
时间:2019-05-12 16:23:16下载本文作者:会员上传












































4.萝卜喝醉了,会变成什么? 5.什么东西越擦越小?



8.为什么阿发悄悄对臭皮说他裤子的拉链忘了拉,臭皮却不以为意? 9.一向最爱吃蛋糕的大宝,今天为什么连面前那1/4小块蛋糕都吃不下呢?







16.画时圆,写时方,有它暖,没它凉 打一个字 17.圆心着力 猜一字谜


19.而立之年,独居川中 少笔字谜底/谜底:卅

20.看上去有两头牛,其实一头也没有 打一字

21.话别之后弃前嫌 打一字

22.座中无人 打字一谜

23.作品别具一格 打字

24.左右乱看 打离合字




28.左边十八,右边十八,总共六八四十八。打字一谜 29.左边三,右边三,十一立在正中间。打字一谜





34.昨日不可留 打字一字

35.罪该斩首 打字一谜

36.最后重逢 打字一谜

37.最后一点记心中 打字一谜

38.嘴下留着八字胡 打字一谜

39.嘴 打字一谜底

40.足有一半 打字一谜

41.足须一月 打字一谜


43.足球、手球、排球 打字一谜足赤 打字一谜



46.47.48.迁来一口 言字旁




变字头 桌椅样样齐备

53.打断念头 54.55.56.独眼龙

一箭穿心 夫人何处去

57.一只黑狗,不叫不吼 58.59.60.一口咬掉牛尾巴

因小失大 人不在其位














3.1 名词的译法 第1节 翻译练习1 In an unusual application, this organization uses a fingerprint scanner to monitor the comings and goings of its residents.A capacitor is used to eliminate sparking when a circuit containing inductance is suddenly opened.一个不同寻常的用途是:这个机构使用指纹扫描器监视居住人员的进出。当含有电感的电路突然断开时,可用电容器消除火花。第1节 翻译练习2 The comparison reveals that the error is due to aliasing.The scans confirmed that the subjects’ brains dealt with words in ways that contradict one hoary old idea.The latest research with radioactive isotopes has shown that this assumption is quite wrong.比较结果表明,误差是由于名称不同而造成的。


Metals differ in the ease with which they give up electrons and enter into chemical combination.Internal-shoe drum brakes provide better protection from water and dust.People on earth are protected from the dangerous ultraviolet radiation of the sun by a layer or ozone that spans the planet and absorbs the radiation.各种金属放出电子和参与化学反应的难易程度不一。内蹄式鼓形制动器的防水、防尘性能比较好。


According to the molecular theory the temperature of an object depends on the average speed of its molecules.Effectiveness of temperature control depends upon the amount of lubricant supplied, the ambient temperature, and the external cooling.根据分子理论的原理,物体的温度取决于其分子的平均速度。

温度控制的效果取决于润滑剂的用量、环境温度以及外部的冷却设施。第1节 翻译练习3 Particular attention should be given to hoses to ensure that chafing does not occur.The primary concern of electrical engineering is the doing of work by the delivery of energy.Gene piracy is not new.All plants and animals need carbon for growth.要特别注意软管,保证没有擦伤。窃取基因不是新鲜事。

电工学主要关注的是通过输送能量做功的情况。所有动植物均需要碳才能生长。第1节 翻译练习4 The experiment was a success.Semiconductor devices can perform a variety of control function in electronic equipment.这个试验是成功的。

半导体在电子设备中能起各种各样的控制作用。3.2 冠词的译法 第2节 翻译练习1 A polymer is a substance of high molecular weight.Being a good insulator, rubber is often used in cables.The patient was administered the mixture twice a week.These machines may be oiled once or twice a month.聚合物是一种高分子的物质。这种混合剂病人每周服用两次。

橡胶是一种良好的绝缘体,所以经常使用在电缆上。这些机器每个月可以加一次或两次油。第2节 翻译练习2 A bearing can be defined as a member specifically designed to support moving machine components.Use a transformer and power at low voltage can be changed into power at high voltage.An object at rest has no kinetic energy, its velocity being zero.轴承可以定义为一种专门用于支撑运动着的机器零件的构件。静止的物体没有动能,因为它的速度为零。使用变压器可将低压电转变为高压电。第2节 翻译练习3 作为固定词组时的省译: on a large scale a majority of a wealth of as a result 结果,因此 大规模地 大多数的 大量的

第2节 翻译练习4 The machine is intended for grinding the top and bottom surfaces of tungsten carbide tips.The mechanism has been termed cumulative feedback inhibition.该机床是供磨削硬质合金刀片上下表面用的。这种机制就叫做累加反馈抑制。第2节 翻译练习5 The basic job of the computer is the processing of information.The main effect is to raise the fundamental slosh mode frequency.计算机的基本任务是处理信息。主要作用在于提高基本的晃动频率。第3章 总复习题

Other factors affect the configuration of the total system.In normal flight the hatch doors fair into the fuselage.Energy can neither be created, nor destroyed by any means known to man.另一些因素则将影响整个系统的结构。飞行正常时,舱门与机身平整贴合。

用人们已知的方法,既不能创造能量也不能消灭能量。It is customary to refer to design levels as high or low on component complexity.The main economy of the system stems from the ability to move cars in a continuous train without uncoupling.He is a stranger to the operation of the electronic computer.他对电子计算机的操作是陌生的。


此系统的主要经济之处在于它能移动列车的车厢而不必将它们脱钩分开。A key element in system capacity planning is the financial cost of performance.The assembler can expand the key words in the assembly code into their full instruction set.The flame does not touch the flask directly.这种汇编程序能把汇编码中的关键字扩展成完整的指令集。系统能力计划中关键因素是性能的金融成本。火焰没有直接接触烧瓶。

The study of the strength of solids involves the study of the defects in the crystalline structure.The problem was solved by the provision of a compensating jet.The rusting of iron is the slow chemical combination of the elements iron and oxygen in moist atmosphere.研究固体的强度,就必须研究晶体结构中的缺陷。铁生锈是铁元素和氧元素在湿空气中缓慢化合的现象。通过安装一个补偿喷嘴,解决了这个问题。

The decay of organic matter is a slow oxidation by oxygen in the air.In order to improve a certain kind of battery, Edison spent almost ten years and made nearly 50,000 experiments.有机物的腐烂是空气中的氧引起的一种缓慢氧化过程。

为了改善一种电池的性能,爱迪生花了差不多十年时间,做了近50000次试验。4.1 代词的一般译法 第1节 翻译练习1 In this cell the light incident on the sensitive surface of the cell causes the photo-electric emission of electrons from the surface, and these electrons are attracted to the other electrode.The owl can hear a mouse chewing and fly down on it, even though it is hidden from sight under a pile of leaves.在这种电池中,照在电池光敏表面光电效应而发射电子,而这些电子被吸引到另一电极。即使老鼠躲藏在一堆叶子下看不见的地方,猫头鹰也能听见老鼠咀嚼的声音而飞下来袭击它。This might be compared with the mumble of wavelengths of sound that go to make up ordinary noise.这可以与杂乱的声波相比,一般的噪音就是由这种杂乱的声波组成的。

第1节 翻译练习2 Drawing electrons away from the atom causes it to have a net positive electric charge.Each crystal should have a shape as much like that of the other crystals as possible.将电子与原子分离会使原子带上纯净正电荷。每一结晶的形状应与其他结晶的形状尽可能相似。第1节 翻译练习3 Every element retains its identity no matter how it is finely divided.Astronomers can estimate the size and brightness of a star by its color.每种元素不论分得怎样细小,它仍保持其特征。

天文学家根据恒星的颜色可以估计它的大小和亮度。第1节 翻译练习4 Many processes have already been proposed, and one possible future process is a smelting reduction.It is possible to work backward from the known strength and determine what factor of safety was used.Each is a solid sphere with a metallic core surrounded by silicate shells.我们能够由已知的强度反过来求出所用的安全系数。


人们已经提出了很多方法,未来可能的选择之一就是熔融还原法。第1节 翻译练习5 In this chapter our task is to find out what the air is made of.Today we have a fairly clear idea of what goes on inside of atom.Practically all of the heat energy received by the earth comes from the sun.现在我们对原子内部的情况已相当清楚了。地球所得到的热能几乎都来自于太阳。

在这一章中,我们的任务是弄清空气的构成成分。4.2 人称代词的译法 第2节 翻译练习1 You can decide what resolution and compression level is best for your output.We’ll do everything possible to improve the supply of electricity.You can find the density of a body providing you know its mass and volume.We must be very careful to avoid trying to express energy in terms of power units.我们将尽一切努力来改善电力供应。

只要知道物体的质量和体积,就可求出物体的密度。你可以决定哪种溶解和压缩程度对成品最好。必须注意避免用功率单位表示能量。第2节 翻译练习2 It may require the taking of a large sample as in macro analysis.If an atom contains three protons, it must have three electrons to be electrically neutral.如果一个原子有三个质子,这个原子必然有三个电子来使其呈电中性。它可能要求像宏观分析中那样采用大的样本。4.3 形容词性物主代词的译法 第3节 翻译练习1 The density of anything is its mass per unit volume.Each substance shows an individual structure of its own.One of the drawbacks of the early lasers was their inability to operate continuously.每一种物质都显示出它自己的独特结构。任何物体的密度是它的每单位体积的质量。早期激光器的缺点之一是它们不能连续地工作。第3节 翻译练习2 In their workshop there is no one who understands how a computer uses its tubes.Transistors are more advantageous to vacuum tubes for their being small and light.The transformer cannot be called a machine because of its having no moving parts.晶体管优于真空管,因为它尺寸小、重量轻。

在他们车间,无人能理解计算机是怎样使用其电子管的。变压器不能称为机器,因为它没有转动的部件。第3节 翻译练习3 According to their ability to conduct electric current, all materials may be classified into three major categories: conductors, semiconductors and insulators.You shouldn’t have touched the wire with your wet hands.你不该用湿手触摸导线。

根据导电的性能不同,所有的材料可分为三大类:导体、半导体和绝缘体。第3节 翻译练习4 Heating semiconductors means increasing their conductivity.Triangles can be classified according to their angles or the relative lengths of their sides.According to their composition, these raw materials may be separated into three groups.The brain has its managing system.三角形可按照其角度或其相对边长来分类。

根据这些原材料的构成成分,它们可以分为三种类型。加热半导体就会增加其导电率。大脑有自己的管理系统。4.4 指示代词的译法 第4节 翻译练习1 All atoms, except those of hydrogen, contain one or more neutrons in the nucleus.The speed of the object approaches that of light.The geometry of the test specimens differs from the geometry of those used in tension tests.所用试件的形状和尺寸与拉伸试验的试件不同。除了氢原子外,所有的原子都有一个或几个中子。该物体的速度接近光速。第4节 翻译练习2 It diffracts the diffracted beam and this means that it generates an inverse transform.Heat is a form of energy and that is known to all of us.They used the transformers of poor quality, and this caused the whole power supply system break down.他们用了一批劣质的变压器,使得整个供电系统陷于瘫痪。热是能的一种形式,这是大家都知道的。

它对衍射光束发生衍射,这意味着它产生了一个逆变换。第4节 翻译练习3 This is a simple criterion that guarantees the existence of such a representation.The percentage of such cases among surgical patients can be determined in the following manner.在接受手术的病人中,这样的病例所占的百分比可用下述方法确定。这是确保这种等值表达式存在的一个简单标准。第4节 翻译练习4 As a rule solids and liquids expand when heated, water does the same except near its freezing point.The same is true when an alternating voltage is applied to a resistance.按照固体和液体遇热膨胀的原理,水除了接近其冰点的情况之外也是如此。当交流电压加在电阻上时,情况也是一样的。

第4节 翻译练习5 All motion in this universe is the form of successively rising and falling.Series do have the advantage of increasing resistance to reduce current when this is desirable.串联电路的确有这样的优点:在需要时可以增加电阻来减少电流。宇宙内的一切运动,均处在连续上升和下降的状态中。4.5 不定代词的译法 第5节 翻译练习1 All these elements can be used in semiconductor manufacture.All transformers and electric machinery use magnetic material.All the shafts were cut from heavy planks of wood.所有的变压器和电机都使用磁性材料。在半导体生产中,所有这些元件都能用上。箭杆都是用厚木板削制而成的。

Almost all who die of AIDS actually die of starvation.All the currents at node were not to add up to zero.Not all the energy from an antenna is radiated in the main beam.Not all people who test positive for the AIDS antibody get the disease AIDS.几乎所有丧命爱滋病的患者都是死于饥饿。并非所有节点上的电流总和为零。天线能量并不都是由主波束辐射的。

并不是所有的爱滋病抗体试验为阳性的人都患有爱滋病。第5节 翻译练习2 The equipment will compensate for any dimensional variations caused by wheel wear.Any portion of the flight control system may be readily removed in any sequence by the removal of attaching bolts and nuts.Which, if any, of the three statements below are false? 拆卸了原装的螺钉及螺母,便可很快地按任意顺序拆除飞机控制系统的任何部分。该装置对砂轮磨损引起的任何尺寸误差给予补偿。下面三种说法中如果有错,那么是其中的哪一种?

What, if any, effect do you feel the imports of Canadian gas will have on the American producer? There are few, if any, of them know the construction of the transformer.你觉得进口加拿大的天然气对美国的生产者可能产生什么影响吗? 他们当中几乎没人懂得变压器的结构。第5节 翻译练习3 Both alternatives are presented on the screen.Velocity is a vector quantity involving both magnitude and direction.速度是一种矢量,既有大小,又有方向。两种选择都在屏幕上显示出来了。第5节 翻译练习4 Each of the bits has a different optimum cutting speed.There are many types of efficient water pumps, each designed to meet a specific need.Every element, no matter how it is finely divided, retains its identity.效率高的水泵有多种类型,每一种都用来满足某个特定的需要。每个钻头都有一个不同的最佳切割速度。

每种元素不论分得怎样细小,仍保持该元素的特征。One half of the medium was renewed every three days.It has an error rate of one or two words in every hundred.Not every minute difference is noted.每三天更换一半溶剂。


并非每一个细微的差别都被注意到了。第5节 翻译练习5 Without electricity neither machine could be stared.I believe either method will do.我看两种方法中的任何一种都行。没有电,这两台机器都开动不了。第5节 翻译练习6 Sometimes one finds in fossil stones the imprint of a leaf.The last sound to reach the receiving ship is the one that hits the basement.Neutrinos from a subsidiary decay process are the ones to be detected.传到接收船上的最后的声音就是碰到底层的声音。有时人们能在化石里发现一片树叶的痕迹。有待探测的中微子来自次要的衰变过程。

Driving machines are always the opposite of driven ones.One of the most successful methods of achieving this depends on the use of fluidization.One of the uses of the triode is that it can amplify.主动机和从动机总是相反的。


Ones who make the decisions on what went into the system are programmers.Ones who claim ECT is both effective and safe, in fact, cannot prove it.There are two 300MW thermal power units in this power plant.One is made in China;the other is imported from Germany.决定要把什么写进系统的人是专业编程人员。



There are two kinds of electric currents.One is the direct current;the other is the alternating current.电流有两种,一种是直流电流,另一种是交流电流。第5节 翻译练习7 This chemical is poisonous.Others are poisonous, too.Some parts require a hard, tough metal and others may be made of softer metals.The coolant serves no other purpose than to remove excess heat.Some atomic nuclei undergo spontaneous disintegration while others do not.冷却剂除了排除多余的热以外没有任何其他用处。这些化学制品有毒,别的化学制品也有毒。有些零件需要由硬的韧性金属制成,而有些则可由软的金属制成。有的原子核会同时裂变,而另外一些却不会。第5节 翻译练习8 Another method is available to increase the system capacity.Heat is always being transferred in one way or another, where there is any difference in temperature.凡有温差的地方,热都会以这样或那样的方式传输。还有另一种可增加系统容量的方法。第5节 翻译练习9 Some metals burn more readily than others.To specify a distance, we must use some unit of length.When an object is warmer than the surrounding region, it loses some of its heat by radiation.The particles require some a day to reach the earth.为了确定距离,我们必须使用某种长度单位。有些金属比另一些金属更容易燃烧。

当一个物体比周围环境热时,该物体会通过辐射失去它的一些热量。这些粒子大约需要一天的时间才能到达地球。4.6 it及其句型的译法 第6节 翻译练习1 It moves or rotates by a fixed amount each time an electrical pulse is applied to it.To help avoid information overload, it(virtual convergence)will do this intelligently.The earth rotates as it travels through space.As current flows through a conductor, it sets up a magnetic field.为了避免信息过载,它(虚拟连接)将会智能化地进行操作。对它每加一个电脉冲,它就移动或旋转一个固定的量。地球在空间运行时,它还要自转。电流通过导体,便产生磁场。第6节 翻译练习2 It is a $12-billion industry whose factories, numbering in the hundreds, are found all over the world.It is twenty meters in height.那个行业资金达120亿美元,工厂有上千家,遍布世界各地。高度为20米。第6节 翻译练习3 It is very far to the airport.It is raining hard.到机场很远。雨下得很大。

第6节 翻译练习4 It is recommended that the screw be used to increase accuracy of measurement.By using a laser, it is possible to throw very large and very clear television pictures on to a screen.It was pointed out that while the lead obtained from the disintegration of radium possessed all the characteristics of ordinary lead, it differed from it in atomic weight.使用激光器,可以将很大很清晰的电视图像投射到屏幕上。建议使用螺杆调节,以提高测量的精确度。

前已指出,虽然由镭蜕变而获得的铅具有普通铅的一切特性,但其原子量与普通铅不同。第6节 翻译练习5 It necessitates careful design of the apparatus to get rid of the heat.It is unknown when to begin to make transportable transformers.It is interesting to compare the energy needed to place a satellite in orbit with the energy that would be required to cause it to escape.什么时候开始制造移动式变压器还不知道。除热需要对设备进行仔细设计。

把一颗卫星送入轨道所需的能量和使卫星脱离地球所需要的能量进行比较是很有意思的。第6节 翻译练习6 It used to be thought that when you see a word and speak it, several stages of processing are involved.It must be remembered that the condition may be silent until haematemesis, melaena or perforation occurs.It is known that electronic computers play an important part in science and technology.大家必须记住,在呕血、黑便,或穿孔发生之前,该病可能无症状。过去人们常常认为一个词从看见到念出来包括好几个处理阶段。我们知道,电子计算机在科学和技术方面起着重要作用。第6节 翻译练习7 It follows that any form of preheat adds to the welder’s difficulties and causes discomfort, particularly when welding at high preheat temperature levels inside vessels.It can be concluded that temperatures on the surface of Venus is too hot for life as known on earth.It had been calculated that actual error probability for the value was of the order of 0.5 percent.由此可见,任何形式的预热都会增加焊工的困难,使他们身感不适,在容器内高温预热下施焊时尤其如此。

可以断定,金星表面的温度过热,地球上的生物是不能适应的。据计算,这个数值的实际误差概率约为0.5%。第6节 翻译练习8 It makes no difference when inducing an e.m.f., which moves, the coil or the magnet.It is essential that the body of the machine is effectively earthed.在感应出电动势时,是线圈运动还是磁铁运动,这没有区别。这机器的机身必须有效接地,这一点十分重要。第6节 翻译练习9 The heating effect makes it possible to produce the light.We find it possible to transform a.c.into d.c.by using a rectifier.We think it true that the human body is also a good conductor.热效应使产生光成为可能。


人体也是一种良好的导体,我们认为这点是正确的。第6节 翻译练习10 It is the voltmeter which we use to measure the voltage.It is through this interface that the substation operator must control and monitor the entire substation.It was not until I came in that he began to repair the old generator.我们用来测量电压的就是伏特计。


It was not until the 19th century that heat was considered as a form of energy.直到19世纪,热才被认为是能的一种形式。第4章 总复习题

The rise in temperature could not have happened of itself.Be the shape of a body complicated, it is possible to find out its volume.The more energy we desire to send, the higher we make the voltage.The most typical humanlike characteristic of a robot is its arm.温度上升不可能是出于自身的原因。


In our studies of the implications for the First Law, we were able to see the importance of the distinction between state and path functions.The first job of an electron tube is to get the electrons apart from their nuclei.That type of turbine usually rotates at a very low speed.那种汽轮机通常以非常低的速度运转。


Small objects such as dust particles and water droplets fall only small distances before losing most of their acceleration.The same has happened to the central control system.There’s hardly any room for any impurities in such a microfiber.中心控制系统也发生过同样的事故。


His instances were Lennard and Stark, both of them were Nobel laureates but later became fervent followers of Hitler.The primacy function of a regulator is to supply constant pressure to each device.The best use of these equations is in checking the theoretical analyses using the other approaches.他举出勒纳德及史塔克为例子。这两个人都得过诺贝尔奖,但后来却成了狂热的希特勒信徒。这些方程式最大的用处是可对采用了其他方法的理论分析进行检验。调节器的基本功能是给每个装置提供稳定的电压。

It is desirable to characterize electrical noise as accurately as possible.It is known that local weather can be affected within a few days by meteorological conditions thousands of miles away from here.需要尽可能准确地表征电噪音。




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