
时间:2019-05-14 02:10:37下载本文作者:会员上传


《Inception 》is a 2010 American science fiction film written, produced and directed by Christopher Nolan.The film stars is Leonardo DiCaprio,Dom Cobb(多姆,科布)is a skilled and special thief, he steal valuable secrets from deep within the subconscious during the dream state, when the mind is at its most vulnerable [ˈvʌlnərəbl] situation.Cobb‘s rare ability has made him a player in this treacherous(不安全的)new world of corporate(公司的)espionage [ˌespiəˈnɑ:ʒ](间谍行为), but it has also made him an international fugitive [ˈfju:dʒitiv](逃亡者)and cost him everything he has ever loved.Now Cobb is being offered a chance at redemption(赎回).One last job could give him his life back but only if he can accomplish the impossible thing,Instead of the way before, their task is not to steal an idea but to plant one.If they succeed, it could be the perfect crimeBecause the crime is being existed to the person's thought

简介:everything is on our thought.and cobb can take used of it.but he is be used for a commercial purple.Which make he lose a lot ,and then ,he have a chance to restart his life with

特色:1, it tell us a new thing that The brain cans accept a realistic scene and is like to manipulate the dream of it with clear state of mind.2, Because it is a movie that depends on a film content very much.What it wants to discuss of is all affair of dream world and memory

3, At all of the story , the directorChristopher Nolan.all insist using movie camera, computer at he there to be regarded as not worth a thing

4,there is also many famous stars

音乐片: musical film or musicals

The musical, in all its various forms, isa speciallivingart form

It is music combine at recount of connection in, and actually from recount inside of the person concretely perform or directly reflect



In a not-too-distant future, no one’s secrets are safe, not even those buried in the deepest recesses of their minds: High-tech“extraction” technology allows teams of spies-for-hire to manipulate the dreams of others, creeping around their thoughts and riffling through their subconscious minds.Dominic Cobb(Leonardo DiCaprio)is the best in the business—good enough that even former victims like corporate hotshot Saito(Ken Watanabe)turn to him when they need someone to do the impossible.Saito is in a position to offer Cobb the one thing he wants most in the world: a way home.Saito’s connections can erase the murder charge that forced Cobb to flee his country and abandon his children to the care of their grandfather(Michael Caine), and all he has to do in return is get inside the head of Richard Fischer(Cillian Murphy), heir to a multinational empire, and plant the idea to dismantle it so deep that Fischer will believe he thought of it all by himself.Conventional wisdom has it that mental capital only flows one way: You can dig it out, but you can’t sneak it in.Cobb knows otherwise and assembles a team willing to do the mindwarp with him: chameleon Eames(Tom Hardy), who can assume any identity within a dream;chemist Yusuf(Dileep Rao), whose concoctions facilitate deep, prolonged sleep;architect Ariadne(Ellen Page), who imagines every physical detail of the dream world;and point-man Arthur(Joseph Gordon-Levitt), who sweats whatever details need sweating.The only newbie in the bunch, Ariadne quickly realizes what the others don’t: that the persistent dream presence of Cobb’s late wife, Mal(Marion Cotillard)—whom he was accused of killing—isn’t just a pesky sign of lingering grief.It’s a giant, flashing-neon warning that Cobb is on the fast track to a full-blown mental meltdown.By their nature, rubber-reality movies walk a thin line between clever and stupid.But when they work, the balancing act is breathtaking: Just think back to 1999, when The Matrix had fanboys, mall rats and cineastes alike lined up for a tumble down the rabbit hole.Inception owes both The Matrix and the all-but-forgotten Dreamscape(1984), in which a psychic is unwittingly drawn into a plot to assassinate the President of the United States in his dreams, a debt of imagination.But writer-director Christopher Nolan is much more than a crass recycler of other people’s cool ideas, and his greatest strength is the ability to tether pop-culture spectacle to authentic emotions.If Inception were all spectacle, it would be nothing more than magic trick of the month: nifty but disposable, at the mercy of smart alecks eager to reveal the cogs and wheels behind the illusion.But while one day soon the eye-popping effects will inevitably look dated, Cobb’s misery—a messy mix of grief, guilt, denial and resentment—will continue to feel painfully real.Whether or not history validates comparisons to Stanley Kubrick’s 2001: A Space Odyssey, Inception is a superior summer movie, one with heart and brains and loads of razzle-dazzle.





Some feelings about the Inception

Today I’d like to talk about a science fiction film called Inception,which is quite popular this year.In deed,many of my friends have seen it and we enjoyed sharing our opinions about this film.In this world, against what he had, there is a very strange titleimplanted in his mind a thought.No doubt, both from a technical or from the difficulty, it must be a perfect crime.The film shows us a different world of science, in-depth analysis of a team to steal a dream.I have to say it’s really an amazing film.It’s not only the success of Nolan but also for the screenwriters and directors.Because this film made so many guys begin to think deeply and they found happiness doing this and feel satisfied when got some consequence.The most wonderful film I think is what can make your idea free.I would like to describe the feeling as I drive a car in wild plains where I don’t need to obey the damn traffic rules and choose where to go just follow my own mind.For this film I got this feeling,I tried to understand the inner meaning by thinking reapeatly in many quite different ways.At last I got a clear understanding and felt I’ve just experienced a long and happy journey.In the helicopter Saito promised Cobb help him go back home after the task.But when he got into the limbo,he gradually lost his consciousness just like Cobb before.He failed to fulfill his promise and got older in regret.On the contrary Cobb gave the teammates and Saito the most full trust.He take a leap of faith in the circumstances of quite uncertainty and finish the task.He also went to limbo and gave him a chance to go back together to honor the agreement and restart as young men.In the end everyone woke up in the plane,Cobb finished the task and Saito fulfilled his promise to make Cobb’s family reunion.By means of this task Cobb and Saito both got the importance of trusting each other and save each other from their regres and finally get new life.So what I think the greatest value of this film is to tell us we should be honest to the choice of our deep mind no matter what forces you to change.The only way to be without regrets even when you get old is not to deceive yourself now.




[摘要] 作为一部叫好又叫座的影片,导演克里斯托弗·诺兰的最新力作《盗梦空间》上映以来,就广受影迷和影评人的关注。该片融合了好莱坞类型电影的众多表现元素。诺兰以往所擅长的迷幻色彩和遐想空间在该片中都被发扬到了极致。笔者认为,影片《盗梦空间》之所以能够成功,首先在于其主题的选定——梦境;其次,迷宫一样的结构设计,调动了观众的参与热情;更为重要的是,影片充满了情感的抉择。自我的觉醒和蜕变;最后,成功的商业运作为这部电影锦上添花。




























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