful leaves stickers, I am very curious. So I threw the ball again, brought together a large, the leaves start to do the leaves stickers. But it wasn't long before, and I give up, because I stick to is so bad. Later, I don't want to play anything, sit on the ground.

At this moment, mom came and saw the mess leaves stickers, the ball rolled into the corner, and take the half of the block, just ask me: “how do you didn't do a thing? You see sister shoot the ball, has created a minute 200 new records! See cousin leaves stickers, do much more beautiful! And you?” I weakly said: “I have done a lot of, but how do bad?” Mother said with a smile: “which have you so not concentrate, can do a good job is strange? Do things carefully and attentively, diligently, don't give up, so you can do!”

In the later days, I do as mom said, doing things is no longer as before half-hearted. This sentence slowly became my family's house rules.


As the saying goes,”as a country has its state laws, a family also needs family rules.” Every family has its rules. My family rule is no matter where you go, you have to come back before ten o’clock at night. My family always obeys this rule. I know that my parents make this rule is for our safty. I remember that one day my elder sister break this rule, and then she was criticized for a long time.



Welcome to my home. Here are some of my family rules. Let me tell you. I can’t eat in the bedroom, but I can eat in the dining hall. I can’t go out on school nights. I can’t play computer games for a long time. I must clean my room every weekend. I must do my homework before dinner. I can’t play games on shool games. I must get up at 6:00. These are my family rules! What about yours? Please tell me!


My parents are very strict.Because I have so many family rules.

For example,i cant go out with my friends at school nights.On weekends, i have to go home before nine p.m. Its strict, but i think its necessary.

And i must finish my homework in time. I cant play computer games. I have to wash clothes by myself.

I have to get up at six oclock every morning.And i have to be in bed by ten oclock.

Thanks to these rules.I can live health.But i think to be in bed by ten oclock is unfair! Students need nine hours sleep!

And i think play some computer games is not badly. Soi think the family rules can make some change.



举例来说,夜晚我不能去我的朋友在学校.在周末,我回家之前, 9时有严格的,但我认为这是必要的。






俗话说:“国有国法,家有家规。”为了使子女身心健康、顺利成长,使家庭成员之间的关系更融洽、更和谐,每个家庭都会有这样或那样的家庭规矩。比如:必须按时回家,不准打电子游戏等。请你结合家庭的实际情况,根据下面的提示和要求,以“My Family Rules”为题,写一篇短文。

提示:1. 家里有哪些家规;2. 对家规的感受;3. 对父母的建议。

要求:1. 必须包括提示内容,可以适当发挥;2. 词数:不少于90词;3. 文中不得出现真实的地名和人名。


My Family Rules

My parents are very strict with me, and they have made some basic rules which I must obey.

Firstly, I must finish my homework in time. Secondly, I cannot play computer games, even in my free time or on weekends. Thirdly, I have to do some housework, such as making the bed and tidying my bedroom and so on. If I break one of them, I will be punished. But thanks to these rules, I can live a healthy and regular life.

I think the second rule is unfair to me. I hope sometimes I could be allowed to play computer games for a while. It will make me relaxed.



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