Describe a famous athlete you know
You should say:
Who he or she is
How you know him or her
What he or she has achieved
Why he is famous
Hopefully everyone reading this is at least familiar with some famous sports stars.You don’t need to be a fanatic to answer this question well… but it might help!You just need to be able to think of a person, describe what he or she does, when and where you first encountered this person, and give some reasons why you admire them.As always, you should be writing some short notes in preparation, rather than any sentences.Mark down any vocabulary that comes to mind and which you think will help.But mostly write down words that will help you to structure your speech – this makes your words sound more natural.1.brainstorm 口语话题笔记:
Leo Messi
Argentina-> Barcelona 三立教育www.xiexiebang.com
Awards years ago
My favourite sports person is Leo Messi.He’s a famous football player, and some would say he’s the best football player in the world.He started his career in Argentina, where he was born, but moved to Barcelona, in Spain, when he was a teenager.He had a disability, for which the Spanish team agreed to pay his medical bills.Despite his health problems, Messi developed into a modern legend.He has won numerous trophies over the course of his career, including five “world footballer of the year” awards – which is a world record.I remember first hearing about him about ten years ago, when he was first making headlines.I admire him because of his triumph over adversity.I think that his inspiring story of perseverance is a lesson for us all.如上就是三立网课教育小编为大家带来的2018年雅思口语part2话题高分范文:著名运动员的相关资讯,掌握最新雅思资讯,敬请关注(三立在线教育雅思网)更多雅思考试资讯以及备考资料免费领!
第二篇:雅思口语Part 2最难的话题
雅思口语Part 2最难的话题
雅思口语一项是考生们难准备的一项考试,因为它要求考生的综合能力很强,所以准备的时候考生们都会参考已考话题,和预测的话题来进行最后的冲刺,今天就为大家总结了雅思口语Part 2中最难的话题,有些话题相对抽象,让考生不知道该怎么样准备。现在就来了解一下吧:
我们发现Part 2中考生们普遍认为的难题主要难在以下三个方面:
不熟悉的话题如并未亲身经历过的事件或并未拥有过的东西常常会造成考生最害怕的结果:无话可说,难以开口;如果对话题的理解有偏差,即便一直在说,也会文不对题,且中途无人指正,容易越说越偏,找不到重点;相对抽象的话题易使考生说不到具体的点,考官听不到“故事”,分数自然也就上不去。下面列出今年考试中许多考生心中Part 2的十道“最难”题,不妨来探讨一下它们的难点所在和应对方法。
NO.1 A Good Law
Describe a(piece of)(good)law in your country.You should say:
· what the law is
· how you first learned about this law
· who benefits from this law(or, who is affected by this law)
and explain why you think this is a good law
难点解析:众多考生公认的难题。平时即使比较关注法律,但真的要具体去谈,即使用中文有条有理地说出来也会有难度。相对Part 3可能由此展开的法律的重要性、公平性、适用性等较概括的讨论,Part 2的具体化让考生们尤为头疼。
为它们相对比较融入自己的生活,也就比较好发挥。当然,选择比较有中国特色的法律来展开就更好,比如计划生育政策”one-child policy”,在中国人口众多的基本国情下,它所带来的好处以及受益人也会相对好描述,考官也可以从中获取一些新的信息。
NO.2 A Historic Site
Describe an interesting historic site(in your country)that you visited.You should say:
· where it was
· what you saw at this site(or, what it looked like)
· what role it played in history
and explain what interested you about that place
备考策略:考前可以结合其它描述地点或建筑的话题一起准备:Describe a museum/an old building/your favorite building/an important traditional building等,例如北京故宫里的建筑,即是古老而传统的建筑,又是很重要的博物馆,也可以是自己最喜欢的建筑。甚至还可以把它放到Describe the best tourist attraction in China,或者可以描述里面的an interesting exhibition,所以只要提前做好充足的功课,遇到其它问题也都可以迎刃而解。
NO.3 A Success
Describe a particular success you would like to achieve(in the near future).You should say:
· what it is
· how difficult you think it will be
· what you should do to prepare for this
and explain why you want to succeed in doing this
备考策略:人们怎样定义成功其实通常都是在Part 3里对于该话题的延续性讨论,在Part 2里一定要根据题目所给的线索开门见山地提出自己的成功目标,譬如想要获得学校的某个奖项,或者想要完成工作中的某个项目,然后描述目标的困难性何在,如何去准备,以及实现这个成功后的意义等。这样话题的描述才会有完整性可言。
NO.4 A Place Not Polluted
Describe a place which is not polluted.You should say:
· where this place is
· what it looks like
· what kind of place is not polluted
and explain what you think about pollution
NO.5 A Stage of Your Life
Describe an important stage of your life/an enjoyable stage of your life.You should say:
· how old you were
· where you were living at the time
· what you were doing during this stage
and explain why you think this was an important/enjoyable stage of your life话题类别:Event
备考策略:以前也曾考过诸如某段时光的话题,而且相对来说还比较具体,如:Describe the most enjoyable moment in your childhood/Describe a busy time in your life等等,里面考生基本都会谈到某件或某些具体的事,而这些其实都可以作为人生某个阶段的影射,描述完某些具体时刻发生的具体事情,再来总结在人生的童年阶段是无忧无虑的快乐,因此对以后开朗乐观性格的形成产生重要影响,又或是在刚毕业时是充实的忙碌,因此为事业的发展打下良好的基础等就更有说服力了。
以上就是雅思口语Part 2最难话题,可以看出,虽然整体难度是在雅思口语三个部分中还是比较适中的,但是雅思口语Part 2还是要求学生有比较强的自己扩展话题的能力,这样才有可能在雅思口语Part 2获得高分。
Question: Do you take any sports?
Answer one: Yes.I like to play badminton。
Answer two: Of course.I often play badminton.Many people here like to play this good sport.It is quite popular in China.China has some good badminton players.Lin Dan is one of my favorite players。
Answer three: Yes.I often take an active part in many kinds of sports games, such as swimming, playing basketball and badminton, among which, playing badminton is always my greatest passion.I often invite some of my energetic friends to play badminton after class in the school grounds or in Suzhou Park.Taking sports regularly can strengthen our bodies and avoid diseases, and prepare us well for the study afterwards。
很明显,Answer one 如果是纯粹的生活对话是可以接受的,但是就考试来讲答案太不充分。Answer two 基本回答了提问,也给出了相关的信息。但仔细一看,发现所有的句子都是简单句,而且部分信息与所问问题不相及,整个答案显得松散无章。Answer three 是一个值得肯定的答案。回答了问题且信息充分,语言也很连贯流畅。不难看出,好的答案包含
了不止一方面的信息:What, Who, When, Where, Why, How。这六个方面通常是我们构思一个好答案的切入口,从这些方面进行Brainstorming(头脑风暴)肯定不会无话可讲,适当扩充了答案,而且加入了亲身经历会使答案与众不同吸引考官,答案一定不能千篇一律,准备的时候要注意个性化!最后语言方面要避免书面化,使用过于复杂句式和生僻词汇只会暴露你提前准备过,官方严格规定背诵答案不满6分。一个简洁明了的答案绝对比一个复杂难懂的答案好。但要指出的是,简单的答案并不等于短答案,答案太短会使整个面试有太多的停顿,而考官也要大伤脑筋多想问题,你面临的问题也就会更多。自然的语言和神态,口语小词的穿插,充分的答案才能使你表现优秀!
当考试进行到第二部分,即考生详细描述或谈论指定话题,考生将拿到一张cue card(话题卡),要求就卡片上的话题展开一至两分钟的描述,并将有一分钟的准备时间,可以记笔记。卡片问题一般由一个标题加上三个细节问题构成。
?08年最In口语话题排行榜第一名当属地点题,这一类考题不仅数量庞大,极为频繁,而且正趋向多样化。除了传统考题,如:garden,meseum,city,park,a studying or working place,a hotel以外,又出现一些较为“另类”的题目:a place that has good water resource, a place that makes you happy, a place that has been polluted, a swimming pool, etc。
?人物题,该大类也呈现出多元化和越来越细化的特征,原来可能只需要你谈an old person,现在却要求描述an interesting old person。原来只是描述a family member,现在可能要解释how a family member influences you, a helpful person, a teenager,种种情况不一而足。
?物品题(a lost item/a movie/ a TV program/ a magazine, etc)
?事件题(a late experience/ an unforgettable event/ a great change in life/ a success, etc。)
Explain why you like…
Explain why you want to…
Explain how you feel when you…
Describe a Gift
Describe a special gift you have received which makes you feel special.You should say:
What the gift is
Who gave it to you
Why the person gave it to you
And explain why the gift means so much to you。
*介绍句(开头句---Introducing Sentence)
*主题内容(细节内容---Main Body)
The gift I am going to talk about is very special to me.It is a doll I used to play with for quite a long time.(Introduction)
My parents gave it to me when I was five as a birthday present.I considerd it as special because it was a very high-tech doll at that time and I was very proud of it.It would cry if I hit it or accidentally dropped it.However,when I put a kind of dummy into its mouth, it would immediately stopped crying.Next time I let go of the dummy it would laugh happily.Sometimes it could make some noises like a real baby.It brought a lot of fun into my childhood.At that time, not many kids had this kind of dolls and I liked to show it to my friends in the kindergarten.It made me a star among the children.Of course sometimes we would play with the doll together.It was the first gift that my parents bought me and it meant a lot to me.Although it could not cry or langh any more, I still keep it.(Main body)
Every time I see it, I remember the happy time playing with it and the smile on my parents’faces.It recalls a lot of old and sweet memories, and I think this gift is really special to me and to my family.(Conclusion)
第一部分和第二部分通常要求考生说明一些事实,谈论他们的生活以及他们所熟悉的范围,但第三部分要求考生就一些自己并不熟悉或从来没有思考过的话题进行讨论。第三部分在学术上表述为Two-way Discussion,然而实际上主要由考生回答考官的提问,所谓的two-way体现得并不明显。虽然理论上该部分的问题由第二部分的描述内容派生而来,但这些问题灵活性大且有深度,例如:Part2要求描述一位影响你一生的老师,那Part3中就会延伸到你对教育的看法。有的考生会感觉头脑一片空白,无话可说,对于尚未习惯用第二语言来表达自己想法或者缺乏这种能力的年龄较小的考生来说,要完成这一任务有一定困难。同时,在该部分,考官所考察的语言技能也有所不同。考生不仅需要有观点和想法,能够运用生活中的实例来支持这些观点和想法,更为重要的是,还必须有效、快速地用恰当的语言将他们组织起来,让自己的想法被考官所理解。通过下面的例子,来给大家做个具体的分析。
Sample Part Three Question
Do you think that education has changed much in your country over the past 20 years? 对于很多年龄较小的考生来说,这个问题很有挑战性——他们从来没有20年前受教育的经历,又如何来进行比较呢?然而,如果考生不拘泥于自身的观点和经历,而更多地考虑周围的真实世界(如第一和第二部分那样),问题就变得简单了。如果能够运用自己身边人的经验,比如家人,他们将发现家人的经验会为他们提供很多回答这一问题的素材。还有一点要说明的是,问题的回答并非一定是非常肯定和确切的,考生完全可以运用假设和讨论的语气,增加和考官的讨论和互动性。
went to university
went to high school, finished middle school
new buildings
old buildings
a radio
Some foreign teachers
only Chinese teachers
Colorful textbooks
black and white text books
boring books, boring teachers
boring books, boring teachers
lots of tests
lots of tests
Yes, I think education has changed a lot in China./ No, I don’t think education has changed much at all./ Well, it’s a tough question.I haven’t thought much about that before but I guess it has changed somewhat。
One reason why I think education has changed is that today there are university towns around the main cities with lots of universities in them.For example, I went to a university in Nanjing and there were lots of other universities in our area。
Another difference is that in the past there were no foreign teachers or university programs in China.Now there are a lot.My university has several MBA joint venture programs and lots of foreign teachers teaching languages, history and culture。
On the other hand, some things have not changed: textbooks are still very boring and the teaching style of many teachers is still quite uninteresting。
So that’s why I think education has changed in China。
环球雅思口语老师认为雅思口语话题繁多,每个都准备的话难度会很大,要是进行一定的概括就会容易多了。你在网上搜当月雅思题目,然后往前看以此类推,专门只看part 2!你会发现题目大概重复的有100来个,然后进行整理和归类
记住很多帖子把part 2 的每一部分都总结的很长,没有必要,你只要一个核心词,举个例子:
描述一个 Describe a historical building/an interesting old(traditioanl)building in your country?
Where is it located?
What is it used for?
Explain why you think it is the most interesting?
太罗嗦,浓缩为一句话,历史古迹,完了,明白了么?你以最简单的方式归纳核心词,这样下来part 2的topic依然在8-90个,然后就开始归类。
1.What kind of differences in the cultures are you expecting between China and the UK?
2.What effect do you think your studies will have on your career when you get back to China?
3.What do you intend to do after you graduate?
4.What will be some of your challenges you foresee when you come back to China?
5.Do you think you'll have any problems adjusting back to life in China?
6.What kind of changes will you have to make when you come back to China?
7.Do you think there might be a gap between what you learned from your studies and the level of knowledge you will encounter on arrival?
8.Are there any special places you want to see in Canada? What are they?
9.What kind of things do you particularly want to do in Canada that you can't do here?
10.How do you like your life in X X X University?
11.What do you think of the training you got in the university?
12.What aspect of English do you find the most difficult?
13.Can you compare American English with British English?
14.What sports are played in your country?
15.Could you describe the traditional architecture of your country? 文都国际教育官方网站:http://www.xiexiebang.com/