
时间:2019-05-14 00:42:12下载本文作者:会员上传






在第一和第三部分中,关于work and career方面曾经考过的几道真题有,如:

Do you think salary is only thing that counts in a job?

What do you think of leaflets?

How can we increase the sales profits of a company?

Could you tell me the difference between big and small shops in their service?

How to provide a good service?

Is it important for a shopping center to have good service?


Describe a company that your relative or friend owns.Describe how to run a business(You should say what you must do and where you run the business)




2009年初有一道题突如其来。很多人纷纷栽跟头。这道极为日常化的题是这样的:Could you name some famous flowers in China? 在考生自我介绍之后,随之而出的这道题使很多考生考雅思高分的梦想瞬间破灭。很多考生都表示从来也没有准备过这种题目,但是它毕竟来了。


Please tell me some famous birds in your country.新东方雅思培训:http://edu.21cn.com/kcnet430/

Please tell me some meanings of ships in your country.第二部分中有:Describe a furniture

这个题目可以证明雅思考试是与时俱进的,出题人是混迹在中国社会中的。因为在上海电视台“舞林大会”节目播出后,口试中随即出现了Please name some kinds of famous dances in China.这样的题目。很多考生都不明所以。




中国文化源远流长,这一内容在历年一直是雅思口试关注的热点,2009年也不例外。近年出现的part 2题:Describe an interesting culture,一直以来就是考生头痛的问题。

在中国文化的运用方面,雅思的经典topic始终有四块,一个是Talk about favorite clothing, 一般建议考生谈谈traditional Chinese clothing, 谈中国唐装是个很好的机会,可以让考官了解中国的文化,并对考生产生很好的印象。

另一个是Talk about a kind of traditional building in your country,或者是Describe the emblematic building in your town,这两道题的高分几率一向较低,主要是考生真正能描述成功一个独立中国式建筑的非常少,而描述中国特色的建筑往往是很可能得高分的答题思路。

第三块是关于reading的。很多学生在讲述Describe your favorite book的时候,他们都倾向于描述西方的名著,但是如果能够换个角度考虑到考官作为外国人对中国文化的兴趣,就能够在内容上出奇制胜,比如可以谈谈中国古典四大名著the four traditional Chinese classical novels。

第四块是中国本土食品,如Describe your favorite kind of dish等,这类题目可以描述中国名菜,考官会非常想去尝试,一旦在描述是能够让考官体会到这种菜肴的特色,调动其感官,使人体会到色、香、味的中国菜烹饪方式,那么这类题目的得分就会一路上扬了。



高科技和环境两大概念是21世纪不可逆转和忽略的题材,也是雅思口试的要点。对于转基因食品GM food, fast food, 和robot这一类尚无定论,且政府也无明确章程的东西,成为口试中引发讨论的内容。

在食品方面,由人口增长导致了粮食缺乏,再引起的GM crops的产生,是一个热点。考生必须有的一个认知是,GM food的产生原因,他们的全称是genetically modified food,大致的含义,及它可能带来的影响等。

第二则是green food的定义是green的food还是healthy food或者其他呢?无论考生怎么说,请注意用充分的例子去证明你的观点是很重要的,所以考生要尽力去收集这方面的例子。

第三是关于人类和动物的关系,人类是否应该保护动物?有一道非常特别且有难度的题目曾经出现在part 3:Do you believe the saying “to save animals is to save the human being from committing suicide”? 考生可以拓展的思路包括食物链food chain,以及人口增长和动物灭绝的关系,素食主义的优缺点等等。

在和robot相关的题目里,只要涉及的是科技给人类生活,如家务等带来的影响,和对这种影响带来的忧虑。人类将会主宰科技还是成为科技的奴隶?Will be or not to be? This is a question.将来人类会被机器人控制吗?带着这个大问号,考生并不是要成为科学家去解决这个问题,但一定要有所思考,哪怕你的回答很简单。

而环保则是个经典。中国唐山地震30周年,环境问题中对自然灾害的描述自然被考到了,natural disasters, earthquakes, floods, tsunami, tornados,这些问题考生大致得说出个名字来,这些问题引出了一个新题:气候在过去和现在的不同?





Your ideal house

Your ideal job

Your ideal car/bicycle

或者出题方式以something you want to own in the future,如:

A car/bicycle you want to own in the future

The accommodation you want to own in the future

这类题目在做的时候可以不限章法,游刃有余,将自己心目中比较特别甚至奇特的想法描述出来,所以不一定是在日常生活中要有的东西,理想的 accommodation包括villa, mansion, manor等,每种房屋又可有不同的造型,所以,这种题的宽容度非常大。另外,像car或者bicycle,除了生活中看到的车子,也可以描述一辆高科技的车子,甚至是可以飞的车子。至于ideal job,可以有很多感兴趣的因素,只要能想到的,如salary, time, chance to travel, challenge, benefits, environment, location, future development等,都可以逐条列出,会非常详细而有思路!所以建议考生做理想题要开阔思路。但是也要注意具体在描述是题目的时候,要注意顺序的把握,是from top to the bottom, from the

outside to the inside,还是逐条列出,都是考官会关注的方面哦!




Something you bought but felt regretful for it(说购物被骗的故事)

A busy time(说一段忙碌的时期你做的事)

A time you helped somebody(说你曾经帮助过别人的故事)

A walking you had with somebody(你和别人散步的故事)

A family event/local event(说家里或当地的一个事件)

An activity in your English class(你英语(论坛)课里搞活动的一个故事)

An outdoor activity(一个在户外玩的故事)

A Wedding(婚礼上发生的故事)

A positive change(你的一次积极的变化的故事)




最后一个看点其实就是老题重考。姜还是老的辣,对题目来讲也一样。很多老题06年又重现,却并没有落伍。如描述一封重要的信an important letter,描述一部电影a film, 一个好朋友a good friend等,它们永远是经典。很多考生遇上它们,似乎还是不那么自信。但愿考生们能在有限的复习时间,首先抓住它们罢。







2009年初有一道题突如其来。很多人纷纷栽跟头。这道极为日常化的题是这样的:Could you name some famous flowers inChina? 在考生自我介绍之后,随之而出的这道题使很多考生考雅思高分的梦想瞬间破灭。很多考生都表示从来也没有准备过这种题目,但是它毕竟来了。


Please tell me some famous birds in your country.Please tell me some meanings of ships in your country.第二部分中有:Describe a furniture


namesome kinds of famous dances in China.这样的题目。很多考生都不明所以。




在第一和第三部分中,关于work and career方面曾经考过的几道真题有,如:

Do you think salary is only thing that counts in a job?

What do you think of leaflets?

How can we increase the sales profits of a company?

Could you tell me the difference between big and small shops in


How to provide a good service?

Is it important for a shopping center to have good service?


Describe a company that your relative or friend owns.Describe how to run a business(You should say what you must do and whereyou run the business)




高科技和环境两大概念是21世纪不可逆转和忽略的题材,也是雅思口试的要点。对于转基因食品GM food, fast food,和robot这一类尚无定论,且政府也无明确章程的东西,成为口试中引发讨论的内容。

在食品方面,由人口增长导致了粮食缺乏,再引起的GM crops的产生,是一个热点。考生必须有的一个认知是,GMfood的产生原因,他们的全称是genetically modified food,大致的含义,及它可能带来的影响等。

第二则是green food的定义是green的food还是healthyfood或者其他呢?无论考生怎么说,请注意用充分的例子去证明你的观点是很重要的,所以考生要尽力去收集这方面的例子。

第三是关于人类和动物的关系,人类是否应该保护动物?有一道非常特别且有难度的题目曾经出现在part 3:Do you believe thesaying “to save animals is to save the human being from committing suicide”?考生可以拓展的思路包括食物链food chain,以及人口增长和动物灭绝的关系,素食主义的优缺点等等。

在和robot相关的题目里,只要涉及的是科技给人类生活,如家务等带来的影响,和对这种影响带来的忧虑。人类将会主宰科技还是成为科技的奴隶?Will beor not to be? This is a question.将来人类会被机器人控制吗?带着这个大问号,考生并不是要成为科学家去解决这个问题,但一定要有所思考,哪怕你的回答很简单。

而环保则是个经典。中国唐山地震30周年,环境问题中对自然灾害的描述自然被考到了,natural disasters, earthquakes,floods, tsunami, tornados,这些问题考生大致得说出个名字来,这些问题引出了一个新题:气候在过去和现在的不同?


中国文化源远流长,这一内容在历年一直是雅思口试关注的热点,2009年也不例外。近年出现的part 2题:Describe an interestingculture,一直以来就是考生头痛的问题。

在中国文化的运用方面,雅思的经典topic始终有四块,一个是Talk about favorite clothing,一般建议考生谈谈traditional Chinese clothing, 谈中国唐装是个很好的机会,可以让考官了解中国的文化,并对考生产生很好的印象。

另一个是Talk about a kind of traditional building in your country,或者是Describethe emblematic building in yourtown,这两道题的高分几率一向较低,主要是考生真正能描述成功一个独立中国式建筑的非常少,而描述中国特色的建筑往往是很可能得高分的答题思路。

第三块是关于reading的。很多学生在讲述Describe your favoritebook的时候,他们都倾向于描述西方的名著,但是如果能够换个角度考虑到考官作为外国人对中国文化的兴趣,就能够在内容上出奇制胜,比如可以谈谈中国古典四大名著thefour traditional Chinese classical novels。

第四块是中国本土食品,如Describe your favorite kind ofdish等,这类题目可以描述中国名菜,考官会非常想去尝试,一旦在描述是能够让考官体会到这种菜肴的特色,调动其感官,使人体会到色、香、味的中国菜烹饪方式,那么这类题目的得分就会一路上扬了。


雅思考试在2009年保留大量关于考生的ideal提问的题目。常见的有:Your ideal house

Your ideal job

Your ideal car/bicycle

或者出题方式以something you want to own in the future,如:

A car/bicycle you want to own in the future

The accommodation you want to own in the future

这类题目在做的时候可以不限章法,游刃有余,将自己心目中比较特别甚至奇特的想法描述出来,所以不一定是在日常生活中要有的东西,理想的accommodation包括villa, mansion,manor等,每种房屋又可有不同的造型,所以,这种题的宽容度非常大。另外,像car或者bicycle,除了生活中看到的车子,也可以描述一辆高科技的车子,甚至是可以飞的车子。至于idealjob,可以有很多感兴趣的因素,只要能想到的,如salary, time, chance to travel, challenge, benefits,environment, location, futuredevelopment等,都可以逐条列出,会非常详细而有思路!所以建议考生做理想题要开阔思路。但是也要注意具体在描述是题目的时候,要注意顺序的把握,是fromtop to the bottom, from the outside to the inside,还是逐条列出,都是考官会关注的方面哦!



Something you bought but felt regretful for it(说购物被骗的故事)

A busy time(说一段忙碌的时期你做的事)

A time you helped somebody(说你曾经帮助过别人的故事)

A walking you had with somebody(你和别人散步的故事)

A family event/local event(说家里或当地的一个事件)

An activity in your English class(你英语(论坛)课里搞活动的一个故事)An outdoor activity(一个在户外玩的故事)

A Wedding(婚礼上发生的故事)

A positive change(你的一次积极的变化的故事)




老题06年又重现,却并没有落伍。如描述一封重要的信an importantletter,描述一部电影a film, 一个好朋友a goodfriend等,它们永远是经典。很多考生遇上它们,似乎还是不那么自信。但愿考生们能在有限的复习时间,首先抓住它们罢。









在第一和第三部分中,关于work and career方面曾经考过的几道真题有,如:

Do you think salary is only thing that counts in a job?What do you think of leaflets?

How can we increase the sales profits of a company?

Could you tell me the difference between big and small shops in their service?

How to provide a good service?

Is it important for a shopping center to have good service?在第二部分里则大玩商务基础知识,如:

Describe a company that your relative or friend owns.Describe how to run a business(You should say what you must do and where you run the business)




2009年初有一道题突如其来。很多人纷纷栽跟头。这道极为日常化的题是这样的:Could you name some famous flowers in China? 在考生自我介绍之后,随之而出的这道题使很多考生考雅思高分的梦想瞬间破灭。很多考生都表示从来也没有准备过这种题目,但是它毕竟来了。


Please tell me some famous birds in your country.Please tell me some meanings of ships in your country.第二部分中有:Describe a furniture

这个题目可以证明雅思考试是与时俱进的,出题人是混迹在中国社会中的。因为在上海电视台“舞林大会”节目播出后,口试中随即出现了Please name some kinds of famous dances in China.这样的题目。很多考生都不明所以。生活化考题的准备要从生活中来。平时关注一些日常事物的名称,试着描述他们的存在,是考生在明年可望制胜的法宝。



中国文化源远流长,这一内容在历年一直是雅思口试关注的热点,2009年也不例外。近年出现的part 2题:Describe an interesting culture,一直以来就是考生头痛的问题。

在中国文化的运用方面,雅思的经典topic始终有四块,一个是Talk about favorite clothing, 一般建议考生谈谈traditional Chinese clothing, 谈中国唐装是个很好的机会,可以让考官了解中国的文化,并对考生产生很好的印象。另一个是Talk about a kind of traditional building in your country,或者是Describe the emblematic building in your town,这两道题的高分几率一向较低,主要是考生真正能描述成功一个独立中国式建筑的非常少,而描述中国特色的建筑往往是很可能得高分的答题思路。

第三块是关于reading的。很多学生在讲述Describe your favorite book的时候,他们都倾向于描述西方的名著,但是如果能够换个角度考虑到考官作为外国人对中国文化的兴趣,就能够在内容上出奇制胜,比如可以谈谈中国古典四大名著the four traditional Chinese classical novels。

第四块是中国本土食品,如Describe your favorite kind of dish等,这类题目可以描述中国名菜,考官会非常想去尝试,一旦在描述是能够让考官体会到这种菜肴的特色,调动其感官,使人体会到色、香、味的中国菜烹饪方式,那么这类题目的得分就会一路上扬了。



高科技和环境两大概念是21世纪不可逆转和忽略的题材,也是雅思口试的要点。对于转基因食品GM food, fast food, 和robot这一类尚无定论,且政府也无明确章程的东西,成为口试中引发讨论的内容。

在食品方面,由人口增长导致了粮食缺乏,再引起的GM crops的产生,是一个热点。考生必须有的一个认知是,GM food的产生原因,他们的全称是genetically modified food,大致的含义,及它可能带来的影响等。

第二则是green food的定义是green的food还是healthy food或者其他呢?无论考生怎么说,请注意用充分的例子去证明你的观点是很重要的,所以考生要尽力去收集这方面的例子。

第三是关于人类和动物的关系,人类是否应该保护动物?有一道非常特别且有难度的题目曾经出现在part 3:Do you believe the saying “to save animals is to save the human being from committing suicide”? 考生可以拓展的思路包括食物链food chain,以及人口增长和动物灭绝的关系,素食主义的优缺点等等。

在和robot相关的题目里,只要涉及的是科技给人类生活,如家务等带来的影响,和对这种影响带来的忧虑。人类将会主宰科技还是成为科技的奴隶?Will be or not to be? This is a question.将来人类会被机器人控制吗?带着这个大问号,考生并不是要成为科学家去解决这个问题,但一定要有所思考,哪怕你的回答很简单。

而环保则是个经典。中国唐山地震30周年,环境问题中对自然灾害的描述自然被考到了,natural disasters, earthquakes, floods, tsunami, tornados,这些问题考生大致得说出个名字来,这些问题引出了一个新题:气候在过去和现在的不同?




雅思考试在2009年保留大量关于考生的ideal提问的题目。常见的有:Your ideal house

Your ideal job

Your ideal car/bicycle

或者出题方式以something you want to own in the future,如:

A car/bicycle you want to own in the future

The accommodation you want to own in the future

这类题目在做的时候可以不限章法,游刃有余,将自己心目中比较特别甚至奇特的想法描述出来,所以不一定是在日常生活中要有的东西,理想的accommodation包括villa, mansion, manor等,每种房屋又可有不同的造型,所以,这种题的宽容度非常大。另外,像car或者bicycle,除了生活中看到的车子,也可以描述一辆高科技的车子,甚至是可以飞的车子。至于ideal job,可以有很多感兴趣的因素,只要能想到的,如salary, time, chance to travel, challenge, benefits, environment, location, future development等,都可以逐条列出,会非常详细而有思路!所以建议考生做理想题要开阔思路。但是也要注意具体在描述是题目的时候,要注意顺序的把握,是from top to the bottom, from the outside to the inside,还是逐条列出,都是考官会关注的方面哦!




Something you bought but felt regretful for it(说购物被骗的故事)

A busy time(说一段忙碌的时期你做的事)

A time you helped somebody(说你曾经帮助过别人的故事)

A walking you had with somebody(你和别人散步的故事)

A family event/local event(说家里或当地的一个事件)

An activity in your English class(你英语(论坛)课里搞活动的一个故事)

An outdoor activity(一个在户外玩的故事)

A Wedding(婚礼上发生的故事)

A positive change(你的一次积极的变化的故事)




最后一个看点其实就是老题重考。姜还是老的辣,对题目来讲也一样。很多老题06年又重现,却并没有落伍。如描述一封重要的信an important letter,描述一部电影a film, 一个好朋友a good friend等,它们永远是经典。很多考生遇上它们,似乎还是不那么自信。但愿考生们能在有限的复习时间,首先抓住它们罢。



As for this topic, I prefer to start off by answering the first question, which is the thing it is.It is a mobile phone I used for one year.Next, I’d like to move onto the second question, this is the time it broke.I clearly remember that it broke 5 years ago.Now, I want to answer the third question, the things that I did after it didn’t work.I looked for a phone repair point to fix it up, but it doesn’t work, so I had to bought one new.Finally, if there is still have time, I want to say something about the fourth question, namely, the feeling I had about it.I feel very sad, because that means a lot of photos I took and the chat record lost, which is important to me.As for this topic, I prefer to start off by answering the first question, which is the thing it is.It is singing songs.Next, I’d like to move onto the second question, where I always do it.I do it at home.Now, I want to answer the third question, how often I do this thing and the way I do it.I do it about once a week by singing while playing songs on my mobile phone.Finally, if there is still have time, I want to say something about the fourth question, namely, the reason why I like doing this.Because it can help me release pressure and make me happy.As for this topic, I prefer to start off by answering the first question, which is the kind it is an where it is used.It is Korean and it is used in Korea.Next, I’d like to move onto the second question, this is the way I learn it.I could learn it by seeing korean drama.Now, I want to answer the third question, the location where I could learn it.I may learn it at home or at school just like learning English.Finally, if there is still have time, I want to say something about the fourth question, namely, the reason why I want to learn it.Because I like korean drama and korean stars.As for this topic, I prefer to start off by answering the first question, which is the kind of book it is.It is a science book, named A Brief History Of Time.Next, I’d like to move onto the second question, this is the things it discuss.It tells about the nature of universe, and it can help me understand the nature of time and the origin of the universe.Now, I want to answer the third question, the place I read it.I always read it at home at my free time.Finally, if there is still have time, I want to say something about the fourth question, namely, my feeling about the book.I think it is very good for me to learn physics and understand the mystery of the universe.As for this topic, I prefer to start off by answering the first question, which is the time I wanted to write it.It was about one year ago.Next, I’d like to move onto the second question, this is the kind the book is and what it tells about.It is a detective novel which says a story of solving a case.Now, I want to answer the third question, it is easy or not.Personally speaking it is little difficult for me because it needs me to have a good reasoning and imagination.Finally, if there is still have time, I want to say something about the fourth question, namely,the reason why I want to write it.Because I’ve always liked reasoning stories, I wanted to write it by myself.


发音 流畅 语法 词汇 整体印象

一:your favorite colour(pattern图案)

i woud like to talk about my favorite colour is black

1:rimind people of someting bad such as funeral

2:but people in china alway are fond of red because they believe it would bring them good luckcheer sb up使某人振作

3:the dirt on the black T-shirt can not be spot that easily.4:i am a kind of person who don't care too much about my attire(衣着)

6:lady wearing long black evening dress is very elegant but sexy.7:admire sb 钦佩 爱慕

8:mysterious神秘的 noble高贵的 anxious焦虑的 frustrated挫败 notable 注明的二:describe an expensive thing you want to buy

it'sworth to purchase购买

1:people always think that the value of the real estate always increaes in china and i totally agree with it

2:it is the most important point to measure whether a man in china has enough ability

3:ask the bank for a loan

4:negotiate with my parents if they help me pay for downpayment(首期)i woud buy it before i go abroad

5:the symbol of the social status

6:save the money

8:maybe you would say i am a maiterial man but it indeed make me charming

:easy to operate

三:a friend who is a leader一定要说名字(look like a ganster)

captainof the basketball team队长 spiritual leader精神领袖monitor班长hierarchy(等级制度)bureaucracy官僚制度

1:when we lose the game and feel frustrated and want to give up he always cheer us up and encourage us to step forward

2:organize some competition(class activuties)about the basketball game

3:in china,our students have a strong class identity and loyalty

4:even syudents in chinese primary school are interest in the hierarchy alway want to take position in the calss surprisingly,he is not the monitor in our class``````teacher always select monitor according to the academic performance ranther than

四:your favorite flower(orchid兰花)sunflower向日葵sakura樱花landscape(s山水画)oil painting 油画wedding婚礼 sunflower向日葵 painter画家(可以用来说)a notable painter who call van gogh梵高

1:flowers lover爱好者

2:magical神奇的,it could change its colour from year to year

3:means of honest

4:admire a people who is a gentleman with honesty诚实 and justice正义

5:how much respect that you pay for him

6:decorate their houses

六:building,near waterguangzhou tower

1:give us a bird's view

2:it look like an elegant and beautiful lady standing by the pearl river waiting for her husband's return froom far far away

3:at night she become more spectacular with the different colour's flash light.4: as famous as the birds' net stadium locate in beijing

5:the architecture style is very special which look like a lotus(莲花)blossom on the surface of the water

6:fly kites放风筝walk dogs遛狗

7:if i feel streesful/upset/frustrated from my preparation of IELTS

8:i enjoy the pleasnt breeze微风kiss my face

七:adventurous activity(adventure)burst into tearsdirective指令

八:foreign film/cartoon(Wall-E,the Pacific太平洋 War,Star war)-从电影讲文化的差异(Atlantic大西洋)AUTO: In space we will survive.Captain: I don't want to survive, I want to live!

九:interesting or unusual thing you do recently

(take sth valuablely认为--很有价值)open mobile phonebe confident of muselves

1:i obtain satisfaction and confidence from repairing the mobile phone by myself.have strong sense of achievement成就感release the stress on shuolder

2:screwdriver(螺丝批)keep it in my memory.3:enforce myself to review whether the door has closed or not---feel upset about the broken key 4:volume key did't work

5:my father even said i woud ruin the mobile

十:your favourite house

十一:a public event

1:demonstration游行示威 protested the policy about prohibiting the motor bike

2:at front gate of the city council市政厅on December 1st, 2011

4:no a popular action in the city

5:a govenment official said that a demonstration should be discouraged

6:a group of police persuaded us we had no choice but to leave

7:increase the cost of commuting and

8:motorbike is one of the most convenient transportation in comparison with orthers

十二:i know my englissh is no perfect yet, but i have done my best,i have no regretpracticability.实用性



十四:信,相片,最好的朋友(第一印象look like a ganster)


十五:忙碌的时间,重要的决定,a positive change,a library

准备雅思出国,出国前,出国时,出国后。为什么要出国(知识,文化,国际,独立(My lifestyle here in china can be very spoiled sometimes,everybody wants to give me the best thing.if i study abroad i will have to learn how to study and live by myself in the other country.you know This experience can push me or challenge me to expand my horizon so that i can see the world in a wider perspective.before my make that decision to go to abroad,my english is poor.After i have made my decision to go to aboard i have to study iels.i catch the early bus everyday to the iels eduction institution.i know my english is no perfect yet, but i have done my best,i have no regret.pesonal safty,language problem, scenes of isolation, cultural shock, homesick.work in a,then begin my own business

十七::if you receive a large sum of money,a vehicle you want to own,an adventure person/a good neighbour,an old person.存钱买礼物,an outdoor activity,三十八:school holiday

用钱买越野车,可以周游全国,他、我是一个爱冒险的人Jeep(land-rover陆虎),size of the engine is 3liters,with a hifi stereo system,driving tour 自驾游,十八:an unhappy shopping experience,a shopping experience

(hifi stereo system, when i heard it in the shop it work perfect ,however it didn't work in my home anymare.the amplifier has a strange sound ,they said they were not liable for thesound effect refund退款rejectreplace the product ,the service of this time is totally unacceptable

十九:an exhibition手机展samsung company

二十:a book you had read

i don't really interest in books but i like reading magazine.today i would like to intriduce the magazines which call digital journal主要讲感受

二十一:a piece of furniture,photoes,picture

smoothen the edge of the desk

二十二:a particle skillswming 世纪莲

二十三:a class(雅思课堂,ivanbilingual education

二十四:a foreign culture(embarrasing things)刀叉,筷子,饮食文化差别

二十五:a trip

(Buddhism,mysterious places,so called socialist state去北京historical site fobbiden city

(淘宝,购物保障high security

二十七:a wild animal

(south tiger)According to historical records.On the brink of extinction

二十八:a radio programme


三十四:an experience when you are late、约会迟到,为什么迟到,女朋友发飙,the longer we stay together there are more confilct between people.we should orther to keep a stable relationship

三十五:hotel 和朋友去宾馆旅游叫错房间

三十七:someting you made by hand

make a photo album by myselfdevelop cpring it out.decorate it withon my girl friends birthday.lead them to the secret place where i hid the photo album.虽然不值钱但是很有意义的四十三: favourite weathersummer喜欢游泳 自驾游



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