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Conversation 课程学业:

1.课程与作业:1-2,5-2,6-2,8-2,9-1,10-1,12-1,15-2,16-2,17-1,19-1,22-2,25-1,26-1,27-1,27-2,28-1,29-1,30-1,30-2,32-1,33-1,33-2,34-2 2.选课与换课:14-2,21-2,23-2,24-2,28-2 3.研究项目:2-1,4-2,13-1,20-2 校园生活:

1.图书馆与书店:1-1,4-1,7-2,9-2,10-2,13-2,14-1,20-1,24-1,26-2,31-2,34-1 2.校内工作:3-2,7-1,11-2,12-2,15-1,17-2,18-1,18-2,25-2 3.住宿与餐饮:19-2,32-2 4.问询:3-1,5-1,8-1,21-1,31-1 5.社团与活动:2-2,6-1,11-1,16-1,22-1,23-1,29-2

TPO lecture 学科背景分类(1-34)

1.Physical Science(38)

Astronomy 2-4(Bode’s Law)3-4(Spectroscopy)5-2(Moon Landing)13-4(Meteorites)14-3(Seafarers and Stars)18-1(Sunspots)

19-2(Difficulties in Astronomy)21-1(Geocentric Theory)22-2(Faint Young Sun Paradox)24-4(Shield Volcano on Venus)26-3(Comets)

29-4(Carbon Nanotubes)30-3(Jarosite)

Ecology & Environmental Science 9-2(Shrubs in Tundra)10-3(Phosphorus Cycle)11-3(Landscape & Climate)12-4(Solar Energy)13-2(Interrelationships)17-2(Milankovitsh Hypothesis)20-2(Interglacial Periods)23-2(Earth Radiation Budgets)29-1(Pedodiversity Plant)32-2(Relationships among Species)33-2(Colorado’s Water)34-2(ASP Digestion)

Geology 1-2(Uranium-Lead Dating)4-2(Moving Rocks)

6-4(Climate Change in Sahara Desert)7-4(Glacial Movement)9-3(Desert Lakes)

15-2(Geologic Time Periods)16-1(Lechuguilla Cave)30-2(Oviraptor)31-2(Plate Drift)32-3(The Copper Basin)

Chemistry 5-3(Spectroscopy)

8-4(The Periodic Table of Elements)

Computer Science 21-2(Software Development)

2.Social Science Archeology 1-3(Catalhoyuk)14-4(Passage Graves)23-1(Antikythera Mechanism)24-3(Megafauna)28-4(Gonur-depe)

29-3(Clovis People & Caches)32-1(Ancient Bananas)33-1(The Great Pyramid)

History 4-4(Government Support for Arts)8-3(Vision Correction)10-2(American Food Crops)17-3(Ancient Egyptian Calendar)18-3(Spices)

25-3(Egyptian Hieroglyphs)

Economics & Business 6-1(Boom and Bust)11-4(Advertising)

12-2(Managing by Wandering Around)26-1(Green Marketing)34-4(The Life of Innovation)

Psychology 2-1(Behaviorism)10-4(Childhood Amnesia)14-1(Cognition)15-1(Distraction)30-1(Metacognition)

Anthropology 7-3(Iroquois People & Birch Tree)22-1(State Formation)31-4(The Botai Culture)

Linguistics 9-4(Features of Human Language)19-1(Family Tree Model)20-1(Gricean Maxims)

Philosophy 2-3(Aristotle)28-1(Foundationalism)

Sociology 5-1(Meme)

3.Life Science Animal 7-2(Bat’s Use of Ultrasound)10-1(Whales)14-2(Microclimate)17-4(Octopus)

18-4(North American Wood Frog)20-4(Snowshoe Hare)21-3(Evolution Theory)22-3(Pleistocene Rewilding)23-3(Dolphin’s Navigation)24-1(Crocodile Vocalization)27-1(Coral Reefs Marine)27-3(Sauropod)

31-3(Decline of Coral Reefs)33-3(Notothenioids)12-1(Cell Division)15-4(Biology Community)26-2(Carbon Cycling)

Animal Behavior 1-4(Marmots)3-1(Humming Birds)4-1(Displacement Activity)8-1(Active Habitat Selection)11-1(Distraction Display)

16-3(Foraging Behavior Among Beavers)25-1(Assisted Migration Conservation)25-4(Play)

28-2(Mirror Self-Recognition)

Botany 2-2(Manila Hemp)6-2(Nightcap Oak)19-3(Plants in Salt Mashes)28-3(Plants’ Photoreceptor)34-3(Plants and Pollinators)

4.Art Art History 3-3(Chauvet Painting)8-2(Women Artist in Paris)15-2(Palimpsest)16-4(Stained Glass Art)17-1(Prehistoric Art Dating)18-2(Copies of Greek Sculptures)26-4(Archimedes Palimpsest)34-1(Dadaism)

1-1(Rose Frantzen)19-4(Cecilia Beaux)21-4(Alice Neel)27-4(Primary Colors)

Music 12-3(Opera)16-2(Piano)

22-4(Musicians & Film Industry)25-2(Bela Bartok)27-2(Cremonese Violin)30-4(Electric Guitar)

31-1(Music in Ancient Greece)

Literature 4-2(Emerson’s Self-reliance)5-4(Folk Tales and Fairy Tales)6-3(Character Sketch)13-3(Medieval Poetry)20-3(Folk Tales)

Architecture 11-2(Cape Cod House)13-1(Pedestrian Malls)29-2(Reverberation)32-4(Harriet Morrison Irwin)33-4(The Renaissance Gardens)

Dance History 23-4(Screen Dance)24-2(Modern Dance)

Theater History 7-1(The Well-made Play)

9-1(Philippe Jacques De Loutherbourg)

Film History 3-2(Jean Painleve)

astronomy 2-4 asteroid belt Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus(天神,乌拉诺斯)Neptune Pluto Astronomical unit Pattern Ceres object Gravitation gravity,grav=heavy重,或悲伤 Grave 严肃的,庄重的,坟墓 Aggra-vation 加重,恶化

You can imagine that there was some interest in why the 2.8 spot was skipped Validity 3-4 bloom 花,开花期 n.开花,使植物繁盛,大量出现v.spectroscopy spectroscopic spectra spectral lines spectrum 光谱,波普,范围,系列 spectral graph emit chemical composition crystal prism beam optical radiation expose uranium 以Uranus 为依据命名 helium bleed into magnify 放大,赞美 randomly compile flame fingerprint extensive circumspect 小心谨慎的

circum周围+spect看→看周围→小心 2 perspective 透视的

per全部+spect看+ive……的→看透了的→透视的 3 prospective 预期的

prospect前景+ive……的→adj.预期的 4 respectable 可敬的;人格高尚的

respect尊敬+able可以……的→adj.可敬的;人格高尚的 5 respectful 恭敬的,尊重的

respect尊敬,尊重+ful有……的→adj.恭敬的,尊重的 6 respective 各自的,各个的

re回+spect看+ive……的→回头看[自己]→各自的 7 retrospective 追想的,回顾的

retrospect[v.回顾,回想]+ive……的→adj.追想的,回顾的 8 spectacular 壮观的,引人注目的

spect看+acular……的→adj.壮观的,引人注目的 n.壮观的演出 Badv.1 respectively 分别地, 各个地

respective[adj.各自的,各个的]+ly表副词→adv.分别地, 各个地 Cn.1 prospect 景象,前景

pro前面+spect看→向前看→前景 2 aspect 样子, 外表, 面貌, [问题等的]方面 a加强意义+spect看→看的东西→外表,容貌 3 circumspection 细心,慎重

circumspect[adj.小心谨慎的]+ion表名词→n.细心,慎重 4 inspector 检查员, 巡视员

inspect[v.检查,调查,视察]+or人→n.检查员, 巡视员 5 inspection 检查,审查;检阅

inspect[v.检查,调查,视察]+ion表名词→n.检查,审查;检阅 6 prospectus 章程,内容简介;创办计划 pro前+spect看+us→向前看的东西 7 respect 敬意,问候,关系,方面 re再+spect看→再看[一眼]→尊敬 8 spectacle [ spect看+acle东西→看的东西→景象;眼镜 9 spectacular 壮观的演出

spect看+acular……的→adj.壮观的,引人注目的 n.壮观的演出 10 spectator 观众,旁观者 spect看+ator人→看的人 11 spectrum 系列,范围;光谱 spect看+rum→可以看的范围 Dn.&v.1 respect 尊敬,尊重

re再+spect看→再看[一眼]→尊敬 Ev.1 expect 预期;期望,指望

ex出+pect=spect看→看出去,看外面→期待 2 inspect 检查,调查,视察

in内,里面+spect看→看里面→检查 3 retrospect 回顾,回想 retro向后+spect看→向后看 4 speculate 思索;推测

spec=spect看+ulate→看准了→思考,投机 5 suspect 怀疑

sus下面+spect看→在下面看一看,斜眼看→怀疑 前缀: per-1.表示“贯穿,自始至终;全部”;2.表示“假,坏” Aadj.1 perennial 全年的

per贯穿,自始至终;全部+enn年+ial的→全年的 2 permanent 永久的

per贯穿,自始至终;全部+man拿住+ent……的→永久拿住→永恒的 3 pernicious 有害的,有毒的

per贯穿,自始至终;全部+nic毒+ious……的→有毒的 4 perplexed 困惑的

per贯穿,自始至终;全部+plex重叠+ed……的→重叠在一起→困惑的 5 perspective 透视的

per贯穿,自始至终;全部+spect看+ive……的→看透了→透视的 6 perspicacious 独具慧眼的

per贯穿,自始至终;全部+spic看+acious多……的→全部看到→独具慧眼 7 perverse 刚愎自用的,故意作对的

per贯穿,自始至终;全部+vers转+e→一直和别人拧着转 8 perfunctory 草率的

per假,坏+funct作用+ory……的→没起好作用→草率的 Bn.1 percussion 敲打;碰击;冲突

per贯穿,自始至终;全部+cuss摇动,敲打+ion表名词→一直敲打 2 peroxide 过氧化物

per贯穿,自始至终;全部+oxide氧化物→贯穿的氧化物→过氧化物 3 perturb 烦乱,扰乱

per贯穿,自始至终;全部+turb搅→直搅乱→扰乱 4 perfidy 不忠,背叛

per假,坏+fid相信+y状态→假相信→不忠诚 5 perjury 伪证,假誓

per假,坏+jur发誓+y状态→假发誓;参考:jury陪审团 Cv.1 perforate 打洞

per贯穿,自始至终;全部+forate打孔→打孔穿过→打洞 2 perfuse 使洒遍,横流

per贯穿,自始至终;全部+fuse流→流遍 3 permeate 弥漫,遍布,散布;渗入,渗透

per贯穿,自始至终;全部+me走+ate表动词→走过去→渗透过去 4 persist 坚持

per贯穿,自始至终;全部+sist站→站到最后→坚持 5 perspire 出汗

per贯穿,自始至终;全部+spir呼吸+e→全身呼吸→出汗 6 persuade 劝说

per贯穿,自始至终;全部+suade劝→一直劝→劝说 7 peruse 细读

per贯穿,自始至终;全部+use利用→[读书的时候]全部利用→细读 8 pervade 弥漫,普及 per贯穿,自始至终;全部+vade走→走遍,遍及 9 perpetrate 做坏事;犯罪

per假,坏+petr石+ate表动词→像石头一样顽固的做坏事→专横,做坏事 10 pervert 堕落,滥用

per假,坏+vert转→转向坏→堕落 get the idea 2.Anyone want to take a stab at the scientific term for visible light? And I’m sure all of you know this because you all did the reading for today 3.before we get into that, it’s probably a good thing to back up a bit 4.what happens if the sunlight’s spectrum is magnified? Maybe you all didn’t do the reading.Well, here’s what you’d see.5.I’m sure all of you know it.OK.Let’s try something else.Any of you happened to be familiar with the …?

5-2 compelling reasons pinpoint impact crater basin color-coated image spacecraft lunar orbit equator topographical 地形的 elevation(low, high)diameter depth planetary redistribute crust mantle penetrate composition, formation meteor shower concentration of hydrogen comet molecule evaporation primitive oxygen and hydrogen rocket fuel

maybe a ways off: way off, 偏离轨道,错得厉害,有很大距离,(”I think you are way off base.)haul: to move something really big with a lot of efforts perpetually, eternally, perpetual motion(永动机), permanent give or take crude estimate by inference “You seemed to know about the book and by inference I thought you had read it.”

13-4 meteoroids 流星体 meteorite:陨石

meteor: 流星,大气现象,meteorology,气象学,mythology interplanetary space proportion terrestrial territory terr=earth,土地;frighten,可怕,恐惧; extraterrestrial 地球外的,宇宙的 Mediterranean,地中海的 subterranean,地下的,subterrane,下层,洞穴,地下室 comet

asteroid(-oid, 希腊语,like,acidoid, 似酸的,asteroid,星状的,小行星,organoid,类器官 debris uncountable noun 残骸,碎片,垃圾 methane carbon dioxide(monoxide)nitric oxide 一氧化氮 particle nickel indistinguishable left over analogous: similar, “marine construction technology like this is very complex, somewhat analogous to trying to build a bridge under water.”

Analogy 类似,相似,比拟,“The teacher draw an analogy between the human heart and a pump.”

Now I’m going a bit out of a boarder here.the thing is, what’s especially interesting about … is that…

难句: they consist of the same chemical elements that are in matter originated on earth.It might help if you think of…remember we talked about the two classes of planets in our solar system? And how they differ in composition?

14-3 latitude 纬度 longitude altitude elevation

orient v.标定方向,使熟悉或适应,orient oneself orientation n.oriental 东方的 seafarers navigational partition v.分割 partition the country 分裂国家 symmetrical 对称的 匀称的 symmetric 对称性的 historic historical identical canoe discern 看出 理解 了解 识别 Viking keep track of seasons

ecology 9-2 we are around the topic Celsius Vegetation Shrub Tundra: a flat land with very little vegetation Precipitation, respiration Thaw Permafrost Impermeable None of the plants that grow there can have deep roots, can they? No, and that’s one of the reasons that shrubs survive in the arctic Interfere with Microbes microbial Microscopic organism Nitrogen Phosphorus Insulate Run-off Semiarid Prairie 10-3 scarce scarcity nitrogen, carbon, phosphorus 硫,sulphur sulphuric break down erode particle weather v.mine v.fertilizer decompose composition algae clog adverse adversity sediment deposit substantial 11-3 citrus bout 发作 I was suffering with a bout of nerves 一段时间,一阵(不愉快的事大量发生)

The latest bout of violence has claimed twenty-four lives.Spell of frost 一阵(某种活动,天气等)

Wetland swamp marsh 淹没,使陷入困境,忙的不可开交 Overwhelmed Swampy marshy 泥泞的 沼泽的 marshmallow sugar coated haws drain 排水 v.下水道n.drainage 废水,排水系统 sewer 下水道 阴沟

divert 转道,转向 -vert=turn convert convertible 可辩论的 敞篷车 ventilate 通风 ventilate the room ventilator subscribe 订阅 subscribe to 同意,支持 Fahrenheit Celsius Plumb v.plumber A drop in the bucket

12-4 alternative energy source diffused 含糊不清的 难以理解的diffuse v.传播 四散普及 to diffuse new ideas fuse 融化 融合 保险丝 引信 confuse spur v.策马前进 鼓励 激励 加速 推动 n.马刺,刺激因素 fall into two categories panel 专门小组 仪表板 solar energy plant mega 13-2 interrelationship interdependence ecosystem ecofriendly log pond standing still mammals sponge songebob squarepants soak up 17-2 circular a.oval

elliptical a.隐晦的,间接的

hemisphere sphere 势力范围 圈子,阶层

This area was formerly within the sphere of influence of the US Glacier 冰川 Rotation rotate Axis 轴 symmetry axis Scope

Skeptical 怀疑性的 Tilt Precession Geology 16-1 permeable

permeate the smell of roast beef permeated the air limestone sulfuric acid bacteria diagram,let’s draw a diagram water table 地下水位

fissure deep crack in something, especially in rock.Carbonic acid Dissolve Soluble Solution Solv: loosen 溶解,解决,松开 Dry as a bone Bone dry: the river bed is bone dry.Residue: 残余,残渣,remains Pesticide residue:农药残留 Homicide: 凶杀,suicide: 自杀 Cide: cut, kill;homi: 人 Decide Gypsum Dormant: 潜伏的,休眠的,静止的 Dormant volcano Elaborate: 复杂的,精心制作的,精巧的 Labor;劳动

Collaborate: 合作,协作 15-2 gravel grav=heavy, 沉重的,悲伤的 grave,aggravation gravity, gravitation gravitate epoch: 纪元,时期 erosion and weathering remnants: 残存物

CE: common era BCE: before common era 公元纪年

AD: Anno Domini, in the year of our lord, 主的纪年 BC: before Christ Livestock;牲畜

9-3 Arabian Peninsula Barren: 贫瘠的,荒原

Monsoon: 季风,季风季节,季风雨 Dot, spot Butte: 孤山,独立的山丘 Butt,button Sand dune Torrential: torrential rain pours down very rapidly and in great quantities.Clay silt Chop up 切开,割断 chopstick lamb chop Hollow: 坑,洞,山谷 a hollow tree, 空心的树 Ridge: 背脊,山脉,田埂,隆起 Hollows and ridges: 沟壑

Art history 3-3(Chauvet Painting)8-2(Women Artist in Paris)15-2(Palimpsest)16-4(Stained Glass Art)17-1(Prehistoric Art Dating)18-2(Copies of Greek Sculptures)26-4(Archimedes Palimpsest)34-1(Dadaism)

1-1(Rose Frantzen)19-4(Cecilia Beaux)21-4(Alice Neel)27-4(Primary Colors)3-3 cave painting slides 幻灯片 diagram,picture depict primitive dating technique charcoal Paleolithic Neolithic 8-2 canny,canny valley premiere

Biology 12-1 renew 更新,延长有效期 tissue chromosome spring coil up 盘绕,卷成一圈,coil:线圈,卷

tongue in cheek 开玩笑的,不是认真的,风凉话,说说而已 sequence,repetitious lace thread ravel: 使纠缠,变得错综复杂,磨损,unravel,解开,阐明

archeology 1-3 settlement inhabitant Neolithic Paleolithic Hatchway hatch孵化 Hearth Plaster 灰泥 Lung rib Soot Burial sites

Ancestor 祖先

词根 cess go 行走 前进 accessible excessive 过分的 过度的

successive suc 随后 连续的 继承的 successor 继承人 继任者 heir heritor process 过程 处理 concession 让步 迁就 speculate excavation cav hole

life science 12-1 be programmed to do 预先设定好了要 nerve cells gene genetic information

chromosome(练习听开头 猜测chromosome定义)spring coil 盘绕 卷成圈 线圈 coil up break off 分离 脱离 停止 enzyme 酶

immortal 不死的,永恒的,不朽的

mortal 致命的,不共戴天的,终有一死的,极度的 凡人 人类 mort = death

15-4 inorganic photosynthesis photon光子 microbe


campus situations 和librarian 1.找资料困难

On reserve:限馆内阅读,不外借 Reference section:参考书库 Electronically:电子 Database:数据库

Narrow your search down:缩小研究范围 Abstract:摘要

Durable:持久的,耐用的 Review:评论 Critic 批评

Controvertial 有争议的 Fuss 混乱 Premier 首映 Stack 书架

Progess in any sort of logical manner 没有逻辑 Real ending 真正的结尾 Orientation 培训

Transfer student 转学生 Loan peroid 借期 Hook up 锁 Plug in 充电

Photocopy 复印机 Insert in 插入

Rare books 稀有书籍


Extended privilege service 延期借书服务 Circumstances 环境 Suspend 终止

Check out 把书借出图书馆 Political science 政治 Short of staff 少人 Replacement 替代

3.退书(书店)Full refund 全额退款 Merchandise 商品 For gear 设定了 Withdraw 退 Rigid 严格的

Syllabus 教学大纲 Store credit 商店积分


elementray school:小学 observation:观察 interdisipline:多学科 mythology 神话

Greek and Roman 希腊的和罗马的 Research skills:调查研究技能


Climate variation 气候变化 Data 数据 Expert 专家

Research project 研究项目

General or casual idea 大致的想法 Rule of thumb 凭经验的方法 Research journal 研究日记

Evolution in thought 想法的进化 Meteorological records 气象记录 Statistical tests 统计检验 Reference section 参考文献 Jot down 随便写下 Note Pad 笔记本 Draft version 草稿 Prerequisite 先决条件 Term paper 课程论文 Dialect 方言

Manageable 可操控的 Proposal 设计

Food-born bacteria 食物上长的细菌 Preliminary 初步的 Carton board 纸板 Flavor 味道 Dairy 牛奶场 Swamped 忙死了

Scope of the assignment 作业的范围 Stick to 坚持

Tangential 外围的 Mid-summer dream 仲夏夜之梦 Video collection 录像集 Track down 找到 Ironic 讽刺的

Transient 瞬息万变的

3.报名项目 Assume 假设 Introductory 导论 Relief 轻松

Main lecture hall 教学主楼 Excavate 开掘 Barn 谷仓

Artifact 手工艺品 Button 纽扣

Clay pottery 泥质陶 Extra credit 额外的分数 Tough time 困难 Incentive 动力 Retirement party Dean 系主任

Anthropology 人类学 Pitch in 加入

Versatile 多才多艺的 Hiring process 招聘过程

Qualified applicant 合格的候选者 Sample lecture 样板课堂 Academic interest 学科兴趣 Student representative 学生代表 Candidate 候选人 Perspective 观点

4.小组活动 Due 到期

Supreme court 最高法庭

Municipal land use cases 市政土地使用案例 Owning disputes 所有权争议 Stress out 压力大 Free-rider 搭便车 Split up 分割

Goof off 打发时间

Go down the drain 泡汤 Personal liberty 个人自由 Start from scratch 重新开始 Synthesis 总和 Congnitive 认知的 Couch 沙发


Strategic marketing 营销策略 High end 高端的 Aerobics 有氧体操 Gallery 画廊 Context 背景 Monsoon 季风 At stake 濒于险境 Surrender 放弃


Track meet 径赛

Lab project 实验室项目 Exmplary 杰出的

Cell division 细胞分裂 Blank out 空白

Fresh in my mind 新鲜 Medieval 中世纪

Take-home exam 带回去做的考试 Speculate 推断

两个students Register 选课

Contemporary literature 当代文学 Seminar 研讨班 Junior high 初中 Theory class 理论课

Till the end of the month 直到月末 Thesis 毕业论文 Revise 修改

Short of credits 学分不够

和receptionist at the registrar’s office 1.课被取消了

Room assinment sheet 教室分配表格 Bulletin board 公告板 Cancel 取消 Junk mail 垃圾邮件

Mailing address 通信地址

Administration office 行政办公室 Practical 实际的 Instructor 指导者 Sign up 报班 Enroll 注册

Physics depatment 物理系 Info 信息

Time slot 时间空档

2.毕业要求 Diploma 文凭 Intermediate 中等 Issue 发布

Chairperson 主席,导师 Field work 实地考察 Verify 证实

和counselor/ faculty advisor 1.在学校不习惯

Overwhelmed 吓到了 Culture shock 文化震惊 Understatement 低估 Keep pace with 跟上 Cello 大提琴

String quartet 弦乐团四重奏 Audition 面试

2.工作招聘会 Shoot 说

Career fair 工作招聘会 Flyer and post 传单和海报 Accounting firm 会计公司 Zillion 庞大的数字


Teacher the year 教室 Byline 署名

Specialize in 专业化 District court 地区法庭 Resume 简历

Prospective 预选的,准。。的 News editor 新闻编辑 Submission 上交的文件 Follow up 跟进 Enrollment 注册 adjust 调整

和学校的employee 1.体育馆

Gym pass 体育馆通行证 Indoor courts 室内场地 Entitle

2.教授秘书 Deposits 存款 Odd 奇怪的 Payroll 工资表 Retrieve 收回 Owed 应得的 Count on 依赖

3.设施管理 Choir 合唱团

Singing group 乐队 Rehearsal 彩排 Bulldozer 推土机

Jazz ensemble 爵士乐队 Acoustics 声音 Auditorium 礼堂

4.食堂经理 Flexible 灵活的 Food-prep 准备食物 Greens 蔬菜

Academic lectures 1.Archaeology Hieroglyph 象形文字 Engender 引起,造成

2.Art and history Bleak:凄凉的 Blurry:模糊不清的 Vibrant 鲜明的

Accessible平易近人的 Category 分类 Mollusk 软体动物 Uncanny 不寻常的 Suspicious 可疑的 Innovator 创新者 Pipe out 尖叫 Torches 火炬 Charcoal 木炭 Vitality 活力 Rhinocero 犀牛

Utter 完全的,彻底的 Subsidy 津贴补贴

Endowment 资助,捐助 Patron 资助人

Plaque 匾额,纪念碑 Formula 原则

Inciting 刺激的,煽动的 Obligatory 必须的 Denouement 结局 Press 印刷机 Quartz 石英 Knack 本领

Nightshade 茄属植物 Mandrake 曼德拉草 Belladonna 颠茄

Secularization 凡俗化 Clergy 牧师 Vernacular 方言 Plaza 广场

Chivalry 骑士制度 Parchment 羊皮纸 Scribe 抄书员 Monastery 修道院 Palimpsest 重写本 Decipher 破译本

Archimedes 阿基米德 Papyrus 莎草纸 Clarinet 单簧管 Quill 羽毛琴拨 Harp 竖琴 Recital 独奏会 Virtuoso 艺术大师 Paradigmatic 典型的 Lamp shade 灯罩 Hood 面罩 Barley 大麦

3.Geology Dating techniqques 测年技术 Grand canyon 大峡谷 Solidify 固化

Uranium lead dating 铀铅测年 Refinement 改进 Zircon 锆石

Radioactive 放射性 Lake bed 河床 Bulldozer 推土机 Theorize 总结,推断 Vibrate 震动 Tilt 倾斜

Rubricant 润滑剂 Brittle 易碎的 Shatter 碎裂 Crevasse 裂缝

Torrential 猛烈的,如注的 Pleistocene 更新世 Holocene 全新世

4.Archaeology Near east近东 Obsidian 黑曜石 Flake 成薄片状

Rectangular 长方形的 Hatchway 天花板出入口 Wooden ladder 木梯 Diagonal 斜的 Hearth 壁炉

Plaster 用石灰抹墙 Soot 煤烟 5.Biology Marmot 土拨鼠 Hibernate 冬眠 Reside 居住 Bizarre 古怪的 Meadow 草地

Manila hemp 马尼拉麻 Exceptionally 格外地 Moor 停泊

Steel cable 钢索 Zinc 锌

Stainless 不锈的 Preen 整理羽毛 Displacement Groom 清洁 Inhibit 阻止 Ruffle 弄皱了 Thrush 画眉鸟 Perch 栖木

Infrasound 次声波 Ultrasound 超声波

Recap 简要重述,概述 Pluver 珩

Fledgeling 刚长毛的鸟 Orangutan 猩猩 Prairie dog 土拨鼠 Coyote:野狼 Muffle lay 行话 Telomere 端粒 Unravel 解开 Pant 喘气

Unwittingly 不知情的 Hydrothermal 热水的 Tube worm 管虫 Aspen 山杨 Ash tree 梣木 Lug 吃力地搬 Haul 拉

Pros and cons 利弊 Octopus 章鱼

6.Psychology Manifestation 表现 Overt 公开的 Covert 隐蔽的

Ideomotor 观念运动的 Barricade 障碍 Cognition 认知 Cortex 皮层 Syllable 音节

7.Philosophy Aristotle 亚里斯多德 Attainment 达到 Comtemplation 冥想

8.Astronomy Decimal 小数 Uranus 天王星 Validity 可信度 Faint 微弱的

Asteroid belt 小行星带 Bloom 变得有活力 Spectroscopy 光谱学 Prism 棱镜 Beam 一束

Take a stab 尝试 Helium 氦

Planetory 行星的 Meteor 流星

Perpetually 永久地 Meteorite 陨石 Partition 分开 Zenith 天顶星

9.Environmental science/ ecology Hummingbird 蜂鸟

Banding study 系放研究 Citric 柠檬的 Subscribe 赞同 Calcite 方解石

10.Literature/ creative writing Ralph Waldo Emerson 爱默生 Conviction 信念

Dismiss 退去,解散,不再考虑 Conformity 遵从,一致 Attest 证实 Genre 体裁

Communal 共有的

Cousin 堂(表)兄弟姊妹 Dorminant attibutes 主要特点 Defer 拖延,推迟 Cliche 陈腐的说法 Ragged 破破烂烂的 Terminology 专用术语 Deed 行为 Contest 竞赛 Patriotic 爱国的 Synonym 同义词

11.Sociology Alligator 短吻鳄 Sewer 下水道,阴沟 Meme 文化基因 Fecundity 多产 Fidelity 忠实

12.Chemistry Curator 管理者 Infrared 红外线 Touchup Proton 质子 Discredit 不承认

Cyclotron 回旋加速器

13.Economics Boom and bust 经济繁荣与萧条的交替循环 Hysterical 歇斯底里的 Nomad 流浪汉 Craze 时尚 Specimen 标本 Bloom 开花

Promissory 应允的,承诺的 Hectares 公顷 Plum 李子树

Remnant 残留部分

14.Environmental science/ecology Granary 谷仓

Hippopotamus 河马 Giraffe 长颈鹿

15.Anthropology Pliable 易弯的,柔韧的 Cord 绳

Sturdy 强壮的,坚硬的 Maneuverable 可操纵的 Alliance 联盟

16.Architecture/city planning Detour 绕道 Pedestrian 行人

Denominator 共同特性 Hub 中心 Layout 布局

17. Business Billboard 广告牌

Prattle 闲扯,东拉西扯

第三篇:第二部分 通过词根认识单词(三)

第二部分 通过词根认识单词

(常用词根三)abol=do away with(消除)2 accoutr=dress(穿着)3 acm=top(顶端)


alesc=grow(成长)12 amen=pleasant(愉快)amic=friend(朋友)angu,anx=distress(苦恼)anth = flower(花)16 ap=bee(蜜蜂)17aper=open(开)18 apex=aummit(顶峰)19 aquil=eagie(鹰)20 ar=plow(犁地)21 ar=dry(干)22 arbor=tree(树)23 arch=chief(主要的)24 arch=bear(熊)25 ard=burn(燃烧)26 ardu=difficult(困难)27 aren=sand(沙)28 arom=apice(香料)29 arter=pipe(管道)30 articul=joint(关节)31 asin=ass(驴子)32 asper=rough(粗糙)33 asthm=panting(喘气)34 athl=contest(比赛)35 atmo=vapor(蒸汽)36 atroc =cruel(残酷)37 aur=gold(金)38 aur = ear(耳朵)39 auster=severe(严重的)40 austr=south(南方)41 auxili=help(帮助)42 aval=kownward(向下)

avar=greedy(贪婪)44 axi=worthy(有价值)

badin=jest(说笑)46 bank=bench(长椅)47 bard=beard(胡子)48 barbar=stammer(胡说)49 barr=bar(栅栏)50 beat=blessed(有福的)51 bell=fine(美好)52 bever=drink(喝)53 bey=expect(期待)54 bias=slant(斜)55 bib=drink(喝)56 blas=bamage(毁坏)57 blem=stain(弄脏)58 bombast=cotton(棉花)59 bon=good(好)60 bor=dweller(居民)61 bord=side(边)62 bosc=feed(喂)63 botan=herb(草)64 bouch=mouth(嘴)65 bov=ox(牛)66 brack=vomit(呕)67 broch=pierce(刺,缝)68 bry=sprout(发芽)69 burl=mockery(嘲笑)70 byss=borrom(底)325 cadaver=corpse(尸体)71 cal=beautiful(美丽)72 calam=misfortune(不幸)73 calend=first day(每月第一天)74 call=hard skin(硬皮)75 can=dog(狗)76 capr=goat(山羊)77 caric=load(过分)78 caten=chain(链)79 cathar=pure(纯洁)80 cathol=general(普通的)81 caul=stem(根,杆)82 caust=bun(烧)83 caval=horse(马)84 ceal=hide(藏)

cel=heaven(天空)86 celebr=honor(荣誉)87 celib=single(单个)

cem=sleep(睡)89 cephal=head(头)90 ceram=earth(陶土)91 cerebr=brain(脑)92 cess=stop(停止)93 chame=ground(地)94 chondr=cartilage(软骨)95 chrys=golden(金色)96 ciner=ash(灰)97 cinct=bins(捆)98 cist=box(盒子)99 cla=break(打破)

clandestin=secret(秘密)101 clys=dash(猛冲)102 col=strain(排水)103 coll=neck(脖子)104 com=sleep(睡)

contamin=pollute(污染)106 cop=abundance(丰富)107 cori=skin(皮)108 corrig=correct(改正)109 corusc=glitter(发光)110 cost=side(旁边)111 cras=mixing(混合)112 crastin=tomorrow(明天)113 creas=flesh(肉)114 crepit=burst(爆裂)115 crimin=ceime(罪)116 crud=raw(生的)117 crust=shell(外壳)118 culin=kitchen(厨房)119 culmin=top(顶)120 cmul=heap(堆积 121 cup=desire(渴望 122 curt=short(短)123 custod=guard(看护)124 cylind=roll(卷)125 dama=conpuer(征服)126 de=god(神)127 deb=owe(欠债)128 debil=weak(衰弱)

deleter=destroyer(毁坏者)130 delect=delight(愉快)131 delir=mad(疯)132 deterior=worse(更坏)133 didact=teach(教)134 digit=finger(手指)135 dogm=opinion(观点)136 domin=lord(主人)137 domit=tame(驯服)138 dors=back(背)139 dot=give(给)140 dra=perform(表演)141 dubi=doubtful(怀疑)142 ebri=drunken(醉)143 eleg=lament(悲伤)144 emul=equal(平等)145 ent=being(存在)146 entom=insect(昆虫)147 equ=horse(马)148 ero=love(爱)149 ert=erect(直)150 esoter=inner(内在)151 estim=value(价值)152 ethn=nation(民族)153 etymo=true(真的)154 fam=hunger(饿)155 fan=temple(庙)156 fascin=enchant(迷住)157 fatig=weary(疲倦)158 fatu=silly(笨)159 febr=fever(烧)160 fecund=fruit(果实)161 felic=happy(幸福)162 femin=woman(女人)163 fer=wild(野)164 err=iron(铁)165 fisc=pruse(钱包)166 fiss=split(分裂)167 flagell=whip(鞭子)168 fluctu=wave(波浪)169 for=bore(打孔)170 fratern=brother(兄弟)171 fres=fresh(新鲜)172 fruc=shine(果实)

173 fulg=shine(发光)174 fulmin=thunder(雷声)175 furt=steal(偷)176 furc=fork(分叉)177 fusc=dark(黑的)178 gain =against(反对)179 galax=milk(乳)180 garr=chatter(唠叨)181 gastr=stomach(胃)182 genu=knee(膝盖)183 ger=bear(带有)184 glomer=ball(球)185 glut=devour(吞吃)186 gorg=throat(喉)187 gross=great(大)188 gymn=naked裸体的 189 harm=fitting(适合)190 haught=high(高)191 hein=odious(可恨的)192 hemo=blood(血)193 hom=man(人)194 host =enemy(敌人)195 hum=moist(湿)196 icon=image(形象)197 ident=same(相同)198 ign=fire(点火)199 incip=begin(开始)200 intim=inmost(内心的)201 isol=island(岛)

202 isthm=narrow pass(狭道)203 jac=lie(躺)204 jacul=javelin(标枪)205 jubil=shout of joy(欢呼)206 lacer=torn(撕开)207 lass=weaty(倦)208 lat=wide(宽)209 laud=praise(赞扬)210 lemma=argument(争论)211 lent=loose(松)212 leth=oblivion(遗忘)213 lig=bind(捆绑)214 lign=wood(木头)215 loft=sky(天空)216 lop=run(跑)

217 lubric=slip(滑)218 luc=light(灯)219 lug=mourn(悲伤)220 lup=wolf(狼)221 lyr=lute(笛子)222 maci=lean(瘦)223 macul=spot(斑点)224 mall=hammer(锤子)225 mamm=breast(奶)226 mascul =male(雄性)227 mastic=chew(嚼)228 matin=morning(早上)229 me=go(走)

230 medit=ponder(思考)231 medl=mic(混合)232 mell=honey(蜜)233 melan=black(黑)234 melior=better(更好)235 mendic=beg(乞讨)236 mer=lake(湖)327 mol=meal(饭)237 mol=heap(堆)238 morb=disease(病)239 myth=fable(寓言)240 narc=numb麻醉学 241 nebul=cloud(云)242 nec=kill(杀)243 negat=deny(否认)244 nom=pasture(牧场)245 nu=nod(点头)246 nugator=trifle(烦事)247 numism=coin(钱币)248 nupti=wedding(婚礼)249 obed=obey(服从)250 obes=fat(肥)251 obit=death(死)252 obliv=forget(忘记)253 obsol=decay(腐烂)254 ocul=eye(眼睛)255 od=road(道路)256 odi=hate(恨)257 odyn=pain(痛)258 ole=oil(油)259 olfact=scent(味)

260 omin=omen(预兆)261 opl=armor(盔甲)262 ornith=bird(鸟)263 oscul=kiss(吻)264 ostens=appear(出现)265 ostrac=tile(瓦片)266 ov=shout(叫喊)267 pachy=thick(厚)268 pan=bread(面包)269 pat=walk(走)270 phem=speech(讲话)271 phen=show(显示)272 pher=bring(带来)273 ping=fasten(系紧)274 pinn=peak(顶)275 plais=please(高兴)276 plas=mold(模式)277 pleb=people(人们)278 pleth=crowd(挤,多)279 plum=feather(羽毛)280 pneumon=lung(肺)281 pol=smooth(光滑)282 postul=demand(要求)283 pragm=deed(行为)284 psych=soul(灵魂)285 pud=shame(害羞)286 puer=boy(男孩)287 pulver=dust(灰尘)288 pusill=mean(卑微的)289 pyr=fire(火)290 quarant=forty(四十)291 quer=complain(抱怨)292 rab=rage(怒)293 radi =ray(光线)294 ram=branch(枝)295 reg=king(国王)296 regn=reign(王朝)297 remn=remain(留下)298 rest=stay(停留)299 retic=silent(安静)300 rever=awe(敬畏)301 rhe=flow(流)302 rhin=nose(鼻子)303 riv=stream(河流)

304 rug=wrinkle(皱)305 sacchar=sugar(糖)306 salu=health(健康)307 sanat=taste(味道)308 sarc=flesh(肉)309 scintill=spark(火花)310 sembl=be like(相像)311 sept=rotten(烂)312 sibil=hiss(咝咝声)313 sider=star(星星)

314 stetho=chest(胸)

316 sud=sweat(汗)328 sumptu=expense(花费 315 succ=juice(果汁)317 tabul=plank(平板)318 taph=tomb(墓)320 templ=tmple(庙)321 torp=numb(麻木)322 torr=dry(干)

323 trepid=trembling(颤抖)324 tum=swell(肿)325 uber=fruitful(果实)326 ucor=wife(老婆)327 vale=farewell(再见)328 veh=carry(带来)329 velop=cover(盖上)330 verd=green(绿)331 veter=old(老)332 viti=fault(错误)333 vituper=blame(责备)334 zym=ferment(发酵)


Unit 4

Basic listening

1.hang around: 逗留在附近

2.self-made adj.白手起家的3.take over:接管 stuck in:卡在,陷入,困在。。 n.会计

Listening in

1.crystal clear: absolutely clear

2.pray v.please

3.a different kettle of fish: a different thing

4.get the hang of it: master it up to: act in accordance with

6.contract n.合同,契约

7.indispensable adj.不可或缺的8.SOHO abbr.Small Office and Home Office小型办公室或家庭式办公室

9.virtual adj.虚拟的10.paperwork n.文字工作

11.acronym n.首字母缩写

12.real estate n.房地产 a stretch: continuously

14.demanding adj.费力的15.ill-defined adj.定义不清的16.draft v.起草

17.collaboration n.合作,协作

18.vague adj.含糊不清的 in with: be suitable for

20.consultant n.顾问

Speaking out

1.extension n.电话分机

2.shipment n.运送的货物

3.regarding prep.关于

4.hold up:耽搁

5.supervisor n.监督者

6.internship n.实习期

7.board of directors:董事会

8.unanimous adj.意见一致的9.heart and soul: wholeheartedly

Further listening

1.authority figure n.权威人物

2.hang out with: socialize with

3.lay down the law: issue orders立下规矩,制定法律 the letter: exactly;to the last detail in sick: call to say one is ill

6.crack the whip: enforce rules strictly

7.get right on it: attend to a problem immediately

8.punch in:打卡上班

9.clock out:打卡下班

10.nursing home:疗养院,养老院

Joan: Come in, come in.Have a seat.Ah...uh...I want you to know this is going to hurt me more than it will hurt you.Carl: Yes, ma'am.But I'm not quite sure what you're talking about.Joan: You're fired.That's what I'm talking about.Carl: I find that surprising, Miss Jackson.After all, I sold twenty-five percent more of our products than any other salesperson.Joan: Look, I'm not here to argue.You're fired.Understand?

Carl: I understand perfectly.I just wonder what's going to happen to the contract I've been arranging.It would be a shame to lose it;it could mean a lot to our company.And I'm the only one who knows the details.Joan: No one is indispensable.Just clear out your desk, and that's the end of it.Do I make myself clear, Mr.Westlake?

Carl: Crystal clear--apart from one small detail.Joan: And what, pray tell, is that detail?

Carl: I'm not Mr.Westlake.I'm Carl Smith.Joan: Well then, that's a different kettle of fish, Mr.Smith.I know you've been working late almost every night and coming in on Saturdays to get work done.The company is very happy with your progress.Carl: That's good to know.I was beginning to think that I wasn't appreciated.Joan: You're doing well.We have approved your first salary increase.Carl: That's great!Thank you!I'll certainly try to live up to the trust you have demonstrated in me with this raise in pay.The modern concept of small office and home office, or small and home office, often shortened to SOHO, is concerned with businesses that employ from one to ten workers.Also known as a virtual business, the SOHO has not evolved beyond the idea of an independent business person who has a few support staff members.Business enterprises that are larger are often called Small and Medium-sized Enterprises.Before the 19th century and the spread of the industrial revolution around the globe, nearly all offices were small offices or home offices, with only a few exceptions.Most businesses were small, and so was the amount of paperwork that went with their business activities.At the end of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st, the term “Small or Home Office” and the acronym SOHO have been used to a great extent by companies that sell products to large numbers of small businesses with a small-sized office.Some products are often designed specifically for the SOHO market.Many books are written and sold specifically for this type of office to tell people how to equip a small office.Nowadays many consultants, lawyers, and real estate agents in small and medium-sized towns operate from such home offices.In the field of software development, engineers often have to work 20 hours or more at a stretch, so they can hardly adapt to normal office hours.They often work in small offices to have more freedom.People who don't understand what their employers expect them to do may be headed for one of the most common and yet most avoidable career traps.If your boss doesn't take the time to explain properly what you are expected to do in your position, then keep asking questions until you know precisely what it is.Don't limit your questions to matters of everyday routine.Lee Colby, a management consultant based in Minneapolis, offers his advice.He says you can ask

more significant questions like, “What are our department's goals? How does my work fit in with the overall objective of the company?”

That method helped Lisa James, an assistant manager at an electronics company.When James was transferred to a new department seven years ago, she found herself not only working for the manager of quality control, but assisting three other managers.Because the job was both demanding and ill-defined, James had to put in ten-hour days as well as take work home.To clarify what was expected of her and what she hoped to get from her job in terms of career development, she drafted a list of goals in collaboration with her principal boss.The list proved so well thought out that her boss used it as the basis for her annual performance reviews.Shortly afterwards, she was given a raise for her efficient work.If your boss is vague about what your goals should be, try this technique suggested by Atkin Simon, director of a Boston-based management-consulting firm: Read your position description, which most large firms provide, and identify the two or three most important tasks it mentions.Then meet with your boss, point out the tasks you've chosen and ask if they accurately reflect what your boss considers important.Sam: Tell me: Does this place look like a nursing home?

Sally: No.Why?

Sam: Do I look like a male nurse?

Sally: Not at all.Sam: Then why do my employees act as though this were a nursing home instead of a workplace?

Sally: You're obviously upset.What's wrong? Tell me.Sam: You're right.I'm upset about a lot of things.Sally: Can you tell me what the problems are? Maybe there's something I can do.Sam: First of all I'm upset because so many of the staff have been showing up late for work.Sally: It's true.A lot of people have been coming in late.They probably think you don't mind.You know there's a pretty relaxed atmosphere here.Sam: Maybe it's because I hang out with a lot of them outside the office.Sally: They must see you more as a buddy than a boss.It's because you're so friendly.Sam: You're right.They don't view me as an authority figure anymore.I'm afraid they don't respect me as a boss.Sally: So what are you going to do about it?

Sam: I'm going to change.No more Mr.Nice Guy.I'm going to start cracking the whip.Sally: When do you want this change to take place?

Sam: Starting today, I'm going to lay down the law.From now on, everyone in the company must follow regulations to the letter.Sally: I'll post a notice as soon as possible.What should it say?

Sam: No more punching in late.No more clocking out early.No more calling in sick without a good reason or without a doctor's note.Sally: Anything else?

Sam: No more personal phone calls or e-mails on company time!

Sally: All right.I'll get right on it!




雅思听力机经单词总结(经验贴)1.laser printing 激光打印 service 媒体服务 3.reference 推荐信/参考书目 4.referee 推荐人/裁判 5.confirmation 确认 6.local agency 当地的中介 7.diagnose 诊断

8.chest infection 胸部感染

9.revolution 革命, 旋转

10.evolution 进展, 发展, 演变, 进化 power 太阳能

11.communication technology 交流技术 12.modular course 单元课程 sustainable development 可持续性的发展 14 independence 独立 learning styles 学习风格 observation 观察, 观测, 观察资料(或报告)17 distance learning 远程学习approach 接近, 走进, 方法, 步骤, 途径, 19 scientific 科学的 artistic 艺术的, 有美感的, 风雅的 21 gym membership 健身会员 22 running facilities 跑步设备 23 out of stock 无存货 sport articles 体育用品 administrator 管理人, 行政官 26 virtual learning 虚拟学习27 sound quality 音质 28 fossil 化石 exhibition 展览会 delicate 精巧的,脆弱的, 灵敏的31 Bank Holiday 银行休假日

external organization 外部机构 33 communicating bases 交流基础

presentation 介绍, 陈述, 赠送, 表达 35 seminar 研究会, 讨论发表会 36 objective 目标, 目的

project outline 项目计划大纲

academic conference 学术会议 39 car parking 停车 40 restaurant 餐厅 41 volcanoes 火山

volcanic dust 火山灰 43 magma 岩浆 44 lava 熔岩

crater 火山口

active volcano 活火山 47 extinct volcano 死火山 48 dormant volcano 休眠火山 49 telescope 望远镜 50 flexible 灵活的

gust 阵风, 一阵狂风 52 gale 大风 53 typhoon 台风 54 hurricane 飓风 55 tornado 龙卷风 56 drizzle 细雨,毛毛雨 57 shower 阵雨

avalanche 雪崩,山崩 59 drought 干旱

thunder 打雷,雷声 61 frost 霜冻 62 Jupiter 木星 63 Mars 火星 64 Mercury 水星 65 Venus 金星 66 Saturn 土星 67 Pluto 冥王星 68 Uranus 天王星 69 Neptune 海王星 70 meteor 流星

comet 彗星

orbit 绕...轨道而行,轨道 73 tape recorder 录音机 74 statistics 统计学,数据 75 green waste 无污染垃圾 76 pigeon holes 开放式邮箱

College Dining Room 大学食堂 78 enquiry desk 问询处 79 medical center 医疗中心 80 satellite TV station 卫星电台

folder 文件夹, 折叠器, 折叠机 82 binder 活页夹

legal problems 医疗问题 84 dictation 听写,口述,命令 85 subtitles 副题, 说明对白的字幕 86 eye contact 眼神交流 87 TV chat show 电视访谈秀 88 registered mail 挂号信 89 special mail 特殊邮件 90 parcel 包裹

contract 合同,契约,感染疾病 92 case study 案例分析

grasp the skills to learn independently 掌握独立学习的技巧 94 wear fancy dress 穿着花哨的衣服 95 book in advance 提前预订 96 check the websites 查询网站 97 cult 宗教崇拜,宗教仪式,98 badminton 羽毛球

mature student 成年学生 100 bedsit 卧室兼起居室

temperature 温度 102 Lord Mayor 市长

vocational course 职业课程 104 domestic work 家务活 105 labor 劳动, 努力, 工作, 劳工 106 childcare 儿童护理

insomnia 失眠 108 subway 地铁

dark room facilities 暗室设备 110 cash 现金

suburb 市郊,郊区 112 internet access 网络接口 113 golf club 高尔夫俱乐部 114 seek help 寻求帮助 115 weapon 武器

exaggerated by the media 被媒体夸大 117 theft 偷盗

awareness 意识

presentation with visual aids 带有视觉辅助的讲座 120 structure skills 写作中的结构技巧 121 subjects 学科/受实验者 122 organic fiber 有机纤维 123 nature fiber 天然纤维

cotton 棉花

wool 羊毛 126 linen 亚麻

retard 延迟, 使减速, 阻止, 阻碍 128 water proof 防水 129 top shelf 顶层

supervise teams 监管队伍 131 enrollment fees 注册费用

distribute newsletters 分发简讯 133 excursion 短程旅行 134 casual clothes 休闲服装 135 Politics 政治学

Nursing 护理学

under pressure 处于压力之下 138 pension 养老金 139 crisis 危机

psychology 心理学

campus crime 校园犯罪 142 bank transfer 银行间的转帐 143 wheel chair 轮椅 144 nut 坚果

chestnut 栗子

land marks 地面标记 147 good eyesight 好的视力 148 robot 机器人

rats 老鼠

rocky 多岩石的, 坚固的,困难的

151 muddy road 泥泞的道路 152 boots 靴子

153 wrecked/broken boat 已经被破坏了的船 154 castle 城堡

155 tower 塔

156 brother-in-law 姊妹的丈夫 157 dentist 牙医 158 water pipes 水管 159 chewing gum 口香糖 160 pine trees 松树 161 habitant 居住者 162 torch 火把

163 survival 生存,幸存

164 young teenagers 十几岁的青少年 165 junior 年少者, 晚辈, 下级 166 honey 蜂蜜

167 plague 瘟疫, 麻烦, 苦恼, 灾祸 168 insects 昆虫 169 amber 琥珀

170 jewel/jewellery 珠宝 171 intermediate 中级的

172 attachment 附件, 附加装置, 配属 173 data analysis 数据分析

174 presentation 介绍, 陈述, 赠送, 表达 175 silver 银

176 natural medicine 天然药物 177 loan 贷款 178 alarm clock 闹钟 179 clerk 职员, 办事员 180 rubber blanket 橡胶垫

181 fold 折叠

182 paper jam 复印机夹纸

183 railway track 铁轨

184 delivery 传送,运送,说话/演唱风格 185 plate 盘子,金属板,地质板块

186 air pump 气筒

187 technology appeals to her 她感兴趣的技术 188 goose 鹅 189 swan 天鹅

190 stressful 紧张的,有压力的 191 unique 独特的,唯一的 192 recycle 回收

193 warehouse 仓库,货栈, 大商店 194 refund 退款 195 film 胶卷,薄膜 196 harbor 港口,码头 197 spider 蜘蛛 198 gallery 画廊

199 literature 文学

200 literate 有文化的,有读写能力的

201 immune system 免疫系统 202 garage 车库 203 drawer 抽屉

204 night table 床头柜

205 fitted light 按放置位置定作的灯 206 crocodile 鳄鱼

207 cave 岩洞

208 migration pattern 迁徙途径 209 desert 沙漠

210 wetland 湿地

211 workshop 车间,工场/研讨班 212 office layer 办公室等级 213 designer 设计师 214 accountant 会计 215 engineer 工程师 216 loyal 忠诚的

217 fitness center 健身中心 218 city council 市议会 219 misinterpret 误解,误以为 220 irrelevant 不相关的 221 out of temper 发脾气

222 emu/kiwi/ostrich/kaka 鸸鹋/几维鸟/鸵鸟/一种鹦鹉 223 shortage of food 食物短缺 224 steam 蒸汽

225 coach 教练/大巴 226 cycling 骑自行车 227 fishing 钓鱼

228 hiking 远足,徒步旅行 229 squash 壁球 230 tennis 网球

231 property owner 房东 232 sample 样品

233 Chemistry Lab 化学实验室 234 safety regulation 安全制度 235 container 容器,货柜,集装箱 236 material 材料

237 texture 质地,外观,手感 238 deposit 押金/存钱 239 mammal 哺乳动物 240 wasp 黄蜂 241 bee 蜜蜂

242 carnivore/carnivorous 食肉动物/食肉动物的 243 herbivore/herbivorous 食草动物/食草动物的 244 jaw 下颚 245 tongue 舌头 246 sting 蛰刺,蛰针 247 self-defense 自我防卫 248 scent 气味/嗅出,闻出 249 fur trade 皮毛贸易

250 emotion and mood 情绪和心情

251 companion 同伴,伙伴 252 community 社区

253 extinction of one animal 动物的灭绝 254 conservation 保护 255 sea-otter 海獭 256 sea-urchin 海胆

257 kelp forest 大型褐藻群 258 whale 鲸鱼

259 minke whale 小须鲸

260 northern right whale 北露脊鲸 261 sperm whale 抹香鲸 262 dorsal fin 背脊 263 blow-hole 鲸鱼的鼻孔 264 choppy 指海洋有浪花起伏的 265 charity 慈善

266 volunteer 志愿者

267 random selection 随意选取

268 reinforced by wood and steel 用木头和钢铁加固 269 student card 学生卡

270 bank statement 银行对帐单 271 fiction 小说

272 non-fiction 记实性的散文文学 273 retired 退休

274 financial goals 财务目标 275 grant 助学金

276 optional expenses 可选择的花费 277 budgeting advice 预算建议 278 student debt 学生债务 279 first-aid kit 急救箱 280 curtain 窗帘 281 handle 把手 282 weed 杂草 283 booklist 书单 284 donation 捐赠

285 workload 工作量,工作负担 286 torn 破损的 287 money lender 放贷人 288 journalism 新闻学 289 journalist 新闻记者

290 street children 街头流浪儿童

291 bed and breakfast 旅馆夜宿兼包次日早餐 292 isolated spot 被隔离的地点 293 countryside 农村

294 bathroom 卫生间 295 handout 讲义

296 OHP(overhead projector)投影仪

297 interview 面试/访谈 298 questionnaire 问卷调查

299 drop-off site 回收垃圾的地点 300 plastic collection 塑料收集

301 sweater 毛线衫 302 raincoat 雨衣 303 photocopy 复印 304 install 安装 305 motivation 动力

306 sacked from the former job 以前的工作被解聘了 307 wildlife 野生动物 308 poultry 家禽 309 livestock 牲畜 310 tower 塔

311 idle place 闲置的地方 312 ruined village 被破坏的村庄 313 trousers and boots 裤子和靴子 314 dayshift 白班 315 nightshift 晚班 316 jacket 夹克

317 editor 编辑

318 publisher 出版商 319 vacancy 空缺

320 domestic 国内的/家庭的,家务的 321 reliable 可靠的

322 scarce 稀少的,匮乏的 323 lake and dam 湖和大坝 324 contaminate 污染 325 purify 净化 326 entertainment 娱乐 327 passengers 乘客 328 underground 地下 329 cable 电缆 330 sewage 下水道污物 331 catalogue 目录 332 towel 毛巾 333 journal 期刊 334 allergy 过敏

335 bad eyesight 视力不好

336 interrupt the work 中断工作 337 recipe 食谱

338 optic examination 视力检查 339 violent 暴力的,激烈的

340 identity 身份

341 insurance 保险 342 headphone 耳机

343 resistance 抵抗,对抗

344 polish the car and furniture 打磨抛光车和家具 345 wax 蜡

346 candle 蜡烛 347 costly 昂贵的 348 qualification 资历 349 temple 寺庙 350 waterfall 瀑布

351 rainfall 降雨量

352 weaving village 从事编制业的村庄 353 drop out 中途放弃做某事 354 carpet 地毯

355 carve wood 雕刻木头 356 fit 健康

357 intermediate 中等的,中级的 358 mental ability 智力,脑力 359 internal clock 生物钟 360 articles 物品,用品/文章 361 rank 等级

362 intact 无损伤的,完整的 363 magic 有魔力的

364 leaflet 散页印刷品,单叶 365 piano 钢琴

366 instrument 器械

367 epidemic 流行性的,流行病 368 precaution 预防措施 369 leprosy 麻风病

370 commercial bank 商业银行 371 seven-screen cinema 多屏幕影院 372 cassette recorder 录音机 373 juggling 杂耍 374 mine 采矿 375 comedy 喜剧 376 tragedy 悲剧 377 timber 木材 378 film 电影/胶片/薄膜 379 refund 退款

380 self-funded 自费

381 challenging 有挑战性的 382 award 奖品

383 reward 回报

384 repair 修理

385 power steering 动力转向装置 386 shelter 遮蔽,庇护,庇护物 387 ignorance 忽视 388 genetic factor 基因因素 389 antibiotic 抗生素 390 baldness 秃顶,脱发 391 ulcer 溃疡 392 oral exam 口试 393 souvenir 旅游纪念品 394 string 绳子

395 measurement 衡量,测量 396 water-skiing 滑水 397 fever 发烧 398 bloom 开花 399 tram 有轨电车 400 toy 玩具

401 gender 性别 402 goat 山羊

403 hens 母鸡 404 cow 奶牛

405 speaker 扩音器/说话者 406 embassy 大使馆 407 blond 金发的 408 intelligent 聪明的 409 smelly cage 难闻的笼子 410 chin 下巴 411 scar 伤疤 412 slim 消瘦的 413 cable car 缆车

414 swimming costume 泳衣 415 ankle 脚踝

416 elbow 肘

417 cramming 填鸭式学习,复习418 panic 恐慌 419 currency 货币 420 cashier 收银员

421 spiral 螺旋形的,盘旋的 422 margin 边缘

423 mustache 嘴上的胡须 424 beard 下巴上的胡子 425 frontier 国界,边界

426 breeding 生育,繁殖,饲养动物 427 toe 脚趾

428 bacteria 细菌 429 reverse 相反的 430 chick 雏鸟,小鸡

431 recruit 吸收某人为新成员,征募 432 tent 帐篷

433 portable 便携式的,手提式的 434 canvas 帆布,画布 435 military 军队的 436 wave 波浪 437 tide 潮,潮汐

438 cattle 牛的总称

439 safety helmet 安全头盔 440 regrettable 令人遗憾的 441 shear sheep 剪羊毛

442 guided tour 有向导指引的观光 443 ferry 渡船

444 tile 瓦,瓷砖,板 445 polished silver 抛光的银 446 velvet 立绒,天鹅绒 447 magician 魔术师 448 resit 重考,补考 449 omnivore 吃杂食的 450 insect 昆虫

451 prey 猎物

452 appetite 食欲,胃口 453 creature 生物,动物 454 microbe 微生物 455 scale 规模,程度,鱼鳞 456 bud 花蕾 457 petal 花瓣 458 bark 树皮 459 lawn 草坪,草地 460 leaf 树叶 461 toxic 有毒的 462 decibel 分贝 463 acid rain 酸雨

464 host World Expo 举办世界博览会 465 strike 罢工

466 murder 谋杀

467 multimedia materials/resources 多媒体材料/资源 468 pursue similar goals 追求相似的目标

469 automobiles 机动车辆 470 tailor 裁缝

471 pre-booking 提前预订 472 tropical disease 热带疾病 473 venomous snakes 毒蛇 474 amusement park 娱乐园 475 theme park 主题公园 476 bed sheet 床单 477 desk lamp 台灯 478 barbecue 烧烤 479 sport injury 运动伤害 480 draft 草稿

481 standpoint 立场,看问题的角度 482 squirrel 松鼠

483 arm badge 臂章,徽标 484 ambulance 救护车 485 craft fair 手工业品博览会 486 fringe stage 边台 487 blood flow 血流 488 armchair(单座的)沙发 489 card index 卡片索引 490 food processing 食物加工 491 man-made dams 人造大坝 492 filter 过滤器

493 water disposal 水处理 494 tunnel 通道,隧道

495 cross passages 横向通道 496 seating capacity 容纳客人的能力 497 administrator 行政人员 498 sediment 沉淀物

499 mineral 矿物质

500 necessity 必要性,必需品

501 picture frame 画框 502 backing materials 背衬材料 503 distribute 分发,分配 504 vitamin 维他命

505 italic 斜体

506 corporative loans 商业贷款 507 on-line shopping 网上购物 508 carbon dioxide 二氧化碳 509 curriculum vitae 个人简历,履历 510 head teacher 教学主任 511 junction 交叉路口

512 approval 赞成,认可,同意 513 committee 委员会

514 refreshment 精神恢复,食物饮料 515 Forbes 福布斯杂志 516 Spoon 勺子

517 Drowsy/drowsiness 昏昏欲睡 518 side effects 副作用 519 tunes 音调,曲调 520 resin 树脂

521 monopoly 专卖权,专利权 522 royal commission 皇家调查团 523 vegetation 植被 524 health check 身体检查 525 national park 国家公园 526 heater 暖气 527 petrol 汽油 528 poster 海报

529 subtopics 副标题 530 rock track 石路

531 landscape 风景,景色

532 stretching movements 伸展运动 533 mat 垫子

534 sun-total block 防晒霜 535 piano 钢琴 536 violin 小提琴 537 guitar 吉他

538 laptop 手提电脑

539 monitor 监视器,监测器 540 submit questions 提交问题 541 brick 砖

542 evaporate 蒸发

543 marine近海的,海中的,海运的 544 integrate 结合,融合 545 postgraduate 硕士生 546 philosophy 哲学 547 basement 地下室 548 season 风干 549 reflection rate 反光率 550 scissors 剪刀

551 abbreviation 缩写

552 canoe 独木舟 553 current 水流

554 high energy snack 高能量零食

555 disguise 伪装,假装

556 restriction 限制 557 leather 皮革

558 MSG(monosodium glutamate)味精 559 bitterness 苦 560 minerals 矿物质 561 metal 金属 562 dock 码头 563 cigar 雪茄烟 564 food intake 食物摄入 565 hovercraft 气垫船

566 roadworthy 适宜于在公路上行驶的 567 life cycle 生命周期



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