
时间:2022-07-07 02:23:31下载本文作者:会员上传




动物的英语作文400字 篇1

Do you think the zoo is a really intererting place ? I think so.The zoo is the most interesting place that I have ever seen in my whole life.I like the zoo.It is like a garden which exhibits various kinds of animals birds and insects.It is indeed a good idea to pay a visit to the zoo during school holidays.The more you look at the animals the happier you will become.Among all the animals the monkeys are the funniest.That’s my opinion.Do you agree.【参考译文】



动物的英语作文400字 篇2

My father bought me a lovely pet on my birthday.He has two orange paws,a sharp and orange mouth.Of course he has a pair of small and blue eyes and a long tail with bright and black feather all over.Do you know what it is? Yes,its a bird.His names KaKa.He is sometimes very friendly and quite but sometimes a little naught.He likes singing when he feels happy.He can even mimic what we say.Becase of KaKa ,the whole family is usually full ofmuch more happiness.KaKa is my favorite animal.我生日时爸爸给我买了一只可爱的宠物。它有两个橘色的爪子,一个桔色的尖嘴巴。当然它还有一对蓝色的小眼睛,一个长长的尾巴的一身乌黑发亮的羽毛。



动物的英语作文400字 篇3

I have a very pretty rabbit.Its name is Koukou.Koukou is very fat.She wears white coat.She has two red eyes.They look like two red diamonds.She has long ears.She can run and jump.She likes eat carrots.She lives in the kitchen.My rabbit is very smart.I often playing with KouKou.I like rabbit—KouKou.Do you like her?



动物的英语作文400字 篇4

I have two turtles, they are cute.i′ve had them for two years.They carry heavy shells,just like carrying a school bag.they have eyes which shines just like black beans.they are funny.They are like to eat the watermelon in the summer.mother always buy more for the turtles,so i think that they like to cool down as well, but they are shy when eating, they don′t want to be watched, as they inhaling the food.the ofter day , i bried to observe how they eat their food.The way they eat is really funny.no wondey why they are so shy.Grauing up, fradually.i want to stay with him as long as he lives.

动物的英语作文400字 篇5

My Favorite Animal

Animals are friends of human beings.Most of them are lovely.I like giraffe the most.They are very tall and have many brown spots.They have very long necks, so that they can eat the leaves in high trees.Giraffes are gentle and lovely.They are friendly to people.When I go to the zoo, I always look at them.They move slowly.I can’t keep it as a pet, because it’s so huge.It’s a big pity.翻译:



动物的英语作文400字 篇6

The white stone national zoo is a place with many kinds of animals and plants ,including some dangerous one too.To make a happy trip here,please follow by these rules:

1.Keep distances from large animals and do not frighten or throw things to them.2.When there is a yellow line,please stay behind it.Because the sand or marshland there is dangerous.3.Do not feed the animals.4.Do not eat any plant that you may find.5.Do not leave anyting when you leave.6.Read the information on every board first,it will help you to know the animal or plant better.7.For emergency please call 999.

动物的英语作文400字 篇7

I love how they decide to sit by me,whatever room of the house I am in,and sleep in my empty bed next to me.I love how they use their noses as tools to make me pet them.I love how they smell like corn(more like corn chips,its just a dog thing)after theyve been asleep or while they are sleeping.I love my puppy who I will have to say goodbye to soon.I will miss everything about him but I love the time I have spent with him.Whatever happened with me and the ex,he sure did raise a hell of a dog.Or maybe it was just my dogs own self,maybe he was just always going to turn out that loving.Either way,I love them and think they have saved my life.

动物的英语作文400字 篇8

I like animals very much, such as horses,monkeys, cats, tigers and so on.But I like dogs best.Why? Because they are very cute and nice.I have a white dog.Its name is Bobo.She is a female dog.She comes from Beijing,China.She wears white clothes and she has two big eyes and a small month.She often walks round and round at home.It has nothing to do.She likes eating ice-cream so much.So do I.When I eat ice-cream,she will look at the ice-cream carefully,So I will give her some to eat.I think Bobo is the cutest dog in the world.




动物的英语作文400字 篇1

As time goes by, more and more wild animals become endangered and some have already died out.One of the major reasons is that the habitats of many wild animals are polluted or destroyed.At the same time, the food some animals mainly feed on is becoming scarce, leading to starvation.Besides, a great many wild animals are hunted for food or money each year.All in all, human beings are fully responsible for the present situation.In order to live harmoniously with animals, everyone of us should raise awareness of wildlife protection and the government is expected to take active measures to protect animals, including passing laws and establishing nature reserves.

动物的英语作文400字 篇2

Saturday, my classmates and I went to the zoo, the first bus ride to the wildlife park.We take pictures at the door and we went in.Before we saw the peacock, I saw two peacocks opened the screen, and then have a good beautiful peacock open screen.Later we went to read the tiger, he ran so fast.We went to see when the show, there are a lot of animals.See the beauty of the hands of a snake, monkey online cycling.After we finished dinner saw sea lions and dolphin shows.After reading it, we went home.星期六,我和我的同学一起去动物园,先坐大巴车到了野生动物园。我们在门口拍照然后我们进去了。我们之前看了孔雀,看到有2只孔雀开了屏,然后又有一只孔雀开了屏好美丽。后来我们又去看了老虎,老虎跑得好快。我们去看表演的时候,有好多动物。看到美女的手上有条蛇,猴子在线上骑单车。之后我们吃完了饭后看了海狮和海豚表演。看完之后我们就回家了。

动物的英语作文400字 篇3

Animals are our best friends.But there are many bad things about them.So we should try our best to protect animals.First, let us know the status of the animal.Now, animals are facing very great danger.For example, there are many kinds of animals will die out.And there are many people eat precious and wild animals.They are nasty.As students, we should stop this behavior and protect animals.Then, let us know we should how to protect animals.We should protect they habitat.If you see other people mindlessly trample animal homes, nicely remind them of the damage they're causing.We can not also eat some wild animals.We should ask other people to protect them, too.Let we protect animals together!

动物的英语作文400字 篇4

Do you know what kind of animal I like most? It’s monkey.Monkey is a kind of lovely animal.Many people like monkeys very much.Generally, monkey has small body covered with fur.Some kinds of monkeys have two big eyes and ears and a long tail.I can see them on TV or the zoo.Every time I go to the zoo, I will go to see them.Monkeys often stay in trees and jump between them.They are so lively and favorable.When they are happy, they will act for visitors.It’s very funny.你知道我最喜欢的动物是什么吗?是猴子。这是一种特别可爱的动物,很多人都十分喜欢它们。通常来说,童子的身子比较小,身上长满了毛。其中的一些种类有两只大眼睛、大耳朵以及一条长尾巴。我可以在电视上或动物园里看见它们。每次我去动物园,我都会去看猴子。它们常常待在树上,在树木之间跳来跳去,十分活泼,讨人喜欢。它们高兴的时候,还会特别表演给游客看,非常好玩。

动物的英语作文400字 篇5

My Favorite Animal

Do you know what kind of animal I like most? It’s monkey.Monkey is a kind of lovely animal.Many people like monkeys very much.Generally, monkey has small body covered with fur.Some kinds of monkeys have two big eyes and ears and a long tail.I can see them on TV or the zoo.Every time I go to the zoo, I will go to see them.Monkeys often stay in trees and jump between them.They are so lively and favorable.When they are happy, they will act for visitors.It’s very funny.翻译:



动物的英语作文400字 篇6

I have got two baby cats.they are very beautiful.One is yellow.the other is white.they are very lovely.the yellow cat is very naughty.He likes to play with people.He often runs here and there.His favourite game is playing with balls, ropes and stones.But the white cat is very gentle.She likes to wash her face.And she doesn′t like to play with people.She often jumps onto my knees.I like to give her a bath.Oh, my baby cats bring me much happiness.We are very good friends.I love them.我有两只小猫.他们非常漂亮.一只是黄色的.另一只是白色的..他们非常可爱.黄色的小猫很调皮.他经常到处跑.他最喜欢的游戏是玩球、绳子和石头.而白色的小猫非常温和.她喜欢洗她的脸.并且她不喜欢和人玩.她经常跳上我的膝盖.我喜欢给她洗澡.噢,我的小猫为我带来了很多愉快.我们是非常好的朋友.我爱他们.

动物的英语作文400字 篇7

A tiger is a kind of catamount animal.It looks like a cat,but much bigger than a cat.A tiger is very ferocious and it eats mainly meat.It has yellow and black streaks all over its body and it looks very beautiful.Its tail is long and strong and it can hit its quarry dying.Tigers live in the thick forests and small animals in the forests are tigers' food.During the past years,many forests have been cut down and the living conditions of the tigers are becoming worse and worse.There are fewer tigers left in the world now.Tigers are the animals of the world,and they should have their own living spaces.We must do our best to protect the tigers and their living environment.

动物的英语作文400字 篇8

Everyone knows animals are our friends.So we should be friendly to them.But some people kill the rare animals, such as pandas, golden monkeys and so on in order to get money.It will cause these animals to disappear soon.I think our government should punish those people severely who kill the rare animals.It is our duty to protect the endangered animals.每个人都知道动物是我们的朋友,因此我们要有好的对待它们。但是一些人为了赚钱而猎杀稀有动物,例如熊猫、金丝猴等。这会导致这些动物快速消失。我认为政府应该严厉惩罚那些捕杀稀有动物的人。保护濒临灭绝的动物是我们的责任。

动物的英语作文400字 篇9

I have two turtles,they are cute.I′ve had them for two years.They carry heavy shells,just like carrying a school bag.They have eyes which shines just like black beans.They are funny.Collected by www

They are like to eat the watermelon in the summer.Mother always buy more for the turtles,so I think that they like to cool down as well,but they are shy when eating,they don′t want to be watched,as they inhaling the food.The ofter day ,I bried to observe how they eat their food.Collected by

The way they eat is really funny.No wondey why they are so shy.Grauing up,fradually.I want to stay with him as long as he lives.











它的眼睛黑黑的;它的耳朵又长又黑;身体像天上的满月的月亮 那么的圆;尾巴长长的,像一条长长的绳子;








阳光温暖明媚的直射在了鱼缸透明的玻璃上,两只小乌龟懒洋洋的伸长了四肢,把原本水汪汪的大眼睛眯成了一条细缝,一动不动,仿佛在享受午后的休闲与安稳。可这样的平静没持续多久“暴风雨 ”就来了。一只小乌龟像触电了一般,前肢不停地向前划,后职业在奋力拨水,弄得鱼缸里的石沙上上下下漂浮不定,它的眼睛里顿时放射出一种从未有过的光芒。我半知半解的看了看,把一个手指头放进去动了动它的头,它竟毫不畏惧,反而伸长了脖子。原来,浴缸的另一头角落里静静遗落了一块快要融化的龟,我当时心里暗笑:这个小馋鬼,一看见食物就六神无主。而令我十分震惊的是,它跑过去并没有不管三七二十一一口就吞掉,而是用头一点一点把食物抵过去,最后抵到了另一只龟的面前,有恳求的目光看着,仿佛在说:快吃吧,快吃吧!我顿时觉得可笑,心想这个小东西还懂得“让人三分”,后来才发现,另一只乌龟受伤了,它的前掌的内掌被石粒刮去了一小块皮。



我的老家有一只小动物,它是一只惹人喜欢 的狗它的名字 叫“妞妞”,它是我的朋友,一个非常要好的朋友。

它的眼睛 黑黑的;它的耳朵又长又黑;身体像天上的满月的月亮 那么的圆;尾巴长长的,像一条长长的绳子;

又一次,妞妞生了一只小狗,我便把小狗放在妞妞身边,妞妞仔细地在照顾 着小狗,让它不受到任何一点伤害。如果 我想抱了一抱小狗,妞妞就不肯让我抱小狗,即使是我妹妹 它也不肯。在晚上,如果很冷的话,妞妞会把小狗抱在自己 的怀里,让小狗不会被一股股冷风吹到,当我看到这一幕时,心一酸,便从柜子里拿出一件小衣服,盖在妞妞和小狗的身上。妞妞和小狗便温暖 了许多,我的心便高兴 了许多。

妞妞看我的眼神,变得温和了许多,因为它知道了,我对它的友好。日子一天天的过去 了,我和妞妞的感情 也越来越深了,渐渐我就能抱小狗了。





动物的英语作文400字 篇1

There are so many animals in the world, but dogs are my favorite animals.They can be as small as an apple, like Cup Puppy.While they also can be as big as a lion, such as Tibetan Mastiff.Usually, they are black、white and brown.With two short straight ears、a pair of black eyes and a lovely tail.When they greets to their masters, their tails are waving happily.They can run very fast.They often live in a small house with their family.The meat and bones are their favorite food.Look!They are eating bones hungrily.How cute they are!

Dogs are friendly to people.They can help people do many things, buy things、look after the house and catch the mice.They are people’ good friends, so I like them very much.

动物的英语作文400字 篇2

Here is a small zoo.I like the tiger, although they are very ugly, but very imposing.Also has the national treasure panda, they are a little shy, does not dare to look at us.Who are those? they are elephants, you look at they to be huge, also has a point to be interesting.I do not like the lion, they compare the tiger clown, is also unimposing.This is the small zoo.【参考译文】



动物的英语作文400字 篇3

If you ask me what my favourite animal.I can tell you pandas are my favourite.I like the pandas not only because they are one of the China's treasures,but also because they looks cute.Pandas are very fat and hairy.They have two colours:white and black.The panda'sd face,back and stomach are all white, their eyes nose legs and arms are all black.The pandas like eating bamboo.Using the paws,he chew the bamboo very slowly with his mouth.There are two pandas called tuantuan and yuanyuan will send to Taiwan.

动物的英语作文400字 篇4

我最喜欢的动物 My Favorite Animal

Do you know what kind of animal I like most? It’s monkey.Monkey is a kind of lovely animal.Many people like monkeys very much.Generally, monkey has small body covered with fur.Some kinds of monkeys have two big eyes and ears and a long tail.I can see them on TV or the zoo.Every time I go to the zoo, I will go to see them.Monkeys often stay in trees and jump between them.They are so lively and favorable.When they are happy, they will act for visitors.It’s very funny.你知道我最喜欢的动物是什么吗?是猴子。这是一种非常可爱的动物,很多人都非常喜欢它们。一般来说,童子的'身子比较小,身上长满了毛。其中的一些种类有两只大眼睛、大耳朵和一条长尾巴。我可以在电视上或动物园里看见它们。每次我去动物园,我都会去看猴子。它们常常待在树上,在树木之间跳来跳去,非常活泼,讨人喜欢。它们高兴的时候,还会特别表演给游客看,非常好玩。

动物的英语作文400字 篇5

I like dogs, because they are man’s good friends.They can do many helpful things to us, such as guarding our houses, greeting guests, helping the police, and so on.Some trained dogs can even lead the blind people and save people’s lives.So they‘re treated as our family members.I hope someday dogs will be in great harmony with human-beings.狗是人类的好朋友,所以我很喜欢他们。他们可以为我们做很多有用的事情,比如,保护房子,问候客人,帮助警方等等。一些受过训练的狗甚至可以引导盲人、拯救人们的性命。因此他们都被当做是我们的家庭成员。我希望有一天狗能与人类和谐共处。




动物的英语作文400字 篇1

From July to September each year, several millions of wild animals in EastAfrica will migrate from Tanzania to Kenya, known as a global natural wonder.On the vast open plains of the Serengeti and deep into the rolling hills of the Masai Mara the largest animal herds on the planet move in a never-ending natural pattern in response to an undeniable imperative-the need to find fresh, nourishing grazing.This exceptional natural phenomenon is renowned as Africa’s greatest wildlife spectacle.The thundering hooves of the herds and the enormous clouds of fine red dust they leave in their wake have become an icon of East African safari.

动物的英语作文400字 篇2

Do you know what kind of animal I like most? It’s monkey.Monkey is a kind of lovely animal.Many people like monkeys very much.Generally, monkey has small body covered with fur.Some kinds of monkeys have two big eyes and ears and a long tail.I can see them on TV or the zoo.Every time I go to the zoo, I will go to see them.Monkeys often stay in trees and jump between them.They are so lively and favorable.When they are happy, they will act for visitors.It’s very funny.你知道我最喜欢的动物是什么吗?




动物的英语作文400字 篇3

我喜欢的动物 My Favorite Animal

Ilike dogs, because they are man’s good friends.They can do many helpful thingsto us, such as guarding our houses, greeting guests, helping the police, and soon.Some trained dogs can even lead the blind people and save people’s lives.So they‘re treated as our family members.I hope someday dogs will be in greatharmony with human-beings.我喜欢狗,因为它们是人类的好朋友。他们可以为我们做很多有用的事情,如,保护房子,问候客人,帮助警方等等。一些受过训练的'狗甚至可以引导盲人、拯救人们的性命。所以他们都被当做是我们的家庭成员。我希望有一天狗能与人类和谐共处。

动物的英语作文400字 篇4

I have a very pretty rabbit.Its name is Koukou.Koukou is very fat.She wears white coat.She has two red eyes.They look like two red diamonds.She has long ears.She can run and jump.She likes eat carrots.She lives in the kitchen.My rabbit is very smart.I often playing with KouKou.I like rabbit—KouKou.Do you like her?



动物的英语作文400字 篇5

Saturday, my classmates and I went to the zoo, the first bus ride to the wildlife park.We take pictures at the door and we went in.Before we saw the peacock, I saw two peacocks opened the screen, and then have a good beautiful peacock open screen.Later we went to read the tiger, he ran so fast.We went to see when the show, there are a lot of animals.See the beauty of the hands of a snake, monkey online cycling.After we finished dinner saw sea lions and dolphin shows.After reading it, we went home.星期六,我和我的同学一起去动物园,先坐大巴车到了野生动物园。我们在门口拍照然后我们进去了。我们之前看了孔雀,看到有2只孔雀开了屏,然后又有一只孔雀开了屏好美丽。后来我们又去看了老虎,老虎跑得好快。我们去看表演的时候,有好多动物。看到美女的手上有条蛇,猴子在线上骑单车。之后我们吃完了饭后看了海狮和海豚表演。看完之后我们就回家了。

动物的英语作文400字 篇6

The animal is the friend of our human beings.We live in the same earth.Animals and human beings can’t be separated from each other.But some animals are getting less and less.So it’s necessary for us to protect animals, especially wild animals.Some people kill wild animal because of money.It’s illegal.Beside, because of the development of society, human needs more space to live in, so we explore the forest.Animals have less space to live in.The number of wild animals decreases year by year.It’s high time to take actions to protect wild animals.



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    My Favorite Animals 作文赏析 The King of Grassland Lions are the king of grassland. They make people feel scary to look at them, even to think about them.Lions......

