
时间:2019-05-12 14:09:42下载本文作者:会员上传



My name is Li Yongliang.First of all, I graduated in 2010 at the Dalian

University clothing design special field, after graduation DaYangChuangShi limited company in sales, working for 1 years.I very like Dalian, this is my

graduation decided to stay in Dalian reasons, however, the city of the work, are relatively comfort, as a young man, should continue to struggle, should not to enjoy the easy life, so I choose to come to Beijing to develop, the pressure will be greater, similarly, power will be larger, because you don't work hard, you will be eliminated, therefore,I will be very hard very hard to deal with my work!


I am a easy going person, usually very easy to get along with, love to make friends, in life, as long as Insipid and simple point on the line, But to must pass the test of reality.Works very seriously, if I like the work and this position also increased the space, I will be very hard very hard to get to this position, In order to live better, must work hard

4年的服装设计学习,让我对服装时尚很敏感,做过一年的职业装销售,我对服装的店面销售,与客户的需求分析,店面陈列,货品管理,售后服务等都有了一个全面的认知years of fashion design learning, let I to fashion very sensitive, Done a year occupation installed sales, Make me to high-end clothing store sales and customer demand analysis, store display, merchandise management, after-sales service and have a comprehensive understanding of



Nike, Inc.(pronounced /ˈnaɪkiː/;NYSE: NKE)is a major publicly traded sportswear and equipment supplier based in the United States.The company is headquartered near Beaverton, Oregon, which is part of the Portland metropolitan area.It is the world's leading supplier of athletic shoes and apparel[3] and a major manufacturer of sports equipment, with revenue in excess of US$18.6 billion in its fiscal year 2008(ending May 31, 2008).As of 2008, it employed more than 30,000 people worldwide.Nike and Precision Castparts are the only Fortune 500 companies headquartered in the state of Oregon, according to The Oregonian.The company was founded on January 25, 1964 as Blue Ribbon Sports by Bill Bowerman and Philip Knight,[1] and officially became Nike, Inc.on May 30, 1978.The company takes its name from Nike(Greek Νίκη, pronounced

[nǐːkɛː]), the Greek goddess of victory.Nike markets its products under its own brand, as well as Nike Golf, Nike Pro, Nike+, Air Jordan, Nike

Skateboarding, and subsidiaries including Cole Haan, Hurley International, Umbro and Converse.Nike also owned Bauer Hockey(later renamed Nike Bauer)between 1995 and 2008.[4] In addition to manufacturing sportswear and equipment, the company operates retail stores under the Niketown name.Nike sponsors many high profile athletes and sports teams around the world, with the highly recognized trademarks of “Just do it” and the Swoosh logo.


水浒传:Heroes of the Marshes;或者Water Margins(三国演义: The Romance of Three Kingdoms

西游记: Pilgrimage to the West或者ourney to the West

红楼梦 :The Story of the Stone 或者A Dream in Red Mansions


The novel “ Heroes of the Marshes ” is somewhat like the Iliad and Odyssey...An ancient epic tale...the period was composed and immortalized.As we know this story is based on real facts and has inspired many storytellers.the Song Dynasty reached its apogee and declined.As a victim of corruption and decadence.we can find historical traces of these outlaws who challenged the imperial authority and died under the executioner's blade.A man called Shi Nai-an wrote down the novel Heroes of the Marshes that read by us today.Heroes of the Marshes is an immortal novel because its tale is universal : it tells about 108 heros who cannot bear injustice nor abuse That is the reason why their popularity has lasted for centuries.三国演义

“Three Kingdoms is the tale of the fall of the Later Han Dynasty of China.It describes the lives of those feudal lords and their retainers who tried to either replace the empire or restore it.While the novel actually follows literally hundreds of characters, the focus is mainly on the 3 families who would eventually carve out the 3 kingdoms from the remnants of the Han.The Liu family in the Shu kingdom led by Liu Bei, The Cao family in Wei led by Cao Cao, and the Sun family in Wu eventually led by Sun Quan.西游记

Journey to the West, commonly known to the western readers as is a supernatural novel about a world of of fantastic invention, in which gods and demons loom large and vie for supremacy.The novel began with a series of oral and written versions, and eventually attained its most definitive version written by Wu Ch'eng-en(1500?-1582), a scholar-official in the Yantze region, and published in 1592.红楼梦

中文:《红楼梦》以贾宝玉、林黛玉、薛宝钗之间的恋爱婚姻悲剧为主线,描写了以贾家为代表的四大家族的兴衰,揭示了封建大家庭的各种错综复杂的矛盾,表现了封建的婚姻、道德、文化、教育的腐朽、堕落,塑造了一系列贵族、平民以及奴隶出身的女子的悲剧形象,展示了极其广阔的封建社会的典型生活环境.” The Story of the Stone "is based on Jia Baoyu and Lin Daiyu and Xue Baochai by describing their marriage and tragedy.The novel is also the description of the rise and fall of sediments which was represented by the four most prominent families, reveals the complex contradictions of the feudal family, performance of the feudal marriage, morality, culture, education and decadent, degenerate and create a series of nobility civilians and the tragic image of a slave woman who has demonstrated an extremely broad typical feudal society living environment.


水浒传:Heroes of the Marshes;或者Water Margins(三国演义: The Romance of Three Kingdoms

西游记: Pilgrimage to the West或者ourney to the West

红楼梦 :The Story of the Stone 或者A Dream in Red Mansions


The novel “ Heroes of the Marshes ” is somewhat like the Iliad and Odyssey...An ancient epic tale...the period was composed and immortalized.As we know this story is based on real facts and has inspired many storytellers.the Song Dynastyreached its apogee and declined.As a victim of corruption and decadence.we can find historical traces of these outlaws who challenged the imperial authority and died under the executioner's blade.A man called Shi Nai-an wrote down the novel Heroes of the Marshes that read by us today.Heroes of the Marshes is an immortal novel because its tale is universal : it tells about 108 heros who cannot bear injustice nor abuse That is the reason why their popularity has lasted for centuries.三国演义

“Three Kingdoms is the tale of the fall of the Later Han Dynasty of China.It describes the lives of those feudal lords and their retainers who tried to either replace the empire or restore it.While the novel actually follows literally hundreds of characters, the focus is mainly on the 3 families who would eventually carve out the 3 kingdoms from the remnants of the Han.The Liu family in the Shu kingdom led by Liu Bei, The Cao family in Wei led by Cao Cao, and the Sun family in Wu eventually led by Sun Quan.西游记

Journey to the West, commonly known to the western readers as is a supernatural novel about a world of of fantastic invention, in which gods and demons loom large and vie for supremacy.The novel began with a series of oral and written versions, and eventually attained its most definitive version written by Wu Ch'eng-en(1500?-1582), a scholar-official in the Yantze region, and published in 1592.红楼梦

中文:《红楼梦》以贾宝玉、林黛玉、薛宝钗之间的恋爱婚姻悲剧为主线,描写了以贾家为代表的四大家族的兴衰,揭示了封建大家庭的各种错综复杂的矛盾,表现了封建的婚姻、道德、文化、教育的腐朽、堕落,塑造了一系列贵族、平民以及奴隶出身的女子的悲剧形象,展示了极其广阔的封建社会的典型生活环境.英文:” The Story of the Stone "is based on Jia Baoyu and Lin Daiyu and Xue Baochai by describing their marriage and tragedy.The novel is also the description of the rise and fall of sediments which was represented by the four most prominent families, reveals the complex contradictions of the feudal family, performance of the feudal marriage,morality, culture, education and decadent, degenerate and create a series of nobility civilians and the tragic image of a slave woman who has demonstrated an extremely broad typical feudal society living environment.


Empress Wu Zetian

Wu Zetian was born of a royal lineage during the Tang Dynasty.She entered Emperor Taizong's harem when she was 13 and that of the successive emperor Gaozong after.A master of manipulation, Wu Zetian persuaded the emperor to declare her one rank below the empress consort.Eventually, the Emperor married Wu.When Gaozong suffered a stroke five years later, Wu governed behind the scenes.She created a secret police force to spy on her opposition, jailing or killing those who stood in her way.After Gaozong's death she reigned through puppet emperors, her sons Zhongzong and Ruizong.She finally proclaimed herself Emperor, the first woman to do so.Wu ruled until her 80s when she was unable to thwart a coup.She died shortly after.Despite her ruthless climb to power, her rule was benign.Wu reduced the size of the standing army, and replaced aristocrats in the government with scholars.She was fair to the peasantry, lowering taxes, raising agricultural production, and strengthening public works.Wu also campaigned to elevate the status of women and had scholars write biographies of famous women.今天我要介绍的是中国历史上空前绝后的唯一一位女皇帝—武则天,她创造了中国历史的奇迹。Today I want to introduce the only female emperor in China’s history----Wu Zetian,who created the miracle of Chinese history。她是中国历史上杰出的政治家、军事家,同时也是一位诗人。She was an outstanding politician,strategist as well as a poet in Chinese history.武则天出生于唐朝大户人家,她拥有盖世的美丽,绝顶的聪明,并喜欢读书。she was born in a wealthy family in Tang dynasty, She had the matchlessly beautiful and the very intelligent, and she also liked reading.童年时曾随父母游历了名山大川,培养了她的眼界和才干,所有的这

些为以后称帝奠定了基础。she had visited famous mountains and great rivers with her parents when she was a child, which had broadened her horizon and developed her talents, and all of these had laid the foundation for becoming the empress in the future.

她14岁入宫,在经历了很多坎坷和磨难(例如感业寺出家)之后最终登上了皇位。She was sent to the palace when she was fourteen, after many difficulties and hardships(such as become a nun in Ganye temple),she became the empress in the finally.公元690年,武则天改国号唐为周,正式做了皇帝。

In 690, Wu Zetian changed the name of the dynasty Tang to Zhou, and became empress herself.在她执政期间,支持佛教,很多正直而有才能的人得到重用(例如狄仁杰),经济、文化繁荣发展,边疆得到稳固,人民生活幸福。

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When she ruled the country, she supported Buddhism, reused integrity and talented people(such as Di Renjie), Economic and cultural developed rapidly, Frontier got stable and people all were in happiness.她去世之后,留下了无字碑,意在“功过由后人评定”。After she died, leaving a monument without any word, which aimed to evaluated Merits and Demerits by later generations 毛泽东说:她,有着苏东坡的大气,有着李白的豪气,有着李清照的才气,有着历代帝王的霸气。MAO Zedong said: she has Su Dongpo ‘s generous, Li Bai's heroism, Li Qing-jao's talent, and Domineering of all the emperor.周虽只传一代,女皇古往今来只有一个,可这一个,已经足够让我们直呼精彩了。Although zhou was a generation,and there is only one empress in chinese history,only this one is enough to let us applaud loudly



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