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荆州市2012 年高考英语作文征文集



二、人际交往篇,包含:友谊、理解、分享、感恩、合作、爱、助人为乐、幽默、兴趣、美、课外活动、社会活动、网络、旅 游、阅读、习惯、文化差异;

三、社会生活篇,包含:体育锻炼、低碳生活、健 康饮食、吸烟、女性地位、节日、环保、微博、广告、网购、网络等等。入选的 大部分征文有如下特点:

1、符合今年湖北省高考特点:有明确的主题;以明确 的观点开头;有符合逻辑(可以是杜撰)的事例或者其它论述方法支持文章观点。

2、文章结构合理,基本为经典的三段式,首段表述观点开门见山,简洁明了; 中间段落论证有力,布局规范,有恰当的中心句和收尾句;尾段总结观点。

3、语言通顺,用词贴切,规范,应用了较丰富的语法结构和词汇,使用了恰当的连 接成分,全文结构紧凑。



In the dark night of difficulty, we should take comfort in knowing that a bright day will always cheer on us where our hopes and dreams lie.Never forget your dream and give up your hope.范文1:

There is no doubt that there are countless obstacles on our road to success.Sometimes we may choose to give up our hope.But never do this!There was a time when I was in hospital.I still remembered clearly how I spent those days when I couldn’t do anything by myself or have a breakfast on my own.My mother kept me company and did everything for me.I hated myself so much that I lost confidence in my life.I locked myself alone in the room and felt my world was coming to an end.At midnight, I heard my mother crying on the other side of the door.She said:“Baby, never abandon your hope of life, you can do everything!” Suddenly I felt heartbroken and ashamed.I opened the door and gave a hug to my mother.From then on, I cheered up and soon picked up.A grass can’t grow up without the wind’s attraction;a man can’t grow up without the barriers on our way.So stick to our hope, sooner or later the happiness and success will come.范文2:

When it comes to hope, people tend to think it plays a significant role when they get into trouble.Indeed, under no circumstances will a person live without it.When we are faced with difficulties, it is hope that gives us the courage to stick to the end.As a girl, I felt it rather difficult to learn science.I had been making every effort to learn it but still in vain.Never was I caught in such a hopeless situation.How heartbroken I was then.I was about to give up when hope flashed into my mind.I want to continue my education in a fantastic university, creating my colorful life.In a flash, I felt as if I was filled with adequate confidence.Finally I managed to gather up my courage to continue my study.It’s normal that everyone’s life is filled up with ups and downs.On no occasion must you give up hope.Do believe that bright future is in store for those who take possession of hope.2.梦想 No matter how small our dreams are, go for them.Dreams can help us live a colorful and creative life.范文1:

As the saying goes, a life without dreams is like a bird without wings.More often than not, we are blessed with sweet dreams.However, it is whether we can hold onto it that really matters.However tough it is to achieve your dream, it is of vital importance to stick to it.What impresses me most is the outstanding example of Lin Shuhao, a Chinese American player in NBA.There was a time when Lin despaired for he had been turned down by a chain of teams.Instead of giving up his dream of being a basketball star, he trained hard and spared no efforts to improve his skills.It was his perseverance in his dream that won him a spot in NBA.Be perseverant and keep going.Only when you devote yourself to your dreams will your potential be fully developed.(话题来源:人教版选修8第3单元)范文2:

A dream is like the light leading you to success, and having a dream may make you more motivated even if you meet with difficulties.I have been dreaming of entering a key university to major in English, for which I worked out a schedule for myself.Driven by the strong desire to fulfill my ambition, I made the best of my time to learn English.Shy as I was, I seized every opportunity to practise English speaking in public.Eventually all my efforts paid off as I can speak and write English fluently now.Regardless of the difficulties I will strive for my dream and spare no effort to do whatever I can.In a word, the better dream we have, the more meaningful life we may gain.范文3:

It’s known that a dream is the starting point of all achievements.As far as I am concerned, it’s not intelligence or fortune but a dream that contributes to success.Enthusiastic about music as well as talented in playing the guitar, I have always been dreaming of forming a band on my campus.But to my disappointment, my parents opposed it as they agreed it would influence my study.However, so determined was I that I even begged my parents to support me on condition that my grades wouldn’t be left behind.With my great efforts I managed to form a band in my junior middle school and achieved my dream.From my own experience, I strongly believe that our success in any field is determined by our dreams.5 Hold to Your Dreams Everyone has his dreams, but not all these dreams can come true.People give up their dreams for this or that reason.Those whose dreams become true have at least one thing in common, that is, they always hold fast to their dreams.Marie Curie, a famous scientist, has set a good example.In 1898, Marie found a new element in the pitchblende.In order to prove her discovery, she must get it and show it to the world.Then to get the new element became her dream and goal of her life.After four years' hard work and refinement of tons of pitchblende, Marie and her husband at last saw the dim blue light of the new element--radium.Her dream had come true.There are many other examples.Just around us, for instance, the athletes who gain the gold medals, the artists who are popular with the public, and even the students who enter the university after years of hard study and preparation, are all dream-holders.Hold fast to your dreams, no matter how big or small they are.The path to dreams may not be smooth and wide, even some sacrifices are needed, but hold on to the end, you will find there is no greater happiness than making your dream come true.3.心态

People in modern society live under a lot of pressure from many aspects such as education, career or family.It is important to keep a good mood in your daily life.范文:

I remember a wise man once said that when you face something unchangeable, just change yourself.In my opinion, if you want to achieve an eventual change of the world around you it’s quite necessary for you to change yourself sometimes.The wise man’s words remind me of my cousin who used to complain about English

learning.He thought it unnecessary to learn a foreign language and ignored it at all.As a result, he fell behind the others in his class and even failed in the exam.After realizing where his problems lied, he changed his attitude.He began to actively involve himself in English classes.He practiced listening and speaking English after class.What’s more, he kept an English diary, which helped him think in English.A year later, he became one of the ten top students in his class.He successfully solved his problems by changing himself.As far as I’m concerned, change your attitude when you find the environment

unchangeable.Only in this way can you achieve an eventual change of the world around you.6 4.决心

The determined spirit gives us light when we are in dark moments and encourages when we are frustrated.With this quality, no enemy can overwhelm us, and no obstacles can stand in our way.范文1:

As an old saying goes, a person who ends up a winner is the one who resolves to win.It reminds us of the significance of perseverance.Equipped with determination and confidence, we are more likely to hold on to our goals.Actually many great people achieved their dreams through a long period of struggle, among whom, Thomas Edison inspired me most.Well-known as he is, he suffered thousands of failures in his attempt to make the electric bulb.Instead of giving up or feeling depressed, he kept experimenting through trial and error.Finally, all he had done paid off.He became the first to invent the electric bulb, winning a world reputation over night.There is no doubt that it is determination and perseverance that matter when we are faced with challenges.Keep in mind that the stronger our determination is, the closer we will get to our goals.(指导教师:沙市中学陈蓓)范文2:

Life is like a journey which consists of not only sunshine but also rains.It is generally acknowledged that determination and perseverance are what it takes to overcome all the difficulties.Only when we are equipped with them can we have access to success.And Steven Hawking is such a person with a strong will.Steven Hawking, who is one of the greatest scientists in the modern history, paralyzed when he was in his youth.In spite of the fact that he was physically disabled, his mind has flown out of space.With a strong will and determination, he wrote the famous book A Brief History and put forward the well-known Black Hole by using his only two fingers, which shocked the whole world.As is his case, determination is the key to success.As long as we keep the determination to attain our dreams, success is sure to lie somewhere on our life journey.(指导教师:沙市中学陈蓓)5.信心

Self-confidence is extremely important in almost every aspect of our lives, self-confident people have qualities that everyone admires.范文1: 7 Whatever one does, one should do it with confidence.Equipped with confidence, we can deal with any challenges and difficulties until we succeed.When I entered Senior 3, I found myself faced with difficulty in English study, and even failed in English exams.As a consequence, I began to feel frustrated losing confidence in myself.It was at that time that my parents encouraged me and my teachers offered me some practical and effective advice on my studies, telling me to be confident.With their help, I regained my confidence and began to make steady progress.As the saying goes, where there is a will, there is a way.If we are to make a difference, we should build up our confidence, which is of vital importance if we want to overcome any obstacles and eventually achieve our goal.(作者:公安一中郑文富指导教师:史绍芬)6.毅力

It is universally acknowledged that people cannot succeed or achieve their targets with-out a strong will and persistence.No one can deny the fact that persistence is the key point in accomplishing one' s task.Strong will is a kind of good quality which successful people should own.(话题来源:人教版Book9Unit1)范文1:nothing SucceedsWithout a StrongWill It is universally acknowledged that people cannot succeed or achieve their targets without a strong will and persistence.One of the most typical examples is that in the present-day society, a growing number of people give up or fail to quit smoking just because of their poor willpower during the process.A variety of factors may account for this phenomenon as follows.For one thing, no one can deny the fact that persistence is the key point in accomplishing one’s task.It is of importance for people to stick to their original aim.A great number of drugsters would stop smoking a couple of days after they have made their determination, but only a few of them may succeed in the end.For another, the people who cannot quit smoking may easily be affected by his circumstance and surroundings.In that case, people tend to fail to resist various temptations around them.From what has been discussed above, we may safely come to the conclusion that only by concentrating on the object and strong self-discipline can we obtain our goals successfully in the future.(指导教师:洪湖市第二中学彭伟)8 7.坚持

It is always said that persistence will surely result in success.Meanwhile, flexibility plays an important part in our struggle for achievements.(话题来源:人教版必修五第一单元)范文1:

As we all know, success belongs to those who never give up easily.However, there are times when we should adjust our goals to fit in with the real world as well.Take my uncle for example.He has been determined to be a successful businessman since childhood.He worked heart and soul after graduation from high school but his efforts didn’t pay off.One of his friends suggested that he should learn more about management and so he did.He went to a local college, majoring in business management.Three years later, he reopened his own company and has made a good fortune since then.There is no contradiction between persistence and flexibility.Not only do we need strong will to persist but also the wisdom to make changes.(指导老师:石首一中蔡勇)Many great scientists have made great contributions to the whole world, due to their constant efforts and dogged perseverance.We can achieve nothing without will power.(话题来 源:人教版必修五第1单元)范文1:

Along the way to success, perseverance can never be ignored.Equip yourself with will power, and you can naturally brighten your future.At the beginning of my swimming learning, I was so afraid that the courage failed me.Not until the coach pushed me into the water did I feel the real power of it.Then, the training began.However strict it was, I was asked to practice over and over again.At last, I made my way.But for the help of coach and my perseverance, I wouldn’t have become a real swimmer.On the road of life, we can’t predict when the difficulty comes.The best equipment is the will power.As the saying goes, there’s no difficulty in the world unless you are not firm enough.范文2:

Perseverance is the key to achieving our dream.Whoever lacks it will fail to gain success.Therefore, it is vital for us.When I studied in Junior Middle School, I often failed in English exams.I always regretted not studying hard.Then I decided that I should make great efforts to make progress.So I got up early every morning to read English and memorize English words and sentences.No matter what difficulties I had in studying English, I never give up my belief.With time 9 going by, my efforts paid off at last.I got the first place in the final exam.Through my experience, I realized the importance of perseverance.Whatever difficulties we meet, we can’t give up our dream.(指导老师:石首一中高海燕)Having a disability does not mean your life is not satisfying.In many ways disability can help you grow stronger psychologically and become more independent.范文:

With disability, it is not easy to live a normal life.But if the disabled are strong-minded and independent, they will live as rich and full a life as us.Marty, who have a muscle disease, is so weak that he cannot run or climb stairs as quickly as other people.In addition, being clumsy, he sometimes drops things or bumps into furniture.But he is optimistic and has learned to live with his disability.Having a busy life, he has no time to sit around, feeling sorry for himself.As well as going to the movies and football matches, he spends much time looking after his pets.What’s more, he has invented a computer football game.So it is with strong mind and independence that the disabled can live their life to the fullest.(指导教师:荆州中学孟艳)8.态度 范文:

Different attitudes lead to different results.Those who take positive attitude towards work will be rewarded.Let’s take Xiao Hua and Xiao Li for an example.They are both my classmates.Xiao Hua who is helpful both to teachers and students puts his heart into study.Because of his hard work he has become a top student in our class, even in the grade.With his diligence and concentration, he is bound to succeed in entering his ideal university.However, Xiao Li never cares about his study because he is addicted to playing games, he turns a deaf ear to the teachers’ advice.As a result, he falls far behind others in his study.In my opinion, attitude is everything.No matter what you do, you must do it well even if you may fail many times.Sooner or later you will be rewarded for your positive attitude towards your work or life.9.责任

Duty is something you have to do because it is morally or legally right.Everybody should have a sense of duty towards himself, his family or even strangers.Being a dutiful citizen makes 10 your life meaningful.范文:

Duty has fallen on our shoulders since we started to be aware of the world.By performing our duties, we can get others’ respect as well as trust.As a monitor at high school, I used to remind my classmates of an important exam, suggest their requests on teaching to the teachers and help the head teacher to organize all kinds of out-of-class activities.Thus, whenever I announced something to do, my classmates would listen to me;and every time they had difficulty with their studies, they would come to me for advice.You can see from my experience that as an individual, as long as you play a good part, people around will believe in and respect you!(指导教师:荆州中学孟艳)Responsibility is essential to us.It not only represents one’s noble quality, but also enables

one to be steady-doing.Being responsible, you will gain many precious things, such a true love.范文1:

As we know, responsibility is essential to us, no matter where we are.I am the oldest one in my family , and I have a sister and a brother.One day , my parents were out , leaving me at home to look after my little sister and brother ,but in the afternoon my classmates asked me to play with them , I was very happy but it occurred to me that I couldn’t go out ,I couldn’t leave my sister and brother at home ,I should be responsible to them , so I refused them.In spite of that, I still felt very happy, because I could see the smile on my brother and sister’s face.Being responsible, you’ll be happier and you will gain the true love.(指导教师:监利县新沟中学李明辉)范文2:

I have learned a lot in my school life, of which responsibility is important to me.In fact I didn’t realize its importance until the school’s sports meeting, my teacher asked me to carry the desk out of the classroom.But my classmates asked me to play basketball with them.I was in a dilemma.Finally, I decided to carry the desk back to classroom.I thought it was my responsibility to do it.Although I didn’t play basketball with my classmates, I felt happy.Thank my teacher for giving a chance to be responsible.I began to do everything with responsibility.(指导教师:监利县新沟中学李明辉)11 10.勤奋

The outstanding inventor Thomas Edison is creative and full of wisdom.However he attached special importance to hard work.His famous remark “Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety nine percent perspiration” has inspired numerous people.范文1:

What makes a great person? As far as Edison is concerned, perspiration is much more important than inspiration.And I can’t agree more.If you don’t have inspiration, you only have to spend a little more time.But if you don’t make efforts, you are sure to get nowhere on the way to success.Facing the university entrance examination around the corner, everyone is working hard.Meanwhile, a great many students make every effort to achieve their dreams, while others always rely on their intelligence and thus think little of the study.Those so-called wise men certainly have more advantages.But can any of them succeed? Perhaps not.Success only belongs to the hard working ones.All in all, a genius is the result of perspiration.Only if we struggle for our goals can we have a brighter future.So bear Edison’s another remark in mind: A genius is often merely a talented person who has done all of his or her homework.(洪湖一中指导老师:袁劲松,胡小燕)范文2:

Everyone wishes to be a genius but there are countless failures in one’s life, and the fact is equal to everyone.However, many people owe their constant failures to the lack of talent or intelligence, thus making excuses for themselves.Although inspiration plays an important part in one’s work, it only provides the idea of the project you are doing.In other words, nothing will be well done without being tried over and over again.Chances are that you may fail many times, but it is persistence that can lead you to the final destination of victory.Perspiration is necessary if you are to be a professor in your field.Everyone is an apple once bitten by the god.You may not have enough inspiration, but your perspiration will make it up.Failure is temporary for a diligent person but permanent for a lazy one.(洪湖一中指导老师:袁劲松,胡小燕)范文3:

Everyone has a desire for success while few have made it.As a result, it is often complained that people are born with different levels of intelligence.However, is it actually intellectual ability that determines success? The answer given by Thomas Edison, the greatest inventor, is “no”!12 As far as Edison is concerned, giving up rather than failing, is a true failure.Meanwhile, only diligence and perseverance are the key to success.When it comes to diligence, my uncle has taught me a lot about it.Born into a poor family in a small village, he managed to settle down in Beijing eventually through his continuous efforts.In a word, life is determined by yourself.No one is a born genius.So why not stop ridiculously owing your failure to destiny, but try to change your life? With faith in yourself as well as diligence, nothing is impossible.(洪湖一中指导老师:袁劲松,胡小燕)范文4:

Efforts Lead to Success No one can deny a truth that one has to make great efforts if he wants to be successful in a certain field.I myself can’t agree more.I have a story in point about myself.I speak very fluent English now.But six years ago, however, I was not able to speak a single word.I was so interested in it that I decided to start to learn it from ABC.Having entered an English evening school, I spent 15 hours a day listening, reading, speaking and writing on weekends.When I had difficulties, I never gave in.After three years’ hard work, I could communicate with the native speakers.Now I am the No.1 candidate for the English Speaking Contest in our school, owing to my excellent performance in English.My story makes me believe one's efforts will be rewarded in success if he is greatly determined and persistent in achieving his goal.11.苦难

Life is a ship on the ocean meeting both sunny days and stormy days.范文1:

Life is a long journey full of ups and downs.Nobody can avoid meeting with obstacles.Whether we can overcome difficulties depends on what attitude we take.There was a time when I had trouble in learning math.Knowing math is a very important subject, I worked hard at it ,but I couldn’t improve my test scores.In such a difficult situation, I didn’t lose heart.I turned to my teacher, Mr Li, for help.He gave me some advice and helped me with my math study in his spare time.It was not long before I became interested in math and made steady progress.I felt very happy, and so did my teacher.This experience has made me aware that if we take a positive attitude we will be winners of life journey.(荆州中学指导教师:彭翠红)范文2: 13 In our life we will have sunny days as well as stormy days.If we are positive about something bad, we will live a wonderful life.Two years ago I was bad at English, especially my spoken English.At that time I didn’t know how to pronounce words correctly.I felt very depressed and wanted to give up.However, I couldn’t do so because English is very important in modern society.I changed my attitude and began to work hard by listening to tapes, watching English programs and communicating with foreigners.Before long I made great progress.Now I can speak fluent English.Life is not easy to us all.Staying positive helps us overcome any difficulties that we meet with.(荆州中学潘明荟指导教师:彭翠红)范文3:

Life is like a journey where exists numerous challenges.But whenever faced with a difficulty, on no account should we give up struggling.I once spared no effort to study English, which was a headache for me.However, God seemed to make fun of me.My hard work didn’t pay off, the results disappointed me in a row, nearly driving me desperate.“What if I give up?” I asked myself.“Never!” So clear was the answer from my deep heart

that I made up my mind to face the difficulty with firm determination.With my mistakes collected, I found out the reasons why I failed.Focused on my own problem, I eventually tasted the sweet of success.From my experience of learning English, I realized that it is determination that counts in helping us deal with a difficulty.(翔宇监利中学蔡仗藜指导老师: 周武平胡双姣)

Life is far from easy for everyone no matter who you are, or what you do.Some people have trouble in getting round due to physical disabilities.Some have difficulty with their studies or work owing to a lack of interest, perseverance or confidence.You may have come across difficulty of some kind.How did you approach it? What is your attitude towards difficulty?(话题来源:人教版选修七第1单元)范文1:

It is universally acknowledged that there is no success without hardship.However, it is hardship that teaches us to be mature and aggressive.What I always remember is my first year in high school, when I had such great difficulty in following the English teacher that I was often overlooked in class.Instead of giving up, I resolved to exhaust every effort to 14 improve my English.I referred to my classmates, went over what I had learned, and memorized words again and again.With hard work, I made progress little by little.Later, I attained the highest mark in an exam, which shocked the whole class.Don’t be afraid of hardship.Persist in what you do, and you will be rewarded with great success.(监利中学指导教师:许芸)范文2: As is often cited, overcoming a difficulty is finding a proper way of your own to approach it.What I always remember is the terrible time in Grade Two when I had great difficulty with maths.So frustrated did I feel that I thought negatively about myself.Fortunately, rather than give in, I set my mind to getting over it.I turned to my teacher and classmates as well as some reference books for help.Gradually, I recovered my confidence and found maths not so tough.Not merely did I succeed in improving my maths, but also strengthened my relationship with others.Whatever great difficulty life has in store, we are expected to take optimistic attitudes.Only if we find the correct approach are we bound to handle it and make progress.(监利中学指导教师:许芸)范文3:

The journey of life is filled with a great diversity of difficulties and obstacles.They don’t just happen.Instead, they are always intended to test our willpower and learn to progress.My life path isn’t as even and smooth as I expected.My shyness used to lock myself in a

sealed shell.That’s why when I was appointed to take charge of a class party I immediately sank into panic.After struggling against an enormous amount of worries and pains, I tried to take this task as an opportunity to thoroughly change myself, thinking that even though I made a fool of myself and the classmates laughed at me, I should feel good to bring laughter to them and proud to have the courage to make mistakes in front of many people.When I looked at the task from a different perspective, it became so light and easy.The party turned out to be a huge success.And more importantly, I found the strong and brave figure in me.When life throws bricks on you, please hold them firmly in your hand and always look at the bright side.(松滋市第一中学黄宇指导教师:郑蓉)12.磨砺

An English proverb goes like this, “Spare the rod and spoil the child.” It implies that in order to enable a child to grow healthily, parents must make him eat bitter foods, do hard work and be sent to places where he can get the fullest training and knowledge.15 范文:

As the saying goes, “No pains, no gains.” It is obvious that the way one lives his childhood plays an important part in his development.I grew up in an ordinary family, which was not so well off.I could understand the hardships my parents were bearing at that time.Therefore, I work very hard now in the hope of entering the university and changing the situation of my family and me.I believe that it was the hardship I experienced in my childhood stimulated my potential and paved the way for me to my future success.All in all, I have reason to believe that flowers from a greenhouse can never withstand a storm and that one can be strong, brave and faithful after all the hardships he has gone through.13.失败

In fact, there aren’t always bright sunshine and gentle breeze, birds’ singing and flowers’ fragrant in our daily life.We have so many failures and hardships that someone will be disappointed and give up the hope of success, but life is what you make it.范文1:

Success will be gained after times of failure as long as we are good at drawing lessons from failures or mistakes and stick to what we are doing.That is the message carried in the proverb “failure is the mother of success.”

I will take my experience of learning English as an example.When I began to learn English, I was so slow and clumsy that I read the words wrongly from time to time.My poor pronunciation made me laughed at by my classmates.But I didn’t give up.I kept practising reading English aloud every day.And my teacher gave me a helping hand, getting me right whenever I made an error.Finally, I was able to speak fluent English.I even got a chance to take part in the English Speech Contest in our school and won the first prize.In a word, as long as we don’t lose heart and keep on trying, we are sure to go through failure and achieve our goals.(松滋市言程中学指导教师:杨雪华喻枚枝)范文2:

Failure is never pleasant.It hurts.Faced with failure, some people choose to deny it;some people learn from it.In my opinion, when we choose to face it bravely, it’ll turn out to be great value in helping our growth.Let’s take one of my friends as an example.After 12 years of studying ballet, a friend of mine was told by a professional that “You will never be a dancer.You haven’t got the body for it.” My friend put away her shoes and took a piano training course the next day.Finally she found her 16 potential talent in playing piano and became a famous pianist in her city.The ballet girl gives us a good example of how to face her big failure, from which we see clearly what life is really like: the great amount of time that you’ve devoted to your dream may turn out to be something wrong.The only choice you can make is to smile to it, think of what you can do with it, and decide to still go further or change your way of life.If you face it bravely enough, the failure will lead to “fresh thinking”, and possibly your life will turn on a new page.范文3:

Learn by making mistakes It is natural that everybody may have fear when they begin to learn a new language.But the most important is to overcome it.The first goal of learning a language is to communicate in it, so we needn’t be afraid of making mistakes.Without fear, we can do everything well.Let’s take my experience of learning English for an example.I started to learn English six

years ago.At the beginning I didn’t dare to speak it because I was worried that others would laugh at me if I made mistakes.Luckily for me, my English teacher was an American.She always encouraged me to be brave enough, and he asked me not to care about what others would say about my mistakes.Slowly I tried to speak a little, most of the time broken English.Whenever I had chance to be with my English teacher, I kept talking in English.Gradually, I made progress in English speaking.So all available evidences point to the fact that it is necessary for us to overcome the fear of making mistakes in order to learn English well.Let’s open our mouth and “shout out” the foreign language bravely.14.耐心 范文:

Patience is the secret of success As an old saying goes, “Patience and application will carry us through.” I can’t agree more

with it.Indeed, patience plays a very important part in our study and work.With it we can achieve greater success.The above saying reminds me of an experience of mine.Once I waited for the bus at the stop for 30 minutes, no bus came.I couldn’t wait any longer and decided to walk to school.But no sooner had I left than the bus arrived.I thought if I had waited for one more minute, I would have caught it.If I wanted to take the next bus, I would have to wait for another 30 minutes.Only then did I realize the importance of patience.So it is obvious that being impatient will waste all the efforts that we have made.Now, whenever I am to lose my patience, I’ll think of the experience of waiting for a bus.All in all, 17 being patient is the key to success.二、人际交往篇 15.友谊

Confucius said, “Is it not delightful to have friends coming from distant quarters?’ In our daily life, everyone needs friends, but how we can get along with friends in harmony to make our friendship last forever? 范文1:

Friendship is to us what water is to fish.When it comes to success, many celebrities consider it as one of the most contributing factors.But how can we keep our friendship everlasting like an evergreen? As far as I am concerned, it is understanding and tolerance among friends that count most.Take me for example.Once my friend and I quarrelled with each other.Neither of us apologizing, the conflict between us became deeper and deeper.What was worse, partner as we were, we seldom talked from then on.However, with time going by, we grew up and understood each other, tolerating our different ideas, and finally we were friends again just as we had been.Although we are separated in different high schools, never have we lost contact with each other.If understanding and tolerance hadn’t played an important role at that time, who knows what would happen now? To make friendship last forever, tolerance is what we need.All in all, nobody is perfect and when seen someone else doing something you don’t like, just learn to tolerate and understand , which will bring you the purest friendship.(沙市中学指导教师:张媛媛)范文2:

Friendship is like wine, and the older, the better.When it comes to how to keep a lasting friendship, I put caring in the first place.There was a time when Tony, my best friend, stuck with me.And when in trouble, I always turned to him for help.It was not until we went to different senior schools that we were separated.Things changed as time went by and we almost lost touch with each other.Not used to senior school life, I abandoned myself for a long time.Finally I failed the final exam and I drowned myself in sorrow.In despair, I picked up the phone and called Tony before I was conscious of it.Having heard my experience, Tony tried his best to comfort me and give me a lot of good advice.At that time, I realized that I had lost myself for so long without Tony accompanying me.A friend 18 in need is a friend indeed and friendship needs caring.From then on, we often call or drop a line to each other to keep up our friendship.In this way, we make progress together with each other’s help.To sum up, friendship is a flower which need watering from time to time.Only when we give caring to our friends can our friendship last forever and can we live a happy life.(沙市中学指导教师:张媛媛)范文3:

As the saying goes: “A life without a friend is without a sun.”, which tells us the importance of friendship.I wouldn’t be in good health if it hadn’t been for the help of my friend---Li Hua.As all my classmates know, I used to be a fat boy because I had a bad habit of eating and disliked exercising.When I was in junior high school, I was so heavy that I found it difficult to move around!Even a flight of stairs would tire me out, making me out of breath.Seeing my poor condition, my good friend Li Hua urged me to take exercise.Every morning at six o’clock, he would come around and wake me up.Then he would run with me.Whenever I stopped, he would encourage me to go on!After one year’s running, I lost my weight and my health improved.I will treasure our friendship for ever!(江陵中学张碟指导老师:朱永翠)16.理解

Marie Curie once said, “Nothing is to be feared.It is only to be understood.”(话题来源: 人教版必修五第一单元)范文1: The Power of Understanding It’s well known to us that understanding has a profound significance and values not only in our life but also in our study.It can help us to accept the world or others more easily, which could improve ourselves in reform.Understanding can be illustrated through a series of examples.A case in point is that, when I was a primary student, I happened to lose money.Not until I went on the bus did I realize it.I was rather embarrassed and was nervous when the conductor came up to me.But to my surprise, she was very understanding and didn’t ask me for money.She chose to believe me on hearing my story!Therefore, it goes with saying that it’s of great importance to practice “understanding”.With the rapid development in China, the more we’re aware of the significance of understanding, the more benefits we will get in our daily study and job.(石首一中指导教师:尹明)19 范文2: Language is very important in our daily lives.As is know to us all, language has a variety of ways to express.And we communicate with each other all the time.The key how our languages function is how we understand them.Last year, I went to a place that I wasn’t familiar with to relax myself.It seemed that I was

followed by disaster.On the way to the place, I met with a dog with a fierce look.I was upset and terrified.We looked at each other for a long time.Suddenly an idea occurred to me that I should be calmer and the dog may be only cautious.Then I walked towards the dog with smile on my face.As I had thought, the dog changed its appearance and shook its tail to show friendship.When I continued my trip, I breathed at ease.Understanding is a kind of wonderful thing, with which anything can clear up.So, learn to understand, and you will be happier.(石首一中指导教师:尹明)

Understanding is a drop of golden sun, is wellspring of life, and is a bridge between man and the soul of man.Understanding is tolerance(宽容), is a kind of self-restraint(克制).The world needs understanding.范文:

In daily life, everyone may come across an embarrassed situation of coming into conflict with your good friends.Years of school life has taught me a lot of things, of which understanding is the most important for me.When I was in Senior One,one day, I wanted to buy a very interesting book, but I didn’t have enough money, so I asked my best friend to lend me 20yuan.Later on, I gave the money to him.With time going on, he forgot that, he had thought that I didn’t return it.I reasoned with him, but he insisted that I had made a mistake.I was in a bad mood and I told it to my mother and she comforted me, then she helped me think of a clever way to solve it.Finally we made up with each other.Mutual(彼此的)understanding such as this is a fundamental aspect of harmonious society.(监利县新沟中学指导教师:李明辉)17.分享

In modern society, we should learn to share.A true friend is never afraid to tell someone what they really think, even if the words need to be tough but fair.And true friends will always be there in times of need.Sharing is an effective way to enrich your life.(话题来源:人教版选 修7第4单元)范文1: 20 One’s life is for sharing and sharing with others always makes us very happy.Years of school life has taught me a lot of things, of which sharing is the most significant for me.In fact, I didn’t realize its significance until I failed the mid-term exam last October, during which time I studied less hard.At first, I was addicted to reading some science fictions in and outside class and didn’t do any homework.As a result, I was less active in class and felt depressed.Then my teacher and classmates talked about my studies with me and I told them about my worries.Thus my anxiety was beginning to be reduced with their help and I regained confidence.As far as I am concerned, it is sharing with others rather than keeping my worries to myself that has relieved me of trouble and made my studies more efficient.(洪湖市第二中学指导教师:李小龙)范文2:

As we all know, we share one sun and earth.No matter where we are, sharing always exist.Only when you are willing to share can you enjoy the real happiness.Once I was the centre of my family, but everything changed since my younger sister was born.I was mad at her for I must share my toys, my room and of course mom’s love.But as I grow older I have learnt to share with my sister, I even feel grateful to my mom that she brought a close friend for me.We play with each other and I never feel alone any more.You see, sharing does make happiness.So why not share something you love? You won’t lost it and will receive a surprise and more pleasure.(指导教师:监利县大垸中学谢斌)范文3:

Teenagers’ Secrets Should be Shared with Their Parents

Teenagers always have their own secrets.Should they let their parents know them? Some people believe that parents should allow their teenage children to keep their own secrets.Because teenagers are going through a special period of changes in their body and mind.Parents should respect the right of their children.This idea sounds right but is actually wrong.I am speaking from my experience.Unlike many of other teenagers, I always let my parents know my secrets.They are always ready to offer me valuable advice about how to deal with my troubles and puzzles.I am happy to have such understanding parents who can share my secrets with me and help me to live a happy life in this special time.So in my opinion, most of the teenagers’ secrets, if not at all, should be shared by their parents.Many of their secrets kept to themselves may do them unimaginable harm.Our parents are those who love us the most in the world and undoubtedly deserve our trust the most as well.21 18.感恩

When we grow up, we often get a lot of love, support and help from our teachers, friends as well as our parents.However, we seldom express our gratitude to them.Being grateful to others is what we shouldn’t forget.(话题来源:人教版选修8第4单元)范文:

Gratitude is a Chinese traditional virtue.Of all your presents you open, don’t forget to be

grateful to the most important one of all your life.As middle school students, not only should we acquire knowledge but also we should have good qualities.I think expressing our gratitude to people who helped us is one of the good qualities we must possess.Two years ago, I ran into difficulty because my father was diagnosed with lung cancer.Father’s illness added to my family’s trouble, so I was in danger of dropping out of school.After learning about the bad situation, my head teacher gave me timely help by allowing me to continue schooling without any tuition.With the help of the teacher and classmates, I worked very hard and made great progress in studies..In my opinion, being grateful to people who helped and supported us is what we are supposed to keep in mind forever.(指导教师:洪湖市第二中学李小龙)19.合作

In a modern society, people often need to work with a group of people rather than work alone, because when we work together, we can achieve more than when we compete with each other.It is a win-win effect.(话题来源:人教版选修7第3单元)范文:

Years of school life has taught me a lot, of which cooperation is the most important for me.I have learned the importance of cooperation from the following story.When I, a freshman, first came to the middle school.My classmate, Becky showed great talent in history while I was very good at English.I was afraid that Becky would outperform me in the exams so I avoided helping her and considered her as my competitor.Not until Becky suggested that we work together did I understand the importance and benefit of cooperation.We shared learning methods and helped each other.As a consequence, we both made great progress in our studies and became top-three students.As far as I’m concerned, working alone is necessary, however, cooperation is usually more productive and efficient than working alone.(指导教师:洪湖市第二中学倪蓉)22 20.爱

When you add it all up, the cost of my love is No Charge.For all the nights that were filled with dread, and for the worries ahead, No Charge.For the toys, food, clothes, and even wiping your nose, No Charge.And when you add it all up, the full cost of real love is No Charge.(话题来源:必修四第三单元)范文1:

The love of parents Love from our parents, sometimes may be silent and harsh, but it is a great one.I remembered clearly one day I hurried home and got a text message from my father, which read, “don’t get on with dubious characters;don’t spend too much money.” So angry was I that I powered off my phone for several days, during which I thought I should go out to find a job because they would not blame me as long as I could make my own living.But I found myself totally wrong until one day my mother came told me how anxious my father became since he could not get through me.She also told me how deeply he loves me and hopes me do well in study.Until then did I realize the love from my father may be silent and harsh as the text message itself, but it is really the truest and greatest love for me in the world.(监利县长江高中胡加勉指导教师:胡利芳)范文2:

Every mother loves their children.They give their children much love and care.There was a time when I had fallen ill, my mother was so worried that she ate almost nothing every day.When I was ill, she sat up with me all the nights, doctored and prayed for me, when I had dreadful dreams, she always held my hands with her warm hand that I couldn’t feel any fear any longer.With mother’s care, I recovered quickly, but my mother become weaker and weaker.I do love my mother, and I owe my mother too much for so many years of love and care.I want to tell everyone, “Mother’s love is greatest.”(监利县长江高中彭锐指导教师:胡利芳)21.助人为乐

An increasing number of young people are doing voluntary work.They are making a difference, and they are also discovering that being a volunteer brings many personal benefits.By serving their local or national community, or an international project, youth volunteers become confident and mature.They also make great friends, gain new skills and increase their 23 chances of getting the job of their dreams.(话题来源:人教版选修七第4单元)范文1:

The saying goes that the more you give, the more you will gain.What I always keep in mind is my voluntary experience as a teacher in a remote village in PNG.Shocked as I was at the severe conditions there, I didn’t weaken my resolve to help the

children who had a hunger for knowledge.Weeks of staying with the lovely kids taught me a lot of things, of which gratitude is the most important.Come on, everyone.You will find it a great privilege to get actively involved in helping those curious children.It is your small effort that is bound to make a big difference to their life.范文2:

As is often cited, voluntary work can make a big difference.There is nothing more rewarding than being a volunteer.Can we high school students do voluntary work? Sure.I’ll never forget last summer, when I signed up for a project called “Helping teach in Remote Villages”.Together with 10 other

classmates, I went to help teach for a month in a remote village.There we got to know the lovely kids who were curious about knowledge and the outside world.It was their curiosity that motivated us to study hard.Spare your time and do some voluntary work.Only in this way can we really value what we own and grow into selfless, responsible and open-hearted people.(指导教师:监利中学胡莉)范文3:

Life is not all roses, no one knows when he or she will be in trouble.In our society helping those who are in trouble is regarded as a good virtue, which is strongly advocated.However, it was not until two years ago that I realized its importance after one of my personal experiences.There was a time when I performed badly in my maths.It seemed that no matter how hard I tried, I still failed.Upset and disappointed, I fell ill and had to be in hospital for a couple of days.Hearing what had happened to me, Lily, my monitor, came to hospital, helping me with my schoolwork.It was with her aid that I recovered soon and improved myself in maths rapidly.I felt really grateful for what she had done.From my experience above, I’ve learned that the sincere help between people is of great significance.Only with the care and help of others, can we get out of the difficulties in life.22.幽默

Humor makes people laugh, feel happy and relaxed.Humor plays a great role, especially on some important occasions, and is important in everyone's life, whoever he is.(话题来源:必修 24 四第三单元)范文1:

No better tool than a sense of humor can we arm with in face of unpleasant events.More often than not, it is humor that smooth the tough roads, driving us to adopt a more positive and wisdom way towards life.A friend of mine, Jim, once had his newly bought bicycle stolen precisely the first day he owned it.It was such a cool and well-performed bike that all of us felt sorry for him, assuming that he must have fallen into great misery.To our surprise, however, he did not seem to be disturbed at all.When asked why he should still keep in good mood, he answered with a smile, “Long time ago I had always dreamed of possessing a bike one day;and now, you see, I do really have one for a day.” We all laughed in a relief, admiring Jim for his humor, which brought a wisdom switch from loss to satisfaction.Even if life is not so pretty as we’ve expected, to cheer it up somehow, we’ll find the sense of humor can add moments of brightness to the tough days, just like the sunlight, shedding on our hearts all the time.(指导教师:沙市中学刘蓉)范文2:

Life is always filled with hardship and barriers rather than success and glory.But owning a sense of humor can bring us happiness.Once our family was stuck in the dilemma.Dad being out of work, we lost the secure financial support.It took Dad several days to hunt for a job.And not until I fell asleep did he come back.One night when I woke up thirst, I heard soft voices from the living room.“I’m not tired at all.I’ve just become skim and cool.Now someone might fall in love with me at the first sight.Don’t you think so?” I broke in, “Dad, you do lose weight.” “So I am not Pigger(猪八戒)any more and Digger is here.” Then he held me in his arms.We were all cheered up by the humor.Humor is a seed in one’s heart.If we take good care of it, we’ll harvest hope, love and happiness.(指导教师:沙市中学刘蓉)范文3:

I like their performance just as millions of the other Chinese.It is their humor that has impressed me most.In fact, not only can humor light up our life, but it can actually get us out of trouble sometimes.One of my experiences shows me this.It happened when I was thirteen years old.It was the first time that I have seen my parents quarrel.I was at a loss.They were quarrelling louder and louder when my little brother came in 25 with a cup of water.Carefully approaching my mother, he sweetly said: “Mother, the cup of water is for you.It is father’s fault to argue with you.As we see, he is a man so I won’t give water to him.I will stand by you whether you are right or wrong.Hearing that, my mother burst into laughter.The humor in Zhao Benshan’s performance colors our life.Besides, my brother’s unconscious humor helped my parents out of the quarrel.So try to find more humor and you will lead a positive and colorful life.(江陵一中蒋子杰指导老师:王莉)范文4:

Humorous performance can color our life just as Zhao Benshan’s programs do.Similarly, humorous people can gain more friendship and support.As for this, my monitor is a good example.He is a man who usually talks humorously.It is often the case that he tells a common affair in a way that makes the others laugh.Believe it or not, you can find him wherever there is laughter.Once, I failed in my math exam, I was so upset that I almost lost heart.It was his simple words that aroused my confidence.Finding my disappointment, he came to me, saying: “I know it is math that has beaten you.So my idea is to fight back with your fist.If necessary, I will lend you one.What he said made me encouraged, especially his tone sounded so relaxed with his fist beautiful movement.Now, I guess you have known why he has been our monitor for five years.Just learn from him and try to find humor in your daily life and I believe you will gain friendship and support.(江陵一中严波指导老师:王莉)范文5:

A sense of humor is universally considered the most valuable personality of human beings.It can not only bring laughter and happiness to us, it also plays an important role in our study and work.I still remember the time when I was first introduced to chemistry in junior grade 3.Seldom did I listen to the teacher because I found chemistry and his class boring.I was on the point of giving up when a new chemistry teacher came, who always made us students laughing by using his humorous remarks.By and by, we began to show boundless enthusiasm for his class and chemistry, too.From this experience, I realize that lack of humor may leave things boring while a sense of humor can change what is dull into your favorite, thus changing your attitude towards life.(指导老师:公安一中:黄尚君)26 23.兴趣

Interest plays an important role in our life.Interest is the best teacher for a learner, which can make learning more effective and efficient.With the motivation of interest, we will win ourselves lots of chances and eventually make our way to success.范文1:

Interest is a kind of power that can drive people to learn actively and happily.And it also makes learning more effective and efficient.In other words, interest is the best teacher for a learner.I really appreciate the opinion.I began to be crazy about English when I was a little girl.And I got interested in foreign cultures and customs in particular.To meet my curiosity, I read English stories, listened to English songs or watch English films everyday, all of which even seemed to be “the best meal” of my daily life.As a result, I always did very well in English exams.In a word, interest is the key to success.Anyone who is interested in something will devote himself to it.Surely a big miracle will be made.范文2:

Interest is just like a funny book, from which we obtain knowledge as happiness.Interest gives us much motivation that we need in pursuing our dreams.I used to hate learning English, which made me some English movies in order to change my attitude towards English, and it really works.I was soon attracted by the movies It was not long before I built interests in English.Gradually, my English improved Above all, I’d like to say that interest is the best teacher for a learner.Only when you are interested in something, can you be willing to learn it.范文3:

Interest can help us do whatever we think is difficult.When you face a tough problem, it could encourage you to work it out and help you make progress.When I was a high school student, I was a little poor in my English.So I wanted to give it up and learned from others.But by accident I found a book about oral English, which made me interested in English with its culture which is very fun.After that, I began to study English through English magazines and read it loudly in the morning.It wasn’t long before my efforts paid off, my English was greatly improved.So I think interest is important to our study and life.Only with its help can we make progress and succeed.27 24.美

Beauty is abstract, but it exists everywhere.Works of art and Mother Nature contain beauty.If you have an eye for beauty, your life will be beautiful.范文:

People have different views on beauty.Some may think beauty means expensive clothes, and others believe beauty lies in perfect facial features.However, the real beauty is measured in deeds.Wu Juping is an ordinary-looking woman.One day she was walking along the street when a baby happened to fall off the balcony of a building.Without hesitation she reached out and grabbed the baby, which injured her arms seriously.When asked whether it was worthwhile saving a baby at the risk of breaking her arms, she said she never regretted doing so.We were moved by her kindness and bravery and we regarded her as “the most beautiful mother”.Beauty is not measured by what you wear and how you look like.If you are willing to help others, you will find beauty within yourself.(荆州中学方维程指导教师:彭翠红)25.课外活动 范文1:

Participating in extracurricular activities helps us students in a lot of ways, which include being a way to improve students’ health, widen their social circle and introduce them to new ideas and people, so on and so forth.Take our school for an example.Our school offers many different kinds of after-school activities.These include sports, music and drama.I’m one of the members of drama club.By participating in extracurricular activities, I have improved my social life and met people who are different from me.Also I have greatly reduced the stress and pressure I experienced as the result of my studies because they have brought me a lot of enjoyment.So you can see I have benefited a lot from extracurricular activities.To sum up, in my view, if we focus too much on any one thing, either study or after-school activities will be negatively affected.But with the right balance both can improve.范文2:

Nowadays most high school students can spare little free time to relax themselves.However, it’s so crucial for us to find a balance between studying and having fun.Unfortunately our “spare time” actually means something “spare”!Take me for example.Every day I have less than half an hour in the afternoon to do some sports.On weekends, I usually have lots of homework assigned by teachers to finish.Even if I want to do something else, I will 28 often be stopped by my parents.Like many other parents, they just want me to study all the time until I am admitted to a famous university.As a result, I can’t control my “spare time” on my own!Looking around at my friends, I find I’m not alone in such a situation.What a boring life for us students!I just don’t agree with my parents about their way of controlling my spare time.Even though studying is the most important thing to do, it never means that we should be separated from the outside world.It’s high time that we should find a way to settle this problem.26.社会活动

I have been so occupied with work that I haven’t had time for social activities.I think it’s important to have a balance between study and a social life.范文:

As a student, I think we should keep a balance between study and a social life.When I was in junior school, I was in junior school, I was not as excellent as other students.I thought studying hard is the only way to become better.I did nothing except study.I never took part in any social activities.When our class organized activities, I always refused to take part in.then I became weaker and weaker physically.I often felt tired.And I wasn’t getting on well with my classmates, so I didn’t have friends.When my teacher knew my bad situation, he gave me timely help.With his help, I have become more outgoing and got a good friendship between my classmates and me.Not only have my grades become better, but also I feel very happy.So if I have a chance to say one thing to other students, it would be this: having a balance between study and a social life is very important useful.(大垸高级中学蒋娟指导老师:李翠花)27.网络

Nowadays more and more middle school students are getting addicted to chatting on line through QQ.There are a variety of reasons why they choose it as a means of communication.However, it also has a negative influence on our study and life.范文1:

At present with computers becoming common in our life, people have been accustomed to chatting on line.And QQ chatting is one of the most popular ways.A large number of middle school students are getting addicted to it.They think it convenient and fast for them to convey messages to their friends.A t the meantime, they also consider it as an opportunity to make new e-pals with the same interest.However, QQ chatting is a double-edged sword.We can benefit from it whereas it also does 29 harm to us.For example, one of my roommates once got so addicted to it that she played all day and all night.What it resulted in was that her grades were getting worse and worse and eventually she dropped out of school.The example reminds us that we should make use of QQ chatting in a sensible way.Only when we handle it wisely can we take full advantage of it.Otherwise it would be too late for us to regret it.(指导教师:松滋市第一中学邹应军)范文2:

Nowadays, on-line chatting is increasingly common.Many middle school students are fond of it because they are too shy to communicate with others face to face.Besides they desire to entertain themselves in this stimulating way.There is no doubt that it can be of benefit to them if handled properly.However, as every coin has two sides, chatting on line is no exception.It has advantages as well as disadvantages.Take a classmate of mine as an example, he was once at the top of his class.But unfortunately he wasted too much of his precious time in QQ chatting by his mobile photo, which resulted in his falling far behind other classmates.As far as I am concerned, chatting on line too much is a waste of time when we are supposed to devote ourselves to our study.Besides it may do harm to our physical and mental health.For the reasons above, we cannot attach too much importance to the wise use of chatting on line.In a word, only when we do it wisely can it be a help to our study and life.(指导教师:松滋市第一中学邹应军)28.旅游

Today people are fond of traveling.It is exciting to visit different places.It is said that man who travels far knows more.(话题来源:人教版必修一第三单元)范文1:

It Pays to Travel Nowadays, the number of people who like traveling is sharply increasing.More and more people have realized that traveling is worthwhile as well as enjoyable.It was my own experience that impressed me deeply.After graduating from the junior middle school, my parents decided to take me to a journey for relaxation.During the holiday, we visited the Terra-cotta Warriors in Xi’an and our great leader, Mao Zedong’s former residence in Shaoshan.These wonderful sightseeing not only taught me excellent culture, broadened my horizons but also strengthened my love for our motherland.Tired as I was, I was very happy to have learned a lot.Not until then did I begin to realize the benefit of traveling.30 In a word, it pays to travel.(江陵中学罗依指导教师:朱青梅)范文2:

With the improvement of people’s living standard, travel is becoming an increasing popular way to spend holidays.There is no doubt that travel is beneficial in several ways.First of all, it’s evident that by traveling we can feast our eyes on the beautiful scenery, listen to the wonderful sounds of nature as well as breathe fresh air in the wild.What’s more, we can contact other different cultures and make friends with different kinds of people, which allows us to get a further view of the world.Last but not the least, travel may relieve us boredom and gloom.During the pleasant sightseeing, we’ll forget whatever annoys us.With such numerous benefits, it’s no wonder that so many people tend to travel on their on holidays.It’s an undeniable fact that it pays to travel.(江陵中学李指导教师:朱青梅)范文3:

Nowadays, it is not rare for people to travel.For one thing, traveling is a good way of relaxation as well as making new friends, and for another, people travel to experience life in other parts of the world.As far as I am concerned, traveling is one of the best means of broadening our horizons and exploring what the world has to offer.Every now and then, I get the itch to travel.Until today, memories of an unforgettable holiday that I spent traveling in Shenlongjia still stay fresh in my mind.During the trip, not only did I admire many beautiful sceneries typical of the region, but I also got to know the customs and living habits of the local people.Although I had read and heard a lot about Shenlongjia beforehand, I didn’t get an accurate picture of it until I saw it for myself.Most importantly, I’ve learnt a great deal about its unique geography and plants, which will benefit me forever.No matter how well educated you are, there is always a lot for you to learn through travelling.The knowledge acquired from travel, as you will have found in your life, is no less valuable than that from any influential reference book.(指导老师:公安一中:陈燕妮)范文4:

Nowadays most schools keep the students closed inside the school in order to help them study better.But is this really a good way to help them acquire true knowledge? As an old Chinese saying goes: It's better to travel 10000 miles than to read 10000 books.It means besides reading books we should also travel out to get close to society ourselves.Only through seeing the world with our own eyes can we get a better understanding of the world and 31 even the knowledge from the books.Li shizhen, a famous doctor in ancient china ,travelled all around our country ,tasted all kinds of medicine and finally wrote the book BENCAOGANGMU.Without his first hand experience , there would not be this classical medicine book.As far as I am concerned, only by combining the knowledge from our book with our experience from the real world can we get true knowledge about the world.(指导老师:公安县第一中学:鄢丹)29.阅读 范文:

It is widely acknowledged that reading is good for a person in developing both his brain and his interest although sometimes he may not know the real meaning in his childhood.My mother used to read to me when I was a baby, and that developed my love for reading.When I could read by myself, my father often took me to bookstores and left me there reading for free!On every birthday, the gifts my parents give me are all books.It is my parents who let me know the benefits of reading.Reading is the first thing I will do when I have spare time.Personally, I think reading can really do us a lot of good.It can enlarge our knowledge and make us more intelligent.Besides, it is helpful for our learning, especially for writing good compositions.So let’s start reading at once.30.习惯


Habit is second nature.One’s habits reflect one’s personality, lifestyle and attitude towards life.I have benefited a lot from my good habits.And one of my good habits is reading books.When I was a child, my parents read stories to me before I went to bed every night.I saw them reading their own books every day.Under their influence, I began to read my own books when I started school.Reading has enriched my life and broadened my horizons.It also inspires me to learn from great men in history.I have determined to make a difference to the world when I grow up.From my experience, I have learnt that sliding into good habits is really good for students.We should form good habits in our daily life.(指导老师:石首一中袁本云)范文2:

Everyone has his or her habits in the daily life.And habit always plays an important role in our life.32 When I studied in the middle school.I slid into a bad habit that I was addicted to watching TV, which made me forget the most important thing-studying.By and by, I almost never did homework after I went back home.As a result, my grades went down.According to my experience, I think it’s important for us to form a good habit.If I hadn’t formed the bad habit, I wouldn’t have fallen behind.All in all, habits decide life.A good habit is the first step for a person to achieve a goal.Forming a good habit is necessary.(指导老师:石首一中袁本云)31.文化差异 “When in Rome, do as the Romans do”.This is what this old proverb says.So, we should respect and try to adapt to the new culture of the country we are visiting.(话题来源:人教版必 修四Unit4Bodylanguage)范文:

There is no denying that we should do as the Romans do when in Rome.It is practical advice when we are facing the cultural difference.As far as I am concerned, I have had the experience myself.Last year, my good friend, Jerry and I went to the U.S.to travel.One day we were lost and it seemed that we would never find our way back to our hotel.Suddenly an elderly lady came near us.Excited and trying to be polite, Jerry approached her and asked, “Excuse me, how old are you?” This polite opening remark in Chinese culture made the lady stare at him in surprise, because age is a taboo in Western cultures.Seeing the embarrassment, I asked, “Beautiful weather, isn’t it?” Of course the lady said “Yes” and happily told us the way to our hotel.A lesson that can be drawn from the above example is obvious.Whether we know the local customs will play a crucial role in our relationship with others.More importantly, doing everything as the locals do will help us make more friends and avoid troubles.(指导教师:公安一中朱爱琼)

三、社会生活篇 32.体育锻炼 范文:

Sports is fundamental to our health and our life.There is an old saying, “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.” By taking exercise, it can not only build up our body, but also relax our 33 tired mind.Without exercise, we may fall ill very easily.Yes, some injuries have indeed taken place on the campus recently.I am fond of playing basketball after class.But a few years ago in a competition of our school, I was not careful to have my arm broken while hunting for the basketball.Since then, my parents have forbidden me to take part in any PE class.Besides, the College Entrance Examination is coming;in order to be admitted to a key university, I have to spend all my day studying in the classroom.Gradually, I find I have a cold from time to time and easily feel tired.The doctor advises me to take more exercise.Now I have realize the importance of sports.As far as I’m concerned, sports should not be cancelled for the students’ sake.We can take

some measures to avoid such injuries.Sports can build up our bodies, and enable us to grow up in good health.Though sports require a big investment of time, money and energy, the physical and emotional benefits coming from playing sports are worth it.(指导老师:江陵中学苏畅)33.低碳生活

Presently, a new lifestyle called low carbon life is spreading every corner of our country.The concepts of low carbon are low energy and no waste.(话题来源:人教版选修六unit4)范文1:

Nowadays, with more and more serious problems such as the global warming, the melting ice and the rising sea-level, people are recognizing the importance of developing the low-carbon economic.There are many ways we can do to lead a low-carbon life.For one thing, we had better discover other fuels which are cleaner and greener.For another, we should develop save-energy conscious and put it into practice.For instance, taking buses rather than private cars when going out, re-using whatever can be recycled, reducing the use of plastic bags.Last but not least, we are supposed to plant more trees or other green plants.Only in this way can it not only benefit our health, but also make our home more beautiful.As a whole, the most important thing to reach the low-carbon life is that everyone must try their best to do whatever they can for it.Once everyone has the sense of low-carbon economic and take real actions, it will be earlier to reach it.(指导教师:石首一中杨太平)范文2:

With the development of the technology, many problems have been raised, including global warming, air pollution and so on.Therefore, it is necessary for us to lead a low carbon life.As far as a student is concerned, we can do something to help.First of all, riding a bike or 34 going on foot is a good idea, which can not only save energy as well as lessen the air pollution, but also keep us healthy.Secondly, we should get the awareness that turning off the electrical appliances and not using disposable products should be our habits.In addition, we can take part in some activity about low carbon as much as we can to acquire more knowledge about how to live a low carbon life.All in all, even though our steps are small, but step by step, it weighs greatly for all of us to put the low carbon lifestyle into practice.(指导教师:石首一中杨太平)34.健康饮食

We are what we eat, so healthy eating plays an important role in our daily life.However, some students often miss some meals for some unknown reasons.Keeping a healthy diet is very important.(话题来源:人教必修3第2单元)范文1:

As we all know, we are what we eat.Therefore, healthy eating is of great significance in our successful life.However, some students often miss some meals for some unknown reasons.Obviously, it’s harmful for their healthy life and study.Not until I witnessed my classmate wanghui did I realize how important it is to keep a healthy diet.Wanghui is a distinguished student.Faced with the pressure of the national college entrance examination, she had been working hard.Sometimes, she even went to school without breakfast or lunch.Day by day, she got weaker and weaker,resulting in her feeling sleepy in class.Yesterday, it’s a pity that she should fail in the English exam.Form the above example concerning with Wanghui, we may safely draw a conclusion that only if we keep a balanced diet will we have a healthy body to achieve our goals.(江陵实验高中程科指导老师:陈芬)范文2:

As we all know, we are what we eat.Therefore, it is very important for us to form healthy eating habits.But some of us often don’t have breakfast, and the most like to eat snack, some are particular about food or eat too much every meal, these are unhealthy eating habits.In my opinion, we should eat different kinds of foods, not the only one we like.And we should eat food at a right.We should obey the eating habits rules to keep healthy.And it is the most important to eat the foot that is helpful for us health(指导老师:公安县第一中学许流芳)范文3: 35 It is well known that we are what we eat.Therefore, it is very important for us to form healthy eating habits.But if you stayed with us for a time, you would find the fact that some of us students often don’t have breakfast, which, in fact, is the most important meal of the day.In addition,some like to eat junk food like fries and something containing much fat.Because they are particular about food, they eat too much to their taste every meal, which are unhealthy eating habits and be bound to cause many diseases.As far as I’m concerned, we should make some changes to our diet, such as eat more fruit and eat less junk food and so on.Not only should we eat different kinds of foods ,not the only one we like, but also we should eat right food at a right time.Apart from this, we had better drink plenty of water and not skip breakfast and lunch.Above all, keep in mind that it is the most important to eat the foot that is helpful for us health.(指导老师:公安县第一中学许流芳)35.吸烟

Recently the Chinese government has announced a nationwide ban on smoking.According to the ban, from January 1, 2011, no one is permitted in public places.In order to make the ban known to more people, some posts and sings about banning smoking will be put up in public places.It is said that about 350 million people are smoking, of whom 75% are men and 25% are women.Besides, about 540 million people are influenced by second-hand smoking, and this caused over 100 thousand deaths per year.(话题来源:必修六第3单元Ahealthlife)范文1:

Smoking is Harmful It has been estimated that smokers have made up half of the population in China.And the smokers are becoming younger and younger, even in eluding some middle school students.Let me take our school as an example.Nowadays more and more students smoke in our school’s toilet or secret places.They have not realized smoking can do harm to their health.However, some students still enjoy smoking.Why? Because some of them think it is a kind of fashion, some think It is of great fun and others think that smoking can refresh themselves.In fact, smoking is a bad habit.It can cause a lot of diseases even death.Meanwhile smoking is a waste of money.Besides, careless smokers may cause dangerous fires.Smoking is harmful and it is not only bad for smokers themselves, but also bad for non-smokers.Therefore, I hope all the smokers can give up smoking for themselves and also for the people around them.(指导教师:监利县新沟中学李明辉)36 36.女性地位

As a famous saying goes, women hold up half the sky.They play an important part in work and life and there are many examples of women of achievement.However, they are still looked down upon in society.范文1:

Women play the same important role in our life as men do.I think it’s unwise to treat women with prejudice as they can also make a difference to human civilization.Liu Hulan, a famous young revolutionary leader in the past, was killed by her enemy.She went to the execution ground calmly before she was killed.With her courage and determination, she refused to tell the secret and inspired many people to fight to the last moment, which finally contributed a lot to the success of the Chinese revolution.What a brave woman she was!Even some men, who were considered to be aggressive, might not have such bravery.Through the ages there are many other outstanding women who have made great contributions.We should respect them and it is respect and fairness that make the world advance and in harmony.(指导教师:松滋市第一中学易小艳)范文2:

With time going by, women begin to play an active part in every aspect of life and they are achieving a lot in our society.Take my mother as an example.She has made it to be a doctor and make great contributions to her career despite the fact that doctors are often associated with men only.Every time I see her working, I am deeply touched by her sense of responsibility and her care for patients.She really sets me a good example.Although it can be easily seen that women are becoming more and more significant, there are still cases where they are discriminated.However, as our society advances, I think everyone will be impressed with the intelligence and diligence of women.(指导教师:松滋市第一中学易小艳)范文3:

In the ancient days, women had a lower position than men.But with the development of society, women play a more and more important role in many aspects including sports, politics and academic study.As is known to us all, Song Qingling made great contributions to Chinese history.She concerned herself with welfare projects and devoted her energy to the China Welfare Institute for women and children.She served as the Honorary Chairman of the People's Republic of China 37 Women's Federation and was selected as the director of the World Peace Council.There is no doubt that she was one of the top leaders in modern Chinese history.However, Song Qingling’s example is not unique.There are many other great women around the world.Only when we are fully aware of their importance and have no prejudice against them can we make our world more beautiful and harmonious.(指导教师:松滋市第一中学易小艳)37.节日

There are many kinds of festivals in the world, such as the Spring Festival ,Women's Day ,the Carnival and so on, which bring much joy and relaxation to us.They're important and necessary parts of our life.范文1:

Lantern Festival, which dates back to thousands of years ago, appeals to me most.The reason why I am fond of it is that I can not only gather with my family but also make yuanxiao in person.So interesting is the festival that I can't wait to share my experience with you.When I was five years old, I was first introduced how to make yuanxiao.Seeing my mother doing it, I began to learn to make some.To my surprise, the way which seemed easy was hard for me to handle actually.I didn't have a good command of it until I tried it many times.But eventually I succeeded.Seeing the pretty round yuanxiao made by myself, I felt proud as well as delighted.From my above experience, I learn that festivals can not only bring us fun but can also enrich our knowledge.(洪湖一中指导老师:王永章,周桂红)范文2:

There being various festivals, our life is more than interesting and meaningful.Among them, Children's Day has a lasting effect on me.When it comes to Children's Day, happy memories crowd in.When I was a child, I was anxious for the coming of Children's Day.I can still remember that Children's Day when I was ten years old.My classmates and I dressed up to give a performance.At first I was so nervous that I didn't know what to do.After a while, I danced to the music as if I were a butterfly dancing in the flowers.Much to my joy, we won the champion.Children's Day gives us much joy and happiness.It's a time when we forget our sadness.Thanks to it, our life isn't boring any longer but filled with sunshine.(洪湖一中指导老师:王永章,周桂红)范文3:

As a young child, the festival I hated was Mothers' Day.It was not because I didn't get along 38 well with my mother but because she deserted me, which hurt me deeply.However, as time goes by, I come to realise the true meaning of Mothers' Day.One Mothers' Day, when everyone in my class couldn't wait to rush to the flower store , I packed my school tools slowly.Frankly speaking, not until then did I realise the important part of my life was missing.With so much depression filling my mind, I arrived home.But the moment I saw my busy grandma with grey hair, I was convinced she was not only my grandma but also my mother.I rushed into the nearby flower store and bought a bunch of beautiful flowers.Seeing the flowers, my grandma smiled, with her eyes filled with tears.Mothers' Day is meaningful and important for me now.Thanks to it, I can express my love and appreciation to my loved grandma.(洪湖一中指导老师:王永章,周桂红)38.环保

People often say that the earth is like our mother.She gives life to all the living things on the earth and provides us with air, food, water and other essential things we need for living.We have only one earth.So we should protect it.(话题来源:必修六第四单元Globalwarming)范文1:

My action against global warming As is known to us, with the development of science and technology, our globe is becoming warmer and warmer, air pollution and heavy urban traffic are becoming increasingly severe.So I want to try my best to fight against global warming through my own action.Firstly, I will ride my bike to go to school instead of driving cars.Secondly, I will refuse disposable goods, for example, plastic bags and use environmentally-friendly shopping bags.Thirdly, I will save used water to brush the toilet after washing clothes.Fourthly, I will call on my classmates to plan trees as many as possible.Finally and the most importantly, I will develop a good habit, such as, don’t litter, collecting empty cans.If everyone can improve their activities a little, it will make a great difference.Therefore, it’s high time for us to act now.(指导教师:监利县新沟中学李明辉)

Sustainable development has been a hot topic for many years.Wildlife protection is an important aspect of it.Write a short passage to state your ideas about wildlife protection.范文1:

Human beings share the earth with animals and plants.However, more and more wild animals become extinct.As human race, it’s our duty to protect them.Here are my suggestions.39 Firstly, we should protect their habitats.If their habitat is threatened or they cannot find enough food, their numbers may decrease.Take pandas for example, they once suffered a loss of bamboo growing areas.As a result, these endangered animals may die out.Luckily they survived after reserves were set up to protect bamboo growing areas.Secondly, we shouldn’t buy sweaters made of rare fur and wool of endangered animals.There was a time when antelopes were killed for the wool beneath their stomachs, which is used to make sweaters for people.Because of that, they are now an endangered species.Last but not least, we should raise our awareness of wildlife protection.What we human beings do to the nature has deeply hurt wildlife.As a result, many of them are in danger of dying out.We shouldn’t only be concerned about ourselves, but also pay more attention to them.No animals, no humans;no wildlife, no sustainable development.(指导老师:江陵中学冯晓雪)范文2:

Long long ago, Mother Nature gave birth to lots of animals.Since then, human beings and animals have been good friends.Unfortunately, some people in some countries fail to know the importance of wild animal protection.As a result, lots of animals are being killed and eaten.The animal’s species are becoming less.Some even become extinct.The chain of nature and the ecological balance are threatened.That is a definite result of population growth and environment pollution.With the increase of population, people need more and more land to grow crops and more space to live in.Thus, there is less room for wildlife to survive.What’s more, with the rapid development of

agriculture and industry, the environment is seriously polluted, which destroys the living condition of wildlife.To solve the problem, both the government and the citizens should make efforts together.The government needs to take some measures to control the birth rate so that there will be more room for wildlife species.The citizens should also develop their awareness of environment protection before it is too late.(指导老师:江陵中学冯晓雪)39.微博

Microblog has become more and more popular among people , playing a very important part in our daily life.范文1:

It’s widely acknowledged that microblog contributes to our convenient morden life.But what I want to stress is it’s sidework.When people concentrate on microblog day and night , especially 40 through cellphone , it does harm.I realized it through the experience of one of my friends, Elena.She used to be a hardworking student , who was absorbed in study and never left out a word from the teachers.It was since she began to play microphone on phone that everything has changed.The microblog attracted so much of her interest that she couldn’t help looking at her phone from time to time.Getting into the habit of looking through it , she couldn’t concentrate on her study.As a result , she failed in various exam.As a witness of her change , not only will I assistant her to break away from being addicted to microblog , but also I am supposed to warn you of its sidework.It’s high time that every student knew how to make use of microblog wisely.(指导教师:沙市中学刘伟)范文2:

It’s widely acknowledged that microblog contributes to our convenient morden life.But what I want to stress is it’s sidework.When people concentrate on microblog day and night , especially through cellphone , it does harm.I realized it through the experience of one of my friends, Elena.She used to be a hardworking student , who was absorbed in study and never left out a word from the teachers.It was since she began to play microphone on phone that everything has changed.The microblog attracted so much of her interest that she couldn’t help looking at her phone from time to time.Getting into the habit of looking through it , she couldn’t concentrate on her study.As a result , she failed in various exam.As a witness of her change , not only will I assistant her to break away from being addicted to microblog , but also I am supposed to warn you of its sidework.It’s high time that every student knew how to make use of microblog wisely.(指导教师:沙市中学刘伟)40.广告

A new ban on commercial ads during TV dramas took into effect on Jan.1, 2012.What’s your opinion on it? 范文1:

With the ban carried out, I, as one of coach potatoes, do applaud for this wise decision.In fact, more and more comercial breaks on TV trouble us a lot.For one thing, the frequent advertisements disturb the regular rhythem of dramas or programs.And the inserted advertisements are so out of place that they are always annoying rather than attractive.For another, some information conveyed by these ads sometimes misleads consumers;41 therefore, avoiding them being showed on TV frequently seems to be a better choice.In a way, the ban itself isn’t aimed to limit the development of advertising but urges the advertisers on to produce more high-quality ads for consumers.(指导教师:沙市中学赵杨)范文2: January 1st of 2011 is the deadline when Chinese government promised to ban commercials during TV dramas, which set off a wave of cheers of people who like watching TV, including me.Despite the profits for TV stations, audience can’t put up with ads which interrupt TV dramas anymore.First of all, it is a waste of time waiting for programs frequently.Secondly, the whole story is spoiled with repeated commercials inserted, thus ruining audience’s pleasure.At last, it is unavoidable that some false advertisements are inserted during TV dramas, which cheat consumers and, in some serious cases, even threaten people’s lives.As we are flooded with ads in the modern world, it’s advisable for us consumers to be more

educated.Now that laws concerned have been made to forbid inappropriate commercials, I’m sure that it won’t be long before we can enjoy our favorite programmes.(指导教师:沙市中学赵杨)41.网购 范文:

Nowadays internet shopping is becoming increasingly popular, especially with the young people.My classmates have different attitudes to it.Some think that it is very convenient to shop on line.Others believe that it is unsafe to buy goods with credit cards and it is impossible to check the quality.As for me, I prefer traditional shopping.Indeed, everything is available on line and we needn’t even leave our home.However, we

may be cheated and waste money.While it is really fun to go into shops and look at the goods in person.We can choose what we really need and have a good bargain.We can talk freely with others instead of a cold machine.I often go shopping with my parents on weekends and we have a very good communication every time.Taking into account all these factors, we may safely reach the conclusion that traditional shopping is better than internet shopping.42.网络 范文:

As everyone knows, People can get much information through the Internet.Meanwhile, people are also clearly aware of its disadvantages, but some children don’t realize they sometimes 42 make friends with bad people online.In my opinion, people can use the Internet to make friends, download useful materials and go shopping online.It’s really very helpful.However, there are also many disadvantages about the Internet.If you can’t use it correctly, it may be harmful to you.In junior middle school, I was once crazy about playing online games and I couldn’t control myself.As a result, my study results were getting from bad to worse.Besides, if you believe whatever your friends say online, you will be cheated by them some day, I think.As students, we should spend more our time on studying and less time on the Internet.Of course, if we can control our time of surfing the Internet, we surely can use it after school.附:2012 年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试答题适应性训练 短文写作



Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift.That is why it is called the present.注意:




4、词数为120 左右。One Possible Version: All the past things become history, which cannot be changed.However, in daily life, people always say that if they did this or that, they would be better off now.Does this make any sense? No.It’s widely acknowledged that you cannot change the past whatever you do.Then why

should we have regrets for what happened in the past? Similarly, we should not attach too much importance to the future, for it is really something uncertain unless you make it come true.Therefore, the present, which is what we are sure about, is very important, because by making full use of it we can find a way to success.Please seize the hour seize the day and treasure every 43 moment that you have!(湖北省考试院供题)
















我开始频繁参加艺术节,班级聚会上,我也背着二胡来回穿梭。端起二胡,我便进入忘我的状态。我如月夜下的老者哀婉叹息,似敲着拐杖呻吟着。我不求倾听者泪下,但求他们能倾听我内心的声音,听听我对二胡的依恋,唤起他们沉睡的心。我竭尽全力将《赛马》中最后一声马鸣扯得撕心裂肺,我不求每个人都血液沸腾,但求他们能感受我内心的愤怒——凭什么对着二胡嬉笑,对着钢琴呐喊? 曲子终了,我便会安静地站起,向他们鞠躬。我感谢他们的倾听,感谢他们的目瞪口呆,因为我知道他们已明白我想说的:二胡的背后有着中华的智慧与文化,那是两根弦就能演奏出 的华丽与朴实,雄壮与风情。




本文主题积极昂扬,令人振奋。二胡是中华民族音乐中的瑰宝,有着深厚的历史文化底蕴,但在今天它却敌不过外来的洋钢琴。作者从自己的爱好入手,以对二胡的热爱为叙事 线索,将个人情与民族情巧妙地交织在一起,微言大义,要做一个传承民族文化的“行者”。

作者抓住了题目中“行者”的内涵,作者所说的“行”,不是做了什么惊天动地的大事,而是对于自己的一个爱好的坚持。听着流行音乐长大的一代,很少有人能理解作者的爱好。于是,作者在没有知音的情况下默默地坚持着自己的爱好,他勇敢地摒弃了别人的嘲笑,让 自己拉奏的:胡声缓缓流过指尖。在生活中,我们可能会有一些不为人所理解的爱好,但我 们可以像作者一样去坚持。



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    我变成了老师 一个宁静的夜晚,我正在做着作业。这时,我的作业本变成了一大叠厚厚的试卷,我手中的水笔变成了红笔,我写出的笔迹也变成了一个个红勾勾。我看了看自己,个儿也长高了......


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