
时间:2019-05-12 02:05:27下载本文作者:会员上传


-1900: You don't look too happy to be going to America.-Man: It's not America.It's everything I leave behind.Until a few years ago I know only my field.The world for me started and ended there in that little piece of the land.I never walked down the main street of a city.Maybe you can't understand.-1900: I understand perfectly.I know someone who went through something very similar.-Man: And one fine day did his field go dry too? And did his wife also run off with a priest?

And did the fever take his five children?-1900: No.But he ended up alone too.-Man: Then he is more lucky than me.I still have a daughter.The young one.she survived.And it's for her that I decide one day to fight against my bad luck and travel all over without

a destination.And then one day when I go through one of the many towns I never see before I come to a hill.And then I see the most beautiful thing in my life.The sea.-1900: The sea?-Man: I never see it before.It was like lightning hit me.Because I hear the voice.-1900: The voice of the sea?-Man: Yeah, the voice of the sea-1900:

I never heard it.-Man: The voice of the sea.it is like a shout.A shout big and strong screaming and screaming.And the thing it was screaming was: You

with shit instead brains.Life is immense.Can you understand that? immense:

I never think of it that way.A revolution was in my head.That's how I suddenly decide to change my life.to start fresh.Change life.Start fresh.Tell that to your friend.—— 去美国你不觉得高兴吗?

—— 不是美国的原因。是以前的事。几年前我还只知道我的土地,对我而言那狭小的土地就是整个世界。我从来没有上过街,也许你不能理解。—— 我完全能理解。我知道有人也有这样的经历。

—— 他的土地也干涸了?他的妻子也跟神父跑了?他的五个孩子也被病魔夺去生命? ——没有,但是他一直都很孤独。


——我从没看见过,听到一种声音,就像被闪电击中了。——大海的声音? ——是,大海的声音。——我从没听过,——大海的声音就像呼喊,那种大而强的呼喊,一刻不停,就好像在说:你,这个猪脑子。生命如此广阔,你能理解吗? 广阔无边,我从来没这么想过。脑袋就像被洗过了,这就是我为什么突然决定改变我的生活,从新来过,改变生活,从新来过,告诉你的那位朋友。













































The legend of 1900 After watching this film, I can’t hold my tears back.Not only dose it

touched me, but also it described the classical life of a man who has God’s arms.In addition, 1900's story is told via flashback and reflection by Max, a friend of 1900's of whom he spent many years with on the ship, and played the trumpet along side him in the jazz orchestra.1900 is a talent.When he first touched the piano, he played it excellent.And his spirit is random, he once said :” Fuck the regulation.” He thought his music belongs to the soul, belongs to people who understand it, belongs to the freedom.1900 never set his foot on the land except when he encountered his love.But when he had already packaged his things and stood on the stairs, he flinched.Then he never step out of the ship, even never go down the stairs.After the war ended ,the ship was too old to carry people and it would be exploded.1900’s friend, his only friend found 1900 still in the ruined ship.But our adamant pianist was stuck with his determination, to him , the ship is all, the ship is his whole world.Before his death, 1900 tells the reasons for not treading on land when he’s walking down the ladder.“ I’m not afraid of what I can see, I’m afraid of what I can’t see”, 1900 is frightened as he can’t see the end of the city.Finally his friend left 1900 sorrowfully, watched the ship being bombed, a talent disappeared, the legend of 1900 ended.It’s a classical movie.Although the movie is untrue, it closes to our heart, it strucked me, what about you?1900 once told his only friend, Max :” Land? Land is a ship too big for me.It's a woman too beautiful;it's a voyage too long, a perfume too strong.It's a music I don't know how to make.I could never get off this ship.” I think it’s a symbol of weakness.Poor 1900 is afraid of being hurt.With no doubt, loneliness adversely affects his personality.He fear change his temporary condition, he wants his everyday life remains the same.he fear that if he left the ship everything would out of control.It’s quite lamentable that he could win over the piano master, but he couldn’t win over himself.He lived in their own world, and other people weren’t able to walk in.In the movie, when Max told others the story of his friend,nobody believed.At last, the moving story only made Max bring back his trumpet.I once believed that when 1900 bombed with the ship, the ending is perfect.But the ordinary end seems more touched.Just as Max said:” Sooner or later all stories ended.” No matter how popular the story was, it would ensed.And 1900 only lives in Max’s memory.The music, which I feel make the film more perfect ,all by Ennio Morricone, is wonderful.I loved how scenes would just be time after time of 1900 pounding out notes.It reminded me of “Tango” in the sense that you were watching it more for its dancing and cheorography than its storytelling;“The Legend of 1900” was interesting mostly for its musical capabilities.What’s more, the music could deeply embody the emotion of the lonely man and made us know more about the film.Our life is also a performance, but without fixed script, everybody around you is audience, but they have different goal and attitude;everybody around you is actor, they act different stories.The world needs legend.Perhaps 1900 would have a beauty as lifelong companion, we may thought if they would live happily.Perhaps when 1900 go to the land, he would become wealthy and famous, but we would also thought, a ship or a world, which is more important.Because when 1900 had his lover, he would not be the classical people, when 1900 set his foot on the land, he would not be the legend.To build a legend, the director made 1900 married with a piano.And we could feel 1900’s real friend is piano.1900 is veryfamiliar with the emotion which the piano convey, but persons’ exchange can not get it.May be it’s a little sad, it is true.

第四篇:海上钢琴师 英语影评

In 1900, an orphan was abandoned on the steamer, then he was adopted by a worker and named “1900”.He learned playing piano without teacher.When he grow up,he became the pianist ,making friends with Max.In the steamer ,he experienced various different things and met a lot of people,including his first love.One day he decided to step out of the steamer ,but when seeing the city ,he turned back.At last ,he dead in the steamer.there is a scene which shocked me the most, 1900 competed with Jelly Roll Morton in the steamer.In the first turn ,1900 didn't take Jelly's provocative seriously ,played a jazz version o Christmas Eve.In second turn, 1900 played the adaptation of Jelly's song.In third turn, he played so fast that audience was shocked.Obviously,1900 won the competition.This movie shows me a man about spiritual freedom and a pure soul ,which moved me and remind me of <>.We should make every day live wonderful.


The legend of 1900 After watching this film, I can’t hold my tears back.Not only dose it touched me, but also it described the classical life of a man who has God’s arms.In addition, 1900's story is told via flashback and reflection by Max, a friend of 1900's of whom he spent many years with on the ship, and played the trumpet along side him in the jazz orchestra.1900 is a talent.When he first touched the piano, he played it excellent.And his spirit is random, he once said :” Fuck the regulation.” He thought his music belongs to the soul, belongs to people who understand it, belongs to the freedom.1900 never set his foot on the land except when he encountered his love.But when he had already packaged his things and stood on the stairs, he flinched.Then he never step out of the ship, even never go down the stairs.After the war ended ,the ship was too old to carry people and it would be exploded.1900’s friend, his only friend found 1900 still in the ruined ship.But our adamant pianist was stuck with his determination, to him , the ship is all, the ship is his whole world.Before his death, 1900 tells the reasons for not treading on land when he’s walking down the ladder.“ I’m not afraid of what I can see, I’m afraid of what I can’t see”, 1900 is frightened as he can’t see the end of the city.Finally his friend left 1900 sorrowfully, watched the ship being bombed, a talent disappeared, the legend of 1900 ended.It’s a classical movie.Although the movie is untrue, it closes to our heart, it strucked me, what about you?1900 once told his only friend, Max :” Land? Land is a ship too big for me.It's a woman too beautiful;it's a voyage too long, a perfume too strong.It's a music I don't know how to make.I could never get off this ship.” I think it’s a symbol of weakness.Poor 1900 is afraid of being hurt.With no doubt, loneliness adversely affects his personality.He fear change his temporary condition, he wants his everyday life remains the same.he fear that if he left the ship everything would out of control.It’s quite lamentable that he could win over the piano master, but he couldn’t win over himself.He lived in their own world, and other people weren’t able to walk in.In the movie, when Max told others the story of his friend,nobody believed.At last, the moving story only made Max bring back his trumpet.I once believed that when 1900 bombed with the ship, the ending is perfect.But the ordinary end seems more touched.Just as Max said:” Sooner or later all stories ended.” No matter how popular the story was, it would ensed.And 1900 only lives in Max’s memory.The music, which I feel make the film more perfect ,all by Ennio Morricone, is wonderful.I loved how scenes would just be time after time of 1900 pounding out notes.It reminded me of “Tango” in the sense that you were watching it more for its dancing and cheorography than its storytelling;“The Legend of 1900” was interesting mostly for its musical capabilities.What’s more, the music could deeply embody the emotion of the lonely man and made us know more about the film.Our life is also a performance, but without fixed script, everybody around you is audience, but they have different goal and attitude;everybody around you is actor, they act different stories.The world needs legend.Perhaps 1900 would have a beauty as lifelong companion, we may thought if they would live happily.Perhaps when 1900 go to the land, he would become wealthy and famous, but we would also thought, a ship or a world, which is more important.Because when 1900 had his lover, he would not be the classical people, when 1900 set his foot on the land, he would not be the legend.To build a legend, the director made 1900 married with a piano.And we could feel 1900’s real friend is piano.1900 is very familiar with the emotion which the piano convey, but persons’ exchange can not get it.May be it’s a little sad, it is true.



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