充满活力的body,真挚的友情,珍贵的亲情,令人忍俊不禁的小聪明,热烈的舞蹈,动人的歌声,还有关于嫉妒关于代沟。年轻的一切都在展现。有着美好而可以预料的没有任何惊喜的结局。我们的青春,本就该这么明亮。不是吗? 这部影片,看似只是青春逼人再加上好听的音乐,其实却有让人蠢蠢欲动的超能力.我们都是平凡人,但是,即使这样,我们还是有理由相信,每个人都是一颗钻石,都有许许多多的面,只是,我们因为不自信或者太在意别人的眼光,而隐却了许多光芒.简单、热闹、活力,不需要晦涩的语言和画面,有时候一切就可以那么纯粹,青春不会是灰暗的、无望的,只要我们愿意,青春可以是彩色的,可以唱歌、可以跳舞,一切的一切都值得我们去赞颂。
正如其中歌中所唱:What I have been looking for?我们究竟在追寻着什么呢,这值得深思。
当洗尽铅华后,不妨Start of something new!
相信最终大家会“All in this together”!
High School Musical> is a good movie, is my favorite style, the United States middle school students and college students living in the film is neither as just so funny and serious, unlike so colorful, unlike the so difficult to obscure, not of the older generation, and other inspirational preaching wealth to the movies then, not more then a single, and at the same time have their own distinct characteristics.Of course, the most distinctive features of music, beautiful melodies, the voice actor is also a super-Chan, Troy's voice is pure, without impurities, in particular, to grasp some of the bass, treble, but it is a pity that some of the occasional break to sing.Gabriella's voice is clear, great treble.Ryan I appreciate very much a role, not artificial voice, singing school songs for singing RAP, R & B, what would be the ideal.Sharpay's voice, of course, very artificial, you compare her to speak and sing to know.All in all, at the beginning of the first paragraph of the quartet I really had a beautiful, as if Nature, when singing their grasp of eye contact is also in place.The first screen test at the same song by two pairs of two kinds of people out of style interpretation, and there is great taste.As Gabriella and solo section lyrical songs on the last few people not particularly impressed.Troy I am not a role like that feeling is hard to be made out of, the kind of body height should not be playing basketball, Shuai do, I think not Shuai Ryan, and Ryan wearing a lot less than that also.Gabriella this role well, very pure, Mexico should be the origin, of course, I have reservations about this style of female appearance, coupled with the all-A Health a good voice, should constitute an element of good girls, not to mention her There are a pair of talking eyes.Ryan and I really appreciate too, although some artificial performance, but was wearing envied people dressed, perfectly clean face jealous people, the quality is very good, Sharpay in the side I think he's much more vigorous and even shine.I do not want to evaluate more than Sharpay, I did not like this type of girl, she reminds me of me a painful girls, the same beautiful colors, the same Xingaoqiao, who do not care about her pay, even like Those who do not like her very much like the fate of.Zeke and Chade hard to make up a pair of I do not agree with very much, Kelsi was a very lovely girls, I really appreciate his ugly duckling type of character, a small body in a vast reservoir of strength and stunning beauty, waiting for the real Her understanding of the people to discover.The film, of course, there are deficiencies, as the songs in order to emphasize the sense of the scene, a bit like a shot of the MV ordinary music or movies(especially the singing actor into the future), this can not be reflected as an inspirational film school youth The nature of the.But also because of restrictions on film, and some cases where the development of some haste, in order to pursue the plot twists and turns, an increase of too much coincidence, but some modeling.In general, the Department is a very good film, worthy of recommendation, I have been looking forward to tomorrow, a Data.第二篇,比较适合你的要求.....This movie is about the life in the high school.The wonderful songs in it are really amazing.Gabriella is a girl who is a very good student and Troy is a boy who is good at basketball.They met over winter break after they were forced to sing together at a party.They had a really good time and became friends.Both of them wanted to find their music dream.And then after the winter break,they decided to run for a part in their school’s musical.But Sharpay and Ryan Evans, the two actors who've been in every school musical,tried their best to stop them.But Troy and Gabriella's call back was amazing, So they got the leading parts in the musical, and Ryan and Sharpay were the understudies.这是第三篇,有点简单,还好......This movie was made by Disney company.It's a movie that are about some high school students'lives.wherever they are,they are always singing and dancing.They can regard every problem as a chance to show.I think they are so confidend that they can do well.They show a lot of energy no matter what they do.I have learnt a lot from the movie.Maybe we should be confident of ourselves.Be active to face any trouble,even though we can't deal with it.
高一九班 黄湘濡
《歌舞青春Ⅰ》是一部校园音乐电影。电影故事的男主角Troy Bolton是一个篮球天才,并担任校篮球队的队长一职。在一次圣诞晚会上,与有着“爱因斯坦”称号的女主角Gabriella Montez机缘巧合的完美的合唱了一首《Start Of Something New》,随后女主角转学于偶遇的男主角的学校,成为了同班同学。两人都爱好唱歌,并希望参加学校本音乐剧主角的选拔活动,但各自同时又肩负着即将来临的篮球赛和学术全能赛的任务,而做另一个全新的自己并不熟悉的事情,难易程度可想而知,他们为此徘徊不定。在舆论以及队友施加压力的种种困难下,追逐音乐的梦想最终使他们获得了朋友的理解于支持,既获得了音乐剧表演的资格,同时也各自在比赛中获得了骄人的成绩。电影最终以一场快乐的全体音乐舞蹈表演而告终。
电影带给我最大的震撼正是它的插曲所表达的:Start Of Something New。生活中的我们常常活在无形的套子里,习惯了循规蹈矩所带给我们计划式的安排。无论快乐与否,仿佛这一切应该是这样的剧情。而开始一个全新的自我,带着热情与无畏去做一些新的尝试,这样才可以使得生命活的真实而又意义。电影中的男女主角怀揣着对音乐的热爱与坚持,最终用真诚打动了朋友,消除了隔阂,同时也鼓舞大家去勇敢的尝试全新的目标与追求。每个人都有在常规之外的另一面与众不同的样子,打破常规给予我们的束缚,劈开他人眼中的偏见与期望,从而去寻找生命中最真实的自我,享受生命赋予我们的精彩与意外。
作为一部校园音乐电影,其中歌曲演唱以及表演的部分,也是很大一个重头戏。在洋溢着青春快乐,积极向上的氛围中,每个角色都在恰当的时刻用音乐表达着自己的心情,《Get'cha Head In The Game 》、《What I've Been Looking For 》等歌曲完美的诠释都很好的迎合了观众的胃口。歌曲的选取也做到了恰到好处,真正的通过音乐的辅助表达引起了大家的共鸣。可以说作为一部校园题材的电影,将剧情、音乐和主题结合的如此恰到好处,在近些年的电影中十分难得。
本是两个不同世界,表面毫无关系的高中生——学校篮球队队长 Troy Bolton 跟性格害羞、成绩优异的新生 Gabriella Montez,在除夕假期的一个卡拉OK比赛中相遇了,他俩发现原来彼此对唱歌都十分热爱,假期结束后,竟然发现原来他们就读于同一学校,然而当的梦想与现实发生冲突时,他们是否能够怀抱勇气、冲破束缚,放飞自己的梦想„„
1.《 我飞故我在 》
2.《 Start of something new 》
3.《 What I've Been Looking For 》
5.《 Breaking free 》
6.《 Righthereringnow 》
7.《 We're all in this together 》
公主日记1、2倒霉爱神 辣妈辣妹(林赛罗汉主演)美人鱼(里面音乐也很好听)天生一对 牛仔裤的夏天 1,2 律政俏佳人 我的朋友是明星
劲歌飞扬 贱女孩(林赛罗汉主演)
《重启萨曼莎》又名第二人生 录取通知书儿女一箩筐冰雪公主物质女孩疯狂金龟车(林赛罗汉主演)麻辣宝贝
12月男孩魔法双星超完美男人 纽约时刻奶牛美女
穿PRADA的恶魔高校天后 像乔丹一样初恋的回忆甜心辣舞 花豹美眉女兵报道女生向前翻
勇者无敌 peaceful warrior
夏洛特的网 charlotte’s web
我爱猫头鹰 hoot
鼠国流浪记flushed away
篱笆墙外over the hedge
梦想奔驰dreamer:inspired by a jure story 雾都孤儿oliver twist
傲慢与偏见 pride and prejudice 恋恋笔记本
罗密欧与朱丽叶后现代激情版 爱情无价
总统千金欧游记 泰坦尼克号