clearing bank 清算银行
local bank 本地银行
domestic bank 国内银行
overseas bank 国外银行
unincorporated bank 钱庄
branch bank 银行分行
trustee savings bank 信托储蓄银行
trust company 信托公司
financial trust 金融信托公司
unit trust 信托投资公司
trust institution 银行的信托部
credit department 银行的信用部
commercial credit company(discount company)商业信贷公司(贴现公司)
neighborhood savings bank, bank of deposit 街道储蓄所
credit union 合作银行
credit bureau 商业兴信所
self-service bank 无人银行
land bank 土地银行
construction bank 建设银行
industrial and commercial bank 工商银行
bank of communications 交通银行
mutual savings bank 互助储蓄银行
post office savings bank 邮局储蓄银行
mortgage bank, building society 抵押银行industrial bank 实业银行
home loan bank 家宅贷款银行
reserve bank 准备银行
chartered bank 特许银行
corresponding bank 往来银行
merchant bank, accepting bank 承兑银行investment bank 投资银行
import and export bank(EXIMBANK)进出口银行joint venture bank 合资银行
money shop, native bank 钱庄
credit cooperatives 信用社
clearing house 票据交换所
public accounting 公共会计
business accounting 商业会计
cost accounting 成本会计
depreciation accounting 折旧会计
computerized accounting 电脑化会计
general ledger 总帐
subsidiary ledger 分户帐
cash book 现金出纳帐
cash account 现金帐
journal, day-book 日记帐,流水帐
bad debts 坏帐
investment 投资
surplus 结余
idle capital 游资
economic cycle 经济周期
economic boom 经济繁荣
economic recession 经济衰退
economic depression 经济萧条
economic crisis 经济危机
economic recovery 经济复苏
inflation 通货膨胀
deflation 通货收缩
devaluation 货币贬值
revaluation 货币增值
international balance of payment 国际收支favourable balance 顺差
adverse balance 逆差
hard currency 硬通货
soft currency 软通货
international monetary system 国际货币制度the purchasing power of money 货币购买力money in circulation 货币流通量
note issue 纸币发行量
national budget 国家预算
national gross product 国民生产总值
public bond 公债
stock, share 股票
debenture 债券
treasury bill 国库券
《考研英语词汇真题词频语境记忆》 作者:郭崇兴“读真题例句,记高频词汇。” 本书以近15年的考研真题为统计依据,将考研单词按照例年真题出现的频率从高到低排序,并且所配例句全部是真题例句。涵盖所有大纲单词、历年真题所有超纲单词。并且增加了考研经常考查的熟词僻义。让考生在最短时间内掌握高频词汇,达到事半功倍的效果。堪称考研英语词汇第一书。
《考研英语历年真题阅读理解精读笔记》 作者:郭崇兴本书对最近15年的考研真题阅读Part A 部分进行解析。包括大纲超纲词汇(统计出现频率)、常难句分析、答案解析、全文精析。从真题阅读中背单词;通过真题长难句理解的练习,提高解析长难句的功力;精辟到位的解题思路决定堪称“考研英语阅读第一书”;精准流畅的译文彰显名师实力。
《考研数学必做客观题1500题精析》 作者:蔡子华精选1500道客观题,内容涉及面广,旨在帮助考生理解概念,掌握正确的解题思路、方法与技巧,提高考生求解客观题的能力。习题答案翔实,对不同题型、知识点、解题思路与方法、答题技巧都有不同程度的揭示与评析。在考研数学的备考过程中,进行大量的习题训练是必需的。本书专门针对客观题强化训练而策划设计,考生通过对本书题目的强化训练,可以使得解题速度、准确性以及针对客观题的解题技巧得到较大的提高。
register 注册,报到,登记
enrollment 登记,入学
Orientation 新生介绍会
department 系,学部
principal 校长
dean 系主任
Student ID card 学生证
recommendation letter 推荐信 Application form 申请表
Register for / sign up for/enroll in /enlist in/take 选(课或作业)
Semester 学期
quit /drop a course 退课
pick up 学习,选择 Major in 主修
earn a credit 修学分
course sheet 选课单
Credit course 给学分的课程
non-credit course 无学分的课程
Unit 单元
quota 名额
quota reached 名额已满
Quota not used up 名额未满
sit in 旁听
workload 负担
Transfer credits 转学分
waive a course 免修一门课程
audit a course 旁听一门课程 introduction/introductory/elementary/ intro course 初级课程
prerequisite course 预修课程
intermediate course 中级课程
advanced course 高级课程 Required/compulsory course 必修课
optional / elective /selective class 选修课
Science course 理科课程
arts course
curriculum 课程
Seminar 研究班课程,短期强化课程
workshop 研讨会,讲习班 Linguistics 语言学
philosophy 心理学
economics 经济学
Political science 政治学 literature class 文学课
考 古 学
biochemistry 生物化学
Bioengineering 生物工程学
anthropology 人类学
botany 植物学
Algebra 代数
math 数学 *上课
Lecturer 讲 师
supervisor/advisor 导师
visiting professor 客座教授
teaching assistant/assistant instructor 助教
Tutor 辅导专家,家教
finish class late 拖堂
Finish class early 提前下课
boring 枯 燥
thought_provoking 发人深思的stimulating/inspiring 令人 兴奋的 Fascinating/fabulous 精彩的,非常好的Impressive 给人印象深刻的Terror 引起恐怖的人或事物 Strict 严格的 Call the roll 点名
Catch/follow 跟上,听懂 Make sense of/make heads and tails of/figure out明白,理解
Get lost 不明白 Complicated 复杂的Confused/puzzled 迷惑不解的 Pushover 很容易对付的人 Doze off 混混欲睡 Drop off 睡着了 Stay awake 保持清醒 Cancel/call off 取消 Postpone/put off 推迟 Make a presentation 作陈述或介绍 school timetable/class
schedule 课程表
Build the interest 培养兴趣
Active involvement 积极参与 Punctual 守时,准时
Take notes 作笔记
Skip the class 逃课Attendance 出席,出席人数 Presence 出席
absence 缺席
Make up sth 弥补(课或工作等)
Slide/transparency 幻灯片 Platform 讲台
Academic performance 学习表现Academic achievement 学术成绩 Enthusiasm 热 情
Improvement 进步,提高 Concentrate 集中精力
Distraction 使人分心的事物
Lack confidence in...对..缺乏信心
Discouraged 泄气的,灰心的 Instruction after class 课后 指导
Prepare lessons before class 预习Exhausted 疲惫的 Take a break 休息
Relax 放松
Help sb out 帮助某人摆脱困难
come up with 赶上
Think highly/much of...对...评价
Participate in 参与
enroll in 登记 take part in 参加,参与
Sign up for 参加(俱乐部、课程)
participant 参加者,参与者 Recruit 招收
taste 兴 趣,爱 好
extracurricular activities 课余活动
alumni association 校友会
club bulletin 社刊 Camping 露营,野营 Chorus/choral/group 合唱队 University band 校园乐队
Photography club 摄影社
Drama club 戏剧社 Dorm council宿舍管理委员会
Curriculum committee 课程委员会 The students' Union 学生会 Withdraw from the club 退社 President/chairman 主席 Run for 精选
Vote 选票(n),投票(v)Voter registration 选举活动 Questionnaire 问卷调查
Election campaign 选举活动
Campaign manager 竞选活动负 责人 Candidate 候选人
Ticket office/box office 售票处
Book a ticket 订票 Ticket line 排队买票的队伍 Line up for tickets 排队买票 Discount 折扣 Contest/competition 竞赛 Award 奖 Deserve 值得
semi-final 半决赛
Go on to the finals 进入决赛 Get eliminated 被淘汰 Guitar 吉他 Violin 小提琴 Cello 大提琴 Clarinet 单簧管 Horn 号
Saxophone 萨克斯
Ballroom dancing 交际舞Ballet 芭蕾舞 Pick up 学习
Painting/drawing 绘画 Sketch 素描 Photo album 相册 Part-time job 兼职
Have a job on the side 有一份兼职工作
Check out the book 办理借阅手续
Librarian 图书管理员 Stacks 书库 Catalogue 目录 Index 索引
In circulation 已经借出
Open shelves 开架 Library card 借书卡 Overdue 过期的Renewal 续借 Reading room 阅览室 Journal/periodical 期刊 Magazine binder 杂志合订本 Latest issue 最近一期杂志 Current issue 现期杂志 Back issue 过期杂志 Reference desk 参考咨询台 Extra copy 额外的读本 Editorial 社论
Buy out the bookstore 买了很多书
Subscribe to 订阅 Order the book 订购这本书
Second-hand book 二手书 Out of stock 脱销 Out of print 已绝版 Textbook 课本
Hardcover edition 精装本 Paperback edition平装本 Publisher 出版商 Publication 出版,出版物 Publishing house 出版社
Novel 小说
Non-fiction 非小说类的(书籍)Science fiction 科幻小说 Detective story 侦探小说 Who done it 侦探小说(口语)Mystery novel 悬疑小说 Biography 自传 History book 历史书籍 Social commentary 社会评论 Bestseller 畅销书
Be addicted to/attracted by the book 对那本书入迷 Pore over the book 全神贯注地 看书 Fast reader 读书快的人 Plough though the book 好不容易读完这本书
Get through this novel 通读小说
Read selectively 选择性的阅读
Read extensively 广泛的阅读
Book review 书评
School/college newspaper 校报
Newsletter 简报 Contribute(给报社)投稿 Editor in chief 主编 Subeditor 副主编
Assignment 作业 Homework/studies/class work/school work 功课 Paper/essay/thesis 论文 Term paper 学期论文 Experiment 实验 Project 课题 Book report 读书报告 Lab report 实验报告 Research/survey 调查 Data 数据 Polish 润色
Rough draft 草稿
Have one's hands full with...忙于做...Expectation 期望 Fall short of one's expectation 出乎意料 Be strict with...对...严厉 Due 到期的 Deadline 最后期限
Extension /extend 延时,延期 Criticism 批评,批判 Feedback 反馈
Bibliography 参考书目 Reference book 参考书
Mid-term exam 期中考试 Final/final exam 期末考试
Quiz 小测验 Pop quiz 突击测验 Standardized tests 标准测试 National test 统考
Placement exam 插班考 Entrance exam 入学考试 Reschedule 重新安排时间 Exam week/period 考试周 Open book exam 开卷考试(能带资料的考试)Resit 重考
supplementary exam 补考
mock exam / practice exam 模拟考试Restless/get cold feet/can't sit still/be on edge/like a cat on hot bricks/ have butterflies in one's stomach/keep pacing the floor/bite one's nails 很紧张 Review/go over/go through 复习
Stay up all night/be up all night 熬夜 Cram up 临时包佛脚
Grade the papers 改试卷,评分 Grade/score/mark 成绩 Full marks 满分
High grade/score/mark 高分 Low grade/score/mark 低分 Passing grade/score/mark 及 格分 Straight As 全得A,全优 B plus B 加
B minus B 减 Pass the exams with flying colors 以优异的成绩通过考试 Fail in the exam 考试不及格 Flunk 挂科,考试不及格 Make up the exam 补考
Repeat the course 重建 Supplementary course 补习课程,辅助课程
Drop out of school 退学 Take a leave of absence from school 休学
Exclusion from school 退学 Shift/transfer to...转(系)Transfer to another school 转 学
Graduation 毕业 Undergraduate 大学生 Graduate 毕业生 Postgraduate 研究生 Diploma 文凭
A bachelor's degree 学士学位 A master's degree 硕士学位 A doctor's degree 博士学位 Further/advanced study 进修 Study abroad 留学 Graduation party 毕业晚会 Farewell 告别 Tuition 学费 Fee 学杂费 Expenses 费用 Finance 资助
Financial aids 助学金(总称)Grant 助学金,补助金 A student loan 学生贷款 Scholarship 泛指各种奖学金 Fellowship 学术奖金 Apply for 申请
primary school/elementary school小学
secondary school中学教育
higher education高等教育
further education进修
parenting, schooling
enroll 入学admit 招收,录取
Parents are obliged to do…父母有责任、义务去做……
compulsory education 强制教育、义务教育
minors 未成年人
immature 不成熟的学习的好处的教育英语词汇:
learn skills学习技能
acquire knowledge学习知识
enrich knowledge丰富知识
widen horizon开阔视野
inspire interest激发兴趣
stimulate interest激发兴趣
cultivate v.培养 hobbies
develop potentials
conduce to mental development
lay a solid foundation for the future为将来打下坚实的基础
lack discipline缺少约束力
test-oriented education应试型教育
quality education 素质教育
cram for examinations突击考试
stuff 塞 materials
memorise背, memorisation
rote learning死记硬背
Test-taking techniques应试技巧
discourage critical thinking 打击评判性思维
students stop questioning what they are being taught 学生们不去质问他们学习的东西
conduce to academic performance有助学习表现
Adversely influence 负面地影响(动作)
Exert adverse/unfavorable influence on对……产生负面影响
Emphasis on memorisation adversely influences one's academic performance.Creativity 创造性
Lower/raise the standard of…降低了……的水平
adult education成人教育
open admission免试入学制
day-care center幼儿园(美)
nursery school托儿所
primary/elementary school小学(英/美)
secondary school中学
junior high school初中
senior high school高中
attached middle school附中
technical school技校
polytechnic institute理工学院/科技大学
key school重点中学
graduate school研究生院
open university夜大、函大
private school私立学校
public school公立学校
universal education普及教育
Alma Mater母校
auditor=guest student旁听生
open-book exam开卷考
pop test抽考
orientation program新生训练
teaching facilities教学设施
room and board食宿
period of schooling学习年限
credit system学分制
schedule=school timetable课程表
individual study自习
individual coaching=tutorial个别指导
English evening英语晚会
after-school activities课外活动
social investigation社会调查
voluntary labor义务劳动
graduation appraisal毕业评估
graduation ceremony=commencement毕业典礼
diploma=graduation certificate毕业证书
drop out辍学
quit school退学
school discipline校纪
attend a lecture上课
miss a class缺课
cut a class旷课
expel sb from school开除
miscellaneous expenses杂费
a grant-aided student 领助学金的学生
lecture portfolio讲义夹
report card成绩单
oral test口试
associate diploma专科证书
Doctor of Philosophy博士
public transport
transport cafe公路路边小餐馆 transport ship transport capacity mechanical transport air transport sea transport transport process transport machinery transport mechanism supersonic transport membrane transport transport network transport vehicle mass transport
container transport 集装箱运输
elevated railway, overhead railway, aerial railway 高架铁路 mine railway 矿区铁路
funicular(railway)缆索铁路, 登山铁路 light railway line 轻便铁道 urban railway 市区铁路 railway network 铁路网 railway transport 铁路运输 trial run 试车 open to traffic 通车 porter 搬运工人 ticket inspector 查票员 ticket 车票
single ticket, oneway ticket 单程票 return ticket, roundtrip ticket 来回票 platform ticket 站台票 railway station 车站 station hall 车站大厅 information desk 服务台 waiting room 候车室 passenger station 客车站 time-table 时刻表
arrival time-table 到站时刻表 departure time-table 发车时刻表 ticket-collector, gateman 收票员
ticket office, booking office 售票处 junction 枢纽站
rail and water terminal 水陆联运站 platform bridge 天桥 luggage barrow 推行李车
enquiry office, information desk 问讯处 way station 小站 label 行李标签 luggage office 行李房 left-luggage office 行李暂存处 platform-ticket 验票口 barrier 栅栏门 platform 站台
(electric)platform truck 站台车 platform tunnel 站台地道 platform roofing 站台顶棚 station-master 站长 terminal;terminus 终点站 escalator 自动扶梯
The train leaves the station at..., The train is due out at...火车在(某时)离站 to have one's ticket punched(给检票员)检票 minutes behind schedule 晚点十分钟 to change trains at...在(某地)换车 The train is due at...在(某时)到达 to break the journey 中途下车 dining car, restaurant car, diner 餐车 pantry 餐车食品室
open wagon,(railway)wagon,(railway)truck 敞车
carriage, coach, car 车厢 roof 车顶
concertina walls(车厢通道两侧的)伸缩篷step;foot board(车厢门口的)踏板 gangway(车厢的)通道 lidded ashtray 带盖烟灰盒 tank wagon 罐车 mixed train 混合列车
freight train, goods train 货物列车 engine, locomotive 机车 window seat 靠窗座位
coach, passenger train 客车 express train, express 快车 refrigerator wagon 冷藏车
car attendant;train attendant 列车员 guard, conductor 列车长 slow train, way train 慢车 covered wagon van, box car 棚车 ordinary train 普通列车
sleeping carriage with cushioned berths 软卧客车 up train 上行车 livestock wagon 牲畜车 sleeping car, sleeper 卧车 down train 下行车
luggage van, baggage car 行李车 rack, baggage rack 行李架
sleeping carriage with semicushioned berths 硬卧客车 ordinary seat 硬席
carriage with semicushioned seats 硬座车mail car 邮政车
mail and luggage van 邮政行李车 through train 直达车 special train 专车
pointsman, switchman 道岔工人 signal for blocking the track, block signal 闭塞信号
semaphore signal, home signal 臂板信号 warehouse 仓库
siding, sidetrack 侧线, 旁轨 turnout 岔道
weighing machine 秤重机 derailing(火车)出轨 single line(track)rail 单线 points, switches 道岔 switch lock, point lock 道岔锁
wait sign, wait signal 等候标志(信号)marshalling yard, shunting yard 调车场 dispatching 调度 dispatcher 调度员 crossover 渡线, 转线轨道 rail 钢轨
track 轨道
sleeper, railroad tie 轨枕 rail chair 轨座
buffer stop, bumping post 缓冲桩 goods shed, freight depot 货棚 goods station 货运站, 货站 container 集装箱
locomotive(engine)shed 机车库 station warning sign 进站预告标 barrier(道口)拦路木 section 路段
reduce speed sign(al)慢行标志(信号)bell and whistle sign, whistle sign 鸣笛预告标
platform car, flat car平车, grade crossing, level crossing,(道路与铁路的)平面交叉track-laying machine, tracklayer 铺轨机 double line(track)rail 双线
volume of railway freight 铁路货运量 railway connections 铁路交叉点, 铁路联络线
railway warning sign 铁路警告标志 railway clearance 铁路净空 railroad bed 铁路路基
railway curve 铁路曲线(弯道)railway tunnel 铁路隧道 railway line, railroad line 铁路线 stop sign(al)停车标志(信号)danger sign(al)危险标志(信号)unprotected crossing 无防护设备的道口 signal light(lamp)信号灯
signal box, signalman's cabin 信号房
signalman 信号员 wing rail(of frog)翼轨
distant signal, disk signal,target 圆盘信号机
back-turning section 折返段 frog 辙叉, 岔心
turn-table 转车台, 旋车盘 point(box), switch(box)转辙器 switch signal, point indicator 转辙信号
urban public transport城市中供公众乘用的、经济方便的各种交通方式的总称。2.公共交通方式
public transport mode按公共交通工具类型划分的各种客运形式。3.城市公共交通系统
urban public tranlport system由多种城市公共交通方式组成的有机总体。4.大运量客运系统
mass transit system城市公共交通中,运送大量乘客的有机总体。5.快速轨道交通
rail rapid transit(RRT)通常以电能为动力,采取轮轨运黑心方式的快速大运量公共交通之总称。
monorail transit system车厢跨骑或悬持在架空的单轨上,由电力驱动的轨道客运系统。
new transport system 新开发的具有高速、准点、舒适和污染小的交通方式及其运行服务系统的总体。9.垂直运送系统
vertical transit system沿铅直方向运送乘客的有机整体。10.应急公共交通系统
emergency public transport system在非常时期为应变而组成的临时公共交通系统。11.城市客渡
urban ferry在城市区域及邻近郊县内,以运送乘客为主,横渡江河、湖泊的水上交通方式。
cableway transport在以架空钢索为轨道的线路上,以电能为动力由钢索牵引载客工具的运输方式。
funicular railway transport
public transport information system
public transport priority
bus priority system
urban public transport enterprise
经营城市公共交通的经济实体 18.城市公共交通标志
urban public transport sign
public transport means
public transport line
public transport line facilities
public transport network
public transport stop,public transport station
公共交通线路上供乘客上下车或兼办运营业务的处所。24.公共交通停车场 public transport parking place停放公共交通车辆的场地。
public transport junction多条公共交通线路的汇集点。
urban public transport planning根据预测的居民乘车出行量及其分布,统筹安排公共交通线路、站点布置、车场用地等。27.公共交通线路布局
public transport network distribution公共交通线路的整体安排与调整。28.公共交通场站布局
public transport yard and station arrangement公共交通车场、车站位置及配套设施在一定区域内的整体安排与调整。
urban public transport passenger flow forecast用科学方法对城市公共交通客流变化规律进行预计、测算的工作。30.城市公共交通客流调查
urban public transport fare structure为掌握城市公共交通乘客活动规律所进行的调查。
urban public transport fare structure城市公共交通企业规定的车、船票计价原则。32.城市公共交通运行调度 urban public transport scheduling
所有交通工具的英文单词 bus 公共汽车 driver 汽车司机
double decker bus 双层公共汽车 coach, motor coach, bus 大客车 taxi, taxicab 计程汽车, 出租汽车 trolleybus 无轨电车
tramcar, streetcar 电车, 有轨电车 underground, tube, subway 地铁 stop 停车站
taxi rank, taxi stand 计程汽车车站, 出租汽车总站
taxi driver, cab driver 出租车司机
conductor 售票员 inspector 检查员, 稽查员 ride 乘车
minimum fare(of a taxi)最低车费 railway 铁路(美作:railroad)track 轨道
train 火车
railway system, railway net-work铁路系统 express train 特别快车 fast train 快车 through train 直达快车 stopping train, slow train 慢车 excursion train 游览列车
commuter train, suburban train 市郊火车 railcar 轨道车 coach, carriage 车厢 sleeping car, sleeper 卧车
dining car, restaurant car, luncheon car 餐车
sleeper with couchettes 双层卧铺车 berth, bunk 铺位 up train 上行车 down train 下行车
luggage van, baggage car 行李车 mail car 邮政车
station, railway station 车站 station hall 车站大厅
booking office, ticket office 售票处 ticket-collector, gateman 收票员 platform 月台, 站台 platform ticket 站台票 buffet 小卖部 waiting room 候车室 platform bridge 天桥
left-luggage office 行李暂存处 platform-ticket 验票门 terminal, terminus 终点站 coach, passenger train 客车 car attendant, train attendant 列车员 guard, conductor 列车长 rack, baggage rack 行李架 left-luggage office 行李房(美作:checkroom)registration 登记 timetable 时刻表 change, transfer 换乘 connection 公铁交接处 ticket inspector 验票员 porter 搬运工人
to change trains at...在(某地)换车 the train is due at...在(某时)到达 to break the journey 中途下车
boat, ship 船
(passenger)liner 邮轮, 客轮 sailing boat, sailing ship 帆船 yacht 游船
(ocean)liner 远洋班轮 packet boat 定期客船, 班轮 cabin 船舱 hovercraft 气垫船 life buoy 救生圈 lifeboat 救生艇 life jacket 救生衣
berth, cabin, stateroom 客舱 first-class stateroom(cabin)头等舱 second-class stateroom(cabin)二等舱 steerage, third-class 三等舱 steerage 统舱 gang-plank 跳板 crossing 横渡 cruise 游弋
to embark, to ship 乘船
to land 抵岸, to sail at a speed of 20 knots, 航速为20节 to transship 换船 to disembark 上岸
to board a ship;to embark;to go aboard 上船
to disembark from a ship, to go ashore, to land 下船
on board a ship, aboard 在船上 to stop over at...中途在…停留
civil aviation 民用航空
plane, aircraft, airplane 飞机 airliner 班机
jet, supersonic plane 喷气机 airliner, passenger aircraft 客机 medium-haul aircraft 中程飞机 long-range aircraft, long-haul aircraft 远程飞机
propeller-driven aircraft 螺旋桨飞机 jet(aircraft)喷气飞机 turbofan jet 涡轮风扇飞机 turboprop 涡轮螺旋桨飞机 turbojet 涡轮喷气飞机 by air, by plane 乘飞机 airline 航空线 passenger cabin 客舱 tourist class 普通舱, 经济舱 first class 一等舱 waiting list 登机票名单 customs formalities 报关单 boarding check 登机牌 airport 航空港
air terminal 航空集散站 tarmac 停机坪
air hostess, stewardess 空中小姐, 女乘务员
steward 乘务员
aircraft crew, air crew 机组, 机务人员 pilot 驾驶员, 机长 takeoff 起飞 landing 着陆
to board a plane, get into a plane 上飞机 to get off a plane, alight from a plane 下飞机
non-stop flight to 飞往, 直飞 in transit 运送中的 air pocket 气潭, 气阱
雅思交通运输题材词汇 1.traffic jams交通堵塞 2.traffic congestion交通堵塞 3.cyclist骑车者 4.motorist骑摩托车的人 5.overbridge天桥 6.flyover立交桥 7.lane车道 8.helmet头盔 9.pathway路,通路 10.priority—prior to优先 11.diesel柴油 12.fume烟雾 13.carpark停车场 17.vehicle机动车 18.automobile汽车 19.mobility灵活性 20.motor发动机,汽车 21.fuel supply燃料供给
22.explosion in the number of cars汽车过多
24.oil reserves石油储备
25.increase personal mobility提高的个人移动性灵活性
32.noise pollution噪音污染 33.exhaust emission尾气排放 34.residence–resident居住,居民 35.inhabitant---resident居民 36.monitor监控,班长,显示器 37.charge收费,开价,负责,充电 38.pollutant污染物 39.rent租,租金
40.anti-pollution laws and regulations反对污染的法律和法规 41.commuter通勤者 42.destination目的地
43.subway—underground地铁 44.aviation航空 45.airliner客机 46.air hostess空姐
47.resource exhaustion资源枯竭 48.urban城市的 49.urbanization城市化 50.rural乡村的
51.distribution分配,分布 52.subway地铁 53.density密度
55.rear lights尾灯 56.wheel方向盘 57.brakes刹车 58.gear档
59.gas station加油站 60.accelerator油门
61.traffic regulation交通规则 62.ambulance救护车 63.container集装箱 64.freight货物 65.cargo货物 66.goods货物
67.commodity商品,货物 68.product产品
69.distribution system分配,分发系统 70.infrastructure基础设施 71.maritime航海的 72.oil tanker油轮
73.transportation mode运输模式 74.motorcycle摩托车 75.carriage四轮马车 76.lorry重型卡车 77.truck卡车 78.coach大客车
79.taxi--cab计程汽车,出租汽车 80.express快客列车 81.vessel大船 82.aero plane飞机 83.aircraft飞机 84.jet喷气飞机 85.spaceship宇宙飞船 86.space shuttle航天飞机 87.helicopter直升飞机 88.toll station高速收费站 交通规则 traffic regulation 路标 guide post 里程碑 milestone 红绿灯 traffic light
自动红绿灯 automatic traffic signal light 交通岗 traffic post 岗亭 police box 交通警 traffic police 打手势 pantomime 单行线 single line 双白线 double white lines 双程线 dual carriage-way 斑马线 zebra stripes 划路线机 traffic line marker 交通干线 artery traffic 车行道 carriage-way 辅助车道 lane auxiliary 双车道 two-way traffic 自行车通行 cyclists only 单行道 one way only 窄道 narrow road 潮湿路滑 slippery when wet 陡坡 steep hill 不平整路 rough road 弯路 curve road;bend road 连续弯路 winding road 之字路 double bend road 之字公路 switch back road 下坡危险 dangerous down grade 道路交叉点 road junction 超速 excessive speed 速度限制 speed limit 恢复速度 resume speed 禁止通行 no through traffic 让车道 passing bay 回路 loop 安全岛 safety island 停车处 parking place 只停公用车 public car only 禁止停车 restricted stop 禁止滞留 restricted waiting 临街停车 parking on-street 街外停车 parking off-street 街外卸车 loading off-street 小心行人 caution pedestrian crossing 小心牲畜 caution animals 前面窄桥 narrow bridge ahead 拱桥 hump bridge 铁路道口 level crossing 交通管理 traffic control
人山人海 crowded conditions 交通拥挤 traffic jam 水泄不通 overwhelm 让路 give way
交通肇事 committing traffic offences 执照被记违章 endorsed on driving license
危险驾驶 dangerous driving 粗心驾车 careless driving 无证驾驶 driving without license 未经车主同意 without the owner's consent
无第三方保险 without third-party insurance
安全第一 safety first 轻微碰撞 slight impact 相撞 collided
连环撞 a chain collision 撞车 crash
肇事逃逸司机 hit-run driver 此路不通 blocked 禁止驶入 no entry
禁止超越 keep in line;no overhead 禁止掉头 no turns
active transport public transport transport cafe transport ship transport capacity mechanical transport air transport sea transport electron transport transport process transport machinery transport mechanism supersonic transport membrane transport transport network transport vehicle mass transport container transport transport plane axoplasmic transport
elevated railway, overhead railway, aerial railway 高架铁路 mine railway 矿区铁路
funicular(railway)缆索铁路, 登山铁路 light railway line 轻便铁道 urban railway 市区铁路 railway network 铁路网 railway transport 铁路运输 trial run 试车 open to traffic 通车 porter 搬运工人 ticket inspector 查票员 ticket 车票
single ticket, oneway ticket 单程票 return ticket, roundtrip ticket 来回票 platform ticket 站台票 railway station 车站 station hall 车站大厅 information desk 服务台 waiting room 候车室 passenger station 客车站
time-table 时刻表
arrival time-table 到站时刻表 departure time-table 发车时刻表 ticket-collector, gateman 收票员 ticket office, booking office 售票处 junction 枢纽站
rail and water terminal 水陆联运站 platform bridge 天桥 luggage barrow 推行李车
enquiry office, information desk 问讯处 way station 小站 label 行李标签 luggage office 行李房 left-luggage office 行李暂存处 platform-ticket 验票口 barrier 栅栏门 platform 站台
(electric)platform truck 站台车 platform tunnel 站台地道 platform roofing 站台顶棚 station-master 站长 terminal;terminus 终点站 escalator 自动扶梯
The train leaves the station at..., The train is due out at...火车在(某时)离站 to have one's ticket punched(给检票员)检票 minutes behind schedule 晚点十分钟 to change trains at...在(某地)换车 The train is due at...在(某时)到达 to break the journey 中途下车 dining car, restaurant car, diner 餐车 pantry 餐车食品室
open wagon,(railway)wagon,(railway)truck 敞车
carriage, coach, car 车厢 roof 车顶
concertina walls(车厢通道两侧的)伸缩篷step;foot board(车厢门口的)踏板 gangway(车厢的)通道 lidded ashtray 带盖烟灰盒 tank wagon 罐车
mixed train 混合列车
freight train, goods train 货物列车 engine, locomotive 机车 window seat 靠窗座位 coach, passenger train 客车 express train, express 快车 refrigerator wagon 冷藏车
car attendant;train attendant 列车员 guard, conductor 列车长 slow train, way train 慢车 covered wagon van, box car 棚车 ordinary train 普通列车
sleeping carriage with cushioned berths 软卧客车 up train 上行车 livestock wagon 牲畜车 sleeping car, sleeper 卧车 down train 下行车
luggage van, baggage car 行李车 rack, baggage rack 行李架
sleeping carriage with semicushioned berths 硬卧客车 ordinary seat 硬席
carriage with semicushioned seats 硬座车mail car 邮政车
mail and luggage van 邮政行李车 through train 直达车 special train 专车
pointsman, switchman 道岔工人 signal for blocking the track, block signal 闭塞信号
semaphore signal, home signal 臂板信号 warehouse 仓库
siding, sidetrack 侧线, 旁轨 turnout 岔道
weighing machine 秤重机 derailing(火车)出轨 single line(track)rail 单线 points, switches 道岔 switch lock, point lock 道岔锁
wait sign, wait signal 等候标志(信号)marshalling yard, shunting yard 调车场
dispatching 调度 dispatcher 调度员 crossover 渡线, 转线轨道 rail 钢轨 track 轨道
sleeper, railroad tie 轨枕 rail chair 轨座
buffer stop, bumping post 缓冲桩 goods shed, freight depot 货棚 goods station 货运站, 货站 container 集装箱
locomotive(engine)shed 机车库 station warning sign 进站预告标(signal)gantry ?(铁路上支持信号装置的)跨线桥
barrier(道口)拦路木 section 路段
reduce speed sign(al)慢行标志(信号)bell and whistle sign, whistle sign 鸣笛预告标
platform car, flat car平车, grade crossing, level crossing,(道路与铁路的)平面交叉track-laying machine, tracklayer 铺轨机 double line(track)rail 双线
volume of railway freight 铁路货运量 railway connections 铁路交叉点, 铁路联络线
railway warning sign 铁路警告标志 railway clearance 铁路净空 railroad bed 铁路路基
railway curve 铁路曲线(弯道)railway tunnel 铁路隧道 railway line, railroad line 铁路线 stop sign(al)停车标志(信号)danger sign(al)危险标志(信号)unprotected crossing 无防护设备的道口 signal light(lamp)信号灯
signal box, signalman's cabin 信号房
signalman 信号员 wing rail(of frog)翼轨
distant signal, disk signal,target 圆盘信号机
back-turning section 折返段 frog 辙叉, 岔心
turn-table 转车台, 旋车盘 point(box), switch(box)转辙器 switch signal, point indicator 转辙信号 城市公共交通 urban public transport 城市中供公众乘用的、经济方便的各种交通方式的总称。2.公共交通方式
public transport mode
urban public tranlport system
mass transit system
rail rapid transit(RRT)
monorail transit system
new transport system
vertical transit system
emergency public transport system
urban ferry
cableway transport
funicular railway transport
public transport information system
public transport priority
bus priority system
urban public transport enterprise
经营城市公共交通的经济实体 18.城市公共交通标志
urban public transport sign
public transport means
public transport line
public transport line facilities
public transport network
public transport stop,public transport station
public transport parking place
public transport junction
urban public transport planning
public transport network distribution
public transport yard and station arrangement
urban public transport passenger flow forecast
urban public transport fare structure
urban public transport fare structure
32.城市公共交通运行调度 urban public transport scheduling
所有交通工具的英文单词 bus 公共汽车 driver 汽车司机
double decker bus 双层公共汽车 coach, motor coach, bus 大客车 taxi, taxicab 计程汽车, 出租汽车 trolleybus 无轨电车
tramcar, streetcar 电车, 有轨电车 underground, tube, subway 地铁 stop 停车站
taxi rank, taxi stand 计程汽车车站, 出租汽车总站
taxi driver, cab driver 出租车司机 conductor 售票员 inspector 检查员, 稽查员 ride 乘车
minimum fare(of a taxi)最低车费 railway 铁路(美作:railroad)track 轨道 train 火车
railway system, railway net-work 铁路系统
express train 特别快车 fast train 快车 through train 直达快车 stopping train, slow train 慢车 excursion train 游览列车
commuter train, suburban train 市郊火车 railcar 轨道车 coach, carriage 车厢 sleeping car, sleeper 卧车
dining car, restaurant car, luncheon car 餐车
sleeper with couchettes 双层卧铺车 berth, bunk 铺位 up train 上行车 down train 下行车
luggage van, baggage car 行李车 mail car 邮政车
station, railway station 车站 station hall 车站大厅
booking office, ticket office 售票处 ticket-collector, gateman 收票员 platform 月台, 站台 platform ticket 站台票 buffet 小卖部 waiting room 候车室 platform bridge 天桥
left-luggage office 行李暂存处 platform-ticket 验票门 terminal, terminus 终点站 coach, passenger train 客车 car attendant, train attendant 列车员 guard, conductor 列车长 rack, baggage rack 行李架 left-luggage office 行李房(美作:checkroom)registration 登记 timetable 时刻表 change, transfer 换乘 connection 公铁交接处 ticket inspector 验票员 porter 搬运工人
to change trains at...在(某地)换车 the train is due at...在(某时)到达 to break the journey 中途下车
boat, ship 船
(passenger)liner 邮轮, 客轮 sailing boat, sailing ship 帆船 yacht 游船
(ocean)liner 远洋班轮 packet boat 定期客船, 班轮 cabin 船舱 hovercraft 气垫船 life buoy 救生圈 lifeboat 救生艇 life jacket 救生衣
berth, cabin, stateroom 客舱 first-class stateroom(cabin)头等舱 second-class stateroom(cabin)二等舱 steerage, third-class 三等舱
steerage 统舱 gang-plank 跳板 crossing 横渡 cruise 游弋
to embark, to ship 乘船
to land 抵岸, to sail at a speed of 20 knots, 航速为20节 to transship 换船 to disembark 上岸
to board a ship;to embark;to go aboard 上船
to disembark from a ship, to go ashore, to land 下船
on board a ship, aboard 在船上 to stop over at...中途在…停留
civil aviation 民用航空 plane, aircraft, airplane 飞机 airliner 班机
jet, supersonic plane 喷气机 airliner, passenger aircraft 客机 medium-haul aircraft 中程飞机 long-range aircraft, long-haul aircraft 远程飞机
propeller-driven aircraft 螺旋桨飞机 jet(aircraft)喷气飞机 turbofan jet 涡轮风扇飞机 turboprop 涡轮螺旋桨飞机 turbojet 涡轮喷气飞机 by air, by plane 乘飞机 airline 航空线 passenger cabin 客舱 tourist class 普通舱, 经济舱 first class 一等舱 waiting list 登机票名单 customs formalities 报关单 boarding check 登机牌 airport 航空港
air terminal 航空集散站 tarmac 停机坪
air hostess, stewardess 空中小姐, 女乘务员 steward 乘务员
aircraft crew, air crew 机组, 机务人员 pilot 驾驶员, 机长 takeoff 起飞 landing 着陆
to board a plane, get into a plane 上飞机 to get off a plane, alight from a plane 下飞机
non-stop flight to 飞往, 直飞 in transit 运送中的 air pocket 气潭, 气阱
雅思交通运输题材词汇 1.traffic jams交通堵塞 2.traffic congestion交通堵塞 3.cyclist骑车者 4.motorist骑摩托车的人 5.overbridge天桥 6.flyover立交桥 7.lane车道 8.helmet头盔 9.pathway路,通路 10.priority—prior to优先 11.diesel柴油 12.fume烟雾 13.carpark停车场 17.vehicle机动车 18.automobile汽车 19.mobility灵活性 20.motor发动机,汽车 21.fuel supply燃料供给
22.explosion in the number of cars汽车过多
24.oil reserves石油储备
25.increase personal mobility提高的个人移动性灵活性
32.noise pollution噪音污染 33.exhaust emission尾气排放 34.residence–resident居住,居民 35.inhabitant---resident居民 36.monitor监控,班长,显示器 37.charge收费,开价,负责,充电 38.pollutant污染物
40.anti-pollution laws and regulations反对污染的法律和法规 41.commuter通勤者 42.destination目的地
43.subway—underground地铁 44.aviation航空 45.airliner客机 46.air hostess空姐
47.resource exhaustion资源枯竭 48.urban城市的 49.urbanization城市化 50.rural乡村的
51.distribution分配,分布 52.subway地铁 53.density密度
54.intensity密度,强度,剧烈 55.rear lights尾灯 56.wheel方向盘 57.brakes刹车 58.gear档
59.gas station加油站 60.accelerator油门
61.traffic regulation交通规则 62.ambulance救护车 63.container集装箱 64.freight货物 65.cargo货物 66.goods货物
67.commodity商品,货物 68.product产品
69.distribution system分配,分发系统 70.infrastructure基础设施 71.maritime航海的 72.oil tanker油轮
73.transportation mode运输模式 74.motorcycle摩托车 75.carriage四轮马车 76.lorry重型卡车 77.truck卡车 78.coach大客车
79.taxi--cab计程汽车,出租汽车 80.express快客列车 81.vessel大船 82.aero plane飞机 83.aircraft飞机 84.jet喷气飞机 85.spaceship宇宙飞船 86.space shuttle航天飞机 87.helicopter直升飞机 88.toll station高速收费站 交通规则 traffic regulation 路标 guide post 里程碑 milestone 红绿灯 traffic light 自动红绿灯 automatic traffic signal light 交通岗 traffic post 岗亭 police box 交通警 traffic police 打手势 pantomime 单行线 single line 双白线 double white lines 双程线 dual carriage-way 斑马线 zebra stripes 划路线机 traffic line marker 交通干线 artery traffic 车行道 carriage-way 辅助车道 lane auxiliary 双车道 two-way traffic 自行车通行 cyclists only 单行道 one way only 窄道 narrow road 潮湿路滑 slippery when wet 陡坡 steep hill 不平整路 rough road 弯路 curve road;bend road 连续弯路 winding road 之字路 double bend road 之字公路 switch back road 下坡危险 dangerous down grade 道路交叉点 road junction 超速 excessive speed 速度限制 speed limit 恢复速度 resume speed
禁止通行 no through traffic 让车道 passing bay 回路 loop
安全岛 safety island 停车处 parking place 只停公用车 public car only 禁止停车 restricted stop 禁止滞留 restricted waiting 临街停车 parking on-street 街外停车 parking off-street 街外卸车 loading off-street
小心行人 caution pedestrian crossing 小心牲畜 caution animals 前面窄桥 narrow bridge ahead 拱桥 hump bridge 铁路道口 level crossing 交通管理 traffic control 人山人海 crowded conditions 交通拥挤 traffic jam 水泄不通 overwhelm 让路 give way
交通肇事 committing traffic offences 执照被记违章 endorsed on driving license
危险驾驶 dangerous driving 粗心驾车 careless driving 无证驾驶 driving without license 未经车主同意 without the owner's consent
无第三方保险 without third-party insurance
安全第一 safety first 轻微碰撞 slight impact 相撞 collided
连环撞 a chain collision 撞车 crash
肇事逃逸司机 hit-run driver 此路不通 blocked 禁止驶入 no entry
禁止超越 keep in line;no overhead 禁止掉头 no turns