市政养护管理处2011年爱国卫生大事记 1、2011年3月6日,单位成立了今年爱国卫生工作领导小组,制定了2011年度爱国卫生工作计划。2、2011年3月25日,单位召开迎接国家卫生城市复审工作会议,要求各科所室全力做好迎接复验各项工作。3、2011年3月26日,单位制定了2011年爱国卫生月活动计划。4、2011年3月28日,单位召开爱国卫生月动员大会,会上由支部书记杨雪雯同志做动员讲话,贾占江同志安排具体工作。5、2011年4月6日,单位与各科、所、室签订2011年爱国卫生责任书、2011年环境保护目标责任书。6、2011年4月7日,单位与天山花园社区签订2011年度爱国卫生目标考核责任书。7、2011年4月15日,我单位雇佣铲车一辆,为小渠子二村清理生活垃圾1500吨。7、2011年4月18日--19日,单位安排2天时间,打扫清洁室内外卫生。8、2011年4月19日,按延北办统一要求,购买并投放了灭鼠药、灭蟑药。9、2011年4月24日,单位安排人员组织清理草坪、花坛杂物,载花种草,美化了庭院环境。10、2011年4月25日,单位召开职工大会,会上由支部书记杨雪雯同志对爱国卫生月活动进行了简单的总结,并对今后巩固创卫成果提出更高要求。11、2011年4月29日,我单位组织全体职工为小渠子二村打扫环境卫生,并协雇佣车一辆、自卸车一辆。12、2011年5月20日,我单位雇佣铲车一辆,自卸车一辆,为昌吉市活畜屠宰点清理动物粪便400吨。13、2011年5月24日,单位组织部分党员、职工为天山花园社区打扫卫生。14、2011年6月15日,单位使用高空车配合作业,清洗办公楼体外围墙壁。15、2011年6月16日,我单位为昌吉市活畜屠宰点协调垃圾斗一个,并安放好,方便垃圾堆放。16、2011年6月18日,单位组织干部职工打扫三楼会议室及各办公室卫生。17、2011年6月21日,单位组织全体干部、职工集中学习《中国公民健康素养66条—基本知识与技能》 18、2011年7月1日,为迎接建党90周年,我单位为小渠子二村打扫卫生。19、2011年7月8日,为迎接国家卫生城市复验,我单位为小渠子二村打扫卫生。20、2011年7月15日,为迎接国家卫生城市复验,我单位20余名职工,为小渠子二村打扫卫生。21、2011年8月5日,为迎接国家卫生城市复验,我单位20余名职工,为小渠子二村打扫卫生。22、2011年8月12日,为迎接国家卫生城市复验,我单位20余名职工,为小渠子二村打扫卫生。22、2011年8月19日,为迎接国家卫生城市复验,我单位20余名职工,为小渠子二村打扫卫生。23、2011年8月26日,为迎接国家卫生城市复验,我单位20余名职工,为小渠子二村打扫卫生。24、2011年9月5日,我单位的打扫院内卫生,并修建草坪,美化庭院环境。25、2011年10月17日,我单位组织干部职工将院内花草铲除,埋好根部,整理清洁,准备过冬。
三八妇女节大事记 3.8国际妇女节是全世界妇女的节日。这个日子是联合国承认的,同时也被很多国家确定为法定假日。来自五湖四海的妇女们,尽管被不同的国界、种族、语言、文化、经济和政治所区分,但在这一天能够同时庆祝属于自己的节日。让我们再回首那九十年前的为得到平等、公正、和平以及发展所作出的斗争。国际妇女节是劳动妇女创造历史的见证,妇女为争取与男性平等所走的斗争道路十分漫长。古希腊的莉西斯特拉塔就领导了妇女斗争来阻止战争;法国革命时期,巴黎妇女高呼“自由,平等,友爱”,走上凡尔赛的街头争取选举权。国际妇女节的概念萌生在20世纪初,国际社会正处于工业化时期,急剧增长的人口,激进的意识形态,社会状况十分动荡。以下就是重要事件的年代: 1909 1909年,根据美国社会党的宣布,第一个国际妇女节2月28日在美国被定为2月的最后一个星期天直到1913年。1910 1910年在哥本哈根举行的社会主义国际会议上决定要确立一个妇女节日,作为对妇女运动所作出的饿成就的褒奖。这个计划由来自17个国家的100多名妇女指定,其中包括最早在芬兰国会中取得选举权的三名妇女。但在那次会议上并没有确定一个准确的日期。1911 1911年,奥地利、丹麦、德国和瑞士将妇女节定为3月19日,超过一百万人在当天参加了集会。除了要求得到选举权和政府公职权,她们还要求得到平等的工作和就业培训机会,并且要求消除工作中的性别歧视。不到一周,在3月25日纽约发生了悲剧,一场大火140多名女工的饿生命,她们大多是意大利和犹太移民。这个事件给了美国政府极大的压力,工作环境恶劣造成的灾难不容忽视,国际妇女节的制定摆上了台面。1913-1914 在一次大战前夕的和平运动中,俄国妇女在1913年2月的最后一个星期天庆祝了她们的第一个节日。而在欧洲的其他地方,在随后的几年里,妇女们总是在3月8日前后来举行集会,表达她们团结起来抵抗战争的决心。1917 1917年,二百多万俄国士兵死在战争中,俄国妇女再次选择在2月的最后一个星期天为“面包与和平”举行罢工。不顾政府的反对,妇女们走上街头。四天后沙皇不得不退位,临时政府赋予妇女们选举权。这个历史性的星期天是罗马公历的2月23日,而在其他国家所使用的阳历中,这一天是3月8日。
11月15日,2011-2012学年第二期会员服务日第十届新生自我形象设计大赛十强选手于各大饭堂门口与广大同学们见面,加入了服务同学的行列。会员服务日是由校学生会举办的,积极发挥校学生会“服务学生 会聚精彩”的宗旨的活动。本活动通过问卷调查收集同学们对校区的意见,并通过正规的途径反映至校方。期间还有各种小活动,为同学们带来更细致、更贴近生活的服务。
12月1日晚,英语文化节闭幕式暨全校英语演讲大赛决赛于学术报告厅进行。本次英语文化节为期一个月,包括素质教育之全校英语演讲大赛“Speak Out, Stay Real”,新东方全校英语口语大赛“More than a try”,第四届英语电影原声配音大赛“Spark from here”。第四届英语电影原声配音大赛由外国语学院承办,决赛于11月30日在活动中心进行,冠亚季军分别为外国语学院的J.E.A(赵玉娜、六小容、林洋)、经济与贸易统计学院的Fantasy5(许恩豪、彭博、洪楷威、杨长君)与经济与贸易统计学院的Encore(胡佳、陈文杰、林智敏、潘鹏远)。新东方英语口语大赛决赛于11月29日在活动中心进行,冠亚季军为金融学院的邹庭、经济与贸易统计学院的付婕雯与工商管理学院林慧珊。素质教育精品活动之全校英语演讲大赛冠亚季军为人文与传播学院的吴灏飚、金融学院的邹庭、资源与环境学院的刘佳。
Experts: Soft power should be used to promote modern Chinese culture BEIJING中国应努力争取通过讨论当前的文化,而不是徘徊在其传统文化更多的文化软实力,说一个国家的顶级认为上周五坦克。
How US Businessmen Make Foreign Investment Decisions The National Council for US-China Trade has its members and associates companies raging from the very largest, such as General Motors, down to the very small company, companies with as few as 10 employees.In the United States, much new technology and many new products, components and services now reside in, and are owned by, small companies.These small, even tiny companies, are frequently formed when professors and research scientists, engineers and technicians, who have been studying and doing research in certain fields, leave large institutions and form small entrepreneurial type companies to exploit and produce their new findings.Examples would include professors leaving the Universities of Wisconsin, Iowa State and Purdue and forming companies in the new bio-genetics areas, performing gene splitting, and producing new products in animal and plant life, and pharmaceuticals as well.Other examples would include professors leaving the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the University of California at Berkeley and Stanford University to form new small companies in the computer science and electronic areas.Former scientists at the University of Utah now own and operate several companies producing artificial human organs such as mechanical heart and the artificial ear.Employees of large companies.(Such as IBM, General Electric and Hewlett Packard), also frequently break away and form their own small companies to develop, produce and market new advanced products, services and technologies, such as the gallium arsenide high-speed semi-conductor as a replacement for silicon.CITIC may want to deal with some of these very small, advanced technology firms.These emerging small companies would like to do business with countries such as China;however, they have concerns about such a relationship.My presentation reflects the thinking of these new small high technology companies.Small high technology companies have several good business reasons why foreign opportunities might be considered in spite of the difficulties inherent in capitalizing on them.The first is to gain a supply of needed resources.The second is to lower production cost——either to be more competitive in one's home market or to serve a new area.The third is to penetrate the market where the investment is to be made.These reasons, of course, could apply to anything from establishing a new office in the next town to building a whole new manufacturing plant half way around the world;but when a foreign location is involved, some of the questions that must be asked to evaluate the options properly, become much more difficult to answer.美国商人怎样做出国外投资决定
第二,通过增加在本土市场的竞争力或开拓新市场来降低生 产成本。第三,打入投资所在地的市场。
像国际商用机器公司、通用电器公司和赫勒特—帕克特公司这些大公司的雇员也常常离开公司,成立他们自己的小公司,开发、生产和销售新的先进产品,提供服务和技术,如用砷化镓 高速度半导体来代替硅片。
首先,是为了获取所需的资源; 其次,为了降低生产成本——既可使产品在其国内市场更具竞争力,又可开辟一个新地区;
(李尧 译)
1,许多译者没有注意一个很重要的问题,那就是表示一个单位的专用名词必须是固定的翻译,不可以按照译者自己的理解随意翻译。比如CITIC是“中国国际信托投资公司”的缩写,因而只能翻译成“中国国际信托投资公司”,不能译成“中国中信公司”,“中信集团”。有的朋友翻译成“中信银行”则完全错了。The National Council for US-China Trade应该是“美中贸易全国委员会”,而不是“美中贸易全国理事会”或者其他。The University of California at Berkeley应该翻译成“加利福尼亚大学伯克利分校”,不可以翻译成“伯克利加利福尼亚大学”。
2,任何人的翻译都会有增加也有减少,不增不减的翻译不但不足取,而且不可能。但增减有度,不可随意增加任意减少。比如有的译者把“leave large institutions”翻译成“走出校园之后”,有的翻译成“从大学辞职”,“辞去大学的职务,下海创立生物基因公司”。把“very small company”翻译成“崭露头角的小公司”,“新秀小公司”,这样的增加都超出了允许的范围。
3,注意用词准确。不少译者的译文用词不够准确,比如把“establishing a new office in the next door”翻译成“在隔壁的镇子上建立新的办事处”。“隔壁”是一墙之隔,难道镇子也可以“一墙之隔”吗?把largest company翻译成“巨无霸”,“超级巨头”,把 small company翻译成“袖珍公司”都是不恰当的。这样的例子很多,不再一一列举,希望初学翻译的朋友加强中文修养,翻译出更好的作品。
High levels of public debt among countries in the euro zone turned into a full-blown crisis for the currency block.As markets began to lose confidence in the ability of a few countries to finance their debt, and rapidly pushed up their borrowing costs, the European Union and the IMF eventually resolved to bail out Greece and, later, Ireland.Investors also fretted over Spain and Portugal.Measures to tackle budget deficits were met with protests, especially in Greece, which endured strikes and riots.In France 1m people demonstrated against pension reforms in a single day.欧元区高昂的公共债务演变成了债务危机。随着市场开始对一些国家债务融资缺乏信心,迅速抬高他们的借贷成本后,欧盟和国际货币基金组织最终向希腊,然后是爱尔兰伸出援手。同时,投资者还担心西班牙和葡萄牙。解决预算赤字的措施遭遇了抵制,希腊的罢工和**尤为严重。在法国,同一天里,就有100万人游行示威抗议养老金改革。
As Europe tightened its fiscal belt, America passed more stimulus measures.Barack Obama also signed into law the most sweeping changes to America’s financial-regulatory system since the 1930s and a health-care reform act that was hailed by many as America’s most significant piece of social legislation since the 1960s.Conservatives challenged the act in the courts.欧洲勒紧裤腰带的同时,美国也通过了一系列的刺激措施。奥巴马(Barack Obama)把上世纪30年代以来,对美国金融监管体制进行最广泛的改革写进法律。他还签署了医疗改革法案,该法案被很多美国人认为是自60年代以来,最为重要的一项社会立法。保守派却在法庭上质疑这一法案。
Unease about deficits and the “jobless recovery” were factors behind the increasing clout of tea-partiers in America.With their support the Republicans scored a sensational win in a special election for Ted Kennedy’s former Senate seat in Massachusetts.November’s mid-term elections saw the Democrats swept from power in the House by the biggest swing to the Republicans in decades.Congress ended the year on its lowest-ever Gallup approval rating—13%.对债务和失业卷土重来的深感不安是美国茶党势力不断扩大的原因。在他们的帮助下,共和党在补选马萨诸塞州前参议员特德肯尼迪(Ted Kennedy)参议院席位时获得了压倒性的胜利。在11初进行的美国中期选举上,民主党在众议院遭到惨败,而民主党则取得了几十年来最好的成绩。国会今年的盖洛普支持率降至历史最低—13%。
In China the main worry was of an overheating economy.The central bank unexpectedly raised interest rates for the first time in three years amid concerns about inflation.Official trade statistics showed China had overtaken Germany as the world’s biggest exporter.Tensions over currency policy were at the forefront during summits of the G20 and IMF.中国主要担心经济过热。考虑到通货膨胀,中国人民银行3年来首次调高利率,这有些让人意外。官方的贸易统计数字表明,中国已经超过德国成为世界上最大的出口国。G20和IMF峰会上,货币政策成为争论的焦点。
Google had a spat with China over censorship and a cyber-attack on its website there, causing it to redirect its Chinese internet searches through Hong Kong.Separately, Google, Facebook and others promised to do more to protect privacy after an outcry about their handling of users’ personal data.谷歌和中国在审查制度上意见不同,谷歌指责中国攻击其位于中国的网站,导致中文搜索不得不转道香港。人们抗议谷歌,脸谱和其他公司没能保护好他们的个人信息后,这些公司分别承诺会更好地保护隐私权。
The year of living dangerously 生存状况危险的一年
An earthquake in Haiti was a humanitarian disaster, killing at least 230,000 people and leaving 1m homeless.The quake devastated Port-au-Prince and left swathes of the country’s fragile infrastructure in ruins.A deadly outbreak of cholera later in the year and political unrest compounded the misery.海地地震是一场人道主义灾难,至少23万人死亡,100万人无家可归。地震摧毁了太子港,导致该国脆弱的基础设施遭受严重破坏。下半年海地爆发了致命的霍乱,政治动荡加剧了人们的不幸。
Drifting ash clouds emanating from a volcano in Iceland led to the closure of European air space for several days, causing the biggest disruption to worldwide air travel since September 11th 2001.冰岛火山喷发出来的尘云导致欧洲机场关闭数日,造成911事件以来,全球最大规模的航空管制。
American combat operations ended in Iraq, seven years after the start of the war.Around 50,000 troops remain in a support role until the end of 2011.Iraq continued to be troubled by violence and suicide-bombs after the Americans departed.An election was held in March, though a new government didn’t begin to emerge until November.经历了7年战争之后,美国从伊拉克撤军。大约有5万名辅助士兵留在伊拉克直到2011年底。美国撤军后,伊拉克继续被暴力和自杀式爆炸袭击困扰。3月份举行了大选,但新政府直到11月份才出炉。
The war in Afghanistan rumbled on.Coalition troops mounted their biggest offensive against the Taliban since 2001.The deaths of civilians in targeted missile attacks aimed at the Taliban and al-Qaeda caused rows.General Stanley McChrystal was sacked as commander of coalition forces after a magazine published an interview in which he disparaged the handling of the war by America’s civilian leadership.General David Petraeus took charge.阿富汗战争仍在继续。联合部队展开了2001年以来针对塔利班最具攻击性的行动。意在攻击塔利班和基地组织的导弹袭击造成了平民伤亡,引起美国和阿富汗的分歧。在一份杂志的采访中,上将斯坦利(Stanley McChrystal)对美国文职领导人对待战争的做法不屑一顾,作为联军总司令的他被撤职。上将大卫彼得雷乌斯(David Petraeus)接替他的职务。
Pakistan endured another year of severe terrorist attacks, starting on January 1st when a suicide-bomber killed 100 people at a volleyball match.In July, the Pakistani Taliban claimed responsibility for huge blasts at a Sufi shrine in Lahore and at a market in the tribal area.Rioting in Karachi after the assassination of a politician killed scores.Relentless flooding from exceptionally heavy monsoon rains affected 20m people, adding to the country’s woes.巴基斯坦今年又遭遇了严重的恐怖主义袭击。1月1日的一场排球比赛上,自杀式炸弹袭击造成100人死亡。7月,巴基斯坦的塔利班宣布对拉合尔地区苏菲派清真寺和部落地区的一个市场的巨大爆炸负责。卡拉奇的**形势在一名政客被暗杀后升级。异常的强季风带来的无情洪水影响了2000万人民的生活,加重了国家的灾难。
Among the year’s other deadliest terror attacks were co-ordinated bombings at two crowded bars in Kampala, the Ugandan capital.The Shabab, a Somali Islamist militia, claimed responsibility.今年其他最致命的恐怖袭击还包括发生在乌干达首都坎帕拉两家顾客众多的酒店。索马里的伊斯兰民兵组织宣布对此事负责。
The heat is on 正在施压
A spate of terrorist assaults in Russia, including a suicide-bombing on the Moscow metro, killed scores of people.Chechen separatists were blamed.The hottest summer in Russian history resulted in hundreds of wildfires, causing a public-health crisis in Moscow when smoke enveloped the city.发生在俄罗斯,包括莫斯科地铁自杀式爆炸袭击的多起恐怖主义袭击造成多人死亡。车臣分裂分子受到指责。俄罗斯历史上最热的夏天引发了数百起的森林大火。大火产生的浓烟笼罩莫斯科,造成了人们对公众健康的恐慌。
A spoof broadcast in Georgia claiming that Russia had invaded the country caused panic.The bulletin, using imagery from the 2008 Russia-Georgia war, prompted people to flee Tbilisi, the capital.俄罗斯已经进攻格鲁吉亚的假消息引起了人们的恐慌。这份公告从2008年俄罗斯同格鲁吉亚的战争中获得灵感,导致人们逃离首都第比利斯。
After months of cajoling, Israel and the Palestinians sat around the table for direct talks, though the negotiations soon broke down over the building of Jewish settlements on the West Bank.The American-Israeli relationship became somewhat strained.几个月的软硬兼施之后,以色列和巴勒斯坦进行了直接对话。但由于以色列在西岸建立犹太人定居点导致谈判很快破裂。美国和以色列的关系变得有点紧张。
Israeli intelligence was said to be behind the assassination of a senior Hamas military leader, who was killed at a hotel in Dubai.A diplomatic row ensued when it emerged that the assassins had travelled under the stolen identities of European and Australian citizens.There was another international ruckus when Israeli commandos shot dead nine people on a Turkish ship with humanitarian supplies bound for Gaza.据说,以色列的情报组织策划并暗杀了当时在迪拜一家旅馆的一名哈马斯高级军事领导人。后来发现,暗杀者使用偷来的欧洲和澳大利亚公民的身份证旅行,外交摩擦由此爆发。以色列突击队打死了一艘装有运往加沙地带人道主义救援物资的土耳其船上的9人,引发国际上一片讨伐之声。
The world cheered when all 33 men trapped underground for 69 days at a mine in Chile were brought safely to the surface.But mining accidents in China, Russia, West Virginia, New Zealand and Turkey each killed dozens of workers.在智利,被困井下69天的33名矿工的成功升井,让全世界为之欢呼。但是,中国,俄罗斯,西弗吉尼亚州,新西兰和土耳其的矿难却导致几十人死亡。
An election in Britain saw Labour booted out of power after 13 years.The Conservatives emerged as the biggest party but without an overall majority.After a few tense days of talks, the Conservatives formed a coalition(the first in Britain since the 1940s)with the Liberal Democrats, who came third at the polls.The new government, led by David Cameron, embarked on a radical programme of spending cuts.英国大选的结果是执政13年的工党成为在野党。保守党成为多数党,但却没有赢得绝对多数。经过数天激烈的谈判,保守党同得票数位居第三的自由民主党组建了联合政府(这是自上世纪40年代以来的第一次)。新政府在大卫卡梅伦(David Cameron)的带领下,着手进行一系列彻底的开支削减计划。
Joyful and triumphant欢欣鼓舞
In other big elections, Dilma Rousseff won the presidency in Brazil, the first woman to do so.Julia Gillard became Australia’s first female prime minister after ousting Kevin Rudd;she kept the job after a subsequent election.For the first time in 50 years Chile elected a conservative president, Sebastián Piñera.Mahinda Rajapaksa was re-elected as Sri Lanka’s president;his opponent was arrested soon after.Benigno Aquino won a presidential election in the Philippines;he is the son of a late president, Corazon “Cory” Aquino.And Viktor Yanukovich was elected president of Ukraine, though Yulia Tymoshenko, his opponent, mounted a brief challenge to the result in court.在另一个大选中,迪尔玛罗塞弗(Dilma Rousseff)成为巴西历史上首位女总统。在废除陆克文(Kevin Rudd)之后,茱莉亚吉拉迪(Julia Gillard)成为澳大利亚第一位女总理。在随后的大选中她再次胜出。智利赢来了50年来第一位保守派总统皮涅拉。拉贾帕克萨(Mahinda Rajapaksa)再次当选为斯里南卡总统,不久,他的反对派就被抓捕。艾奎诺(Benigno Aquino)在菲律宾总统大选中获胜。他是前一任总统科拉松阿基诺的儿子。尽管反对派季莫申科(Yulia Tymoshenko)向法院质疑投票结果,维克多亚努科维奇(Viktor Yanukovich)还是成为乌克兰总统。
Poland’s president, Lech Kaczynski, was killed in a plane crash near Smolensk, Russia, along with the head of Poland’s central bank, senior diplomats and military leaders.The ensuing presidential election was won by Bronislaw Komorowski, who defeated Mr Kaczynski’s twin brother, Jaroslaw.波兰总统莱特卡钦斯基(Lech Kaczynski)在俄罗斯的斯摩棱科斯由于飞机失事身亡,随行的波兰央行行长,高级外交官和军事领导人也遇难。布罗尼斯拉夫•科莫罗夫斯基(Bronislaw Komorowski)在随后的总统大选中击败卡钦斯基的孪生兄弟拉洛斯罗(Jaroslaw)成为新总统。
An explosion at a BP well in the Gulf of Mexico in April killed 11 men and caused the world’s biggest civilian oil spill to date, before the wellhead on the sea floor was finally sealed in September.The catastrophe forced a halt to commercial fishing in the area and a moratorium on drilling.The Obama administration faced sustained criticism of its handling of the crisis.BP’s share price slumped, wiping out almost half its stockmarket value.In December America launched a lawsuit against BP and other companies potentially liable for the spill for billions of dollars in damages.英国石油公司(BP)位于墨西哥湾的油井今年四月发生爆炸,造成11死亡;9月份海底井口完全封闭以前,石油泄漏造成了迄今为止世界上最大的人为漏油事件。灾难迫使当地的商业捕捞停止,近海石油钻探也被暂停。人们一直指责奥巴马政府处理危机的方式。BP的股价几乎跌至危机前的一半。12月,美国对BP以及潜在的为此次漏油事件负责的其他公司提起诉讼,损害赔偿金额高达几十亿美元。
North Korea’s increasingly bellicose attitude towards South Korea rattled the world.The sinking of a South Korean navy ship with the loss of 46 sailors was blamed on a torpedo attack by the North.Later in the year the North launched an artillery barrage against a tiny South Korean island.Kim Jong Un, the youngest son of Kim Jong Il, North Korea’s ailing Dear Leader, moved up the ranks as heir apparent.朝鲜对韩国不断升级的挑衅态度惹恼了整个世界。人们谴责朝鲜发射鱼雷击沉韩国一艘军舰,造成46名海员丧生。今年年底,朝鲜对韩国的一个小岛屿发起了炮弹袭击。朝鲜敬爱的领导人,久病缠身的金正日(Kim Jong Il)任命小儿子金正恩(Kim Jong Un)为接班人。
Naoto Kan became Japan’s third prime minister within two years when Yukio Hatoyama resigned after reneging on a promise to remove the American marine base near Okinawa.鸠山由纪夫未能依照承诺将冲绳县附近的美国海军基地移走,因此主动辞职。菅直人成为日本2年内的第三位首相。
A recall of Toyota vehicles in America amid reports of sticking accelerator pedals proved to be a public-relations disaster for the carmaker, compelling its boss to apologise at a congressional hearing.美国相继报道丰田汽车油门踏板失灵后,丰田召回事故车辆。此次召回对丰田来说是公共关系的灾难,迫使老板在国会听证会上道歉。
There was more turmoil in Thailand when red-shirted opposition protesters set up an encampment in central Bangkok.After a two-month stand-off the army moved in to clear the streets;50 people were killed in the resulting clashes.泰国的红衫军反对派抗议者在曼谷中部安寨扎营,引发了泰国大规模的骚乱。在持续了两个月的对峙之后,泰国政府动用军队打击抗议者,50多人在冲突中丧生。
Aung San Suu Kyi was released from house arrest by Myanmar’s ruling military junta.She had spent much of the past 20 years in detention and was freed after Myanmar’s first national election since 1990.The ballot was rigged to favour the junta’s candidates.缅甸执政的军政府释放了遭软禁的昂山素季(Aung San Suu Kyi)。过去20年的大部分时间里,她都被拘禁。自1990年以来,缅甸首次全国大选后她才被释放。
Goodluck Jonathan became president of Nigeria when the ailing and absent Umaru Yar’Adua was deemed too ill to continue in office(he died in May).There was further bloody conflict along ethnic lines between Christians and Muslims near the city of Jos.生病又缺席的亚拉杜瓦(Umaru Yar’Adua)病情严重无法继续任职(于5月病亡),乔纳森(Goodluck Jonathan)成为尼日尼亚总统。基督教徒同穆斯林在乔斯市附近爆发了进一步的血腥冲突。
Ethnic rioting in Kyrgyzstan between Kyrgyz and Uzbeks in the south of the country displaced hundreds of thousands and threatened to turn into a civil war.吉尔吉斯斯坦南部的吉尔吉斯族和乌兹别克族发生种族**,导致成千上万人流离失所,并威胁要发动内战。
The “hot potato” effect “烫手山芋”效应
Stockmarkets around the world had a bumpy year, none more so than the Dow Jones Industrial Average, which plunged dramatically within a matter of minutes on May 6th, only to recover the losses some 20 minutes later.An investigation found that a poorly executed algorithmic trade was at the root of the “flash crash”.全世界的股票市场经历了起起落落的一年。其中的戏剧性谁也比不过道琼斯工业平均指数。5月6日,该指数在数分钟内急剧下跌,仅20多分钟后,所有损失又得以弥补。一份调查显示,一个未得到充分执行的计算交易是“瞬间暴跌”的根本原因。
Kraft Foods bought Cadbury in a $19 billion takeover, one of the biggest of the year, though the sale was contentious.After stepping down as Cadbury’s chairman, Roger Carr said that Britain had become “the most open goal of almost any country…in terms of foreign takeovers”.Mr Carr becomes head of the Confederation of British Industry in June.卡夫食品公司(Kraft Foods)以190亿美元的价格接管了吉百利(Cadbury)。尽管存在争议,本次出售是今年最大的交易之一。罗杰卡尔(Roger Carr)在辞去吉百利主席一职后说,英国已经成为“对外国接管最开放的国家”。卡尔于今年6月成为英国工业联合会(Confederation of British Industry)主席。
All I want for Christmas… 圣诞节我想要……
Apple started selling the iPad, a computer tablet that looked set to revolutionise digital publishing.Apple overtook Microsoft as the world’s biggest technology company.苹果公司开始出售注定要颠覆数字出版业的平板电脑-iPad。苹果取代微软成为世界上最大的科技公司。
Among the year’s sporting events, the winter Olympics were hosted by Vancouver, the World Cup was held in South Africa(and won for the first time by Spain)and the Commonwealth games took place in Delhi, though some competitors threatened to pull out because of poor hygienic conditions at the athletes’ village.An annual event in England where challengers chase a wheel of cheese down a hill was officially cancelled on health-and-safety grounds.至于今年的体育盛事,冬季奥运会在温哥华(Vancouver)举行;南非主办世界杯(西班牙第一次获得大力神杯)。英联邦运动会在印度的德里举行。一些参赛选手抱怨运动员村恶劣的卫生条件,威胁要退出比赛。考虑到卫生和安全问题,英国一年一度的参赛者从山上往下跑着追赶一大块起司的活动被正式取消。
World Expositions are galleries of human inspirations and thoughts.Since 1851 when the Great Exhibition of Industries of All Nations was held in London, the World Expositions have attained increasing prominence as grand events for economic, scientific, technological and cultural exchanges, serving as an important platform for displaying historical experience, exchanging innovative ideas, demonstrating esprit de corps and looking to the future.With a long civilization, China favors international exchange and loves world peace.China owes its successful bid for the World Exposition in 2010 to the support for and confidence of the international community in its reform and opening up.The Exposition will be the first registered World Exposition to be held in a developing country, which gives expression to the expectations the world’s people place on China’s future development.世界博览会是人类文明的驿站。从1851年伦敦的“万国工业博览会”至今,世博会正日益成为全球经济、科技和文化领域的盛会,成为各国人民总结历史经验、交流聪明才智、体现合作精神、展望未来发展的重要舞台。