教案: PEP小学英语四年级上册 Unit 3 My friends Part A let’s learn五篇

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第一篇:教案: PEP小学英语四年级上册 Unit 3 My friends Part A let’s learn


Unit 3 My friends

Part A

let’s learn


1能听懂、会说“My friend is strong.He has short hair….”并能在实际情景中运用。能听、说、认读friends, long hair, short hair, thin, strong, quiet等单词和词组。


二、教学重、难点 能听、说、认读friends, long hair, short hair, thin, strong, quiet等单词和词组。能听懂、会说“My friend is strong.He has short hair….”并能在实际情景中运用。

三、课前准备 1 教学单词卡片 John、Mike、Zhangpeng、WuYifan 的头饰。3 本课时的课件。


(一)热身(Warm-up)(1)唱In the classroom(2)用单词卡复习tall,short,long,big,small等形容词。

(3)Let’s play a game: Say antonyms.(4)Let’s do!


1、师面向学生说:Boys and girls, I am your new teacher.I meet you at first time.Do you want to be my friend? Ss: yes.T: Good!Now, we are friends.We are friends.T: I want to talk with somebody.(师走向第一排的一名长发女生)T: Hello!Girl!What’s your name? S1: My name is S1.T: Nice to meet you S1: Nice to meet you, too.T: Do you want to be my fried?(你想成为我的朋友吗?)S1: Yes.T: OK.We are friends, now.(握手)We are friends.DO you understand?(询问同学们。)师又以此模式问一下另外一名男孩。引出单词friends.接着,老师出示单词卡片(friends),教读friends(每个大组读三次)。后师将单词卡贴于黑板上。

2、师说:“Now, boys and girls , Look at me, What’s this?(师指着自己的头发问同学们)。

Ss: Hair.T: Yes!Hair.I have short hair, short hair.师教(short hair)用单词卡教读,每一排读三次。后师将单词卡贴于黑板上。

3、T:OK, Everybody, Let’s look at my friend S1.She has long hair.long hair.Do you understand? Ss: Yes.师出示词卡long hair,教读long hair,每个同学读1次。后师将单词卡贴于黑板上。


师用手指着short hair /long hair 让同学们读若干次后,师走下讲台,指者S1说:Everybody.Look!I have short hair.She(指着S1)has long hair.后又指着S2说He has short hair.接着多指着其他几个同学说: How about this one?(师多指几个同学的头发举例子)尽量让同学们自己说出:He /She has long hair/short hair.然后T: Now, let’s talk about your partner’s hair.请几位同学站起来说说自己的同桌的头发。用句子He /She has long/short hair.(师举两个例子用S1和S2做示范)同学起来表演后,给他们的组画小红心。



T: Welcome Wu Yi Fan.Welcome Zhang Peng.Look!Everybody Wu Yi Fan and Zhang Peng are all my friends.My friend Wu Yi Fan is thin.Wu Yi Fan is thin.He is thin.My friend Zhang Peng is strong.Zhang Peng is strong.He is

strong.2、T: Please do and say follow me.师用手势教读单词thin 和 strong,让学生们跟着说和做。然后请这两位同学回座位。

3、师先后拿着thin 和strong的单词卡,教读单词thin 和strong。然后将这两个单词卡贴在黑板上。


1、I say, you do!(我说单词,你们做动作)

2、I do, you say!(我做动作,你们说单词)

3、Let’s Chant(拍手说歌谣,2遍)Wu Yi fan is thin!Thin!Thin!Thin!Zhang Peng is strong!Strong!Strong!Strong!He is thin!Thin!Thin!Thin He is strong!Strong!Strong!Strong!She is thin!Thin!Thin!Thin She is strong!Strong!Strong!Strong!My friend is thin!Thin!Thin!Thin My friend is strong!Strong!Strong!Strong!

4、Chant结束后,师将食指放在嘴唇上示意学生们安静。T:嘘…….Be quire!师用单词卡教读单词quiet。后将此单词卡贴在黑板上。

5.师让同学们读一下黑板上的6个新单词。然后做快指快读的练习。(Fast reading!)

(五)、Listen and read.1、跟音读单词。让学生们听课件单词的读音,后跟读单词。Let’s listen

and read follow the radio.2、跟音读句子。Let’s listen what are John and Mike talking about?(1)全班同学听两遍后,跟读两遍。

(2)师让同学们打开书,师教读句子几次, 后让同学们自己齐读两遍。(同学们用手指着读的句子。)

①123小组读John, 456小组读Mike.(然后交换)②男同学读John,女同学读Mike.(然后交换)③请几对同学带上头饰来表演一下这个对话。

(六)知识巩固与扩展(Consolidation and extension)

1.师出示一些卡通人物的图片,说一说这些人物的特征。Who is she/he?

He /She is….He /She has……

2.Let’s do a practice.四个同学一组,结合今天学的新单词,用下面两个句子简单地描述一下你的朋友。(老师给同学们3分钟的时间准备这两句话,等会老师唱歌的时候,同学们就坐端正,OK?)My friend is….He / She has….(八)结束

Let’s count the red harts.Who is the winner?


Unit 1 My classroom



1.能够听懂、会说句型Where's „?并就其问句作出相应的回答。2.能够用英语简单介绍教室中的基本设施及所在的位置。3.能够听懂、会说本课时的会话。4.能够初步了解let 引导的祈使句。5.培养学生合作学习的精神。教学重点

能够听懂、会说句型Where's „?并就其问句作出相应的回答。教学难点



Step 1 Warming up &Revision 1.创设教师欢迎同学们返校的情景。

教师引导学生用We have a new „的句式表达。

2.每当学生说出一样新物品的时候,教师马上说:“Really? ”真的吗?“Where is it? ”并引导学生用以前学过的介词on, in, under 等进行相应的回答。还可以让学生根据实际情况围绕物品进行其他的简单交流。Step 2 Presentation &Practice 1.导入let's talk T : In this new term, there is also something new for Zhang Peng and Sarah.Let's listen to the tape to know what they are talking about.And then answer the following questions according to the dialogue.(教师出示下列问题,带领学生读问题)a.What do they have? b.What's in their classroom? c.Where is it? 播放录音两遍,要求学生以小组形式讨论,并选择学生用书中原句回答问题。听音结束后,教师指导学生以小组形式逐句回答问题,并将回答的句子用课件显示。带领学生翻译并朗 读句子。

2.学习Let’s talk

(1)教师将classroom,picture 和window 的图片逐一显示在幻灯片中,要求学生读出单词,指导学生按发音说相应的字母拼读单词,并将拼出的单词写在黑板上,带领学生反复拼读单词。

(2)在确定学生能准确认读单词后,引导学生用这三个新单词造句后。将下面六个句子写在黑板上,让学生逐句翻译,朗读。We have a new classroom.What's in the classroom? Let's go and see!My picture is so big.It's near the window.Where is it?(3)再次播放录音。让学生跟着录音逐句读对话。最后让学生分角色表演对话。4.Let's play(1)教师利用课件出示chant。

(2)在学生读过chant 之后,说明游戏规则:在看到课件中出现的字母后,迅速说出由该字母打头的单词,如:课件出示字母D,则学生可说D for dog.D for duck.等等。(3)将学生分为四个或六个小组。以小组为单位让学生共同在组内用英语总结教室中出现的物品。每组由一名学生把组内学生提到的物品名称逐一写在纸上,并用英语注明其所在位置。如:desk,on the floor(4)小组间提问,以小组为单位向其他小组发出提问的挑战。S1 :I see a “p ” , S2 : Where is it? S1 : It's near the window.What's it? S2 : It's a picture.(5)答对的小组将得到一个老师提供的相应的单词卡片。最后获得单词卡片最多的小组为获胜组。

Step 3Extension&Consolidation 1.我会造句子

T : We know many words about the things in our classroom.Can you make up sentences with them?(教师一次出示两到三个单词,要求学生以小组为单位快速造句)2.介绍我们的教室

(1)教师总结:we have learned so many things in our new classroom.l have made an introduction about our new classroom.Let’s read it together.(利用课件出示短文)We have a new classroom.It is so big, I see many new things in it.I see a picture.It is big and beautiful.It is near the window.I see some desks.They are new.I like our new classroom.(教师带领学生朗读短文)(2)教师指导学生尝试将画线的部分进行替换,引导学生自己改写一篇介绍教室的小短文。板书设计

Unit 1 My classroom 第一课时

We have a new classroom.What's in the classroom? Where is it? It is near the window./It is a picture.第二课时


1.能够听懂、会说句型what’s in the classroom?并就其问句作出相应的回答。2.能够听懂、会说、会认读单词:blackboard, window,classroom,door,light,picture.3.能够听懂、会说Let’s learn 中的对话。

4.能够听懂、会说Let’s do 部分的祈使句,并能按要求做出相应的动作。5.培养学生合作学习的精神。教学重点

1.能够听懂、会说句型what’s „?并就其间句作出相应的回答 2.能够听懂、会说、会认读Let’s learn 部分单词。教学难点

能够听懂、会说Let’s do 部分的祈使句并按要求做出相应动作。教学准备 多媒体课件,录音机,磁带,教学图片,教学挂图,学生活动手册等。教学步骤

Step 1 Warming up&Revision 1.教师利用课件出示图片,让学生两人一组用where is„.?进行对话。2.教师检查上课时布置的用自已的语言介绍自己的新教室的作业。Step 2 Presentation&Practice 1.学习Let’s learn(1)猜谜语,导人新知。T:I have some riddles.Do you want to know them?(教师利用课件出示谜语,并大声读出来,为帮助学生理解可以利用肢体语言)It is big.It is black or green, It is in front of our classroom Teacher can write something on it.What is it? 学生猜出谜底blackboard 后,教师出示blackboard 的教学图片并将单词blackboard 写在黑板上,让学生学读单词并造句


They are bright.They're long and thin.They're above the classroom There're twelve of them in our classroom.What are they? 让学生用同样的方式学习单词light,并进行造句练习。

T : We have two in our classroom.They're in the wall.We can open and close them We can come in and go out by passing them.教师用同样的方式将单词door写在黑板上,领读、讲解并操练。确定学生掌握单词后,将单词中的字母组合oor 标出,利用oor 的发音规则引导学生学习单词floor。让学生跟读单词floor 并造句。

(2)教师将学生分成四至六个小组,把印有教室场景的图片逐一分发给各个小组。要求各小组学生先在组长的带领下说说教室中的物品,之后在教师下达指令的时候开始为图片中 的各种设施标注正确的英文单词。(3)What's missing? 让学生以小组为单位,教师利用课件出示let’s learn 中学习的单词,每次五个单词,5秒钟后单词顺序被打乱,并有一个单词被替换。要求学生快速说出被替换掉的单词。哪组学生反应最快,能正确回答出被替换掉的单词,哪组获胜。(4)学习Let’s learn

播放Let’s learn 部分的录音。让学生听音三遍之后逐句翻译并模仿跟读录音。让学生两人一组利用Let’s learn 的教学场景图进行对话练习。

(5)让学生以组为单位,教师向一名学生提问:What’s in the classroom?第一名学生回,one blackboard.第二名学生在第一名学生回答的基础上加入新的词汇:one blackboard,one TV.第三名学生再继续增加,以此类推,比比看哪一组接的词最多,持续的时间最长。2.完成Let’s do

(1)教师播放Let’s do 部分的录音。让学生听音三遍后以小组形式朗读井翻译句子。(2)教师利用课件出示每个祈使句,由小组派出代表教读其他学生并翻译,教师加以补充。(3)让一名学生上台看教师出示的句子做出相应的动作,其余学生通过观看这一学生的 动作表演猜出相应的祈使句。

(4)教师将印好的Let‘s do 部分的图片贴在黑板上,让几名学生上台根据图片内容写出相应的祈使句。

Step 3 Extension & Consolidation 1.填表格 T : In this class ,we have learned so many words and sentences about our classroom.2.我是值日生

教师总结:we all like our new classroom.There are so many things in it.What can you do for our classroom? 'What can you do to make our classroom clean? What can you do if you' re on duty?(利用课作出示提纲)I see a blackboard in my classroom.I can clean the blackboard.3.Homework(1)让学生课后试着设计一间自已喜欢的教室,要有漂亮的颜色。(2)让学生尝试用英语设计一个值日生工作表,明确每名同学的工作。板书设计

Unit 1 My classroom 第二课时 Open the door.Turn on the light.Close the window.Put up the picture.Clean the blackboard.第三课时


1.能够根据字母a 在开闭音节单词中的发音规律,补全单词或听音完成单词拼写。2.能够会唱英文歌曲“we have a new classroom”。教学难点

能够基本了解开闭音节单词的构词方式 教学准备 多媒体课件,录音机,磁带,教学图片,教学挂图,学生活动手册等 Step 1 Warming up&Revision 1.教师出示上课时的教学图片,让学生看图,快速说出单词并造句。

2.让学生两人一组以chant 的形式说唱Let’s do 部分祈使句,并根据Let’s do 做出相应 的动作

Step 2 Presentation&Practice 1.Let's sing(1)教师利用课件出示下面的图片,要求学生自由组合两人一组创编对话,说一说你的新教室有什么:what’s in your new classroom? 内容。教师用课件出示歌词,带领学生朗读歌词。(3)再次播放歌曲,让学生跟着录音学唱歌曲。2.Let's spell(1)教师用课件出示句子:My dad has a cat.The cat has a hat.教师要求学生快速读句子,比一比看谁读得更快,读得更准。在确定学生都能流利读出 句子之后要求学生以小组形式讨论,找出画线字母的发音规律,每组派一名学进行汇报。各组回答完毕之后师总结归纳:在一个单词以字母a 加一个辅音字母直接结尾的时候,字母a 的发音为[æ]。T : Now,I have got some other words.Can you read them correctly? 教师呈现更多单词,如:fat,mat,bat„最后教师尽量缓慢地读出上面单词的正确发音,让学生尝试听音拼写单词。

在确定学生能够准确读出并按照发音拼写单词之后,教师利用课件出示另一组单词: face,cake , name,make, 让学生仍旧以小组的形式练习拼读这些单词,并讨论总结出字母a 的发音和构词的规 律。小组汇报。最后教师总结:字母a 在一个辅音字母和一个不发音的e 结尾的单词中读字母的本身音[ei]。

教师利用课件出示更多类似单词,帮助学生巩固对这一类型单词的认识。(3)完成Read,listen and chant.教师播放录音,第一遍让学生听,第二遍让学生尝试翻译,第三遍让学生尝试跟读。(4)完成Read,listen and tick.教师播放录音,让学生在书上独立完成听力练习。之后学生汇报自已的完成情况

(5)完成Listen,circle and write.教师播放录音,让学生在教材上独立完成听音拼写。Step 3 Extension&Consolidation.1.教师利用课件出示更多闭音节单词和开音节单词,让学生尝试以小组的形式利用刚刚 学过的规律拼读单词。引导学生读出单词的正确发音,并总结发音规律。bag bat fat has jam tap man hand bake fate lake make date game take page Step 4 Summing up 1.Words cake.face , name , make , cat , dad , date , hat , hate , cap , map 2.师生共同总结字母a 在闭音节和开音节单词中的发音规律。3.Homework ⑴ 让学生找到更多的含有字母a 的单词。

(2)让学生在练习本土写三遍单词:cap,cake,map,face 板书设计 Unit l 第三课时

Cake face name make /el/ dad hat map cat /ae/



1.能够听懂会说句子Let me/Let’s „并作出正确的回应。2.能够了解let 引导的祈使句。

3.能够利用学过的动词短语创编let 引导的祈使句。4.培养学生合作学习的精神。教学重点

能够听懂、会说let 引导的祈使句并作出正确回应。教学难点

能够掌握let 引导的祈使句,并会配合使用人称代词的宾格形式。教学准备

多媒体课件,录音机,磁带,制作段子的纸模板,教学图片,教学挂图,学生活动手册等。教学步骤 Step I Warming up&revision 1.Sing a song 播放课本第10 页歌曲“we have a new classroom”录音,让学生跟着音乐演唱上节课所学歌曲。2.Let's do(1)教师播放录音;让学生跟着录音说课本第5 页上的Let’s do 部分的句子。(2)让学生自愿说说自已知道的祈使句或动词短语,并让学生自告奋勇到前面带领其他学生边说边做动作

Step 2 Presentation&Practice 1.以旧带新,学习新知

(1)T:we all love our new classroom.So we should keep it clean.教师将clean一词写 在黑板上。向学生解释clean 的两种常见意思是“干净的”和“打扫干净”。引导学生造句,从 而进行巩固,操练clean.(2)T:what can we clean?学生利用自己已有知识说出含有clean 的动词短语。教师利用课件出示要学的短语,让学生齐读。由clean the desk 引出the teacher’s desk

⑶教师出示一个鱼缸的图片,放慢语速进行介绍,确定每名学生都能听清每个单词的发 音。(学习fishbowl仅仅是为了扩展学生的词汇量)T : It's a fishbowl.What can you do with the fishbowl? 学生根据老师的帮助尝试说出:Clean the fishbowl.(4)T: There are some things to clean in our classroom.I can't clean them by myself.Let’s clam them together.教师将let’s 写在黑板上,同时写出let’s=let us,讲清let 的意思是 “让或允许某人做某事”,US 是我们的宾格形式,let 的后边要加土人称代词的宾格形式。确定 讲清之后,引导学生以小组形式讨论并总结出让我,让他、她、它和他们的写法,并进行造句。

(5)学生在小组的配合下,尝试利用动词短语说出更多的let 引导的祈使句。对课堂上的 知识进行有效延伸和巩固。2.我来做,你来猜

教师利用课件出示动词短语。让学生两人一组,一个面对屏幕,看短语做动作;另一个背对屏幕看同伴的动作猜短语,说说Let me/Let’s„ 3.学习Let’s talk

(1)教师播放录音三遍,学生听音、模仿并翻译听到的内容(2)让学生在小组内朗读课文,并分角色表演对话。4.学习Let’s play

⑴让学生两人一组,教师发给每个小组一个制作壳子的纸模板。⑵让学生在小组内讨论,选出六个操作性强的动词短语写在自己小组的模板上,制作骰子。⑶让学生分别掷骰子,创编对话。最后选几组学生上台表演对话。Step 3 Extension&Consolidation 1.我们一起做动作


2.教师在屏幕上出示Main Scene 的教学挂图,组织学生为图片中的各个场景进行配音。3.T : Can you find more things to do in our classroomt? Maybe you can help your classmates or me.教师提示学生说出更多含有let 的句子为这节课作总结。Step 4 Summing up 1.Words window, teacher's desk, let, clean 2.Sentences Let me clean the teacher's desk.Let's clean the classroom.3.Homework 让学生回家自己做一个骰子,看一看自己在家里可以为父母做些什么。板书设计

Unit I My classroom 第四课时

Let's clean the classroom.Let me clean the teacher's desk.Let me help you.第五课时


1.能够听懂、会说句子:This is the new classroom.The door is orange.2.能够听懂、会说、会认读单词:fan,computer,teacher’s desk,wall,floor。3.能够用学过的颜色单词和本单元单词对自己的教室进行简单描绘。4.能够通过完成Read and write 部分的练习掌握where is.„?的句式并利用学过的介词作正确的回答。

5.能够四会掌握window,desk,chair,floor,wall , door 6.培养学生合作学习的精神。教学重点

1.能够听懂、会说、会认读Let’s learn 部分单词。2.能够四会掌握window,desk,chair,floor,wall,door 教学难点

能够对自己的教室进行描述 教学准备


Step 1 Warming up& Revision 1.利用课件出示Main scene 的教学挂图,让学生利用上节课所学的内容进行对话练习。(1)-We have a new classroom,-What's in your classroom?-I see a...-Where's...?-It's...(2)-Let me clean the„-OK.2.要求学生对自已在第二课时中设计的教室进行介绍。

I have a new classroom.It is _______.I see ______in it.The______ is near the ______.The ______is „ Step 2 Presentation&Practice 1.Colour and say 教师通过课件出示教室的图片。

T : It's a new classroom, But it's not very beautiful.I need some colours to make it beautiful.Can you paint it?让学生以小组为单位为教师提供的教室图片涂色。涂色后,仿照课件提示的语言每组选一名学生进行汇报。S:Look!This is our new classroom, The door is „ 2.学习Let’s learn

(1)T :I have some new things in the new classroom,教师利用课件出示fan 的教学图片缓慢读出单词。最后将图片粘贴在黑板上,带领学生按字母发音拼写单词。(2)教师利用课件,出示所学词汇的图片,让学生看图,快速说出词开这句。字生说词的过程中教师鼓励学生按发音尝试拼词。

(3)教师利用课件出示五个本单元词汇,在学生注视五秒钟后,转换画面,替换掉其中某 个词,要求学生说出被换掉的词,期间鼓励学生拼词。

(4)教师播放Let’slearn 部分录音三遍,让学生跟读,模仿并翻译Let’s learn 中内容。

3.学习Read and write(1)Read and tick or cross.教师利用课件出示Read and write 中Read and tick or cross.部分的句子,让学生朗读并 翻译句子。在确定学生对句子都能正确朗读并理解之后,要求学生根据教学挂图完成书中第 9 页Read and tick or cross,部分。(2)Look, choose and write.①教师利用课件出示图片,让学生看图回答问题 Where is the bag? Where is the newspaper? Where is the computer? ②教师让学生拼读单词desk,chair,window ③教师引导学生补全句子,并在黑板上带领学生正确书写。

④在确定学生基本掌握后,要求学生完成书中Look, choose and write部分。⑤教师让学生利用下列句式在自已练习本上写写自己的教室。Where is the ______?

It is in/on/under/near the ______.Step 3 Extension &Consolidation 1.What's different? 教师准备两套不完全相同的教室图片,分别发给不同的小组。要求学生通过向其他小组 成员提问:Where is the ______?来判断哪一组的图片和自己小组的一样,不一样的区别又在哪里。

2.教师组织学生为书中第8 页Colour and say 部分的图片涂色。涂色后引导学生按照下 面的框架来介绍自已涂色的教室。I have a new classroom.It is big.It is clean.The door is ______.The floor is ______.We have 40 desks and chairs.We have a The floor is In our classroom.I like my new classroom.Step 4 Summing up 1.Words and phrase teacher's desk , computer , fan, wall, floor , chair, window 2.Sentences This is my classroom.The door is yellow.Where is the green book? 3.Homework 让学生试着用今天学过的语言向父母介绍自已的房间。板书设计

Unit 1 My classroom Look!This is the new classroom.The door is orange„ teacher's desk computer fan wall floor Where is the...? It is in/on/under/near the...第六课时


1.能够听懂、学说C 部分的故事。2.能够理解、会说there be 句式。3.能够按要求完成Let’s check 部分练习。4.能够通过看图讲述或表演故事。5.培养学生合作学习的精神。教学重点

1.能够听懂、会表演C 部分故事。

2.能够按要求完成Let’s check 部分练习。教学难点

能够看图讲述或表演本课故事。教学准备 多媒体课件,录音机,磁带,故事的教学挂图,学生活动手册等。教学步骤

Step 1 Warming up&Revision 1.教师利用课件出示本单元学过的单词图片,让学生利用上节课所学的句式对图片进行描述。

This is a______.The ______is ______(颜色).2.教师利用课件出示一幅教室的图片,对学生进行提问,要求学生进行回答。Step 2 Presentation&Practice 1.Story time(1)教师指着教室中的物品对学生说:There are so many things in our classroom.Look!There is a teacher's desk.There is a picture on the wall.Can you tell me what else there are in our classroom? 教师引导学生用there is/are 的句式回答问题。

(2)教师分别利用课件出示单词fan,computer, light,teachr’s desk,chair,picture 等,让学生认读单词后回答教师的提问。T: What's this? S: It ’s „

T :Can you see it in our classroomt? Where is it? S:Yes.It's near the...(3)教师利用课件出示图片,让学生利用there be 句式造句。(4)教师播放故事录音,让学生听故事录音两遍。

T : The animals also have a new classroom, They are very happy.But something happens in their classroom.Do you want to know that? Let's listen to the story.(5)教师利用课件出示打乱顺序的故事图片,让学生再次听录音,为每一段话找到正确的图片并翻译句子。

(6)让学生看图,跟着录音朗读故事。(7)让学生看图,分组分角色表演故事。2.Let's check(1)Listen and tick or cross 教师利用课件逐一出示学生用书第10 页的Listen and tick or cross中的图片。让学生看图回答下列问题。Q: What are they doing? Q: a.What can you see in this picture? b.What colour are they? c.How many desks can you see? Q:a.What can you see? b.Where is the fan? c.What colour is the window? 教师播放录音,让学生根据听到的内容完成Listen and tick or cross.练习。(2)Look and circle.①教师利用课件把学生用书第10 页look and circle.部分教学挂图展示给学生,并提出问题让学生回答:what’s in the classroom?

②学生回答完毕后,给出Look and circle.部分A 和B 两个答案,让学生选出正确的选 项,并在自己书上圈出来。Step 3 Extension&Consolidation 1.教师带领学生总结本单元所学的三会单词和句型,让学生以组为单位根据所学内容创编新的会话。选几组学生上台展示对话。Step 4 Summing up 1.Sentences There's a bee in our classroom.Where is it? What's this? 2.Homework 让学生试着用今天学过的there be 句式向同伴介绍自已的房间。板书设计

Unit 1 My classroom 第六课时

There's a bee in our classroom.It is on the light.Where is the bee? It is on the wall.It is on the fan.It is on the blackboard.Unit 2 My schoolbag


教学分析 教学内容

A(Let's learn Let's do)教学目标

1.能够听懂、会说、会认读Let’s learn 部分的词汇:schoolbag,maths book,English book, Chinese book, storybook, 2.能够听懂、会说、会认读句型:what’s in your schoolbag?并进行回答。3.能听懂一些指令,然后把物品放到相应的位置。如:Put your Chinese book in you desk.Put your pencil box on your English book 等。教学重点

1.能掌握三会单词和短语:schoolbag,maths book, English kok,Chinese book, storybook.2.能够掌握三会句型What's in your schoolbag?并进行正确回答。教学难点

1.使学生能正确地认读单词:schoolbag,maths,English,Chinese,storybook 2.使学生在教师的示范指导下听指令,做动作。教学准备


Step 1 Warming up&Revision 1.Let's sing 教师播放第一单元的歌曲“we have a new classroom”学生齐唱歌曲。2.Let's chant 教师把下列chant 展示给学生。

Where , where , where is your pencil? In the box, in the box.Where , where , where is your box? On the chair , on the chair.Where , where , where is your chair? Under the desk, under the desk.Where, where, where is your desk? Near the door, near the door.Step 2 Presentation&Practice 1.引入新知

(1)教师指着放在门旁的课桌提问,引导学生猜测并回答。T : Look at the desk.Guess.What's in the desk? Ss: It's a picture/pencil/...(2)教师展示课桌内的书包,帮助学生熟悉新单词schoolbag,并采用多种朗读方式让学生认读。

(3)教师让学生边传递书包边读单词,并触摸猜测书包内的物。T :Touch the schoolbag!What's in the schoolbag? Ss: Books.(4)教师出示书包内的一本英语课本,找学生朗读课本上其中一段话的内容,引导其他学 生说出生词English book,板书并教学该词。

(5)教师播放课件,以作分别呈现课本上的数学算式及古诗,引导学生思考并说出生词maths book 及Chinese book, 板书并教学。

(6)教师播放故事录音,同时出示四本书,让学生选出所听内容属于哪一本书,引出新词 storybook,板书并教学该单词。2.Let's practise(1)单词竞赛

教师将学生分为四组,随机出示本课所学新词及与本课相关的已知单词图片(schoolbag/chair/desk/English book/Chinese book/storybook,/maths book/pencil box/.„)让学生 抢答,答得最快最多的一组为获胜者(2)碰地雷

教师在maths book,English book,Chinese book,storybook 及schoolbag 其中一个词的下面画上一个地雷,表示这个词不能读。让学生分组读词,如果有学生不小心跟读了下面有地雷的词,就是踩到了雷。大家一起说:“one,two,three.Bomb ” 3.Let's talk(1)记忆力大比拼(2)Pair work 教师让学生两人一组,利用自已的书包及课本,进行问答练习,然后请几组同学分别到教室前面表演对话。S1: What's in your schoolbag? S2: A Chinese book , a maths book...Step 3 Extension&Consolidation 1.Let's do(1)教师利用课件呈现一张物品摆放杂乱的房间图片,并邀请学生帮助教师整理房间引导学生理解并学会应用句型:Put„in/on/under/near..T :Look at my room, Can you help me clean the room? Ss : OK!T : Let's put the English book in the schoolbag.(2)教师播放Let’s do 部分录音,让学生听指令做动作。让学生两人一组,分别发指令做动作。2.Simon says 教师读指令,如果教师在发布指令前加了Simon says,则学生对这则指令不予回应,如没有Simon says,则马上回应这则指令。可发布下列指令,Simon says 可随意添加。Put your Chinese book in your desk.Put your pencil box on your English book.Put your maths book under your schoolbag.Put your eraser near your pencil box.Step 4 Surmning up 1.New words and sentences 教师请学生阅读Let’s learn 部分出现的新词和Let’s do 的句型,巩固本课所学内容。2.Homework(1)Listen to and repeat“Let's learn and Let's do”,(2)Make five dialogues with the sentence pattern: What's in your schoolbag? 板书设计

Unit 2 My schoolbag 第一课时

English book maths book Chinese book storybook What's in your schoolbag?


教学分析 教学内容

Main Scene A(Let's talk Let's play Let's spell)教学目标

1.能够听懂、会说、会认读Let’s talk 部分的句型:I have a new schoolbag.It’s black and white.It’s a panda!并能在情景中正确运用。

2.能够听懂、会说、会认读句型:What’s in your„?并进行回答。3.能够了解字母i在开闭音节单词中的发音规律,并能根据规律读出例词。4.能够明白Let’s play 部分的要求并能根据要求完成游戏。

5.能够听懂Let’s spell中的chant,根据录音给单词排序,圈出并书写正确的单词。教学重点

1.能够掌握三会句型:What’s in your„?并能够进行正确回答。


1.能正确运用句型what’s in your„? 并进行回答。2.能够根据字母i在开闭音节中的发音规律,正确认读例词。教学准备

多媒体课件,书包,各学科教科书,文具,录音机,磁带,教学图片,单词卡片,音标卡片,学 生活动手册等。教学步骤

Step I Warming up&Revision 1.Let's sing 教师播放歌曲“Panda,zebra,elephant”,师生齐唱歌曲。What's that? It's a panda.What's that? It's a zebra.What's that? It's an elephant.2.Free talk T:Look!what’s that?(教师指向课前放在桌子上面的熊猫玩具提问)Ss:It's a panda.T :Where is the panda? Ss:It's on the desk.S1:Whereis the panda?(教师请学生变换熊猫的位置两人一组进行回答,复习介伺on,in,under,near 等)S2 :It's...Step 2 Presentation&Practice 1.Let's talk(1)教师出示遮挡住的书包图片,说:Look!I have a new schoolbag.Do you want to see my schoolbag?Please guess what colour it is.学生进行猜测,猜对后展示图片,并奖励猜对的学生。

⑵教师让学生展示自己的书包,教师提问:what colour is it?what’s in your schoolbag?引导学生回答问题。

(3)教师出示Amy 的照片,说“Amy has a new schoolbag too.What’s in her schoolbag?”教师播放录音,让学生听音后回答问题。

(4)让学生打开书,了解Let's talk 部分的对话,教室播放录音,让学生跟读对话,教师注意指导生的语音和语调。(5)让学生两人一组表演对话。2.Let's play(1)教师将学生分成四组,课件出示几幅含若干物品的图片,让学生根据提示词,在规定时间内找出相应的图片,找得最快最多的一组获胜,并获得奖励。

如提示词为computer,则学生在图上找computer 并回答:The computer is on the table.(2)Guessing game 教师将文具摆放到桌面上,任意选取其中之一握在手中,引导学生提问并猜测。Ss: What's in your hand? T : Guess.Ss: A pencil/A ruler/...T: No, it's an eraser.让学生自已准备若干文具,如铅笔、橡皮、直尺等,放入手中或书包中,采用同样的方式与同桌互相提问并猜测。3.Let's spell(1)Read, listen and chant.①教师将单词like,kite,five,nine,rice 分别写到黑板上,让学生观察并找出这五个单词都含有字母i。

②教师播放Read,listen and chant部分的chant,让学生边听边总结字母i在开闭音节 单词中的发音规律。



(2)教师和学生一起先归纳总结字母i 在开音节和闭音节单词中的发音规律。

①以原音字母结尾的音节叫开音节,在开音节中i的发音为/ai/,如:fine,nice 等。②以辅音字母结尾的音节叫闭音节,在闭音节中i的发音为/i/如:ill,fit 等。(3)Read , listen and number.教师播放录音,让学生根据录音的内容,给下列单词排序 big fine six nice pig ice(4)Listen, circle and write.教师播放录音,让学生根据录音的内容,圈出所听到的单词的图片并在四线格中写出对应的单词。4.Games(1)快速反应

教师将单词like,kite,five,nine,rice 的下面依次标上数字,教师读单词的时候,学生读下面对应的数字,教师读数字的时候,学生读上面对应的单词,速度逐渐加快。(2)单词挑战赛

教师将学生分为四组,分别到黑板上写出含字母组合i-e 的单词,在规定时间内写出正确 单词最多的一组获胜,并得到奖励。Step 3 Extension&Consolidation 1.Do a survey(1)拿出课前准备好的表格,让学生在教室内调查采访其他学生,完成表格的填写.Name What color is your schoolbag? What's in your schoolbag? ⑵.让几名学生到台前来展示并汇报调查结果。Step 4 Summing up 1.New words and sentences 教师请学生阅读Let’s talk 和Let’s play 部分的句子,巩固本课所学单词和句型。2.Chant 教师请学生听音并跟读Let’s spell部分的chant。3.Homework(1)Listen to and repeat“Let's talk“ and “Let's play”.(2)Make three dialogues with the sentences pattern “What's in your...?” 板书设计 Unit 2 My schoolbag 第二课时

What's in your ______? like kite five nine rice i-e /ai/


教学分析 教学目标

1.能够听懂、会说、会认读单词:candy,notebook,toy,key。2.能够听懂、会说、会认读句型:what’s in my schoolbag?My keys.3.能够看懂Let’s learn 部分的教学图片,并根据图片内容回答问题。4.能够理解Draw and say 部分的对话,并画出对应的图片。教学重点


2.能够掌握句型:What’s in my schoolbag?My keys„并能够对其中的物品进行替换练习。教学难点

1.能够熟练运用单词candy,notebook,key,toy 等回答问题。2.能正确运用向型what’s in my schoolbag? 教学准备


Step 1 Warming up&Revision 1.Let's sing

(1)教师播放课本第10 页的歌曲”We have a new classroom”,教师和学生跟着录音齐唱。


2.What is missing? 教师给学生出示若干课本及文具,让学生认真观察记忆,之后抽取其中之一藏起来,再问:“What is missing? “然后逐渐增加所藏物品的个数再问学生:“What are missing?”让学生来回答。

3.Let's chant


What's ,What's ,What's in your schoolbag? Book, book , English book.I have an English book.Book , book , maths book.I have two maths books.Book.book , Chinese book.I have three Chinese books.Book, book, storybook.I have many storybooks.Step 2 Presentation&Practice 1.Let's learn(1)教师利用课件出示不同颜色的课本图片,说“l have many books.Look at this red book.Guess.What book is it? ”让学生根据课本中内容的提示猜出书的类型。(2)教师指向另一本书,提出问题说“very good.Look at this book.There’s nothing in it.You can’t read it but you can write words on it.what book is it? ”引出并教授生词notebook。

(3)教师拿出一本带锁的笔记本,说“I can’t open my notebook.Can you help me?”让一名学生到台前讲桌上预先放好的几种物品中找到能够打开笔记本的钥匙,并引导学生说单词key 并教授。

(4)教师出示糖果和玩具,说:“Thank you for your help.These are for you.Which do you want?”让学生选择后教读生词toy 和candy。2.Let's play(1)比比谁最快?

教师将全班分成若干小组,然后逐个出示所学的candy,notebook,toy,key 的单词卡片或图片,学生们举手抢答,教师让最先举手的学生读出该单词并拼出来,读对、说对、拼对的给 该组记10 分,得分最多的组为获胜组。(2)换宝游戏

教师让每个学生拿出一张纸,写出本课时所学的单词(可写中文,也可写英文)。然后让学生将写好的纸条放入一个袋子里。让学生们上来轮流摸宝,如果摸到的纸条写有英文,则要翻译成汉语,如果是中文,则要翻译成英语并拼读出来。3.Draw and say(1)教师播放Draw and say 部分对话录音,让学生听录音补全对话内容。What's in the schoolbag?Three ______,two ______and an ______book.(2)教师再次播放录音,学生边听边跟读对话内容。

(3)教师让学生根据对话内容,画出所缺物品,让几名学生展示作品并进行介绍。4.Show time(1)教师引导学生根据学生用书上Let’s learn 部分的图片内容,将句子补充完整 S1 :Mmm.What's in my schoolbag? My keys______.(2)教师将班级学生分为若干小组,每组四名学生,将书包放在一起,一名学生说出自己书包内的物品,让其他组员寻找并查验。说得好的作为小组代表,到台前展示。Step 3 Extension&Consolidation 1.Make a list(1)教师让学生根据课表,自己设计一张每天记录需要携带的课本及相关学习用品的提示卡。

(2)让几名同学到前面来展示自己设计的卡片并进行汇报。Step 4 Summing up 1.New words and sentence 教师和学生一起总结本课出现的新单词和句子,巩固本课所学的内容 Words : candy, notebook , toy , key Sentence: What's in my schoolbag? 2.Homework(1)Listen to and repeat”Let's learn“,(2)Make five dialogues with the sentence pattern”What's in my...?“ 板书设计

Unit 2 My schoolbag 第三课时

What's in my schoolbag? notebook key candy toy


教学分析 教学目标

1.能够听懂、会说、会认读Let’s talk 部分的句子:I lost my schoolbag,what colour is it? It’s „What’s in it? Here it is!并能在情景中正确运用。

2.能够听懂、会说、会认读句型:What colour is it?It’s blue and white,并进行关键词替换。

3.能够用Let’s talk 部分的句型进行语言交流。

4.培养学生认真整地及管理自己物品的好习惯 教学重点 掌握表示学习及生活用品的单词,能够替换句型:what’s in it?An English book,two toys and a notebook.中的关键词进行问答。教学难点


多媒体课件,书包,各学科教科书,文具,录音机,磁带,教学图片,单词卡片,音标卡片,学 生活动手册等。教学步骤

Step I Warming up&Revision 1.Let's sing 教师播放歌曲“colour song”师生齐唱歌曲 Red and yellow and pink and green.Purple and orange and blue.I can sing a rainbow, sing a rainbow ,sing a rainbow now.2,幸运猜猜猜


教师将全班学生分成四组,以小组为单位,清学生任选上个游戏中的颜色单词造句。看哪个组造句又快又多,造句快又多的一组为胜者,教师给予奖励。Step 2 Presentation&Practice 1.Let's talk(1)教师出示Zhang Peng 的头像照片,说:“Look at our friend,Zhang Peng.He can’t find his schoolbag.He lost his schoolbag.Can you help him?”接着教师出示丢失物品的信息 登记卡,然后让学生听录音,并根据录音里对话的内容填写下面的信息卡。Lost Card What colour is it? What's in it?(2)让学生根据自己填写的信息内容两人一组做对话,并核对填写内容是否正确。(3)教师再次播放Let’s talk 部分的录音,让学生听音跟读对话。(4)让学生分角色朗读力:表演Let’s talk 部分的对话。2.眼疾手快

教师利用课件出示几组图片,每组图片中含有若干物品,然后分别描述每组图片中的某一物品,如:a: I lost my keys.There are three keys.Two keys are small.One key is big.看谁能最快最准在一组图片中找到物品并指出。3.互帮互助

(1)教师让每名学生拿出一个自己的书本或文具放到讲台上,然后让学生两人一组根据 Let’s t talk 内容做对话。S1:I lost my...S2 : What colour is it? /What's in it? S1: It's...(2)让学生根据对方的描述,在讲台上找到其丢失的物品。4.摘苹果

教师先在黑板上出示一张挂满了苹果的苹果树教学挂图,每个苹果上部写有一个单词,如storybook,candy,key 等,再出示儿个篮子,每只篮子都贴有一个同类词,然后找几名学生 上台来,把果树上的苹果摘下来,将同类的单词放人相应的篮子里,如:将写有maths book, Chinese book 的苹果放在贴有storybook 的篮子里,最快最准确的学生获胜。5.Let's play(1)教师将单词book 写到黑板上,让学生观察并自己创作含有book 的单词卡片。(2)让学生将自已喜欢的颜色卡片,贴在制作好的含有book 的单词卡片的下面,然后分别描述自已的单词卡片,如:It’s white.It’s a Chinese book.(3)教师让学生分角色朗读并表演1.et’s play 部分的对话,并根据其内容进行游戏。Step 3 Extension&Consolidation 1.Draw and guess(1)教师让学生画出自己的一样学习用品并涂色,然后用英语描述所画物品。

(2)教师将学生分为四组,分别到讲台上描述所画物品,让台下同学猜,在规定时间内被猜出物品最多的一组为胜者,并获得奖励。2.Make a card(1)让学生设计物品信息登记卡,将自己物品的特征记录在卡片上。(2)让几名同学到前面来展示自己设计的信息登记卡。Step 4 Summing up 1.New sentences 教师和学生一起总结Let’s talk 和Let’s play 部分的句子,巩固本课所学内容。I lost my schoolbag.It's blue and white.Here it is.I have a new book.It's a maths book.2.Homework(1)Listen to and repeat “Let's talk” and“ Let's play”.(2)Make three dialogues with the sentence patterns “What colour is it?” and “What's in it? “ Unit 2 My schoolbag 第四课时 I lost my ____.What colour is it? What's in it? It's ____.____.第五课时

教学内容 B(Read and write Let's check)教学目标

1.能够听、说、读、写Read and write 部分的单词:bag,pen,pencil,desk,key,notebook,candy , egg.2.能够听懂、会说、会读、会写句型:I have„in my desk.并进行关键词的替换。3.能够听懂Let’s check 部分的录音,完成听音排序、圈词的练习。

4.能够了解Read and write 部分的内容,完成相关练习教学看点 询问并回答有关课桌里物品的问题,并能书写相关句型。教学难点



Step 1 Warming up&Revision 1.Let's sing 教师播放课本第10 页“we have a new classroom”的歌曲录音,师生齐唱歌曲。然后教帅带领学生重新唱改编后的歌曲。如: What's in your new schoolbag? Four keys and a toy.Notebooks and storybooks,and a yellow pencil box.2.快看快说

教师向学生快速出示单词卡片,让学生认读单词,借助卡片复习schoolbag,key,candy,toy,notebook,storybook,maths book,Chinese book,English book,说得快的学生获胜。3.Free talk 教师通过向学生的提问,创编对话.。T :Where is your English book? S1: It's in my schoolbag.T :What's in your schoolbag? S2 :Two notebooks, four keys ,a Chinese book..Step 2 Presentation&Practice 1.Read and write ⑴Read and circle.①教师播放Read and circle.部分的录音,让学生听录音,了解对话内容。教师让学生 看Read and circle.部分的两张教学图片提问。T : What can you see in picture A? S1 : A schoolbag, two storybooks , some toys.T : What can you see in picture B? S2: A storybook.③让学生阅读对话的内容,并根据对话内容在图中圈出正确的物品。④让学生再次听录音,跟读一至两遍,教师强调其中的重点单词和句型。⑤单词挑战赛


(2)Look, choose and write.①教师出示Look,choose and write.部分的教学挂图,说:“Iook at my desk.What’s in it?”教师引导学生通过仔细观察图片,回答问题。教师总结并突出I have„in my desk 的发音,板书并教学该句型。


I have three keys , an egg , a pencil and a notebook in my desk.③教师让学生看自己的课桌里的物品,并提问,让学生根据实际情况回答问题。T : What's in your desk? S: I have in my desk.④教师将学生分为男女生两组,教师向每组第一个学生发问:“what’s in your desk?”第 一个学生回答,如:I have a maths book.回答后接着问第二个学生:“what’s in your desk?”,第二个回答问题后,再提问第三个学生,依此类推,最后哪组在规定的时间内问得最多为胜者。2.Let's check.(1)Listen and number.①教师播放Listen and number.部分的录音,让学生根据录音给图片排序。②教师根据录音内容提问,让学生带着问题,再次听录音,然后回答下列问题。What's it in Picture 1? What's it in Picture 2? What's it in Picture 3? What's it in Picture 4? ③让学生听录音,跟读录音一至两遍。(2)Look and circle.教师引导学生阅读Look and circle.部分的内容,并根据内容,在图片中圈出相关的物品 然后请学生到讲台前,展示并说出自已圈出的图片。

S: I have a maths book, an English book , two storybooks, some pens, some candy and a key.Step 3 Extension&Consolidation 1.我画你猜

教师请学生到黑板上分步画图并根据所画图片提问:“what’s in your schoolbag/desk..?” 让其他学生抢答。2.Make a report(1)教师让学生观察自己的书包、课桌以及教室内的物品,填写下列表格。What's in your schoolbag? What's in your desk? What's in your classroom?(2)教师请几名学生上台汇报: I have ____in my schoolbag.I have ____in my desk.We have ____ in our classroom.3.Bingo 游戏

教师读单词,让学生听音。让学生先将单同toy,key,candy,notebook, egg,pencil,bag,pen,desk,任意写在下列表格中的一个方框内,每空一词。如填写顺序与教师所读单词在横 线、竖线、斜线方向成一条直线则为胜者,大喊Bingo!5.完成活动手册中相关练习Step 4 Summing up 1.Words and sentences 教师请学生阅读Read and write 部分的单词和句子,巩固本课所学内容。Words: bag, pen, pencil, key, notebook , candy, egg Sentences: What's in your schoolbag? I have in my desk.2.Homework(1)Listen to and read ”Read and writen and Let's check“,(2)Make three dialogues with the sentence pattern:I have ____in my bag.(3)Make word cards of your things and stationeries, choose the stationeries' word cards and put them in your desk , and then make a new dialogue with your partner.Unit 2 My schoolbag 第五课时

What's in your desk? I have ____ in my desk.第六课时

教学分析 教学目标

1.能够听懂、会说Let’s sing 部分的句子:My bag is heavy.what do you have in your schoolbag? 2.能够会唱Let’s sing 部分的歌曲“My schoolbag” 3.能够了解Story time 部分的故事内容。教学重点

能够演唱Let’s sing 部分的歌曲“My schoolbag”。教学难点



Step 1 Warming up &Revision 1.抢读单词

教师将全班分成若干小组,然后逐个出示一些单词卡片,如schoolbag,notebook,candv,toy 等,学生们举手抢读,教师让最先举手的学生读出该单词并说出其中文意思,读对说对最多的组为获胜组。2.看图猜词

教师先出示一些单词的图片,从中抽出一张放在某同学的书包或课桌里,让其他学生来猜:What’s in his/her schoolbag/desk?猜对了就奖励。然后找同学轮流来主持,让其他学 生猜。3.Free talk 教师和一名英语程度较好的学生创编对话,以复习旧知。T : What's in your desk? S1 : My Chinese book , maths book...T : Where is your schoolbag? S :It's...T: What colour is it? S :It's...Step 2 Presentation&Practice 1.Let's sing(1)创设情景,让学生感知heavy,教师将一本英语书放人一个空书包内,说:“Look!What’s in my schoolbag?”,引导学生回答。然后拿起一名学生的书包,装作很吃力的样子说:“It is heavy.what do You have in our schoolbag?该学生回答“l have some books,some toys.„in my schoolbag.”教师接着 说:“So it’s heavy.”然后板书该组对话,重点领读单词heavy.(2)猜猜看

教师利用多媒体课件呈现书包和物品的图片,教师说”It is heavy.Guess!what do you have in your schoolbag?”学生猜测并回答,猜对的进行奖励。

(3)让学生根据图片内容,两人一组表演对话。S1 : My schoolbag is heavy.S2 :What do you have in your schoolbag? S1: I have a Chinese book, two maths books, three notebooks and some candy.(4)教师播放Let’s sing 部分的歌曲录音,让学生跟唱歌曲,分组演唱。2.班级达人秀

教师将学生每四人分成一组,每组发放一张白纸,然后让学生模仿Let’s sing 部分歌曲的歌词,创编新歌词,然后组内选出代表到讲台前演唱,其他组选出一名代表作为评委,打分并评出最佳歌手。3.记忆力大比拼


个覆盖较少。教师指着其中一个书包问:“Is it heavy?What do you have in your schoolbag?”让学生抢答,又快又准确的同学获胜。4.Story time(1)教师向学生展Story time 部分的教学图片,指着图片中的人物提问:“Is Zoom' s schoolbag heavy? What's in Zoom' s schoolbag? ”然后教师播放该部分故事录音,引导学生边看图和文字边听录音,之后回答教师提出的问题。


(3)教师让学生跟读故事,进一步理解故事内容,然后让学生分角色朗读故事。(4)教师将学生分成若干小组,每三人一组,利用多媒体出示故事的图片,让学生分别扮演故事中的角色,根据图片内容,给故事配音,评出最佳配音团队。(5)教师布置场景,发放故事人物的头饰,以小组为单位表演故事。Step 3 Extension&Consolidation 1.Make a story(1)把学生分为四组,让学生讨论并根据已学知识画图,创编一个新的故事。(2)选几组表演自己创编的新故事,并把画图出示给大家看。(3)选出最有创意的故事,给组员以奖励。

活动设计意图:通过自编故事的形式,激发学生的想象力和创造力,帮助学生不断深化知识,在实践中运用知识。Step 4 Summing up 1.New words , phrases and sentences Words and phrases: heavy, everything , more , full, put away , take out Sentences : My bag is heavy.What do you have in your schoolbag? Put away your books.Is everything in your schoolbag? Sweet dream!

Take out your books, please.2.教师请学生跟唱Let’s sing 部分歌曲,巩固本课所学内容。3.Homework ⑴Listen to and sing the song“My schoolbag”.(2)Listen to and read the story.32(3)Act out the story.板书设计

Unit 2 My schoolbag 第六课时 My bag is heavy.What do you have in your schoolbag? I have____ in my schoolbag.Unit 3 My friends


教学分析 教学内容

Main Scene A(Let's talk Let's play Let's chant)教学目标及要求


2.能听懂,会说、会认读句子:what’s his name?His name is Zhang Peng.He’s tall and strong.3.能用He/She is„来描述朋友的特征。

4.能吟唱chant,并能创编新的chant 来说说自已的好朋友。教学重点

1.能够用新单词、句子描述自已朋友的特征。2.能分角色表演Let’s talk 的对话。教学难点

能用He/She is„适当地描述朋友的特征。教学准备


Step I Warming up&Revision 1.Guessing game 教师说谜语,让学生根据教师提供的信息猜出谜底。

It's so big and tall.It has a long nose,a short tail and two large ears like fan.It is from Africa.What is it?(An elephant.)

It's small.It has two long ears and two red eyes, What is it?(A rabbit.)2.Look and say(1)教师出示事先准备好的人物头像,男孩和女孩五官各有鲜明的特征。男孩:小眼睛、大鼻子、大嘴巴、短头发等等。女孩:大眼睛、小鼻子、小嘴巴、长头发等等。


(3)对于表现好的小组予以表扬。Step 2 Presentation& Practice 1, Let's talk(1)教学单词friendly 和strong ①教师出示Zhang Peng 的面具,学生:Who is he?教师接着介绍说:He is John's friend.Do you want to know him? ②教师出示句型:I have a new friend.He is friendly.(一边说一边做动作帮助学生理解)③明确friendly 是由名词friend 演变过来的。教师继续提出一些名词变形容词的构词法,增加学生的英语知识。

④教师问:Who’s your friend? Are you friendly? 学生答:My friend is.„we are friendly.⑤生生进行对话练习。(2)教学单词thin 和strong ①教师根据班级的实际情况,指着班里很瘦的一个女生和长得很健壮的一个男生说: She is thin.He is strong.②让学生指着那两名同学学说这两句话。教师出示单词卡教读小in 和strong。教师要提醒学生在读thin 时,注意咬舌尖。

③教师出示Zhang Peng 和Mr Black 的头像,把它们贴到黑板上,让学生对thin 和 strong 进行操练。(3)教学Chinese ①教师出示John 的面具问:What’s his name?学生回答:John, 回教师再出示他妈妈的面具,说:S he is John’s mother.John is talking about his Chinese friend to his mother.解释Chinese :We are all Chinese,because we are all from china(这

时教师可以指一指教室里的国旗,帮助学生理解)教读单词Chinese.③教师拿着John 的头像说:I have a friend, 让学生用Really?A Chinese friend?来询问,对Chinese 进行操练。

(4)教学What’s his/her name? His/ Her name is„

①教师先自我介绍My name’s „然后提问班级里的一位学生:What’s your name is? ②该学生回答问题后,教师对其他学生说:His name is„He is„ ③教师面向全体学生提问:What’s his name?启发学生回答His name is„

⑤教师继续指其他男生,让学生回答问题:What’s his name? 固教师然后叫学生两人一组,指着班级里的一名男生,请这组学生做问答练习,操练 What’s his name?His name is(多做几组)⑥教师然后指着一个女生说:she’s „Her name is„然后问学生:What’s her name? 让学生试着回答Her name is„

⑦教师再分别指几个女生问:What’s her name? 让学生两人一组做What’s her name? Her name is.„的问答练习。(5)Let's chant 教师给学生展示课前准备好的chant,让学生先跟着一起诵读chant,然后教师问,学生进 行回答。最后把学生分为男女生组进行chant,What's his name? His name is John, What's his namer? His name is John.What's her name? Her name is Amy.What's her name? Her name is Amy.(6)教学Let’s talk

①让学生带着问题听对话录音: a.Does John have a Chinese friend? b.What's his friend's name? c.Is he tall and strong? ②让学生根据Let’s talk 内容回答问题。

③让学生听录音,跟读对话。最后让学生分角色表演对话。2.Let's play(1)出示Let’s play 的人物图片,先和一名学生示范对话,让学生找出自己所说的人物是图片上的哪位。

A.I have a new friend.She's tall and thin.35 B : What's her name? A: Her name is Lucy.B: Oh.there she is.(2)There she is.句子的倒装,以there,here 开头的句子,如果主语是代词则there,here 提前,句子不进行倒装;如果主语不是代词,则要进行完全倒装,如:Here is a bus.此处只要理 解即可,不要求进行应用。


学生可根据教师给出的提示来用英语描述这个人的模祥和特征,让大家猜。看谁描述得恰当、准确,看谁猜得快。3.Let‘s chant(1)教师播放chant 录音。


(4)让学生创编新的chant 说说自已的朋友,比比看谁编的chant 好。Step 3 Extension & Consolidation 1.Look, remember and say(1)教师出示几张具有鲜明特征的人物图片,让学生观察10 秒钟。(2)请学生根据记忆用词汇来描述人物特征。


Step 4 Summing up 1.Words friendly, tall , thin t quiet , strong , cute 2.Sentences What's his/her name? Her/His name is...He's tall and strong.He's very friendly.She's a cute, cute girl.36 3.Homework(1)Listen to and repeat “Let's talk“and“Let's chant”.(2)Describe your best friend to your parents.(3)Make a new dialogue about your best friend with your partner.板书设计

Unit 3 My friends 第一课时

What's his/her name? His/Her name is...I have a new friend.She's/He's tall and thin.He's a good, good boy.She's a cute;cute girl.第二课时


A(Let's learn Let's spell)教学目标及要求

1.能听懂、会说、会认读I.et’s learn 的单词,学会用句子who is he?来询问对方是谁。

2.能完成Let’s spell部分的练习,知道在开闭音节单词中字母0 的发音,并能区分开。3.提高听音的能力,积累语音知识。教学重点 1.掌握新句子。

2.表演Let’s learn 中的对话。教学难点 能区分字母0 的不同发音。教学准备


Step 1 Warming up&Revision 1.Let's chant

37(1)教师为学生播放学生用书第25 页上的Let’s chant 中的歌谣。

(2)请学生自主上台来说说自已的好朋友,其他同学猜一猜,并用句型What’s his/her name?进行提问。2.Guess the words(1)教师开始拼写单词,看谁能尽早猜出这个单词 如:f-r„学生可以开始猜单词。(2)猜单词结束后,教师带领同学们拼读。Step 2 Presentation&Practice 1.Let's learn(1)教学单词quiet ①教师把右手的食指放在嘴上,做出让学生安静的动作:sh„Quiet!

②让学生学说单词quiet。并出示单词卡,让学生认读quiet。(把单词卡贴到黑板上)再 把Chen Jie 的头像贴到这个单词前,让学生说出:She is quiet.并翻译中文。③最后教师让学生说说班里面谁比较文静。

(2)教师出示教学图片,用书上的语言,描述人物的特征 I have a good friend.He's tall and strong.教师问:What’s his name?(3)学生答:His name is„

(4)教师介绍可以用what’s his name?询问对方姓名,还可以用句子Who’s he?来进行提问,回答也是:His name is„

(5)学生两人一组用这个句型,利用教学图片练习询问人物的姓名,进行汇报展示。2.Let's spell(1)Read , listen and chant.①听录音,让学生跟读四个单词:nose,note,Coke,Jones ②让学生自已练读,不会的可以请求同学帮助。

③让学生自已编写chant,教师提出要求:chant 要有助于学生记住单词的拼写和认读。④教师选取比较优秀的chant 进行展示。如 : N-o-s-e,nose,nose,nose, 鼻子,N-o-t-e,note,note,note,笔记,C-o-ke.Coke,Coke,Coke,可乐,J-o-n-e-s,Jones,Jones,Jones,琼斯。(2)学习Read , listen and tick(√)


②让学生再次读,感受所有的字母0 的发音,把不同的画出来,分类整理好。

如果学生自己读,有困难,可以借助录音,让学生自已听,再次感受字母0 的不同发音。③让学生说说哪些不同,有什么不同i每组单词中圈出发音不同的单词,教师加以指导,指出字母0 的两种不同发音。④教师订正答案。

(3)Listen , circle and write.①教师播放录音,让学生听录音独立完成单词书写。②师生一起订正答案。

Step 3 Extension &Consolidation 1.Guess the name 活动规则


(3)教师计时,哪组的学生猜对且用时最少,哪组获胜。2.Do a summary(1)让学生读下面两组单词,然后总结字母0 在开音节和闭音节单词中的发音规律。a.home, hole, nose , rose b.box, fax, orange, lock(2)让学生先自已独立归纳总结字母0 在开音节和闭音节单词中的发音,然后和学生一起再作一次归纳和总结 o 在开音节中发/eu/,在闭音节中发/o/。Step 4 Summing up 1.Words nose, note,Coke ,Jones 2.Sentences Who's he/she? His/Her name is...I have a good friend.He's tall and strong.3.Homework

39(1)Listen to and repeat “Let's learn“.(2)Listen to and repeat“Let's spell ”.板书设计

Unit 3 My friends 第二课时 tall and strong.I have a good friend.He's tall and strong.Who is he? His name is...short and thin friendly quiet nose note Coke Mr Jones box dog not hot


教学分析 教学内容

Main Scene B(Let's talk Let's play)教学目标及要求

1.能听懂、会说、会认读Let’s talk 中的对话。2.能用she/He has glasses.表达“她/他戴着眼镜。

3.能完成Let’s play 部分的游戏,进一步熟悉、巩固所学的描述朋友的句子。教学重点

1.掌握She/He has„的用法。2.能表演Let’s talk 的对话。教学难点




Step I Warming up&Revision 1.Listen and answer(1)教师用chant 介绍自己的学生,问学生:Who is he?

He is my student.He's a good ,good boy.He's tall and thin.He's a good ,good boy.(2)让学生带着问题听两遍chant,听完后回答问题。


2.Introduce your family 活动规则:

(1)教师把学生分组,即:前后桌4 人一组。

(2)学生4 人一组讨论自己带来的照片:介绍照片里的人是谁,用学过的句型描述人物 特点。

(3)教师选取学生汇报,引出词汇:fat,thin,beautiful,tall,strong.(4)教师评出较好的小组或个人。Step 2 Presentation&Practice 1.Let's talk(1)教师提出问题:I have a good friend.Can you guess him?

T : He is a boy.He is my student.He is friendly.He is tall and thin.教师让学生猜测同学的名字。教师可以先引导学生对所猜测的同学的性别进行提问,比如:A boy or a girl?来缩小猜测范围,从而猜出同学的名字。

(2)当学生猜错的时候,教师继续引导学生:No.He has glasses.继续让学生猜,如果猜不 出来,继续说明这位同学的特征:And his shoes are blue.(3)如果学生猜出答案。这时教师指出,当只通过外表不能描述清楚这个人的时候,可以描述这个人的性别、他/她的外貌特征、他/她的衣着等等。(4)教师播放录音,让学生听录音跟读句子,熟悉句子的表达。

(5)让学生两人一组,分别扮演Mike 和John 朗读Iet’s talk 中的三组对话。如果学生有疑问可以提出问题,让教师帮忙来进行解答。

(6)让学生两人一组模仿Let’s talk 创编对话,不但操练所学,还可以对对话进行扩展,锻炼学生的口语交际能力,教师可在一旁进行提示和补充。如: A: I have a good friend.41 B :A boy or a girl?

A: A boy.He has black hair and big eyes.B: Is he a Chinese friend? A :Yes.Who's he? B: Is he Zhang Peng? A: No.He has glasses and his shoes are blue.B.Is he Wu Yifan? A: Yes.You're right.给学生几分钟的时间进行准备,然后叫几组学生上台进行表演。对表现好的同学,教师应该适时地给予奖励。教师要在黑板上记下学生所用的句型。2.Let's play(1)教师利用课件呈现句型 He/She is...He/She has...His/Her shoes are____ His/Her bag is...What is his/her name?(2)小组活动。







(1)教师出示本单元重点的句型,让学生进行翻译如:What’s his name? His name is Zhang Peng.He's tall and strong.42 Who's he? He has glasses and his shoes are blue.(2)先让学生进行翻译,然后再让学生动笔写一写。(3)师生一起核对答案。

Step 3 Extension&Consolidation 1.Guess the animals 活动规则


(2)教师出示相应的图片,背向台上的学生,组内的学生描述动物的特征让前面的学生猜。(3)教师计时,哪组的学生猜对且用时最少,哪组获胜。2.Read and draw(1)把学生分为四大组,教师把短文出示给学生。

I have a friend.He is a boy.He has a big face, a small nose, a big mouth and small eyes.He has short hair.He is tall and strong.His name is„


(3)各组派一名学生来汇报,并对画进行展评。Step 4 Summing up 1.Words glasses , right , or , shoe 2:Sentences He has glasses and his shoes are blue.A boy or girl? He's tall and thin.3.Homework(1)Listen to and repeat “Let' s.talk“.(2)Act out “Let's talk” with your partner.板书设计

Unit 3 My friends 第三课时

I have a good friend.A boy or girl? A boy..He's tall, and thin.Who is he? He has glasses and his shoes are blue.第四课时


B(Let's learn Say and draw Let's sing)教学目标及要求

1.能听懂、会说、会认读Let’s learn 中的单词和句子。2.能完成say and draw.3.学唱歌曲“Friends”,并知道clap your hands 的意思。教学重点

能表演Let’s learn 中对话。教学难点



Step I Warming up&Revision 1.转盘转转转!


(2)让学生到台前来转动转盘,当转盘停止时,看指针对着哪个单词,这个学生要先说出 这个单词,再用这个单词造句。多叫几名学生上台来玩这个游戏。Step 2 Presentation&Practice 1.Let's learn(1)教师利用课件呈现Let’learn 部分的教学图片。

(2)教师描述图片:My friend has blue glasses.Who is he?(3)让学生回答:It’s Wu Yifan His glasses are blue!

44(4)教师说:He has blue glasses.并指出与His glasss are blue.是同义句,可以说成“他戴着蓝色眼镜”,还可以说成“他的眼镜是蓝色的”。(5)教师出示几个句子,让学生变为同义句。a.She has brown shoes.b.She has long hair.c.He has short hair.d.He has a green bag.(6)教学单词 long hair 和short hair 可教师出示chen Jie 的面具,问:Who is she?学生回答:Chen Jie,教师说:She has long hair.(一边说一边做动作帮助学生理解)③教师出示下列的图像,让学生们仔细观察,分别描述每一幅图片。如:Chen Jie has long hair.John has short hair.④教师根据班级的实际情况,让学生分别描述一下班上同学的头发,同时教师也可以引导学生说说不同颜色的头发,如:black hair,yellow hair 等等。T :Who has long/short hair in our class? Ss: She/He/...has...? T: What colour is it?(7)教师利用课件出示几张人物图片,让学生用She/He has„来描述人物。如: He has blue shoes.She has black glasses.He has a red bag.She has long hair.2.Say and draw(1)教师描述一个同学的特征,让学生进行画图。

(2)等学生结束画图后,选几名学生的作品拿到台前来展示,和同学们一起进行评价订正。(3)让学生两人一组,一位同学描述,一位同学画图。最后让学生展示自己的作品,评出优秀的作品。3.Let's sing(1)教师播放歌曲录音,让学生倾听,掌握其旋律。(2)为学生指出疑难的句子,并解释其汉语意思。(3)教师讲解clap your hands 拍拍手。


(5)男女生分组竞赛唱歌、替换歌词比赛唱歌。对表现优秀的学生给予奖励。Step 3 h'xtension&Consolidation 1.Guess the animals(1)教师出示几张动物的照片,先让学生说说每个动物的特征。(每张图片让一名学生到 台前来描述,图片也只让其看到)(2)教师指名,让学生来猜一猜此同学所描述的动物是什么。2.说说我的家庭成员

让学生拿出自已准备的家庭照片,介绍自己的家庭成员。比比看谁能介绍得最详细、最准确,对表现好的学生给予表扬。Step 4 Summing up 1.Words hair, blue , brown 2.Sentences He has a green bag and brown shoes.His glasses are blue.3.Homework(1)Listen to and repeat “Let's learn“.(2)Sing the song to your parents.板书设计

Unit 3 My friends 第四课时

My friend has blue glasses.It's Wu Yifan.His glasses are blue.brown shoes blue glasses long hair short hair green bag



B(Read and write)教学目标及要求

1.能听懂、会说、会认读Read and write 中的短文。

2.能完成Iook,choose and write.部分的书写练习,进一步熟悉、巩固所学的词汇。3.提高学生的写作能力。教学重点

1.掌握四会词汇:short,tall,bag,thin,white shoes,glasses,long hair,short hair 2,能完成Read and match.的配对练习。教学难点



Step I Warming up&Revision 1.Let's sing 复习上节课学习的Let’s sing,播放录音,让学生跟唱歌曲。2.Free talk 让学生两人一组,互相向对方介绍自已的一个好朋友,编对话,最后展示对话,教师评价,对表现好的学生给予表扬。Step 2 Presentation&Practice 1.Read and match.(1)先让学生观察Read and match.部分教学图片,尤其注意观察图中的几个人物的外貌 特征。

(2)教师出示试卷,让学生连线。左面是特征,右边是名字。播放Read and match.部分的录音,先让学生听音独立完成连线,最后一起核对答案。a.He has short hair and a big green bag.b.She has Long hair and orange shoes.c.She is tall and friendly and she has a blue hat.47 d.He is short and thin and he has glasses.Kate Ben James Ann 2.学习单词hat 和near(1)hat 帽子

①教师出示帽子图片,问:whatis it? ②出示单词hat,让学生跟读。

③出示几张人物戴着帽子的图片,让学生着图说句子。He has a yellow hat.She has a black hat.(2)near表方位,在„„附近near the window 在窗户附近结合实际情况,提出问题,让学生进行回答:Who is near the window? 3.Look.choose and write.先让学生独立完成这部分内容,然后一起订正答案,同时让学生读句子,说说每句话的意思。




(6)教师可以把作文收上来,课后进行批改。Step 3 Extension&Consolidation 1.Free talk(1)教师出示一张明星的照片,让几名学生分别说说这位明星的特征,一人一条即可。看谁说得最准确。

(2)如果学生说得不准确,让其他同学继续起来说,直到把所有特征都说出来。2.Let me try!

教师出示一个转盘,转盘上分四个区域。每个区域标有固定的句型。教师请一名学生到台前转动转盘,待转盘停止后,请这名同学大声读出这个句型,并用这个句型造句。如:He is..She has...My name is...He is____and...Step 4 Summing up 1.Words hat , near,window 2.Sentences He has a blue hat.He is near the window.3.Homework(1)Listen to and repeat “Read and write”.(2)Write less than three sentences about your mother or your father.板书设计

Unit 3 My friends 第五课时

He has short hair.He has a big green bag.She has long hair.She has orange shoes.She is tall.She is friendly.She has blue hat.He is short and thin.He has glasses.He is near the window.第六课时

教学分析 教学内容

B(Let s check)C(Story time)教学目标及要求

1.能完成Let’s check 的内容。

2.能听懂、会讲、会表演小故事的内容,并明白pull up 的用法。3.让学生明白人多力量大的道理。教学重点


2.正确完成Let’s check 中练习。教学难点



Step I Warming up&revision 1.Let's sing 复习学生用书第30 页的歌曲“Friends”,播放录音让学生跟唱。Step 2 Presentation&Practice 1.Let's check(1)教师播放录音,第一遍,让学生注意听,第二遍重复录音内容,完成Listen and tick or cross.和 Look and match.(2)再次播放录音,让学生核对答案。最后一次播放录音,边播放,边让学生进行跟读。(3)指导学生看图片造句子,如: Picture 1(Listen and tick or cross.): She has long hair and she is happy.(4)请几名学生展示所造的句子,对于表现好的同学给予奖励。2.Story time(1)教师播放故事的录音,教师提醒学生注意听故事,记下自己听不懂的地方。(2)再次播放故事录音,让学生看着课本上的故事图片听故事,解决第一次听故事的时候不懂的地方。

(3)让学生跟读故事,读前给学生解释知识点:pull up,Come on,Let’s work together.Hooray!教师及时操练故事中的知识点,让学生懂其意即可。




Unit3 My friends partA,partB,Partc.二、教材分析

本单元重点学习文具和书的种类,其中难点在于A、B部分Let’s talk中对话的口头以及书面表达。学生用书在A、B部分Let's do活动中做了铺垫,要求教师在教学过程中注意反复利用已学的任务,让学生通过完成任务型活动感知新的语言点,以减轻教与学的难度。2.另外,本单元A、B部分Let's spell的听力练习在教学中要予以特别关注,这是主要培养学生的听力和发音的。



I have a good friend.What’s his name? His name is„„.He’s strong and tall.My friend/He/She has„, His glasses are blue.What’s her name?/Who is she? I have a friend.He is„.He has„.What’s his name?/Who is he?


3.能够听懂一些描述朋友的简单对话,完成学生用书中的Read and write部分。4.能够听懂、会唱歌曲“Friends”。能够灵活运用歌词中的问句

四、教学重、难点: 重点:


I have a good friend.What’s his name? His name is„„.He’s strong and tall.My friend/He/She has„, His glasses are blue.What’s her name?/Who is she? I have a friend.He is„.He has„.What’s his name?/Who is he? 2.能够所学句子询问并介绍和描述自己的朋友。

3.能够听懂一些描述朋友的简单对话,完成学生用书中的Read and write部分。难点:


2.能够听懂一些描述朋友的简单对话,完成学生用书中的Read and write部分。





七、教学课时 4课时

Unit 3 My friends


教学内容:Let’s learn, Let’s chant.教学目标:

1.能听懂会说I have a good friend.He’s tall and strong.Who is he? His name is„„.2.会用tall and strong, short and thin, friendly, quiet等词简要描述一个人的模样和特征。

3.能听、说、认读单词和词组:tall and strong, short and thin, friendly, quiet 教学重点:

1.句型:I have a good friend.He’s tall and strong.Who is he? His name is„„.2.词汇:tall and strong, short and thin, friendly, quiet 教学难点:

1.发音:friendly, thin 2.简要描述一个人的模样和特征。教法与学法:小组合作法,情景学习法。教具准备:

教材相配套的教学课件[Unit 3,Let's learn/A] 教学过程:



It's so big.It has a long nose and a short tail.What is it?(An elephant)It's small.It has two long ears.What is it?(A rabbit)

2. 教师出示猴子和兔子的图片,启发学生说:The monkey has a long tail.The rabbit has a short tail.教师再出示长颈鹿和梅花鹿的图片,让学生说出:It's tall.It's short.3.复习单词big, small, long, short, tall, 并说出中文意思。


1. 教师出示张鹏和John的图片,让学生分别用英语来描述他们。得出词组:tall and strong, short and thin。学生读并翻译,再让学生用词组描述身边的人。



4.让学生在看图片,并用英语描述: I have a good friend, He’s „„.5.老师英语描述,学生猜问:Who is he/she? 从而引出句子:His/Her name is„„ 6.师生,生生之间练习。


1.Let's chant.出示句子,学生读。



Listen to the tape Read the sentences 板书设计:

Unit 3 My friends tall and strong short and thin friendly quiet I have a good friend.He’s tall and strong.Who is he? His name is„„.Unit 3 My friends


教学内容:Let’s talk, Let’s play,Let’s spell.教学目标:

1.能听懂、会说What's is name? His name is....He has....2.能听、说、认读I have a new friend.A Chinese friend? What's his name? His name is....3.单词中o-e的发音。教学重点:

1.句型:What's his name? His name is„ He has„

2.词汇:Chinese 教学难点:

发音:Chinese, his的尾音 教法、学法:情景教学法,小组合作法。教具准备:

教材相配套的教学录音带 教学过程:


1.问答练习:Who's your good friend? 2.做“猜人”的游戏。让一个学生描述班里某一个同学的模样,其他同学来猜这个人是谁。

尽量多做几组,练习句型Who's he/she? His/Her name is „..(二)呈现新课(Presentation)

1. 新课导入。教师先自我介绍My name's „.,然后提问一名男生What's your name?该名学生回答问题后,教师对大家说:His name is„ He is„教师问学生:What's his name? 启发学生回答:His name is...教师继续指其他男生,让学生回答:What's his name? 教师再指另一个男生,让一个学生问What's your name?另一个学生回答 His name is..(多做几组)

2. 教师指着一个女生说:She's„ Her name is„ 然后问学生:What's her name?让学生试着回答:Her name is„教师再指几个女生问:What's her name? 让学生两人一组做What's her name? Her name is„的问答练习。

3. 教师出示课文人物面具,让学生做问答:

What's his/her name? His/Her name is„

4. 出示班里某个学生的照片,教师说:Look, I have some photos.Look at this photo, who can tell me his /her name?

5. 教师依次出示一些学生的照片,让学生看着照片运用所学知识对这个学生进行描述。

例如:His name is Peter.He's tall and strong.6. 教师出示John的面具问:What' s his name? 学生回答John.教师再出示他妈妈的面具,说:She is John's mother.John is talking about his Chinese friend to his mother.解释Chinese.教师:We are all Chinese, because we are all from China.(这时教师可以指一指教室里的国旗,帮助学生理解)教读单词Chinese。



9.出示单词:nose note Coke Mr Jones,让学生观察单词并找出o—e的发音。


1. 做“猜人”游戏。与Let's play部分相结合。让一个学生来描述自己的朋友,其他同学要根据描述猜出这个人是谁。如:My friend is a boy.He's thin.He likes math.Who's he?

2.听音猜人。教师让猜迷的人到前面来,背对全班,然后让一位学生站起来用英语跟他说一句话。猜的学生要根据说话人的声音判断性别A boy? A girl?其他学生判断Yes或No。如果回答对了,全班同学再问:What's his/her name? 猜的学生要继续回答出说话人的姓名。全班同学用Yes.或No来判断对错。猜的学生规定有5次机会,如果回答5次还猜不出来,就算输了。



同桌A、B两人各做一套课文人物的卡片。A让B抽一张(注意B抽出卡片时不能翻过来看),A问:What'shis name? 让B 回答:His name is„如果答对B就得到这张卡片,然后B让A抽卡片猜名字。最后看谁得的卡片多。作业布置:

Listen to the tape.Read the sentences.板书设计:

Unit 3 My friends What’s his name? What’s her name? o-e nose note Coke Mr Jones

Unit Three My friends


教学内容:Let’s learn, say and draw, Let’s talk,Let’s play.教学目标:

1. 能听懂会说My friend /He /She has...2. 能听、说、认读单词和词组:brown shoes, blue glasses, long hair, short hair, a green bag.3.能在具体情境中使用所学句子与单词。教学重点:

1.句型:My friend/He/She has„, His glasses are blue.2.词汇:brown shoes, blue glasses, long hair, short hair, a green bag.教学难点:

1.发音:brown shoes, blue glasses 2.have的第三人称单数has和are的使用。教法与学法:learn, say, listen and do.教具准备: 1.教材相配套的教学录音带 2.录有音乐的录音带 教学过程:


1.做和说三年级上册的Let’s do: I have a pen, me too„„.2.让学生用句子:I have„„来说说自己有什么。


1.教师出示几张人物的图片,并贴到黑板上。教师指着图说:I like sports.重复两遍之后,问学生他们都有什么,用英语怎么描述呢?

2引出句子和单词: My friend/He/She has„,His glasses are blue.brown shoes, blue glasses, long hair, short hair, a green bag.3.引导学生学和使用单词和句子。

4.教师出示单词卡,让学生认读,并把它们贴到黑板上相应的图片下方。5.老师用口型说单词和句子,让学生猜并大声说出来。6.听录音带跟读课文和单词。7.让学生说一说自己朋友。8.同桌之间合作完成say and draw.9.小组合作试着完成Let’s talk.教师再讲解并教读。然后让学生表演。


Let’s play.让学生用英语描述自己的朋友,再让其他同学猜。



My grandfather has„, My grandmother has„, My father has„, My mother has„ , I have„.作业布置: Listen to the tape Read the words.板书设计:

Unit 3 My friends brown shoes blue glasses long hair short hair a green bag

My friend/She/He has„..第四课时

教学内容:Read and write, Let’s check, story time.教学目标: 1.能理解句子,并对此作出解答。2.能用英语完成句子。3.能听懂,会说故事。教学重点:

1.句型:He/She is„.He/She has„ 2.本单元单词。教学难点:

1.区别和会用What's her name?与What's his name? 2.区分Who's she? Who's he? he, his;she, her本身人称代词与物主代词易搞混。教法与学法:小组合作法,讲解法。教具准备:

教材相配套的教学录音带 教学过程:


1. 做接龙游戏。教师(指着一名男生)问一个学生What's his name?然后让这个回答问题的学生继续向另一个学生问同样的问题,直到教师命令停止为止。(注:如指的是女生则用What's her name?来询问)

2.Say something about your friend: I have a friend.He/She has„ He/She is„

(二)呈现新课(Presentation)Read and Write 1.Read and match(1)出示图片:让学生用所学单词和句子分别对画中的人物进行描述,再出示书中的句子,让学生小组合作:看看书中的句子分别描述的是谁。

(2).以小组为单位,讲解句子描述的是谁?为什么? 2.Look, choose and write.(1)复习本单元单词词汇:short, tall, bag, thin, white shoes, glasses, long hair, short hair.(2)以小组为单位讨论完成句子并作讲解。3.story(1)让学生以小组为单位讨论完成,并让学生讲解。


(三)趣味操练(Practice)1.Let’s check.Listen and number:让学生听并作出解答,教师再讲解。

Look and match:看图片,并把相应的图片和词汇想连接,让学生讲解做的思路,教师指导。


1、Listen to the tape

2、Read the sentences 板书设计:

Unit 3 My friends I have a friend.She is„.She has„.What’s her name?/Who is she? I have a friend.He is„.He has„.What’s his name?/Who is he? short, tall, bag, thin, white shoes, glasses, long hair, short hair He is_________and_______.He has a red _______.She has _______ _________.Name: ___________ is _________ and _________.________ has a __________bag.教学反思:.


Recycle 2 学习内容 Recycle2 课时安排 共 3 课时,第 1 课时 学习目标

1、能够认识会说故事中的新句型Merry Christmas!How beautiful!


评价方法 针对目标1、2,通过指名提问、观察学生的口型、学生互评,来达到能清晰、正确说出单词或句子、敢于开口、积极参与对话交流、检测学生语言综合应用能力的目的。

学材分析 本节课是将4-6单元的中心语言融为一体的一个故事,让学生能够在复习充分的情况下,在具体情景中自然运用所学句型,进行表演。重点是让学生能听说后三单元的主要句型,在此基础上进行表演,教师可以引导学生不必拘泥于课本上的故事,细节稍有变化也可以,鼓励学生大胆创新,运用以前所学句型来表演对话,这也是本节课的难点。主要采取师生、生生互相合作,学生在愉快的学习氛围中习得和学得。

学生分析 只要让学生开始将后三单元的句型复习扎实了,在语言输出时就不会有什么大的困难了。教师给学生准备好道具,鼓励大家创新大胆,学生的热情一定比较高,情绪比较高昂。可通过学生的兴趣与积极性,营造学习氛围。学习重难点 教学重点: 通过会话表演活动培养学生在实际情境中运用对话的能力。教学难点: 新句型:Merry Christmas!How beautiful!新词汇Father Christmas、turkey、singer 教学法 跟读法、对话法、练习法 课前准备 单词卡片、教学课件、教学录音带和歌曲录音、布置教室的道具(布置圣诞节的场景)、小礼物

学习过程 二次备课

一 热身/复习(Warm-up/Revision)


2、做游戏Listen and do.教师把单词图片摆放在讲台桌上,让一个学生到讲台桌前看图发布相关的指令,另一个学生根据他的命令来做动作。看看哪组的学生表现更优秀。

3、复习第四至六单元的Let’s do 部分:教师播放录音,学生做动作或请学生发指令,其余学生边听边作。二 呈现新课(Presentation)

1、Free talk How many people are there in your family? Who are they? What’s your father/mother? Is your father/mother a singer? 师生,生生间做自由问答What would you like ? 教师出示各种食物的卡片(包括turkey beef potato等单词),学生根据爱好选择回答“I’d like some potatoes.” 教师说:“I’ d like turkey.Would you like it?”学生回答:“Yes, I’d like the turkey.No ,I wouldn’t like the turkey.”

2、Merry Christmas!

教师带着孩子们参观教室中的布置,师生问答What day is it today? Today is Christmas Day.Who’s he? He is Father Christmas.So many gifts!播放《A Merry Christmas》的歌曲,让孩子们伴随着歌曲拍手。教师对学生们说:“Merry

Christmas to you!”分别向学生问好。学生回答:“The same to you.”学生也试着说说,向老师和同学问好。

3、播放课件,学生观看。师生就内容进行讨论: Who are they? Where is Mike? How many people in the story? What can you see?



6、教师提供各种道具,各小组利用道具进行表演展示活动。三 趣味操练(Practice)扮演圣诞老人

学生轮流扮演圣诞老人,见到同学问候:“Merry Christmas!”

学生答“The same to you.”“Here’s a gift for you.”“Thank you.” 师生一起数一数收到礼物的数量 教师播放歌曲“A Merry Christmas”录音,让学生熟悉旋律并适当渲染课堂气氛。教师与学生进行日常口语会话练习。如:How many people are there in your family ? Who are they ? What’s your father / mother ? Is your uncle / aunt a singer ? 教师简单介绍圣诞节的文化背景。教师提供头饰、圣诞老人的帽子等道具,让学生表演对话(以小组竞赛的方式进行)。对于表演得好的学生,教师可奖励给他们小礼物,并说:Merry Christmas,引导学生回答:The

same to you.目标检测 小组结合表演对话


Make a Christmas Day card.发挥自己的想像力和创造力,制作圣诞节贺卡或礼物送给朋友 板书设计 Recycle 2

Merry Christmas!How many gifts are there? He is Father Christmas now.Here’s the turkey.教学反思

学习内容 Recycle 2 课时安排 共 3 课时,第 2 课时 1.学习目标 1.能利用学过的单词进行听力,选择分类、填空等。2.2.能根据学过的句型进行问答,达到实际运用。


评价方法 针对目标1、2、3,通过指名提问、观察学生的口型、学生互评,来达到能清晰、正确说出单词或句子、敢于开口、积极参与对话交流、检测学生语言综合应用能力的目的。

学材分析 本节课是练习课,教师可以在充分复习的基础上再进行语音习题训练。教师要尽量设计一些活泼的环节让学生不感到枯燥。对于用学过的词组描述人物的练习,教师可以设计一些实际活动来引起学生的兴趣,主要采取师生、生生互相合作,学生在愉快的学习氛围中习得和学得。

学生分析 在复习熟练的基础上,孩子们会更好的发挥能力,语音练习,语句描述。可通过学生的兴趣与积极性,营造学习氛围。学习重难点 教学重点:通过本课的练习,适当复习前面单元所学的词汇和句式 教学难点:用所学句子自由问答;能准确听懂并完成书写。教学法 跟读法、对话法、练习法 课前准备 单词卡片、课件、教学录音带


一 热身/复习(Warm-up/Revision)

1、Sing the song:《We wish you A Merry Christmas!》



3、Free talk How many people are there in your family? Who are they? What’s your father/„? Is he/she a nurse/..? Do you want to be a teacher/„? 师生问答,生生问答。

二 呈现新课(Presentation)

1、Look ask and anawer.学生看图自由问答。

How many people are there in the family? Is this John’s „„? What’s herhis job?

2、课件出示Listen and number the rooms 教师与学生就图片进行问答: How many rooms? What can you find in the picture? Listen and number the rooms 听录音完成。

3、Look ,listen and write.学生看图,看填空。听音填空 核查。教师讲解

4、Play a game 把学生分成男女生组,哪组回答对问题那组加分,看看最后谁胜利 从这些问题中找出后四单元的重点句型。三 趣味操练(Practice)猜词比赛

请一个孩子到前面说:“The word has seven letters.They are n-o-o-d-l-e-s.”,其余的学生仔细听,看谁最快猜出单词。猜对的同学必须把单词拼读一遍。

目标检测 看书上的图片自由问答对话 课堂巩固:

读一读后三单元的内容 板书设计


Recycle 单元(章)主题 Recycle 2 任课教师与班级 四年级

本课(节)课题 Recycle 2 第 3课时 / 共3 课时

教学目标(含重点、难点)及设置依据 教学重点:通过本课的练习,适当复习前面单元所学的词汇和句式 教学难点:听音,正确的涂色;在游戏活动中,正确的拼读单词


教具准备: 房间、物品、食物等的单词卡片



歌曲录音Color song 颜色转盘


教 学 过 程

一 热身/复习(Warm-up/Revision)

1、Sing the Color song




教师问学生:“What can you see ?”学生就所见到的词说一说。

4、Listen and do

“Point the noodles/run to the living room/„”


二 呈现新课(Presentation)

1、课件出示Listen and color的课件。


What can you find in the picture?

Where is the shelf?



生生之间提问:“What’s this? Where is the phone?”

回答:“It’s in the bedroom./。。”

3、Listen and point

小组之间学生互相发出口令:“ Find the living room and point.”

4、Listen to the tape, and coloring.5、学生两人一组,以问答的形式讨论图的内容。

What color is the shelf?

Is it red?

6、教师将一些食物的贴在厨房和客厅的大图片中,问:“What would you like ?”

学生说:“ I like some beef./..”说对的孩子发给一个相应的头饰。

请说对的同学到前面做成一圈,教师说出一个单词“turkey”, 带头饰的孩子必须迅速拼出单词。否则就站在前面出题。


三 趣味操练(Practice)

找朋友 把学生分成若干小组,每个小组一个主题。组长发给每人一张词卡(允许几个孩子拿的相同),组长出示单词,有相应词卡的孩子必须马上走到组长面前。错的孩子走到前面出题。

四 扩展性活动(Add-activities)


请一个孩子到前面说:“The word has seven letters.They are n-o-o-d-l-e-s.”,其余的学生仔细听,看谁最快猜出单词。猜对的同学必须把单词拼读一遍。


快速反应:教师说职业名称,全体学生做能体现各种职业的动作。教师与学生进行日常口语会话练习。如:How many people are there in your family ?Who are they ?What’s your father / mother ?游戏:从教室的两个角落分别往后传一个盒子,音乐盒,拿盒子的两个学生分别从盒子中抽出一张卡(如grandpa , doctor),然后一起用卡上的两个词进行对话:What’s your grandpa ? My grandpa is a doctor.教师把单词贴在黑板上。继续传盒子做游戏,直至盒子中的8个人物和8种职业图片全部贴在黑板上为止。课堂巩固:





一、教学内容: BOOK 3 本册书共六单元,课本内容共分六部分: Unite 1 My Classroom Unite 2 My Schoolbag Unite 3 My Friends Unite 4 My Home Unite 5 What Would You Like? Unite 6 Meet My Family!


为确保良好的教学效果,在教学新内容时要强调听准,辩清,观察,模仿,练习运用。即: 听音——仔细静听;辩音——辨清发音;观察——注意观察;模仿——认真模仿;

练习——积极练习;运用——实际运用; 课堂练习















主要内容 1

Unit 1 2

Unit 1 3

Unit 1 4

Unit 2 5

Unit 2 6

National Day 7

Exam(unit 1-2)8

Unit 3 9

Unit 3 10

Recycle 1 11

Unit 4 12

Unit 4 13


Unit 5 15

Unit 5 16

Unit 6 17

Unit 6 18

Recycle 2 19

General revision 20

Terminal exam Unit 1单元分析



window board light picture door floor classroom computer wall teacher’s desk fan what in the we have new go where


many our seat near classmate clean have a look good idea all right good job








1、对于较长的单词如classroom, classmate, computer的掌握以及对于第一次出现的词组和短语如have a look, good job的掌握。

2、对于礼貌用语“Thank you , Excuse me, After you”的掌握与应用。



本单元共6课时,每周3课时,2周完成。Lesson 1 1.Teaching Aims Let the students master the words: window, classroom, floor, light, door, board, and picture.When they see the objects, they can recognize and read them and do the action about them.2.Teaching Aids A bloom, a piece of cloth, a picture A board-wiper and a tape-recorder.3.Important points Picture, classroom, window, board, and blackboard 4.Teaching steps(1)Greetings The teacher asks the question : “What day is it today?” The student answers : “Today is Monday.”

Then the question “What’s the weather like today?”(2)New content

The teacher reads the words like that the classroom, the windows, the door, the floor, the board and the lights in English one by one.Then the teacher asks students to read after him.He asks:” What’s in the classroom?” Choose several students who knows the answers to answer by using the words they’ve just learned.The teacher shows the cards of the words while the students are answering.Then the teacher points at the card and asks the students to read after her one by one.Group work One student asks the question and the other answers.Then the teacher asks some groups to show the work.Practice The teacher hands the cards of the bloom, the piece of cloth, the picture and the board-wiper to the students and asks them to read after her.Then the students listen to the tape while the teacher is doing the actions: opening thedoor, turn on the light, Sweep the floor, clean the window, put up the picture and clean the board.Then the teacher does the actions again and asks students to follow.After that, choose several pairs of students to do it like her.During this period the teacher says something about the verbs like open, turn, sweep, clean and put.Listen to the tape and read after it.5.Homework Ask the student to remember the new words and listen to the tape after class and try to imitate the American accent.Listen to the tape.6.Teaching notes

Lesson 2 1.Teaching Aims Let the students recognize and read the words and expressions(classmate, seat, and have a look)and use the dialogue freely.2.Teaching aids A tape-recorder some pictures some cards 4.Teaching steps(1)Greetings

Say “Hello” to each other.-What day is it today?-It’s Tuesday today.-What’s the weather like today?-It’s sunny today.(2)Revision The teacher hands the cards and asks all the students to read them one by one as quickly as they can.Listen to the music and do the action“开门,开灯,擦窗,擦黑板” and ask the students to say them in English.(3)New content.The teacher shows the text sentence on the blackboard using the computer sentence by sentence and ask who can read them.Let the student who can read them to read and then choose 2 or 3 students to read after him.After that the teacher reads the sentences and let them follow him.Then listen to the tape and follow it.Practice Divide them into some small groups and let them practice in groups and then asks some of them to show the text.Chant Listen to the tape and ask the students to imitate.Then practice the chant in pairs by clapping hands.After that, choose 2 groups to play this game in the front of the classroom.4.Homework Listen to the tape after class and try to imitate the accent.Read the text smoothly.5.Teaching notes

Lesson 3 1.Teaching aims Let the students master the letters A , B , C , D, E.Remember the words and expressions: computer, wall , fan and the teacher's desk 2.Teaching aids

a tape-recorder pictures cards 3.Teaching steps(1)Greetings Says “Good morning!” to everybody and talk something about the weather and the date.(2)Revision Let the students listen to the tape and follow it sentence by sentence.Then all the students read the text together.Next, ask some ones to read the text.At last, ask some questions and let them answer.(3)New content The teacher asks the students to look at the board while he writes “Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee ”.Then ask the students to practice them on their exercise-books.Then ask some ones to come to the board and write the letters to them.Next, let others see wether there is mistake.“Fill in the blank”.A: The teacher gives the students several letters of a word.B: Let the students guess what the word is.Then ask them to fill in the blanks.Do exercises about the 6 words.3)Listen to the tape and ask the students to do the students’ book.Then the teacher checks the answers.Bingo

Let the students look at the “Bingo” in the book and the teacher explains it to them.Then listen to the teacher and cross it.Choose the students who do it very quickly and finally be winner.4.Homework Let the students to memorize the words.Recite the whole dialogue.5.Teaching notes

Lesson 4 1.Teaching aims Let the students know the word clean(verb and adj.)and the expressions “Good job, Good idea, All right” and use them freely.Let the students master the sentence “Let’s do… ” and “Let somebody do… 2.Teaching aids A clean paper, a dirty paper, a table cloth and some pictures.3.Teaching steps(1)Greetings Say ”Good morning” to the class and ask them “ How are you?” After getting the answer the teacher talk about the date and the weather.(2)Revision Ask one student to say the furniture in his house and describe its colour in his house.(3)New content 1)

The teacher reads the text first.Then ask the students to read after her sentence by sentence.When the students arereading the text themselves, the teacher writes” clean, Good idea, Good job, All right” on the blackboard.Then explain these words and expressions(When the teacher explain the word “clean”, she shows the clean paper and the dirty one to the class.And then use the tablecloth to wipe the dirt on the paper.Tell them clean is not only an adj.but also a verb)and ask the students to read them.After that, divide the whole class into several groups.Let them practice the story in groups.Then choose 2 or 3 Groups to act it.Game Choose 1 student to come to the teacher’s desk.The teacher shows the pictures one by one and let the student guess what the picture is.Play the game some times.4.Homework Ask the students to memorize the text and listen to the tape after class and try to imitate the tape.5.Teaching notes

Lesson 5 1.Teaching aims Let the students master the letters(Ff Gg Hh Ii)and the handwriting.They can fill the blanks when some letters of a word, which they’ve just read, have given.Let them master the song.2.Teaching aids A tape-recorder, four plates, a tablecloth 3.Teaching steps(1)Greetings Say ”Hello” to one of the students.Talk about the weather and the date.(2)Revision Ask one student to wipe his table with the tablecloth.Choose another student to speak the action of the first student.Then ask the monitor to Prize him ”Good job!”(3)New content Listen to the tape and ask the students to read after the tape.The teacher writes ”Ff, Gg, Hh, Ii” on the blackboard and ask the students to write them on the notebook.Then let them check in pairs and write the letters carefully again.Let the students fill in the blanks on the textbook.Then draw the very picture on the “plates”.This is a competition.Listen to the tape.The teacher sings the song and asks the students to follow her.The teacher and the students sing together.Then ask a little “singer” to sing to the whole class.4.Homework Let the students write the letters on their homework-notebook.Listen to the tape and sing the song after class.5.Teaching notes

Lesson 6 1.Teaching aids A tape-recorder 2.Teaching aims Review the last unit.Check the knowledge they have learned in this unit.3.Teaching steps(1)Greet to each other.And talk about the date and the weather.(2)Review A: The teacher let some ones to write the letters on the board and check their homework.B: Divide the students in to several groups.Talk about the pictures they’ve painted.Then choose 2 or 3 groups to describe their ideal classroom.C: Each of the groups can make up a dialogue by using the pictures on the textbook and the bag and the ball that the teacher gives them.Then choose 4 groups to act.Listen to the tape and practice it in groups.Ask some one what is the main idea of the story and let him show the main idea to the students in Chinese.Then read the story together.Let the students know what is a bee.At last, point out the important points and let them remember them.Greeting sentences “Thank you.Excuse me.After you.” Tell the importance of these sentences to the whole class.Then ask them to make up a dialogue with these sentences.Let some groups to act out their plays.Next, listen to the story.4.Homework Let the students remember all the word and expressions that appeared in the text.Memorize every text in this unit.5.Teaching notes

Unit 2 单元分析 1、教学内容

A: 本单元的对话句型

How many … … do you have? I have … ….What colour is it? It is … ….B: 本单元有关学习用具的单词,要求学生做到听懂、bag pencil pen book ruler pencil-case 2、教学要求

A: 能听懂、会说每一课会话;

B: 能听懂、会说每一课出现的常用单词; C: 能听懂 put on,put in and put ……under.并做出正确反应。

3、教学重点难点 A: 会话的熟练听说 B: 常用单词的熟练听说

put on, put in ,put ……under.较难学,注意区分


本单元共6课,每一课约用1课时,共记6课时,两周完成。Lesson 7

1、Teaching Aims A: How many …… do you have? B: I have…….put on / in / ……under

2、Teaching Aids A tape-recorder,an English book, a Chinese book, a storybook, a notebook and a math book.3、Important points

put……on ……./in……/ under…….4、Steps(1)Greetings After the greetings and let them sing a song with the teacher.(2)Revision.“What is in our classroom?”

会说。Let the students answer it.They can say the words like that, Desk, chair, light, window and so on.(3)New content The teacher hands out a schoolbag with many books in it, and asks the students what are in the bag.“Can you read them?” Let some ones to read them and then asks others follow him.Then listen to the tape and practice more.Then, asks them read them as quickly as they can.(4)Phrase The teacher picks up a ruler and put it in the desk / put it on the desk / put it under the book.Next, ask what they can see.Ask some students to answer.They can know the words of in, on under and so on.Let them read after the teacher and do the actions : put in put on put under.Practice more and more in order to let the students remember them well.(5)Homework Master the new phrases.Listen to the tape and imitate the accent.(6)Teaching notes 本文的重点句型是I have a 和单词math/Chinese/English book and schoolbag, notebook and so on.Let’s do 部分学生在音乐的环境下能很有节奏地做出来。Lesson 8

1、Teaching Aims A: Let them master the sentences: & quot;What color is it?“ ”It is …… “ B: Using the sentences freely.2、Teaching Aids A tape-recorder

a schoolbag with some books in it 3、Teaching Steps(1)greetings Greetings and then practice the chant “ work and play” with the students clapping hands together.(2)Revision Review the question “How many … can you see?”

The teacher say the phrase and the students do the actions.Put the book in the desk.Put the pen under the book.And so on.(3)new contents Use a question ”Do you have a new schoolbag?“ to show the dialogue to students.Then let students read after you one by one.Listen to the tape and ask some students to read it.4 Homework Listen to the tape and read the dialogue.Make a new dialogue.5 Notes

Lesson 9 1.Teaching aims Let the students master the numbers that after 20.(thirty…forty….fifty)2.Teaching Aids a tape-recorder and some cards.3.Teachings Steps 1)

Greetings Say “Good morning” to everybody and sing a song together with them.2)

Revision All the students listen to the tape and read after the tape.3)New content The teacher shows some cards to the students and ask them what they are.Let some ones to answer.Then the teacher teaches the new words to them.And let them listen to the tape.Give them some minutes and let them practice by themselves.4)Practice The teacher asks “How many students in our class?”

“How many windows in our primary school? Teach the number 21—50.Listen to the tape and imitate.Imitate and practice the whole dialogue, then act it out.5.Homework Listen to the tape and imitate the accent.Recite the new words and write them.6.Teaching notes Lesson10 1.Teaching Aims A: Let the students master the dialogue B: Act a short dialogue in pairs 2.Teaching Aids a tape-recorder, story-book, crayons, sharpeners, erasers and a picture-book 3.Important sentence What is in it? 4.Steps 1)Organization Say ”Hello“ to everyone, and then chant “ work and play” with the students clapping hands together.2)Revision.Ask the following questions: How many books do you have? Revise the numbers in this way.3)New words

Show the teacher’s schoolbag to the students and do the actions that make the students feel the bag is too heavy.Then say “I have a new bag, but it’s too heavy.” Ask them what’s the meaning of heavy.Then take out the things in the bag and then say” Now it’s light!~” Write heavy and light on the borad.Tell them the new words heavy and light.4)Learn the dialogue Then let students see what’s in it.There are many things in it.Then ask them to see the dialogue in the book.Listen to the tape and practice the dialogue.5)Group work Divide the students into many small groups and let them practice in groups “How many ……do you have?” “I have ……” 5.Homework

1.Remember the new words.2.Listen to the tape and practice the dialogue.6.Notes

Lesson 11 1.Teaching Aims A: Remember and write the following letters and words well: Oo Pp Qq Rr book ruler pencil-case B: Solve the problem with the new words in this unit, for example fill the blank, ect.2.Teaching Aids a tape-recorder some cards 3.Keys and difficulties 1)

4-skill letters and words: Oo Pp Qq Rr book ruler pencil-case 2)

New words: queue rice quiet 4.Steps 1)Organization

Say ”Hello“ to everyone, ”Let's begin our class." 2)Revision

Revise the new words that they’ve learned in this unit.3)Shopping game

The teacher ask the students” Whether there is someone who like go shopping with his mother in the market.Stick the card on the board and ask the students to act “ON SALE 50% OFF”.4)

Do the exercise Let them look at the book at page of 23 and listen to the tape.Then let them see the second part and see what they are, and fill blank with the words.At last, the teacher check them..5.Class work and homework 1)listen、read and write the letters and words:

Aa Bb …… Oo Pp Qq Rr book ruler pencil-case 2)Listen to the tape and master the dialogues what they’ve learned.6.Notes

Lesson12 1.Teaching Aims Understand the main idea of the story according to seeing the pictures.Sing a song named “Books and pencils” 2.Teaching Aids

a tape-recorder , some pictures.3.Difficulty and Key points 1)Some phrases are difficult :

Be made of the inventor of paper put away 2)Understand the following phrases: Put away have a good dream take out 4.Steps 1)Organization A: greetings B: songs and chant 2)Good to know Ask students whether they know who invented paper.Tell them the knowledge about invention of paper.4)Story

First ask the students to see the pictures and guess the main idea.Choose 3 students to retell the story.And then the teacher tell the story.Let them read after the tape.5)Song

A: read the sentences of the song.B: Listen to the tape and learn to sing the song.C: sing the song with clapping hands 3 times.5.Homework 1)Revise the dialogues of this unit.2)Sing the songs.5.Teaching notes

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