第一篇:西游记 英文简介
Journey to the west is a historic Chinese novel that is considered one of the four classics from the Ming Dynasty.These novels along with the golden lotus water margins as well as the romances of the three kingdoms have won popular acclaim from generation to generation.Journey to the west is a combination of myth parable and comedy.It is a story about a Buddhist monk and bunch of animals with human characteristic.The animals actually in the story are a very fairy tale type of mood and they traveled west to India to find Buddhist scriptures.The animals themselves are celestial being in mortal forms and they have magical powers that protect them from the goblins and the evil spirits.Author Wu Cheng-en writings create an imaginary world that creates a life like with the absurd giving us a glance of the different sides of human nature.Monkey was created out of a rock.He not only has the sharp wit and an unruly nature of a monkey but also extra ordinary powers that he uses to overcome demons and monsters.Pig sets off his pig like clumsiness with the disposition that is the epitome of honesty and directness.He is always making a mess out of things and generating a lot of humor in the process.Before the monk can find the scriptures he must surmounts 81 obstacles including overcoming such supernatural beings as cow demon the spider beast and a living skeleton.These obstacles symbolize the difficulties and challenges that people meet in the course of ideals.The character is the main reason that journey to the west keeps reader in thrall.The book gets more then and uproars comedy.It gives us readers an unforgivable insight into life itself.As for the historical record of journey to the west let's go back to the Tang dynasty.History actually recalls the Buddhist monk master Shan-chang or master Xuan Zhuang who crossed he mighty desert to reach the India continent during the Tang dynasty.19 years later he came back to china with over 600 Buddhist scriptures.So the factual basis of journey to the west was born.However master Xuan Zhuang actually was a little bit different from master san tong.Who was actually a fictional character created by the author? In a novel, Tang Shan-chang maybe a monk on a daring mission to find Buddha scriptures.But he is also a faint-hearted hypocrite who lacks transcendent insight and lives life in pectoral fear.He is kind and compassionate but his inability to distinguish between true and false hood make him all to susceptible to pig's effort to sew this court.The result is that he wrongly distresses monkey who can see through the bio schemes of evil spirits and demons.But of course when he has fallow blindly in the trap of some fin or other it is always monkey that fall back on for help.Actually the character of the monk happens to be quite similar to the mythical scholar although he is an idealist at heart he is as weak as a kitten and just sets there helplessly for rescue when he gets into a predicament.The author is perhaps making a sly jab at the incompetent rulers of his time.But if Tang Shan-chang is evaluated purely from his viewpoint of religion or spiritual attainment he appears as not a saintly monk but rather an ordinary man.So monkey is the real hero in journey to the west.Monkey is created from a rock on enchanted mountain and because of his courage and insight is later anointed by his peers as king.But one day in a flash of enlightenment, this glorious monkey king see that life is a very temporary thing and that the delights of his timely existence in the area mountain tree cannot go on forever.Amazingly he gives it all up to find a master who can guide him on to the path of spiritual motivation.Monkey is gifted with intelligence and agility both mentally and physically.So he puts his talents to use by mastering his skills of wizardry to the point of where he can transform himself 72 times in a blink of an eye.He has a magic wan that can shrink smaller the pen or expand till it is like a club of bronze and a magic cloud that can take him up to the heavens or down to the bales of the earth.The monkey still retains his mischievous and playful temperament of his fellow apes.His intelligence and child like naughtiness are reviled when he does things like deliberately sending pig to scan the near by mountain and then transforming himself into an insect to keep an eye on his indolent companion.Fearing nothing the monkey would play in the palace of the sea god in heaven or in Hades itself.He even makes a bet with Buddha.His is a rebellious character that will just not bow to established rules.Full of life and filled with spirit as well as being sincere and optimistic in nature, he is not bothered by suffering and is always ready to face up to new challenges.This kind of wiliness to forge ahead maybe the stuff those heroes are made out of.But it carries with it a weakness of arrogance impulsiveness and a desire to excel over others.Pig fills a role that symbolizes the desire to comfort and pleasure.He to has magical powers but it is just not the same as monkey.Who makes him seem naive and clumsy by comparison monkey just love to tease him so pig does his level best to be a thorn in monkeys side by telling lies about him to tong song jon.Pig is a lazy gluttonous that needs his material comforts when it comes to trouble he just can't hold his side up so is always first to call on for help.During their journey he nearly cast his companion in his own spiritual cultivation inside.When he falls for enticement of beautiful women and riches.But if finally turns out to be all work of Buddha salvia that has come to test him.Yet thanks to the author pig ludicrous behavior brings an ironic smile to the readers face rather then a frown of disapproval because while pig makes a laughing stock of him self-the reader is reminded of the covetous raspy nature that empathy the human condition.Another character that appears quite less frequently is friar san when he does take the stage.His quite resolute and down to nature are readily apparent.Actually In journey of the west is purification of the mind so that the entire expedition to find Buddha scriptures is actually a way of achieving spiritual goodness.So in this play three arrogant weakness laziness even ignorance they are all weakness of human nature that requires spiritual correction.However honesty goodness and courage are all our friends in the depths of our soul.And this way the journey to the west the various characters in battle with evil and they teach us that in human life it is possible and temper ourselves to achieve ideals and goodness.
《西游记》产生于十六世纪的中国明朝嘉靖公元 1522 —1566)时期,距今已四百多年了.作者吴承恩,字汝忠,号射阳居士 ,《西游记》是吴承恩中年时期写成初稿,后来经过润饰而成的.他在前代多年积累下来并在民间流传的有关唐僧取经的文学作品和故事的基础上进行艺术再创造,并且把原来的以唐僧取经为主的故事,改为孙悟空为主的战天斗地史.孙悟空是全书中最光辉的形象.“ 大闹天宫”突出他热爱自由,勇于反抗的精神“西天取经”表现他见恶必除,除恶必尽的精神.孙悟空大闹天宫失败后,经过五行山下五百年的镇压,被唐僧放出,同往西天.他已不再是一个叛逆者的形象,而是一个头戴紧箍,身穿虎皮裙,专为人间解除魔难的英雄.在重重困难之前顽强不屈,随机应机,就是镇魔者孙悟空的主要特征.《西游记》描写的幻想世界和神话人物,大都有现实生活作基础,同时在神奇的形态下体现了作家与人民的某些美好愿望.八十一难,七十二变,各种神魔的本领都充满幻想色彩;五花八门,奇光异彩的宝贝,显然是人们为了征服自然或战胜敌人才假想出来的.《西游记》 构成了浪漫主义的基本艺术特征.《西游记》把善意的嘲笑,辛辣的讽刺和严峻的批判艺术地结合起来,使不少章回妙趣横生,完满地表达了深刻的思想内容和作者的鲜明爱憎.九九八十一难所包含的四十一个小故事也都通过僧徒,神佛,妖魔间的错综关系表现出来,一波未平一波又起.在这无数充满斗争的幻想情节中,意味深长地寄寓了广大人民反抗恶势力,要求战胜自然,困难的乐观精神,曲折地反映了封建时代的社会现实僧取经,在八戒、沙僧协助下,一路斩妖除魔,到西天成了“正果”。
My impression on reading Journey to the West
Jouney to the West is a historic Chinese novel that is considered one of the 4 classics from the Ming Dynasty.These novels along with Outlaws of the Marsh, A Dream in Red Mansion as well as Three Kindoms have won popular acclaim from generation to generation.Jouney to the West is actually a combination of myth , parable and comedy.It is filled with imagination and have enjoyed a great and immensepopularity among the people in China for over 400 years on account of its fresh and convoluted plots , distinctive and life-like characters, profound and incisive ideological content and life-hearted style.It is based on a story about a Buddhist monk and a bunch of animals with human characteristic(which are his 3 disciples ,the irrevent and capable Monkey, greedy Pig, and Friar Sand).The animals in the story are actually of a very fairy tale type of mood and they traveled west to India to find Buddhist scriptures.The animals themselves are celestial being in mortal forms and they have magical powers that protect them from the goblins and the evil spirits.Monkey was created out of a rock.He not only has the sharp wit and an unruly nature of a monkey but also extra ordinary powers that he uses to overcome demons and monsters.Monkey is also gifted with intelligence and agility both mentally and physically.So he puts his talents to use by mastering his skills of wizardry to the point of where he can transform himself 72 times in a blink of an eye.He has a magic wand that can shrink smaller than a pen or expand till it is like a club of bronze and a magic cloud that can take him up to the heavens or down to the bales of the earth.Full of life and filled with spirit as well as being sincere and optimistic in nature, he is not bothered by suffering and is always ready to face up to new challenges.Pig sets off his pig like clumsiness with the disposition that is the epitome of honesty and directness.He is always making a mess out of things and generating a lot of humor in the process.Pig fills a role that symbolizes the desire to comfort and pleasure.He too has magical powers but it is just not the same as monkey , who
makes him seem naive and clumsy by comparison.Monkey just love to tease him , so pig does all his best to be a thorn in monkey’s side by telling lies about him to Tang Priest.Another character that appears quite less frequently is Friar Sand.He is quite resolute and his down-to-earth nature is readily apparent.In Jouney to the West, a total of 87 chapters are dedicated to the story of the Tang Priest ,Xuang Zang’s quest for the Buddhist scriptures.In the course of their journey , they brave a series of dangers and vanquish devils and monsters.The road to the Western Paradise is fraught with danger , whether in mountains and forests or in villages and towns.Before the monk can find the scriptures he must surmount 81 obstacles.Demons of all descriptions like the ferocious Red Boy, the scorpion sipirt
of Pipa Cave and spiderwomen ,etc.try to bar their way ,even to the extent of killing and eating XuangZang.Some of these ghostly opponents appear openly hostile ,while others are cunningly disguised.Some wield power over kingdoms or feign to officials carrying out their lawful duties.Monkey plays a central role in every battle with the monsters ,not only contending with them face to face , but also helping his
companions overcome the obstacles and restraints that originate within themselves.After overcoming all kinds of evil and devious enemies , with Monkey as the backbone of the company ,the travelers finally reach the Western Paradise and accomplish their sacred mission of taking back the scriptures.Inthis so-called “ stories of the 81 obstacles” which symbolize the difficulties and challenges that people meet in the course of pursuing their ideals , the staunch spirit and character of the 4 companions to battle all enemies and overcome all hurdles in order to attain their goal is manifested very clearly and as much it is a vivid portrayal of the spirit and character of the Chinese nation.With supernatural beings as its protagonists ,Journey to the West creates a world full of fantasy and illusion.But this fantasy world reflects various kinds of contradictions in the society of Wu Chen’en’s time.The characters of the demons are generalizations and sublimations of the characters of ordinary mortals.Fantasy and reality reach a high level of synthesis in Jouney to the West.Humor is a major characteristic of the style of Jouney to the West.Money is the supreme comic figure in this classical Chinese novel.His humor springs from his optimistic self-confidence and his sharp ability to perceive people’s true natures ,as well as his tolerance of others’ weaknesses and his hatred of evil.The humor in this novel is also manisfested in certain plots & subplots of the nature of comedies.Pig’s clumsy actions and speech are invariably hilarious ,but the laughter he elicits is tolerant but sad at the same time.This is because the weaknesses in Pig’s character are not unique or accidental ,they ’re common traits of the Chinese character.The author’s humor is built up on a base of profound knowledge of human society and a high degree of psychological penetration.Actually Journey to the west is purification of the mind in that the entire expedition to find Buddhist scriptures is actually a way of achieving spiritual
goodness.So in this play three weaknesses arrogance, laziness, even ignorance, they are all weakness of human nature that requires spiritual correction.However
honesty ,goodness ,and courage are all our friends in the depths of our soul.And this way the Journey to the westteach us that in human life it is possible to temper ourselves to achieve ideals and goodness.
②身世: 如来佛祖第二弟子金蝉长老投胎。由于父母凄惨、离奇的经历,自幼在寺庙中出家、长大,在化生寺出家,最终迁移到京城的著名寺院中落户、修行。
3、猪八戒(悟能): ①身世:原是仙界天蓬元帅,因醉调嫦娥,被贬下凡,投错了胎,长成一副长嘴大耳、呆头呆脸的模样。
①身世:原是天庭中的卷帘大将,因失手打碎琉璃盏被贬下凡,盘踞在流沙河 ,兴风作浪,危害一方。唐僧途径流沙河时收为徒弟。②性格:正直无私,任劳任怨,忠心不二,踏踏实实,谨守本分 ③兵器:降妖宝杖