
时间:2019-05-14 04:43:13下载本文作者:会员上传



Unit 13.Most newspapers have an advice column.Suppose you are a doctor who answers

questions about diets and nutrition for Food and Diet magazine.Please give people some advice on how to develop healthy eating habits.Unit 14.We are celebrating festivals all the year round, and some festivals, like Christmas,the Chinese Spring Festival and Ramadan, are celebrated in many countries and are

becoming more popular.What’s your favorite festival and how do you celebrate it?

Unit 15

“Life is like theatre, and theatre is like life” All of us are vain, or too proud of

ourselves, in some way or another.In the short play, the necklace, Mathilde discovers that her great desire to look her finest at a ball has cost her the best years of her life.Do you agree? What’s your own opinion about it?

Unit 16

Can you describe a science experiment that you did? Was it successful? What did

you learn from it?

Unit 17

A number of great women have been introduced to us in Unit 17.What do you think is needed in order to be a successful woman or person? Can you tell us the story of a woman who inspires you most?

Unit 18

Write a short profile entitled “New Zealand Today”for“ New Zealand Show”to introduce the country’s location and geography, climate, population, native culture and brief history in the last 60 years.Unit 19

China is a country with a large population but limited arable land.Chinese

farmers have to produce more to support so large a population with the help of

scientists.What ways do you think scientists take to help farmers reach the goal?

Unit 20

As you see, crosstalk shows has a long history in China which makes the Chinese

roar with laughter for centuries.Nowadays more foreigners are becoming interested in it.Please E-mail to a foreign e-pal about Chinese crosstalk.Unit 21

Body language can help us better understand a person but just like spoken

language body language varies from culture to culture.Would you please offer some examples to contrast between the body language in China and that in the US?

Unit 22

A fun companies intends to build a theme park—Forest Park in your city.Do you think it necessary? Why or why not?




1.I’d like a cup of 2.Each day each of us makes decisions that ___ involve __taking a chance.5.Children must ___ experience _____ things for themselves in order to learn from them.8.Can you ___ recommend _____ a classmate who can take up the job?



We are responsible to ourselves for all we do.2.他已经完全习惯了自己掌控时间。

He has completely been used to controlling his time.3.离家在外上大学,想家是很自然的。

It’s natural to be homesick when going to college away from your home.4.经理出差的时候,由她负责公司的事情。

She will be in charge of the company when the manager is on business.5.你应该有开放的心态去结交一些新朋友。

You should have an open mind to connect with some new friends.写作---通知

Direction: Write a notice according to the information given in Chinese.学生会应广大学生的要求,邀请著名跨国公司ABC Company人力资源部经理Michael Johnson先生来校为全体学生开设讲座。







Under the auspieces of the Students Union, a lecture will be given on How to Prepare for Your Job Interview by Mr.Michael Johnson, Human Resources Manager of ABC Company, a famous multi-national business in lecture hall on April 22, at 7:00 p.m.---8:30 p.m.The student’s Unions.All students, especially those of the graduating class, are welcome.第二单元


3.A 5.You ______ are supposed to _____be responsible for them.7.There are numerous things that can ___ stand for _____China.9.I can’10.He _______ was thought of as ______ the fastest runner in his class.第四题---翻译:


The report aims to clarify how these conclusions were reached.2.你本应该今天完成这项工作,可事实上你还没有开始。

You were supposed to have finished the work today, but in fact you haven’t started it yet.3.这些事实足以证明她是正确的。

These facts are enough to prove that she is right.4.该项研究旨在弄清各种室外污染的原因。

This research project aims to make sense of the possible causes of all kinds ofoutdoor pollutions.5.他认出了我,可是我却对他毫无印象。

He recognized me, but he made no impression on me.第三单元

第二题---单词填空: 1.The monkey's _ funny _____way of smoking amused us.2.V4.____ Hiking ____ is a great way to travel.You will get close to nature and take exercise at the same time.5.Koala is a lovely animal living in __ Australia _____.6.Y7.Y8.Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man ____ healthy ___, wealthy and wise.10.What you have just said calls to my mind a story I heard ___ long ago ____.第四题---翻译:


I enjoy working with you very much.2.二儿子里斯特是他父亲的宠儿。

Lester, the second son, is his father's favorite.3.他们是不久以前到达英国的。

It's not long ago that they arrived in Britain.4.这是散步的好天气,可我还是不想出去。

It' s a very fine weather for a walk, but I don' t think I' ll go out


The funny man joked about his accident and everyone laughed.写作---海报

Direction: Write an English poster according to the information given in Chinese.羽毛球友谊赛







Friendly Badminton Match

Teams: Computer Dept.VS Chinese Dept.Time:3:00 p.m., Saturday , September 8

Place:College Gymnasium

Sponsor: The Physical Culture Department of the Students’ Union

Please contact the Students’ Union for tickets(limited to 200).Come and Cheer for them!



1.This question is beyond myintellect.2.His short stories with amusing moments.3.Commercial activity is expected to towards Christmas.4.Churchill once said, “Courage is the first of human.”

5.He looked at the hands of his sons and saw that their nails

6.The two townsby a river.7.We welcome customers from domestic and abroad cooperate with us for __ mutual _ benefit and common development.8.The flavor of most foods canbe enhanceby good cooking.9.She has a sunny.10.There are just too many things allmy attention at once.第四题---翻译:


What is it that you think separates her from the other applicants?


It’s important to draw out a child’s potential capacities.3.我们的制度与他们的相比, 不可避免地显得过于守旧了。

In contrast with their system, inevitably ours seems very old-fashioned.4.我的大学同寝和我在一起住了差不多一年, 可是我们俩的关系一直不好,我们两人步调总是不一致。

My college roommate and I lived together for almost one year, but we never got on very well for we are always out of step.5.由于错误的判断,我们不得不拨一大笔钱给这项工程以避免质量问题。

As a result of the misjudgment, we have to commit a large amount of money to this project to

avoid the quality problems.写作---邀请信

Direction: Write a personal invitation letter according to the information given below.Mary and John want to invite their friends to celebrate their housewarming Party at home.The time of the party: 12:00 a.m.— 7:00 p.m., Saturday, October 5th.The Place of the party: the garden of their home


October 1st, 2009 Dear friends,We are holding a housewarming party in our garden from 12:00 a.m.to 7:00 p.m.on Saturday, October 5.This is going to be well-equipped buffet reception with many kinds of wonderful cooking.Please RSVP by the third of October to ensure attendance.Look forward to seeing you there.Yours sincerely,Mary and John



1.I think this will become thechiefconcern of the world today.4.Every day they gave the old man food that was easy ofdigestion.use..7.He used to believe that the old lady hadmagicalpowers.9.China is one of the four ancientcivilizations.if he stayed on that isolated island.第四题---翻译:


No one can put up with his savage manners.2.她用手指急不可奈地拆开了电报。

She opened the telegram with eager fingers.3.地球是扁平的这一谬误曾一度很流行。

That the earth is flat used to be a popular fallacy.4.人们常把学校看成是一个小社会。

People often think of school as a small society.5.你觉得用塑料做木材的代用品是个好主意吗?

Do you think it a good idea to use plastic as a substitute for wood?


第二题---单词填空:’’s promotion.These children become ___ addicted _____ to computer games.’s appearance.I had no ____ alternative _______ but to report him to the police.5.6.7.Robert aimed to be _____ independent __ of his parents by the time he was twenty.8..9.10.Family _____ breakdown _____ can lead to behavioral problems in children.第四题---翻译:


Shopping online is a new experience to me.2.这款品牌的手机很受年轻人的欢迎。

This brand of mobile phone is quite popular among youngsters.3.我终于说服爸爸给我买了一台笔记本。

At last I managed to persuade my father to buy me a laptop computer.4.购买冰箱者可以享受免费送货。

Purchasers of refrigerators enjoy free delivery.5.我不知道电脑是怎样运行的。

I have no idea how the computer works.写作---感谢信

Direction: You are required to write a thank-you letter according to the information given below in Chinese.写信人:Lily



事由: Lily写信给Edward对她在美国期间受到Edward和他夫人的热情款待表示感谢,感谢他将她介绍给他的朋友,并带她游玩了很多地方,品尝了美味的食品;并告知对方自己安全抵达北京。


December 19th, 2009

Dear Edward,you and your wife showed me during my visit to America.I appreciate(感谢)being introduced to so many of your friends and the delicious meals we had together.And you showed me around so many beautiful sights.I arrived in Beijing safe and sound(安然无恙)yesterday morning.With best wishes.Yours sincerely,Lily1、A friend walks in when the rest of the world walks out---a forever friend


2、Never frown,even when you are sad,because you never know who is falling in love with your smile.纵然伤心,也不要愁眉不展,因为你不知道谁会爱上你滴笑容。

3、Just because someone doesn’t love you the way you want them to,doesn’t mean they don’t love you with all they have.爱你的人如果没有按你所希望的方式爱你,那并不代表他们没有全心全意地爱你。

4、If you shed tears when you miss the sun,you also miss the stars.如果你因失去了太阳而流泪,那么你也将失去群星了。

5、I cannot choose the best.The best choose me.我不能选择那最好的,那最好的选择我。

6、Don’t let a little dispute break up a great friendship.不要让一个小小的争端摧毁了一个伟大的友谊。

7、Whenever you make a phone call smile when you pick up the phone,because someone can feel it.无论什么时候打电话,拿起话筒时请微笑,因为对方能感受到你的笑容。



I have a pen pal in Beijing, China.He is Nancy King.He is 15 years old and his birthday is on October 17.He lives in Beijing.He thinks China is a very interesting country.He can speak Chinese and a little English.He studies in No.5 Middle School.He likes playing ping-pong very much.He often plays ping-pong with his classmates.His favorite subjects in school are English and art.Because he thinks they are very relaxing.He has a happy family.And he usually reads with his brother, Sam and a sister, Jenny.They often help the old people, too.This is my pen pal.We are very friendly.Would you like to make a friend with him?


I know you are arriving next Sunday.Let me tell you the way to my house.Take a taxi from the airport.You pass a bank on your right and then go down Long Street.You go through Six Avenue, Seven Avenue, and Eight Avenue.When you see a big supermarket, turn left.Then go down Bridge Street and turn left at New Park.Go down Center Street and my house is on your right.I hope you have a good trip.(三)描写你最喜欢的动物,从以下方面描述:姓名、年龄、国籍(from)、喜好、性格特征等。

My favorite animal are dogs.I have one at home.His name is Tom.He is two years old.He is from China.He is1

white.He is very cute and clever.He often plays with me and brings the shoes to me.He likes to eat meat and run around me.He is lazy, too.He often sleeps and relaxes 10 hours every day.He doesn’t like vegetables, but he likes sweet food.What a lovely dog!I love him very much.Do you like him?


Let me show you some photos.Here is a photo of our village.Isn’t it beautiful? Our village is between two hills and near a river.There’s a small bridge over the river.Here are some photos of my family.In the first photo, my parents are talking a walk in the village.My father is talking to my mother.They like to take a walk after dinner.In the second photo, I’m swimming.That’s my favorite sport in summer.In the last photo, my sister Nancy is writing a story.She’s a reporter and works for a magazine.She says she likes her work because it’s really interesting.I like the village.It has clean water, fresh air and friendly people.Come and visit it for yourself.(六)描写你最喜欢的季节,你为什么喜欢它?在那个季节你经常干什么?(spring、summer、autumn、winter)

My favorite season

Summer is my favorite season.It’s an exciting season, so I like it very much.In summer, sometimes it’s sunny and hot, but sometimes it’s raining.When it’s sunny, I usually go swimming with my friends.I like swimming, and it’s my favorite sport.When it’s raining.I usually stay at home and watch TV.It’s very relaxing.I have a good time in summer.I love summer!)








Dear Mike:

My name is Tom King.I’m 14 years old.I’m from Australia, but I live inYanzhou, China,.I can speak English and Chinese.My favorite sport is soccer.It’ s very fun!My favorite subject in school is music.I like it very much.My favorite movie is Shaolin Temple.Do you know it ?It’s an action movie.I like going to movies with my friends.I have a brother, Sam, and a sister, Lisa.They have pen pals in the United Kingdom and Japan.Please write to me and tell me about yourself.单元二--------------------关于方位


My name is Sandra.I’m a new student in our school.I live in New York.My house is on Bridge Street.There is a park near my house.I often play the guitar and take a walk in it.Across from the park is the supermarket.It’s very big.You can buy some things in it.Behind the supermarket is Chinese Restaurant.If you’re hungry, you can have dinner in the restaurant.Now, do you know the way to my house?



There are three people in my family, my mother, my father and I.We go to the zoo on weekends.We see a lot of animals.We see koalas, tigers, lions and elephants.I like koalas very much, because they are very clever.but I don’t like lions, because they are scary.My mother likes penguins, because they are very interesting.My father likes tigers, because they are very cute, but my father doesn’t like giraffes, but my mother does.单元四-----------------------关于职业


My name is Jack.I have a big family.There are three people in my family: my father, my mother and I.My father is a doctor.But he thinks it's very boring.He wants to be a policeman.My mother is a cook.She works very hard.So every evening, she gets home late.But she likes it very much.Can you guess my job? I'm a student.单元五-----------------进行时态


It's 8 o'clock in the evening.Frank’s family is doing different things.His father is reading a book.He is sitting on the sofa.His mother is watching TV.She is watching a soap opera.His grandmother is cleaning the room.She is very hard.Frank is doing his homework.He very wants to go to play computer games.Mary is Frank's sister.She is playing computer games.单元六-----------------天气和进行时态


Look!It is August in Jinan.The weather is hot.Today is very hot but very humid.Now, there are many people on vacation.My father and mother are taking photos.They don’t think they’re very interesting.In the park, everyone is watching the trees and flowers.They are beautiful.Some boys are playing soccer on the beach.Some girls are singing under the tree.I’m reading a book under the tree.Everyone is having a good time.单元七-------------------关于外貌



Miss Zeng is my Chinese teacher.She is from China.She has long curly black hair.And she is of medium height.She is of medium build.She is 40 years old.She is very clever.She always wears a red dress and white shoes.She is very friendly to her students.She is a Chinese teacher.She often goes shopping on weekends.She likes going to movies.She is very good-looking.I like her very much.单元八-------------关于饮食


I want to make a dinner for my family this weekend.I like mutton.I think mutton is very good.I'd like carrot noodles.I need a medium bowl of noodles.My father would like rice.He likes eating beef.He often eats potatoes for dinner.He'd like to drink coffee.My mother is thin.Her favorite food is vegetable salad.She would like dumplings.I often help my mother make a lot of dumplings.She likes eating ice cream.She thinks it's very cool.I have a small cat.It would like fish and soup.I enjoy making food.单元九---------------------过去时态



I had a busy weekend.On Saturday morning, I cleaned my room.On Saturday afternoon, I didmy

homework.It’s a little difficult.On Saturday night, I visited my friends.He was very friendly.We ate dinner in his house.And on Sunday morning, I went to the library.I read books there.On Sunday afternoon, I played football.It was fun.On Sunday night, I watched an interesting talk show on TV.My weekend was too busy, so I didn’t really enjoy it.I want a relaxing weekend.单元十-------------------过去时态



It was a sunny day.Jim and Tom went to a beatuful beach with the Greens.Look at the photo of that day.In the photo, there were small mountains over there.Between the mountains there was a river.Look!In the river two boys swam in it.Jim played the toy boat near the river with a small boy;Tom read a newspaper on the beach.Look, Mr.Green and Mrs.Green had dinner on the beach, because they were hungry.They ate hamburgers and bread.Their daughters flew a kite on the beach.They had a relaxing day.单元十一-----------------表达态度



Do you like watching TV?

My family and I like watching TV very much.My mother is a nurse.She likes soap operas and she thinks they are very interesting, but my father and I can’t stand them.My father like documentaries about history.Because he likes history very much.But I don’t like them.I think they are very boring.I like sports shows.My father likes them, too.Yao Ming is our favorite sports star.We like different TV shows, so my mother usually watches TV first.When I finish my homework, I can watch my favorite TV shows.My father has to read books in the study.Can you tell me about your favorite TV shows?



Welcome to our school, Mary.There are some rules in our school.Here are some of our school rules.Don’t arrive late for class.We have to get to school on time.Keep clean and quiet in the classrooms.Because classroom is a place to study.Say hello to the teachers.I think it is a good habit.Don’t eat in the classroom.But you can eat outside or in the dining halls.Don’t listen to music and play games in class.We must listen to the teacher carefully in class.



Unit1 1.鹿晗经常和关晓彤谈话,他想加入成武艺术俱乐部。2.关晓彤喜欢弹钢琴 拉小提琴及敲鼓 3.鹿晗擅长讲故事说英语游泳及唱歌 4.关晓彤会弹吉他吗?不,她不会。5.关晓彤擅长画画及下棋

6.鹿晗和老年人很划得来,相处不错 7.对他来说,和老年人交朋友是困难的 8.鹿晗有时和迪丽热巴打电话88888888 9.在周末,鹿晗帮助迪丽热巴成为一名音乐家 10.今天鹿晗在音乐方面会帮助关晓彤吗?是的,他会

Unit2 1.吴亦凡通常在六点四十起床,穿衣服、刷刷牙然后洗澡 2.宋茜几点上学?几点吃早餐?什么时候锻炼? 3.在7点钟,宋茜上班从来没有迟到过。4.吴亦凡在广播电视台有一份有趣的工作 5.从上午8点到11点,他有很多时间 6.宋茜通常晚上七点差一刻吃晚饭 7.西红柿尝起来好,它对健康有好处 8.吴亦凡到家后,总是先做作业

9.吴亦凡有一个健康的生活方式,他散步大约半个小时,然后上床睡觉 10.要么吴亦凡的朋友们要么他晚上喜欢玩游戏

Unit3 1.杨洋怎样到达文亭实验学校?乘火车,坐地铁还是公交车? 2.郑爽的家离学校多远?60、70、80、90、100公里? 3.杨洋每天开他的宝马上班

4.它花费郑爽大约105分钟来到学校,杨洋到学校需要多长时间? 5.对于11岁的男孩,杨洋来说,到学校是容易的

6.在文亭实验学校和邓爽的家有一条河,对她来说,到学校是困难的 7.郑爽害怕上学,大约走十分钟路,接着骑自行车,然后坐索道穿过河 8.郑爽离开她的村庄去了菏泽,在菏泽没有一条河,郑爽的梦想实现了 9.多谢杨洋的帮助,你认为杨洋咋样? Unit4










10、对刘昊然来说,学英语是重要的也是可怕的翻译后:背熟 写熟

第 1 页















他弟弟喝着茶听着CD,他奶奶在做汤,他妹妹去看电影了; 王一博在干嘛?他在做作业吗?他在使用电脑。他父母没在家,他下馆子吃饭了,然后他去了美国


在美国,王一博来到了他的寄宿家庭;他经常给美国小孩讲故事; 端午节来了,他在看龙舟比赛,那天晚上就像任何其它晚上一样然后他在为一次考试而学习




2、近来可好,吴亦凡?马马虎虎 谢谢;听起来你玩的很开心3、4、5、6、7、8、9、吴亦凡正在娜娜家学习,你能给唐嫣捎个信?你能否告诉吴亦凡马上给唐嫣回个电话?没问题


娜娜的暑假过怎样?她在周子齐公园度假,她正在给唐嫣写信; 娜娜坐在游泳池边3个小时,她喝着橙汁,很高兴的学着英语 唐嫣去俄罗斯了,俄罗斯的天气干燥寒冷多雪;

在欧洲的山上,吴亦凡在堆雪人接着滑冰,他给唐嫣照了一些相片 下个月,他们将不久回国了。

翻译后:背熟 写熟

第 2 页




他喜欢什么面?带有胡萝卜的牛肉面 带鸡蛋的西红柿面还是带蔬菜的肉面?

吴磊喜欢什么碗的面?一大碗、一小碗、一中碗? 吴磊不喜欢洋葱、也不喜欢绿茶和粥,他喜欢长寿面 不同种类的生日宴会在世界各地变得流行起来 在不同的国家有不同的观念;寿星一口吹灭蜡烛


娜娜把蛋糕切碎,这能给娜娜带来好运。王俊凯长得什么样?他留有卷发还是直发?他不高也不矮,他个头一般,他不胖也不瘦,中等身材,他确实很帅气 他圆脸,小嘴,大鼻子带着眼镜留着金黄色头发


首先,赵丽颖穿着运动鞋牛仔裤,她可以在报纸上画一个罪犯的画像 最后,电视上,赵丽颖留有一头直棕色头发









翻译后:背熟 写熟

第 3 页



Unit111、2、3、4、5、6、黄子韬昨天参加学校郊游了,他和农民聊聊天并问了一些问题 上周在乡下他拜访了皮皮的祖父母,皮皮带领黄子韬在他家逛了逛 黄子韬挤了牛奶,骑骑马,喂了喂小鸡摘了相当多的草莓

黄子韬给杨幂照了一些相片,他学会了很多;杨幂种了苹果钓钓鱼 杨幂参观一下科技博物馆、消防站然后爬了爬山

黄子韬在成武学习一下如何制作机器人模型,在礼品店他为杨幂买一些便宜礼品,相当多的礼品是贵的7、8、9、Unit121、2、3、李沁上周末做什么了?她做做作业然后去电影院了 李易峰去海滩了,划划船在湖边宿营





上周黄子韬和杨幂的旅游怎么样?精彩极了;他们玩的非常开心 总之,这是令人振奋的一天

在那儿,李易峰搭起来帐篷,然后生火取暖,在火上烤食物。一只老鼠爬到了李易峰背上,李易峰醒来大吃一惊、赶紧跑开 李沁放了风筝然后熬夜看了足球赛;李易峰是如此害怕以至于睡不着

翻译后:背熟 写熟

第 4 页




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    文章来源中国教育文摘 www.xiexiebang.com xiexiebang.com指导思想: 针对我校高一新生普遍英语底子差,基础薄的实际,坚持“夯实基础,狠抓双基,改进学法,激发兴趣,提高能力”的指导......


    高一下学期英语教学计划1 一、教育教学指导思想树立新观念,继续钻研新大纲,探索教材教法。进一步明确任务性教学和其他教学理论相结合,探索培养学生全面语言能力的路二、教学......


    高一下学期英语教学计划 高一下期是学生逐渐认识和适应高中外语学习的关键时期,我们计划在上期的基础上,继续拓宽学生的知识面,全面培养听、说、读、写四会能力,特别是理解、分......


    高一英语下学期教学计划 高一英语下学期教学计划1 一、现状分析高一年级备课组现有7名英语教师,全是青年教师,教学能力整体较强,创新意识和行动能力都有表率作用。本学期按照教......


    高一英语下学期英语教学计划 刘艳2015/3/2 高一下学期是高中教育的重要阶段,教学就显得极为重要,为了使学生圆满完成各项学习任务,尽快适应新的环境,在各方面能够健康发展,把英......


    指导思想: 针对我校高一新生普遍英语底子差,基础薄的实际,坚持“夯实基础,狠抓双基,改进学法,激发兴趣,提高能力”的指导思想。 教学内容: 高一(下)的10单元内容。 具体安排: 1、对于高......


    2013春高一英语教学计划 高一备课组 本学期我们将在上学期教学基础上,根据教学工作中获得的经验,扬长避短,充分发挥学生学习的主动性和教师的指导作用,制定本学期教学计划。 在......


    高一英语下学期教学计划10篇 高一英语下学期教学计划1 一、所教班级基本情况经过上学期的教学,学生已基本适应了上课的流程和掌握一定的学习方法,但是学生的语法基础普遍薄弱,......