长白山北坡导游词 敬爱的邓小平同志游览长白山后说?不登长白山终生遗憾our respected leader deng xiaoping , after visiting changbai mountain , said that it would be a lifetime regret without climbing the changbai mountain ?是的我想诸位今天游览长白山后会有更加深刻的体会.indeed, i believe all of you will have more impressive experience after the visit 长白山将是您生态旅游、回归自然的首选旅游胜地。it will be your first choice of ecotourism and to return to nature.现在大家跟我来到的是长白山北坡山门后now, we at the gate of the north slope of changbai mountain.朋友们您现在已进入了举世闻名的长白山国家级自然保护区my friends , you have entered in the world-renowned changbai mountain national nature reserve我现在简单地向大家介绍一下长白山保护区的情况。let me give you a brief introduction of the reserve 长白山自然保护区建立于1960年changbai mountain natural reserve was founded in 1960 ,1980年加入国际人与生物圈保护区网被列为世界自然保留地1986年被列为国家级森林与野生动物类型的自然保护区2007年5月经国家旅游局正式批准为国家5a级旅游景区2009年8月经国家地质遗址保护领导小组批准授予长白山国家地质公园资格。2009年11月长白山入选‘中国十大休闲胜地’ 界限分明的垂直植被景观带。it was included into the world network of biosphere reserve and listed as the world natural reserve in 1980,and as the national forest and wild life protection administration as the national 5 class-a tourist attraction in may ,2007 and by natural geological relics protection leading group to confer it as the national geological park in august ,2009,.in november of 2009, |changbai mountain was selected as “china ?s top leisure resort”
从山脚到山顶虽然只有几十公里的行程there is only ten meters long from the feet to top 但垂直分布的景观带却好像经历了欧亚大陆从温带到极地几千公里的变化but the vertical landscape belt seems to has experienced about thousands of kilometers changes in euria from subtropical to polar 游客可以在几个小时之内感觉到从温带到寒带的不同自然景色tourists can enjoy various natural sceneries from frigid zone to temperate zone within hours.如同游历了半个世界经历了春夏秋冬四季一样真可谓是一山分四季十里不同天。it just like have happened for half a century and experienced from spring to winter.the mountain has different views in four seasons and has various climates within kilometers篇二:英语导游词
各位游客朋友们,大家好!我先代表我们西西旅行社真诚的欢迎大家!我叫林玺,我将陪伴你们游玩龙岩,今天和我一起为大家服务的呢还有我身边的这位张师傅,张师傅驾驶技术娴熟,他的大巴车号码是f-12345。如果你有什么问题和特殊的要求,请告诉我们,我们会尽力让你们在龙岩有一个愉快的旅程。我相信大部分的人可以对龙岩有一个好的记忆,我们非常希望得到你们的支持和配合,我们希望你们可以在这里玩的开心。there are over 23000 earth buildings of different styles in yongding,the main styles of which are mansion-style, square and round.among them , there are over 360 round earth buildings,which are most typical.我们今天将要去参观的是被称为是世界上独一无二的山区建筑,神秘的东方古堡——永定土楼。世界上所有的民居建筑,永定土楼以其悠久的历史、独一无二的外形、壮丽的规模、巧妙的结构、完整的功能以及丰富的文化内涵被誉为是中国传统的五大民居之一,被誉为中国古代建筑奇观。永定县土楼共2万3千多座,其中以方楼、圆楼为主,典型的圆楼的数量有360多座。today the place we’ll visit is the hakka earth building folk and culture village at hongkeng of yongding.because we have too many earth buildings here, so today we will visit the most famous zhencheng building,which is known as the prince of earth buildings.现在请大家抬头看门上的三个汉字,大家知道为什么这栋楼要叫振成楼吗?其实啊,这个楼名是因为纪念楼主林丕振和林福成,从他们名字当中各取一字嵌入联首(振纲立纪,成德达才),振成的意思是无论国还是家,都应当遵纲守纪,才能造就有德有才之人。zhencheng building is made up of two circles: the outside one is earth structure and the inside one is brick structure.the outside wall is 16 meters high, kitchens and dining rooms are on the first floor, warehouses are on the second floor, bedrooms are on the third and the forth floor.there are 218 bedrooms here, now more than 40 families are living in the building.ok my dear guest, my first question for you!why there isn’t any windows on the first and second floor? as a matter of fact, when hakkas moved here, they was frequently invaded by other nations.so once they close the main gate and the two doors beside, it was difficult for the enemies to break in.and this is one of the 5 functions of the earth building------defence.振成楼由内外两环楼构成,外环是土木结构的,内环则是砖木结构。他的外墙高16米,一层为厨房、膳厅,二楼是仓库,三四层是卧室。共有218个房间,现在还有40多户人家住在土楼里。好,各位游客,我的第一个问题来了,有谁知道,为什么土楼的一二层都不设窗户呢?原来啊,客家人刚迁移到这里的时候,常遇外敌入侵,只要关上大门和左右两个边门,敌人就很难入侵了。这就是我们土楼5大功能里的第一个功能—防盗防卫功能。ok now let’s go into the building.do you feel warm? yeah, since the wall is thick, it can prevent heat and keep warm.so it’s warm in winter and cool in summer.好,现在我们走进土楼里面去看看。大家一进来是不是觉得特别暖和?是的,土楼因墙体厚实,隔热保温,因而具有冬暖夏凉的功能。just not go to other units.what’s more, people have dug two wells in the building which will provide the water for the fire.大家看,在楼内的每个单元之间,都设有防火墙。通常,一个单元就是一户人家,当把防火门关上时,你就拥有自己的空间,当打开防火门时,整个楼就是一个大家庭。还要向各位说一说土楼的第三个功能—防火功能。大家看,一旦楼内发生了火灾,火势不致蔓延,并且楼内挖有两口水井,也为扑火提供了水源。the most conscious trait of the design of the earth building is quakeproof.in the last two years, since wenchuan and yushu earthquake have happened in our country, the quakeproof function of the building was greatly concerned.fortunately, the ancestors here took consider of this function hundreds of years ago.look, the outside circle tilted inwards as it went up and became the wall which is.besides, some bamboo and firs were put into the wall in order to strengthen the pull and prevent the quake.土楼的设计最大的特色莫过于他的防震功能。近两年,我们国家经历了汶川大地震、玉树大地震等,房屋防震功能的考虑越来越受到人们的重视。但是土楼的先民们在百年前就考虑到了这个重要的功能。大家请看外环楼的墙体,他是随着高度的增加渐向内倾斜,形成下大上小、向心力强的墙体。并且在墙体中放入了竹片、杉木条,增加了墙体的拉力,大大提高了抗震能力,防震效果明显。there is another important function, that is environmental friendly.the earth building is made of earth, when it is pulled down, it’s still earth.this attracts the great attention of environmentalists.土楼还有一个重要的功能,那就是环保功能了。土楼取之于泥土,拆毁后回归自然,特别适宜环保,这引起了环保界的极大兴趣。
鼓 浪 屿 today we will visit gulangyu islet after breakfast,our tour bus awaits outside,so please take your personal belongings and follow my instructions to board the bus.it will take us 5 minute to get to the ferry.现在请大家注意你们左手边的岛屿。这就是鼓浪屿了,也就是我们今天的要到的目的地。鼓浪屿,穿越过厦门海峡,濒临厦门西南海岸有600米。这个面积仅有1.91平方千米的微小的岛屿,人口不少于20,000。1995年4月,鼓浪屿成为国家重点旅游风景区。同时,也是福建省十大旅游景点之一.厦门有句名言:到厦门不游鼓浪屿不算真正到厦门。更准确的说,除非你游览过日光岩,走上天风台,登上日光岩最高峰才算真正到过厦门。现在我们将从前门进入日光岩景区。我们在龙头山,进入大门内,来到的是厦门最为著名的寺庙——日光岩寺。日光岩寺又称“莲花庵”。它建立于明朝,在1956年得到重修,已经有四百多年的历史了。由于每天莲花庵最先沐浴在阳光里,故称为“日光寺”。turing right we will go to the memory hall of zheng chenggong, inside the memory hall we will see a bronze statue of him.words describing his entire life are cared at the bottom of it.the form on its right has shown all of the great events in his life.he was born in japan in 1624 and returned to china at the age of 7.on april 21st ,1661,he led his troops to taiwan and retake it from the dutch after they had colonized it for over 38 years.he died in taiwan the follow year,1662,at the tender age of 39.in memory of him,we have displayed some photos and modles to show the places he visited and the battle ship he used.after visiting the zheng chenggong memorial hall, now we are going through the old summer cave.its name suggests that people liked to escape to its cool interior during sweltering summers,go upstairs and we can see a gate in front of us.this is the entrance to the dragon head hill fortress.the gate was 157cm.the same height as zheng chenggong.so if you are taller than that you need to bow,just as if you were showing respect this great person.ok,let’s go out the memory hall now.though the peak of sunlight rock is not very high,only 92.7 meters above sea level,but it will give you a fine view below and beyond ,a scenic that generously and candidly unwinds before you.now i cant wait to take you to the top and show you the beautiful panoramic view of xiamen.please watch your step while you are climbing the stairs.篇三:导游词 全中英对照 181页——203页
在我们面前的这座山峰是鳌鱼峰。你看,整个山峰犹如一条巨大的鳌鱼,头向左,尾向右。在鳌鱼的嘴前有三块小巧石,像三个螺蛳,因此组成“鳌鱼吃螺蛳”景观。在鳌鱼背上,有石如龟,向前探首,峰石结合,构成“鳌鱼驮金龟”的奇景。游览至此,黄山北海景区的景点便全部结束。谢谢大家!mount jiuhua(九华山)ladies and gentlemen,mount jiuhhua has 99 peaks surrounding its summit, shiwang peak, which is 1,342 meters high.mount jiuhua has a long history of religious culture, with taoism preceding buddhism.among the more than eighty temples still standing today, huacheng, ganlu, tiantai, and qiyuan temples, roushen hall, and zhantan froest are the best preserved.the architectural style is distinguished by its free and vivid design mixing buddhist temples and local residences in the mountain region.there are not only big temples of a grand scale and strict style, but also small quiet temples made up of one room and one hall.jiuhua street scenic area now we are walking on the jiuhua street.it is located in a spacious area at the foot of furong peak 600 meters,above sea level and surrounded by mountains,which serves as mount jiuhua?s reception center.temples,local residences,and shops are mixed together on jiuhua street,and monks,nuns,pilgrims,visitors and the local inhabitants wander around here all day. qiyuan temple we are now in the famous roushen hall.more than 1.200 years ago,the eminent monk jin qiaojue used to chant sutra and sit in meditation on shenguang ridge.when he died,he sat in a vat and was placed in nantai.as the ground shone magically,it was renamed shenguang(magic shine)ridge.three years later,the vat was opened.his body was still soft,his face was still lively and his bones sounded clearly when shaken.as the buddhist sutra showed,he was the reincarnation of buddha,so he was honored ksitigarbha and a high hall and a wooden pagoda were built to protect him,which was named roushen(incarnation)hall.the structure of a pagoda inside a hall, a vat inside the pagoda,and an incarnated body inside the vat is unique.tiantai scenic area we?ve arrived at tiantai scenic area.tiantai scenic areas is situated southeast of mount jiuhua where most of the high peaks gather.tiantai peak is 1,325 meters high, making it a little lower than shiwang peak.but it is always been regarded as the center of the high peaks because of its many scenic sights and ancient temples.starting from minyuan to tiantai, you?ll enjoy various magnificent views one by one as you climb higher and higher.tiantai temple tiantai temple now is in our sights.it is also called wanfo building and ksitigarbha buddhist temple and has three parts.first you?ll enter the maitreya buddha hall, then the hall of the three sages in the western world,at last the grand hall.now,please look up,you can see on the wooden ceiling, thousands of small buddhist figurines are lined with various vivid expressions.the temple has no outside yards,but is still spacious and bright,due to its special design.on the rock at the corner of the hall is a big footprint which is paired with one on another peak,the east cliff.they were the holy prints left by jin qiaojue when he took off striding over the two peaks.the big drum was presented in 1982 by the pious buddhist believers in kowloon,hong kong.
九华山群峰林立,高高低低的山峰围绕着海拔1342米的主峰十王峰,犹如儿孙绕膝,老少欢聚。九华山宗教活动历史悠久,其道教在先,佛教更盛。现存寺庙80多座,其中被列为国家重点保护的有化成寺、祗园寺、肉身宝殿、旃檀林、甘露寺、天台寺等。其建筑形式很有特色,大部分以佛教殿堂与皖南民居相结合,依山傍势,布局灵巧,既有规模宏大 的殿宇,也有一舍一佛堂的清净小庵。
大家可能都知道,九华山佛教以地藏道场而闻名。据古迹记载,唐代开元年间,古新罗国(今朝鲜半岛)王族近属金乔觉渡海来华,在九华山苦修, 于贞元十年(公元764年)夏99岁时圆寂。佛教界以他生前苦行,寂后形迹与经典所载地藏菩萨相合,尊为地藏菩萨应化,在神光岭上建墓安葬,九华山自此被辟为地藏应化道场,香火日盛。这里每年定期举行庙会,一般都要持续10天,已经成为了全国性的旅游项目,为海内外游人香客所欢迎。因为时间的关系,我们主要游览九华街和天台景区。
天台景区 我们现在已经进入天台景区。天台景区位于九华山的东南方,以登高览盛为特色,九华高峰多汇于此。天台峰海拔1325米,略低于十王峰,但这里景观荟萃,古寺重重,历来被视作九华高峰的中心。我们由闵园上天台,一步一景,越上越奇。
到此,今天的行程就全部结束。非常感谢大家,祝愿大家旅途愉快!ancient villages in southern anhui province(皖南古村落)ladies and gentlemen,today,we are going to pay a visit to xidi and hongcun villages.now,id like to briefly introduce these two well-known scenic attractions.xidi and hongcun villages are good examples of southern anhui province?s culture and its unique ancient villages.they and other such ancient villages have their regional and cultural origins in the region south of the yangtze river and possess special huizhou cultural features.xidi village has been reputed as “a living ancient residential museum”, while hongcun village is described as “china?s picturesque village.both were added to unesco?s list of world cultural heritage sites in 2000. xidi village xidi village is in southeast yixian county,anhui province,with 300 ancient houses built in the ming and qing dynasties,124 of which are in perfect condition.the design of the streets and lanes and other houses follows the older pattern,maintaining the village?s ancient style of life and architecture.foreign experts have declared that “they are the finest examples of ancient residences under best protection and preservation” and are among the most beautiful villages in the world.” xidi village extends 700 meters from east to west and 300 meters from north to south,giving it the shape of a large boat.the village first became prominent during the ming dynasty jingtai emperors reign and became highly prosperous from the reign of the ming dynasty jiajing emperor to the qing dynasty qianlong emperors reign.this prosperity was due to the efforts of high-ranking officials and successful merchants.yet,the strict hierarchy of feudal society was also shown in the construction of residence.the merchants could only choose the best materials and plan most sophisticated workmanship to show off their wealth and position.in xidi village,we c an see many examples of fine stone,brick,and wood carvings. the archway of hu wenguang the prefectural governor mansion of the senior 0fficial we are now visiting the mansion where the senior official,hu wenzhao once lived in.it was built in 1619 during the early qing dynasty and has a unique feature—a delicate and elegant pavilion extends from the upright wall close to the street.the pavilion hangs there,with a flying-up roof and up-turned eaves and has rails and windows along three sides.originally, it was used for landscape-appreciation.but later,people used it for silk-ball-throwing,a local practice for matching-making between young man and young woman.such practice is often described in dramas and novels,as those young ladies of rich and decent families could only arbitrarily decide their marriage by throwing silk-ball to anyone who caught it.this was done because it was hard for such ladies to choose among so many suitors.you can now also take part in this activity and have a bit of fun doing so.hongcun village now we are in hongcun village.hongcun village was designed and constructed in the shape of a buffalo.if seen on a higher place, the whole village is like a buffalo lying beside the stream.a hillock in the west stands like a buffalo?s head;with two big trees as tow horns;four stone bridges across jiyang river are like the four legs of the buffalo;the blocks of ancient houses in the village make up the body;while a 1,000 meter long stream winding among the houses is just like the bowel of the buffalo;a pond in the shape of a half-moon is the stomach, and a larger pool in the south of the village is the belly of the buffalo.the local people used their intelligence and diligence to design and construct such a buffalo-shape village.chengzhi tang(ambition hall)now we are in the center of the courtyard, and here chengzhi tang?s main hall.the door frame and porch are decorated with wood and brick carvings of vases, ancient plum flowers, the eight immortals, and the like.on the two sides of the gate there are the carvings of “carp jumping over the dragon gate”, symbolizing the owner?s political ambitions after his success in the business world.西递村
西递村东西长700米,南北宽300米,平面呈船形。它发展于明朝景泰年间,明嘉靖至清乾隆时期达到鼎盛。西递之所以兴旺,主要是因为村中屡出高官和富商,聚集了大量的财富,有了较雄厚的经济基础。但是在封建社会,建筑府第宅院是有严格的等级规范的,徽商只能尽可能的选用上好的石头、木材,在精雕细刻上下功夫,并以此作为炫耀财富和地位的手段。所以在西递,精美的石雕、砖雕、木雕随处可见。篇四:鼓浪屿导游词中英文 各位团友:
现在我们的车行驶在中山路上。中山路是厦门目前最繁华的商业街,它建于20世纪二三十年代,又是一条老街,街旁建筑为骑楼式(将楼的下层部分做成柱廊式人行道,使楼层的一部分跨建在人行道上,用以避雨、遮阳、通行,故名骑楼),这是厦门一大特色。中国南方城市和东南亚国家的城市多有这种驶楼。这主要是考虑到厦门地处亚热带,有时阳光照射强烈,风雨交加,行人可以在骑楼下防晒避雨,自由行走,随意购物。中山路是厦门的主要商业街,也是厦门的文明街,品种繁多齐全,国货、洋货均有。each regiment friend: hello, everyone!we sight-seed drum wave island insea garden today.our garages drive now at in hill path.medium the hill path is xiamen currently the most prosperous business street, it sets up in 20 centuries 23, and then is an old street, the street constructs for the arcade type(make the bottom layer part of building into the pillar gallery type sidewalk, make floor of a part across to set up on the sidewalk, seek shelter from rain, hide sun and go through in order to, past arcade)beside, this is one great special features in xiamen.the city of chinese southern city and nation in southeast asia has this kind of more to drive building.this mainly is in consideration of ground in xiamen subtropics, sometimes the sunlight project light upon mightiness, the rains and winds hand over to add, the pedestrian can defend to bask to seek shelter from rain under the arcade, running about freely, at will shopping.medium the hill path is the main business street of xiamen, is also the civilization street of xiamen, the species is numerous well-found, the native product, ocean goods all has.各位团友,渡船时间约为六分钟,下面我向大家简单介绍鼓浪屿。看,对面的小岛就是鼓浪屿,这条江叫鹭江,也叫厦鼓海峡,宽600米。鼓浪屿面积1.78平方公里,人口1.9万。宋元时期称“圆沙州”,明肛始称鼓浪屿。因岛的西南海边有一块大岩石,长年累月被海浪冲出一个大洞,每逢潮涨,海浪扑打岩洞,发出如擂鼓的声音,所以人们叫它为“鼓浪石”,小岛也就叫鼓浪屿了。现为国家重点风景名胜区,是福建旅游景区“十佳”之首。
各位团友,码头到了,这个码头是1976年新建的,以前的码头很小,是1938年建的。这里原来是西方列强贩卖中国劳工出洋乘船的地方,大家看过《海囚》这部电影吧,那“海囚”就是从个码头乘船出发的。为解决乘船拥挤的问题,建了这个“钢琴码头”。因为鼓浪屿是“音乐之岛”,要使游人一跳上鼓浪屿就接触到音乐的气氛围,大家看这是不是有点像张开的三角钢琴!each regiment friend, ferry time about is six minutes, below i introduce a drum wave island in brief toward everyone.see, the opposite islet is a drum wave island, this river calls 鹭 river, also call 厦 drum straits, the breadth is 600 meters.the drum wave island area is 1.78 square kilometers, population 19,000.sung dollar is period to call circle sand state, the clear anus starts to call a drum wave island.because the southwest seaside of island contain a piece of and big rock, the regularly tired month is rushed out a big hole by the wave, every time round the tide rise, th e wave rushes toward to beat mountain cave, sending out such as the voice of 擂 drum, so people call it asdrum wave stone, islet also call drum wave island.now for the country house the point scenery famous spot area is fukien to travel the head of the view areaten good.各位团友,豉浪屿除了少量观光电瓶车外,没有其他车辆,在岛上步行别有情趣。现在我们一边走一边观赏鼓浪屿欧陆建筑的风采吧!
这是英国领事管,建于1844年和1870年,已经150多年历史了。1840年,英国发动鸦片战争,它的远征军开到厦门海面,与厦门守军发生激战,结果英军战败退去。1841年8月,英国30艘军舰3500余人再次进犯厦门,经激战,厦门和鼓浪屿陷落,厦门被占领10天,英军撤退时留下军舰3艘、军队500人强占鼓浪屿达5年之久。中英《南京条约》允许英国人在鼓浪屿“暂居”。1843年,英国首先在鼓浪屿设立领事馆,首任领事就是攻打厦门的海军舰长。1844年第二任领事建了这幢领事楼。可领事虽住在这里,却强占厦门的最高行政机关“兴泉水海防备道”道署办公,前后达20年。这是1870年建的新办公楼,落地门窗,一副英国模样,内部装饰相当豪华,但有6间囚室。楼前的一座狮狗墓,那是领事爱犬死后特意建造的,1957年被砸毁,墓旁立有一根钢管旗杆,已废倒。each regiment friend, 豉 wave island in addition to a little amount sightseeing electric cell car there are no other vehicles outside, dont have interesting aspect on foot on the island.now we are walking and appreciating the elegant appearance of six buildings in the drum wave island europe!this is the british consul tube, setting up in 1844 and 1870, already more than 150 calendars history.in 1840, england launches opium war, its expedition soldier arrives sea surface in xiamen, guarding soldier occurrence with xiamen to arouse a war, the result british army loses war to draw off.1841 august, 30 more than 3500 persons of warship in england enter to make xiamen again, through arouse war, xiamen and drum wave island to fall, xiamen is captured for 10 days, the british army retreats leave warship 3, troops 500 people are strong to have a drum wave an island to reach to for long 5 years.chinese and english 《nanking treaty 》allow british in the drum wave islandreside temporary.in 1843, england establishes consulate at the drum wave island first, the head term consul is navys warship which strikes against xiamen to grow.the second consul set up this consul building in 1844.can although the consul live here, strong has the cheerful spring coastal defense have a way of the tallest administration organization in xiamen a way an office to transact, reach to in front and back for 20 years.this is in 1870 to set up o f transact building lately, fall to the ground doors and windows, one vice-british shape, the inner part adornment is very luxurious, but has 6 jailbirds rooms.a lion dog last home that is before the building, that is what consul love dog is clay-cold idea constructs especially, 1957 is hit to ruin, the last home signs a steel pipe flagpole beside, having already discarded to pour.日光岩
这是日光岩寺新修的山门,让我们先看前方巨石上的三幅石刻,这好像一个人写的,其实是三人所书。“鼓浪洞天”是明万历年间(1573年)泉州同知丁一中写,已经400多年了,是日光岩上最早的题刻;“鹭江第一”是清代道进士林缄所写,也有100多年了;“天风海涛”是民国4年(1915年)福建巡按使许世英写的。在如此高大的石头上凌空崖刻,气魄很大。sunlight rock each regiment friend: this lately-fixed gate to a monastery of the that day light rock temple, let us see three sculpture carvingses of front megalith first, this seems what a person write, is three people in fact the book.drum wave hole day is clear ten thousand the spring state knows d together through the years a medium write, already more than 400 years, the that day light rock top earliest engraves;鹭 river the first is manchu dynasty way enters 缄 in shihlin write, also have for more than 100 years;day breeze sea waves is what year 4 of the republic of china(1915)fukien cruise press make a life time english to write.soar to the skies a precipice to engrave on the thus high and big rock, the boldness of vision is very big.各位团友,日光岩寺原名莲花庵,是厦门四大名庵之一,实际是一石洞,以石为顶,故又叫“一片瓦”,始建于明代正德年间,万历十四年(1586年)重建。因为每天凌晨,朝阳从厦门五老峰后升起,莲花庵最先沐浴在阳光里,因此得名“日光寺”。又传说当年顾成功来到晃岩(日光岩的别称),看到这里景色远胜过日本的日光山,便把“晃”字拆开,称为日光岩。日光寺屡毁屡建,清同治年间,建圆明展,祀弥勒。1917年建大雄宝殿。解放后,圆明殿改成念佛堂。改革开放后,落实宗教政策,日光寺得到政府的扶持,接受海内外十方善信的捐赠,大兴土木,翻修了大雄宝殿,新建了山门、钟鼓楼、旅游平台、法堂、僧舍、小卖部和膳堂,寺庙焕然一新。日光寺是一座精巧玲珑袖珍式的寺庙,大雄殿、弥陀殿对合而设,是全国唯一的。由于环境优越,历代高僧不断,著名的弘一法师1936年曾在这里闭方便关8个月。
each regiment friend, sunlight rock temple original lotus 庵 is four one of the name 庵ss in xiamen, is one stone cave physically, take stone as a crest, past again callone tile, start to set up in ming dynasty just virtuous year, ten thousand the 历s rebuild for 14 years(1586).everyday dawn, the dynasty sun is from five old 峰s in xiamen behind rise, the lotus 庵 earliest 沐 bathes in the sunlight, therefore getting sunlight temple.again fabulous that year attend to successfully arrive at to sway a rock(the sunlight rock dont call), see here the landscape is by long odds to le ad japan of sunlight mountain, thensway a word to tear open, be called a sunlight rock.the sunlight temple ruins often to set up often, pure cure an of year together, set up a clear exhibition, 祀弥勒.set up a big male treasure palace in 1917.after relieving, the circle clear palace changes say prayer to buddha a hall.the reform carries out a religious policy after opening, the sunlight temple gets a supporting of government, accepting the outside of the world the endowment of ten square and kind letters, building many new buildings, overhauling a big male treasure a palace, setting up gate to a monastery, clock drum building, the tour terrace, method hall, monk to give up, small shop lately with food hall, the temples has a brand-new look.the sunlight temple is a temples of type with lovely and pocketsized choiceness, the big male palace, amitabha palace establishes towards matching but, is the whole country is unique.because the environment is superior, in the past monk of high renown continuously, the 弘 of the 著 a master once shut convenience to close here for 8 months in 1936.毓园
毓 park each regiment friend: we arrive at a 毓 park now.the 毓轩 is a wood 巧稚 the memorial park of the doctor.wood 巧稚 , was born an island at the drum wave in 1901, graduate from peking to help with medicine department university in 1929, because of result excellent, is stayed be helping with work, pass away in peking on april 22,1983, whole year round 83 years old.each regiment friend, the tour drum wave island arrives this all is over.everyone if still have interest, can extrude time, go to wreath island the road walk, appreciate the charm and europe of ocean six building of elegant appearance, can also go deep into an alley, listen to of run off in the villa of the piano play a 鸣 voice, increasing the cultural content of the trip of xiamen.many thanks to the everyones cooperation.篇五:导游词中英文综合 第一篇 景点模拟讲解题
第一章 天安门及天安门广场
各位朋友,我们现在来到国旗杆前,大家应该知道,天安门广场每天都有升降旗仪式,自从我国于1991 世纪兴培训学校预祝您考试成功!
Hello everybody, welcome to Nandaihe International Amusement Center.I’m the tour guide from **Travel Agency.My name is ***.You can call me 小*。I’m happy to serve for you this time.In my right hand, this is our driver——Miss/Mr.*.He has 20 years driving experience, so you needn’t worry about our safety.If anyone is tired, you can have a break, in order to guarantee to have enough energy to play.Then everyone must remember that our bus is blue, and it’s number is ****.My telephone number is ****.You can call me if you have problem, I will try my best to help you solve them.OK!We are arriving the destination.Please take your luggage and take off follow me.Now we are coming to a resaurant called ****。It is a good resaurant of this area.We will solve our eating problems in it during this days.The dishes of this resaurant are very clean and various, and their price are reasonable.In the opposite of resaurant is our hotel.The environment there is beautiful, and there is a river beside it.Living here, you can feel that seems you live in the south of China.The most important thing is playing.Nandaihe International Amusement Center has rich tourism resources.There are about four scenic sights.They are Golden dragon mountain sight, Big happy world, Blue sea and golden sand sight and China lotus park.金龙山景区
Four sliding is its characteristics.They are sand sliding, grass sliding, mountain slide aeroglisseur and high mountain ropeway.滑沙:The slippery sand amusement park is located at on the Shashan,it has 10 chutes and become the scenic area brand tourism place.滑草:it faces the large forest,you may while the feeling gets a chill the general speed, understands the nature happiness.滑艇:the most thrilling thing is going through the corner and slide, if you feel scared, you can shout out loudly.滑圈:it just like huating, After the slippery circle stops down, Do not worry that the river character greatly strengthened service person will deliver safely you the ashore.TIP: the activities need swimsuits, you should buy yourself.欢乐大世界
There are recommend of entertainment project, recomment of elaborate project, recomment of attractive project, recomment of project for children and recomment of project for old people.There are many games for everyone.海滨浴场
In order to make the largest seaside park in the world, nandaihe increases 12 groups large games, seaside square, big theatre and many other entertainments.And you can see the romantic sunrise.中华荷园
China lotus park includes four scenic sights, they are square of enjoying lotus, lake of one thousand pieces of lotus, one hundred of walks to lotus and island on the center of lake.While time flies quickly, our this trip to Nandaihe is going to the end.During these days, thank you for understanding and supporting my work, if I did something not good, please forgive me.And at the same time, we also need to thanks our driver, his work is very tired.Although we are in the back way, I hope this is one of your wonderful and unforgettable trips.And I also hope you will come Nandaihe again someday.Thank you!
Six Harmonies Pagoda, highly erected by the Qiantang River and to the south of the West Lake, is a perfect symbol of brick-and-wood structure built in the ancient China.It is first built in 970 AD in the Northern Song dynasty(960-1127), in a way to press down the evil of the river tidal bore in Qiantang River.The name “six harmonies” comes from the six Buddhist ordinances, meaning “harmonies of the heaven, earth, east, west, south and north”.The pagoda has fallen into ruins and gone through reconstruction many times.The original pagoda is nine storyed with a light on the tip, serving as a navigation tower in the river.The present tower was the restoration in 1156.Seen from outside, the tower, with a height of 59.89 meters, have 13 stories while in fact only seven stories inside.The core of the present pagoda was built with the bricks left over from the Southern Song dynasty.The upturned wooden multi-eaves and wrapping structure were first built in the ending years of the Qing dynasty and have been refurbished many times.Commanding a spectacular view of the surging Qiantang River, the pagoda presents a quiet image of age-old majesty.Looking out from the top of the pagoda, sightseers can see as far as the misty horizon, enjoying an unforgettable, breathtaking experience.The Six Harmonies Pagoda has been under the state protection since 1961 as a state-level cultural site.版本2:
The Six Harmonies Pagoda is located in the Yuelun Hill on the north bank of Qiantang River, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province.The location of the Six Harmonies Pagoda was originally the south orchard of the king of the Wuyue state in the Five Dynasties Period(907-960).The pagoda was first built in the third year(970)of the Kaibao reign of the Northern Song Dynasty on the denoted land by Qian Hongshu to control the tides of the Qiantang River.The temple was built at the same time.The 9-storeyed pagoda is more than 50 zhang(1 zhang = 3.33meters)high, steep and grand.Bright lamps were installed on the top for guide the ships to sail in the dark nights.In the third year(1121)of the Xuanhe reign, the Six Harmonies Pagoda was destroyed by the war.The existing brick body was rebuilt in the 26th year(1156)of the Shaoxing reign of the Southern Song Dynasty(1127-1279).The project was not completed until the first year(1165)of the Qianbao reign.The Six Harmonies Pagoda has 13 layers of wooden eaves that were rebuilt in the 26th year(1900)of the Guangxu reign of the Qing Dynasty(1644-1911).Six storeys of it are close, and the seventh storey leads to the inside.From outside to inside, the pagoda is divided into four parts: the outer wall, the cloister, the inner wall and a small room, forming two rings.Inside the inner ring is the small room at the heart of the pagoda;the outer ring is the thick wall;between two rings is the corridor, and the stairs are in the corridor.A leaning pole is fixed at the corner of outer wall, connected with the wood eaves.Doors are opened in each side of the wall.Because the wall is 4.12-meter thick, each door has a corridor with wall niches on both sides.The niches have pedestals.The passageway leads to the cloister.Four doors and four niches alternate with each other on the eight sides of the inner wall.The 4.2-meter-thick inner wall has doors with a corridor each, leading to the small room at the heart.The niches are carved with The Sutra of Forty-Two Sections.The small room was originally set for the statue of Buddha;it is an exquisite building intimating wood structure.The molds of the Hu Gate in the Six Harmonies Pagoda are typical style of the Southern Song Dynasty(1127-1279), with smooth lines and round and beautiful design.The seventh storey and the pagoda spire were built in the Yuan Dynasty(1271-1368).On the pedestal of the Six Harmonies Pagoda, there are more than 200 vivid brick carvings that contain wide-range subjects: pomegranate, lotuses, phoenixes, peacocks and parrots flying in the sky, lions, kylins(unicorn)galloping and jumping, and fairy maiden dancing high-spiritedly, etc.These brick carvings tally with the record in Ying Zao Fa Shi(Constructing Molds and Styles)of the Song Dynasty.They are valuable material in the history of China's ancient buildings.The Six Harmonies Pagoda is one of the famous sceneries in Hangzhou City.When travelers come here, they can not only enjoy the heroic posture of the pagoda, but also get some idea of the views on the Qiantang River.Therefore, a number of scholars and poets in the past wrote poems and lyrics about them.
the bund and environs the bund is 1500-stretch along the huangpu river, running from the waibaidu bridge in the north to the yan’an road in the south.that the beginning of the 19 century, the area was a mere shallow waterfront covered with reeds.as a resule of opium war in 1840s, the bund area became the site of some of the earlist foreign settlements after shanghai was opened as one of five “treaty ports” listed in the unequal nanjing treaty imposed by foreign powers.block after block of buildings were thbuilt in the 20 century.they houses the on the riverfront a promenade was raised to prevent the city from flooding and offer visitors a wide walkway for take photos and relaxing in front of the beautiful harbor.the promenade also sees locals doing morning exercises and lovers making good of the romantic evenings.though the physical change on the waterfront was great, the skylines of this area didn’t change.the municipal government renovated the old buildings, highlighting them as the best tourist attractions of shanghai.known as “gallery of world architecture”, it means 23buildings in a line.they are in a variety of styles, ancient and modern, chinese and foreign.when the night falls, all the lofty buildings along the bund, outlined with beautiful artistic lights, look like a giant crystal palace, presenting a special charm.with offering the best scenic scenes of the city, the bund is also a traffic hub in the new network.the main streets running west-east all start at the bund.the road running along the bund is also a vital link in the city’s new highway network and about half of the traffic east of the north-south elevated road uses the bund.under the road is a vehicle tunnel constructed in 2010.in the new century, the bund area is not confined to the former british concession but extends both southward and northward.it is evolving into one of the most popular urban resorts of shanghai.the history of the bund can be considered the epitome of the history of modern shanghai.篇二:中文导游词:上海外滩导游词 朋友们:
南京东路口的两幢大楼均称为和平饭店。坐南朝北的这幢楼建于1906年,当时称汇中饭店,是上海现存最早的一个饭店。它可作为一座历史建筑,属英国文世复兴式。该楼的最大特点是立面彩红砖做腰线,白墙砖做贴面,远远望去既庄重典雅,又别具风格,实属一座难得的佳作。1 2 3篇三:上海外滩导游词
海关大楼 建成于1927年,花去430万两白银。大楼是具有折中主义建筑风格。大楼顶部的大钟,是仿英国,伦敦国会大厦大钟式样制造,花白银2000余两。它是亚洲第一大钟,又是世界上著名的大钟。大钟直径5。4米,分针长3。17米,时针长2。3米。钟内有三个最达两吨的钟摆,这个大钟每周开三次,每次上发条要四个人操作一小时。另外每天在一刻钟的时候会奏响一段《东方红》乐曲,到整点奏响一整曲《东方红》。
汇中饭店 位于中山东路南京路口,它的正六在南京东路23号。1906年建造,它外形美观,白色清水砖作墙面;红砖作腰线。有“外滩美女”之称。这里曾是三次重要会议所在地。第一,1909年“上海万国禁烟大会”;第二是1996年“上海国际兴奋剂”会议;第三是1911年中国17省代表召开欢迎孙中山先生回国就任临时大总统会议。
张家界位于湖南省西北部,属武陵山脉腹地,1988 年 5 月经国务院批准设立大庸市,1994 年 4 月更名为张家界市,总面积 9516平方公里,辖武陵源、永定 2 区及慈利、桑植 2 县。全市总人口约 170 万,市城区建成面积约 30平方公里,市区人口约 20 万。张家界因旅游建市,是国内重点旅游城市。武陵源风景名胜区拥有世界罕见的石英砂岩峰林峡谷地貌,由中国第一个国家森林公园——张家界国家森林公园和天子山自然保护区、索溪峪自然保护区、杨家界景区等四大景区组成,核心景区游览面积264.6平方公里,是中国首批入选的世界自然遗产、世界地质公园和国家首批 5A 级旅游景区。“武陵之魂”天门山国家森林公园、“世界罕见的物种基因库”八大公山国家级自然保护区、道教圣地“南武当”五雷山、“百里画廊”茅岩河等景区也是景色秀美、风光独特。土家风情园、老院子等民族风情景点以及《魅力湘西》、《天门狐仙》等演艺节目,全面展现了土家族、白族、苗族等少数民族的传统习俗和民族文化。张家界是少数民族聚居区。全市有少数民族 33 个,以土家族、白族、苗族为主,少数民族人口 115万,占总人口的 77%。这里民俗古朴,民族文化浓郁,有各类非物质文化遗产 15 类 70 多项,其中桑植民歌首批列入国家非物质文化遗产,张家界阳戏、张家界高花灯、慈利板板龙灯首批列入省级非物质文化遗产,张家界硬气功曾随国家领导人赴欧洲七国演出。张家界属亚热带山原型季风湿润气候,四季分明,生态优良。全市森林覆盖率达 66.98 %,有娃娃鱼、中国鸽子花等国家一、二级珍稀保护动植物Located in the northwest of Hunan Province, Zhangjiajie has four administrative area under its jurisdiction: Yongdingdistrist,Wulingyuandistrict,Cili county and Sangzhi county.Covering an area of 9516 square kilometers,Zhangjiajie has a total population of 1.70 million.Named DayongCity,Zhangjiajie was approved a prefectural city in May,1988,by the State Council, but changed it’s name to Zhangjiajie in 1994.And now, the city embraces an area of 30 square kilometers with the urban population of 0.2 million.As a city for tourism, Zhangjiajie is one of the major tourist city in China.Include Zhangjiajie National Forest Park(known as China's first national forest park), Suoxiyu Natural Resource Reserve, Tianzi Mountain Natural Resource Reserve and Yangjiajie Scenery ,Wulingyuan Scenic Area covers an area of 264.6 square kilometers with its quartz sandstone canyon peaks which is rare in the world.It is the World Natural Heritage,The World Geological Park and 5A-Class Tourist Attraction which was first selected in China.TianmenMountain National Forest Park is called “soul of the Wuling”, Badagongshan National Nature Reserve is named“The world's rare species gene pool”, MaoYan River is called “one-hundred-mile long gallery”, Jiutian Cave is named “the number-one cave in Asia”, and Wuleishan ,called “ the Southern Wudang Mountain, is a famous Taoist holy land.All of them arefamous scenic spots with beautiful but unique sceneray.The folk landscape of Laoyuanzi(the Old Yard), Tujia Folk Park and performance arts of “Charm Western Hunan”,”Tianmen Fox Fairy”demonstrate the national minority tradition custom and the national culture style of Tujia , Bai , Miao minority.Being a minority neighborhoods, there are 33 minorities in Zhangjiajie, mainly Tujia,Miao and Bai nationality, with a population of 1.15 million which togeher makes up 77% of the total population.With simple folk and rich culture,there are 15 types of intangible cultural heritage, a number of class 70.Among them, Folk Songs of Sangzhi County was listed in the Protection Catalog of Chinese Intangible Cultural Heritage In 2006.Yang Drama, High Lantern of Yongding District and Ban-ban Lantern ofCili County were all first included in the Protection Catalog of Hunan Intangible Cultural Heritage.Especially, as the master of “Zhangjiajie Hard Qigong” ,Mr Zhao Jishu was accompanied some leaders of Chinese central government for visits to seven countries of Europe.Zhangjiajie is subtropical moist mountain climate.As distinct seasons and good ecological, the forest coverage rate is 66.98% of the total area , which protect kinds of rare animals and plants,such as giant salamander,pigeon China ,etc.thus for tourists ,Zhangjiajie is an ideal place to spend one's holiday.天门山
Tianmen Mountain is a mountain located within Tianmen Mountain National Park, Zhangjiajie, in northwestern Hunan Province, China A cablecar was constructed by the French company Poma from nearby Zhangjiajie railway station to the top of the mountain.Tianmen Mountain Cableway is claimed in tourist publications as the “longest passenger cableway of high mountains in the world”, with 98 cars and a total length of 7,455 metres and ascent of 1,279 metres.The highest gradient is an unusual 37 degrees.Tourists can walk on kilometres of paths built onto the cliff face at the top of the mountain, including sections with glass floors.An 11km road with 99 bends also reaches the top of the mountain and takes visitors to Tianmen cave, a natural hole in the mountain of a height of 131.5 metres.A large temple is also located on the summit with chairlift or footpath access.The original temple here was built in the Tang Dynasty.Today a more recent construction with Tang dynasty architecture occupies the site and includes a vegetarian restaurant in the 10000 square metre setting.On September 25, 2011 Jeb Corliss glided through the 100 feet(30 m)wide archway in the mountain using a wing suit.The flight began from a helicopter at 6,000 feet(1,800 m), and ended with a safe landing on a nearby bridge.TianmenMountain,a famous mountain first recorded in the history of Zhangjiajie with an elevation of 1518.6 meters.It is 8 kilometers from the downtown and is one of the most representative natural sceneries of Zhangjiajie.For long time being,Tianmen Mountain attracts the attention of the people not only by its miraculous and unique geology and unparalleled landscape, but also well knownfor its profound cultural connotations and famous colorful humanistic site.It is revered as the soul of cultural and spirit of Zhangjiajie and reputed as Number One sacred mountain in Western Hunan Province.TianmenMountain is uniquely skyscraping and domineering.Tianmen cave the natural mountain-penetrating karst cave with the highest elevation in the world, hangs on the towering cliff.The cave become the unique sight under heaven and breeds the profound and grand heaven culture of Fairy Mountain in the local area.Tianmen Mountain is the second national forest park in Zhangjiajie.On the mountaintop are intact sub-primitive forests with overflowing wild atmosphere in all the seasons.In addition, the densely populated karst hillocks and karrens plus the mating of strange rocks and graceful trees create a grand garden of bonsai as if blessed by the God.TianmenMountain Temple, with an area of over 10000 square meters, has been honored as a pilgrimage site ever since the Ming Dynasty.It is the Buddhist center of Western Hunan.The sixunresolved mysteries in the past hundreds of years such as Opening of Tianmen cave, shadow of Guigu(famous ancient Toaist), and Auspicious Unicorn have added the mysterious and elusive atmosphere for Tianmen Mountain.The mountain winding bus road of Tianmen Mountain is worth the title of world-shocking masterpiece.It brings shocking and unforgettable experience for the tourists.Tianmen Mountain cableway;Heaven-linking Avenue, Tianmen cave and Bonsai garden are reputed as the four great wonders.Tianmen Mountain cableway, the longest one-way recycling passenger cableway in the world, has a length of 7455 meters and a height gap of 1279 meters.It takes the tourists from the atmosphere of modern city directly to the hug of the primitive garden in the air.Along the way to the top of the mountain by cable car, you see the landscape transforming into a kaleidoscope, experience a miraculous feeling of flying angels in the sky as well as of being blended into a long grand painting of landscape.The mountain-winding bus road of TianmenMountain, nicknamed as Heaven-linking Avenue, has a total length of less than 11 kilometers, starts from an elevation of 200 meters and winds up to 1300 meters within short range, paves its way painstakingly over the high valleys , along the breathtaking cliffs, zigzags with 99 sharp turnings like flying dragon, declares itself as another world engineering wonder.People could’nt help marveling at it.黄石寨 各位朋友大家好,欢迎来到张家界,非常高兴能同大家一起游览张家界最大的凌空观景台-----黄石寨。人们常说“不到黄石寨,枉来张家界”,可见黄石寨是整个张家界风景的精华。一位著名诗人曾经这样评价黄石寨“五步称奇,七步叫绝,十步之外,目瞪口呆。”下面就请大家跟随我沿着这条山林幽径来欣赏两旁让人目不暇接的风景吧。
Dear friends, welcome to Zhangjiajie National Forest Park.‘Im very pleased to be your guide to visit the largest viewing platform in thepark----the Yellow Rock Village.You will regret about that you never visited Zhangjiajie if you do not visit the Yellow Rock Village.HuangShizai is the most important sight in Zhangjiajie National Forest Park.It was highly praised by a famous poet: ―It makes us surprised in five steps, astonished in seven steps and shocked in ten steps.‖ And now, let us enjoy the beautiful views.这是一排排曲折而又陡峭的山路,自古登黄石寨只有后山一条路,今天我们走的这条路,是十多年以前人工开凿的。大家请注意听,前面传来了阵阵歌声,这是悦耳动听的土家山歌,前面便是土家姑娘的点歌台。一个个衣着秀丽的土家姑娘正在载歌载舞地欢迎着各位来宾,她们优美的歌声是否会唤起您对土家民风的无限向往呢?她们的热情好客,淳朴善良是否带给您一种从未有过的轻松和快乐呢?此时此刻,您是否已经感悟到了张家界―山美、水美、人更美‖的真谛了呢?
There is an only single road to climb Huangshi/Yellow Rock Village.This road we are walking now was made by manpower more than ten years before.Listen, this is a wonderful local song in front of us from the singing platform.Well-dressed TuJia girls are welcoming ladies and gentlemen with dancing and singing.Will their songs awake your infinite imagination to seek TuJia customs and culture? Will their hospitality, simplicity and kindness bring you some relaxation and happiness that you never had? At this moment, will you comprehend the true essence of ―beautiful mountain, beautiful water and more beautiful people?‖大家请看右边对面的山上,有一个大约20米高的石柱,上面还有一块长约3米、宽1.5米的石匣,在石匣上有一个石盖,这石盖一半凌空,一半盖于匣上,周围环绕着五棵翠绿的松柏。传说张良曾将黄石公的三卷天书藏于匣内,后因战事平息,张良又取出天书放置在其他的地方,但是他却忘记了合上抽盖,至今留下一只半掩半开的石匣。由于这石匣内曾藏过天书,因而被人誉称为“天书宝匣”。
Look!There is a wonderful rock on the top of the peak, which has 20 meters tall with a half-opened stone box on it.In the local folklore, this is a treasure-box for classical books of King Xiang, who had treasured up his tactics books presented by Zhangliang.大家请看前方,两山相挤,中间仅有一条通道,大有―一夫当关,万夫莫开‖的气势,这里就―南天门‖。再请大家看这边,顺着我手指的方向便是―定海神针‖,它高大挺拔,巍然屹立,似乎在用强硬的身躯支撑着整座大山。―定海神针‖与―金鞭岩‖遥遥相对,形成了一幅十分壮观的―天然壮景‖。Look ahead, this is SOUTH HEAVEN GATE.Between two narrow mountains, there is only one channel just like a Door General guard the heaven.This way, please.I am pointing a ―Magic Needle‖, which strongly stands there to support the whole mountain with its rough body.―Magic Needle and ―JingBian Rock‖ stand face to face so that a natural spectacular has been formed.那前面这座孤立的柱峰又是什么景点呢?它拔地而起,直插云霄,高达300余米,这就是张家界有名的“南天一柱”了,因为它立在南天门的下面而得名。“南天一柱”是整个“武陵源”风景的特写,它拔地而起,上大下小。在它身上有一种历经万年沧桑却仍然坚忍不拔的精神,它是整个“武陵源”石英砂岩峰林地貌景观的缩影,也是“张家界国际森林保护节”的节徽和标志。
What is the solo pillar? It is the most famous scenic among the natural park---The
SOUTH-HEAVEN PILLAR and it is 300 meters high from the ground to the top of the clouds.It named after South Heaven Gate because it stands close to South Heaven Gate.It is a feature of ―WuLingYuan‖.Its top is bigger than its bottom.Although it had experienced ten thousand years‘ rain and wind, its perseverance has never lost.It is an epitome of quarts sandstone mountain forest in ―WuLingyuan‖ and it is also a log of ―International Forest Protect Day‖ of ZhangJiajie.说起―石英砂岩峰林地貌‖大家一定会觉得奇怪,大自然为何如此的神奇呢?根据科学的论证,三亿多年以前,这里曾经是一片汪洋大海,大约在一亿年前左右,由于海浪的冲击,石英砂岩在海底沉积了五百多米厚,后来经过新构造运动的强烈抬升,这里成为了陆地,地面抬升后,在流水深切的作用下,一些细小的砂石被冲走了,加上在重力作用下岩石的崩塌,又被雨水、溪流慢慢的冲刷等综合作用,就使得武陵源地区在漫长的岁月中逐渐形成这种奇特的―石英砂岩峰林地貌‖。
We can see this strange landform known as quarts sandstone landform.According to scientific research, 300millon years ago here was vast ocean.About 100million years ago, due to the impact of waves, quarts sandstone laid more than 500m deep at the bottom of the sea.Later, owing to the movements of earth’s crust, the land here appeared out the deep water.With small gravel washed away, the movements of rocks and rain’s erosion, the region in the long years has formed the special quarts sandstone landform.Walk in the mountain and have an exciting experience of “an enlarged bonsai, a minimized fairy land and gem of the forest and peaks.”好了,现在我要告诉大家,我们已经顺利的登上了黄石寨的寨顶了。我带大家到“摘星台”来看看吧。站在这使人油然产生“一览众山小”的感慨,特别是到了晚上,有一种与星星近在咫尺的感觉,似乎一伸手,就能将天上的星星摘下来。
Ok, we have reached to the top of HuangShizai smoothly.Look, this is ―Pick Star Platform‖.When you stand here, you will feel ―all other mountains are smaller‖, especially at night, you can feel stars are so closed that you can pick them.眼前的这个人工景点就是―六奇阁‖。―六奇‖准确地说是指山奇、水奇、云奇、石奇、动物奇、植物奇。好了,我们游览也要结束了,有机会欢迎大家再来黄石寨旅游,谢谢大家。
Please guess what are the queers of the Six Wonder Pavilion? Mountain, water, clouds, stones, animals and plants consist of these queers accurately.Ok, so much for today, welcome to HuangShizai again.Thanks.金鞭溪
Hello, everybody.Today, we will visit Golden Whip Brook, which is one of the most beautiful valleys all over the world.It is honored with ever-flowing spring in 1000 years‘ drought and ever-green water in 10,000 years‘ raining.The whole valley is 7.5 km long.The Golden Whip Brook is just like a blue scarf around the beauty---ZhangJiajie.And it makes the mountains and waters show out ―three thousand unique peaks and eight hundred clean waters‖.那么金鞭溪究竟是一条什么样的峡谷呢?著名文学家沈从文先生赞誉它是―张家界的少女‖,当年张家界的宣传者------著名画家吴冠中先生在此曾赞叹它是―一片童话般的世界‖,现在就请大家跟随我沿着吴老和沈老先生当年的足迹去揭开金鞭溪神秘的面纱吧!
What kind of valley does the Gold Whip Brook belong? A famous writer ShenCongwen signs high praise for her ―The maid of ZhangJiajie‖;the promoter WuGuanzhong came here and claimed her ―a fairy-tale world‖.Now let us follow the prints covered by Mr.Shen and Mr.Wu to uncover this mysterious veil of it.请大家注意看左边这些奇特的植物,它就是国家一级保护植物-----珙桐。珙桐是多年生木本花卉,通常在春末夏初时节开花,花呈白色,柱头上略带一点紫红,很像鸽子的头和嘴,花身有两片又大又长的苞片,像是一对翅膀。整个花朵的形状就像放飞的鸽子,这是我国特有的珍贵树种,因而外国人亲切地称它为―中国鸽子花‖。Look, these unique plants on the left are HongTong, which is a state first-class protected plant.HongTong is a perennial root garden plant, which usually blooms in the early summer or late spring.The flowers are white and its tops are of a little purple, just like heads and mouths of the pigeons.There are two big and long clusters on the body of flowers, just like a pair of wings.The whole flower is just like a pigeon, so the foreigners named it as ―Chinese Pigeon Flower‖ fondly.现在大家请看眼前峡谷的两旁,这种高大而华贵的塔形树,这也是国家一级保护植物------水杉。水杉是一种非常古老的树种,人们曾经以为已经在第四纪冰川袭击时期绝迹了。然而1941年我国的植物学家在四川省万县的磨刀沟发现了它,1982年开发张家界时,人们发现这里长着大面积的水杉以及3000多种珍奇植物,这真是大自然赐予的一笔巨大的财富啊。
Look, these luxurious and tall tower-like trees on either side of valley are metasequoiaglyptostroboides---State First-class protected plants, which is a kind of ancient plant.People thought it had disappeared in the fourth glacial stage.However, Chinese botanists found it in MoDaogou, WanXian County, CiChuan Province in 1941.In 1982, more than 3,000 cherish plants besides metasequoiaglyptostroboiedes were discovered.It is a huge treasure blessed by nature.大家请往右前方看,前面这座高耸如云的石柱就是闻名遐迩的金鞭岩,而金鞭溪就是因为长年流经此岩而得名的。它高378米,方方正正,上细下粗,棱角分明,如同一支高举的钢鞭,直指云霄,令人望而生畏。加上其岩石结构为红色石英砂岩 16
Turn right, in front of us this is a famous Gold Whip Rock, which is so high that it is closed to the clouds.Meanwhile the Gold Whip Spring is named because it crosses this rock.This rock is 378 meters high and is squared with small top peak and large bottom, just like a rising steel whip pointing at the clouds.This view makes us formidable.At the same time, it is made up of red quartz rock and limestone.In the sun, it is shining.Therefore, this rock is named Gold Whip Rock, which is the highest,steepest and most magnificent Stone Mountain in the whole scenic spots.It is highly praised: ―there are many unique mountains, but the Gold Whip Rock is more unique.‖更为奇特的还有呢!再请大家看紧紧依偎着神鞭左边的巨峰,它好像一只雄鹰,鹰头高昂,凌空展翅,一只翅膀还有力地半抱着金鞭岩,气势雄伟,所以叫做―神鹰护鞭‖,这也是金鞭溪的王牌景点之一。看了金鞭岩的雄姿,大家可能会奇怪:大自然为何如此的神奇?根据科学论证:3亿多年前,这里曾是一片汪洋大海。大约1亿年前左右,由于海浪的冲击,石英砂岩在海底沉积了500多米厚,后来,经新构造运动强烈抬升,这里成为陆地。地面抬升后,在流水深切的作用下,一些细小的沙石被冲走,加上在重力作用下岩石崩塌,又被雨水、溪流慢慢地冲刷等综合作用,使张家界地区在漫长的岁月中经风化、流水切割,逐渐形成了由一系列柱峰、方山、峡谷组合而成的这种奇特的石英砂岩峰林地貌。看到此情此景,没有人不为大自然的鬼斧神工而惊叹!
There are more unique sceneries.A gigantic peak on the left of the Gold Whip Rock is like an eagle, raising its head and flying in the air.Meanwhile its wing is hugging the rock powerfully, wonderfully.So it is named ―legendary eagle protects the whip‖.It is one of the hottest scenic spots in the Gold Whip Brook.Maybe you may feel so strange that why the nature is so legendary.According to scientific research, 300millon years ago here was vast ocean.About 100million years ago, due to the impact of waves, quarts sandstone laid more than 500m deep at the bottom of the sea.Later, owing to the movements of earth‘s crust, the land here appeared out the deep water.With small gravel washed away, the movements of rocks and rain‘s erosion, the region in the long years has formed the special quarts sandstone landform.Walk in the mountain and have an exciting experience of ―an enlarged bonsai, a minimized fairy land and gem of the forest and peaks.‖ When seeing them, everyone feels the amazement of the nature skills.峰回路转,鸟语花香,不知道大家注意到没有?沿溪遍布着一种形状怪异的花,它的形状特别像龙虾,不错,这就是龙虾花。龙虾花是一种珍贵的草本植物,它春天发芽,夏天开花,秋天结实,冬天落叶。
The path winds along mountain ridges and birds sing and flowers give out fragrance.Is there anybody who saw a strange flower? Its figure is like a lobster.Right, this is a lobster flower that is a cherish herb plant.It sprouts in spring, blossoms in summer, bears fruits in autumn and falls leaves in winter.人们都说武陵源有两只明亮的眼睛,现在看到的就是其中之一的------紫草潭。据说以前潭壁上长年攀生着一种紫色的草,因而得名―紫草潭‖。在这里,河道陡然变宽,从砂刀沟直泻而下的水经过长约15米层层阻滞已变得没有多少波纹和涟漪了,水平如镜,紫草潭宽4米,水深约5米,是国家二级保护动物娃娃鱼生活的温床,也曾经是著名的金鞭鱼产地。好了,我为大家就讲解到这了,谢谢大家!
17People always say there are two clear eyes in WuLingyuan.ZiCaotan is one of the eyes.It is said that there grew a purple grass on the wall of the pond before, therefore, it is called ZiCaotan.Here, the canal becomes wide suddenly.Water from the ShaDaogou straight has little waves after 15 meters‘ barriers.The water is just like a smooth mirror.ZiCaotan is 4 meters wide and 5 meters deep.Here is a nice place for the state second class animal----a giant salamander.And it is also a birthplace of famous golden whip fish.Ok, so much for today.Thanks!
各位朋友大家好。欢迎各位来到武陵源观光游览,很高兴能为大家导游,接下来我们将要游览的地方是武陵源中心景区之一,被誉为“峰林之王‖的天子山自然保护区。天子山风景秀丽,气候宜人,举目远眺,千山万壑是尽收眼底。Good morning, ladies and gentlemen.Welcome to Mountain Tianzi for sightseeing.Very pleased to be your tour guide.We are goanna visit the nature reserve of Mountain Tianzi, acclaimed as the gem of forest and peaks.It is one of the scenic highlights in the scenic area of Wu Lingyuan.Enjoying favorable climate, Mountain Tianzi presents you fantastic natural beauty, overlooking mountains and valleys in the distance.大家眼前看到的这种奇特的地貌叫做―石英砂岩峰林地貌”。根据科学的论证,三亿多年以前,这里曾经是一片汪洋大海,大约在一亿年前左右,由于海浪的冲击,石英砂岩在海底沉积了五百多米厚,后来经过新构造运动的强烈抬升,这里成为了陆地,地面抬升后,在流水深切作用下,一些细小的砂石被冲走了,加上重力作用下岩石崩塌,又被雨水,溪流慢慢的冲刷等综合作用,就使得武陵源地区在漫长的岁月中逐渐形成了这种奇特的―石英砂岩峰林地貌‖。看到此情此景,我想没有人会不为大自然的鬼斧神工而惊叹,那么下面就请大家和我一起徒步漫游用心体会这―扩大的盆景,缩小的仙境‖,欣赏那―峰林之王“的无穷魅力。
We can see this strange landform known as quarts sandstone landform.According to scientific research, 300millon years ago here was vast ocean.About 100million years ago, due to the impact of waves, quarts sandstone laid more than 500m deep at the bottom of the sea.Later, owing to the movements of earth‘s crust, the land here appeared out the deep water.With small gravel washed away, the movements of rocks and rain‘s erosion, the region in the long years has formed the special quarts sandstone landform.Walk in the mountain and have an exciting experience of ―an enlarged bonsai ,a minimized fairy land and gem of the forest and peaks.好了,现在我们来到的地方就是神堂湾。神堂湾是武陵源景区最为神秘的地方。为什么说它神秘呢?神堂湾共有岩墩九级,曾经有人想进山探险,可他才下到四五十丈深的第四级,就是一片漆黑,阴风怒号,还伴着各种凄厉的叫声,使人毛骨悚然,魂飞天外。1968年的时候解放军某部为采灵芝等珍贵药材,带上枪,利用绳索等工具,也只下到第六墩就不敢再下去了,因为从第六墩往下看还是阴森恐怖,深不见底,因此―神堂湾‖这个地方从此以后便成为了无人涉足的神秘世界。
Here we are at ShenTangwan, the most mysterious spot of Wu Lingyuan.It has nine level of rocks.Someone once ventured into the valley only to return when he was absolutely horrified on the fourth level of about 150m deep, howling wind accompanied by mournful shrills enshrouded in the valley.In 1968, some PLA soldiers planed to cull some precious medical herbs in the valley.With guns and slings, they went down the valley.Again they were forced back when they reached the sixth level.Even seen from there, the valley looked bottomless and horrible.They also saw with telescopes some giant boas and other wild beasts.Since then, ShenTangwan has become a world of mysteries and no one has ever set foot in it.大家现在所处的地方是―点将台‖相传向王天子当年就是在这个地方操练军队,发号施令,那是何等的威风,请大家仔细观察山下的一座座山峰,粗看是杂乱无章,细看则是井然有序,它们一个个气宇轩昂,精神抖擞,威武壮观,整齐严肃,不正像是即将出征的壮士吗?
About 500m away from ShenTangwanlies the Terrace for Mustering Officers where according to a legend that the son of heaven used to practice his army here.You might imagine how great the son of heaven was, practicing his arm here.Have a look at the peaks down there.At first glance, they look disorderly.With close examination, they look neat in its formation.Do they look like soldiers, energetic and dignified , going on a expedition? 现在我们到达的景点是整个武陵源唯一的一处大型人文景观―贺龙公园‖,进入公园我们首先看到的就是这尊贺龙铜像。铜像高6.5米,包括战马重达九吨多,是中国近百年来的伟人中最大最重的一尊铜像。
In front of us is the Helongpark.Entering the park, in sight is the Bronze Statue of Helong.It stands 6.5m in height , weighing more than 9 tons(the weight of the horse included).This the largest and heaviest of all the statues of the great men of China in the past hundred years.在铜像背后的不远处,便是―云青岩观景台‖,从这里可以观赏到著名的―西海云林‖,西海是名副其实的山的海洋,我们可以看到上千座山峰风起云涌般展现在我们的眼底。
Not far away from the back of the statue stands the overlook of Yun Qingyan, from there you may feast your eyes on the natural beauty of West Sea.West Sea refers to a sea of pillars and peaks, stretching for miles.请大家看前方的不远处,有一排秀丽精致的石峰,这就是武陵源―十大绝景‖之一的―御笔峰‖。相传向王天子兵败以后,曾经焚毁所有文稿,当他看到这几支御笔时,想到曾经用它们批阅公文,指挥过千军万马,如今却功败垂成,自己又有何颜面面对家乡父老,于是悲愤地将几支御笔掷落于山谷之中。然而笔通灵气,落地成峰,形成了大家眼前看到的―御笔峰‖。如果在红霞满天的时候来看,御笔熠熠生辉,笔尖还残留着几点朱红墨迹。1994年,国家邮电部发行的―武陵源‖邮票和首封日,以及大家手中的武陵源IC卡门票上的图案,都是用―御笔峰‖作背景的。
Please look ahead.Not far away, charming peaks rising dramatically in uneven clusters, bear close resemblance to writing brush.This is the ―Peaks of Royal Writing Brush‖, one the ten tourism highlights of Wu Lingyuan.Legend has that after his defeat, the son of heaven burned all his official papers.When the papers were burning, he caught a glimpse of the royal writing brush, which reminded him of the past.With these writing brushes, he read official papers, wring comments.With these writing brushes, he gave orders, leading his army.After his defeat, he felt ashamed to see these writing brushes.Angry and sad, he tossed these writing brushes into the valley.When the writing brushes landed, they magically changed into the peaks—Peaks of the Royal Writing brush.The scenic spot is so famous that some stamps, official envelops and tickets have been graced by the picture of the peaks.各位朋友,接下来请大家欣赏―天女献花‖的秀丽吧。请大家顺着我手指的方向看到对面山岭的中部,在朦胧的云雾中是不是有一个美女的倩影在云雾中亭亭玉立呢?你们看,她怀抱花篮,嘴含微笑,正深情地把朵朵献花撒向人间,因而称之为―天女献花‖。
Dear friends, please look at the opposite side in the middle of the mountains.There you may feast your eyes on a natural beauty in mist.A slender maiden, stands gracefully, with a basket of flowers and nice smiles on her face.She is now scattering flowers to the human society , thus called as ―Fairy Maiden Presenting Flowers‖.天子山的风景是迷人的,这里的民风也是淳朴的,这里有看不完的风景,讲不完的故事,因而有人评价天子山为―谁人识得天字面,归来不看天子山‖。但愿天子山的景色留给大家的是永远美好的回忆,希望大家下次再来天子山观光游览,谢谢!
The scenery of Mountain Tianzi holds a fascination for tourists home and abroad.And the people here are simple and honest.Mountain Tianzi haves more scenic sights to offer than we can enjoy and has too many stories to tell.No wonder people speak highly of the mountain that Mountain Tianzi is beyond exploration.After visiting the mountain, you shall have no interest in visiting any other mountain.Hopefully, you shall have pleasant and unforgettable memories of the mountain.Welcome you 13
back to Mountain Tianzi for another sightseeing tour at your convenience.Thank you very much!
十里画廊是世界自然遗产、世界地质公园张家界武陵源风景名胜区的核心地带,是特级防火区,所以请您不要在观光电车上吸烟。同时,请您爱护景区环境和保护好自身的人身安全,不要往车厢外扔果壳、纸屑等垃圾,也不要把头手伸出电车外观景拍照。谢谢您的配合。Dear friends, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Zhangjiajie for sightseeing, welcome aboard ten galleries sightseeing tram.Wish everyone in the gallery on the ten tram sit comfortable, see happy, have fun!Ten Li Gallery is the world natural heritage, the world geological park in Zhangjiajie, the core area of Wulingyuan scenic area that is super fire area, so please don't smoke on the tram.At the same time, please protect the environment and protect the scenic spot their own personal safety, do not throw to the shell, paper and other trash, don't hand head out of view camera.The appearance of the tram.Thank you for your cooperation.景点名称:寿星迎宾游客朋友,十里画廊五步一大景,三步一小景,许多奇峰异石酷似人像。您看,在左前方有两座小一点的石峰,其中一座恰似一位百岁老人的头像,另外一座像一只他举起的左手。老寿星五官分明,蓄着短发,浓眉亮眼,大鼻长顺,宽额坠耳,笑容可掬。仔细一看,此刻他正高举左手向我们招手致意,欢迎我们大家的到来。左前方,寿星迎宾。Name: welcome visitors, ten in the five step a large gallery scene, a scene of a three step, many qifengyidan like figures.You see, there are two smaller peaks on the left, one of them is a 100 year old man's head, also like a he lifted up the left hand.T999 facial features clear, short hair, thick eyebrows rosy, big nose Changshun, wide forehead pendant ears, smiling.Look carefully, at the moment he is holding the left hand waved to us, we welcome you to come.The left front, welcome.十里画廊峰峰相依,层层相迭,气势宏伟,锦绣峥嵘。万山丛中,一年四季林木葱茏,色彩绚丽。峡谷两岸,年年月月野花飘香,彩蝶飞舞。放眼望去,恰似一幅蜿蜒十里的自然山水画,故名十里画廊。In ten the gallery peak dependent, layers of overlapping, magnificent, splendid towering mountains.Throughout the year, verdant trees, colorful canyon on both sides.Year after year, wild flowers fragrance, butterflies.Looked like a meandering ten in the natural landscape, ten named gallery.景点名称:食指峰在我们前进方向的左边,溪流对岸有一根孤立细小的石峰,将石峰下面的整体连起来看,就好像一只右手四指弯曲握紧,独独伸出食指,我们叫它食指峰,又叫一指峰。您看,这根食指的指节轮廓特别分明,指甲尖尖细细,十分形象。正左方,食指峰。Name: the index finger peak in the direction of the US on the left, there is a small isolated Shi Feng stream across the whole Shi Feng below even together, just like a right hand four fingers bent clenched, only forefinger, we call it the finger peak, also called a peak.You see, the index finger knuckle contour the clear, sharp thin nails, very vivid.It left index finger peak.景点名称:顶天楼我们张家界有一句民谣说:十里画廊有座顶天楼,一头插进云里头。在溪流对岸,那座直耸云霄的石峰,就叫做顶天楼。楼上山石草木灵气十足,每当春雨来时,一片绿色,到处都是苍翠欲滴。顶天楼上层层叠叠,绿树缠绕,层次分明,细细数来,竟有九层之多,所以我们又叫它九重转阁楼。我们坐在观光电车上仰望它,随着电车的前进,顶天楼在您的视线之中好像越长越高,您体会到这种感觉了吗?正左方,顶天楼。Name: Zhangjiajie sky building we have a folk song said: in ten the gallery there is a towering building, a head is inserted into the clouds.In streams across the towering peaks, the sky is called the floor.Upstairs rocks and vegetation whenever spring to Reiki full, when a piece of green, everywhere is verdant the sky.Floor layers, the winding, hierarchy, count, there were nine layer, so we also call it nine to the attic.We sat on the tram at it, with the tram forward, towering building in your sight seems longer high, you feel this feel? Are left up stairs.景点名称:向王观书请大家抬起头来,在我们的正前方有一座巨大的石峰,旁边有一座小石峰紧紧相连,两座石峰连在一起,就像一个人捧着一本书,在津津有味地读着。传说这就是我们土家族历史上最著名的农民起义领袖向王天子向大坤,正在这里研读兵书,所以这处景点叫做向王观书。正前方,向王观书。Name: Wang Guanshu please look up, there is a huge stone mountain in front of us, next to a small stone closely linked, two Pinnacle together, like a person holding a book, read with relish.In this legend is the most famous US in Tujia history the peasant uprising leader to King to Kun, is here to read books, so this spot is called the king to reading.In front, the king to reading.景点名称:海螺峰游客朋友们,溪流的尽头,峡谷的正前方有一座高达百米的石峰,两头小,中间大,状如一只海螺,我们叫它海螺峰。相传它是土家族农民起义领袖向王天子用来号令三军、催军杀敌的号角。当然,随着太平盛世的到来,向王天子的海螺已经凝固在这里,变成了一座石峰,只能供我们大家观赏了!正前方,海螺峰。Name: conch peak tourist friends, streams end, there is a hundred meters high peaks in front of the canyon two small, middle, like a conch, we call it the conch peak.It is a legend of Tujia peasant uprising leader to King orders to the armed forces, in the rush to kill horn of course, with a time of national peace and order arrival, to the king of the conch has solidified here, became a pinnacle, only for us to appreciate it!In front of, conch peak.景点名称:夫妻抱子请大家回过头来,在我们的左后方,溪流对岸有三座石峰紧紧相连,就像一家三口紧紧地搂抱在一起,我们叫它夫妻抱子。您看,右边的是爸爸,左边的是妈妈,中间的是孩子,夫妻相向而对,拥抱着心爱的孩子,好一幅其乐融融的全家福哩!您再仔细瞧一瞧,一根树枝从左边的石峰倾斜而出,就好像爸爸的嘴里叼着一根香烟。不过,他也知道十里画廊是特级防火区,是不能吸烟的,所以只是把烟叼在嘴里过过烟瘾而已,并没有点燃。左后方,夫妻抱子。Name: couple Brussels please come back to us in the back left, there are three streams across the peaks are closely linked, as a family of three cuddled together, we call it a couple Brussels.You see, the right is on the left side of the father, mother, the middle child, husband and wife to to embrace the beloved child, a happy family portrait!You look carefully, a branch from the left and tilt pinnacle of his mouth, as if holding a cigarette.However, he knew that in ten the gallery is super fire district, is not smoking so, just put in the mouth smoke Diao had smoking only, and not lit.The left rear, husband and wife Brussels.景点名称:金鸡报晓溪流对岸,我们的左前方,在一座石峰顶上,啥都没长,偏偏长着一棵神气活现的小松树。仔细一看,这棵小松树真像一只引吭高歌的金鸡,我们叫它金鸡报晓。左前方,金鸡报晓。Name: Rooster streams across the left in front of us, in a pinnacle top, nothing is long, but there was a little pine tree on the high ropes.A careful look at this little pine tree like a sing of the rooster, we call it a rooster.The left front, the rooster.景点名称:采药老人张家界武陵源风景名胜区山高林密,气候温暖,盛产各类名贵药材。在我们对面的山峰中间有一座高约80米的石峰,谁看了都会说它像一位采药老人。这位采药老人身材瘦削,头缠丝帕,肩上背着一篓草药,踏山而行。既像李时珍,又像孙思邈。有一个故事,是说向王天子起义军中有位技艺精湛的郎中,善识草药,医治受伤的士兵。向王天子兵败,在十里画廊的尽头神堂湾跳崖身亡后,郎中悲痛欲绝,化为如今独立在山中的采药老人。采药老人这一景点是十里画廊的标志性景点,也是张家界市的十大绝景之一。正左方,采药老人。Name: Zhangjiajie old mountain herbs of Wulingyuan scenic area, dense forests, warm climate, rich in various kinds of rare medicinal herbs.With a height of about 80 meters in the middle of our peaks opposite the mountain, who will say that it is like an old man.The old old people thin, touchan Gwyneth, shoulders a basket of herbs, riding mountain line.Like Li Shizhen, like Sun Simiao.There is a story, is said to the king the rebel army a skilled doctor, good knowledge of herbal medicine to treat the injured soldiers.The defeat to the king, in the gallery on the ten at the end of shentangwan jumped off the cliff after the doctor died for now, the old people in the mountains of independent.This scenic spot is ten old people in the gallery's landmark attractions, one of the ten king is also the city of Zhangjiajie.It left old people.景点名称:黄昏恋游客朋友们,我们的观光电车带着您穿行在峡谷之间,清风送爽,美景连连,令人难以忘怀。有诗云:十里画廊十里景,十里风景伴君行;山奇林深景更绝,心随景移兴难尽。您看,溪流对岸,峡谷上方,两座石峰,一高一矮,双双并立,就像两位异性耄耋老人站在一起说着悄悄话,谈起了黄昏恋。正左方,黄昏恋。Name: Twilight love tourists friends, we take you to the tram through the canyon, cool breeze, beautiful and unforgettable.There is a poem: Ten galleries in ten scene, ten in the scenic mountain keelinBanjun line;deep scene is more, the heart with the king moved to see you.”On the other side of the stream, and above the canyon, two mountain peaks, one high and one low, both side by side, like two male octogenarian stood whispering, talked about the twilight love.It left, twilight love.景点名称:卧龙岭、三姐妹峰现在我们的小火车即将驶向终点。我们前面右边的大山叫卧龙岭,是连接天子山和十里画廊的精华游览线。正前方并排耸立的三座山峰叫三姐妹峰。您看,左边的是大姐,一头秀发,背着孩子准备回娘家。中间的是二姐,怀里抱着孩子期待着丈夫的平安归来。右边的石峰中间鼓出来了,这是小妹,刚刚结婚,挺着一个大肚子,看样子快要临盆了。正前方,三姐妹峰。Name: Wolong Ling, three sisters peak now our little train about to sail ahead of us on the right side of the end point.The mountain is called Wolong ridge, is the essence of connecting Tianzimountain and ten miles Gallery tour line.In front of the three peaks standing side by side is called the three sisters peak.You see, the left is the eldest sister, a hair.Carrying a child ready to return home.The middle sister, with a baby in her arms is waiting for her husband's safe return.The right side of the middle Shifeng drum out, this is my sister, just married, a pregnant look is about to give birth.In front, the three sisters peak.尊敬的游客朋友们,乘坐十里画廊观光电车欣赏风景的时光马上就要结束了。我们热忱地欢迎您和您的亲友再次来张家界观光游览,来十里画廊欣赏美景。请大家不要心急,等我们的电车停稳后再下车,并清点和携带好您的随身物品。同时,下车的时候,既要注意头部,又要注意脚下,千万别中头奖哟。谢谢您对我工作的支持和配合。衷心地祝愿您后面的旅程更加愉快。
Dear visitors and friends, take the tram ten galleries to enjoy the scenery of the time is coming to an end.We warmly welcome you and your friends come to Zhangjiajie for sightseeing, ten in the gallery to admire the view.Please don't worry, we train it stopped, and count and carry you belongings.At the same time, get off, should not only pay attention to the head, but also pay attention to the foot, don't jackpot yo.Thank you for your support and cooperation.I sincerely wish you behind the journey more enjoyable.黄龙洞
黄龙洞现已探明的洞底总面积10万平方米,全长7.5公里,垂直高度140米。洞体共分四层,整个洞内洞中有洞,洞中有河,石笋、石柱、石钟乳各种洞穴奇观琳琅满目,美不胜收。据专家考证,大约3.8亿年前,黄龙洞地区是一片汪洋大海,沉积了可溶性强的石灰岩和白云岩地层,经过漫长年代开始孕育洞穴,直到6500万年前地壳抬升,出现了干溶洞,然后经岩溶和水流作用,便形成了今日地下奇观。中国地质部70多位专家的考察结论则是:黄龙洞规模之多、内容之全、景色之美几乎包揽了《洞穴学》的全部内容,是世界溶洞的“全能冠军”。黄龙洞以立体的洞穴结构,庞大的洞穴空间,宽阔的龙宫厅及数以万计的石笋,高大的洞穴瀑布,水陆兼备的游览线等优势构成了国内外颇有特色的游览洞穴,洞内有1库、2河、3潭、4瀑、13大厅、98廊,以及几十座山峰,上千个白玉池和近万根石笋。由石灰质溶液凝结而成的石钟乳、石笋、石柱、石花、石幔、石枝、石管、石珍珠、石珊瑚等遍布其中,无所不奇,无奇不有,仿佛一座神奇的地下“魔宫”。黄龙洞现已开放有龙舞厅、响水河、天仙瀑、天柱街、龙宫等6大游览区,主要景观有定海神针、万年雪松、龙王宝座、火箭升空、花果山、天仙瀑布、海螺吹天、双门迎宾、沧海桑田、黄土高坡等100多个。人类文化已进入崇尚王牌、追求极品的时代。被列入世界自然遗产的武陵源风景区,无疑是中华自然风光的一块王牌,而被国家旅游局列为全国35个王牌景点之一的黄龙洞,当之无愧成了这一王牌景区的核心。这颗深藏地下亿年的明珠,伴随着八十年代初张家界的对外开放而得以蛮声海内外。黄龙洞已探明的洞底总面积10万平方米,全长7.5公里,垂直高度140米,内分两层旱洞和两层水洞。洞内拥有1库、2河、3潭、4瀑、13大厅、98廊。洞内有迷宫、响水河、天仙水、天柱街、龙宫等六大景区,整个大洞犹如一株古木错节盘根,散发开来,洞中有洞,楼上有楼,各种洞穴奇观玲琅满目、美不胜收。其规模之大、钟乳石之多、形状之奇,在国内外溶洞中是极为罕见的,被中外溶洞专家誉为世界溶洞的“全能冠军”。黄龙洞位于索溪峪东面,被称为“地下魔宫”,洞口雾霭迷漫,洞内长廊蜿蜒,钟乳悬浮,石柱石笋林立,黄龙洞还有石帘、石幔、石花、石琴,琳琅满目,异彩纷呈,令人目不暇接。“洞外洞”、“楼外楼”、“天外天”、“山外山”,盘根错节。黄龙洞内可分四层,水陆并进,从最低阴河至最高穹顶,垂直高度差有100多米,洞内有一个水库(黄龙水洞)、二条阴河(响水河、水晶河)、三个地下瀑布(黄龙瀑、天水瀑、天地瀑)、四个水潭、十三个厅(宫)(龙舞宫、水晶宫、迷人宫„„)、九十六条游廊,长度约达15公里,最大的厅堂有12000平方米,可容纳万人。真可谓是洞中乾坤大,地下有洞天。入黄龙洞,如入人间仙境一般。Yellow Dragon Cave is more beautiful than the outside world.Day or night, without fear of rain or wind, all year long, you can delight in its wonderful scenery.The cave is of good beneficial air circulation, and is cool in the summer and war in the winter.Yellow DragonCave is one of the foremost scenic areas in Zhangjiajie, and was rated as one of the first 4A National Tourist Attractions in China.Also it has been honored as magical karst cave both in China and in the world.Cave is one of the foremost scenic areas in Zhangjiajie, and was rated as one of the first 4A National Tourist Attractions in China.Also it has been honored as magical karst cave both in China and in the world.This system of caves is a typical karst formation, and you know that water plays an extremely important role in its development.Flowing into the fissures of the karst layer, water constantly dissolves the limestone rock, thereby widening the crevice.This process continues year after year and thus the caves are created.The Yellow Dragon Cave system covers a proven area of 140 meters.The inner recess is divided into four layers, two dry ones and two possessing waterways.The tally of natural wonders includes: one natural reservoir, 2 underground rivers, 3 pools, 4 waterfalls, 13 grand halls, 96 passageways and hundreds of thousands of stalagmites, columns and stalactites.The Yellow Dragon Cave is so complex and unfathomable, possessing such a multitude of geological features, that it’s impossible for us to take them all in at one time.This “magical place” abounds with all the sceneries that we can enjoy in the karst caves and the stalagmites are in all different shapes.Many famous scenic spots have been developing: the Dragon Dance Hall, Sounding River, Immortal Waterfall, Heaven Pillar Street, and the Dragon Palace.Except for a short distance near the entrance, we won’t have to do any backtracking in the cave.The entire tour takes about two hours—2400 meters by land and an additional 800 meters by water.Yellow Dragon Cave situated in Suoxiyu natural reserve, 15 minutes drive from Suoxiyu town, 1 hour drive from Zhangjiajie City, 20 minutes drive from Zhangjiajie National Park, and people spend 2 hours in the cave.Yellow Dragon Cave is the longest one in Asia;it is an incomparable realm of gigantic subterranean chambers, fantastic cave formations, and extraordinary features.Today many of the wonders of Yellow dragon cave are well known, yet the experience of exploring its chambers is every bit as exciting.The cave remained mystic to local villagers before the first caving adventure took place in 1982;they believe it was the holy home for yellow dragon and spirits.Now the routes are well paved and well lighted.Sturdy walking shoes, flashlights, and water are required when you explore the cave.宝峰湖
Baofeng Lake is a veritable place of graceful mountains and charming waterway and for all the kind ,good gracious and wise people.Baofeng Lake is such a paradise that you would like to visit again and again, whether you have been here or not.Located in the high gorges, a body of crystalline and calm water is surrounded by the emerald mountains.The lake is situated part way up the mountain range, 85 meters above the ground, and attains an altitude of 585 meters.Because of its association with the Baofeng Mountain Range, the lake bears the name of Baofeng.With an average depth of 72 meters, Baofeng Lake covers an area of 15 hectares, and can hold 6 million cubic meters of water at full capacity.This water is produced by rainfall, mountain springs and underground streams, and stays emerald all year around, so it is reputed as Paradise in the Human World.Beautiful scenery in this area include: Baofeng Waterfall, Stone Gate Welcoming Guests, Peacock Displaying Colorful Tail, and Golden Toad Biting the Moon, Fairy Lady Reflected in the Lake and so on.Baofenglake situated in Suoxiyu Natural Reserve, it seats in the half way of eagle mountain, but not a natural lake.in 1970’s people fill the small faults of the lake withconcrete to store water and water level come up and beautiful lake takes shape, boat tour in the lake gives a lot of fun with the folk songs by girls in the boat, the tourists are expected to interact with the folk song girls by crossing singing, permanent waterfall at the entrance is a wonder.凤凰古城
Hello, everyone!Welcome to Phoenix Ancient City.Phoenix Ancient City not only boasts clear water and green mountains but also has many places of historic interest.It is always the tourism holy-land for people.There are 22
some ancient gate towers and old courtyards in Ming or Qing dynasty and the flagstone walking streets in the town.There also has Nanhuanational forest park and Huangsiqiao ancient town in Tang dynasty out of the town.And all of these relics ' elegance still remain as before.凤凰不但风景秀美,而且人杰地灵。中华民国第一任内阁总理熊希龄、著名作家沈从文和著名画家黄永玉都是凤凰人。《边城》、《湘女萧萧》、《湘西剿匪记》等十多部影视剧也都是在这里拍摄。
Phoenix Ancient City is a glorious place that has nurtured outstanding people, especially in modern times.XiongXiling(Prime Minister of the Republic of China), ShenCongwen(a literary giant), Huang Yongyu(a famous painter)are all from Phoenix Ancient City.The remote town, Girl from Hunan, Exterminate the banditi in Western Hunan province and other more than ten films and Tvs were taken in this old town.好了,我们现在到的这个地方就是我国著名作家和考古学家沈从文先生的故居。沈从文故居是他的祖父沈洪富于清朝同治元年所建。1902年12月28日,沈从文先生就诞生在这座具有明清建筑风格的四合院里,并在这里度过了他的童年和少年时期。1919年,沈先生只身来到北京。开始了他从文的艰苦生涯。创作了《边城》、《湘西》等一系列文学作品,不久就蜚声中国文坛,几乎与年长他20多岁的鲁迅先生同名。20世纪50年代之后,沈先生潜心于中国古代服饰的研究,写出了惊世之作《中国古代服饰研究》。沈从文的作品与人品表现出了强烈的一致:自然、厚朴、谦逊、勤奋、博大而凝重。沈先生一生所创作的500多万字的作品,是世界的文学瑰宝,给后人研究旧中国和旧湘西留下了宝贵的历史资料。
Ok, now we come to the former residence of ShenCongwen.Mr.Shen was a famous writer and archaeological in China.The courtyard was built by his grandfather ShenHongfu in the first year of Reign of Qing Emperor Tongzhi.Mr.Shen was born in this place on December 28th,1902 and he also spent his childhood and boyhood here.He left for Beijing to persue his literary dream in1919.He soon won a reputation for himself as high as Luxun by his famous literary woks:The remote town, The Western of Hunan province。After 1950, Mr.Shen devoted himself into the study of China ancient dress and wrote out his staggerings The Study of China Ancient Dress.Natural,simple,modest,diligent, profound and dignified are the characters of Mr.Shen.He wrote about more than five millions words in his life.And his famous literary woks not only are art treasure for the whole world but also the valuable materials for people to study the old China and old western Hunan province.这里是中华民国第一任内阁总理熊希龄先生的故居。1870年7月23日,熊希龄先生就出生在这间小平房里。熊先生少年时期就具有忧国忧民之心,9岁的时候,他的私塾教师出了一副上联:―栽数盆花,探春秋消息‖。熊先生立即对出下联:―凿一池水,窥天地盈虚‖。一时传为佳话。熊先生成名后,积极主张维新变法,曾经创办《湘报》、时务学堂和常德西路师范学校,是湖南与谭嗣同齐名的维新派中坚。后来,熊先生又出任东三省财政监理官、热河都统、财政总长等职务,1913年就任中华民国第一任政府总理,当时的这一任政府被舆论界称为‗才子内阁‘。后开,因为熊先生反对袁世凯独裁,被袁世凯逼迫解散内阁,辞去了总理职务。1937年12月5日,熊希龄先生病故于香港,享年67岁。
This is a former residence of XiongXiling, who was the first prime
minister of the Republic of China.On July 23, 1870, XiongXiling was born in this flat.Mr.Xiong was concerned about the destiny of country and people in his boyhood.When he was 9 years old, his private teacher gave the first line of his couplet: ―planting flowers discovers the changes of seasons.‖ Mr.Xiong gave the second line of his couplet immediately: ―digging wells uncovers the contents of Earth.‖ When Mr.Xiong became famous, he was active to promote WeiXin Reform.He set up XiangBao newspaper, ShiWuschool and ChangDeXiLu Normal school.He was one of the backbones of WeiXin Reformists as TanSitong.Later, Mr.Xiong assumed the financial supervisor in the three northeastern provinces, ReHe commander, financial General and so on.In 1913, he was the first Prime Minister of the Republic of China.At that time, this group of cabinet was name ―talent cabinet‖.Later, because Mr.Xiong objected the dictator-YuanShikai, this cabinet was dismissed and Mr.Xiong resigned his position from the government.On December 5 ,1937 Mr.Xiong was past away in Hongkong at the age of 67.现在大家看到的是虹桥,这座桥始建于明朝洪武年间,清朝康熙九年又经过加修,桥面上原有的吊脚楼亭,1956年修公路的时候,原来的楼亭和两侧的牌坊均被拆除,就成了现在这个样子。桥下大家可以看到有一排百年历史的旧吊脚楼。吊脚楼下是凤凰传统体育节目——赛龙舟的地方。
Now this is HongQiao, which was built in HongWu period of Ming Dynasty.In the ninth year of KangXi in Qing Dynasty, it was renovated.In 1956, the pavilions and towers and arches were torn down.Under the bridge, there are lines of ancient stilt-houses at the age of 100 years.Under the stilt houses, there is a place for dragon boat competition, which is FengHuang's traditional sport.大家沿着当年管道,到达的是沈从文的墓地。这里看到的是黄永玉先生为纪念表叔沈从文而题写的铭文:―一个士兵要不战死沙场,便是回到故乡。‖大家看到沈先生的墓地没有隆起的土堆,只有一块原始状态的五色石耸立其间,这里没有雕栏玉砌的装饰物,只有一条放牧,打菜的石板小路横贯期间,这象征着沈从文先生永远与普通民众在一起。沈先生的骨灰一半撒在面前这条沱江里,一半就葬在这快五色石下,他就像面前的这条沱江,发源于大地又回归大地,他像陪伴他的这块五色石,来源于大地又回归大地!作为墓碑的五色石正面刻写着沈先生的手迹:―照我思索,能理解我;照我思索,可认识人。‖是的,正是这样的一种信念,使沈先生舍弃升官发财的从军道路,选择了清苦的从文生涯。正是这样一种信念,使沈先生挥动了他那如椽巨笔,将他认识的湘西人介绍给全世界。在墓碑背面,刻写着沈先生妻妹张允和女士的铭文:―不折不从,星斗其文;亦慈亦让,赤子其人。‖这四句话,简明扼要地总结了沈先生的一生。
Along with this lines, we can reach to the grave tomb of ShengCongwen.HuangYongyu inscribed: ―A soldier died in the war field or in his hometown.‖ The grave of Mr.Sheng has no bump earth.Only a primitive five-color stone stands on the top of the grave.There are no Carved balustrades and marble 24
steps, only a small bluestone road goes through it.It symbolizes that ShengCongwen will stay with common people together forever.Half of his bone ashes had been thrown into the TuoJiang River and the rest of it has been buried into the five-color stones.It symbolizes that he is like the TuoJiang River and five-color stones which originate from the earth and returned to the earth at the end.In the very front of the grave, there are inscriptions of Mr.Sheng: ―with my thought, you comprehend me;with my thought, you recognize human beings.‖ Yes, because of this belief, Mr.Sheng gave up power and money through joining army.He chose the poor and pure literature career.Because of his fantastic writing, the XiangXi has been introduced to the whole world.At the back of his grave, his sister-in-law inscribed: ―Never give up his belief, never gave up his
writing;hold kindness and humbleness forever, hold love and charity forever.‖
These words reflects the whole life of ShengCongwen.好了,我的讲解就到这了,希望凤凰能给大家留下一个美好的印象,有机会我们再相聚凤凰,谢谢大家!Ok ,that's all today.Hope Phoenix Ancient town can leve you a deep and beautiful impression.May we get together some day in this beautiful place.Thank you!