
时间:2019-05-14 00:40:58下载本文作者:会员上传





Those who believe in the measure say that students benefit a lot from traveling or working for a year before their formal university education.First, they can more broadly acquainted themselves with the society, deepen their understanding of the outside world, and thus better coordinate their objectives of learning with the needs of the society.In contrast, by immediate entrance to university they can not steer the direction of their study well and may display a poor combination of the theory with practice.Second, study at high school is really exhausting, especially when to win college

admission.So it is necessary to grant these children a relatively long period of relaxation or buffer, say, traveling or working for a year, to loosen the chords of their brain, so that when they go back to school later again, they can become completely refreshed and rejuvenated.这篇雅思大作文写作的内容是关于上大学前是否应该用一年的时间来旅游或者工作进行论证。此段的主题是学生在进入大学学习之前花一年时间进行旅游或工作的话,会让他们受益匪浅。对比点是:进入大学之前一年进行旅游或工作有利于让学生广泛了解社会,加深他们对外界的理解,因此能让他们更好地协调好学习目标和社会的需要。应用这样的雅思大作文写作方法,相对比之下,直接进入大学学习的话,他们不能够把握学习的方向,而且有可能会产生理论和实践相脱节。通过此番对比,旅游或工作一年对于即将步入大学的学生们的好处是显而易见,段落的主题句得到有力的论证。


Then, since the transportation system is the lifeline of a country’s economic activities, its paralysis would lead to the disintegration of the economy, either industry of farming or daylife.Suppose all the means of transportation were halted for lack of oil, factories with insufficient raw materials would have to close, workers would be out of work, and ripe farm crops would have to stay in the fields at the mercy of rain and storms.People would try to store food and the price of all commodities would go up.If we take those power stations run by oil into account, situations would become even worse.In this sense, oil decides the fate of the whole economy and that of the government.通过假设得出了一系列的可怕的后果,最后再得出结论,这样的结论是发人深省,当然也是最能引起人们广泛重视的,这样的雅思大作文写作方法是最容易给人留下深刻印象的。



The increase of food production owns much to fertilizers and better machinery, but some people say it has a negative impact on human health and community.To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Write at least 250 words.It it evidentially true that advanced machinery and fertilizers, to a large degree, optimize food production.However, by giving it all negative comments, I believe it unreasonable and irrational since it merely represents only one single step rather than the entire processing procedure.It cannot be repudiated that side-effects fertilizers and machinerybring about are somehow obvious.For instance, the chemical substances detrimental to health seep into crops and vegetables along withfertilizers.Sometimes, overdose of any chemical may directly result in certain degrading of body organs.More seriously, the universal application of machinery may replace human labor force as a more efficient substitute, which may lead to the rise of unemployment.Besides, the waste gas generated by all those units will definitely contribute to local air quality or perhaps global warming.Nevertheless, is it true that we, as human beings, should leave all these inventions behind and pretend they have never made a great difference?

On the other side, it is a logical error to take one certain step as the whole process.Currently, along with scientific advancement, people rarely take raw food as in the past.Thanks to the perfection of food processing industry, there are more procedures, such as filtering, degerming, or low-temperature evaporating, to guarantee food quality harmless to human bodies.In addition, many trace elements and other nutrient vitamins are, through advanced operation, compoundedin the food in order to improve the nutrient composition of the food itself.Therefore, it is fairly assertive and parochial to claim fertilizers and machinery have a negative impact.And more ironically, if human beings did not apply them in food production today,there would be no way to feed growing world population.As was previously stated and well discussed, the role and function of fertilizers and machinery in food production is overgeneralized and misinterpreted.Personally, they both serve well in food production, and their flaws are avoidable most of time.













与之相比,我们所要求的复述可能要略胜一筹。复述的前提是对于文字材料的理解,我们的大脑在理解的过程中,会将抽象的文字转化为图形、影像或者一个过程、流程,是一个有人物、地点、事物的场景。而这个场景是可以脱离文字而独立存在的,也是可以用任何不同的语言表现出来的。比如,我们可以尝试着去想象这样一个画面:你和一个朋友漫步在伦敦的街头,欣赏这个美丽繁华的都市,突然间朋友晕倒了,你需要立即送他去医院。或者,想象这样的一个画面:Youand one of your friends are walking along a big street in London enjoying thebeauty of the city.Suddenly, your friend passed out, you need to send him

tothe hospital immediately.无论,是英文的还是中文的表达,我们想象出来的场景应该是十分相似的。我们刚才想象出来的画面,就是我们对于文字的理解。复述的过程包含三个步骤:首先,逐字逐句的扫描和阅读抽象的文字,可能有部分文字或者句型我们不太理解,但是根据前后文进行逻辑推理,我们依然能够明白文字的主要内容;然后,我们将能够理解的部分转化为场景;最后,我们用自己能够驾驭的单词以声音的形式将内容再现。



















第四篇:雅思高分作文- 教育类

1.It is generally believed that education is of vital importance in individuals’ development and well-being of societies.What should education consist of to fulfill both these functions?

With the rapid development of modern society, education is becoming more and more crucial to both individuals and societies.The issue over what education should consist of has considerably aroused people’s wide concern.In this essay, I seek to explore this complicated topic from diverse perspectives and what influence could be brought.Among the most important aspects education should consist of, one should be stressed is professional knowledge education.On one hand, under the fierce competitive circumstance, people who have professional skills and experience attract many big companies.Therefore, study about one special area gives people more opportunities to hurt an ideal job.On the other hand, this education is also significant to develop societies in a long run.At the second place, what is also worth noticing is that physical education is necessary for students, especially for teenagers.If you want to achieve successfully in the modern societies, strong body is the first premise, which makes you always in sharp.So education should push people to take care themselves and this could bring great benefits to the healthy society.Last but not least, we should not lose sight of psychological education.Psychological problems are serious nowadays and a sizable percentage of people suffer from them.A survey conducted by a famous research organization indicates that over 40 percent of students have various psychological problems, who really need help from school and society.Even worse, if such problems cannot be solved, they could hamper the progress of well-being society.Judging from what I have been discussed above, we may safely draw the conclusion that three aspects cannot be separated in education, which play vital important roles in the growth of individuals and societies.The fulfillment of both people and societies can be done as long as we lay emphasis on three aspects mentioned above.2.Human Society is a long period of building and developing.From

the time man lived in dank caves to nowadays when he lives in such a

modern life with a lot of excellent facilities.The modern life, the

excellent facilities was not a present from god.It was made by people of

all generations who always learned from the past and developed

everything they had learned from it.Thus, I totally disagree with the

statement above that learning about the past has no value.The first reason for this is that learning about the past brings us all the

knowledge and information in the past.Without yesterday, there is no

today.A society can develop only when its people inherit and

understand the achievements of the precursors because the precursors'

achievements were the foundation for everything to develop..For

example, before 1964 there was only black-and-white television but

until now there are kinds of colour televisions that are slim and

innovative such as LCD TV...The black-and-white television made the

basis and gave inventors idea to develop the modern TV nowadays.Consequently our knowledge, success today is the result of constant

work of our ancestors before.Secondly, learning about the past is very essential because it makes us

doubt and take consideration into earlier assumptions.For that reason,people will find out mistakes that were made in the past.This will show

us which roads not to ever go down again and put human in a right way

to develop.Learning about the past is not only learning about the

history but also is learning from our and the others' mistakes.By this

way of learning, people will become more and more experienced and

never make the same mistakes again.Additionally, if learning about the past has no value, people in the world

could speak, could write by themselves without learning from anyone.This is impossible so the value of the past, in this case are the parents,are undeniable.In a nutshell, the past is always a good teacher and we are still bad

students who crave for knowledge.Denying the past also means that we

are destroying the present and our future because no one can jump

without ground to stand on.3.When it comes to the value of history, the discussion of this issue

among individuals and in society as a whole has come into vogue during

the last decade.The statement declares that “learning about the past

has no value for those of us living in the present.” I disagree with

the...there is a thing you have to know.The main reason for my propensity to the importance of history is

that in the business world, there is a saying that you have to know

where you have been and where you are in order to know where you are

going...Furthermore, I agree that business corporations find it critical to

have regular views of the past business performance without

reservations since each corporation has to see what mistakes were

made in order to avoid repeating them.Naturally, they learn from the

past mistakes which prepare them for the future.Let’s bring our discussion to a more present and practical context.It can be given an example that Microsoft usually has regular views of

its past performance, usually in the form of quarterly or annual review.Another equally essential aspect accounting for why I advocate the

value of learning about the past involves the realm of politics and

society.No one can deny that in the international arena, one must

possess a thorough knowledge of history in order to understand the

current dynamics and complex relationships among countries.Obviously, it is imperative that the politicians should learn from the

past political mistakes.History is replete with evidence to demonstrate

this point that the world community learned the great lesson from WWII

that there must not be another world war thus we entered into 40 plus

years of the cold war.However, we should concede that despite the merits of learning

about the past, over extended referring to the past will be indeed

counterproductive, even harmful.The harm it produces is, in my view,both palpable and profound.For the individual, it has a debasing

impact on people’s originality;for the society, it may promote a

tendency toward mechanism ossification.In sum, the advantages of referring to the past outweigh the

disadvantages, but it is imperative to point out that whether historical

information can actively affect our present life depends on whether we

could take rational cognizance of the past and whether we could try to

make breakthrough and whether we could learn from the past failures

and success, especially from the failures.




开头段1-2句 转述原题

主体段11+X句 每个主体段第一句话概括本段,X句介绍数字


结尾段1-2句 第一句介绍总数total(如果没有就不写),第二句作结论




proportion/ percentageinformation/ datanumber/ figures

family/ householdmales/ menfemales/ women

influence/ affect(v.)effect(n.)categories/ kinds/ typesdemand/ need

subway/ underground railwaystore/ shopuniversity/ college show/ describe/ illustrate/ demonstrate/ summarize/ indicate







As can be seen from the table that…

It can be seen from the table that…

We can see from the table that…

According to the xx chart, …

It is interesting to note that…



To be more specific, … = more specifically

To be more exact,… = more exactly



increased/ an increaserose/ a rise


rocketed(boomed)a rocket(a boom)


dropped/ a dropdecreased/ a decreasereduced / a reduction


slumpeda slump


stabilizedremained / maintained / stayedstable / constant / steady


fluctuateda fluctuation


peaked atreached the highest point at(as high as)


reached the bottom at


rapid rapidly/ slow slowly


significant significantly/ gradual gradually/ steady steadily/ slight slightly

大约:about/ around/approximately / just over/ just under


reached/ stood at / arrived at


A is expected/ predicted / estimated / projected to reach …




accounted for/ made up/ represented the percentage of / was responsible for / provided


As can be seen from the graph, the number of … fluctuated during the period of ….As can be seen from the graph, there was a slight rise in the number of *** from *** to ***

The period between *** and *** experienced a slight rise of …, with the number reaching ***.It can be seen from the chart that *** accounted for the greatest proportion of ***

As for other categories, …

After that, an opposite trend occurred.The highest … was A, followed by…


Therefore, it can be clearly seen from the table that …


The process diagram illustrates in *** stages how …


In the first stage(picture, period), … / Initially,In the next step, …

After that(Next/ Then), …

Finally, …(the whole cycle starts over again.)


at this stage/ at this point/ as the diagram shows

Therefore, the process diagram clearly shows that …

雅思大作文高分模版 –(1)



1.As the world continues to increase in complexity, **(点题目的范围,比如education, crime, environmentalpreservation等)has triggered a wide public concern and discussion.2.When it comes to whether …(这句从句一定要写对,就是点题), people hold conflicting opinions.3.Personally, I strongly think that …


双边结合:On the one hand, there is no doubt that sth.has certain advantages(disadvantages).只选择一边立场:One’s first inclination might be to argue that sth.has certain advantages(disadvantages).第一个观点To begin with, ….第二个观点Moreover, ….论据部分可能的连接词:

as a result/ to be more specific/ in other words/ for instance


双边结合:On the other hand, we should not ignore the disadvantages it may bring along.只选择一边立场:A quick look at the following facts, however, may show us a different picture.连接词注意不要重复即可,如on top of that / besides / apart from


只选择一边立场:Overall, despite the advantages smoking may bring, I think it has more disadvantages in terms of individual health and other aspects.Therefore, people should not be encouraged to take up smoking.如果为双边结合的,结尾可用not only, but also 连接


雅思大作文高分模版 –(2)



As the world continues to increase in complexity, **(点题)has triggered a wide public concern and discussion.New solutions to this problem are being proposed, trialed and implemented with ever increasing speed.This essay aims to analyze the reasons for and potential influences(effects)brought by this problem and tries to give some possible solutions.一定要看清楚题目问了哪几个问题,cause, effect, solution不一定都问的。


The causes of the problem facing the world are diverse.第三段

Obviously, the situation has had various influences(consequences)on our society,(both positive and negative ones).如果没有好的影响,逗号后面就写mostly negative ones.第四段

Considering these causes, actions should be taken in several fields.(The role of governments in environmental management is difficult but inescapable.)这句话很好,但不适用所有的题目。


1.In conclusion, I think there are many reasons why …, and corresponding measures should be taken.Only by

concerted efforts of governments and individuals, can this demanding challenge be addressed.2.Progress is being made.The problem, though, remains the same.Will the change come quickly enough?



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