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雅思口语 雅思托福技巧 雅思口语-美联雅思 2013年6月22日雅思口语回忆及解析二

2013-12-06 14:30类别:雅思阅读来源:enguo责编:meten


1.Do you like dancing? Why or why not?

2.When was the last time you danced?

3.Do you like to watch dance performance?

4.Do people in your country like to dance?

5.Where can you see people dance?

6.Have you ever learned how to dance?

7.Why do you think people like dancing?

8.When do people in your country dance?

9.What dances are most popular in your country?

10.Do young people in your country like traditional dancing?

Mobile Phone / Cell phone

1.Do you often use mobile phone?

2.When did you have your first mobile phone?

3.Do you prefer texting or talking on the phone?

4.Is mobile phone important in your life?

5.What do you like about cell phone?

6.Is there anything you don’t like about cell phone?

7.Do you think people should turn off their phones in public places?


1.Do you know anything about art?

2.Are you interested in art?

3.Did you do painting or sculpture when you were a child?

4.Do you think art is important for our life?

5.Have you ever visited any art galleries or art exhibitions?

6.Do you think children should learn how to appreciate art?


1.What do you usually do for entertainment in your leisure time?

2.Are there any places for entertainment near your school?

3.What did you do for entertainment when you were a child?

4.Do children today still do that for entertainment?

5.What do young people do for entertainment in your hometown?

6.Do you think modern lifestyles give people enough time for entertainment?















1.Describe a famous athlete you know

2.Describe an unusual meal you had

3.Describe a toy you had in your childhood

4.Describe a historical period that you are interested in

5.Describe a situation when you had to be polite


Describe a famous athlete you know

You should say:

Who this person is

How you know this person

What he or she achieved

And explain why he or she is famous

As for a famous athlete I know, I would like to talk about Fu Yuanhui who is a swimmer from Hangzhou China, and the first time I knew her was in 2016 Olympic games.One of her interview videos was quite interesting because her responses were hilarious.In that video, when Fu was told that she was qualified for the final, Fu pulled a comically exaggerated face and declared that “I have used all my prehistorical power to swim.” Prehistorical power is a phrase originates from a Chinese fantasy drama called “the journey of flower”, and in this situation, this phrase is quite suitable and hilarious.When asked what her hopes were for the final, Fu said that” no expectations, I’m very satisfied now.” That’s how she began to rock the Internet and social media.Pitifully, she didn’t win a gold medal in the 100-meter backstroke final, instead, she eventually won a bronze medal, but that hasn’t reduced the affection from her fans.I think the reason why Fu is so popular on the Internet is that she interpreted the Olympic spirit in an untraditional way which is challenging herself and enjoying the game.That’s the spirit that we Chinese youngsters now look up to.三立教育www.xiexiebang.com





今天三立在线教育雅思网为大家带来的是2018年4月14日雅思回忆及分析 的相关资讯,备考雅思考试的各位烤鸭,赶紧来看看吧!


Section 1


1.end of the months

2.colourness of orange

3.the East of island




7.museum centre

8.1 hour


10.zoom lens

Section 2


11.C foreign language class.most popular course是

12.A organization skill.最大的困难是?

13.B entertainment.Radio站的目的。

14.A Caravan.community是为了?

15.Cafeteria =C behind the reception

16.Store room =B next to the washroom

17.Practice studio =G at the end of corridor

18.Waiting room =H near cleaning room and opposite to the control room

19.Control room=E next to the main studio 三立教育www.xiexiebang.com


Section 3


21.recording equipment in every room

22.moral aspect without children's permission

23.simplified language is good in the long run

24.make speech

25.learn grammer

26.confident in speeking

27-28.BC(observation & diaries)

29-30.AE(a technical error & interruption)

Section 4













Passage 1 剧院历史



Passage 2 一种快灭绝的树

参考答案: 三立教育www.xiexiebang.com


Passage 3 人类行为






题目 :The table below gives information about transportation of five kinds of products imported from Hong kong in 1999 and 2002.大作文



Governments should make people responsible for looking after their own local environment.To what extent do you agree or disagree?



1.Describe a situation in which you were very polite.三立教育www.xiexiebang.com

You should explain:

Where the situation took place?

How you showed that you were polite?

And why you needed to be so polite?

2.Describe a time when you were late for something important.You should say:

When it happened?

Why you were late?

How you managed the situation and explain how you felt about it ?

3.Describe an occasion when someone visited your home.You should say:

Who the person was?

What the occasion was?

What you did for the occasion and the visitor?

And explain how you felt about his visit.4.Describe your favorite season in yourcountry.You should say:

When that season is?

What the weather is like at that time of year?

How that season is different from other seasons?

And why it is your favorite season.5.Describe a place where you like to go to.You should say:

Where the place is?

How you get there?

What it looks like?

And explain why you like this place.6.Describe a toy that was special to you when you were a child.You should say: 三立教育www.xiexiebang.com

When you got it?

What it looked like?

Who gave it to you?

And how you used it or played with it.7.Describe a teacher or another person from whom you learned something important.You should say:

Who the person is?

How you know him/her?

What you learned from him/her?

Why it was important to you?

8.Describe a situation that someone said something positive about your work/study.You should say:

When and where it happened?

What did you do?

Who said those words to you?

How did you feel about it and explain why.9.Describe a special meal that you remember having.You should say:

Where you had the meal?

Who you were with?

When you had it?

And explain why it was a special meal to you.10.Describe a science subject that you studied and liked.You should say:

What it was?

Why you chose it?

How you can use it in your life? 三立教育www.xiexiebang.com

And explain what you liked the best aboutthis subject.11.Describe a historical event that you find interesting.You should say:

When it took place?

What historic connection it has?

How it impacted the history?

And explain why you find it interesting?

12.Describe a time when you helped someone.You should say:

When it happened?

Who you helped and why you helped him/her?

How you helped this person?

What the result was and explain how you felt about it.13.Describe a special meal that you remember having.You should say:

When you had the meal?

Where you had it?

Who you were with?

And explain why it was a special meal to you.14.Describe an interesting story that you heard or read about in the news.You should say:

When you heard or read about the story?

What the story was about?

Why the story was in the news?

And explain why you thought the story wasinteresting.15.Describe a family photograph that youremember

You should say:

When it was taken? 三立教育www.xiexiebang.com

Where it was taken?

Who were in the picture

And explain why you remember this family photograph.16.Describe something you learned in a place/from a person.You should say:

What you learned?

When it happened?

Who taught you?

Why you learnt it?

17.Describe an important river in your country.You should say:

What the river is called?

Where it is?

What you know about it?

And explain why is it important

18.Describe a person you know well.You should say:

Who person is?

How long you have known each other?

What kind of person he/she is?

And explain how you feel about this person.19.Describe a special day out.You should say:

Where you went?

Who you went there with?

What you did?

And explain why it was special to you.20.Describe a recent development in your city

You should say: 三立教育www.xiexiebang.com

What the development is?

How you know it?

What benefits it could bring? And explain whether it would change yourlife or not.如上就是三立网课教育小编为大家带来的2018年4月14日雅思回忆及分析的相关资讯,掌握最新雅思资讯,敬请关注(三立在线教育雅思网)更多雅思考试资讯以及备考资料免费领!






Do you agree or disagree: celebrities are more important to younger people than they are to older people.托福范文:

Opinions of young celebrities are more attentively heard, even believed, by the younger people than by the older people, who often have their own role models apart.On occasions, it is amusing for the general public to listen to what famous stars have to say, but what is said could sometimes turn out to be particularly not in favor of the more naive people.Too often, opinions from celebrities could be harmful to young people's mental and financial health, to say the least.Unlike the older people, the younger people admire and want to imitate 'notorious' celebrities whose remarks, however out of the common, are readily taken for granted.This

新思达|一对一高效提分could affect them negatively due to their lack of mental maturity to follow bad rather than good examples.Apparently, it is not only the words but also the deeds of those 'role models' that are not doing any good for the mentality of the younger people.Today, television and the Internet have generated tremendous exposure for a number of elite stars who stand for partying, drug abuse, drunk driving, rapid marriage and rapid divorce, and on and on.Most teenagers and young adults, who tend to attach importance to celebrities' opinions, actually become other people since their thoughts are celebrities' thoughts spoken in the spotlight.Fortunately, it seems that the older people are easily getting tired of celebrity overload and do not pay so much attention to scandals.Young celebrities' opinions could become a persuasion in advertising, thereby affecting young consumers' pockets.Very famous personalities in the fields of pop music, cinema and sports, are being hired to give positive comments about products and services that have little or nothing to do with their professions.Nowadays, companies all over the world are using celebrities to orally promote sales of anything from fast food to young fashion to fancy car.Under the influence of what is called 'celebrity testimonials', the younger population, rather than the older population, are encouraged to buy things they really do not need and spend money they actually do not have.That is, a celebrity works as a convincing sales-speaker through the image of strong role model among the younger generation.Usually, the older generation would not entirely trust products and services endorsed by celebrities.To do justice to all shining stars in the galaxy of fame, probably they have the freedom to voice their opinions of whatever kind, so it is up to people both young and old to evaluate what is said and done.However, it is always advisable for the younger people not to follow celebrities' opinions blindly.It is one thing to hear celebrities breaking the mold;but it is quite another to know if they are degrading good social and family values.托福综合写作:





Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? A university should focus more

teachers.花钱更新设施好还是请更好的老师好 on its facilities, such as libraries, computers or laboratory, rather than on hiring famous


In this age of rapid technological development, in order to be the most advanced and successful, universities must keep their facilities and resources up to date.This not only attracts more students, but also attracts renowned professors to the university.Students now more than ever are demanding that universities provide the very latest in academics.To receive the most advanced education, advanced facilities are required.A student majoring in science cannot obtain an accredited level of experience if his university does not have the proper laboratory facilities.Likewise, a liberal arts student is equally as dependent on a current library.Progress is the main purpose of institutions of higher education.A university that does not seek to improve its facilities will fail in improving its students.A university that does not invest in its facilities will not only fail to produce good students, but will also fail to attract famous professors.Universities are able to attract professors because they can offer them good facilities with state-of-the-art technology so

that these professors can conduct successful research and remain at the top of their respective fields.For example, a famous biology professor would think it a waste of time to teach at a university that does not at least have an electron microscope.With the proper facilities, universities can easily attract the best teachers in the world.There may be some university facilities, like gymnasiums, that on the outside do not have any direct connection to the success of the university’s academics.However athletics is great way to draw attention to a university.When universities get attention, they also get funding.Private donors are the main way that universities can afford to upgrade their facilities.Therefore, the more attention a university gives to its facilities, the more potential donors it will attract.This is why so many universities in American lay such great importance on their sports teams and their sports facilities.Universities should make updating their facilities a top priority.Having world-renown professors is important for the success and prestige of a university;however without advanced facilities, a university will not be able to attract these professors.Without advanced facilities a university will also not be able to attract many good students or even donors to help further improve the university.托福综合写作:

阅读中 primary care doctor缺少的原因:钱少、压力大、residency positions少。讲座








在词汇上,我侧重两个方面。一是根据自己原有的词汇量,尽量熟悉它们的用法。我没有拼命去学习或背诵更多生僻的词。虽然用词的深度和广度能展示你英语的水平,但是冰冻三尺,非一日之寒。生词大多不是短期内就能掌握的,用的不当反而得不偿失。我觉得要达到准确流利地和英语国家的人交流,4级的词汇量基本足矣,关键是要能把简单的词用活。举个例子,风行全球的《Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary》收词8万多,但全部用来解释这8万个单词的只有3千个左右的基本词汇。其次,我注意收集了一些常用的口语表达方法和句式。提醒大家要注意口语和书面语的区别,口试因为侧重交流,所以要尽量使用口语,千万不要总象在背报刊文章,拒人于千里之外。必须熟悉《口语指南》上的基本连接语和表达方法,它们是搭建对话的骨架,能让你的语句之间关系流畅,表达的意思更加准确。

在发音上,因从小在南方受教育,我发个别音有困难,例如,容易混淆l和n的发音。所以,我遇到有这些音的单词时,就特别注意学习它们的发音。有条件的话,可以听听磁带或电脑软件字典里的发音,也可以请别人帮助自己正音。此外,还要学会能灵活地处理发音困难或错误的单词现象(Word Blocks),当别人听不懂自己的某个单词时,要掌握Paraphrase的技巧,立即换一个没有发音困难的同义词,或换一种说法。这样比反复说一



kill-two-birds-with-one-stone的好方法(具体影片选择可以参考电影口语班清单)。在观看时,我建议尽量不用字幕,或者只用英语字幕观看,这样能帮助我们逐渐熟悉不同情境下的英语对话技巧。要想提高英语说话的速度,还必须做到用英语思考,为加强我的反应和讨论速度,我采用上网英语聊天的方式。国内的263英语角聊天室和国外的Yahoo Messenger都是不错的选择。聊天时不要忘记自己练习英语的目的,可以把《口语指南》上的一些问题拿到网上和网友进行讨论。




雅思口语考官一般都很和蔼友善,他们善于与人交流,希望能和你多交谈,从而能准确判断你的语言水平。据雅思官方站点的介绍,这些考官的选择有严格的标准,他们大多受过专业的英语教学培训,了解EFL(English as a Foreign Language)人们说英语的特点。即便你的英语发音不是很好,他们也都能判断出你想用的单词和表达的意思。其实大家可能都知道,像任何语言一样,英语也是通过上下文语境(Context)来表达意思。当你有个别单词发音不准或错误时,有经验的考官能根据Context了解你的意思。因此,我们没有必要对雅思考官的公正性进行怀疑,大多数考生也没有必要害怕担心考官听不懂自己的话(除非你的发音太差)。正如Nevin在口语讲座上所说的,将参加口试看成参加Party,把考官当作你学习英语的好朋友,保持一份轻松的心情。


这里,我谈一下如何对待口试中出错的情况。我的建议是:Don’t cry on the spilt milk。我们都是EFL考生,绝大多数都没有参加过专业的英语口语培训,因此,在口语考试时,出现个别理解错误,发音错误,用词错误或语法错误是难免的。我在面试就有曾有个问题没有听清,请考官重复一遍后还没有听清。最后考官跳过了这个问题,我也没在意。现在看来,这个错误并没有对我的成绩造成很大的影响。所以,我建议大家发生失误后,千万不要死纠不放,影响其后的答题心情和思路,小不忍则乱大谋。




对于那些目标在7分以上的考友,我建议要自己课下重视口试的第三部分Discussion。根据雅思的评分规则,第三部分的对话决定你是否能获得7分以上的成绩。换句话说,即使你在前2个部分回答不错,如果在最后一部分表现平平,也难以获得高分。因此,第三部分是考生间拉开成绩档次的关键,对自己有较高要求的考友务必熟悉这个部分的问题特点,尤其是要避免一些陷阱问题(感谢模考的Rainer老师,他曾给我一个Trap并提醒我重视这个问题)。对于这一部分的问题,考官期望的不再是简单的描述,而是陈述自己的观点,我们要做到回答时尽量全面客观。例如,我的口试第三部分主要是讨论媒体和记者的问题,考官曾问我一个问题:“Is it right for a journalist to report people’s privacy?”我当时的回答是:“Well,this is an interesting question.I don’t think we can give a simple Yes or No answer to it.Personally, I don’t like my privacy to be reported to the public.But for others, it depends。”接下来,我继续论述了自己的观点。我想,也许是这样的回答给考官留下深刻印象,使我得以获得好评。

上面就是我在雅思口试的准备和应试过程中的体会总结。泰戈尔说过:When it comes to winning, you need the skill and the will。虽然每个人的背景不同,学习英语的方法也不会相同。但如果你已经有了挑战雅思的愿望,那么我希望这些体会能够帮助你建立自己的技巧,获得属于你的成功。



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