
  • 《奥巴马开学演讲》观后感

    时间:2019-05-14 20:45:26 作者:会员上传

    《奥巴马开学演讲》观后感 开学了,第一节语文课老师给我们观看了奥巴马的开学演讲,这段视频虽然很短,但却令我受益匪浅! 奥巴马的演讲跟其他人的不一样,他很真实,就像是一位父亲正

  • 奥巴马开学演讲观后感

    时间:2019-05-14 20:45:26 作者:会员上传

    英文观后感-145词 I normally like to watch people giving presentations which are usually inspiring, encoloring and motivating as well. And I have watched a lots,

  • 奥巴马开学演讲观后感

    时间:2019-05-14 19:43:58 作者:会员上传

    Obama,when he made the speech ,started with a humour tongune.He just like a lovely father,tell his children, “I know that feeling. I know that some of you are

  • 奥巴马就职演讲观后感

    时间:2019-05-14 00:28:01 作者:会员上传


  • 奥巴马开学演讲观后感

    时间:2019-05-14 17:06:08 作者:会员上传

    奥巴马开学演讲观后感 篇一:奥巴马开学演讲>观后感开学了,第一节语文课老师给我们观看了奥巴马的开学演讲,这段视频虽然很短,但却令我受益匪浅!奥巴马的演讲跟其他人的不一样,他很

  • 奥巴马演讲观后感(合集五篇)

    时间:2019-05-15 03:16:10 作者:会员上传


  • 奥巴马开学演讲观后感

    时间:2019-05-12 16:30:09 作者:会员上传


  • 奥巴马就职演讲观后感

    时间:2019-05-12 16:30:15 作者:会员上传


  • 奥巴马开学演讲观后感[合集]

    时间:2019-05-15 14:24:45 作者:会员上传

    Obama,when he made the speech ,started with a humour tongune.He just like a lovely father,tell his children, “I know that feeling. I know that some of you are

  • 奥巴马演讲

    时间:2019-05-14 16:01:42 作者:会员上传

    奥巴马演讲 Hello, everybody. In the State of the Union, I laid out three areas we need to focus on if we're going to build an economy that lasts: new American m

  • 奥巴马演讲

    时间:2019-05-14 19:51:19 作者:会员上传

    Thank you. (Applause.) Thank you very much. Everybody, please have a seat. Well, Madam President, that was an outstanding introduction. (Laughter.) We are so pr

  • 奥巴马演讲

    时间:2019-05-14 12:07:25 作者:会员上传

    Remarks of President Barack Obama Weekly Address Saturday, May 14, 2011 Washington D.C. Recently, there have been signs that the economy is picking up steam.

  • 奥巴马演讲

    时间:2019-05-14 12:07:25 作者:会员上传

    奥巴马演讲:为未来清洁能源投资 来源:http://www.xiexiebang.com/Article/201203/174060_2.shtml Hi, everybody. I’m speaking to you this week from a factory in Peter

  • 奥巴马演讲

    时间:2019-05-14 12:07:25 作者:会员上传

    This week, we mark the eleventh anniversary of the September 11th attacks. It’s a time to-remember the nearly 3,000 innocent men, women and children we lost, a

  • 奥巴马演讲

    时间:2019-05-14 12:07:26 作者:会员上传

    奥巴马演讲 Thank you very much, Governor Keating and Mrs. Keating, Reverend Graham, to the families of those who have been lost and wounded, to the people of Ok

  • 奥巴马演讲

    时间:2019-05-14 12:07:26 作者:会员上传

    Hello, everybody. On Tuesday, America went to the polls. And the message you sent was clear: you voted for action, not politics as usual. You elected us to foc

  • 奥巴马演讲

    时间:2019-05-14 12:07:26 作者:会员上传

    I stand here today humbled by the task before us, grateful for the trust you have bestowed, mindful of the sacrifices borne by our ancestors. I thank President

  • 奥巴马演讲

    时间:2019-05-14 12:07:26 作者:会员上传

    What began 21 months ago in the depths of winter can not end on this autumn night. This victory alone is not the change we seeka party founded on the values of