
时间:2019-05-12 17:06:04下载本文作者:会员上传








等到有一天,我青丝染霜,再无法移步海边,我会携一壶浊酒,甩两袖清风,伸手,接住一片被雨打湿的晚秋残叶,将此生未了心愿涂在叶面,在清莲绽放的池畔边,哼一首《我心永恒》,为青春做最后的祭奠。因为,岁月荏苒,青春已逝,流年在指尖匆匆滑落。转眼人生的季节已是素雪纷飞,我站在季节的转角,怀抱着岁月的素笺念它如初。在这冬的扉页,经不起对青春的染指。青春仿佛是天上的浮云,我们越是想要伸手去抓,越是挽留不住。它似贴着墙壁灵活游走的花蛇,悄无声息地与我们擦身而过。青春是天边的霓虹,转瞬即逝,却又柔美异常;青春是清晨的雾霭,朦胧含蓄,却又适合彷徨;青春是山涧的溪流,清丽柔和,却又时常飘荡。青春,就是我们躲在某一时间,想念的一段时光掌纹;躲在某一地点,想念的一个站在来路也站在去路的,让我不想失去的陌生人。只是 因为,我的青春,我的梦。























和,却又时常飘荡。青春,就是我们躲在某一时间,想念的一段时光掌纹;躲在某一地点,想念的一个站在来路也站在去路的,让我不想失去的陌生人。只是 因为,我的青春,我的梦。





篇一:希特勒演讲稿中英对照 英文中文对照格式

then someone has said: since the revolution the people has gained rights.the people govern!strange!the people has now been ruling three years and no one has in practice once asked its opinion.treaties were signed which will hold us down for centuries: and who has signed the treaties? the people? no!governments which one fine day presented themselves as governments.and at their election the people had nothing to do save to consider the question: there they are already, whether i elect them or not.if we elect them, then they are there through our election.but since we are a self-governing people, we must elect the folk in order that they may be elected to govern us.然后人们又说:“通过革命我们获得了自由。”显而易见,这也是不可能的!没错,我们的确可以上街,进出我们的工场,我们还可以四处参加会议。简而言之,个人确实是获得了自由。但是大体上来说,如果一个人足够聪明,他最好不要随便开口说话。因为如果在过去,一个人不小心说错什么话会被冠以“欺君之罪”,而今天他们则需要更加小心,千万不要不小心说了什么可能侮辱到那些议会成员的话。and if we ask who was responsible for our misfortune, then we must inquire who profited by our collapse.and the answer to that question is that banks and stock 如果我们要问是谁导致了我们的不幸,那么我们就要问问是谁得益于我们的失败。而这个问题的答案就是“银行和股票交易得到了空前的繁荣”。他们告诉我们:资本主义会被打倒,而当我们鼓起勇气提醒某个或者某些政治家,说道“请不要忘记犹太人也有资本家”,然后我们得到的答案是:“你有什么好担心的?现在要打倒的是整个资本主义,整个民族即将得到解放。我们不是和犹太或基督教的资本主义作斗争,我们是要和资本主义作斗争:我们要彻底解放人民。”

christian capitalism is already as good as destroyed, the international jewish stock exchange capital gains in proportion as the other loses ground.it is only the international stock exchange and loan-capital, the so-called supra-state capital, which has profited from the collapse of our economic life, the capital which receives its character from the single supra-state nation which is itself national to the core, which fancies itself to be above all other nations, which places itself above other nations and which already rules over them.基督教资本主义已经差不多被摧毁,他们相应的份额被国际犹太股票交易资本家吞并了。只有国际股票交易和借贷资本家(也就是所谓的“跨国资本”),是他们从我们的经济损失中获利,这些资本家完全就是民族性的,却又具备跨国民族的特点,他们凌驾于其他的民族之上,已经开始在统治其他的民族。

如果没有这些跨国的民族性,且由具有强烈民族性的犹太人建立它,国际股票交易资本本来是无法想象的,本来也不应该出现的...the jew has not grown poorer: he gradually gets bloated, and, if you dont believe me, i would ask you to go to one of our health-resorts;there you will find two sorts of visitors: the german who goes there, perhaps for the first time for a long while, to breathe a little fresh air and to recover his health, and the jew who goes there to lose his fat.and if you go out to our mountains, whom do you find there in fine brand-new yellow boots with splendid rucksacks in which there is generally nothing that would really be of any use? and why are they there? they go up to the hotel, usually no further than the train can take them: where the train stops, they stop too.and then they sit about somewhere within a mile from the hotel, like blow-flies round a corpse.犹太人从来就没有穷过:他们越来越富有,如果你不相信我,你可以随便去一个保健场所;你在那里可以见到两种人:德国人去那里,可能是很久才去那么一次,去呼吸一点新鲜空气,恢复健康;而犹太人去那里是为了减肥。如果你去爬山,你会看到那些穿着崭新的黄色靴子,背着个里面空空如也、毫无用处的漂亮帆布背包的人。他们去那里做什么?他们是去酒店的,通常火车停在哪里他们就在哪个地方,也不会走远一点。然后他们在离酒店不到一英里的地方坐下来,就像在尸体上面飞舞的苍蝇一样。

while now in soviet russia the millions are ruined and are dying, chicherintravels by express train through europe, visits the cabarets, watches naked dancers perform for his pleasure, lives in the finest hotels, and does himself better than the millions whom once you thought you must fight as 现在,苏维埃俄国几百万人都被摧毁,危在旦夕,契切林却和他的200多个苏维埃犹太团体坐着直达快车穿越欧洲,去看卡巴莱歌舞表演,去看脱衣舞,住最好的酒店,他可比那些你认为你需要打倒的那些几百万“中产阶级”过得潇洒自在多了。这些犹太籍的400个苏维埃政治委员毫发无损;成千上万的政治委员的手下也毫发无损。不!“工人阶级”为了和所谓的资本主义斗争,他们疯狂地从 “资产阶级”夺来的财产——全都去了犹太资本家的手里。当工人们抢走那些给他们提供工作的地主的提包时,他们拿到了戒指、钻石,想到他现在拥有以前只有“资产阶级”才拥有的东西了,心里非常高兴。但是他们手里的东西都是死物——名副其实是死物——金子。这不能让他得到什么好处。他现在陷入了迷茫,因为谁也不能拿钻石来填饱肚子。为了得到一小口面包,他甚至会拿超过价值几百万倍的东西来换取它。但是面包掌握在犹太人手里:所以一个正常人应该考虑,他为自己争取的任何东西都回到那些诱惑他的人手里去了。

and now, my dear fellow-countrymen, do you believe that these men, who with us are going the same way, will end the revolution? they do not wish the end of the revolution, for they do not need it.for them the revolution is milk and honey.现在,我亲爱的同胞们,你们相信这些人会跟我们一起走同一条路,一起结束革命吗?他们可不想结束革命,因为他们根本不需要。对他们来说,革命就是牛奶和蜂蜜。

and further they cannot end the revolution.for if one or another amongst the leaders were really not seducer but seduced, and today, driven by the inner voice of horror at his crime, were to step before the masses and make his declaration: we have all deceived ourselves: we believed that we could lead you out of misery, but we have in fact led you into a misery which your children and your childrens children must still beara stream of opposition.it is the recognition of the facts which is already in pursuit of this system, it already is hunting the system down;it will one day scourge the masses into action and carry the masses along with it.and these leaders, they see that behind them the anti-semitic wave grows and grows;and when the masses once recognize the facts, that is the end of these leaders.但是在群众之中涌起了一股新的激流——一股反对的激流。对事实的认识已经让大家开始去寻找并追捕这个体系;这会鞭策广大群众采取行动并继续说服群众。这些领导人看到他们背后反犹主义的浪潮一浪高过一浪;当广大群众都看清事实时,就是这些领导们的末日。and thus the left is forced more and more to turn to bolshevism.in bolshevism they see today the sole, the last possibility of preserving the present state of affairs.they realize quite accurately that the people is beaten so long as brain and hand can be kept apart.for alone neither brain nor hand can really oppose them.so long therefore as the socialist idea is coined only by men who see in it a means for disintegrating a nation, so long can they rest in peace.因此,左派被迫越来越倾向布尔什维克。在布尔什维克主义里,他们看到今天是唯一的也是最后的可能来保持现有的局势。他们非常清晰地认识到:只要将人民的大脑和手脚分开,他就能打败人民。因为不管是单凭大脑还是单凭手脚都不能对抗他们。所以只有当他们知道这些社会主义思想是由那些认为这是分裂国家民族的方法的人提出来的,他们才肯歇停。but it will be a sorry day for them when this socialist idea is grasped by a movement which unites it with the highest nationalist pride, with nationalist defiance, and thus places the nations brain, its intellectual workers, on this ground.then this system will break up, and there would remain only one single means of salvation for its supporters: viz.to bring the catastrophe upon us before their own ruin, to destroy the nations brain, to bring it to the scaffoldthats not my businesshas barricaded the world with hate;has goose-stepped us into misery and bloodshed.we have developed speed but we have shut ourselves in: machinery that gives abundance has left us in want.our knowledge has made us cynical, our cleverness hard and unkind.we think too much and feel too little: more than machinery we need humanity;more than cleverness we need kindness and gentleness.without these qualities, life will be violent and all will be lost.the aeroplane and the radio have brought us closertogether.the very nature of these inventions cries out for the goodness in men, cries out for universal brotherhood for the unity of us all.even now my voice is reaching millions throughout the world, millions of despairing men, women and little children, victims of a system that makes men torture and imprison innocent people.to those who can hear me i say do not despair.the misery that is now upon us is but the passing of greed, the bitterness of men who fear the way of human progress: the hate of men will pass and dictators die, and the power they took from the people, will return to the people and so long as men die, liberty will never perish...soldierswho regiment your lives, tell you what to do, what to think and what to feel, who drill you, diet you, treat you like cattle, use you as cannon fodder!dont give yourselves to these unnatural men, machine men, with machine minds and machine hearts!you are not machines!you are not cattle!you are men!you have the love ofhumanity in your hearts.you dont hate-only the unloved hatedont fight for slavery, fight for liberty!in the seventeenth chapter of saint luke it is written the kingdom of god is within manbut in all menlet us all unite!!let us fight for a new world, a decent world that will give men a chance to work, that will give you the future and old age and security.by the promise of these things, brutes have risen to power, but they lie!they do not fulfil their promise, they never will!dictators free themselves but they enslave the people!now let us fight to fulfil that promise!let us fight to free the world, to do away with national barriers, to do away with greed, with hate and intolerance!let us fight for a world of reason, a world where science andprogress will lead to all mens happiness.soldiers-in the name of democracy, let us all unite!!很对不起,可是我不想当皇帝,我不会这一行。














除掉国与国之间的隔阂,除掉人间的贪婪、一切仇恨和偏执,实篇三:希特勒演讲稿英汉 今天,我们站在这里!站在中国人的土地上!这块我们祖先用鲜血和尊严浇灌的土地上!














today, we stand here!standing in the chinese land!the ancestors with blood and dignity to irrigate land!in front of me, standing is a nation, a nation in the humiliation of moan!the opium war and the war of resistance against japan since, our national pride is not!the winners are on our necks tyrannically abuse ones power, they will tread down our dignity, an asian continents most noble national dignity!you tell me, you choose to be a freedom fighter like benjamin.martin, or a slave!you may want to say: sir, i needed a job, a piece of bread.yes.you are right, life is too important.but i want to tell you.in this world there is a thing more important than life, they are free!that is a dignity!as long as the south china sea and the northwest region over a day still flies inferior flag, our dignity does not exist!as long as the inferior in our land run amuck, our dignity does not exist!as long as the asian domain, the country called china is weak state.our dignity is not exist!as long as the people of other countries will laugh in the context of the chinese word being issued ,our dignity does not exist!what we need, not a piece of bread!but a living space!a national living space!the living space,is not achieved by begging and protest , but by blood and iron to achieve!others bully us, even the weakest people to trample on us, we will only shout and protest, such a person.there is no bones!such a person, is humble!we should use a cannon to deaf ear sound earthquake let the enemy tremble!we should crush their dignity, life, let them know we are not only know of protest!you have to remember, a know only in protest of the state, is not a head of state!one only understands the protests against the government, is a no bones, office politics!when our dignity, territory, living space are trampled upon it, also shamelessly protested the government, we dont need!you finally will abandon their!im proud of you, in these people.so the man without bones, less and less!in front of me, is a keep millennium unyielding blood legion!this blood, once in our ancestral vascular which flows through, they did not yield!now, they are in our body inside a flush, you tell me.would you like to cool it!? if one day, i would want, benjamin.martin, holding belongs to our chinese nation banner rushes to the front!even the dead, i will smile in heaven!i will see the glory of chinese ancestors, i can holding a head high to go to qin shihuang the great, tang taizong, kublai, and, i can proudly said to him: i, your children, not give you lose you face, i as the great chinse nation shed the last drop of blood!we do not fight for slavery!we fight for freedom!we are not machines, not cattle, we are the people!never yield to the chinese!we in the name of freedom to unite!as a new, fair world war!we all have to work!for those who enslave us out of chinese land!we dont need all day shouting protests!fight for our dignity!for our promise to fight!for the liberation of the country!the chinese people, we provide our ancestors glory!for our descendants can proudly propaganda: we never yield to the family!my fellow citizens, china and the chinese people long live!long live fee


The impression of Adolf Hitler: The Definitive Biography I choose to read this book, not because of how much I have admired Hitler, but completely out of curiosity.I am curious how he became a German head of state from a beggar, also curious why he would massacre the Jews and what kind of environment caused of his strange personality, which leads to the World WarⅡ.The book begins with Hitler’s childhood.When he was young, he was a good boy who studied well and had a dream to become an artist, but his father ignored his dream and treated him strictly even hit him.So he hated his father deeply.On the other hand, he is deeply accepted Germanic nationalism, which transformed into his belief later.Then, he took a bad knock when his mother who loved him so much died.From then on, he changed a lot.Later, he attended the Academy of Fine Arts entrance exam but failed all the time.At that time, he even became a beggar and suffered a lot of humiliation and pain.Since then, he began to hate the Jews and concern about politics.He always believed that he could become a great man in the future.It is in those days that he developed the sophistry ability.When the World WarⅠbroke out, he joined the army.Although he was thin and weak, he was not afraid of death and had a passionate heart.So he gained a number of awards.Then, he became the head of state and recovered the German economic successfully.Actually, he had done a lot of great things but his evil behavior had overshadowed his work.This book based on a large number of true files, letters, interviews and comprehensively and objectively describes Hitler’s military career and personal life.After I read the book, I saw a real Hitler and also believed that human nature is good, just as Kuby Schick said,” He is a visionary with a conscience, but he seems not satisfied with the present.Since the end of World WarⅡ, a lot of people hated Hitler for he killed their close relatives and friends.At the same time, people evaluated him as "

madman", "Battle Frenzy" and "devil".Actually, all his crimes are indisputable, however, everyone has two sides.Maybe the evaluations of Hitler are also not objective, just as the author, John Toland said,"In the opinion of some followers of Hitler, he is a hero, a failed Messiah;in the eyes of other people, he is still a madman, a politically and militarily fool and a cureless murderer.Some of his achievements obtained by means of crime.”

A famous contemporary German writer Thomas had said,” Hitler's appearance is not accidental and he is a really normal German phenomenon.I against many Germans look the appearance of Nazi as a historical accident.In fact, the real devil is in the heart of every German!Not Hitler chooses Germany but Germany chooses Hitler.Hitler’s appearance was not an accident, but an extreme emotional outbreak of depressed Germany whose national interests was damaged.Not only Hitler was crazy, but also tens of millions of German.”Before the World WarⅡ, Lindberg had said in the newspaper,” Hitler is not an insane maniac as the newspaper report.On the contrary, in my mind, he is a cold, sharp, shrewd and decisive leader.”

All in all, the reason why Hitler would become a devil was that his heaven was deprived, so he chose to hell.So we should treat Hitler objectively, instead of criticizing all the time.



My name is Li Yongliang.First of all, I graduated in 2010 at the Dalian

University clothing design special field, after graduation DaYangChuangShi limited company in sales, working for 1 years.I very like Dalian, this is my

graduation decided to stay in Dalian reasons, however, the city of the work, are relatively comfort, as a young man, should continue to struggle, should not to enjoy the easy life, so I choose to come to Beijing to develop, the pressure will be greater, similarly, power will be larger, because you don't work hard, you will be eliminated, therefore,I will be very hard very hard to deal with my work!


I am a easy going person, usually very easy to get along with, love to make friends, in life, as long as Insipid and simple point on the line, But to must pass the test of reality.Works very seriously, if I like the work and this position also increased the space, I will be very hard very hard to get to this position, In order to live better, must work hard

4年的服装设计学习,让我对服装时尚很敏感,做过一年的职业装销售,我对服装的店面销售,与客户的需求分析,店面陈列,货品管理,售后服务等都有了一个全面的认知years of fashion design learning, let I to fashion very sensitive, Done a year occupation installed sales, Make me to high-end clothing store sales and customer demand analysis, store display, merchandise management, after-sales service and have a comprehensive understanding of



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