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ASSP: 专用标准器件

VHDL: 极高速集成电路硬件描述语言

ADSL: 非对称数字用户环线

DMM: 数字万用表

AFG: 任意函数发生器

RTOS: 实时操作系统

WLAN: 无线局域网

MPEG: 运动图象专家组

DCT: 离散余弦变换

二.定制类:Custom Class

采样保持电路:Sample and hold circuit

知识产权:Intellectual Property

集成开发工具:Integrated development tool

机顶盒:STB(Set Top Box)

功率耗散:Power dissipation


直接序列扩频: Direct sequence spread spectrum

量化步长:Quantifying step size

向下(后)兼容:Backward compatible

二.1.An operating system vendor that takes the real-time behavior product seriously will usually

publish a datasheet providing the minim average and maximum number of clock cycles required by each system.如果操作系统提供商能够认真看待其产品的实时性能的话,那么它一般会通过数据手册公布每个系统调用所需时钟周期数的最小值,平均值和最大值。


Known for their flexibility, FPGAs were widely used for ASIC emulation, glue-logic consolidation, or as a solution for applications with volatility and changing standards.2.片上系统是数字化应用及微电子技术迅速发展的产物,是下一代基于数字信号处理产品的主要发展方向之一。它把一种应用系统集成在一个芯片上。通常,为满足系统的性能要求和提高功率效率,会把数字信号处理器和微控制单元的多处理器处理平台集成在一起。SOC(System on Chip)is the product of digital application and the rapid development of microelectronics technology, and it is one of the main development directions of next-generation DSP-based products.It integrates an application system on a single chip.In general, in order to meet the system performance requirements and improve power efficiency, DSP and MCU will be integrated to multi-processor platforms.3.“专用集成电路”不是微处理器这样的通用芯片,而是一种为特殊用途设计的定制芯片。和通用CPU相比,使用专用集成电路可以提高性能。因为专用集成电路是使用硬连线完胜距离工作的,并不需要为取指令和解释指令付出开销。

An ASIC(Application Specific Integrated Circuit)is a chip that is custom designed for a specific application rather than a general-purpose chip such as a microprocessor.The use of ASICs improves performance over general-purpose CPUs.Because ASIC are “hardwired” to do a specific job and do not incur the overhead of fetching and interpreting stored instructions.



1.TDM——Time Division Multiplexing 时分复用

FDM CDM 2.PCM——Pulse Code Modulation 脉冲编码调制

3.PCI——Peripheral Component Interconnect 周边元件连接口 4.IDE——Integrated Drive Electronics 集成驱动器电路 5.AGP——Accelerated Graphic Port 加速图形接口 6.USB——Universal Serial Bus通用串行接口

7.HDL——Hardware Description Language 硬件描述语言 8.PLD——Programmable Logic Device 可编程逻辑器件 9.FPGA——Field Programmable Gate Array 现场可编程门阵列 10.ASIC——Application—Specific Integrated Circuit专用集成电路 11.DSP——Digital Signal Processor 数字信号处理器 12.SoC——System-on-Chip 片上系统 13.Learnning curve 学习曲线

14.IEEE——Institute of Electrical and Electrics Engineers 电气与电子工程师学会

15.sample and hold circuit 采样与保持电路 16.price/performance ratio 性能价格比 17.harvard architecture 哈佛结构 18.looping scheme 循环机制

19.FFT——Fast Fourier transform 快速傅里叶变换 20.PCB——Printed Circuit Board 印刷电路板 21.SPS——Sample Per Second 每秒样本数 22.block diagram 方框图 23.Dolby Stereo 杜比立体声 24.transmission bandwidth 传输带宽 25.signal-to-noise ratio 信噪比 汉译英句子


The generic term channel is normally used to denote a frequency in FDMA system,a time slot in TDMA system,and a code in CDMA system or a combination of these in a mixed system.2.第三代系统的目的在于为用户提供一个支持语音,数据,多媒体和视频服务的无隙网络,而不论用户在网络中的什么位置。

The third-generation systems aim to provide a seamless network that can provide users voice,data,multimedia,and video services regardless of their location on the network.3.逻辑综合是将电子线路的高级描述转换为一张逻辑门极其互连列表(即“网表”)的过程。逻辑综合程序都能理解Verilog和VHDL的某个子集。

Logic synthesis is the conversion of a high-level electronic circuit description into a list of logic gates and their interconnections,called the “netlis”.Every logic synthesis program understands some subset of Verilog and VHDL.4.“复杂可编程逻辑器件”是一种在逻辑模块之间具有可编程互连的可编程逻辑器件。多数复杂可编程逻辑器件是基于电可擦写可编程只读存储器和闪存的。

CPLD(Complex PLD)is a programmable logic device that includes a reprogrammable interconnect between the logic blocks.CPLDs are mostly EEPROM and flash based.1


Digital signal processing is an essential element of countless home and business systems.Its domain can only increase as time proceeds.Thus, DSP is becoming an essential area of expertise for technologists and engineers.6.信号(如声音,光和电压)是携带信息的变化。模拟信号是现实世界中的信号。模拟信号在每个时间点上都有定义,其幅度的取值是无限的。

Signals ,like sound,light,or voltage,are information-bearing variations.Analog signals are real-world signals.They are defined at every point in time and may take an infinite number of possible amplitudes.英译汉句子

1.Using better compression algorithms, it is possible to get the speech down to 4kbps , in which case six users can be stuffed into a frame, as illustrated in Figure 11.(b).From the operator's perspective , being able to squeeze three to six times as many D-AMPS user is a huge win and explains much of the popularity of PCS.如果使用更好的压缩算法,还可以把语音数据率降至4kbps;这样的话,一帧就可以容纳6位用户了。在运营商看来,“3—6位D—AMPS用户只需占用相当于1位AMPS用户所需的带宽”是巨大的成功,而且在很大程度上解释了“个人通信业务”(PCS,Personal Communication Service)普及的原因。

2.CDMA is completely different from AMPS ,D-AMPS, and GSM.Instead of dividing the allowed frequency range into a few hundred narrow channels, CDMA allows each station to transmit over the entire frequency spectrum all the time.Multiple simultaneous transmissions are separated using coding theory.CDMA also relaxes the assumption that colliding frames are totally garbled.Instead , it assumes that multiple signals add linearly.CDMA和AMPS、D—AMPS及GSM完全不同。CDMA没有将可用频带分割为几百个窄带信道,而是允许信号在整个频谱范围内传送。利用编码原理,CDMA可以将多个同时传送的信号分离开来。在CDMA中,“相遇数据帧会造成数据混淆”的想法不存在了——CDMA认为多路信号之间是线性相加的。3.Motherboard-This is the main circuit board that all of the other internal components connect to.The CPU and memory are usually on the motherboard.Other systems may be found directly on the motherboard or connected to it through a secondary connection.For example , a sound card can be built into the motherboard or connected through PCI.主板:所有其他内部组件都和主板连接。通常,CPU和内部都位于主板上。其他组件可能直接位于主板上,也可能通过某种方式连接到主板上。例如,声卡可以置于主板上,也可以通过PCI总线连接到主板上。

4.In practical terms , this means that one or two layers of metal interconnect must be designed.Since an integrated circuit requires seven or more processing stages , all the processing steps other than the final metalization can be completed in advance.Because the uncommitted gate arrays can be produced in volume ,the cost of each device is relatively small.从实现角度看,就是要设计一层或两层的金属互连线。集成电路的制造流程分为七个步骤(或更多),除去最后一步“金属化”(metallization)之外,其他步骤都可以提前完成。由于门阵列可以大量生产,所以单个器件成本就比较低。

5.Physical layer communications : FPGAs have long used to implement the glue logic that interfaces between physical layer communication chips and high-level networking protocol layers.The fact that today's high-end FPGAs can contain multiple high-speed transceivers means that communications and networking functions can be consolidated into a single device.物理层通信:长久以来,FPGA用于实现通信芯片和高级网络协议之间的“胶连”逻辑。实际上,今 2


6.One of the most important applications of VHDL is to capture the performance specification for a circuit , in the form of what is commonly referred to as a test bench.Test benches are VHDL descriptions of circuit stimuli and corresponding expected outputs that verify the behavior of a circuit over time.Test benches should be an integral part of any VHDL project and should be created in tandem with other descriptions of the circuit.VHDL最重要的应用之一是以所谓“测试平台”(test bench)的形式记录电路的性能指标。“测试平台”是验证电路时域行为的激励源及相应期望输出的VHDL描述。在VHDL工程项目中,“测试平台”是必不可少的,应该和其他电路描述一同创建。

7.A digital signal is a numerical representation of the analog signal.It may be easier and cost effective to process these signals in the digital world.In the real world ,we can convert these signals into digital signals through the analog-to-digital converter ,process the signals,and if needed ,bring the signals back out to the analog world through the digital-to-analog converter.数字信号是模拟信号的数值表示。在数字世界里,对这些信号进行处理可能会更容易、成本更低。在现实世界中我们可以通过“模数转换”将信号转换为数字信号,然后对信号进行处理;如果需要的话,用“数模转换器”将信号转换回到模拟世界中去。

8.Keep in mind that the distinction between DSPs and other microprocessors is not always a clear line.For instance ,look at how Intel describes the MMX technology addition to its Pentium processor : “Intel engineers have added 57 powerful new instructions specifically designed to manipulate and process video,audio and graphical data efficiently.These instructions are oriented to the highly parallel , repetitive sequences often found in multimedia operations.”


9.In practical application , these are certainly many other factors to consider when evaluating analog versus digital filters ,or analog versus digital signal processing in general.Most modern signal processing systems use a combination of analog and digital techniques in order to accomplish the desired function and take advantage of the best of both the analog and the digital world.在实际应用中,在评价模拟滤波器和数字滤波器(或模拟信号处理和数字信号处理)的时候,坑定还要考虑许多其他因素。为了实现期望的功能和充分利用两种技术各自的优势,多数现代信号处理系统都采用了模拟技术和数字技术相结合的方式。

10.Audiophiles demand the utmost sound quality , and all that factors are treated as secondary.If you had to describe the mindest in the world , it would be : overkill.Rather than just matching the abilities of the human ear ,these systems are designed to exceed the limits of hearing.It's the only way to be sure that the reproduced music is pristine.Digital audio was brought to the world by the compact laser disc, or CD.This was a revolution in music;the sound quality of the CD system far exceeds older systems, such as records and tapes


11.Then the sample are processed in groups of 1152(about 26 msec worth).Each group is first passed through 32 digital filters to get 32 frequency bands.At the same time the input is fed into a psychoacoustic model in order to determine the masked frequencies.Next each of the 32 frequency bands is further transformed to provide a finer spectral resolution.在这之后,样本以1152(约26ms)为一组进行处理。每组样本首先通过32个数字滤波器,从而得到32 3




lSI大规模集成电路 ultraviolet紫外线radiation辐射LED发光二级管capacitor电容

integratedcircuit集成电路 wireless telegraph无线电报 passive devices无源器件 电流current二极管diodes

半导体semiconductor真空管vacuum tube 印刷电路printed circuit 高清电视 high definition tv电阻器resistorAmpere 安培Conductivity传导体 magnetic cor磁芯insulator绝缘体dielectric电解质

thevenin’s theore戴维定理negative termin负极charge电荷

inductance感应系数 polarity极性电感inductor节点hode

等效电阻equivalent resistance

叠加定理superpower theorem

Semiconductor半导体 number system计数制IC集成电路 commutative Law分配率 binary二进制inverter交换器negative否认的sequential时序的双极型bipolar晶体管transistor N沟道N channel


布尔代数boolean algera真值表the table解发器flip-flop

组合逻辑电路combinationallogla circuit 积和式sum-of-products Parasitic capacitance寄生电容

channel bandwidt通道带宽half-duplex半双工

spurious frequenc寄生频率 input match输入匹配 tuning range调制范围the baseband amplifier基带放大器

noise figure噪声系数 minimum detectable signal最小可检测信号灵敏度sensitivity 谐波harmonics

阻抗匹配impedance match 本机振荡the local csillator 过载特性overload characteristics


高斯白噪声white cnaussian noise

中频inter medium

基带信号basebandsignal Signal and syste信号与系统 aeronautics and astronautics航空航天

continuous-time signals连续时间信号

signal energy and power信号与功能

total energy总能量 complex number复数 infinite time interval无限时间范围

average power平均能量 physical system物理系统 automotive vehicl机动车辆

信号处理signal processing 电路设计circuit design离散时间信号discrete-time signal

非零常数nonzerv constant 独立变量independent variables

瞬时功率instaneous power 无限能量infinite energy相互作用的子系统interconnection-of-subsystems




Actuator 致动器,执行器 acquisition time采样时间 address从事,忙于 address pointer地址指针 adjustment 调整,调节 adverse 不利的,相反的 aliasing混叠现象 all in all总而言之 alter 改变 alternative选择 aluminium 铝 analogous 类似的 anguish 痛苦,苦恼 antenna 触角,天线 anti-aliasing filter 抗混叠滤波器 appliance用具,器具 approach 方法 arena竞技场,舞台 array 阵列,数组 asynchronous 异步的 as a consequence因此 as opposed to...与...相反 baseband基带 base station基站 be encumbered with为...所累 behavioral synthesis行为综合 be referred to as...被称作...bipolar 双极性的 boast 夸耀 Boolean variable布尔变量 budget预算 buffer缓冲器,缓冲区 building block构件,模块 bulky 容量大的,体积大的 bus interface总线接口 cache 高速缓存 capacitor 电容器 capacity 容量,电容 capture 记录,输入 carrier wave载波 cell 细胞,蜂房,电池 cellular 蜂窝状的 chrominance 色度 circular 圆形的,循环的 commute 通勤 comparator 比较器 compatibility兼容性 component 组件 conditioning 调节,调整 conduct 传导 configure 配置,设定 consequently 从而,因此 consumption 消耗 consolidated加固的,整理过的,统一的 context上下文,背景,环境 cordless 不用电线的 cordless phone无绳电话 corresponding 相应的 cost-effective 合算的 couple连接,结合 cubic 立方体的,立方的 current source电流源 cryptography密码系统,密码术 daunting 使人畏缩的 data processing数据处理 data sheet数据手册 deceptive欺骗性的 dedicate专用,致力于 deduce推导,演绎 deflection偏转 descendant 后裔,后代 design flow设计流程 device 器件 diagram 图表 dial tone拨号音 digitisation 数字化 disadvantage缺点,劣势 discrete 离散的 drawback 缺点,障碍 drift 漂移 drive 驱动器 dynamic 动态的 dynamic range动态范围 educated受过教育的,有教养的,有根据的embedded system嵌入式系统 embrace拥抱,包含 emulation仿真 encompass包含 encumber阻碍 end office端局 end product最终产品 ensue跟着发生 erasable 可擦写的 erroneous错误的 even field偶数场 facilitate使容易,使便利 ferroelectric 铁电的 fiasco 惨败,大失败 field-programmable现场可编程的 flicker闪烁,颤动 flip flop触发器 floppy disk软盘 for the nonce目前,暂且 for fear of为了避免 formality 手续,礼节,仪式 format 格式 foundry半导体制造商 frame 帧 frame grabber 帧采集器 frequency reuse频率重用 full-custom全定制的 full scale range满量程范围 functional accelerator性能加速器 glue logic胶连逻辑 graphical 图形的 guesstimate估计,猜测 hand-held手持的,手持式的 handset 电话听筒,手持机 handy 手边的,容易取得的 henceforth自此以后,今后 hexagon 六边形

high-powered 大功率的 humble 级别低的,位置低的 humongous极大的 hybrid 混合的

impediment妨碍,阻碍 implement 实现;器具 in any event无论如何 inbound 输入的 incoming 输入的

incoming inspection入厂检查;输入检验 inconsistent不一致的,矛盾的 incorporate 一体化

incredibly难以置信地,惊人地 incur招致

in conjunction with与...协力 in detail详细地 inevitably 不可避免 infinite无限的

in motion在运转,处于活跃状态 innovative创新的

in one’s own right依靠自身的本领或素质 in parallel并行的,平行的 in practical terms实际上 install 安装

insulate 绝缘;隔离 integrated 集成的

in terms of根据,在...方面 interface capacitor沟道电容器 interference 干扰,干涉 interlace交织,交错

interpretation解释,阐明 in the field在现场

iterative重复的,迭代的 jargon行话

laborious 艰苦的,费力的 leakage 泄露

lessen 减少,减轻

level shifter电平移动器 lifetime 寿命

line driver线路驱动器 lithographic平版印刷的 luminance亮度

macrofunction宏功能 magnetic 磁的

manageable 易处理的 mandate 委任

manipulate 操作,处理 market时常,销路,行情 mask 掩模,掩码,掩蔽 mass-produced 大量生产的 mechanical 机械的 memory 存储器,内存

metal interconnect金属互联 metalization 金属化 methodology 方法学 microcell 微蜂窝

miniaturization 细微化 mixed-signal混合信号 more often than not时常 next state次态

nonrecurring一次性的,不重视的 numerical数值的

Nyquist theorem奈奎斯特定理 octal八管脚的,八进制的 odd field奇数场

of age成熟;发达;充分发展 offset弥补,抵消 optical 光学的

order of magnitude数量级 oscillator 振荡器 outbound 输出的

overload使超载,超过负荷;超载,过载 over(a/the)period(of)在某段时间内 packet 封包,分组

packet switching分组交换 parallelism并行度 partition 分割,划分 passive 无源的 pattern 模式,图案

pay off带来利益;偿清债务

perceptive 有知觉的,有理解力的 placement 布置,安排 power dissipation功耗 precede领先于

predominant 卓越的,支配的,主要的 present state现态

price/performance ratio性能价格比 prior to先于,在...之前 profession 职业,专业 proportion比例

proposition主张,建议 prototype原型,样机

put out放出,产生;消除;熄灭 quantization level量化电平rating 等级,级别 real time实时 reciprocal倒数

reconfigurable可重新配置的 refresh 刷新 register 寄存器 routing 布线

run up升起;积欠;匆匆制成

sample and hold circuit采样保持电路 sampling interval采样间隔 schematic 原理图,示意图 second-level二级的 self-destruction 自毁 semiconductor 半导体 semi-custom半定制的 sequential 时序的 shed棚,小屋

signal conditioner信号调节器 signal-to-noise ratio信噪比 silicon 硅

simultaneously 同时

simulation 模拟,仿真 simulator 模拟器,仿真器 simultaneously同时地 smoothing平滑 solid state固态 sourcing 供货

specialized 专门的,专用的

specification 技术要求,规格明细 spectral inversion频谱反转 spectrum光谱,频谱,范围 spurt喷射,迸发,冲刺 squash挤进,挤压 squeal 长声尖叫 stability 稳定性 state machine状态机 static 静态的

successor 继承者,接任者;后续的事物 synchronous 同步的 synthesis 综合

tailor剪裁,修改,调整 textural 文本的

time to market上市时间 transducer 传感器,变换器 transfer function传输函数 transistor 晶体管 trick窍门,诀窍 trigger 触发

ultimate 最终的,根本的 uncommitted 未确定用途的 underlying根本的,潜在的 undependable 不可靠的 undersampling 欠采样 vendor 厂商 viable可行的 volatile 易失的

voltage source电压源 watt 瓦特

well-paid 收入高的 whereas 然而

wireless infrastructure无线基础设施 wrapp包裹,覆盖,缠绕 zero order hold零阶保持

AMPS.advanced mobile phone system.先进移动电话系统

ASIC.application specific integrated circuit.专用集成电路 ASSP.application-specific standard parts.专用标准器件 CAD.computer aided design.计算机辅助设计

CAM.content addressable memory.内容寻址存储器 CB.citizen' band.民用波段

CCD.charge-coupled device.电荷耦合器件 CD.compact disc.光盘

CMOS.complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor.互补金属氧化物半导体 CPLD.complex programmable logic device.复杂可编程逻辑器件 DA.desigh automation设计自动化

DRAM.dynamic random access memory动态随机存储器 DSP.digital signal processor数字信号处理器 ECL.emitter coupled logic射极耦合逻辑

EDA.electronic design automation电子设计自动化

EEPROM.electrically erasable programmable rom电可擦除可编程只读存储器FCC.federal communications commission联邦通信委员会 FPGA.field programmable gate array现场可编程门阵列 GBW.gain×bandwidth增益带宽积

GPP.general-purpose microprocessor通用微处理器

GSM.global system for mobile communication全球移动通信系统 HDL.hardware description language硬件描述语言 IC.intergrated circuit.集成电路

IMTS.improved mobile phone system 改进移动电话系统 ISP.in-system programmable在系统可编程 LP.long playing(record)慢转密纹唱片 LSI.large-scale integration.大规模集成

MOS.metal-oxide-semiconductor互补金属氧化物半导体 MTSO.mobile telephone switching office移动电话交换局 MSC.mobile switching center移动交换中心 NRE.nonrecurring engineering一次性工程 ns.nanosecond纳秒

NTSC.national television systems committee国家电视系统委员会 OTP.one-time programmable一次可编程 PAL.phase alternation by line逐行倒相

PAL.programmable array logic可编程阵列逻辑 PLA.programmable logic array可编程逻辑阵列 PLD.programmable logic device可编程逻辑器件

PTT.post telephone and telegraph administration邮电管理局 PSTN.public switched telephone network公共交换电话网 RC.reconfigurable computing可重配计算 ROM.read only memory只读存储器

RTL.register transfer level寄存器传输级 SDR.software-defined radios软件无线电

SECAM.sequential couleur avec memoire顺序与存储彩色电视系统 SoC.system-on-chip片上系统

SPLD.simple programmable logic devices简单可编程逻辑器件 SRAM.static random access memory.静态随机存取存储器 UV.ultraviolet紫外线

VHDL.very high speed integrated-circuit hardware-description language 超高速集成电路硬件描述语言

VHSIC.very high speed integrated circuit超高速集成电路 VLSI.very large-scale integration.超大规模集成 μP.microprocessor微处理器


DCDirect Current直流电AC alternating current交流电IC integrated circuit 集成电路

DRAMDynamic Random Access Memory动态随机存储器CPUCentral Processing Unit中央处理器RAMrandom access memory随机存储器SOCSystem-on-Chip片上系统OS operating system操作系统IPintellectual property知识产权DSPDigital Signal Processing数字信号处理RTLregister transfer level寄存器传输级

DACDigital toanalog converter 数模转换器VLSIVery Large Scale Integration超大规模集成电路PLDprogrammable logic device可编程逻辑电路FPGAField Programmable Gate Array场可编程门阵列CPLD Complex Programmable Logic Device复杂可编程逻辑器件

SRAMstatic random Access Memory静态存储器ASICApplication Specific Integrated Circuit专用集成电路


TDMA Time-Division Multiple Access时分多址

FIRFinite Impulse Response无限脉冲相应数字滤波器CDMAcode-division multiple access码分多址IIRInfinite Impulse Response有限脉冲相应数字滤波器ADCAnalog to Digital Converter模数转换器

1、We are so used to electric lights, radio, televisions, and telephone that it is hard to imagine what life would be like without that..我们对电灯,无线电广播,电视和电话是如此的熟悉,所以很难想象离开啦他们,我们的生活将会是什么样子。

2、When large numbers of electrons break away from their atoms and move through a wire, we describe this action by saying that electricity is “flowing” through the wire.当大量的电子脱离原子的束缚并通过导线运动迪,这时我们就说电通过导线在流动。

3、A resistor has two terminals across which electricity must pass, and is designed to dropthe voltage of the current as it flows from one terminal to the next.电阻有两端,并且电流都必须通过。当电流从一端流道另一端是,电阻上就有电压降。

4、The unit of resistance is ohm.In a direct-current circuit, the current through a resistor is inversely proportional to its resistance, and directly proportional to the voltage across it.电阻的单位是欧姆。在直流电路中,通过电阻的电流与它的阻抗成反比,与加在其上的电压成正比。

5、Large capacitors are used in the power supplies of electronic of all types, including computers and their

peripherals.In these systems, the capacitors smooth out the rectified utility AC, providing pure, battery-like DC.所有型号的电子设备,包括计算机及其外围GSMglobal system for mobile全球移动通信系统FDMAFrequency Division Multiple Access频分多址



6、This does not affect performance in DC circuits, but can have an adverse effect in AC circuit because inductance renders the device sensitive to change in frequency.在直流电路中这并没有影响,但是对交流电路却有反作用,因为电感效应系数使该器件对频率的变化很敏感。

7、Transistor have three leads which must be connected the correct way around;thecommon-base, the common-emitter and the common-collector.晶体管在电路中有三种正确的连接方式,共基极,共发射极,共集电极法。

8、By licensing, rather than

manufacturing and selling its chip technology, the Company established a new business model that has redefined the way microprocessors are designed, produced and sold.通过许可,而不是制造和出售的芯片技术,公司重新定义了微处理器设计,生产与销售的方式,从而建立了一种新的商业模式。

9、The single-processor solution offers higher performance, lower system cost and lower power than coprocessors and dual-processor solutions.与协处理器和双处理器解决方案相比,单处理器解决方案提供了更高的性能,更低的系统和能耗。

10、Since many signal processing applications process millions of samples of data for every second of operation, the minimum sample period is

usually more important than the

computationa latency of the processor.由于许多信号处理应用过程中每秒处理的样本数据数以百万计,因此,最低采样周期通常比处理器的计算时延更为重要。

11、For example, a speech signal can be represented mathematically by acoustic pressure as a function of time, and a picture can be represented by brightness as a function of two spatial variables.在一个连续时间信号x(t),数字处理的第一步是选择一个采样周期T,然后对样本x(t)产生x(nT)。

18、Under certain conditions, a continuous signal can be completely represented by and recoverable from a sequence of its values, or samples, at points equally spaced in time.在一定的条件下,一个连续信号可以完全由可以由该信号在时间等间隔点上的瞬时值例如,一个语音信号在数学上可以用声压随时间变化的函数来表示,而一张照片可以表示亮度随二维空间变量变化的函数。

12、To distinguish between continuous-time signals and

discrete-time signals, we will use the symbol t to denote the continuous-time independent variable and n to denote the discrete-time independent variable.区分连续时间信号和离散时间信号之间,我们将使用符号T表示连续时间的独立变量,用n来表示离散的独立变量。

13、FPGAs are a form of programmable logic devices which permits the design of many different complex digital circuits.现场可编程门阵列(FPGAs)是可编程逻辑器件的一种形式,它允许设计许多不同的复杂数字电路。

14、A continuous-time system is a system in which continuous-time input signals are applied and result in

continuous-time output signals.一个连续时间系统是施加连续时间输入信号,而产生连续时间输出信号的系统。

15、Signals encountered in practice are mostly continuous-time signals and can be denoted as x(t), where t is a continuum.实际遇到的信号大多是连续时间信号,这类信号可以用x(t)表示,其中t是连续变量。

16、most discrete-time signals are obtained from continuous-time signals by sampling and can be denoted as x[n]:=x(nT).大多数离散时间信号,是从连续时间信号的采样得到的,可以表示为X[n]:=x(nT)。

17、In digital processing of a

continuous-time signal x(t), the first step is to select a sampling period T and then to sample x(t)to yield x(nT).或样本值来表示,并且能用这些样本值恢复出原信号来。

19、Much of the importance of the

sampling theorem also lies in its role as a bridge between continuous-time signals and discrete-time signals.抽样理论的重要性还在于它在连续时间信号和离散时间信号之间起了桥梁作用。20、In many contexts, processing

discrete-time signals is more flexible and is often preferable to processing continuous-time signals.在许多方面,处理离散时间信号要更加灵活些,因此往往比处理连续时间更为可取。

21、In actuality, each cellconsists of a base station and an antenna that supports operations over a wide range of frequencies.在现实中,每个小区由一个基站和天线,支持业务在很宽的频率范围内。

22、Those access methods are referred to as time-division multiple access(TDMA)and code-division multiple access(CDMA).那些访问方法都被称为time-division多址(TDMA)和code-division多址(CDMA)。

23、As the satellite received a signal from a ground or earth station, a communications complex that transmitted and/or received satellite signals, it relayed its own signal to earth.当卫星收了从地面或地球站发来的信号后,卫星上的通信设备将要发送的和已接受的卫星信号复合起来后在发往地球。

24、The primary value of satellite in a geostationary orbit is its ability to communicate with ground stations in its coverage area 24 hours a day.对地静止轨道上的卫星的主要作用是,一天二十四小时和覆盖区域中的地面站进行通信。


1、可以这么说,没有晶体管的发明,今天我们所知的计算是完全不可能的。It is safe to say that without the invention of transistors, computing as we know it today wuld not be possible.2、可编程逻辑区别于传统硬件的关键特性是它们可以重新配置。The key property of programmable logics that differentiates

9、如果你是电子的初学者,最好现在就开始学习如何使用NPN晶体管。If you are new to electronics it is best to start by learning how to use NPN transistors.10、在晶体管发明之前,数字电路是由真空管(vacuum tubes)组成,这有很多不足。Prior to the invention of

transistors,digital circuits werecomposed of vacuum tubes, which had many them from custom hardware is their reconfigurability.3、在许多方面,处理离散时间信号要更加灵活些,因此比处理连续时间信号更为可取。In many contexts , processing discrete-time signal is more flexible and is often preferable to processing continuous-time signals.4、时间上离散,幅值上量化的信号称之为数字信号。Time is discrete, the

amplitude quantization signal called digital signal5、实际遇到的信号大多是连续时间信号,这类信号可以用x(t)表示,t是连续变量。Signals encountered in practice are mostly continuous-time signals and can be denoted as x(t),where t is a continuum.6、反过来,这种设计的改进又可引导研制新一代的卫星,这些卫星能够通过其他转发器及其相关电子系统处理大量的信息。This design evolution has led,in turn ,to the development of a new generation of satellites that can handle an enormous volume of information via their

transponders and relatedelectronic sysrems.7、地面站是传送/接收卫星信号的通信设备,卫星接收来自地面站发送的信号后,再将其信号传送给地球。As the satellite received a signl from a ground or earth station , a communications complex that transmitted and received satellite signals,it telayed its own signal to earth.8、在直流电路中这并没有影响,但对交流电路却有反作用,因为感应系数使该器件对频率的变化很敏感。This does not affect performance in DC circuits ,but can have an adverse effect in AC circuits because inductance renders the device sensitive to changes in frequency.disadvantages.11、电阻的阻抗是由它的物理结构决定的The amount of resistance offered by a resistor is determined by its physical construction.。

12、控制总线是控制处理器与系统其他部分通信的信号枢纽。Thecontrol bus is a collection of signals that controls how the processor communicates with the test of the system.13、正是由于这一特性,在发明DSP处理器时采用了一种与传统的微处理器不同的结构。It is because of this very nature that DSP processors are created with an architecture unlike those of conventional micropprocessors.段落英译汉:

1.The control bus is a collection of signals that controls how the processor communicates with the rest of the system.Consider the data bus for a moment.The CPU sends data to memory and receives data from memory on the data bus.This prompts the question.“Is it sending or receiving?” There are two lines on the control bus, read line and write line, which specify the direction of data flow.Other signals include system clocks, interrupt lines, status lines, and so on.The exact structure of control bus varies among processors in the 80x86 family.However, some control lines are common to all processors and are worthy a brief mention 控制总线是控制处理器与系统其它部件如何通信的信号枢纽。考虑数据总线,CPU通过数据总线向存储器发送数据或从存储器接受数据,这就产生了一个疑问:“他是在发送还是在接受呢?”在控制总线上有两条线,即读线和写线,他们指明了数据流的方向。其他信号包括系统时钟、中断信号、状态信号等。80X86系列控制总线的具体结构因处理器的不同而不同,但一

些控制线对所有的处理器是共同的。2,In digital processing of a

continuous-time signal x(t), the first step is to select a sampling period T and then to sample x(t)to yield x(nT).It is clear that the smaller T is, the closer x(nT)is to x(t).However, a smaller T also requires more computation.Thus an important task in DSP is to find 有人也提出了少数的非商业FPGAs结构,其


5.第五代计算机大力发展计算机可以解决问题最终可能是被称为创造性的方式是另一the largest possible T so that all information(if not possible, all essential information)of x(t)is retained in x(nT).Without the

frequency-domain description, it is not possible to find such a sampling period.Thus computing the frequency content of signals is a first step in digital signal processing.连续时间信号的数字处理,第一步是选择一个采样周期T,然后采样x(t)产生x(nT).。很明显,周期T越小,x(nT)越接近x(t)。然而,T越小计算量越大。因此,数字信号处理的一项重要任务,是要找出最大可能T,使x(t)的所有信息(如果不能,那么信号的所有基本信息)仍然保留在x(nT)中。没有频域描述,就不可能找到采样周期。因此数字信号处理的第一步是计算信号的频谱。3,FPGAs are a form of programmable logic devices which permits the design of many different complex digital circuits.FPGAs were first introduced in 1986 by Xilinx using a memory-based programming technology.Since then there have been many new commercial architectures.A new non-commercial FPGA architecture have been proposed for which the design details are more readily available.The key property of programmable logics that differentiates them from custom

hardware is their reconfigurability.such device cannot compete with a custom hardware implementation in terms of density or speed, but their

reconfigurability allows hardware designs to be created and changed rapidly, thus reducing time-to-market and costs over custom hardware.现场可编程门阵列是可编程逻辑器件的一种形式,它允许设计许多不同的复杂数字电路。1986年,Xilinx首次把基于内存的编程技术引入了FPGAs。此后还有许多新的商业结构出现,个趋势在计算机的发展,理想的目标是真正的人工智能。正在积极探索的一个路径是并行处理计算机,它使用许多芯片在同一时间执行多个不同的任务。并行处理可能最终能在一定程度上重复了复杂的反馈,近似于人类思想的评估能力。另一种形式正在研究并行处理是分子计算机的使用。在这些计算机,逻辑符号用DNA的化学单元表达,而不是通过常规的电子流问题,比目前的超级计算机速度快,将使用更少的能源。



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