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典型失败案例:Topic 1-Should college students be allowed to get married?

This topic is very interesting.I’m very interested in talking about thistopic.Because I’m also a college student and I’m not married……

修改方案:开门见山 直奔主题

In my opinion, it would not be a wise decision to allow college students toget married。

Topic 2-Will modern technology, such as the Internet, ever replace the bookor the writing word as the sole source of information?(雅思真题)

Ok, this topic is a very good topic.First, let me tell you a story: I havea friend, he likes go on the internet very much.Every day, he uses internet toread news or play internet games.So we can see the internet is more and moreimportant in our daily life.Topic 3-The importance of environmental protection

Oh, this topic is surely very important.Isn’t it? Of course!It’s reallyvery very important!


典型失败案例:Topic 1-The happiest moment in your life

In our life, there are always some moments which make your heart floweropened angrily……



Topic 2-The population problem

The population problem is a very big problem.For example, in the citycenters of Shanghai, we can always see people mountain people sea there.Topic3-Is there fairness in today’s business world?

I think in today’s society, there is no fairness in the business world.Forexample, I always chopped when I go out buy things……

Topic 4-The advantage of being a nice person

Being a nice person have many advantage.I believe if a people always dobad things, he will get “baoying”.“见官死”开头之三:观点模糊态度暧昧

典型失败案例: Topic-Should college students be allowed to get married?

I think this topic is very hard to say.Because I am still very little,only 17, and not married, so this topic is very difficult for me……


典型失败案例:Topic-It is said that nowadays one can not acquire thequalifications and quality essential to success through university education.Towhat extent do you agree or disagree with the statement?(雅思真题)

I think to success, we must have a lot of important qualities.To havethese important qualities, we must learn a lot of things, for example, English,music tools, and etc.We can learn these qualities from our teachers, ourfriends and from books.All in all, we can learn from many places.“见官死”开头之五:语法错误惨不忍睹



典型失败案例:Topic-If children behave badly, should their parents acceptresponsibility and also be punished?(雅思真题)

About this problem, my think is if children behave badly, then parents arenot right.Because teach child is parent’s responsibility.So we also punishparents too besides children is also should.“见官死”开头之六:过分简单没有重点

典型失败案例:Topic-The importance of environmental protection

This issue is surely very important, let’s talk about it!

“见官死”开头之七:用词不当 表达不准

典型失败案例:Topic-Should college students be allowed to get married?

I think college students should not be allowed to get married because theyare very young and so we can’t take the responsibility to form a family.“见官死”开头之八:意思重复原地踏步

典型失败案例:Topic-Your opinion on DINK families

My opinion on DINK families is that DINK families is not a good thing.Andit is a bad thing.It brings no benefits to our society and it is even sometimesharmful to our society.“见官死”开头之九:中国俗语胡乱翻译

典型失败案例:Topic 1-Is it good to have a large family?

I think it is good to have a large family.Because we Chinese believe asentence: “Many sons, many lucks”……

正确说法:Happiness lies in having many children

Topic 2-Should we pretend to know everything or admit our ignorance? 文都国际教育官方网站:http://www.xiexiebang.com/


We all know, our Chinese old fathers and grandfathers said: “Know is know,don’t know is don’t know”……

Topic 3-Do you think one’s character is greatly influenced by his/herfamily?

Chinese old words says very good: Dragon born dragon, phoenix born phoenix,rat’s son can make hole……

Topic 4-The advantage of being a nice person

I believe one sentence:“A good person is all life safe”.We Chinese peoplealways say: “Good has good pay, bad has bad pay”.“见官死”开头之十: 观点武断 态度强硬

典型失败案例:Topic1-The importance of confidence

In my opinion, confidence is the most important thing for a person.All thesuccessful people in the world are full of confidence.While those people whodon’t have confidence, they all have failed.Topic 2-The solution to the traffic problem

I think to solve the traffic problem, very easy!For those who don’t obeythe traffic rules, we should put all of them into prison.If we do that, I’msure there will be no traffic problem any more.以上就是小编分享的雅思写作十大失败开头总结,希望同学们避免使用。最后,希望大家充分备考,取得满意的成绩。文章来源于文都国际教育:http://www.xiexiebang.com 文都国际教育官方网站:http://www.xiexiebang.com/


新航道英语 雅思写作中,开头的分量不是很重,但是却是最重要的吸引考官注意力的地方,即是所谓的先声夺人的地方。杭州新航道雅思频道小编为大家整理了10个雅思写作的常用开头,希望给大家的雅思写作备考带来帮助。

1)With the rapid improvement in.../growing awareness of..., more and more.../sth....随着…的飞速发展/越来越多的关注,越来越…

(e.g.With the considerable improvement in building industry, more and more structures are being erected to set the people's minds at ease.)


2)Recently, sth./the problem of...has been brought to popular attention/ has become the focus of public concern.近来,某事/某问题引起了人们的普遍关注/成了公众关注的焦点。

(e.g.Recently, the problem of unemployment has been brought to such popular attention that governments at all levels place it on the agenda as the first matter.例:近来失业问题引起了人们的普遍关注,各级政府已把它列为首要议程。

3)One of the universal issues we are faced with/that cause increasing concern is that...我们面临的一个普遍问题是… /一个越来越引人关注的普遍问题是…

(e.g.One of the universal issues that draw(cause)growing concern is whether it is wise of man to have invented the automobile.)


4)In the past few years, there has been a boom/sharp growth/decline in...在过去的几年里,…经历了突飞猛进/迅猛增长/下降。

(e.g.In the past ten years, there has been a sharp decline in the number of species.)例:在过去的几年里,物种数量骤然下降。?

5)Nowadays, more/most important/dangerous for our society is...如今对我们社会更(最)为重要的(危险的)事情是…

(e.g.Nowadays, most dangerous for our society is the tendency to take advantage of each other in political circles.)


6)According to the information given in the table/graph, we can find that...根据图表资料,我们可以发现…

7)As can be seen from the table/graph/figure, there is a marked increase /decline/favorable(an unfavorable)change in...根据图表(数字)显示,…明显增长(下降)/发生了有利(不利)变化。

8)As we can see from the table/graph/figure above, drastic/considerable/ great changes have taken place in...over the period of time from...(年份)to...(年份)据上面图表(数字)所示,从某年到某年某方面发生了剧烈的(相当大的;巨大的)变化。

9)The table/graph shows that there is a(n)declining/increasing trend of...from...(年份)to...(年份)


10)Anyone who takes a closer look at the data in the table/graph can be surprised to find that...任何人只要仔细看一看图表中的资料就会惊讶地发现…








1.The development of technology changes the way people interact with each other.In what ways does technology affect the types of relationships people make? Is it a positive or negative development?


3.背景句As a matter of fact, the issue on the effects of science and technology is a complex and controversial one.4.Different individuals can hold various opinions due to their distinct backgrounds, therefore, 观点一there is no universal answer to this question.In some areas, some people believe that technology has brought benefits on people's relationship, 观点二in other fields, others maintain that it has some side effects.5.开头段二

6.It is undeniable that science and technology has played an increasingly important role in modern society.The

benefits brought by such trend are obvious, but problems have also been welled up.As for its influences on people's relationship, I believe the advantages brought by technology outweigh its drawbacks.7.开头段三

8.Even two decades ago, few people could have imagined that we can perform our daily tasks via computer.Now more and more people are choosing to do the shopping, banking and even work online.So how can such trend affect the interactions between modern-day people? I will give my answer in the following essay.9.There are social, medical and technical problems associated with the use of mobile phones.What forms do they take? Do you agree that the problems outweigh the benefits of mobile phones?(高分范文P76)

10.这个题目中给出的话题是mobile phone,所以考生可以从它产生的原因来考虑,就是科技的繁荣,而科技的繁荣,手机的广泛使用是在20世纪末,这样背景句就有内容可写了。当然要通过相应的句型来写了。如

11.…(time)witnessed …

12.这个背景句就可以写成:The late 20th century witnessed the boom of science and technology, which gave rise to a series of technological innovations, including the mobile phone.13.再看一例:

14.Nowadays, some universities offer students skills that assist them to find employment, but some people believe that the main function of a university should be to provide students with access to knowledge for its sake.What is your opinion?

15.这题要求大家讨论大学是提供职业技能还是传授知识。那从传统观点来看,大学是传授知识的地方,为什么会提出要传授技能呢,所以这里考生也可以用追根溯源法思考下,大家肯定可以想到是由于找工作已经成为当今教育的目的之一了,所以很多大学就转移到以传授技能为主了。那当然还是要结合句型,这里可以用as 引导的原因状语从句。

16.参考:As job-hunting has become one of the main purposes of university education, the majority of the universities tend to offer vocational trainings to prepare the students for their future career.17.多样的开头模式:最新:

People think that old buildings should be knocked down and give way to the new buildings.Do you agree or disagree? How important are old buildings to us?(一个观点)

Every item of property has its own lifespan.So does every building.背景句City planners are very often confronted with a debate concerning whether an old building should be deconstructed or maintained.重述文章观点 In my opinion, it depends on whether the targeted building can satisfy the needs of the city.个人观点

相似题型1.Modern buildings have been changing the appearance of cities and towns.Some people argue that we should build all buildings in traditional styles to protect culture identity;to what extent do you agree or disagree?








A proberb says,“ You are only young once.”(适用于已记住的名言)

It goes without saying that we cannot be young forever.(适用于自编名言)


As everyone knows,No one can deny that…




According to a recent survey,about 78.9% of the college students wanted to further their study after their graduation.看起来这个数字文邹邹的,其实都是编造出来的,下面随便几个题目我们都可以这样编造:



Travel by Bike




Five-day Work Week Better than Six-day Work?



A recent statistics shows that …



雅思口语 雅思托福技巧 雅思口语-美联雅思 雅思作文开头写作精彩范本

2013-12-06 14:30类别:雅思阅读来源:enguo责编:meten

雅思从听、说、读、写四方面进行 英语能力全面考核。雅思分学术类(Academic)和普通类(General Training)两种题型,学术类主要适合留学生或访问学者,普通类主要适合移民申请人和某些非留学类别(例如工作签证)的申请人。雅 思考试产生听说读写四个单项分数,单项 的满分是9分(精通英语),其次是8分(优秀 英语),7分(良好英语),6分(掌握英语),5分(勉强掌握),4分(有限英语),3分(少 量英语),2分(少量单词),1分(不懂英语),0分(没有考试)。为大家提供了这四个方面的资料,希望对大 家有所帮助。小编祝愿大家都能成为精通 英语的雅思烤鸭。

俗话说我们人际交往中有第一印象之说也即英文当中的一个表达叫“30 seconds success”,那么第一面对人与人关系的影响之大可见一斑。那么我们写作的第一段表达也是不是有相似的一个认识呢,这个答案是肯定的。我们说雅思写作和口语都是个人英语实力的个人秀场,能否在考试中秀出自己,让考官欣赏自己,我们就要看看有没有什么可以让人值得称道的内容。就是说我们的写作要有自己的伎俩让考官为你折服。

不妨举一个例子来说明,我们人有很多的特点,然而大家很多关注的就是Sexy Lady和Hot Man, 为什么?简单的说就是他们给我们一种视觉上的愉悦感,是他们的外表吸引了我们的注意力,这就是感染力。还有一种人那就是,他们没有非常出众的外表,也没有很火辣的身材,但是他们通过自己的内涵吸引了观众的注意,就是我们所说的“气质型”美女或者帅男,同样可以达到愉悦观众的心理。



逐个加以解释,追根溯源,就是分析一个观点出现的原因,其实我们很多的写作话题都是社会现象,必然有它的一个背景性的原因在里面,那我们就可以分析了,举个例子来说明问题,题目Foreign tourists should be charged more than local people when they visit cultural and historical attractions.To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion? 怎样追根来引出话题呢,我们给出一个示范The continuing boom of the international

tourism which is to a large extent derived from the advancement of long-distance air travel has made it more available for people to travel further, however the up surge of the

tourists is blamed for damaging of the historical sites, thus many reach the consensus that the foreign tourist should be charged more as one way to constrain the deteriorating of historical attractions.for my part, however, it is too rash to make such a decision

concerning the following.是不是引出来了呢,同时我们也秀出了自己不是。

另外从对比上分析,分为时间性对比和地域性对比,那么就我们这个题目来讲,我们同样可以用时间性对比,例,Gone are the days when people travel on horseback for several to a tourist destination;we, contemporarily, can get to every corner within several hours by the high efficient flight, which give a great push to the boom of international tourism which is considered to contribute to the damage of the local historical sites.Therefore some

advocate the high charge on the foreigners, which, from my part, is a rash decision.时间性对比就出来了。

另外就是细节特征描述,也是很好的一个方法,比较难,但是比较能够挑战高分个自我,还是这个题目,我们给出它的细节描述,The wonder and desire of the historical sites such as the great pyramids in Egypt, the warrior terra cotta in china and the garden in the heaven in Babylon attracts explorers all over the world to visit, which is blamed for the damage of the sites, thus some consider the higher charge on the foreigner so as to protect the tourist destinations.While for me, I consider it as a rash decision to make.当然还有就是叙事性开头了,可以是新闻故事的描述,可以是某个现象的陈述,同一题目,再来看一例子,when you are wandering in the street, particularly in the historical cities, you would be astonished to be encountered with so many foreigners surrounding you, which is thought to be brought by the continuing international tourism.Whereas, this may to some extent lead to cultural invasion as well as architectural vandalism, leading to the view of higher charge on the foreigners.While I think this is far from being a root





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