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24.受国际金融危机影响,我国经济增速持续下滑,已成为影响全局的主要矛盾。为尽快扭转经济增速下滑趋势,实施了积极的财政政策和适度宽松的货币政策。下面属于积极的财政政策的是 ①保持全年国民生产总值增长8%左右的目标 ②全年新增贷款5万亿元以上,创历年新增贷款新高 ③安排财政赤字9500亿元,创出60年来的最高纪录 ④减税退税或低免税,减轻企业、居民税负约5000亿元 A.①② B.③④ C.①③ D.②③


A.抓住主要矛盾,次要矛盾就迎刃而解 B.事物的内部矛盾是事物发展的源泉 C.矛盾是事物发展的根本原因 D.矛盾双方在一定条件下相互转化 26.温总理在记者招待会上的开场白中说,“ 莫道今年春将尽,明年春色倍还人。”总理对我国经济发展充满信心的哲学依据是

A.事物的变化都是根本性质的变化 B.一切事物都处在运动变化的过程中

C.任何事物的发展都是经历艰难曲折 D.事物的发展是前进性与曲折性的统一 金融危机袭来,就在普通百姓为自己饭碗发愁的时候,金融业高管们天价薪酬问题成了大家争议的话题。回答27、28题。

27.人们之所以对金融业高管们的高薪反应激烈,原因在于收入差距过大。财政部出台了金融企业负责人薪酬管理办法,明确规定了最高年薪,被称为中国版的“限薪令”。对企业高管设定年薪上限说明 ①公平的收入分配离不开政府的宏观调控②社会存在收入差距不利于社会经济的发展③“限薪”符合社会主义市场经济的根本目标 ④“限薪”是解决社会收入差距过大的根本办法 A.①② B.③④ C.①③ D.②③

28.从分配角度分析,下列措施中具有缩小收入差距作用的是 ①提高企业最低工资标准②个人工薪所得实行超额累进税率③努力提高企业经济效益④完善最低生活保障制度 A.①②③④ B.①②④ C.①②③ D.②④


29.温家宝总理在讲到有关人民币汇率问题时指出,我们的目标是在合理、均衡的水平上保持人民币币值的基本稳定,这是由市场和我们自己决定的,任何国家不能对人民币升值或贬值施加压力。这说明①经济主权是国家主权的重要内容②对外经济交往要坚持独立自主原则③人民币汇率不受国际社会的影响④人民币汇率稳定有利于世界经济发展 A.①② B.③④ C.②③ D.①④ 30.某企业在2008年4月10日以10美元/件的价格出售100万件某商品,该商品的成本为人民币14元/件(当日汇率是1美元兑换人民币6.99元)。半年后的10月份又以同样价格和成本出售了100万件商品(当时的汇率是1美元兑换人民币6.88元)。半年后该企业所获得的利润(以人民币计算)是

A.6990万元 增加120万元 B.6880万元 减少120万元

C.5480万元 减少110万元 D.5590万元 增加110万元 31.观察漫画(图2-6),聪明的乌鸦给我们的启示是①思想与实际结合,活学活用 ②发挥主观能动性,就能事半功倍 ③解决问题需要探索创新实践 ④知识、能力、实践不可或缺 A.①③④ B.①②③

C.②③ D.①④

中国网民有2.53亿。一方面,网民积极在网上 发言;另一方面,越来越多的领导干部上网来交 流,这是中国政坛一种新气象。回答32、33题。32.今年“两会”召开期间,人民网开展了“您最关 注的两会热点问题”的网上调查,得到了广大网友的 热烈响应,网友留言达3万余条。这一做法





33.越来越多的领导干部上网与百姓交流,网络日益得到党和政府的高度重视,这是因为①网络成为倾听民意的重要平台 ②网民正在成为重要的监督力量

③网络扩大了公民的民主政治权利 ④网络成为政府公开信息的主要方式

A.①②③ B.①②④ C.③④ D.①②

“多植荷 花塘自清,勤反腐败政自明”。本届中央政府高度重视反腐败工作。回答34、35题。34.“政者,正也。其身正,不令而行;其身不正,虽令而不从。”孔子的这一观点对我们今天治国的启示是

A.要坚持依法治国的基本方略 B.要加强执政者自身的道德建设

C.要坚持对人民负责的活动原则 D.要将政者置于群众的监督之下






A.①②④ B.②③④ C.①③ D.②④






39.材料四 对于中欧关系,温家宝总理有一段“船桥论”的精辟论述。他说,中欧没有根本的利害冲突,我们共同利益广泛,又有合作需要,在这一点上,“我们是同在一条船上”。同时,中欧又“和而不同”。中欧历史、社会、文化传统、社会制度不同,存在分歧是正常的,并不可怕,也不会妨碍我们的关系,从这个意义上说,“我们又同在一座桥上——一座沟通友谊、加强磋商、解决分歧的桥上”。








24.B 25.B 26.D 27.C 28.B 29.A 30.C 31.A 32.C 33.D 34.B 35.D 38.(32分)(1)①贸易保护主义违背了经济全球化的必然趋势,阻碍世界经济的发展,反对贸易保护主义是生产社会化特别是经济全球化的客观要求。在生产社会化、经济全球化条件下,各国之间的经济联系日益广泛,客观上要求国与国之间贸易自由、相互开放。(3分)②贸易保护主义不符合经济发展规律,违背了市场经济的开放性,平等性和竞争性,反对贸易保护主义是市场经济的内在要求。各国只有在平等、竞争、开放的基础上,参与国际分工与全作,互通有无、调剂余缺,才能实现资源的优化配置(3分)




















































在第十一届全国人民代表大会第三次会议上的政府工作报告 国务院总理 温家宝 2010年3月5日

REPORT ON THE WORK OF THE GOVERNMENT--Delivered at the Third Session of the Eleventh National People's Congress on March 5, 2010 Wen Jiabao Premier of the State Council 各位代表,Fellow Deputies, 现在,我代表国务院向大会作政府工作报告,请予审议,并请全国政协各位委员提出意见。On behalf of the State Council, I now present to you my report on the work of the government for your deliberation and approval.I also invite the members of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference(CPPCC)to provide comments and suggestions.一、2009年工作回顾

I.Review of Work in 2009 2009年是新世纪以来我国经济发展最为困难的一年。去年这个时候,国际金融危机还在扩散蔓延,世界经济深度衰退,我国经济受到严重冲击,出口大幅下降,不少企业经营困难,有的甚至停产倒闭,失业人员大量增加,农民工大批返乡,经济增速陡然下滑。在异常困难的情况下,全国各族人民在中国共产党的坚强领导下,坚定信心,迎难而上,顽强拼搏,从容 应对国际金融危机冲击,在世界率先实现经济回升向好,改革开放和社会主义现代化建设取得新的重大成就。国内生产总值达到33.5万亿元,比上年增长 8.7%;财政收入6.85万亿元,增长11.7%;粮食产量5.31亿吨,再创历史新高,实现连续6年增产;城镇新增就业1102万人;城镇居民人均可 支配收入17175元,农村居民人均纯收入5153元,实际增长9.8%和8.5%。我国在全面建设小康社会道路上又迈出坚实的一步。实践再次证明,任何艰难险阻都挡不住中华民族伟大复兴的历史进程。

The year 2009 was the most difficult year for our country's economic development since the beginning of the new century.This time last year the global financial crisis was still spreading, and the world economy was in a deep recession.Our economy was severely affected;our exports decreased significantly;a large number of enterprises had operating difficulties, and some even suspended production or closed down;the number of unemployed people increased significantly;many migrant workers had to return to their home villages;and the pace of our economic growth suddenly slowed down.In these unusually difficult circumstances, the people of all our ethnic groups fortified their confidence, tackled difficulties head on, worked tenaciously, and responded calmly to the impact of the global financial crisis under the firm leadership of the Communist Party of China(CPC).Our economy was the first in the world to have made a turnaround, and we made major new achievements in reform and opening up as well as socialist modernization.GDP reached 33.5 trillion yuan, an increase of 8.7% over the previous year(here and below).Fiscal revenue was 6.85 trillion yuan, up 11.7%.Grain production was 531 million tons, a new record and an increase for the sixth consecutive year.A total of 11.02 million urban jobs were created.The per capita disposable income of urban residents was 17,175 yuan, and the net per capita income of rural residents was 5,153 yuan, up 9.8% and 8.5% respectively in real terms.We took another steady step along the path of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects.Events again proved that no difficulties or obstacles can impede the course of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.过去的一年,极不平凡,令人振奋。我们隆重 庆祝新中国成立60周年。抚今追昔,伟大祖国的辉煌成就极大地激发了全国人民的自信心和自豪感,极大地增强了中华民族的向心力和凝聚力,极大地提升了我国 的国际地位和影响力,必将激励我们在中国特色社会主义道路上继续奋勇前进。

The past year was truly extraordinary and inspiring.We held a grand celebration of the 60th anniversary of the founding of New China.The outstanding achievements we made in that time have greatly boosted the confidence and pride of the people, strengthened the cohesiveness of the Chinese nation, and raised China's international standing and influence.All this definitely encourages us to continue to forge ahead on the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics.一年来,我们主要做了以下工作:

Over the last year, we mainly undertook the following work.(一)加强和改善宏观调控,促进经济平稳较快发展。我们实行 积极的财政政策和适度宽松的货币政策,全面实施并不断完善应对国际金融危机的一揽子计划。大规模增加财政支出和实行结构性减税,保持货币信贷快速增长,提 高货币政策的可持续性,扩大直接融资规模,满足经济社会发展的资金需求,有效扩大了内需,很快扭转了经济增速下滑趋势。1.Strengthening and improving macro-control and promoting steady and rapid economic development.We carried out a proactive fiscal policy and a moderately easy monetary policy.We comprehensively implemented and constantly improved the package plan for addressing the global financial crisis.We significantly increased government spending, implemented structural tax reductions, rapidly increased supplies of money and credit, made our monetary policy more sustainable, and increased the amount of direct financing.We thus ensured funding for economic and social development, effectively boosted domestic demand, and quickly reversed the slowdown in economic growth.着力扩大居民消费。我们鼓励消费的政策领域之宽、力 度之大、受惠面之广前所未有。中央财政投入资金 450亿元,补贴家电汽车摩托车下乡、汽车家电以旧换新和农机具购置。减半征收小排量汽车购置税,减免住房交易相关税收,支持自住性住房消费。全年汽车销 售1364万辆,增长46.2%;商品房销售9.37亿平方米,增长42.1%;社会消费品零售总额实际增长16.9%,消费对经济增长的拉动作用明显增 强。

We vigorously expanded consumer spending.Our policies to encourage consumption covered more areas, were stronger and benefited more people than ever before.The central government provided 45 billion yuan in subsidies for rural residents to purchase home appliances and motor vehicles, including motorbikes.Part of the subsidies also supported trading-in old motor vehicles and home appliances for new ones and purchasing agricultural machinery and tools.We halved the purchase tax on small-displacement automobiles.We reduced or exempted taxes on buying and selling homes to support the purchase of homes to be used as their owners' residences.Throughout the year 13.64 million motor vehicles were sold, an increase of 46.2%;commodity housing sales amounted to 937 million square meters, up 42.1%;and total retail sales of consumer goods increased 16.9% in real terms: Consumption played a much bigger role in fueling economic growth.促进投资快速增长。我们发挥政府投资“四两拨 千斤”的作用,引导带动社会投资。实施两年新增4万亿元的投资计划。2009年中央政府公共投资 9243亿元,比上年预算增加5038亿元,其中,保障性住房、农村民生工程、社会事业投资占44%,自主创新、结构调整、节能减排和生态建设占16%,重大基础设施建设占23%,灾后恢复重建占14%。全社会固定资产投资增长30.1%,投资结构进一步优化。投资快速增长有效弥补了外需下降的缺口,加强 了薄弱环节,为经济社会长远发展奠定了坚实的基础。

We promoted rapid growth in investment.We guided and stimulated non-government investment by means of well-leveraged government investment.We implemented a plan to invest an additional 4 trillion yuan over two years.In 2009, the central government's public investment was 924.3 billion yuan, 503.8 billion yuan more than in the previous year's budget.Of this, 44% was invested in.low-income housing, projects to improve the wellbeing of rural residents, and social programs;16% in independent innovation, restructuring, energy conservation, emissions reductions, and ecological improvement;23% in major infrastructure projects;and 14% in post-Wenchuan earthquake recovery and reconstruction.Fixed asset investment increased.30.1% nationwide.We further improved the investment structure.Rapid investment growth effectively compensated for the shortfall created by shrinking external demand, strengthened weak links, and laid a solid foundation for long-term economic and social development 我们加快推进汶川地震灾后恢复重建,重灾区已完成投资6545亿元,占规划总投资的65.5%。国家 的大力支持,全国人民的无私援助,灾区群众的艰苦奋斗,使遭受重大创伤的灾区呈现出崭新面貌。一座座新城拔地而起,一个个村庄焕发出蓬勃生机。这充分体现 了中华民族的无疆大爱,有力彰显了社会主义制度的无比优越。

We accelerated the post-Wenchuan earthquake recovery and reconstruction work.We have already invested 654.5 billion yuan, 65.5% of the total planned investment, in the worst hit areas.Thanks to the government's strong support, the selfless assistance of people throughout the country, and the hard work of residents of the earthquake area, the badly damaged areas have taken on a brand-new appearance, with new towns rising straight out of the ground, and villages brimming with vitality.All this fully reflects the boundless love of the Chinese nation and powerfully demonstrates the incomparable superiority of the socialist system.(二)大力调整经济结构,夯实长远 发展基础。我们把保增长与调结构紧密结合起来,加快解决制约经济发展的结构性矛盾。

2.Vigorously carrying out economic restructuring, and shoring up the foundation for long-term development.We closely integrated sustaining economic growth with economic restructuring, and moved more quickly to resolve structural problems limiting economic development.“三农”工作进一步加强。中央财政用于“三农”的支出 7253亿元,增长21.8%。大幅度提高粮食最低收购价。启动实施全国新增千亿斤粮食生产能力建设规划。继续改善农村生产生活条件,农村饮水安全工程使 6069万农民受益,新增510万沼气用户,新建和改造农村公路38万公里、农村电网线路 26.6万公里,又有80万户农村危房得到改造,9.2万户游牧民实现了定居。我们加大扶贫力度,贫困地区的生产生活条件得到明显改善。

We further strengthened the work related to agriculture, rural areas, and farmers.The central government used 725.3 billion yuan to support agriculture, rural areas, and farmers, an increase of 21.8%.We raised the minimum grain purchase prices by a large margin.We began implementation of 'the plan to increase grain production capacity by 50 million tons nationwide.We continued to improve living and working conditions in rural areas.We implemented rural drinking water safety projects that benefited 60.69 million people, increased the number of methane gas users by 5.1.million, built and upgraded 380,000 kilometers of roads and 266,000 kilometers of electric power lines and renovated 800,000 dilapidated houses in the countryside, and helped build permanent housing for 92,000 nomadic families.We also intensified our efforts to fight poverty.As a result, working and living conditions notably improved in poverty-stricken areas.产业结构调整力度加大。制定并实施十大重点产业 调整振兴规划。鼓励企业加快技术改造,安排200亿元技改专项资金支持4441个技改项目。重点行业兼并重组取得新进展。下大力气抑制部分行业产能过剩和 重复建设,关停小火电机组2617万千瓦,淘汰落后的炼钢产能1691万吨、炼铁产能2113万吨、水泥产能7416万吨、焦炭产能1809万吨。加快实 施国家科技重大专项,中央财政用于科技的支出1512亿元,增长30%。积极支持自主创新产品推广应用,清洁能源、第三代移动通信等一批新兴产业快速发 展。大力加强基础设施建设,新建铁路投入运营5557公里,高速公路新建通车4719公里,城市轨道交通建设加快,新建、改扩建民用机场35个;新增发电 装机8970万千瓦,西气东输二线西段工程实现供气,南水北调工程建设加快推进,6183座病险水库除险加固工程开工建设。

We intensified industrial restructuring.We formulated and implemented a plan for restructuring and invigorating ten key industries.We encouraged enterprises to accelerate technological upgrading, and provided 20 billion yuan to support 4,441 technological upgrading projects.Further progress was made in mergers and reorganization in key industries.We made great efforts to restrict excess production capacity and redundant development in some industries.We closed down 26.17 million kilowatts of small thermal power stations, and eliminated backward facilities with total production tons in the steelmaking industry, 21.13 million tons in the iron-smelting 74.16 million tons in the cement industry, and 18.09 million tons in the coke industry.We accelerated the implementation of major national science and technology projects,and spent 151.2 billion yuan of central government funds on science and technology, an increase of 30%.We vigorously supported the widespread use of domestically innovated products, and the development of emerging industries such as clean energy and third-generation mobile communications.We vigorously strengthened infrastructure development;put 5,557 kilometers of newly built railway lines into operation;opened 4,719 kilometers of new expressways to traffic, accelerated urban rail development;and built, renovated or expanded 35 civil airports.We increased the installed power-generating capacity by 89.7 million kilowatts, began supplying gas through the western section of the second line of the project for shipping natural gas from west to east, accelerated construction on the South-to-North Water Diversion Project, and began reinforcing 6,183 dangerous reservoirs.节能减排和环境保护扎实推进。安排 预算内资金,支持重点节能工程、循环经济等项目2983个;实施节能产品惠民工程,推广节能空调500多万台、高效照明灯具1.5亿只。继续推进林业重点 生态工程建设,完成造林8827万亩,森林覆盖率达到20.36%。综合治理水土流失面积4.8万平方公里。加强“三河三湖”等重点流域水污染防治和工业 废水废气废渣治理。“十一五”前四年累计单位国内生产总值能耗下降 14.38%,化学需氧量、二氧化硫排放量分别下降9.66%和13.14%。积极开展应对气候变化工作,明确提出2020年我国控制温室气体排放行动目 标和政策措施。气象预报预警和地震监测工作得到加强,灾害防御能力不断提升。

We made solid progress in conserving energy, reducing emissions and protecting the environment.We supported 2,983 key energy conservation and recycling projects through budgetary investment.We implemented a project to promote energy-efficient products for the benefit of the people, putting into use more than 5 million energy-saving air-conditioners and 150 million energy-efficient light bulbs.We continued to develop key ecological projects in the forestry industry, and completed the afforestation of 5.88 million hectares, thereby raising the percentage of land covered by forest to 20.36%.Through combined measures, we brought soil erosion on 48,000 square kilometers of land under control.We strengthened the prevention and treatment of water pollution in the key watersheds of the Huai, Hai, and Liao rivers and Tai, Chao, and Dianchi lakes, and improved the control of wastewater, gases and residues from industry.Over the first four years of the Eleventh Five-Year Plan period, energy consumption per unit of GDP fell 14.38%,and chemical oxygen demand and sulfur dioxide emissions decreased 9.66% and 13.14% respectively.We made vigorous efforts to respond to climate change, and set forth our country's targets, policies and measures for controlling greenhouse gas emissions by 2020.We improved our weather forecasting and early warning;as well as earthquake monitoring, and constantly improved our disaster prevention and protection capabilities.区域协调发展迈出新步伐。深入实施区 域发展总体战略,制定若干区域发展重大规划和政策。中西部和东北地区加快开放开发,积极承接产业转移,发展基础不断夯实;东部地区加快结构和自主创新,经 济发展活力增强。区域发展呈现布局改善、结构优化、协调性提高的良好态势。

We took new steps in balancing development between regions.We thoroughly implemented the overall strategy for regional development;and formulated several major regional development plans and policies.The central and western regions and northeast China accelerated opening up and development, welcomed industries relocated from other parts of the country, and continuously strengthened their foundation for development.The eastern region accelerated restructuring and independent innovation, and the vitality of its economic development increased.A favorable situation emerged in which regional development was better distributed, structured and coordinated.(三)坚持深化改革开放,不断完善有利于科学发展的体制机制。我们把深化改革开放作 为应对国际金融危机的强大动力,努力消除体制障碍,不断提高对外开放水平。3.Steadfastly deepening reform and opening up, and constantly improving institutions and mechanisms conducive to developing scientifically.We deepened reform and opening up to respond more powerfully to the global financial crisis, worked hard to remove institutional obstacles and continued to open wider to the outside world.重点领域和关键环节改革加快推进。增值税转型全面实施。成品油价格和税费改革顺利推进,新的成品油价 格形成机制规范运行。国家开发银行商业化转型和农业银行股份制改革扎实推进,跨境贸易人民币结算试点启动实施。创业板正式推出,为自主创新及其他成长型创 业企业开辟了新的融资渠道。地方政府机构改革有序开展,事业单位分类改革试点稳步进行。集体林权制度改革全面推开,15亿亩林地确权到户,占全国集体林地 面积的60%,这是继土地家庭承包之后我国农村经营制度的又一重大变革。

We accelerated reform in key areas and links.We comprehensively carried out VAT reform.The reform of the prices of refined oil products and taxes and fees on them was implemented smoothly, and a new [w]mechanism[/w] for pricing them worked well.We made solid progress in commercializing the China Development Bank and introducing the joint stock system in the Agricultural Bank of China, and launched a pilot project to use the renminbi as the settlement currency for cross-border trade.The ChiNext stock market was officially launched, which opened a new financing channel for enterprises based on independent innovation and other growth enterprises.We proceeded with the reform of local government departments in an orderly manner, and steadily carried out a trial of reforming institutions by type.We comprehensively launched the reform of tenure in collective forests.We devolved tenure in 100 million hectares of forest land to rural households, equaling 60% of the country's total area of collective forests.This is another major reform of China's rural operation system, and follows in the footsteps of the household land contract responsibility system.开放型经济水平不断提高。出台一系列稳定 外需的政策措施,采取符合国际惯例的方式支持出口企业,完成短期出口信用保险承保900亿美元,安排421 亿美元大型成套设备出口融资保险。鼓励增加进口。去年下半年开始进出口降幅明显收窄,国际市场份额得到巩固,全年进出口总额2.2万亿美元。扭转利用外资 下降局面,全年实际利用外商直接投资900亿美元。企业“走出去”逆势上扬,非金融类对外直接投资和对外工程承包营业额分别达433亿美元和777亿美 元。积极参与国际宏观经济政策对话协调和经贸金融合作,在共同应对国际金融危机中发挥了建设性作用。We constantly raised the level of the open economy.We introduced policies and measures to stabilize foreign demand, adopted methods that conform to international practices to support export companies, completed the issuance of short-term export credit insurance worth US$ 90 billion, and arranged $42.1 billion of export financing insurance for complete sets of large [w]equipment[/w].We encouraged increases in imports: Since the second half of last year;falls in imports and exports have clearly eased, and we have consolidated our share of international markets.Last year imports and exports totaled $2.2 trillion.We reversed the decline in utilized foreign investment, and actual utilized foreign direct investment amounted to $90 billion for the entire year.More enterprises “went global” in spite of the adverse situation;non-financial outward direct investment amounted to $43.3 billion, and receipts from overseas project contracting operations reached $77.7 billion.We actively participated in international macroeconomic policy dialogue and coordination as well as economic, trade and financial cooperation, and played a constructive role in the joint response to the global financial crisis.(四)着力改善民生,加快发展社会事业。在应对国际金融危机的困难情况下,我们更加注重保障和改善民生,切实解决人民群众 最关心、最直接、最现实的利益问题。4.Striving to improve people's wellbeing and accelerating the development of social programs.In the difficult circumstances of responding to the global financial crisis, we gave greater priority to ensuring and improving people's wellbeing and effectively solved the most practical problems of the greatest and most direct concern to the people.实施更加积极的就业政策。强化政府促进就业的责任。中央财政安排就业专项资金 426亿元,比上年增长 59%。实施困难企业缓缴社会保险费或降低部分费率、再就业税收减免及提供相关补贴等政策,鼓励企业稳定和增加就业。开展系列就业服务活动,多渠道开辟公 益性就业岗位,促进高校毕业生到基层就业、应征入伍和到企事业单位就业见习。全年组织2100万城乡劳动者参加职业培训。这些措施促进了就业的基本稳定。

We implemented a more active employment policy.We increased the responsibility of the government for stimulating employment.The central government allocated 42.6 billion yuan in special employment funds, an increase of 59%.For distressed enterprises, we postponed and in some cases reduced their payment of social security contributions.We also reduced or exempted reemployment tax and provided related subsidies to encourage enterprises to maintain or increase their levels of employment.We launched a series of employment service activities, created public-service jobs through multiple channels, and encouraged college graduates to take jobs at the primary level, enlist in the army, or join enterprises and institutions as interns.We provided job training for 21 million urban and rural workers.These measures helped bring about basic employment stability.加快完善社会保障体系。普遍建立养老保险省级统筹制度,出台包括农民工在内的城镇企业职工养老保险关系转移接续办法。在320个县开展新型农村社会养老保险试点,推动我国社会保障制度建设迈出历史性步伐。中央 财政安排社会保障资金2906亿元,比上年增长16.6%。企业退休人员基本养老金连续5年增加,去年又人均提高10%。农村五保户供养水平、优抚对象抚 恤补助标准、城乡低保对象保障水平都有新的提高。中央财政安排保障性安居工程补助资金551 亿元,比上年增长2倍。新建、改扩建各类保障性住房200万套,棚户区改造解决住房130万套。全国社会保障基金积累6927亿元,比上年增长 44.2%。社会保障体系得到加强。

We accelerated improvements in the social security system.We established a nationwide pension planning system at the provincial level, and introduced a method for transferring pension accounts for workers of urban enterprises, some of whom are rural migrant workers.We launched a pilot project for a new rural pension insurance system in 320 countiesMajor progress was made in reform and opening up.New breakthroughs were achieved in crucial areas and key links of reform, and the socialist market economy further improved.Last year, total foreign trade volume reached US$ 2.97 trillion and the openness ofthe economy increased rapidly.——这五年,我国国际地位和影响力显著提高。我们在国际事务中发挥重要的建设性作用,有力维护国家主权、安全和发展利益,全方位外交取得重大进展。我们成功举办北京奥运会、上海世博会,实现了中华民族的百年梦想。

-China's international prestige and influence grew significantly.We played an important and constructive role in international affairs;effectively safeguarded our national sovereignty, security and development interests;and made major progress in our all-around diplomacy.We successfully hosted the Beijing Olympics and Shanghai World Expo, thus fulfilling dreams the Chinese nation had cherished for a century.这些辉煌成就,充分显示了中国特色社会主义的优越性,展现了改革开放的伟大力量,极大增强了全国各族人民的自信心和自豪感,增强了中华民族的凝聚力和向心力,必将激励我们在新的历史征程上奋勇前进。

These brilliant achievements clearly show the advantages of socialism with Chinese characteristics and the great power of reform and opening up.They greatly increased the confidence and pride of our people of all ethnic groups, strengthened the cohesiveness of the Chinese nation, and inspired us to forge ahead on our historic course.五年来,我们主要做了以下工作:

The following are our main accomplishments over the past five years:


1.Strengthening and improving macro-control, and spurring steady and rapid economic development We paid close attention to the orientation, focus and strength of macro-control and kept a firm grasp on the initiative in our economic work.In the early stages of the Eleventh Five-Year Plan period, we adopted correct policies and measures to address overheated investment growth, the excessive trade surplus, excess liquidity, and structural and imported inflation;effectively prevented emerging problems from evolving into trends;and prevented problems in anyone area from becoming general problems.In the last two years, we responded coolly to the impact of the global financial crisis a crisis of a severity seldom seen in the last century, made decisions scientifically and resolutely followed a proactive fiscal policy and moderately easy monetary policy.We steadfastly implemented a multi-point plan, greatly increased government spending and made structural tax reductions, carried out the plan for restructuring and reinvigorating key industries on a large scale, vigorously promoted innovation and increased support for work in science and technology, and substantially increased social security benefits.We steadfastly followed a strategy of expanding domestic demand;adopted policies and measures to encourage consumer spending;and increased urban and rural incomes, particularly for low-income people.As a result, consumer spending grew steadily and its structure constantly improved.We carried out a two-year investment plan to increase spending by 4 trillion yuan, including 1.18 trillion yuan from the central government.Of this amount, 43.7% was invested in low-income housing projects, projects to improve the wellbeing of rural residents, and social programs;15.3% in innovation, restructuring, energy conservation, emissions reductions and ecological improvement;23.6% in major infrastructure projects;and 14.8% in post-Wenchuan earthquake recovery and reconstruction.Government spending guided and drove nongovernmental investment, greatly increased domestic demand and effectively compensated for weak external demand.This helped to reverse the slowdown in economic growth in a relatively short time and make the Chinese economy the first in the world to pick up again.In this way, we not only got over the hard times and ensured and improved the wellbeing of the people, but also laid a firm foundation for long-term development.(二)毫不放松地做好“三农”工作,巩固和加强农业基础。中央财政“三农”投入累计近3万亿元,年均增幅超过23%。彻底取消农业税和各种收费,结束了农民种田交税的历史,每年减轻农民负担超过1335亿元。建立种粮农民补贴制度和主产区利益补偿机制,农民的生产补贴资金去年达到1226亿元。对重点粮食品种实行最低收购价和临时收储政策,小麦、稻谷最低收购价提高了25%到40%。严格保护耕地。着力推进农业科技进步。粮食产量屡创历史新高,去年达到1.09万亿斤,连续7年增产;农民人均纯收入达到5919元,实现持续较快增长。农村综合改革稳步推进,集体林权制度改革、国有农场管理体制改革全面推开。农业农村基础设施加快建设,完成7356座大中型和重点小型水库除险加固,解决2.15亿农村人口饮水安全问题,农民的日子越过越好,农村发展进入一个新时代。

2.Striving to do our work related to agriculture, rural areas, and farmers well, and consolidating and strengthening the agricultural foundation Central government spending on agriculture, rural areas and fanners totaled nearly 3 trillion yuan and grew at an average annual rate of more than 23%.Agricultural tax and various government charges were totally abolished, thereby ending the history of farmers paying taxes on the crops they grow and easing their annual burden by more than 133.5 billion yuan.We set up a subsidy system for grain growers and a benefit subsidy system for major growing areas, and paid out 122.6 billion yuan in production subsidies to grain growers last year.Minimum purchase prices and temporary purchase and storage policies were put in place for key grain varieties, and the minimum purchase prices for wheat and rice were raised by between 25% and 40%.We rigorously safeguarded arable land.We worked hard to make advances in agricultural science and technology.New record highs were set for grain production, which reached 545 billion kg last year, the seventh consecutive yearly increase.The per capita net income of farmers continued to grow rapidly and reached 5,919 yuan.We made steady progress with comprehensive reforms in the countryside and fully implemented the reform of tenure in collective forests and the system for managing state-owned farms.We accelerated agricultural and rural infrastructure development.We finished reinforcing 7,356 large and medium-sized reservoirs and key small reservoirs and ensured the safety of drinking water for 215 million rural residents.Farmers' lives constantly improved and rural development entered a new era.(三)大力推进经济结构调整,提高经济增长质量和效益。一是加快产业结构调整和自主创新。积极推进企业技术改造和兼并重组,工业特别是装备制造业总体水平和竞争力明显提高。战略性新兴产业迅速成长。加快建设国家创新体系,实施知识创新工程和技术创新工程,突破了一批产业发展急需的前沿技术、核心技术和关键装备技术,一大批科研成果实现了产业化。服务业快速发展,在国内生产总值中占比提高2.5个百分点。基础设施建设明显加快,五年建成铁路新线1.6万公里,新增公路63.9万公里,其中高速公路3.3万公里,新建、改扩建机场33个,新建和加固堤防1.7万公里。二是扎实推进节能减排、生态建设和环境保护。提出到2020年我国控制温室气体排放行动目标和政策措施,制定实施节能减排综合性工作方案。大力发展清洁能源,新增发电装机容量4.45亿千瓦,其中水电9601万千瓦、核电384万千瓦。关停小火电机组7210万千瓦,淘汰了一批落后的煤炭、钢铁、水泥、焦炭产能。推进林业重点生态工程建设,完成造林2529万公顷。综合治理水土流失面积23万平方公里,加强重点流域水污染防治、大气污染防治和工业“三废”治理。大力发展循环经济。五年累计,单位国内生产总值能耗下降19.1%,化学需氧量、二氧化硫排放量分别下降12.45%、14.29%。三是促进区域经济协调发展。落实区域发展总体战略,颁布实施全国主体功能区规划,制定西部大开发新十年指导意见和一系列区域发展规划,推出促进西藏和四省藏区、新疆等民族地区跨越式发展的新举措。中西部和东北地区发展加快,经济增速等主要指标超过全国平均水平;东部地区经济结构不断优化,自主创新和竞争力逐步提高;地区间基本公共服务差距趋于缩小,各具特色的区域发展格局初步形成。

3.Strongly promoting economic restructuring and improving the quality andperformance ofeconomic growth First, we accelerated industrial restructuring and innovation.We vigorously carried out technological upgrading in enterprises and enterprise mergers and reorganizations, which noticeably raised the overall level and competitiveness of Chinese industries, particularly equipment manufacturing.Strategic emerging industries grew rapidly.We accelerated the development of the national innovation system;carried out knowledge innovation projects and technology innovation projects;and made breakthroughs in urgently needed cutting-edge technologies, core technologies and key equipment technologies.A large number of research results have been applied in industrial production.The service industry developed quickly and the proportion it contributes to GDP rose by 2.5 percentage points.We greatly accelerated infrastructure development.We expanded the railway system by 16,000 km over the past five years and the road system by 639,000 km, including 33,000 km of expressways.We built, improved or expanded 33 airports and built or reinforced 17,000 km of dykes.Second, we made genuine progress in energy conservation, emissions reduction, ecological improvement and environmental protection.We formulated policies, measures and national objectives for controlling greenhouse gas emissions by 2020 and drew up a comprehensive work plan for conserving energy and reducing emissions.We vigorously developed clean energy.New power generating units with a capacity of 445 million kW were put on line, including hydropower plants with 96.01 million kW capacity and nuclear pmver plants with 3.84 million kW capacity.We decommissioned small thermal power plants with a capacity of 72.1 million kW and eliminated a number of outdated coal, steel, cement and coke production facilities.We made progress on key ecological forestry projects, and afforested a total of 25.29 million hectares.We applied a combination of approaches to control soil erosion on 230,000 km2 of land, and strengthened efforts to control water and air pollution in key watersheds, prevent and control air pollution and control industrial wastewater, waste gases and residues.We strongly promoted the development of the circular economy.Energy consumption per unit of GDP fell 19.1%, chemical oxygen demand by 12.45% and sulfur dioxide emissions by 14.29%.Third, we worked to balance regional economic development.We implemented a master strategy for regional development, issued and implemented the national plan for development priority zones;fommlated new 10-year guidelines for the large-scale development of the western region and a number of regional development plans;and introduced new measures to stimulate development by leaps and bounds in Tibet, Tibetan ethnic areas in Sichuan, Yunnan, Gansu and Qinghai provinces, Xinjiang and other ethnic minority areas.Development accelerated in the central and western regions and northeast China, and their economic growth rates and other main economic indicators were higher than the national average.The economic structure of the eastern region constantly improved, and its innovativeness and competitiveness gradually increased.Discrepancies in levels of basic public



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