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Rice Genome review : Rice Genome review Sushama Salgaonkar M.Sc.part II 17-09-12

Introduction: Introduction The world’s first genome of a crop plant that was completely sequenced Rice-monocarpic annual plant that usually grows between 1 and 1.8 meters tall with long slender leaves 50–100 cm long and 2–2.5 cm broad.Its small, wind-pollinated flowers are characteristic of grasses.The seed is a grain normally 5–12 mm long and 2–3 mm thick The rice genome is well mapped and well characterized, estimated 400 to 430 Mb.Japonica and Indica: Japonica and Indica three main varieties-Oryza sativa : Indica : variety is long-grained, for ex.Basmati rice, grown notably on the Indian sub-continent.Japonica : Japonica rice is short-grained & high in amylopectin(thus becoming “sticky” when cooked), and is grown mainly in more temperate or colder regions such as Japan.Javonica : Javonica rice is broad-grained & grown in tropical climates.Rice is a model cereal plant: Rice is a model cereal plant The small size of its genome(430 Mb)its relatively short generation time its relative genetic simplicity(it is diploid, or has two copies of each chromosome).easy to transform genetically.belongs to the grass family the greatest biodiversity of cereal crops

Institute which sequence the particular chromosome: Institute which sequence the particular chromosome Sr no.Rice sequence participant Chromosomes 1 Rice Genome R esearch Program(RGP)Japan 1,6,7,8 2 Korea Rice Genome Research Program(Korea)1 3 CCW(US)CUG(Clemson university)Cold spring Harbor University 3,10 4 TIGR –US 3,10 5 PGIR-US 10 6 University of Wisconsin-US 11 7 National Center of Gene Research Chinese Academy of science-china 4 8 Indian rice genome program-university of Delhi 11 9 Academia sinica plant genomic center(Taiwan)5 10 Genoscope-France 12

PowerPoint Presentation: Sr no.Rice sequence participant Chromosomes 13 Universidad fedral de Pelotas-Brazil 12 14 Kasetsant University –Thailand 9 15 MG Gill University –Canada 9 16 John innescenter –U.K 2

Milestone in rice genome sequencing : Milestone in rice genome sequencing 2)Feb 1998-IRGSP launched under coordination of RGP 1)Sept 1997 – Sequencing of the rice genome was initiated as an international collaboration among 10 countries 5)Dec 2002 – IRGSP finished high-quality draft sequence(clone-by-clone approach)with a sequence length, excluding overlaps, of 366 Mb corresponding to ~92%-RG 3)April 2000 – Monsanto Co.produced a draft sequence of BAC covering 260 Mb of the rice genome;95% of rice genes were identify identified 4)Feb 2001 – Syngenta produced a draft sequence & identified 32,000 to 50,000 genes, 99.8% sequence accuracy & identified 99% of the rice genes 6)Dec 2004-IRGSP produce the high-quality ’ sequence-entire rice genome;with 99.99% accuracy & without any sequence gap

Indian complete work on RG sequence : Indian complete work on RG sequence The IRGSP initiated Japan in 1997 and it got under way in 1998.The project estimated to cost about $200 million.India joined-IRGSP in June 2000 and chose to sequence a part of chromosome 11.India has invested Rs.48.83 crores for the “Indian Initiative for Rice Genome Sequencing(IIRGS)”.The initiative is a joint effort by the Department of Plant Molecular Biology(DPMB), University of Delhi South Campus(UDSC)and the National Research Centre on Plant Biotechnology(NRCPB)and the Indian Agricultural Research Institute(IARI), New Delhi.PowerPoint Presentation: The Indian share of chromosome 11 has been equally divided between these two centres.It was known to carry several diseases resistant gene including in Xac1bacterial blight resistant gene-selected Finding: chromosome segment sequence by IARI involve-6.825 million bp & predicted 1005 gene –with unknown function

Methods: Methods Clone-by-clone Generate a genomic library endonuclease digest Ligation into BACs Transformation in E.coli Collection of clone DNA fragment result in genomic DNA library

PowerPoint Presentation: Shotgun sequencing Genome is broken into much smaller, overlapping fragment.Each fragment is sequenced Genome is assembled on overlapping sequencing Useful for sequencing small genome

Structure of rice chromosome: Structure of rice chromosome

Observation Table : Observation Table Organism type relevance Genome size Chromosome no.No.of predicted gene Organisation Year of completion Sequence method done Rice Oryza sativa.J aponica nipponbare Crop & model plant 466MB 12 35,000-50,000 IRGSP 2002 Shot gun Rice Oryza sativa.indica Crop 420MB 12 46,022-55,615 Beijing genomic institute 2002 Whole genome shot gun

Significant findings from the sequencing of rice genome : Significant findings from the sequencing of rice genome The rice genome is about 389 mb , 370.7 mb has been sequenced, 18.1 mb unsequenced.Sequenced segment represents 99% of euchromatin and 95% of rice genome The rice genome has-40,000 genes(37,344 coding genes)One gene can be found every 9.9 kb, a lower density than that observed in Arabidopsis.29% in clustered gene families 71% putative homology with Arabidosis , 90% Arabidopsis genes have putative homologue with rice.2,859 genes unique to rice and other cereals

Application : Application Understanding-plant evolution & the differences between monocots & dicots Improve-efficiency of rice breeding.Improve-nutritional value of rice, enhance crop yield by improving seed quality, resistance to pests and diseases & plant hardiness Development of gene-specific markers for marker-assisted breeding of new and improved rice varieties How a plant responds to the environment and which genes control various functions-plant

PowerPoint Presentation: Repetitive DNA is estimated to constitute at least 50% of the rice genome

References: References www.xiexiebang.com/wiki/Transposable_element

















6.成效显著。春静水稻种植合作社实施标准化生产,建立了五个统一的生产操作规程。即“统一品种、统一技术、统一防治、统一操作、统一指导”2009年3月至2012年,通过在石潭镇、河口镇、排头乡、锦石乡等四个乡镇 5000多亩地的实施项目技术,实现年产水稻 3975吨,总产值 1080 万元,农户人均增收 400 元,实现了优质双季水稻种植与农业机械化技术推广的预期目标,并打造了这四个乡镇区域内的生产示范基地,有较强的市场竞争力和市场信誉度。

















My name is Li Yongliang.First of all, I graduated in 2010 at the Dalian

University clothing design special field, after graduation DaYangChuangShi limited company in sales, working for 1 years.I very like Dalian, this is my

graduation decided to stay in Dalian reasons, however, the city of the work, are relatively comfort, as a young man, should continue to struggle, should not to enjoy the easy life, so I choose to come to Beijing to develop, the pressure will be greater, similarly, power will be larger, because you don't work hard, you will be eliminated, therefore,I will be very hard very hard to deal with my work!


I am a easy going person, usually very easy to get along with, love to make friends, in life, as long as Insipid and simple point on the line, But to must pass the test of reality.Works very seriously, if I like the work and this position also increased the space, I will be very hard very hard to get to this position, In order to live better, must work hard

4年的服装设计学习,让我对服装时尚很敏感,做过一年的职业装销售,我对服装的店面销售,与客户的需求分析,店面陈列,货品管理,售后服务等都有了一个全面的认知years of fashion design learning, let I to fashion very sensitive, Done a year occupation installed sales, Make me to high-end clothing store sales and customer demand analysis, store display, merchandise management, after-sales service and have a comprehensive understanding of






















和,却又时常飘荡。青春,就是我们躲在某一时间,想念的一段时光掌纹;躲在某一地点,想念的一个站在来路也站在去路的,让我不想失去的陌生人。只是 因为,我的青春,我的梦。





Rabindranath Tagore(1861-1941)was the youngest son of Debendranath Tagore, a leader of the Brahmo Samaj, which was a new religious sect in nineteenth-century Bengal and which attempted a revival of the ultimate monistic basis of Hinduism as laid down in the Upanishads.He was educated at home;and although at seventeen he was sent to England for formal schooling, he did not finish his studies there.In his mature years, in addition to his many-sided literary activities, he managed the family estates, a project which brought him into close touch with common humanity and increased his interest in social reforms.He also started an experimental school at Shantiniketan where he tried his Upanishadic ideals of education.From time to time he participated in the Indian nationalist movement, though in his own non-sentimental and visionary way;and Gandhi, the political father of modern India, was his devoted friend.Tagore was knighted by the ruling British Government in 1915, but within a few years he resigned the honour as a protest against British policies in India.Tagore had early success as a writer in his native Bengal.With his translations of some of his poems he became rapidly known in the West.In fact his fame attained a luminous height, taking him across continents on lecture tours and tours of friendship.For the world he became the voice of India's spiritual heritage;and for India, especially for Bengal, he became a great living institution.Although Tagore wrote successfully in all literary genres, he was first of all a poet.Among his fifty and odd volumes of poetry are Manasi(1890)[The Ideal One], Sonar Tari(1894)[The Golden Boat], Gitanjali(1910)[Song Offerings], Gitimalya(1914)[Wreath of Songs], and Balaka(1916)[The Flight of Cranes].The English renderings of his poetry, which include The Gardener(1913), Fruit-Gathering(1916), and The Fugitive(1921), do not generally correspond to particular volumes in the original Bengali;and in spite of its title, Gitanjali: Song Offerings(1912), the most acclaimed of them, contains poems from other works besides its namesake.Tagore's major plays are Raja(1910)[The King of the Dark Chamber], Dakghar(1912)[The Post Office], Achalayatan(1912)[The Immovable], Muktadhara(1922)[The Waterfall], and Raktakaravi(1926)[Red Oleanders].He is the author of several volumes of short stories and a number of novels, among them Gora(1910), Ghare-Baire(1916)[The Home and the World], and Yogayog(1929)

[Crosscurrents].Besides these, he wrote musical dramas, dance dramas, essays of all types, travel diaries, and two autobiographies, one in his middle years and the other shortly before his death in 1941.Tagore also left numerous drawings and paintings, and songs for which he wrote the music himself.From Nobel Lectures, Literature 1901-1967, Editor Horst Frenz, Elsevier Publishing Company, Amsterdam, 1969

This autobiography/biography was written at the time of the award and first published in the book series Les Prix Nobel.It was later edited and republished in Nobel Lectures.To cite this document, always state the source as shown above.Rabindranath Tagore died on August 7, 1941.Greatest writer in modern Indian literature, Bengali poet, novelist, educator, and an early advocate of Independence for India.Tagaore won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1913.Two years later he was awarded the knighthood, but he surrendered it in 1919 as a protest against the Massacre of Amritsar, where British troops killed some 400 Indian demonstrators.Tagore's influence over Gandhi and the founders of modern India was enormous, but his reputation in the West as a mystic has perhaps mislead his Western readers to ignore his role as a reformer and critic of colonialism.“When one knows thee, then alien there is none, then no door is shut.Oh, grant me my prayer that I may never lose touch of the one in the play of the many.”(from Gitanjali)

Rabindranath Tagore was born in Calcutta into a wealthy and prominent family.His father was Maharishi Debendranath Tagore, a religious reformer and scholar.His mother, Sarada Devi, died when Tagore was very younghe did not like the weather.Once he gave a beggar a cold coinwhich are in the original, my Indians tell me, full of subtlety of rhythm, of untranslatable delicacies of colour, of metrical invention-display in their thought a world I have dreamed of all my life long.“ Tagore's poems were also praised by Ezra Pound, and drew the attention of the Nobel Prize committee.”There is in him the stillness of nature.The poems do not seem to have been produced by storm or by ignition, but seem to show the normal habit of his mind.He is at one with nature, and finds no contradictions.And this is in sharp contrast with the Western mode, where man must be shown attempting to master nature if we are to have “great drama.”(Ezra Pound in Fortnightly Review, 1 March 1913)However, Tagore also experimented with poetic forms and these works have lost much in translations into other languages.Much of Tagore's ideology come from the teaching of the Upahishads and from his own beliefs that God can be found through personal purity and service to others.He stressed the need for new world order based on transnational values and ideas, the “unity consciousness.” “The soil, in return for her service, keeps the tree tied to her;the sky asks nothing and leaves it free.” Politically active in India, Tagore was a supporter of Gandhi, but warned of the dangers of nationalistic thought.Unable to gain ideological support to his views, he retired into relative solitude.Between the years 1916 and 1934 he travelled widely.From his journey to Japan in 1916 he produced articles and books.In 1927 he toured in Southeast Asia.Letters from Java, which first was serialized in Vichitra, was issued as a book, JATRI, in 1929.His Majesty, Riza Shah Pahlavi, invited Tagore to Iran in 1932.On his journeys and lecture tours Tagore attempted to spread the ideal of uniting East and West.While in Japan he wrote: “The Japanese do not waste their energy in useless screaming

and quarreling, and because there is no waste of energy it is not found wanting when required.This calmness and fortitude of body and mind is part of their national self-realization.”

Tagore wrote his most important works in Bengali, but he often translated his poems into English.At the age of 70 Tagore took up painting.He was also a composer, settings hundreds of poems to music.Many of his poems are actually songs, and inseparable from their music.Tagore's 'Our Golden Bengal' became the national anthem of Bangladesh.Only hours before he died on August 7, in 1941, Tagore dictated his last poem.His written production, still not completely collected, fills nearly 30 substantial volumes.Tagore remained a well-known and popular author in the West until the end of the 1920s, but nowadays he is not so much read.



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