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Unit 1-6

[ Teaching aims: ]

a.语言知识目标:复习目标语句:Nice to meet you!Nice to meet you, too!What’s that? It’s a...Look at this elephant.It’s big.These are flowers.Yes.They are beautiful.I like noodles.I don’t like rice.Turn right!



[ Key points: ]

Nice to meet you!What’s that? It’s a...Look at this elephant.It’s big.I like noodles.I don’t like rice.并能在实际情景中运用。

[ Difficult points: ] I like noodles.I don’t like rice.句型的操作和训练。

[Teaching Methods:]

The Audio-lingual Method,TPR The Direct Method

[ Teaching procedure: ] Ⅰ.Warm-up(热身活动)

Sing a song.Ⅱ.Words Review

A.Read the words of Unit1-Unit6, read after the teacher.B.Make dialogues of this words.Ⅲ.Sentences Review

A.Read the sentences and how to use the sentences.B.两人小组读课文。创设情景,鼓励学生在表演的过程中加上动作和表情。这一环节是一个机械操练的阶段,目的让学生更好、更准确的学习语言,掌握语言。通过学生对课文的感知―理解,小梯度,多台阶地强化了学生对语言知识的理解与掌握。Ⅳ.Production(任务完成)


B.让学生用 “I like „” “I don’t like„” 造句。把学生分成小组,每次每组派一名学生参赛,说得又快又正确的学生得分。有新意的可获得加分。如:回答问题的学生用的都是陈述句,第一个用疑问句的学生可获得加分。得分高的小组获胜。

通过完成任务,增强了学生间的了解,促进了学生之间的交流。同时,学生学会了并运用了本课的语言知识。Ⅴ.Summary and Home work(小结与作业)

a.Summary b.Homework

全班完成:熟读课文;听说读写三个重点句子;预习unit7-12: 背诵或表演课文。

Bb Design:

Unit 1-6 Nice to meet you!Nice to meet you, too!What’s that? It’s a...Look at this elephant.It’s big.These are flowers.Yes.They are beautiful.I like noodles.I don’t like rice.Turn right!Turn left!


Unit 7-1

2[ Teaching aims: ]

a.语言知识目标:复习目标语句:Whose is this? It’s my „.She wears a white and black sweater.Forty-six and fifty-four is one hundred.Thirty and seventy is one hundred.Welcome to our home!This is my bedroom.Where’s the cat? She’s in the kitchen.Peter can jump high.b.语言技能目标:通过复习与操练,运用句型介绍自己的物品,数字的运用,介词in on under,以及描述运动情况


[ Key points: ]

Whose is this? It’s my „.She wears a white and black sweater.Forty-six and fifty-four is one hundred.Thirty and seventy is one hundred.Welcome to our home!This is my bedroom.Where’s the cat? She’s in the kitchen.Peter can jump high.在实际情景中运用所学句型进行交流。

[ Difficult points: ] Forty-six and fifty-four is one hundred.数字几十的熟悉和巩固,区分十几。句型的操作和训练。[Teaching Methods:]

The Audio-lingual Method,TPR The Direct Method

[ Teaching procedure: ]


Let’s play a game.Numbers Train Ⅱ.Words Review

A.Read the words of Unit7-Unit12, read after the teacher.B.Make dialogues of this words.Ⅲ.Sentences Review

A.Read the sentences and how to use the sentences.B.两人小组读课文。创设情景,鼓励学生在表演的过程中加上动作和表情。这一环节是一个机械操练的阶段,目的让学生更好、更准确的学习语言,掌握语言。通过学生对课文的感知―理解,小梯度,多台阶地强化了学生对语言知识的理解与掌握。Ⅳ.Production(任务完成)


通过完成任务,增强了学生间的了解,促进了学生之间的交流。同时,学生学会了并运用了本课的语言知识。Ⅴ.Summary and Home work(小结与作业)

A.Summary B.Homework

全班完成:熟读课文;听说读写三个重点句子; 背诵或表演课文。

Bb Design:

Unit 7-12 Whose is this? It’s my „.She wears a white and black sweater.Forty-six and fifty-four is one hundred.Thirty and seventy is one hundred.Welcome to our home!This is my bedroom.Where’s the cat? She’s in the kitchen.Peter can jump high.湘少版四年级下册英语复习教案

Unit 1-6

[ Teaching aims: ]

a.知识目标:复习目标语句:Where’s my new cap? It’s on your head.I’m from Changsha.I like spring in Changsha.Spring is warm.What can you see? I can see„Can you write in English, Lingling? Yes, I can./ No, I can’t.Peter is writing.What’s Anne doing?She’s skipping.b.语言技能目标:通过复习与操练,能够通过这些语句打招呼,运用句型介绍四季。和描述正在发生的事情。


[ Key points: ]

一般现在进行时be + doing,描述正在做某事,进行时问句Are you „?谁正在做某事?What’s Anne doing?She’s skipping.你正要去哪儿?Where are you going? [ Difficult points: ] 一般现在进行时be + doing句型的操作和训练。

[Teaching Methods:]

The Audio-lingual Method,TPR The Direct Method [ Teaching procedure: ]


Let’s play a game.I say you do Ⅱ.Words Review

A.Read the words of Unit1-Unit6, read after the teacher.B.Make dialogues of this words.Ⅲ.Sentences Review

A.Read the sentences and how to use the sentences.B.两人小组读课文。创设情景,鼓励学生在表演的过程中加上动作和表情。这一环节是一个机械操练的阶段,目的让学生更好、更准确的学习语言,掌握语言。通过学生对课文的感知―理解,小梯度,多台阶地强化了学生对语言知识的理解与掌握。Ⅳ.Production(任务完成)

C.作学习:短文练习。I’m from Changsha.I like spring in Changsha.Spring is warm.运用所复习的句型,对四季进行描述,并说出自己喜欢的季节和原因。

D.让学生用 “She is doing”生分成小组,每次每组派一名学生参赛,说得又快又正确的学生得分。有新意的可获得加分。如:回答问题的学生用的都是陈述句,第一个用疑问句的学生可获得加分。得分高的小组获胜。

通过完成任务,增强了学生间的了解,促进了学生之间的交流。同时,学生学会了并运用了本课的语言知识。Ⅴ.Summary and Home work(小结与作业)

aSummary b.Homework

全班完成:熟读课文;听说读写三个重点句子;预习unit7-12: 背诵或表演课文。

Bb Design:

Unit 1-6 Where’s my new cap? It’s on your head.I’m from Changsha.I like spring in Changsha.Spring is warm.What can you see? I can see„

Can you write in English, Lingling? Yes, I can./ No, I can’t.Peter is writing.What’s Anne doing?She’s skipping.湘少版四年级下册英语复习教案

Unit 7-1

2[ Teaching aims: ]

a.语言知识目标:复习目标语句:Today is Monday.My name is „I come from China.Where are you from? How much is it?It’s fifty-six yuan.He has two feet.Do you have a ticket?Yes,I have./No,I haven’t.Do you have any money?Yes.I have ten yuan.b.语言技能目标:通过复习与操练,运用句型介绍自己来自的国家和询问他人,能准确的说出一周的七天,和进行价格的询问和咨询。


[ Key points: ]

Today is Monday.My name is „I come from China.Where are you from? How much is it?It’s fifty-six yuan.He has two feet.Do you have a ticket?Yes,I have./No,I haven’t.Do you have any money?Yes.I have ten yuan.在实际情景中运用所学句型进行交流。

[ Difficult points: ] Do you have a ticket?Yes,I have./No,I haven’t.句型的操作和训练。

[Teaching Methods:] The Audio-lingual Method,The Direct Method

[ Teaching procedure: ]


Let’s sing a song together.Ⅱ.Words Review

A.Read the words of Unit7-Unit12, read after the teacher.B.Make dialogues of this words.Ⅲ.Sentences Review

A.Read the sentences and how to use the sentences.B.两人小组读课文。创设情景,鼓励学生在表演的过程中加上动作和表情。这一环节是一个机械操练的阶段,目的让学生更好、更准确的学习语言,掌握语言。通过学生对课文的感知―理解,小梯度,多台阶地强化了学生对语言知识的理解与掌握。Ⅳ.Production(任务完成)

C.合作学习:进一步学习如何和人打招呼,并且进行操练。并通过合作学习,对星期进行操练已经How much„?的句型。

通过完成任务,增强了学生间的了解,促进了学生之间的交流。同时,学生学会了并运用了本课的语言知识。Ⅴ.Summary and Home work(小结与作业)

A.Summary B.Homework 全班完成:熟读课文;听说读写三个重点句子; 背诵或表演课文。

Bb Design:

Unit 7-12

Today is Monday.My name is „I come from China.Where are you from? How much is it?It’s fifty-six yuan.He has two feet.Do you have a ticket?Yes,I have./No,I haven’t.Do you have any money?Yes.I have ten yuan.



Unit 1-6

[ Teaching aims: ]

a.语言知识目标:复习目标语句: Hello!

I’m...Good morning.Good afternoon.Goodbye.What’s your name? My name is Amy.How old are you?





father.Who’s he?

He’s my mum.b.语言技能目标:通过复习与操练,能够通过这些语句打招呼,运用句型介



[ Key points: ]Good morning/afternoon.This is my...并能在实际情景中运用。

[ Difficult points: ]How old are you?与 How are you?的区分。[Teaching Methods:]

The Audio-lingual Method,TPR The Direct Method

[ Teaching procedure: ]


Sing the hello song.Ⅱ.Words Review

A.Read the words of Unit1-Unit6, read after the teacher.B.Make dialogues of this words.Ⅲ.Sentences Review

A.Read the sentences and how to use the sentences.b.两人小组读课文。创设情景,鼓励学生在表演的过程中加上动作和表情。这一环节是一个机械操练的阶段,目的让学生更好、更准确的学习语言,掌握语言。通过学生对课文的感知―理解,小梯度,多台阶地强化了学生对语言知识的理解与掌握。Ⅳ.Production(任务完成)


B.b.让学生用 “Hello” “What’s your name?” 造句。把学生分成小组,每次每组派一名学生参赛,说得又快又正确的学生得分。有新意的可获得加分。如:回答问题的学生用的都是陈述句,第一个用疑问句的学生可获得加分。得分高的小组获胜。

通过完成任务,增强了学生间的了解,促进了学生之间的交流。同时,学生学会了并运用了本课的语言知识。Ⅴ.Summary and Home work(小结与作业)

a.Summary b.Homework

全班完成:熟读课文;听说读写三个重点句子;预习unit7-12: 背诵或表演课文。

Bb Design

Unit 1-6 Hello!/Hi!/ How are you? Good morning/afternoon/evening.What’s your name? I’m...How old are you? I am...years old.湘少版三年级上册英语复习教案

Unit 7-12

[ Teaching aims: ]

b.语言知识目标:复习目标语句: What’s it/this? cat/cow/horse/dog/duck/hen.pencil/pen/ruler/pencil-box.face/ear/nose/mouth/eye.bird/tiger/monkey/panda/elephant/lion b.语言技能目标:通过复习与操练,能够通过问答的方式来完成对动物,文



[ Key points: ]What’s it/this? It’s a...并能在实际情景中运用。[ Difficult points: ]Who’s...与What’s...的区别运用。[Teaching Methods:]

The Audio-lingual Method,TPR The Direct Method

[ Teaching procedure: ]


Sing the animals song.Ⅱ.Words Review

A.Read the words of Unit7-Unit12, read after the teacher.B.Make dialogues of this words.Ⅲ.Sentences Review

A.Read the sentences and how to use the sentences.b.两人小组读课文。创设情景,鼓励学生在表演的过程中加上动作和表情。这一环节是一个机械操练的阶段,目的让学生更好、更准确的学习语言,掌握语言。通过学生对课文的感知―理解,小梯度,多台阶地强化了学生对语言知识的理解与掌握。Ⅳ.Production(任务完成)

C.分组合作学习:指着身体的部位,扮演动物或者文具,用问答的方式来创设情境。教育引导学生要互相关心,互相帮助,在团结友爱的气氛中愉快地相处。D.b.让学生用 “What’s it/this?” “It’s...” 自编情境对话。把学生分成小组,每次每组派一名学生参赛,说得又快又正确的学生得分。有新意的可获得加分。如:回答问题的学生用的都是陈述句,第一个用疑问句的学生可获得加分。得分高的小组获胜。

通过完成任务,增强了学生间的了解,促进了学生之间的交流。同时,学生学会了并运用了本课的语言知识。Ⅴ.Summary and Home work(小结与作业)

a.Summary b.Homework

全班完成:熟读课文;听说读写重点句子;预习三年级下册1-6单元: 背诵或表演课文。

Bb Design

Unit 7-12 What’s it/this? It’s a...Touch your head/feet/neck.Here is a birthday card for you.湘少版三年级下册英语复习教案

[ Teaching aims: ]


Good morning.Good afternoon.Goodbye.Are you...?Yes, I am.No, I’m not.red/blue/yellow/green/white/black

T-shirt/dress/coat/shirt How many...are there? One/two/three/four....twelve What colour is the...? It’s...b.语言技能目标:通过复习与操练,能够通过这些语句打招呼,运用句型询



Unit 1-6

[ Key points: ]Good morning/afternoon.How many...What time is it?并能在实际情景中运用。

[ Difficult points: ]Yes, I am.与No, I’m not的发音与运用。[Teaching Methods:]

The Audio-lingual Method,TPR The Direct Method

[ Teaching procedure: ]


Sing the colour song.Ⅱ.Words Review

A.Read the words of Unit1-Unit6, read after the teacher.B.Make dialogues of this words.Ⅲ.Sentences Review

A.Read the sentences and how to use the sentences.b.两人小组读课文。创设情景,鼓励学生在表演的过程中加上动作和表情。这一环节是一个机械操练的阶段,目的让学生更好、更准确的学习语言,掌握语言。通过学生对课文的感知―理解,小梯度,多台阶地强化了学生对语言知识的理解与掌握。Ⅳ.Production(任务完成)


F.b.让学生用 “How many...” “What time is it?” 造句。把学生分成小组,每次每组派一名学生参赛,说得又快又正确的学生得分。有新意的可获得加分。如:回答问题的学生用的都是陈述句,第一个用疑问句的学生可获得加分。得分高的小组获胜。

通过完成任务,增强了学生间的了解,促进了学生之间的交流。同时,学生学会了并运用了本课的语言知识。Ⅴ.Summary and Home work(小结与作业)

a.Summary b.Homework

全班完成:熟读课文;听说读写重点句子;预习unit7-12: 背诵或表演课文。

Bb Design

Unit 1-6 Good morning/afternoon/evening.Are you...? Yes, I am./ No, I’m not.What colour is...? It’s red/blue/yellow/green/white/black.Look at the T-shirt/dress/shirt.What time is it? It’s...o’clock.How many...?


Unit 7-12

d.[ Teaching aims: ] Is this...? Yes, it is.No, it isn’t.Is he/she...? Yes, he is.No.he isn’t.I like...What’she/he? He/she’s a...banana/pear/apple/orange

sunny/cloudy/snowy/rainy teacher/farmer/nurse/doctor/driver/postman.plane/ship/train/bus/car b.语言技能目标:通过复习与操练,能够通过问答的方式来完成对水果,天



[ Key points: ]Is this...? Is he..? What’s he/she? What’s the weather like? I like...并能在实际情景中运用。

[ Difficult points: ] Yes, he/it is.No,he/it isn’t.[Teaching Methods:]

The Audio-lingual Method,TPR The Direct Method

[ Teaching procedure: ]


Sing the fruit song.Ⅱ.Words Review

A.Read the words of Unit7-Unit12, read after the teacher.B.Make dialogues of this words.Ⅲ.Sentences Review

A.Read the sentences and how to use the sentences.b.两人小组读课文。创设情景,鼓励学生在表演的过程中加上动作和表情。这一环节是一个机械操练的阶段,目的让学生更好、更准确的学习语言,掌握语言。通过学生对课文的感知―理解,小梯度,多台阶地强化了学生对语言知识的理解与掌握。Ⅳ.Production(任务完成)


H.b.让学生用 “What’s the weather like?” “What’s he/she?” 以及一般疑问句的问答形式自编情境对话。把学生分成小组,每次每组派一名学生参赛,说得又快又正确的学生得分。有新意的可获得加分。如:回答问题的学生用的都是陈述句,第一个用疑问句的学生可获得加分。得分高的小组获胜。

通过完成任务,增强了学生间的了解,促进了学生之间的交流。同时,学生学会了并运用了本课的语言知识。Ⅴ.Summary and Home work(小结与作业)

a.Summary b.Homework

全班完成:熟读课文;听说读写重点句子;预习四年级上册1-6单元: 背诵或表演课文。

Bb Design

Unit 7-12 What’s the weather like? It’s...What’s he/she? He’s/She’s a...Is he/she a...How do you go to school? I go to school by car/bus/ship/plane.



Period 1

Unit 1 Nice to meet you.见到你很高兴

单词:are是thanks谢谢brother弟弟sister姐姐 句型:Nice to meet you.见到你很高兴。

Nice to meet you ,too.见到你我也很高兴。

Good morning/ afternoon/ evening/ night早上好、下午好、晚上好、晚安。

This is Chendong.He’s my brother.这是陈东,他是我的弟弟。

Unit 2 It’s a circle.它是一个圆。单词:circle line square dot 句型:What’s that? It’s a circle.它是一个圆。

Period 2

Unit3 Look at this elephant.看这只大象


句型:Look at that/this elepant/monkey/tiger/bird/…看那只大象、猴子、老虎、鸟、、、、It’s big/naughty/strong/beautiful/…它很大、调皮、强壮、美丽、、、Unit4 These are flowers.这些是花。

单词:children孩子(child的复数)outing郊游these这些those那些 flowers trees grass sheep eggs birds 句型:What are these?这些是什么? These are flowers.这些是花。

What are those?那些是什么? Those are eggs.那些是蛋。

Period 3 Unit 5 I like noodles.我喜欢面条。

单词: hungry饥饿的dumpling饺子jam果酱bread面包(不可数)biscuit饼干noodle面条rice米饭(不可数)milk牛奶

句型:I like+可数名词复数/不可数名词

I like dumplings/biscuits/noodles….我喜欢饺子、饼干、面条…

I don’t like rice/jam/bread…我不喜欢米饭、果酱、面包…

Unit 6 Turn right!向右转!

单词:guess猜left左right右turn转弯traffic police交通警察policeman男警察 句型:Let’s play a guessing game.让我们玩猜谜游戏。

What are we?我们是什么?We are soldiers 我们是士兵。

Aer you soldiers?你们是士兵吗?Yes,we are.Turn left/right.向左转、向右转。

Period 4 Unit 7 Whose is this?这是谁的?


句型:Whose is this?这是谁的? This is my wallet.这是我的钱包。

Is it your wallet? 它是你的钱包吗 No,it’s Jane’s wallet.它是Jane 的钱包。

Here you are.给你。Thank you.谢谢。

Unit8 She wears a white and black sweater.她穿着一件黑白相间的毛衣。单词:white and black, brown and grey, shoes, socks, sweater, skirt 句型: She wears...Period 5

Unit9 It’s one hundred.单词:twenty thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety

one hundred homework家庭作业sum总和wrong错误的forty-six四十六forty-four四十四twenty二十thirty三十forty四十fifty五十sixty六十seventy七十eighty八十ninety九十one hundred一百

句型:Forty-six and fifty-four is...Unit 10 Welcome to our home!欢迎来到我家!单词:living room, kitchen, bathroom, bedroom

句型:This is my bedroom.It’s small.Period 6 Unit11 Where’s the cat? 单词:where哪里under在…下面in 在…里面on 在……上面bathroom浴室kitchen厨房living room客厅 door window desk chair room bed wall 句型:Where is the cat?猫在哪?

Where are you?你在哪?

Is she under the table?她在桌子下面吗?

No,she isn’t.She is in the bathroom./kitchen.不,她在浴室/厨房。

Unit12 Peter can jump high.彼得能跳得高。

单词:swim游泳fast快地jump跳high高的;高地run 跑步throw扔;投far远的;远地fly飞

句型:I can run fast/swim fast/jump high/throw far…我能跑得快/游得快/跳得高/仍得远…

Can you run/swim/jump?你能跑/游泳/跳吗?Yes,I can.能

No, I can’t.不能。


Unit3.Are you making a kite?


湘少版四年级下册unit3 A、C部分内容。


1、能听懂、会说新单词及词组:making a kite,baking a cake,making a pie,making a mess。


3、能运用句型Are you doing ….?询问或描述正在做的事情。



难点:正确使用I’m making …./You are making …./He(She)is making….。



五、教学步骤 Step1.Warming up


2、唱(播放)Are you sleep? Step2.Pesentation and drill


run jump swim fly write eat open….让学生做这些动作,然后指名学生作动作。

T:Are you running? S:Yes,I am.……

2、教学A部分(1)、出示小纸船。T:What’s this? S:This is a ….师板书并带读:boat T:Please make a boat.Who can try? 发放纸张,给会折的学生。T:What are you making? S:I’m making a boat.T:Yes,you are making a boat.(2)游戏猜猜猜。

教师做动作,学生用句型“Are you…?”回答。T:What am I doing? S:Are you…? T:Yes,/No,I’m baking a cake.板书并带读:bake(3)出示甜馅饼图片。T:What’s this? S:…


T:Are you making a pie? S:No,I’m not.(4)叫一个学生把自己书包里的东西胡乱摆在桌上。(事先安排)T:What is he doing? S:捣乱。

T:Yes,he is making a mess.板书并带读:mess(5)小结刚学过的单词及句型。


T:What is Mum/Peter/Mingming doing? Step3.Practice


仿照课文C部分进行猜画游戏。一人上台画画,其余人猜。如画dog,bird,fish,cat,flower…..2、分角色表演A部分。Step4.C Consolidation





Unit3.Are you making a kite?

making a boat?⑴

baking a cake?⑵ Are you

making a pie?⑶

making a mess?⑷ making a kite?⑸

Yes,I am./No,I’m not.



Unit 1-6

[ Teaching aims: ] a.语言知识目标:复习目标语句:What does he/she look like? He/She is....Can I help you? I’d like...., please.Do you want some...? Yes, please./ No, thank you.Can I use your...? Yes, here you are.Can I have....? Yes, you can./ No, you can’t.Which one do you want, the...one or the...one? b.语言技能目标:通过复习与操练,提高学生综合运用语言能力,进行小组表演情境对话。


[ Key points: ]

What does he/she look like? He/She is....Can I help you? I’d like...., please.Do you want some...? Yes, please./ No, thank you.Can I use your...? Yes, here you are.Can I have....? Yes, you can./ No, you can’t.Which one do you want, the...one or the...one? 并能在实际情景中灵活运用。

[ Difficult points: ] Which one do you want, the...one or the...one? 句型的操作和训练。

[Teaching Methods:]

The Audio-lingual Method , TPR, The Direct Method

[ Teaching procedure: ]


Sing a song.“What would you like?” Ⅱ.Words Review

A.Read the words of Unit1-Unit6, read after the teacher.B.Make dialogues of this words.Ⅲ.Sentences Review

A.Read the sentences and how to use the sentences.B.两人小组读课文。创设情景,鼓励学生在表演的过程中加上动作和表情。这一环节是一个机械操练的阶段,目的让学生更好、更准确的学习语言,掌握语 言。通过学生对课文的感知―理解,小梯度,多台阶地强化了学生对语言知识的 理解与掌握。



B.让学生用 “I’d like...., please.” 造句。把学生分成小组,每次每组派一名学生参赛,说得又快又正确的学生得分。有新意的可获得加分。如:回答问题的学生用的都是陈述句,第一个用疑问句的学生可获得加分。得分高的小组获胜。通过完成任务,增强了学生间的了解,促进了学生之间的交流。同时,学生学会了并运用了本课的语言知识。Ⅴ.Summary and Home work(小结与作业)

a.Summary b.Homework

全班完成:熟读课文;听说读写三个重点句子;预习unit7-12: 背诵或表演课文。

Bb Design:

Unit 1-6

What does he/she look like? He/She is....Can I help you? I’d like...., please.Do you want some...? Yes, please./ No, thank you.Can I use your...? Yes, here you are.Can I have....? Yes, you can./ No, you can’t.Which one do you want, the...one or the...one?


Unit 7-1

2[ Teaching aims: ]

a.语言知识目标:复习目标语句:What time do you...? I...at...Her mother/father....She helps her/ him.What’s your hobby? My hobby is....The sign means “do not...” I’m....I feel....We’re....The Spring Festival is an important festival in China.What do people do ? b.语言技能目标:通过复习与操练,运用句型谈论习惯、爱好、标志、情绪及春节的话题。


[ Key points: ]

What time do you...? I...at...Her mother/father....She helps her/ him.What’s your hobby? My hobby is....在实际情景中运用所学句型进行交流。

[ Difficult points: ] The sign means “do not...” I’m....I feel....We’re....The Spring Festival is an important festival in China.What do people do ?句型的操作和训练。

[Teaching Methods:]

The Audio-lingual Method,TPR,The Direct Method

[ Teaching procedure: ]


Play a game: Guessing.Ⅱ.Words Review

A.Read the words of Unit7-Unit12, read after the teacher.B.Make dialogues of this words.Ⅲ.Sentences Review

A.Read the sentences and how to use the sentences.B.两人小组读课文。创设情景,鼓励学生在表演的过程中加上动作和表情。这一环节是一个机械操练的阶段,目的让学生更好、更准确的学习语言,掌握语言。通过学生对课文的感知―理解,小梯度,多台阶地强化了学生对语言知识的理解与掌握。Ⅳ.Production(任务完成)

分组合作学习:通过小组合作学习,进一步学习如何谈论习惯、爱好、标志、情绪及春节的话题。并且进行话题的操练。通过完成任务,增强了学生间的 了解,促进了学生之间的交流。同时,学生学会了并运用了本课的语言知识。Ⅴ.Summary and Home work(小结与作业)

A.Summary B.Homework

全班完成:熟读课文;听说读写三个重点句子; 背诵或表演课文。

Bb Design:

Unit 7-12

What time do you...? I...at...Her mother/father....She helps her/ him.What’s your hobby? My hobby is....The sign means “do not...”

I’m....I feel....We’re....The Spring Festival is an important festival in China.What do people do ?


[ Teaching aims: ]

A.知识目标:复习目标语句:What are we going to do today? We’re going to.....First,...And the,...Next,....Lastly,....Don’t...When’s your birthday? It’s...What will you do for your mother? I’ll...B.语言技能目标:通过复习与操练,能够通过这些语句的练习发展学生综合语言运用能力。


Unit 1-6

[ Key points: ]

将来时will +do.../ be going to do...描述将要做某事,[ Difficult points: ] 否定祈使句Don’t do...及生日月份表达的巩固与操练。

[Teaching Methods:]

The Audio-lingual Method,TPR,The Direct Method

[ Teaching procedure: ]


Let’s play a game.Quick response Ⅱ.Words Review

A.Read the words of Unit1-Unit6, read after the teacher.B.Make dialogues of this words.Ⅲ.Sentences Review

A.Read the sentences and how to use the sentences.B.两人小组读课文。创设情景,鼓励学生在表演的过程中加上动作和表情。这一环节是一个机械操练的阶段,目的让学生更好、更准确的学习语言,掌握语言。通过学生对课文的感知―理解,小梯度,多台阶地强化了学生对语言知识的理解与掌握。Ⅳ.Production(任务完成)

C.作学习:短文练习。First,....And then,....Next,....Lastly,....运用所复习的句 型,对手工制作进行描述,并说出自己喜欢的季节和原因。D.让学生Make library rules分组讨论,看哪组说得又多又好。有新意的可获得加分。通过完成任务,增强了学生间的了解,促进了学生之间的交流。同时,学生学会了并运用了本课的语言知识。Ⅴ.Summary and Home work(小结与作业)

aSummary b.Homework

全班完成:熟读课文;听说读写三个重点句子;预习unit7-12: 背诵或表演课文。

Bb Design:

Unit 1-6

What are we going to do today? We’re going to.....First,...And the,...Next,....Lastly,....Don’t...When’s your birthday? It’s...What will you do for your mother? I’ll...湘少版五年级下册英语复习教案

[ Teaching aims: ]

a.语言知识目标:复习目标语句:Is there a...?Yes, there is./No, there isn’t.Excuse me, can you show me the way to the...? You can...一般过去式与动词的过去式。Where were you? I was...Was it...? Yes, it was./ No, it wasn’t.What did...do? Did he/she/you...? Yes, he/she/I did.No, he/she/I didn’t.Where did you go? I....Unit 7-1


[ Key points: ]

Is there a...?Yes, there is./No, there isn’t.Excuse me, can you show me the way to the...? You can....在实际情景中运用所学句型进行交流。

[ Difficult points: ] 一般过去式与动词的过去式句型的操练与巩固。

[Teaching Methods:]

The Audio-lingual Method,The Direct Method

[ Teaching procedure: ]


Let’s say a chant together.Ⅱ.Words Review

A.Read the words of Unit7-Unit12, read after the teacher.B.Make dialogues of this words.Ⅲ.Sentences Review

A.Read the sentences and how to use the sentences.B.两人小组读课文。创设情景,鼓励学生在表演的过程中加上动作和表情。这




C.合作学习:进一步学习谈论过去发生的事情,祈使句型、There be 句型。并通过合作学习,,增强了学生间的团队协作能力,促进了学生之间的交流。同时,学生学会了并运用了本课的语言知识。Ⅴ.Summary and Home work(小结与作业)

A.Summary B.Homework

全班完成:熟读课文;听说读写三个重点句子; 背诵或表演课文。完成“一起作业”模拟试题

Bb Design:

Unit 7-12

Is there a...?Yes, there is./No, there isn’t.Excuse me, can you show me the way to the...?

You can...Where were you? I was...Was it...? Yes, it was./ No, it wasn’t.What did...do?

Did he/she/you...?

Yes, he/she/I did.No, he/she/I didn’t.Where did you go? I....



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