
时间:2019-05-14 00:42:19下载本文作者:会员上传



网友 :老师,您好!我上次口语考了4.5分,当时感觉不错,好像也没多大问题,怎么才4.5分?我希望的分数为6分,您有什么好的建议么?谢谢了!

答:从你的分数看,应该是语流还不够流畅,词汇的灵活性有欠缺,复合句子也可能使用得少,语音方面可能也有不清晰不准确的地方。你自我感觉良好,可能是因为你自我感觉说话很连贯,没有明显的停顿或者犹豫。其实,自己感觉一气呵成,不等于就能很好的符合6分的标准。有的考鸭虽然能持续的回答,但是不少地方是简单的重复,比较多的出现自我更正,连接词语的使用可能也过于单调。这样,虽然话语不断,但是不畅顺。至于词汇,可能是不善于使用同义词、近义词,不善于根据需要使用同一词根的不同词性,显得用词单调。流畅和词汇不够灵活的考生,自然句型使用也以简单句为主了。你近期的努力目标应该是:在你现有语言水平基础上,尽量做到熟练,少出错漏。具体说,第一,参考答案示范时,注意学习说话的逻辑。例如:Do you live in an urban or rural area? I live in Guangzhou, the capital city of Guangdong Province.I like this city very much, because it is full of life and opportunities.I’ve been living there ever since I was born and I’m so familiar with everything around.其基本逻辑:直接回答住在哪里(自然就回答了是市区还是郊区)→补充说明自己对该地方的感受(自然带出喜欢的原因)→进一步补充住了多长时间(自然带出长期居住的结果)。第二,注意示范中使用同义词、近义词的现象,以及同根词的不同形态的使用。例如:I was excited to learn the news→What they told me was so exciting→My excitement was beyong words.第三,学习使用复合句,但是不要急于求成。先把一主一从的句式,或者并列、转折之类的句式用好,以后再学会扩充到更复杂的句型。例如先熟练掌握上例中的:I like this city very much, because it is full of life and opportunities.(主句+从句)I’ve been living there ever since I was born and I’m so familiar with everything around.(并列句)最后,关于语音,注意把单词重音读准。可以参考《最新雅思考试口语胜策》,其他语音问题由于我不了解情况,就不多言了。


I am a huge fan of a Chinese TV show named Happy Camp, in Chinese KLDBY, which is an entertaining program.There are a lot of stars showing up in the program.It is on 8 every Saturday night so I feel very relaxed every weekend.The show is very funny in that the five hosts are gifted in amusing people.I especially enjoy watching them chat with guests and play jokes on them.They are so intelligent and humorous that I am always amused by their words.In addition, they also play some games with stars in the show which can present another aspect of these stars.Sometimes I laughed so hard that my mom thought I was crazy, and then she became curious and ended up as a huge fan of the show herself.Yes.I think there are too much advertising on TV which always spoils my mood of appreciating TV programs or dramas.I do not like it at all.I know it is unlikely that there is no ad on TV at all.But I hope the ads can be put after the broadcasting of a TV program not in the middle of it.I think the difference between today’s TV channels and pastis huge.We have more channels today than in the pst.So we can appreciate a variety of TV programs which enrich our leisure time.But there are also more advertisements on TV today than in the past, which makes audience annoyed.I think Peking University Hall is very interesting.It is on the campus of PKU.When I first entered PKU, I went there to listen to the lecture of freshmen’s mental health.So it was one of my first impressions about PKU.Peking University Hall is a building that mixes the arts of traditional and modern architecture.It looks like a castle.At night, all the lights, movement and excitement of a busy theatre can be seen from the street outside.All the performances there are very wonderful.Besides, many famous people visit there and give a lecture to students of our university.I’ve watched a lot of performances and even met my idol Jay Chou in the hall.So the hall is very interesting to me


Describe a film/your favourite film

I watched a movie called “A world without thieves” when I was a freshman.One of my favourite stars, Liu Ruoying, acts the leading role in it.This is a reason I love the film.Beside, the plot is thrilling and funny.The story took place on a train.Liu and her boyfriend were both living by stealing.This time they didn’t steal, but to protect a young man from being stolen.Since Liu was going to give birth to the baby, they did this to accumulate virtue for their baby.Finally, they succeed, and the young man was safe to arrive with his money.But Liu’s boyfriend died in the contest with another thief.When he was dying, he sent a short message to Liu, saying ”Wait for me, and give birth to my baby.”

Two month passed, the police she had met on the train told her the truth.On hearing this, she couldn’t help weeping.Every time I watched this scene, I would be moved by the love between Liu and her boyfriend

Describe an interesting news

Recently, I’ve read a news about the education department announced that the revolution about English college entrance examination.As a student,


www.xiexiebang.come an important part of modern civilization.Different nations have different styles clothes.And different styles clothes represent different cultures.All people want their life to be filled with variety, color and comfort by wearing clothes.We will have a good mood when we wear beautiful clothes.I like leisure clothes very much, because it is not only cheap but also convenient to wear.(In addition, the material of leisure clothes is more environmentally friendly.)But I must wear work clothes when we are working.Otherwise, I will be fined.1)What’s the prescript on clothes when you are working? And just the prescript on clothes in school.We must wear work clothes(a school uniform)when we are working(in school).Otherwise, we will be fined.2)The different between the older and younger people on clothes.The older people think a lot of style and material.But the younger people would like to follow the fashion.Personality is the first consideration when younger people choosing clothes.www.xiexiebang.compare the differences between the clothes in your city with them in 20 years ago.In the past, the colors and styles of clothes were very monotonic.Thousands of people look the same.But now, we can wear clothes with different colors and styles.



英赛特国际英语• 著名英语培训专家、知名专栏作家吴建业老师创办,专业从事雅思、托福、SAT、四六级外语培训。学习热线:


(1): P1 家乡工作上学 天气 P2读的一本书 P3阅读的好处 孩子喜欢读什么 男人女人读什么 区别是什么 好处是什么.(2): part1 hometown 一些相关问题 part2 apartment/house where,why go to,wheather beautiful part3 怎么看那些喜欢自己设计房间的人 是不是觉得大家的设计能力很有限 and so on.(3): p1:name,work,study,internet,tv p2:你在那个电视节目里学到了东西.(4): P1,家乡,照片。P2,unsatisfied buying。P3,男女购物差别,网购or实体,中国什么流行。

(5): Part1 home major music各种~Part2 Crowd place Part3人们为什么不喜欢拥挤 旅行自己还是一群?

(6): P1:house or flat, concentration, writing P2:clothes P3: online shopping, the different between man and woman, why woman like shopping than man.(7): P1 house or apartment,family P2crowed place P3人为什么喜欢拥挤的地方 等.(8): p1 hometown building p2 important job.(9): p1 study boat music p2language p3中国孩子都学什么语言 从小学语言是否有优势 学


(10): Par1work or study, major.Par2 library.part3public library,政府是否投资建图书馆?图书馆对老人和孩子是否重要?等等。

(11): part1是姓名学生he公园,part2是童年游戏,part3是现在小孩的游戏和以前有什么不同之类的。

(12): Part1 name art part2 teenagers part3 teenagers and children education.(13): p1 do you live in a house or flat ideal home p2 cafe p3各种跟cafe有关的问题,为什么老年人不去cafe 年轻人去,不去餐厅去cafe的原因.(14): part 1 city which part do u live now ,do u like ur city 之类prat 2 describe a plan part3 拓展人们需要做计划吗?中国人需要做计划吗?你认为做计划重要吗?

(15): P1、student or work ,entertainment,weather P2、a city you have visited,why and what you do did P3、advantages and disadvantages between small cities and big cities.(16): 1,hometown,art,小孩子喜欢的艺术形式。p2,电视节目(什么时候看的,你喜不喜欢,为什么?学到什么?)。p3,国人花多长时间看电视,不同年龄层人有什么不同?电视节目对儿童的利弊。

(17): P1full name.;study or work(Major,how long for you study);bags(bags for different events,lost bags?)P2你买过的不满意的东西(what,where,why,again?)P3各种问(喜欢网购?成为局势?).(18): P1 how to keep healthy之类的 P2a favorite meal P3餐桌礼仪什么的…

(19): p1 city, Internet.Weekend.P2 favorite meal.P3 吃饭大声说话 喜欢围餐吗为什么 吃饭开电视会不会怎样.(20): part1:bags,Internet,hometown.Part2: an unusual job you can do,Part3各种关于工作的问题.(21): p1full name,countryside,关于country的一系列问题。p2一次远离你城市的假期 p3中国人喜欢假期吗?旅行要花很多钱吗?然后就是各种为什么。

(22): p1居住地,以后会不会还住这里。用互联网干啥,谁会用。p2描述一个器械除了电脑,有什么用途,在哪用,价值在哪里。p3未来趋势,会不会有机器人替代人类工作,有什么好坏处…

(23): p1:major,boat的各种问题。p2:一个经常呆的房间。p3: 问题好难,老公老婆谁主导房间的什么.(24): p1flat and house,housework,children help,park p2 favorite clothing p3 different of women and men 's clothes, formal and informal, judge people from clothes.(25): part1 apartment or house …garden &park各种问题 part2小时候的game part3,关于game是各种问啊!大人小孩,原来现在,网络生活…

(26): P1 hometown major mobile phone P2house P3 老年人喜欢住apartment 还是house 如何看待现代人自己设计房子。。做好事.(27): name.museum.traditional event.各种traditional衣服活动食品、传统重不重要.(28): P1music museumP2gardentP3城市需要更多花园吗?花园对于不同年龄的人有什么作用。

(29): p1work or study, after class activities, music;p2library;p3public library advantages, library for children, library staff skills.(30): part2去过的House or apartment part3为什很多人选择住在城市 年轻人和老人更喜欢选择住哪 各种House的问题…

(31): part1上学,课余生活,写作part2喜欢的植物part3植物和种农作物的有关问题。

1.(32): dancing, cinema, entermainment place, p2 vehicle, p3 public transport vs

government takes measures to widen the road.(33): P1:house & apartment;Music(opinions about child learning musical instrument)P2,describe one flower,plant etc.P3,what's the main plant for food in CN & the reasons;it is possible that more citizens farming.(34): P1家乡,舞蹈P2不同寻常的工作P3围绕工作展开的。

(35): p1 work,job; traditional house for tourists ; p2 important job p3 各种年轻人找工作的问题.(36): P1 study or work housework 课后活动 p2是描述小学时候的数学课 p3是与数学相关的各种问题,成人接受数学培训有必要吗 中国数学教学体制会改变吗?

(37): P1,full name,live in a apartment or a house,an ideal home P2,an advertisement P3,successful advertisement,media,how to get news,some advertisement focus on kids is that right.(38): Part1 boat 和after school activity part2 library where like and dislike how useful part3 围绕part讨论.(39): P1hometown,flat,sleep,weather,p2 a polite person.(40): part1 study relax part2 a recently change prat3 小孩是不是应该经常改变 你是喜欢在一个地方工作很长时间还是喜欢换工作.(41): part1workingor study Major why weather season in China which one you love most part2不满意的购物 part3 网购喜欢不 为毛 好处 卖的人要注意啥 为啥有人喜欢进口货 质量价格看中哪个.(42): p1:flat or house countryside.leisure.P2:advertisement.P3关于广告的各种问题.(43): P1name study musicP2movie about future P3各种衍生问题,现在电影为什都喜欢讲未来的,男人女人都喜欢这类电影吗?

(44): p1, student or work;make friend;p2,parent--Who the parent is;How you know the parent;What the parent looks like,why the parent is good;p3,father and mother do different thing for children;freedom;balance;how to balance.(45): P1:name,student/work,sleep time& habit(how many hours is best,do old people sleep less),news(newspaper or online,do u discuss with friends,local or worldwide news)P2:city for vacation/holiday(who u would go with,where,what u would do there, explain why u choose it).(46): P1 name hometown major relax P2 recent change P3 关于改变的各种问题 老人喜不喜欢改变 小孩子喜不喜欢改变 年轻人喜不喜欢换工作 大概问了十几个问题.(47): part1,hometown,send or receive card?museum.part 2,sport.接着就疯狂的sport, popular sport in china,sport channel in tv affect Chinese favorite sport?

(48): part1major,weather,part2 team project part3各种teamwork的问题leader重要不,喜欢teamwork还是一个人之类的。(49): P1名字,意义,大学生活,sport P2 leisure activity near beach P3 小孩子喜欢在海边做什么,海边活动对身体有咩好处.(50): part2:a idea of vacation or holiday away home.part 3:why people like go to other place to have holiday away from home?what's the point of a perfect holiday ?

(51): part1 各种dance part2 describe a book p3 what can parents do to help children in reading.(52): Part1:house or department,一心能二用吗?,city and countryside。Part2:polite person Part3:关于politeness的更多问题…

(53): P1 country dance P2 garden.P3花园活动 小孩去花园有什么benefit 花园种食物跟种花比怎么样 花园免费开放等.(54): p1包包 postcard study p2你喜欢交谈的人 p 3各种communication.(55): part1 building,house&apartment,part2 a piece of clothing.Part3朋友认为你这件衣服怎么样,为什么喜欢和朋友去购物,男女购物差别,男女衣服样式差别。

(56): part1museum part2 sth make you relaxing part3 各種關於relaxing.(57): p1 名字家乡bag letterp2 错误决定p3家庭中谁做主要决定,传统家庭父亲是不是做主要决定,小孩子被鼓励做决定,口头是不是比大脑更快说出决定。

(58): part1,各种天气问题,还问我四季擦。家乡。part2,后悔购物。part3网络购物各种问题。



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