Leisure Hotel, a stylish boutique hotel designed by renowned architects,is located in the commercial center of Xiangzhou District, Zhuhai.Across from JUSCO, it is only a few steps to Lovers Road and the nature’s oxygen bar-Fox Island.Leisure hotel’s personalized services are tailored to meet the needs of each guest and are full of pleasant surprises.It is a home away from homehealthy, innovative and tempting.The spacious and naturally lit restaurant further enhances the dining experiences of our guests.丽舍酒店拥有设备完善的会议室,配备了先进的现代化视听设备,包括专业影音器材、宽带和无线上网服务,为您提供专业优质的会议服务,Leisure Hotel also offers meeting rooms and conference rooms that are fully equipped with cutting-edged audio & video equipments, board band and WIFI access.丽舍酒店由天衍国际酒店管理公司管理,为追求个性、品味和贴心服务的您呈献高品质的独特体验,给您带来惊喜和耳目一新的感觉。
Leisure hotel managed by Timerider Resorts Management Co.Ltd, brings to our guests a one of a kind experience-personalized services with caring, quality, refreshing and intriguing.
Hunter Douglas Hospitality尊贵酒店的至优之选
由Paul Richmond先生自80年代在美国创立公司至今,在20余年的发展历史中,我们一直执著于产品质量的可靠性,设计的创新性和服务能力的不断提高,伴随着北美酒店市场的高速增长,迄今为止亨特道格拉斯酒店窗饰布艺产品已成为美国及众多国家高端酒店市场中相关产品的最优之选。
现在亨特道格拉斯酒店窗饰布艺产品已进入了亚洲市场,其中包括全世界最重要的新兴市场:中国市场,向这块投资热土引入我们成功的产品和服务理念,秉承一贯的优质、高效及设计为先的传统来满足所有客户需求,成为中国高端酒店室内软 装饰的整体解决方案的专业提供商。
Hunter Douglas Hospitality
Best Choice for the Premium Hotels
Hunter Douglas Hospitality is the only global company in the market place specializing in hospitality textiles for Drapery ,Furniture Upholstery, Hospitality Specific Window Covering and Top of the
Bed,belonging to the world famous Hunter Douglas Group which achieved 3 billion US$ revenue annually.Founded in 1980’ by Paul Richmond,the company focused its high star hotel business in North America, servicing the hospitality industry for over 20 years.We are committed to service, integrity, reliability and quality.Growing with the rapid development of American hospitality trade, the Hunter Douglas Hospitality Co., has won the loudest applause in the high star hotel market.Hunter Douglas Hospitality is the comprehensive resource of
integrated solution provider of window decoration and textiles in the hospitality trade.Our products are exclusively designed to reflect western traditional design, combined with the simple fashion and oriental conservative beauty.The unique style of fabrics enable the completion of the most creative designers’ talented works..Hunter Douglas Hospitality is the comprehensive resource of
integrated solution provider of window decoration and textiles in the hospitality trade.Our long-term partners of Hotel Management companies includes:Marriott, Hyatt, Intercontinental etc.We have
supplied to thousands of hotels, service apartment, resorts, golf clubs and health care centers.We have the ability as well to customize a broad array of products or create new product based upon the designer’s needs that will meet or exceed US hospitality standards for durability and performance
Entering the Asia market in recent years, especially the most vigorous market in the world : China ,Hunter Douglas Hospitalitywill maintain its creating of design ,quality durability and high efficiency in service to fulfill more desirable needs of Chinese customers.
丽思卡尔顿酒店(Ritz-Carlton)由附属于万豪国际的丽思卡尔顿酒店公司(Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company)管理,现雇用超过38,000名职员,拥有超过70个酒店物业。
历史:第一家丽思·卡尔顿酒店于1927年在波士顿建立,该酒店已经出售给泰姬陵酒店度假村管理公司。纽约的丽思·卡尔顿酒店繁华的曼哈顿地区第四十六街和麦迪逊大道的交汇处。佛罗里达州的那不勒斯市(Naples, Florida)是唯一一个丽思·卡尔顿酒店在同一条马路上的城市。丽思卡尔顿酒店管理集团还在美国及其周边地区提供部分房屋所有权的服务,将之命名为丽思卡尔顿俱乐部。这些不动产位于科罗拉多、维尔京群岛以及旧金山。1998年,万豪酒店国际集团收购了丽思·卡尔顿酒店集团公司的全部股份。
* 丽思卡尔顿酒店集团公司获得过服务业和权威消费者组织颁发的所有主要大奖。
* 我们是第一个并且是唯一一个曾两次获得美国国家质量奖的酒店集团(服务行业的最高质量奖项)并多次获得AAA五星钻石奖。
* 我们丽思卡尔顿酒店集团公司被《消费者报告》评为豪华酒店集团之首。
* 奢侈品调查机构授予丽思卡尔顿酒店集团公司“最负盛名豪华品牌”奖。
* 我们两度获得亚洲最佳雇主的称号,员工满意度高达99%。
公司简介南山丽景度假酒店位于重庆市南山风景区(涂山寺旁),是重庆绿色屏障上一颗璀灿的明珠。酒店空气清晰、风景如画,犹如天然氧吧。迎朝阳而挺立,送落日而远眺,入住其间,既可饱览两江及渝中半岛都市美景,又能领略名扬天下的山城夜景。酒店设施完善、功能齐全、装修豪华典雅,是按国际四星级标准设计兴建的度假型、会议型酒店。酒店始建于2001年,最近装修于2005年,酒店的建筑面积:11000平方米,分主楼和别墅两部分,酒店占地面积73亩。酒店现设有客房、餐饮、会议、康乐等服务项目和设施。其中,主楼客房48间(套)、观景别墅10栋,可同时容纳200人入住;白云中餐厅提供特色川菜,可承接300人大型宴会;凌宵阁大堂吧是宾客休憩、洽谈的理想之地;酒店拥有4个、大中、小型会议厅,可分别接待20-180人的会议。另外,酒店还拥有商务中心、娱乐中心、美容美发、游泳池、浴足中心、乒乓球、网球场、健身房等服务项目,让宾客足不出户,便可享受美食、住宿、休闲、会议、观光的全方位优质服务。本酒店近期推出:野味美食。酒店周边景观: 重庆南山风景旅游区、重庆南山泉水鸡一条街、重庆丽景酒店夜景观景台、重庆涂山寺、重庆大金鹰、重庆南山植物园、重庆抗战遗址博物馆、重庆老君洞、大世界会所。酒店地址:重庆市南岸区黄桷垭真武山88号(南山泉水鸡一条街)电 话:(023)62478888 垂询热线:(023)62478000 62478832 网站:
Get away from the hustle and bustle of the city to embrace nature, listen to the sounds of life, and experience harmony, relaxation, satisfaction, and the low-key luxury, wander through mountains and past rivers around, be cleansed of all materialistic concerns—this is the uplifting spiritual and physical experience that Castle hotel in Shenzhen offers to you.酒店座落于深圳市龙岗区,交通便捷,距离地铁三号线只要5分种车程,距离市中心仅30分钟,距离深圳机场 50 分钟车程。酒店由国际顶级设计师精心设计,独特的建筑风格,顶级现代化设施设备,卓越的服务。在这里,您将享受梦寐中的“世外桃源”!
Castle hotel is located in Longgang, Shenzhen, with the transportation convenience of a 5-minute journey by car from Subway Line No.3, a 30-minute drive from the city center, and 50-minute drive to Shenzhen Airport.Expertly-designed by world-class architects, castle hotel has unique architectural styles and top-notch modern facilities and equipment, complemented by outstanding service.Here, you can enjoy the “Land of Idyllic Beauty” you dream of.· 酒店共有220间不同类型的豪华客房。
• The hotel has 220 units of luxurious accommodation in several types.· 中、西、日 美食餐厅以及大堂吧、美式酒吧。
• Chinese, Western, Japanese restaurants as well as the lobby bar and American bar.· SPA、健身中心、室内室外泳池。
• Spa, fitness center,indoor and outdoor swimming pools · 多功能会议厅。
• Multi-function conference hall 客房配套设施
•Embraced in the beauty of lake views
• Independent balcony and open-air bath ·每天两次的房间清洁服务及夜间开床服务
• Twice-a-day room cleaning service and nighttime turndown service ·24小时客房送餐服务
• 24-hour room service ·套房均配备42”液晶电视, 客房均配备37”液晶电视
• The suites are furnished with 42” LCD TV and the guest rooms with 37" LCD TV.·套房均配备Bose妙韵音乐系统及自助式咖啡机
• Each suite is equipped with a Bose music system and a self-service coffee machine.·丽秀客房配备Sonny Iphone/Ipos专用扬声器
• The Castle Li guess room features Sony Iphone/Ipod speakers
·精心特制的床上用品 • Specially tailored bedding ·智能调控面板。• Intelligent control panel.·实木制造衣帽柜 • Wooden closets ·高级进口沐浴套装 • Imported high-class bathing set ·照明化妆镜、吹风机和体重计
• Illuminated vanity mirrors, hair dryers, and scales ·高级割绒浴袍
• High-class sheared bathrobes
• High-speed wireless or wired Internet access ports ·语音信箱服务 • Voice mail service ·保险箱 • Safe
·烫斗及烫衣板 • Iron and ironing board ·每天免费赠阅报纸
• Complimentary daily newspaper ·免费擦鞋服务
• Free shoe-shining service ·常规及特快洗烫服务
• Regular and express valet services ·豪华轿车服务 • Limousine Service ·技术管家服务
• Technical housekeeping services
The Lobby Bar With elegant music played throughout the day, you can enjoy a wide variety of domestic or imported top-class teas and a rich assortment of snacks and desserts, served with attentiveness so you can enjoy a thoroughly relaxing experience.红酒雪茄屋
Red Wine & Cigar House
You can enjoy world-class wine and genuine cigars from Cuba in a pleasant environment, accompanied by delightful music.What is served here is the enjoyment of luxury and being treated like royalty 西餐厅
The Western Restaurant
A dazzling array of exquisite Continental foods complemented by a variety of exquisite desserts.Delicious cakes are the special feature of the daily Cafe buffet.Guests can also find their favorite imported wine, making a meal even more satisfying.中餐厅
Chinese Restaurant
Sixteen VIP rooms of various sizes, an excellent selection of ingredients prepared by experienced chefs and attentive service staff await you.秀吧
The Show Bar
Enjoy cocktails made by expert bartenders, gourmet snacks and desserts, superb cognac from around the world, live band performances that will make you want to get up and dance and an exciting atmosphere.行政酒廊
行政酒廊为品味不凡的您提供了无与伦比的卓越服务及设施。您可来此与同事、朋友亲密聚会,或观看最喜爱的电视节目放松身心。需要处理公务? 这里的复印/传真/打印机和免费办公用品及小型会议室均有提供,满足您的所有办公需求。
Executive Lounge
For those with distinguished tastes, the executive lounge offers unparalleled service and excellent facilities so that you can hold your intimate meeting with colleagues or friends, or just relax watching your favorite TV shows.If you have business to handle, the Lounge has a copier, fax machine, printer, complementary office supplies and a small meeting room, all you need to deal with your business.多功能会议厅
Multi-functional Conference Hall
Whether it is for small meetings, large-scale seminars of up to 400 people on Chinese or Western banquets, the hotel's professional event planners and catering team will meet all your requirements, and provide you with feel-at-home service.健身中心:
Fitness Center:
Fitted with world-class equipment including treadmills, bicycles, full-functional exercisers, trainers, tractors, and climbing machines, the fitness center enables you to easily exercise different parts of the body.SPA:
Not only does the SPA provide you with a wide range of SPA services, it also offers manicure, pedicure, full body care, and beauty and hairstyling to meet your various needs.Based on your needs, our physical therapists and beauty consultants will provide you with a comprehensive range of professional physical therapy, giving you an unforgettable experience.Here, you can rest in
private space, take a break from the rapid pace of city life, and take a carefree journey to awaken your zeal for life and relax your body and mind.游泳池:
Swimming Pools:
An outdoor swimming pool where the natural landscape and garden architectures merge as one, matched with chirping birds and scented flowers, water and the sky, allows you to fully enjoy the fun of swimming.The indoor thermostatic pool is also available at any time for your enjoyment 精品店:
Gift Shop:
Browse at your leisure through the stylish and spacious Gift Shop.Every detail, every product has been carefully selected to help make shopping here the most pleasurable shopping experience you have ever had.