
时间:2021-07-27 08:20:02下载本文作者:会员上传















































Hongyadong is located in the downtown of Chongqing by the riverside of Jialing River.It used to be one of top eight ancient sceneries.Hongyadong has a very special construction feature which is built on hillside and on riverside ,with one side of the house resting on rocks while the other three sides supported by wooden or bamboo poles.It has a history of 2300 years ,with an area of 46000 square meters.Now what you are visiting is a newly built one, which has been invested by a famous local enterprise Cygnus ,as high as 300,000,000 RMB.Becoming a key scenic spot, AAA tourism projects.It has a function of sightseeing ,relaxing , entertainment.It consist of the following part: One state:cultural entertainment,food culture,sports,shopping;Three features :Diaojiaolou , Ba culture, ancient town;Four streets:Zhiyanhe Pub Street,Tianchengxiang Ba culture street,Food street,Foreign Custom Balcony;Zhiyanhe Pub Street ,Private Bar ,world chain Pub,now also opened here,which gives us an international entertainment way.Starbuck is being attracted.Tianchengxiang Ba culture street,shows people different fashionable trend,based on Ba culture of 2300 years ago with blue bricks,stone tiles,red roof,and green tiles,which reflects local residential houses of Ming and Qing dynasty.and also you can find many folk arts.painting exhibtion hall,and there is an opera show at night.Food street,where you can enjoy many snacks all round China with typical local taste.Foreign custom city balcony will be the most transport transfer parking lot, which can host 30-40 automobiles ,any visitors can go to any floor via lift and escalator.


Hongyadong is located in the downtown of Chongqing by the riverside of Jialing River.It used to be one of top eight ancient scenaries.Hongyadong has a very special contruction feature which is built on hillside and on riverside,with one side of the house resting on rocks while the other three sides supported by wooden or bamboo poles.It has a history of 2300 years ,with an area of 46000 square metres.Now what you are visiting is a newly built one,which has been invested by a famous local enterprise Cygnus,as high as 300,000,000 RMB.becoming a key scenic spot,AAA tourism projects.It has a function of sightseeing,relaxing,enterntaining.One state:cultural entertainment,food culture,sports,shopping.Three features:Diaojiaolou,Ba culture,ancient town.Four streets:Zhiyanhe Pub Street,Tianchengxiang Ba culture street,Food street,Foreign Custom Balcony Zhiyanhe Pub Street ,Private Bar ,world chain Pub,now also opened here,which gives us an international entertainment way.Starbuck is being attracted.Tianchengxiang Ba culture street,shows people different fashionable trend,based on Ba culture of 2300 years ago with blue bricks,stone tiles,red roof,and green tiles,which reflects local residential houses of Ming and Qing dynasty.and also you can find many folk arts.painting exhibtion hall,and there is an opera show at night.Food street,where you can enjoy many snacks all round China with typical local taste.Foreign custom city balcony will be the most transport transfer parking lot, which can host 30-40 automobiles ,any visitors can go to any floor via lift and escalator.Eight Scenes:waterfall of Hongya,wooden houses complex,sculptures,city balcony,culture column,Hotpot of China,sunset of Jialing.During holidays,there are many activities held here,such as food show,folk wedding ceremony show.attracting many visitors from home and abroad.In a near future,Hongyadong will be the best place where the world can know Chongqing,and the world can fall in love with Chongqing.and it will also be a place which switches Chongqing traditional lifestyle.Hung ya dong Chongqing Bayu culture and a humanistic roots.It is said that the flood banks of the Jialing River are standing ya dong Bayu culture.Chongqing Hongya dong reflects the indomitable human tenacity of will, is the witness of history and culture of Chongqing and the symbol of the spirit of the city of Chongqing.Hongya dong folk style is located in Yuzhong District.Bounded by the Jialing River, south of Jiefangbei Pro Wiratchant White Road, the project will run for about 600 meters along the river, the total area of commercial buildings over 60,000 square meters, the most traditional architectural characteristics Bayu “Diaojiaolou” style as the main body, the mountain on the potential, through layered building units, hanging feet, stack fault, stop practices such as mountain building, the food and beverage, entertainment, leisure, health, hotels and shopping and cultural characteristics of the organic integration of the six formats together to form a unique “three-dimensional air pedestrian street ”levels and quality as the most scenic areas of the city business center.Diaojiaolou column architecture is entirely on the powerful mountains, looking far, they have layers of, and some scattered high and low, housing architecture is simple, flexible room, with no fixed-type shape, the building at random symbols, show a simple profit, natural smacks of subtle and beautiful contour lines.With the slope on the potential Diaojiaolou base to form a linear path of wonderful space, narrow deep, during which stroll, walking varies King, 10,000 kinds of customs.Inside lane, seemingly at the end, Po the past, but it is a way out, it is a heaven and earth.Diaojiaolou a bubble of lower overhead, surrounded the upper part of entities, Thus, the natural landscape in between Diaojiaolou born and brought up to show the situation presented in the slope above the wall, scattered in the landscape between the flashing and the construction, architecture and nature in harmony and unity of the glory.Bayu Hungya dong in the most traditional architectural features as the main body of the Diaojiaolou, mountains on the potential, along the river built in the ancient buildings in general are mostly three-tier architecture, like Hongya dong this gap of 75 meters, 13 layers Diaojiaolou commercial district is the unique wonders of the world.Hongya dong “one state,IV Street, Eight” business patterns reflect the cultural and leisure Bayu Format, “a state” refers to the cultural and leisure Format.refers to Diaojiaolou, Town Street, Ba Culture;“d Street” refers to the four Hung ya dong Street: entertainment without limits, “the paper movement Salt River Bar Street”;Chongqing Daguanyuan the “natural style Bayu Lane Street ”;old rock walls of the ancient cliff edge body is the“ Feast Hung ya dong Street Food Street ”;Wiratchant white on the road is“ exotic city of Terrace Street ”;the streets of Chongqing's first French-style fashion Riverside Hotel.“Eight” refers to Hong ya dong convergence of two rivers, Diaojiaolou group, Hung ya dong cliffs, urban balconies, columns Palestinian culture, delicious Riverside Street, Sunset Jialing.





Hongyadong is located in the downtown of Chongqing by the riverside of Jialing River.It used to be one oftop eight ancient scenaries.Hongyadong has a very special contruction feature which is built on hillside and on riverside,with one side of the house resting on rocks while the other three sides supported by wooden or bamboo poles.It has a history of 2300 years ,with an area of 46000 square metres.Now what you are visiting is a newly built one,which has been invested by a famous local enterprise Cygnus,as high as 300,000,000 RMB.becoming a key scenic spot,AAA tourism projects.It has a function of sightseeing,relaxing,enterntaining.One state:cultural entertainment,food culture,sports,shopping.Three features:Diaojiaolou,Ba culture,ancient town.Four streets:Zhiyanhe Pub Street,Tianchengxiang Ba culture street,Food street,Foreign Custom Balcony

Zhiyanhe Pub Street ,Private Bar ,world chain Pub,now also opened here,which gives us an international entertainment way.Starbuck is being attracted.Tianchengxiang Ba culture street,shows people different fashionable trend,based on Ba culture of 2300 years ago with blue bricks,stone tiles,red roof,and green tiles,which reflects local residential houses of Ming and Qing dynasty.and also you can find many folk arts.painting exhibtion hall,and there is an opera show at night.Food street,where you can enjoy many snacks all round China with typical local taste.Foreign custom city balcony will be the most transport

transfer parking lot, which can host 30-40 automobiles ,any visitors can go to any floor via lift and escalator.Eight Scenes:waterfall of Hongya,wooden houses complex,sculptures,city balcony,culture column,Hotpot of China,sunset of Jialing.During holidays,there are many activities held here,such as food show,folk wedding ceremony show.attracting many visitors from home and abroad.In a near future,Hongyadong will be the best place where the worldcan know

Chongqing,and the world can fall in love with Chongqing.and it will also be a place which switches Chongqing traditional lifestyle.Hung ya dong Chongqing Bayu culture and a humanistic roots.It is said that the flood banks of the Jialing River are standing ya dong Bayu culture.Chongqing Hongya dong reflects the indomitable human tenacity of will, is the witness of history and culture of

Chongqing and the symbol of the spirit of the city of Chongqing.Hongya dong folk style is

located in Yuzhong District.Bounded by the Jialing River, south of Jiefangbei Pro

Wiratchant White Road, the project will run for about 600 meters along the river, the total area of commercial buildings over 60,000 square meters, the most traditional architectural characteristics Bayu “Diaojiaolou” style as the main body, the mountain on the potential, through layered building units, hanging feet, stack fault, stop practices such as mountain building, the food and beverage, entertainment, leisure, health, hotels and shopping and cultural characteristics of the organic integration of the six formats together to form a unique “three-dimensional air pedestrian street ”levels and quality as the most scenic areas of the city business center.Diaojiaolou column architecture is entirely on the powerful mountains, looking far, they have layers of, and some scattered high and low, housing architecture is simple, flexible room, with no fixed-type shape, the building at random symbols, show a simple profit, natural smacks of subtle and beautiful contour lines.With the slope on the potential Diaojiaolou base to form a linear path of wonderful space, narrow deep, during which stroll, walking varies King, 10,000 kinds of customs.Inside lane, seemingly at the end, Po the past, but it is a way out, it is a heaven and earth.Diaojiaolou a bubble of lower overhead, surrounded the upper part of entities, Thus, the natural landscape in between Diaojiaolou born and brought up to show the situation presented in the slope above the wall, scattered in the landscape between the flashing and the construction, architecture and nature in harmony and unity of the glory.Bayu Hungya dongin the most traditional architectural features as the main body of the Diaojiaolou, mountains on the potential, along the river built in the ancient buildings in general are mostly three-tier architecture, like Hongya dong this gap of 75 meters, 13 layers Diaojiaolou commercial district is the unique wonders of the world.Hongya dong “one state,IV Street, Eight” business patterns reflect the cultural and leisure Bayu Format, “a state” refers to the cultural and leisure Format.refers to

Diaojiaolou, Town Street, Ba Culture;“d Street” refers to the four Hung ya dongStreet: entertainment without limits, “the paper movement Salt River Bar Street”;Chongqing Daguanyuan the “natural style Bayu Lane Street ”;old rock walls of the ancient cliff edge body is the“ Feast Hung ya dongStreet Food Street ”;Wiratchant white on the road is“ exotic city of Terrace Street ”;the streets of Chongqing's first French-style fashion

Riverside Hotel.“Eight” refers to Hong ya dong convergence of two rivers, Diaojiaolou group, Hung ya dong cliffs, urban balconies, columns Palestinian culture, delicious Riverside Street, Sunset Jialing.



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