
时间:2019-05-14 05:57:28下载本文作者:会员上传


It's wonderful to be back here, wonderful to see you here.I'm teaching this class, because I wish class like this had been taught when I was sitting in your seats as an undergrad here.This does not mean that it's a class you wish to be taught, nor does it mean that it's the right class for you.But I hope to do in the next couple of lectures is give you an idea for what this class is about, so that you can decide whether or not it is for you.I came here in 1992, and started off with computer science concentrator.And then I had a mini epiphany half way through my sophomore year, I realized that I was in a wonderful place, with wonderful students, around me were wonderful teachers.I was doing well academically.I was doing well in athletics.I was playing fast squash at that time.I was doing well socially.Everything was going well, except for the fact that I was unhappy, and I didn't understand why.It was then, in a matter of moments, that I decided that I had to find out why and become happier.And that's when I switched my concentration from computer science to philosophy and psychology, with a single question “How can I become happier?” Over time I did become happier, what contributed most to my happiness was when I encountered a new emerging field that at that time it didn't have the name that is has today, but essentially research that falls under or within the field of positive psychology.Positive psychology, studying it, applying the ideas to my life has made me significantly happier.It continues to make me happier.And it was when I realized the impact that it had on me that I decided to share it with others.That's when I decided that I want to be a teacher and teach this field.So this is positive psychology, psychology 1504.And we will be exploring this new relatively new and fascinating field, and hopefully we will be exploring more than the field ourselves.When I first taught this class was back in 2002, I taught it at a seminar and had 8 students, two dropped out.That left me with six.The year after, the class became slightly larger.I had over 300 students.And then the third year when I taught it, which was the last time, I had 850 students in the class, making it at that point the largest course at Harvard.And that's when the Media became interested, because they wanted to understand why.They wanted to understand this phenomenon that here you have a class that's larger than Introduction to Economics.How could that be? So I was invited by the Media for interviews, whether it was newspapers, radio and television.And I started to notice a pattern during those interviews.So I would walk into the interview, would have the interview.And afterwards, the producer or the interviewer would walk me out and say something to the effect that “well, thank you, Tal, for the interview.But you know, I expected you to be different.” And I would ask, as nonchalantly as I could of course as if, I didn't really care but had to ask anyway, “How different?” And he would say, “Well, you know we expected you to be more outgoing.” Next interview, the end of the interview, same thing, “Thank you for doing the interview, but you know, Tal, I expected you to be different.” And once again, nonchalantly of course, I would ask, “So how different?” And here she would say, “Well, you know, we expected you to be less, less introverted.” Next interview, same thing,“ How different? ” “Well, you know, more extroverted, more outgoing.” Next interview, “Well, you know, less shy.” 'Cause you know I get very nervous in interview.’ Interview after interview, literally dozens.More outgoing, more cheerful, less introverted, more extroverted, and on and on.But here is the best one.So this is one of the local channels here around Boston.I was going to the interview;we had quite a long interview, which I thought was actually pretty good.And at the end of the interview, the interviewer, who is a very jolly guy, walk me out and puts his hand on my shoulder and says, “Tal, thank you very much for doing the interview.” And then the usual comes, “But you know, Tal, I expected you to be different.” And I said, “How different?” You know, just so that you understand, by this time, my self-esteem is short.But still, but still with same resemblance of nonchalance, I asked, “How different?” And he looks at me and says, “I expected you to be taller.” Taller? What? Okay, 5.65 is not enough to teach happiness? And I thought about it, I thought about it a lot, the whole pattern from the beginning.And I think I understand why they expected someone different.You see, they had to explain to themselves, as well as the audience.How come this class is larger than Introduction of Economics? and the way to explain it must be that the teacher is very outgoing, extremely charismatic, very cheerful and extroverted, and of course, tall.


Five Chinese environmental NGOs have issued a report blasting Apple and its suppliers for profiting at the cost of the local environment.The report which records every detail of the seven-month investigation has unveiled another side of the Apple company.Apple products are popular for their supreme functionality and creative design.But while fans snap up these i-products, people in China are paying for the production procedure with their health.The report says toxic discharges from suspected Apple suppliers have been encroaching on local communities.It alleges that 27 Apple suppliers have severe pollution problems, from toxic gases to heavy metal sludge.The report claims a village nearby a supplier's factory experienced a phenomenal rise in cases of cancer.It also blames Apple for taking advantage of loopholes in developing countries' environmental management systems to grab super profits.It criticized the company for refusing to make the identities of its suppliers public and fulfilling its responsibility to disclose information about the environmental effects of its suppliers' actions.Facing the charges, the technology giant proposed on Wednesday to hold a conference call with the NGOs to discuss their recent findings about its suppliers.They also said the company is committed to “maintaining the highest standards for social responsibility throughout its supply chain”.But the report found a different story.And lawyers in China say even if the affected residents successfully sue Apple, the company does not necessarily have to pay compensation for any misdeeds committed by its suppliers.That's why the NGOs suggest buyers of the devices make “green” choices that help Apple establish a supply chain that does not harm the environment.词汇学习:

1.NGO :non-government organization的缩写,是指在特定法律系统下,不被视为政府部门的协会、社团、基金会、慈善信托、非营利公司或其他法人,不以营利为目的的非政府组织。2.at the cost of:以……为代价 3.snap up:抢购或迅速抓取某物

例句:The cheapest articles at the sale were quickly snapped up.大减价货物中最便宜的物品很快抢购一空。4.take advantage of:利用 5.loophole n.漏洞,空子

例句:A good lawyer can always find a loophole.精明的律师专会找到漏洞。

Hope you had a wonderful long weekend.So,let’s jump right into it.So where did we leave last time? Last

Hope you had a wonderful long weekend.So, let’s jump right into it.So where did we leave last time? Last time we talked about the power of situation.We talk about how beliefs become self-fulfilling prophesies.These believes become reality.哈弗大学幸福课


在这所久负盛名的大学的别具一格的仪式上,我站在了你们的面前,被期待着给予一些蕴含着恒久智慧的言论,哈弗演讲稿。站在这个讲坛上,我穿得像个清教徒教长—— 一个可能会吓到我的杰出前辈们的怪物,或许使他们中的一些人重新致力于铲除巫婆的事业上。这个时刻也许曾激励了很多清教徒成为教长。但现在,我在上面,你们在下面,此时此刻,属于真理,为了真理。


学校和学生们似乎都在努力让时间来到这一时刻,而且还差不多是步调一致的。我这两天才得知哈佛从5 月22 日开始就不向你们提供伙食了。虽然有比喻说“ 我们早晚得给你们断奶”,但没想到我们的后勤还真的早早就把“ 奶” 给断了。

现在还是让我们回到我刚才提到的提问题的事上吧。让我们设想下这是个哈佛大学给本科生的毕业服务,是以问答的形式。你们将问些问题,比如:“ 福校长啊,人生的价值是什么呢?我们上这大学四年是为了什么呢?福校长,你大学毕业到现在的40 年里一定学到些什么东西可以教给我们吧?”(40 年啊,我就直说了,因为我人生中的每段细节—— 当然包括我在布林茅尔女子学院的一年—— 现在似乎都成了公共资源。但请记住在哈佛我可是“ 新生”)


听我解释。提问从2007 年冬天我的任职被公布时与校方的会面就开始了。然后提问一直持续,不论是我在Kirkland House(哈佛的12 个本科生宿舍之一┏晕绶够故窃贚everett House(哈佛的12 个本科生宿舍之一,本科高年级学生使用)吃晚饭,或是当我在办公时间与学生会见,甚至是我在与国外认识的刚考来的研究生的谈话中。你们问的第一个问题不是关于课业,不是让我提建议,也不是为了和教员接触,甚至是想向我提建议。事实上,更不是为了和我讨论酒精政策。相反,你们不厌其烦问的却是:为什么我们之中这么多人将去华尔街?为什么我们大量的学生都从哈佛走向了金融,理财咨询,投行?

对于这个问题有多种思考和回答方式。有一种解释就是如Willie Sutton 所说的,一切向“ 钱” 看。(Willie Sutton 是个抢银行犯,被逮住后当被问到为什么去抢银行时,他说:“Because that is where the money is!”)你们中很多人见过的普通经济学教授Claudia Goldin 和Larry Katz,基于对上世纪70 年代以来的学生的职业选择的研究,作出了差不多的回答。他们发现了值得注意的一点:即使从事金融业可以得到很高的金钱回报,很多学生仍然选择做其它的事情。实事上,你们中间有37 人签到了“ 教育美国人”(Teach for America,美国的一个组织,其作用类似于中国的“ 希望工程”);1 人将去跳探戈舞蹈并在阿根廷从事舞蹈疗法;1 人将致力于肯尼亚的农业发展;另有1 人获得了数学的荣誉学位,却转而去研究诗歌;1 人将去美国空军接受飞行员训练;还有1 人将加入到与乳癌抗战当中。你们中的很多人将去法学院,医学院或研究生院。但是,和Goldin 和Katz 教授有据证明的一样,你们中相当一部分人将选择金融和理财咨询。Crimson 对于上届学生的调查显示,在就业的学生中,58% 的男生和43% 的女生做出了这个选择。今年,即使在经济受挑战的一年,这个数据是39%。

也许是为了高薪—— 难以抵抗的招聘诱惑,也许是为了留在纽约然后和朋友们一起工作生活和享受人生,也许是为了做自己感兴趣的工作—— 对于这些选择可以有各种各样的理由。对你们中的一些人,无论如何那也只是个一两年的契约。其他的一部分人相信他们只有在过得“ 富有” 了以后才有可能过得“ 富有” 价值。不过,你们依然会问我,为什么要走这条路?

我发现我自己有时候对于回答你们的问题并没有多大兴趣,比较而言更感兴趣的却是捉摸你们为什么提那些问题。如果果真如Goldin 和Katz 教授所说;如果去搞金融确实是一个“ 理性” 的选择,为什么你们会不停地向我提出这类问题?为什么看似理性的选择却让你们当中相当一部分人认为是令人费解的,伪理性的,或出于某种需求和强迫所作出的并不自由的选择?为什么这个问题似乎困扰着你们当中的很多一部分人?

我想,你们问我的是:关于人生价值的问题。虽然你们问得比较隐晦—— 即是些可以观察和衡量的大四学生职业选择的问题,而不是那抽象的,晦涩的,甚至会令人难堪的形而上学范畴的问题。人生价值,要人生?还是要价值?作为Monty python 那部片子(指的是六人行里《人生的价值》那一集)的讽刺意味的片名是不难理解的,作为《辛普森一家》(美国特别受欢迎的动画连续剧)的其中一集的主题也是不难理解的,可是当关系到“ 生存问题” 的时候,就是不那么好办了,演讲稿《哈弗演讲稿》。


我觉得,你们之所以担忧,是因为你们不想仅仅是获得传统意义上的成功,而且要活得有价值。可是你们不清楚“ 鱼” 与“ 熊掌” 怎样才能“ 兼得”。你们不清楚是否,一家拥有著名品牌的企业提供的数目可观的并且预期着你未来财富的起薪,可以让你们的灵魂得到满足。

然而,你们为什么担忧呢?这部分地是我们的责任。当你们一踏进这个学校,我们就告诉你们:你们将成为领导未来的中坚人物,你们将成为美国人民依赖的最顶尖、最杰出的精英,你们将改变整个世界。我们“ 望子成龙” 的期望使你们背上了负担。而你们为了实现这些期望也已经做得很好:在对课外活动的从事中,你们展示出对于服务性工作的奉献精神;从对可持续发展的热情拥护,你们表达出对这个星球的关怀;通过对今年总统竞选的参与,你们做出了希望使美国政治重新恢复活力的实际行动。

但你们中的很多人现在会问,“ 怎样才能把做这些有价值的事情和一个职业选择结合起来呢?”“ 是否必须在一份有报酬却没价值的工作和一份有价值却没报酬的工作间做出抉择呢?”“ 如果是一个单选题,您会选哪一个?”“ 有没有折中的办法?”

你们在问我,也是问你们自己问题,即关于价值观的根本性的问题。你们在试图调解两个商品潜在的相互竞争,承认也许不可能兼得两者。你们在经历一次人生的转折,而这个转折需要你们自己做出一些决定。选择一条道路—— 一份工作、一项事业或一个研究生课题—— 不单单是在选择东西。每个决定都意味着“ 得” 与“ 失”—— 过去与未来的种种可能。你们问我的问题其实有几分是关于“ 失”,即你放弃的那条道路让你失去了什么。

金融、华尔街,“ 招聘” 一词已经成了这种博弈的符号,代表着比仅仅选择一条职业道路更广更深的一系列问题。这些问题早晚将面临着你们每个人—— 如果你是从医学院毕业,你将选择一个具体从医方向—— 做私人医生还是专攻皮肤病,如果你学的是法律,你将决定是用你的法律知识为一个公司法人卖命还是成为公众的正义化身,或是在 “ 教育美国人” 两年后你决定是否继续从教。你们之所以担忧,是因为你们想拥有充满价值的同时又是成功的人生;你们知道,你们被教育要有大的作为,不仅仅是为了个人,为了自己生活地舒适,而是要让周围的世界因此而改变。因此你们才不得不思考怎样才能让其成为可能。

我认为你们之所以担忧有第二个原因—— 和第一个有关系但不是完全一样。你们希望过得幸福。你们蜂拥着去修“ 积极心理学” 这门课—— 课程代号“ 心1504”—— 和“ 幸福的科学” 这门课,不就是为了听点人生“ 小贴士” ?可是,我们怎样才能获得幸福?在这儿,我可以提供一个启发性的答案:变老。调查数据显示年长的人—— 也就是我这把年纪的人—— 觉得自己比年轻人更幸福。不过,很可能你们没有人愿意去等着去看这个答案。

在聊天时我听过你们谈到你们目前所面临的选择,我听到你们一字一句地说出你们对于成功与幸福的关系的忧虑—— 也许,更精确地讲,怎样去定义成功才能使它具有或包含真正的幸福,而不仅仅是金钱和荣誉。你们害怕,报酬最丰厚的选择,也许不是最有价值的和最令人满意的选择。但是你们也担心,如果作为一个艺术家或是一个演员,一个人民公仆或是一个中学老师,该如何才能生存下去?然而,你们可曾想过,如果你的梦想是新闻业,怎样才能想出一条通往梦想的道路呢?难道你会在读了不知多少年研,写了不知多少毕业论文终于毕业后,找一个英语教授的工作?

答案是:你不试试就永远都不会知道。但如果你不试着去做自己热爱的事情,不管是玩泥巴还是生物还是金融,如果连你自己都不去追求你认为最有价值的事,你终将后悔。人生路漫漫,你总有时间去给自己留“ 后路”,但可别一开始就走“ 后路”。

我把这叫做我的关于职业选择的“ 泊车” 理论,几十年来我一直都在向学生们“ 兜售” 我的这个理论。不要因为怕到了目的地找不到停车位而把车停在距离目的地20 个路口的地方。直接到达你想去的地方,哪怕再绕回来停,你暂时停的地方只是你被迫停的地方。

你也许喜欢做投行,或是做金融抑或做理财咨询。都可能是适合你的。那也许真的就是适合你的。或许你也会像我在Kirkland House 见到的那个大四学生一样,她刚从美国西海岸一家著名理财咨询公司的面试回来。“ 我为什么要做这个?” 她说,“ 我讨厌坐飞机,我讨厌住宾馆,我是不会喜欢这份工作的。” 找到你热爱的工作。如果你把你一天中醒着的一大半时间用来做你不喜欢的事情,你是很难感到幸福的。

但是我在这儿说的最重要的是:你们在问那些问题—— 不仅是问我,而是在问你们自己。你们正在选择人生的道路,同时也在对自己的选择提出质疑。你们知道自己想过什么样的生活,也知道你们将行的道路不一定会把你们带到想去的地方。这样其实很好。某种程度上,我倒希望这是我们的错。我们一直在标榜人生,像镜子一样照出未来你们的模样,思考你们怎么可以过得幸福,探索你们怎样才能去做些对社会有价值的事:这些也许是文科教育可以给你们“ 装备” 的最有价值的东西。文科教育要求你们要活得“ 明白”。它使你探索和定义你做的每件事情背后的价值。它让你成为一个经常分析和反省自己的人。而这样的人完全能够掌控自己的人生或未来。从这个道理上讲,文科—— 照它的字面意思—— 才使你们自由。(英语里文科是Liberal Art,照字面解释是自由的艺术)学文科可以让你有机会去进行理论的实践,去发现你所做的选择的价值。想过上有价值的,幸福的生活,最可靠的途径就是为了你的目标去奋斗。不要安于现状得过且过。随时准备着改变人生的道路。记住我们对你们的我觉得是“ 过于崇高” 的期待,可能你们自己也承认那些期待是有点“ 太高了”。不过如果想做些对于你们自己或是这个世界有点价值的事情,记住它们,它们将会像北斗一样指引着你们。你们人生的价值将由你们去实现!

我都等不及想看看你们都最终会如何。毕业以后和学校常联系,常回“ 家” 看看,让我们了解你们的情况。



1、此刻打盹,你将做梦;此刻学习,你将圆梦。(This moment will nap, you will have a dream;But this moment study,you will interpret a dream.)

2、我荒废的今日,正是昨日殒身之人祈求的明日。(I leave uncultivated today, was precisely yesterday perishes tomorrow which person of the body implored.)

3、觉得为时已晚的时候,恰恰是最早的时候。(Thought is already is late, exactly is the earliest time.)

4、勿将今日之事拖到明日。(Not matter of the today will drag tomorrow.)

5、学习时的苦痛是暂时的,未学到的痛苦是终生的。(Time the study pain is temporary, has not learned the pain islife-long.)

6、学习不是缺乏时间,而是缺乏努力。(Studies this matter, lacks the time, but is lacks diligently.)

7、幸福或许不排名次,但成功必排名次。(Perhaps happiness does not arrange the position, but succeeds must arrange the position.)

8、学习并不是人生的全部。但既然连人生的一部分也无法征服,还能做什么呢?(The study certainly is not the life complete.But, since continually life part of-studies also is unable to conquer, what butalso can make?)

9、请享受无法回避的痛苦。(Please enjoy the pain which is unable to avoid.)

10、只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。(only has compared to the others early, diligently diligently, canfeel the successful taste.)

11、谁也不能随随便便成功,它来自彻底的自我管理和毅力。(Nobody can casually succeed, it comes from the thoroughself-control and the will.)

12、今天不走,明天要跑。(Today does not walk, will have to run tomorrow.)

13、投资未来的人是忠于现实的人。(The investment future person will be, will be loyal to the realityperson.)

14、教育程度代表财富。(The education level represents the income.)

15、一天过完,不会再来。(one day, has not been able again to come.)

16、即使现在,对手也不停地翻动书页。(Even if the present, the match does not stop changes the page.)

17、没有艰辛,便无所得。(Has not been difficult, then does not have attains.)




Oxford University once famously claimed to have been founded by Alfred the Great in the 9th Century, but in fact, the University as we know it today began to take shape in the 12th Century when English Scholars were exiled from Paris University and began to congregate at Oxford’s Abbeys and Priories, which were buy then already established centers of learning.Today, 39 independent, self-governing colleges are related to the University in a type of federal system.Each is governed by a Head of House and a number of Fellows, who are academics specializing in a wide variety of disciplines, most of whom also hold University posts.Across both the Arts and the Sciences, Oxford research consistently ranks top both nationally and internationally.As well as being in the forefront of scientific, medical and technological achievement, the University has strong links with research institutions and industrial concerns both in the United Kingdom and overseas.The University is income from externally funded research grants and contracts in 1996-7 totaled over £107 million.The University’s great age also allows its teaching staff and research students to draw on a heritage of magnificent library and museum collections.Students working for higher degrees are an important and valued part of Oxford University.They currently make up over a quarter of the total student body of 15,641, drawn by the excellent facilities for research, which the University can offer;therefore the proportion of graduate students is increasing.In all these fields, Oxford attracts scholars from many parts of the world to join its teaching and research staff, and also values important role of overseas graduate students(approximately one third of the total graduate body)in providing intellectual stimulation and creating and maintaining academic links with colleges abroad.To gain entry into the University, students must first win a place by competitive examination at one of the colleges, which have their own admissions policies.The procedure for applications varies according to the subject you propose to study.There are no final deadlines for most applications, unless specified in a particular subject section, but there are many more applications than places available, and the process of acceptance by both faculty board and college can take some time;early application is therefore strongly advised.



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