
时间:2019-05-14 06:44:21下载本文作者:会员上传




Good morning,ladies and gentlemen.I am Tracy from Guangzhou Huamei International School.I am a shiny girl.My family love me and I love then too.Do you know how help at home? Let me tell you about that.My mom works very hard every day.She comes home very late in the evening.Usually my dad cooks for us.Sometimes I help my dad to wash the vegetables.Sometimes I set the table.I always wash the dishes when we finish eating.After I finish my homework I often water the flowers.I also look after my pet fish.I feed the fish before I go to bed.I really enjoy helping my partents at home.Do you think I an a helpful girl? I think so!

Thank you!演讲稿二:三年级英语口语演讲稿

An old woman had a cat.The cat was very old;she could not run quickly, and she could not bite, because she was so old.One day the old cat saw a mouse;she jumped and caught the mouse.But she could not bite it;so the mouse got out of her mouth and ran away, because the cat could not bite it.Then the old woman became very angry because the cat had not killed the mouse.She began to hit the cat.The cat said, “Do not hit your old servant.I have worked for you for many years, and I would work for you still, but I am too old.Do not be unkind to the old, but remember what good work the old did when they were young.” 演讲稿三:三年级英语口语演讲稿

Hello!My name is 'm ten.I study in WZ children arts school.I'm in Class one Grade four.Welcome to Our ClassroomThis is my classroom.There is a sign on the door.It says: Welcome to Our Classroom!

There are many is my name is on it.This is my teacher’s desk.There are many interesting things.There is a fish bowl on the name is name is Swimmy.There is a large blackboard on the front teacher writes our homework on it.There is a birthday chart on the back teacher puts our names and birthdays on it.There is a round clock above the tells us what time it is.There are our drawings on the side is is Jenny’s.There is a reading couch in the is my favorite place.演讲稿四:三年级英语口语演讲稿

Once man did not have to think about the protection of his environment.There were few people on the earth, and natural resources seemed to be things are different.The world has become too crowded.We are using up our natural resources,and polluting our environment with dangerous chemicals.If we continue to do this, human life on earth will not survive.We realize that if too many fish are taken from the sea, there will soon be none left.Yet,with modern fishing methods, more and more fish are know that if too many trees are cut down, forests will disappear.Yet,we continue to use powerful machines to cut down more and more trees.We see that if rivers are polluted with waste products, we will die.Yet, waste products are still put into know that if the population continues to rise at the present rate, in a few years, there wont be enough can we do to solve these problems?If we eat more vegetables and less meat, there will be more food available.Land for crops feeds five times more people than land where animals are natural resources will last longer if we learn to recyciethem.The world population will not rise so quickly if people use modern methods of birth , if we educate people to think about the problems we shall have a better and cleaner planet in the future.演讲稿五:三年级英语口语演讲稿 My name is ***,I come from ***primary school.Today my oration title is I love Chinese.I am a Chinese,I shartto speak Chinese after Iwas is very interest to me,when I feal unhapy,Chinese may make me are many things in Chinese,like Tang poetry,a phonetic experts say that Chinese is the very important language in the am pride that Ican speak Chinese.In my Chinese also have example,one day when Iwas on my way to old wowan call me asked me to read a latter for fond I have some Chinese character I daven't saw I still love Chinese.I think I can study Chinese well with my heard learning.


浅谈三年级英语口语教学小学三年级起开设英语口语课。但在口语教学初期,学生中往往不同程度地出现了“羞于启齿”的“怯口 ”心理。有些生性内向、胆小的孩子在外语课上更是不敢发言,犹犹豫豫害怕讲错。如何在20分钟课堂教学中 ,打开学生嘴上的这把“锁”,让学生从被动地开口过渡到主动地说,大胆地练呢?对此,我作了一番探索。


教学过程不仅是知识传授的过程,也是师生情感交往的过程。俗话说:“亲其师才能信其道”。教师要用 爱去换取学生的亲近和信任,使学生情感这个内因,在教师情感这个外因作用下,产生师生情感的“双向反馈 ”,借助情感这个媒介,达到外语教学的最佳境界。比如在句型模仿的操练时,由于句子本身是个相对独立的 交际语言结构,受语言内容、说话人情感影响,不少单词、词组在声调、读音上都会发生变化,再加上学生急 于模仿、急于求成的心理干扰,在遇上发音有难度的单词和不易上口的句型时,就会产生模仿失真的现象,连 续遇到几次模仿失真的现象后,学生开口的积极性会因多次的发音错误而受到挫伤,从而产生了“羞于启齿” 的感觉。遇到这种情况,教师自己首先要克服焦燥心情,用亲切的口吻,幽默的话语,生动的表情去缓解课堂 上紧张的纠错气氛,帮助学生放松心理,消除紧张焦急、难为情的情绪,多用鼓励的方法,激发树立起学生的 信心。如在三年级第二册第2课的1cDialogue中有一句对话为:what'sthe time? 许多同学都没有发准time中的 [ai]音。根据这个情况,我马上变化了范读的语气,在集体正音的基础上分别用高、低、粗、细的不同声调, 配合变化各种表情再次进行范读,一下子刺激了学生学习的积极性,使学生“难以启齿”的紧张情绪得到了解 除。不仅模仿time的音比一开始逼真,连对整句句子的重音、语调节奏上都模仿得维妙维肖,幽默的语调,使 课堂气氛也一下子轻松起来。学生的各感觉器官都处于良好的接受和反映状态,从而产生了良好的教学效果。


英语的内容本身比较枯燥,不易迅速掌握,而语言的交际功能是在特定的情景中体现出来的。在课堂上要 精心组织好教学材料,不断引入新奇的背景,创造多种情景,让学生能听、能看、能触摸,完全置身于外语的 环境中。这样把学习乐趣放在第一位,寓教于乐,才能充分调动和保持学生的学习兴趣,让学生在自觉或不自 觉的状态下多开口练。教材本身最大特点就是采用“结构——功能法”,以结构为主体,辅以情景,将交际功 能的训练贯穿始终。所以教师要尽可能地借助图片、实物玩具、幻灯、投影降低学生理解语言材料的难度,通 过讲解、演示等方法创造模拟出生活的语言情景,带着学生不知不觉进入语境中大胆练说,避免机械操练给学 生的心理压力。例如,我在进行字母教学的复习巩固课时,我用一幅幅带有字母形状的简笔画建立了一个“字 母王国”,配合了录音后带着学生去“字母王国”作参观,并请部分学生扮演字母这一角色展开对话:

A:Hello,I'm a.B:Hi,I am b.A:Nice to see you.B:Nice to see you,too.A:What's the time? B:It's eight,where are you going? A:To the park.B:Let's go together.A:OK.在生动有趣的作客参观途中,学生不知不觉地既巩固了字母又巩固了句型,使学生在情境学习中充满好奇 心新鲜感,从而从不愿开口到愿意开口甚至抢着发言。从老师要我讲到我自己要讲,引发了他们对学习英语极 大的热情。


严 肃有余,活泼不足。交际性游戏则为学生在比较轻松自然的气氛中进行各种语言操练创造了条件,改变了课堂 教学的节奏,强调了课堂教学内容,让学生恢复学习的精力和体力,保持了旺盛的学习热情和进取心。在不知 不觉中操练语言点和句型,打破了机械操练的单一模式。交际游戏鼓励学生积极参加语言实践的活动,帮助那 些在严肃课堂学习中感到胆怯的学生。活泼有趣的游戏形式促使学生开口,驱除恐惧心理,即便是些生性内向 的学生也会在游戏中放松心理上的压力,在玩中开口说,从而渐渐摆脱“怯口”感。教师在共同参与游戏时, 其在课堂教学中的地位和角色也会发生改变,从一个单纯发号施令的指挥者变成学生向往参加的游戏活动的组 织参与者,缩短师生之间心理差距,这同样也能促使学生多开口。实践证明,这是在轻松自然的气氛中练习口 语的好方法。例如第一册中当学生学会Howold is××?后,我便组织学生开展“快速记忆比赛”。把全班分成 5组,每组3人,进行快速记忆。我先放一段录音,内容是介绍5个小朋友的年龄与姓名,然后提问:How old i s××?由各位学生抢答,抢答完毕,再放一段类似的录音,以此进行5次,最后评出最佳记忆者。在学完第一 册第5课about me后教师可组织“寻人”游戏,先分发小纸条,准备操练3种句式:Is your name……?Are you ……?what's your name……?

分完小纸条后让每位学生将自己的姓名写在小纸条上,教师把所有纸条收上来后打乱,再分发给学生。这 样学生收到的纸条上的姓名是他们所不认识的,大家拿着纸条,用三种句式寻找不认识的同学,找到后再把他 介绍给组内同伴。再例如“传话”游戏,所传的内容既可是单词又可以是句子,通过整个传话游戏使全班同学 的开口发言率达百分之一百,另外如“小猫钓鱼”“放鞭炮”“击掌练习”“猜谜”等诸如此类的小游戏都能 使学生积极参与课堂教学,让学生在游戏的天地中无拘无束地说。


要让学生自我表现、有自我考核学习能力的机会,教师就应在课内根据每单元教材特点设计不同的教学主 题课,培养学生用英语说话交流的习惯,让他们从课堂教学的“观众”变为课堂教学的“参与者”。

如第一册中可将第一、二单元内容设计成“小小礼仪员”的评比赛,小主持用英语向大家问好后,把戴头 饰的礼仪员即教材中的人物介绍给大家,设计朋友见面认识了解的环节,让学生把刚学到的内容用于对话中, 情景自然,气氛活跃。根据第四课“My father and my mather”的教学内容可设计“今天请你作客”的主题会, 根据第三课about me的内容可设计“开学第一天”主题会,把第六课Congratulations的内容设计成新年晚会、生日聚会,把零星的知识进行串联组成生动的说话材料,是学生心理发展和语言操练的源泉,对克服学生学习中的“聋哑症”效果最好。在课外,鼓励学生积极利用一切机会进行英语会话,与同学对话,与家长对话,与 大哥哥大姐姐对话。把课堂教学输出到家庭社会,从不自觉到自觉,直至掌握语言会话的技巧能力,使他们乐 于参与,乐于开口,从害怕开口到喜欢开口,直至最后自己寻找各种语言训练机会。

由此可见,学生在外语学习中“羞于启齿”的心理是不难克服的,对于刚起步的学生并不要求面面俱到地 掌握,只要能讲几句,甚至一、二句,只要愿讲,积极讲,就是学习的成功,教师就应于支持和鼓励。只有在 启蒙教学中培养学生良好的说话习惯,浓厚的学习兴趣,克服不必要的心理负担,才能为今后的外语学习作好 充分的准备,打好扎实的基础。


亲爱的14班同学们: 外教口语考试的安排已经出来了,考试时间是下周二(6月8日)下午四点,考试地点是文科楼307,考试内容分为两大部分,第一部分是个人演讲,第二部分是对话,具体要求如下,请同学们互相通知,谢谢

INSPIRATIONAL SPEECH(one person)This is your chance to choose one thing you really like or absolutely detest, and create a well organized 1 minute speech to persuade your classmates that 'you spit the truth.' You are correct, sir/madam!By the end of your speech, everyone should agree with you.Decide on a single specific opinion to promote, and use the Crazy English and Expressing Emotions texts to supplement your speech.No reading aloud--your speech must be memorized and well prepared.Requirements:

1)Incorporate language from Crazy English or Expressing Emotions at least 10 times.2)Your speech must not exceed 75 seconds.3)Pay close attention to emotion, rhythm, and persuasive points.(What is the best method to persuade your peers?)


This is your opportunity to choose a partner and create a 1.5 minute conversational dialogue.Person A will aim to persuade Person B to share the same view point on one subject.Choose one specific opinion and prepare a logical dialogue.Initially, Person B will disagree with Person A's view point, but by the end of the 1.5 minutes, Person B should agree with Person A.Use the Crazy English and Expressing Emotions texts to supplement your conversation.No reading aloud--your dialogue must be memorized and well rehearsed.Requirements:

1)Incorporate language from Crazy English or Expressing Emotions at least 10 times.2)Your dialogue must not exceed 105 seconds.3)Pay close attention to emotion and logical progression.(The dialogue should feel authentic, like a real life situation.)


I am honored to...I stand before you today...I know I speak for...Words can't express...We are here to...I'm trying to tell you...How can we...? There's(not)a perfect correlation between...and...It means that...Believe it or not...I am convinced that...I Hope this has given you some idea of...I'll do my best to...I appreciate...Generally speaking...My first point is that...It's true that...;it's also true that...One further point to add is...I mentioned earlier that...A good example(of this)is...To Illustrate this...To put it in different words...To put in another way...We mustn't forget that...There is no doubt(that)...It is vital to remember that...Mr.Christian says...So we can see that...Working together, we can...But I want you to realize that...To summarize...So what's that point?...It must now be clear that...I want to remind you that...In conclusion, I'd like to say...I'd like to finish by...I look forward to...Good afternoon everyone!I stand before you today to give you a short speech and I’m honored to do this.My topic is “happiness”.I hope it will be of great help to you.firstly, I'm trying to tell you what is happiness?

2, How can we master our youth? I want you to remind you that years only wrinkle the skin, but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul.Worry, fear, self –distrust bows the heart and turns the spirit back to dust.I am convinced that in the center of your heart and my heart there’s a wireless station: so long as it receives messages of beauty, hope, cheer, courage and power from men and from the infinite, so long as you are young.It means that when the aerials are down, and your spirit is covered with snows of cynicism and the ice of pessimism, then you are grown old, even at 20, but as long as your aerials are up, to catch waves of optimism, there is hope you may die young at 80.I appreciate for your time.Thank you!





Happyness Good afternoon everyone!I stand before you today happily to give you a short speech and I’m honored to do this.My topic is “happiness”.I hope it will be of great help to you.firstly, I'm trying to tell you what is happiness? Happiness Happiness is the most precious thing that everyone wants very much in the world.It means different things for different pepole.Some people think money means it, so they try to make more money;some people believe that knowledge can bring it to them, so they study very hard;some other people find only good health can make themselves get it, so they take part in all kinds of sports and games.From my point of view,Happiness is just an attitude towards life.being Positive and optimistic is very important in one’s career.if we have this spirit,we can overcome any difficluties and go forwad instead of being lost in The shadow of frustration and unhappiness.On the other hand , I am convinced that being cotent to life and enjoying life is also essecial for pepole seeking after happiness.There is an old saying going like this, “happy is he who is content.” I can't agree with it any more.I still remember a story my mother told me when I was a child.A millionaire tried every means to seek after pleasure but to feel unhappy.It's not unique, but has its counterpart that poor men to whose name not having a thing always feel happy.Why are they so different? The answer is that the rich is being thinking how he can gain more while the poor is satisfied with what he owns at hand-health, freedom, love and so on.One further point to add is love ,which makes great difference to happiness.If you have love in your heart, you will have happiness in your life.Love consists of two parts, one is to love others, and the other is to be loved by others.Lei Feng set a good example for all of us.He served the people wholeheartedly until the last minute of his life.He regarded serving the people as the happiest thing.There are numbers of similar inspirational stories to be found.In addition, being loved by others can also lead you to happiness.Courage from your parents when frustrated, care from your lover when ill, help from your friends when in trouble… all of these will make you the happiest person in the world.The last but not least is to act happily.Putting on a happy face and thinking interesting things are helpful to trigger happy feelings.Wile happiness is precious, it is easy to get.What is Happiness? 10 Definitions of Happiness

One’s Life Attitude Is Important I was attending a seminar in Sydney in April and picked up a lecture note.In it was a reflection on “Attitude”.Let me quote the anonymous writer:

“The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life.Attitude, to me, is more important than fact.It is more important than the past, than education , than money, than circumstances, than failure, than successes, than what other people think or say or do.It is more important than appearance, intelligence or skill.It will make or break a company, a church or a home.”

“The remarkable thing is we have a choice every day regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day.We cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way.We cannot change the inevitable.The only thing we can do is to play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude.”

“I am convinced that life is 10 percent what happens me and 90 percent how I react to it.And so it is with you.You are in charge of your attitude”

This means that no matter what happens to you, it is hoe you react or respond to it that is important.You can’t control or influence certain events in life—earthquakes, sabotages, terrorist bombings, being sruck by lighting, a freak traffic accident and so on.But you can control how you think and feel about such incidents, even when you are the unfortunate victim of an accident.You can choose to moan and groan about misfortune, about what you have lost physically and financially.Or you can choose to count your blessings that you are still alive, that you have most of your physical or mental faculties.A prolonged negative attitude would make you miserable and regressive whereas as a change to a positive attitude would spur you to think of possibilities.You could be taunted or discriminated against if you lost a leg, arm, or an eye, You can’t help some insensitive people doing such things, If you fret over what is said and what has been deprived of you, does it make you any happier, determined, persevering or resourceful?

The right attitude to make is not to let insults, sarcasm, rudeness, ridicule or mockery bother you.Why respond negatively to such behaviors of other people? It doesn’t pay to strike back contemptuously at them.If you do, you are showing that you are emotionally weak.Show that you are emotionally stronger, that you do not have to trade insults, that what they say or do does not bother you at all.Show the dignity that they do not have.The pain is not in what the insensitive people say about you or do to belittle you.The pain is in how you interpret and react to such acts.If you choose to regard people’s actions as sadistic and emotionally hurtful, then you would feel the pain, If you interpret every behavior in your presence as insensitive, you could end up being paranoid.If you describe people’s behavior as “sick”, you could be sick yourself or allowing yourself to be as sick as them, is not more.Very often, we negatively over-react to, or “read” too much into, what people say or do.It’s a case of seeing what we want to see, regarding an issue as big when it could really be insignificant.Even if people in reality are downright inhumane, you can choose to ignore their behavior or not view it negatively at all.That is real self mastery.Losing a part of the body is not the end of life.It might be the end of a career that you were trained in and the beginning of a career but again, it might not.If the famous Stephen Hawking can speak through a computer gadget, if a golfer can still play with a metal arm, then a trainer who loses both legs or arms can still find some other ways to teach.When you lose hope, when you despair, when you blame people all the time, when you do not even want to try and persevere, then you choose to make life meaningless for yourself.What is the value of intellect, imagination, education, knowledge, wisdom, experience, competence and talent if you adopt a negative attitude everyday?

TO expand on what the writer in the church leaflet said, attitude can make or break a person.Either you are in charge of or lose charge of your attitude.


Good afternoon, teachers!

Hello!My name is席文康.I`m 10.I come from Sanxian Primary School.I`m a boy.I like playing football.Because

it`s very interesting.I`d like to eat potatoes.They`re tasty.My favourite colour is blue.And I like math best.It`s fun.On weekend, I like reading books in my room.I have a happy family.My father is a doctor.My mother is a teacher.And I`m a good student.My dream is to be a teacher, because I want to help the

children.Thank you for listening!Please remember me!That’s all.Thank you!


Ladies and Gentlemen , Good afternoon!I’m very glad to stand here and give you a short speech.today my topic is “Life”.I hope you will like it ,Man’s life is a process of growing up, actually I’m standing here is a growth.If a person’s life must constituted by various choices, then I grow up along with these choices.Once I hope I can study in a college in future, however that’s passed, as you know I come here, now I wonder what the future holds for(= what will happen to)me.When I come to this school, I told to myself: this my near future, all starts here.Following I will learn to become a man, a true man, who has a fine body, can take on important task, has independent thought, an open mind, intensive thought, has the ability to judge right and wrong, has a perfect job.Once my teacher said :” You are not common, you are unique;never forget which you should lay out to people is your thought, not craft.” I will put my personality with my interest and ability into my study, during these process I will combine learning with doing.If I can achieve this “future”, I think that I really grow up.And I deeply believe kinsred, friendshipand love will perfection and happy in the future.How to say future? Maybe itsa nice wish.Lets make up our minds, stick to it and surely well enjoy our life.先生们女士们,大家下午好!我非常荣幸站在这里为你们带来一段小小的演讲,我今天所要讲的主题是“生命”,我希望你们喜欢。







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