
时间:2019-05-14 20:25:57下载本文作者:会员上传



1.In stroke play, a competitor may give information on the Rules to a fellow-competitor.2.An earthen stacked turf face of a bunker is part of the bunker.3.When out of bounds is defined by a line on the ground, a ball is out of bounds when all of it lies on the line.4.A player may only repair an old hole plug if his ball lies on the putting green.5.A ball is only outside the teeing ground when part of it is outside the limits of the tee markers.6.An out of bounds stake is an immovable obstruction.7.In a bunker, a player has addressed the ball when he has taken his stance.8.A hole made by a non-burrowing animal may not be declared ground under repair.9.Through the green, a player may remove sand from the area in which he is to drop a ball.10.A coin, when used to mark the position of a ball, is considered to be the player’s equipment.11.The term ‘rule’ includes any conditions of the competition.12.A player must always take relief from ground under repair.13.In stroke play, the penalty for dropping a ball in an incorrect manner is two strokes.14.In foursomes, when a ball is to be placed, it must be placed by the player who will make the next stroke.15.When a ball is to be replaced, it must be replaced by the player, his partner, or the person who lifted or moved it.16.A player is always entitled to lift his ball when he discontinues play.17.If a player’s ball lies outside a water hazard he is not entitled to relief without penalty from interference by an immovable obstruction that lies in the water hazard.18.A path through the rough cut to fairway height is considered to be a closely-mown area.19.In a match, if a player wins the first three holes and then discovers he has 15 clubs in his bag, he is then only 1 up.20.A caddie may smooth sand in a bunker prior to his player making a stroke from the same bunker.21.A player is entitled to lift his ball for identification, the only exception being when it lies in a water hazard.22.In stroke play, if a competitor proceeds under Rule 3-3 he need not report the facts to the Committee if he scores the same with both balls.23.A player may have a line of putt when his ball lies off the putting green.24.A player may brush aside frost from his line of putt with a towel.25.If a player’s ball has come to rest in a bunker, he is allowed to lift it to determine whether it has become unfit for play.26.A stake defining the margin of a water hazard is in the hazard.27.The Committee may waive any penalty, including one of disqualification.28.The margins of ground under repair extend vertically downwards, but not upwards.29.In a Stableford competition, the Committee is responsible for determining the result of each hole and calculating the points total. player may drop his ball in a water hazard when deeming his ball unplayable.The player can deem his ball unplayable under any circumstance.Sand and loose dirt are loose impediment in the course.Casual water was included in the abnormal ground condition.The ball in play include the ball wrongly substituted.The cave made by burrowing animals are ground under repair.The stick identify the water hazard stands out of the hazard.The unmotivated golf cart is also player’s equipment.The line of play extends vertically upwards from the ground and extends a reasonable distance beyond the hole.Ball in play includes a ball substituted for the ball in play whether or not the substitution is permitted.A player whose club is damaged in the normal course of play may continue to use the club in its damaged state.When resuming play after it had been discontinued a player may substitute a ball on the spot from which the original ball was lifted.Strokes played in continuing the play of a hole, the result of which has been decided, are not practice strokes.There is no penalty if a ball lying in an abnormal ground condition is accidentally moved by the player during search.A dropped ball is not re-dropped if it rolls and comes to rest nearer the hole than the nearest point of relief, but not nearer the hole than where it originally lay.There is a penalty for touching grass in the backward movement of the stroke by a player whose ball lies in a hazard.A player is entitled to relief from ground under repair when his ball lies in a water hazard.Strokes taken and penalty strokes incurred solely in playing a provisional ball, subsequently abandoned, are disregarded.Irrespective of where a ball lies, it may be cleaned when it has been lifted because it is assisting play.A player must not play a ball that lies on the fringe of a wrong putting green.A player may play a provisional ball solely in the belief that his original ball may be lost in a water hazard.A player may declare his ball unplayable at any place on the course except when the ball is in a water hazard.Ice and snow are loose impediments.In a match play, the forecaddie is also an outside agency.Through the green, a player has addressed the ball when he has taken his stance.Advice includes any counsel or suggestion that could influence a player in determining the choice of his club.A ball is in play as soon as the player has made a stroke on a teeing ground.Material piled for removal by a greenkeeper is ground under repair.Sand and loose soil are loose impediments anywhere on the course.A ball is deemed to have moved if it leaves its position and comes to rest in any other player must not allow his partner's caddie to position himself on or close to an extension of the line of play behind his ball.The player may wrap a towel or handkerchief around the grip of the club to assist him in gripping.A player may brush aside or mop up casual water on the line of putt.In match play, a player incurs no penalty for accidentally moving an opponent’s ball at rest while searching for it.A dropped ball is re-dropped, without penalty, if it touches the player, his partner, either of their caddies or their equipment before or after it struck the ground.In match play, if a player makes a stroke with a ball that has been dropped or placed in a wrong place, he incurs a one-stroke penalty.Through the green, the player is entitled to relief from an immovable obstruction when he has intervention on his direction of play.The equipment include the coin which state the two-club length of drop.The hazard include the lateral water hazard , the water hazard and the ground under repair.The yellow stick state the water hazard while the red ones state the lateral water hazard.Water hazard stakes may not be moved even if they are physically movable.A ball is out of bounds when any part of it lies out of bounds.In match play, a player may concede a hole at any time prior to the conclusion of the hole.Foreign material may be applied to the club face for the purpose of influencing the movement of the ball.In no circumstances may a player touch or bend long grass when searching for his ball.In stroke play, the penalty for testing the condition of a hazard is two strokes.A burrowing animal is an animal that makes a hole for habitation or shelter.The line of putt does not extend beyond the hole.The time spent playing a wrong ball is not counted in the five-minute period allowed for search.In a threesome or foursome competition, penalty strokes do affect the order of play.If the player checks his downswing voluntarily before his clubhead reaches the ball he is deemed not to have made a stroke.Through the green is the whole area of the course except all hazards on the course.The penalty for agreeing to exclude the operation of any Rule is two penalty strokes in stroke play and loss of hole in match play.The Committee may not prohibit practice on or near the putting green of the hole last played.In stroke play, when starting play of the hole, a stroke played from outside the teeing ground and any subsequent strokes played by the competitor from outside the teeing ground do not count in his score.A ball is unfit for play if its surface is scratched or scraped.A player may ask advice during a stipulated round from only his partner or either of their caddies.87.In match play, if a player plays when his opponent should have played the opponent may immediately require the player to cancel the stroke so played.88.A player may not stand outside the teeing ground to play a ball within it.89.A player must give his opponent, marker or fellow-competitor the opportunity to observe the lifting of the ball when it is to be lifted for identification.90.The player may not touch an obstruction at address or during a backswing for a stroke when his ball is in a hazard.91.A Referee does not have to act on a breach, which he observes.92.The margin of ground under repair extends vertically upwards, but not downwards.93.A 'stroke' includes the player's backswing.94.A ball is deemed to have 'moved' if it leaves its position and comes to rest in any other place.95.A Committee may prohibit play from “Ground Under Repair”.96.Advice' does not include information on the Rules and matters such as the position of hazards or the flagstick.97.A pile of grass cuttings is always “Ground Under Repair”.98.In stroke play, if a competitor returns a gross score for a hole higher than that actually taken, the score as returned shall stand.99.A ball is 'holed' provided most of it is below the level of the lip of the hole.100.If, when proceeding under the Rules, a player drops a ball at a point through the green, it must be re-dropped if it rolls and comes to rest on a putting green.101.A ball is outside the teeing ground when part of it lies outside the teeing ground.102.A foursome is a match in which two play against two, and each side plays one ball.103.A player's tee peg is not always defined as part of his equipment.104.In a match, if a player wins the first three holes and then discovers he has 15 clubs in his bag, he is then only 1 up.105.If a player's ball lies through the green in a hole made by a rabbit, a snake or a bird, he is entitled to relief.106.A player may brush aside frost from his line of putt.107.An artificially surfaced path cannot be defined as an integral part of the course.108.When out of bounds is defined by a line on the ground, a ball is out of bounds when all of it lies on the line.109.In match play, a player doubtful of his rights may play a second ball.110.A stake defining the margin of a water hazard is in the hazard.111.Strokes played in continuing the play of a hole, the result of which has been decided, are practice strokes.112.A ball may always be cleaned when it is lifted.113.A player may lift his ball anywhere on the course if he considers that it might assist the play of another player.114.A player is always the sole judge of whether his ball is unplayable.115.If a player considers the concession of a putt too generous he may decline it.116.A player's ball lies on the putting green.If he putts and his ball in motion is deflected into the hole by a worm, the ball is 'holed'.117.If a player's club strikes the ball twice in the course of a stroke, the stroke counts and he must add a penalty stroke.118.A player may practise chipping near the first teeing ground before starting a round or play-off.119.A partner is a player associated with another player on the same side.120.Objects defining out of bounds are obstructions.RULE NUMBER 121.A player repairs a spike mark on his line of putt.16

122.A player drops his club on his ball at rest, causing it to move.18 123.A player strikes a ball moving in water.26

124.A player substitutes a ball when not permitted to do so.15

125.A player lifts his ball because he thinks it may assist the play of his opponent.20 126.A Committee disqualifies a player who is guilty of a serious breach of etiquette.127.A player asks for advice from his opponent.8

128.A player unduly delays play between the play of two holes.129.A player applies foreign material to his ball.130.A player’s ball at rest is moved by another ball in motion.131.A player has two caddies at the same time.6 132.A player drops his ball and it rolls out of bounds.133.A player plays a practice stroke from a bunker after completing play of the 7th hole.7 134.A player plays from in front of the tee-markers.11 135.A player plays a stroke at a ball moving in a stream.136.A player cleans his ball.21 137.A player deems his ball unplayable.28 138.A player is late for his starting time.6 139.A player hits a shot out of bounds.27 140.A player asks to have the flagstick attended when his ball lies through the green.17 141.A player wishes to take relief from a lateral water hazard.26 142.A player lifts his ball to identify it in a hazard.143.A player wishes to change his ball which is cut.144.A player’s ball in motion is accidentally deflected by his caddie.19 145.A player’s ball comes to rest in casual water in a bunker.25 146.A player announces that he will play a provisional ball.27 147.A ball embedded in its own mark through the green.148.A ball is resting against the flagstick.149.A player hits a shot out of bounds.27 150.A player wishes to identify his ball that is in a bad lie in the rough.151.A player concedes the match to his opponent.152.A player has interference from a fixed sprinkler head.153.A player played a wrong ball.15 154.A player played a ball from a wrong place.155.A player moved his ball when marking it on the putting green.156.A player’s ball overhangs the lip of the hole.157.A player’s club is damaged in the normal course of play.158.A player’s ball rests OB and played his second ball on the teeing ground.159.A player is late for his starting time.160.A player wishes to take relief from a lateral water hazard.161.A player lifts his ball to identify it in a hazard.162.A player presses down grass behind his ball in the rough.163.A player drops his ball and it rolls out of bounds.164.A player putts with his feet astride the line of putt.165.A player’s ball comes to rest in casual water in a bunker.166.A player lifts his ball which is incorrectly dropped.167.A player plays a stroke from within a water hazard, but fails to get the ball out of the hazard and now wishes to take relief.168.A player wraps a handkerchief around the grip of his driver.169.A player’s ball comes to rest in its own pitch-mark through the green.170.A player’s ball comes to rest on a plastic bag.171.A ball when placed fails to come to rest on the spot on which it was placed.172.A player touches the water in a water hazard with his club when his ball lies in the water hazard.173.A Committee determines that there are exceptional circumstances that warrant waiving the penalty 174.A ball is moved in measuring while proceeding under a Rule.175.A player’s ball falls off the tee when he addresses it.176.A ball falls off a tee before the player make a stroke on the teeing ground.177.A player touches his line of putt.178.A player’s ball in motion is accidentally deflected by his caddie.179.A player’s ball is lost in a burrowing animal hole.180.In match play, a player played from the teeing ground when his opponent had the honour.181.In stroke play, a fellow-competitor accidentally kicks the competitor’s ball that was at rest.182.In match play, a player and opponent exchange balls during play of a hole.183.In four-ball match play, only one of the partners arrives to play at the agreed starting time.184.In foursomes match play, a player plays when his partner should have played.185.In four-ball stroke play, partners decide that it would be best for the player nearer the hole to play first.186.In stroke play, a competitor fails to inform his marker of a penalty as soon as practicable.187.In stroke play, a fellow-competitor intentionally kicks the competitor’s ball that was at rest.188.In stroke play, a player leaves the 18th green without holing out.189.In foursomes stroke play, the partners play in an incorrect order.190.In a four-ball match, an absent partner joins the match at the 3rd tee.191.In match play, a player during the play of a hole forgets to inform his opponent that he had incurred a penalty stroke.192.In match play, a ball in motion is accidentally deflected by an opponent.193.In match play, a player makes a stroke from a wrong place.194.It is virtually certain that a player’s ball is lost in a movable obstruction.195.On the putting green, a player’s caddie touches the putting green in pointing out a line for putting.196.Through the green, a player touches a loose impediment near his ball and his ball moves.197.To play his next stroke, a player will have to stand on a wrong putting green.198.The Committee suspends play while the players are between play of two holes.199.The Committee declares play null and void and cancels all scores due to heavy rain rendering parts of the course unplayable.200.The player strikes the ball twice during the course of a stroke.


高尔夫运动:是指球手站在环境优雅、宽阔的、绿茵茵的草地上,利用长短不同的球杆,从一系列的发球台上把一个个小球依次击打入洞的一种富有挑战性,使人心旷神怡的户外运动。Golf:green, oxygen, Light, foot(friend ship)既文明高雅,又动作优美;老少皆宜,运动寿命长;头脑与身体并用的运动,使人入迷成瘾;既练形,又练神,修身养性,陶冶情操。起源没有准确的日期与年份 2 广为流传的说法:15世纪(500多年前)于苏格兰 16世纪传 英格兰 19世纪传 美洲、澳洲及南非 20世纪 传入亚洲。3 牧羊人的玩球游戏;渔夫的休闲运动。4 高尔夫球运动早在500多年前就在苏格兰的圣·安德鲁斯风行一时。

1高尔夫球的发展:小皮质球 杜肿胶球 橡胶球 2高尔夫球杆的发展:小叶白蜡树的木质球杆 柿木 核桃木 金属球杆 合金杆头 3俱乐部 4赛事

























左曲球:是由右向左旋转的曲线球 右曲球:是由左向右旋转的曲线球。如何打左曲球:闭式站姿,遵从内侧轨道:由内到外挥杆路线。上杆顶端瞄准目标的右侧,在4点钟处击球,通过撞击释放杆头 如何打右曲球















一 沙坑球的击打方法

 挑起法:采用劈起挖起杆,开式站姿,球置于后脚尖前,往下握杆,身体六成重量压在前脚,四分之三上杆,先打中球,而后是沙。 爆破法:采用9号铁杆,打开杆面,杆头在球后两英寸处入沙,较浅平的击球角度,避免杆头前缘挖入沙中。带出更多的沙是较好的选择。 劈起法:采用8号铁杆,上杆曲起手腕以创造陡峭、V型挥杆,保持身体重量在前,猛力往下打在球后一英寸处,缩短送杆。

二 沙坑球的设定打开杆面形成并形成握杆:挥杆时,杆面停留在打开状态,进沙时,保持杆面右开。

 开放式站姿:站姿和杆面都对目标线是打开的,包括校准双脚、双臀和双肩偏向目标左边。 挖一个牢靠的基础:微动双脚踩入沙中,以提供可靠基础,防止挥杆中途倾斜。

三 根据球场状况沙较轻、较柔软时,采用反弹角很大的沙坑挖起杆(杆面底部后缘高于前缘)。站位让球偏后,双脚及双肩比平常更为右开,使杆头以陡峭、具穿透力的角度进入沙中。

 沙坑中沙少,或沙质地较硬、刚下

过雨等,应采用沙坑杆反弹角不大的球杆,杆面方正,V型挥杆路径。四 沙坑中上坡位击球

 注意事项: 站姿与上坡位配合,脊背角度与上坡相垂直; 2 往下握杆并瞄准右边; 建立确切的重量分布,不要倾斜向左; 4 顺斜坡向后挥杆,由内到外的挥杆路径; 5 保持脊背角度固定,即脊背角度

保持与瞄球时一样;6 沿偏内的轨道向下挥杆; 以浅平角度打入沙中,顺坡度挥杆;

 8 跟进。

五 沙坑中下坡位击球 击球角度尽可能陡峭,左脚深踩入沙,重量在左半身,身体垂直于斜坡;2 杆握长,让杆头低到球平面,击打进入沙子处的点;3 挥杆时,创造陡峭的弧形;4 顺坡度挥杆,向下猛击以创造高度 六 球道沙坑球 面对球道沙坑球 首先观察球的位置

 要诀: 两脚踩入沙坑中以求稳定; 往下握杆,拿比平常小一号的球杆,右肩保持一定高度,切忌肩膀下移; 3拿角度大的球杆,不要太用力挥杆。七 长距离沙坑击球

 要领: 瞄球:站高以便清楚击球,保持杆头在沙面上; 2 宽而整体的摆开; 在上杆顶端,完全平衡地

向下挥动球杆进到球后; 4 通过撞击; 5 跟进。

一 长草区击球的基础知识

一 长草区击球的基础知当球落在长草区内时,要判断草的种类、草的高度、草的生长方向等情况,才能做出适合的击球方式。 在长草区打球不论你选择什么球杆,站位时球应往后放一英寸,帮助你有更为向下的击打,减少草的干扰。 处理长草区球位需要经验,长草带有露水球较通常飞的更高;但极端的潮湿草将降低球杆速度。

识一 上坡位击球

 注意事项: 将你的站姿与坡的斜度配合:脊椎必须尽量垂直于坡度,双肩向后倾斜,身体重量较稍多加在右膝; 保持身体重量分配相同:保持瞄球时的重量漂亮,侧面移动小; 顺着坡度往下挥杆:身体重量较正常靠后,避免猛烈的身体移动,保持节奏平滑。

• 第六章 高尔夫礼仪服装:

应穿有领有袖的上衣及正式的裤子; 女性不要穿膝盖以上的裙子; 穿专用的高尔夫鞋。



• 寻找球的球员应让后一组球员先行通过球场优先权:

组委会无特殊规定,球场优先权由一组球员的打球速度决定; 打完全部一轮的组有超越不打完全部一轮的组的权利。

• 爱护球场:


将打迹、球痕和钉鞋对球洞区造成的损伤修复好; 练习挥杆时不要伤到场地;

击球后将被铲起的草皮补回原处; 不要让球洞区受损坏;


• 尽快离开球洞区:不要在果岭上慢慢记分或联系。

• 补球的最近点:指由不可移动障碍物、异常球场状况或错误的球洞区造成的妨碍,不受处罚地进行补球时的参考点。• 观察员:指由委员会指定帮助裁判的人。他不能照管旗杆、站在球洞边、指示球洞的位置、拿起球或告诉别人球的位置。• 妨碍物:指所有的人造物体,包括道路及人造冰等。• 界外:是比赛者被禁止的、委员会标定的球场界线以外的区域。• 局外者:指比洞赛中与比赛无关的人与物,在比杆赛中不属于球员一方者。• 伙伴:指与一球员互为一方的球员。





• 打球线:指球员期望击球之后运动的方向,再加上向期望的方向两侧延长适当的距离。• 推击线:指球员在球洞区上进行击球之后期望球的运动路线,包括向期望的路线两侧延长适当的距离,推击线不越过球洞。



★ 上衣要有领子

★ 穿短裤要穿长袜

★ 穿胶钉鞋上场打球

★ 不穿奇装异服


具体来讲 ●男士:高尔夫衬衫网球衫或Polo衬衫,长裤、卡其裤或宽松长裤、袜子和适合的高尔夫球鞋。●女士:高尔夫衬衫或Polo衬衫,及膝的短裤/女用裙裤或长裤、长及脚踝的袜子、适合的高尔夫球鞋。女性球员的服装可以很艳丽,但不可太过暴露。俱乐部通常会要求球员上身穿着有领有袖的恤衫,不允许穿圆领汗衫、吊带背心、牛仔服、超短裙裤等过于休闲的服装上场。有的俱乐部还专门规定不允许穿任何式样的短裤下场,有的对短裤的样式和长度也有所规定,如不能短于膝盖以上4英寸,所以,无论是在国内还是国外,如果是第一次去某个球场打球,最好先打个电话询问一下俱乐部对球员下场打球的服装是否有特殊规定。要不想那么麻烦的话,就直接穿棉质的休闲长裤,这个永远是最佳的选择。至于高跟鞋,是绝对不能穿着下场的。出于保护草坪的需要,在球场上只能穿着特制的胶底有钉高尔夫球鞋。

★ 还有一些细节方面的就是衣服上衣要扎进裤子里面去,特别是男士。穿及膝




★ 注意安全安全在高尔夫运动中是如此之重要,以至于高尔夫规则和


★ 如果球员击球之方向有打到他人之危險,他应立即喊出警語。此情况之傳統













A 别人打球,禁声勿动

B 落后一洞,礼让后组

C 练习挥杆,勿伤草皮

D 填平沙坑,人人有责

E 打球过慢,人人讨厌

F 注意穿着,保护果岭







































31.当你在球场上打四人二球赛时,一定要克制自己不要给其他人“上课” 32.知晓高尔夫规则





















1.不要穿着没有领子的衬衫、运动衫、T 恤、无松紧带休闲裤或牛仔裤。






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    礼仪 – 在球場上之舉止 引言 本節规定打高尔夫時应有之礼節之指導方針。如该礼節都被遵守,所有球员将从这項运动得到最大之樂趣。在球場上隨時表現对他人之體諒为其最高原......


    礼仪——问君能有几多礼 勿在球场将它抛 http://www.xiexiebang.com 纯粹高尔夫 2009-07-06 屈指算来,高尔夫进入中国也有21年了。从1984的第一家球场开业到现在全国有了两百......


    高尔夫礼仪: 1. 与其他球手并组下场时,如何决定下一个球谁先打? 2. 举例说明当其他球手在击球时,你不应该站在哪个位置? 3. 如何决定谁先谁后? 4. 在下场打球时让手机铃声响或对......

    第二章 高尔夫礼仪与行为规范

    第二章 高尔夫礼仪与行为规范 2.1基本礼仪 如第一章所述,礼仪与行为规范本身就是《高尔夫规则》不可分割的一个组成部分。对我们业余爱好者而言,打高尔夫首先需要学习的就是一......




    高尔夫是一个谦谦君子的运动,球场上 球技固然重要,礼仪更可看出一个人的人品及球品。没有礼貌的球员不仅会被人批评不懂规矩,而且也会被认为没有修养,就算球技再好,也是人所厌恶......


    高 尔 夫 知 识 1.比杆赛(STROKE PLAY) 比杆赛为比赛者在打完规定之回合数时,一般职业比赛均为4天4回合72洞(但也有例外),其总杆数最少者,即为冠军。 一般非职业球友,如在所参......

