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Unit1 She’s my aunt 单元分析:

本单元主要教学内容为“认识家庭成员”;本单元主要教学内容为“认识家庭成员”。在教学中,教师要通过扎实的听说训练,让学生熟练运用This is...Is this your...? He’s/She’来介绍和询问亲属关系并能用形容词回答人物特征。在引入本单元话题时可以充分利用学 已学的知识,让学生自带一些家庭成员的照片,在课堂上创设生活情景,引导学生产生询 的欲望。学习目标:

(1)能听懂、会说、初步认读uncle,cousin,aunt,tall,short这五个单词,发音正确。(2)能听懂This is...Is this your...? 并能根据实际情况用He`s/She`s„回答。(3)能使用句型Is this your...?向他人询问和描述某人,发音正确。(4)培养学生对英语的热爱之情并激发学生的英语学习兴趣。(5)培养学生的交际能力和语言的表达能力。(6)会唱歌曲This is my uncle.学习重点:

(1)能听懂、会说、初步认读uncle,cousin,aunt,tall,short这五个单词,发音正确。(2)能听懂This is...Is this your...? 并能根据实际情况用He`s/She`s„回答。(3)能使用句型Is this your...?向他人询问和描述某人,发音正确。


(1)能听懂This is...Is this your...? 并能根据实际情况用He`s/She`s„回答。(2)能使用句型Is this your...?向他人询问和描述某人,发音正确。



Unit 1 She’s my aunt




(2)能听懂This is...Is this your...? 并能根据实际情况用He`s/She`s„回答。教学重点:


(2)能听懂This is...Is this your...? 并能根据实际情况用He`s/She`s„回答。教学难点:

能听懂This is...Is this your...? 并能根据实际情况用He`s/She`s„回答。教学用具:

课件、词语卡片、挂图 教学过程:


A.Free talk:

T: Hello, boys and girls.What`s your name?

(My name is „)

请学生打开书本至List of characters,用Who`s NO.1?等句子和学生复习本册书中的人物,同时引导学生正确运用she和he。„„

B、look and Learn



Hello,I`m Mike.Welcome to my family.Look, this is my uncle.Hello,I`m Mr Brown, Mike`s uncle.2、出示单词uncle,教学单词读音,先带领学生模仿录音朗读,再开“小火车”操练,以加深学生对单词的印象。

3、以相同方法教学uncle cousin aunt



最忙碌的是叔叔,uncle,uncle, my uncle

This is my uncle.亲爱的阿姨是aunt,my aunt, my aunt

This is my aunt.调皮的表弟 cousin,my cousin my cousin

This is my cousin.5、让学生手拿图片,分角色进行操练:

Hello,I`m „.Look, this is...6、先让学生在每幅图下方画一个小方框,然后说单词,如NO.1 mother,每个单词读两边,让学生根据听到的单词顺序在方框内标上正确的序号。

C.Sing a song

播放This is my uncle,让学生听几遍,初步熟悉歌曲歌词和曲调。



结合图片带领学生朗读单词,尝试用拼读法,如f-a-t-h-e-r father,以加强学生对单词的认知,再让学生做练习。

E、Assign homework


(2)运用This is my father,用家里的相片依次练习。


Unit1 She’s my aunt

uncle, aunt, cousin

——This is...——Is this your...? ——He`s/She`s„


Unit 1 She’s my aunt




(2)能听懂This is...Is this your...? 并能根据实际情况用He`s/She`s„回答。

(3)能结合所有学过的家庭成员单词熟练使用句型Is this your...?向他人询问和描述某人,发音正确。教学重点:


(2)能听懂This is...Is this your...? 并能根据实际情况用He`s/She`s„回答。教学难点:

能结合所有学过的家庭成员单词熟练使用句型Is this your...?向他人询问和描述某人,发音正确。教学用具:

词语卡片、挂图 教学过程:

A.Free talk:

T:Hello, I`m Qi.This is my aunt.教师拿自己的家庭照片介绍,请学生拿自己的家庭照片模仿练习,先个别介绍,再在同桌之间进行。

T:Who`s he?

S1: He`s my„

T: Who`s she?

Ss: She`s my„


B、Learn to say


T: Show me your family pohto, please.T: Point to your uncle, please.示意学生指出自己的叔叔,my uncle,带领学生朗读复习。以相同方法朗读复习cousin,aunt,2、结合插图,向学生介绍对话背景,让学生了解插图大意。

T:(指着插图1中的相片人物)Who`s he?

让学生想象自己就是Helen,应该怎么回答,引导学生用He`s my father.以相同方法引导学生用She`s my mother.强调:男性用he,女性有she。出示图片,反复操练 并会说She’s my aunt.He’s my uncle.He/She is my cousin.等



5、鼓励学生用自己的家庭照片在小组内用Who`s he/she?相互询问照片 中的人物,然后再向全班同学用This is „的句型进行介绍。


C.引出My uncle is tall.教学tall.让学生用tall试着说说。可以指班中的同学来说He’s /She’s tall.同法教学short


分小组训练:This is „ He’s/She’s tall/short.E、Assign homework




Unit1 She’s my aunt


uncle, aunt, cousin

——This is...——Is this your...? ——He`s/She`s„

Unit 1 She’s my aunt



1.Can say the words: my, uncle, aunt, cousin, Mrs etc.2.Can use the sentence“This is my.../ Is this your...”to communicate.3.Learn the new words and introduce the family members.教学重点:


(2)能听懂This is...Is this your...? 并能根据实际情况用He`s/She`s„回答。教学难点:

能结合所有学过的家庭成员单词熟练使用句型Is this your...?向他人询问和描述某人,发音正确。教学用具:

PPT, 图片,卡纸 教学过程: Step1 Warm up

1.Game:Who’s he/she?

2.T: Can you make a chant for your family?


gives a model: This is my father.He is tall.My father is very tall.3.T invites some Ss to say their chants in class and give marks for them.Step2 Presentation

Sing a song


A.(Show the song)T teach Ss to read the song.B.Listen to the song.C.Learn to sing Ss imitate to sing the song after the tape.D.Sing the song together Step3 Consolidation


Do Exercise in the workbook.1.T introduce the pictures in the exercise.2.T make an example with one student.3.Ask the Ss to finish the exercises.4.鼓励学生两人一组操练对话或是互换角色对话,注意模仿语音语调。

5.鼓励学生用自己的家庭照片在小组内用Who`s he/she?相互询问照片 中的人物,然后再向全班同学用This is „的句型进行介绍。


7.Check the answers in class.Step4 Homework

1.Read and recite the text.2.Make a new song and sing for the parents.板书:

Unit1 She’s my aunt

uncle, aunt, cousin

——This is...——Is this your...? ——He`s/She`s„


Unit 1 She’s my aunt



1.Can say the words: my, uncle, aunt, cousin, Mrs etc.2.Can use the sentence“This is my.../ Is this your...”to communicate.3.Develop the ability of listening and speaking

4.Learn the new words and introduce the family members.教学重点:

Can use the words and sentence to communicate with others about their families.教学难点:

Can use the words and sentence to communicate with others about their families.教具:

Pictures, cards 教学过程: Step1 Warm up

1.Sing a song “This is my uncle”


Read the story

Act the story Step2 Stick and say

A.Introduces the requirements of the game to make sure that the Ss know what to do and how to do it.B.Draw a big tree

C.Ss can stick or draw a family photo by themselves.T asks the Ss to practice the sentences in groups.Step3 Consolidation

Do Exercise in the exercise book.1.T introduce the pictures in the exercise.2.T make an example with one student.3.Ask the Ss to finish the exercises.4.Check the answers in class.Step4 Homework

1.Read the text.2.Communicate with other to use the sentence structures.板书:

Unit1 She’s my aunt

uncle, aunt, cousin

——This is...——Is this your...? ——He`s/She`s„


Unit1 She’s my aunt




(2)能听懂This is...Is this your...? 并能根据实际情况用He`s/She`s„回答。

(3)能结合所有学过的家庭成员单词熟练使用句型Is this your...?向他人询问和描述某人,发音正确。教学重点:


(2)能听懂This is...Is this your...? 并能根据实际情况用He`s/She`s„回答。教学难点:

能结合所有学过的家庭成员单词熟练使用句型Is this your...?向他人询问和描述某人,发音正确。教学用具:

词语卡片、挂图 教学过程: step1.Review

Read the story

Act the story Step2.Stick and say

A.Introduces the requirements of the game to make sure that the Ss know what to do and how to do it.B.Draw a big tree

C.Ss can stick or draw a family photo by themselves.T asks the Ss to practice the sentences in groups.Step3.Consolidation

Do Exercise in the exercise book.1.T introduce the pictures in the exercise.2.T make an example with one student.3.Ask the Ss to finish the exercises.4.Check the answers in class.Step4.Homework

1.Read the text.2.Communicate with other to use the sentence structures.板书:

Unit1 She’s my aunt

uncle, aunt, cousin

——This is...——Is this your...? ——He`s/She`s„


Unit 3 It has a short tail 教材分析:

本单元主要教学内容为“谈论动物”。在教学中,教师要通过扎实的听说训练,让学生熟练运用Look at the ? It has a short / ?用形容词介绍动物特征。在引入本单元话题时可以充分利用学生已学的知识,在课堂上创设生活情景,引导学生产生介绍动物特征的欲望,鼓励学生积极自主地参与交流。教学目标:


(2)能听懂Look at the ? It has a short / ?。

(3)能使用句型Look at the ? It has a short / ?来描述动物,发音正确。


(5)会唱The monkeys in the zoo.教学重点:


(2)能听懂Look at the ? It has a short / ?。

(3)能使用句型Look at the ? It has a short / ?。来描述物品,发音正确。教学难点:

(1)能听懂、会说、初步认读Look at the ? It has a short / ?。这六个单词,发音正确。

(2)能使用句型Look at the ? It has a short / ?。来描述动物,发音正确。课时安排:


It a short tail 第一课时



(2)能听懂Look at the ? It has a short / ?

(3)能使用句型Look at the ? It has a short / ?来描述动物。


(1)能听懂、会说、初步认读bear,giraffe,monkey,tiger,long,short 这六个单词,发音正确。

(2)能听懂Look at the ? It has a short / ?

(3)能使用句型Look at the ? It has a short / ?来描述动物。



(2)能听懂Look at the ? It has a short / ?

(3)能使用句型Look at the ? It has a short / ?来描述动物。


光盘等 教学过程: Step1

Introduce yourselves and make another sentence.Step 2.Look and Learn

1.Watch the CD and learn the new word,rabbit.2.Learn the other words in the same way.3.Read the new words in the different ways.Read in groups,read together or read one by one.4.Play a game.


Lesson one On the bus

目标:Able to show politeness and care.


take rny seat

come here!

Merry Town 所用教具:挂图 录音机 音乐录音带 布娃娃 教学建议:


这首歌谣描述一群小兔子乘车到快乐城,并邀请小棕兔一起坐车。本歌谣突出“0n the bus’的主题,语言简单,所有语言都属于输入范围。教师可以先让学生看插图,看他们是否明白图意。然后指着图,用“This is„”句型来让学生明白“bus”、“Rabbit Brown”等单词的意思;用动作和手势来表示“come here”、“get on the bus”、“take a seat”。在学生会读这些词和短语后,教师才播放录音。在学生听几遍后,让学生边听边跟着录音朗读整首歌谣,或让他们一句一句跟着录音朗读。教师要着重指导学生注意朗读的节奏。在朗读过程中让学生特别注意用轻快的语调,以体会兔子们的快活。在全体学生都能熟练朗读后,教师可以让学生分组朗读,然后请一些学生在班上表演。等大家熟悉歌谣后,教师可以采取小组朗读的方式,进行比赛。

本歌谣押[ ]韵,教师要指导学生读好“town”、“Brown”和“around”等单词。同时,要引导学生发好歌谣中出现的其他元音,如[ ]和[ ]等,也就是说,注意读好“come”、“bus”、“happy”等单词。


这是一首情景对话歌。它描述了在公共汽车上因人多,孩子们相互让座的情景。目的是让学生学会如何请别人坐,如何道谢的道德行为。歌曲的语言简单,是课文的主体语言,如:“come here.” “Take my seat.”歌曲旋律轻快,起伏不大,容易上口。教师教唱这首歌时最好挂出歌曲挂图,配上动作,使学生更容易理解歌词和意境。这首歌的歌词包含了丰富的德育内容,教师要利用这一机会培养学生尊老爱幼,互相帮助的意识。学生学会唱挚首歌后,将他们分成四人一个小组边唱边演,最后评出表现最佳的小组。


这个故事是说Hello与小朋友们乘车去春游的事情。清晨,Hello和Mary来到学校门口乘车。车上的位置都坐满了。老师给两个小朋友让座,Kay,Jack和Terry也请他们和自己一起坐。Mary高兴地与Kay坐在一起,Hello却手抓拉环,脚钩拉环,吊在车顶上,并说这就是他的座位。这课的重点是关心他人,主要语言输入是让座。在讲述这个故事之前,教师应该先让学生回顾第二册的故事内容,然后问学生Hello要与其他小朋友乘车去春游,如果车上的位置都坐满了,你会怎么办,以导人关心他人的丰题,同时通过肢体语言来解释“take my seat”和“sit with me的意思。然后播放录音或VCD,边播放边配以肢体语言,帮助学生理解。听完故事后,教师可以问学生Hell,这样坐安不安全,我们应该怎样请Hello下来,以暗示学生运用目标语言做出让座擞请。最后,老师可以再次播放录音或VCD,找几个小朋友分别扮演故事里的角色,边听录音,边表演。


这项活动是让学生进行角色表演,在表演中学会给老人、小孩和抱小娃娃的母亲让座。其目的是让学生使用“Take my seat, Please.” “Sit here ,please.”进行让座与应答。首先让学生自己选择自己喜爱表演的角色,采用自由组合的方式相互让座,然后父换角色,扮演不同的人物。教师应要求学生一定要用所学的句于来完成对话。最后表演在歌声中结束。教师还可以组织小组进行表演竞赛,看谁说得好、唱得好或表演得好,可以让学生进行互相评价。


这个游戏是根据大家熟悉的听音乐抢凳子游戏改编的。主要练习的内容是:“come here.”“sit with me.”其余的语言教师可根据实际灵活使用,如:“Ready? go” “ sorry,You are out.”


Lesson Two A running house!目标:Able to describe bus—riding and show excitement.语言输入:slow fast light down boat drive row 所用教具:挂图录音机附页插图彩色画笔 教学建议:


这首歌谣描述小鸭子的帆船在河上欢快地行驶,时快时慢。本歌谣与单元主题“A running house”相关。单元主题中的“running house”指的是飞跑的汽车,歌谣的“sailing boat”则是指乘风破浪的帆船。歌谣语言简单,所有语言都属于输入范围。教师可以先引导学生看图,弄清楚Duckie在干什么。利用图片让学生明白“Duckie”“boat”、“river”和“sea”等词的意思。用手势表示“fast”“slow”和“down the river,down fhe sea”。教师朗读歌谣或播放歌谣录音的时候,要指导学生留意朗读的节奏,让学生边听边用手打拍子。听了几遍后,让学生一句一句朗读,然后进行连贯朗读。等大家熟悉歌谣后,教师可以采取小组集体朗读的方式,让各个小组轮流朗读,进行比赛。在全体学生都能熟练朗读后,可以让几个学生在班上指着图画表演:

本歌谣押[ ]韵和[ ]韵,教师要指导学生读好“boat”“slow”、“sea”和“be”等词。




这个故事描述Hello与小朋友们在车上的经历。Mr Park让Hello坐在司机身旁,帮他扣上安全带。汽车在公路上飞驰,Hello很兴奋,说这是一座会跑的房子。Miss Lee告诉他这是汽车,但Hello仍坚持他的意见,引得大家都笑了起来。汽车遇到红灯,停了下来。司机告诉Hello遇到红灯要停车。绿灯亮了,汽车又开动了。Mr Park告诉Hello绿灯是通行的信号。Hello很高兴,说原来大家都喜欢绿色。这课的重点是交通安全,主要语言输入是关于交通信号。教师在讲述故事前,可以先问学生乘车时如果坐在前排,应该注意什么,以引入扣安全带的情节。然后问学生在过马路时应该注意什么,以激活红绿灯的背景知识。在播放录音或VCD时,教师可以表演故事情节,帮助学生理解故事内容。播放结束后,教师可以采用提问 的方式,摸查学生是否理解“a running house”、“stop”、“red light”、“green light”的意思。教师还可以问学生为什么Hell0会说“We all like green”?以帮助学生回忆Hello喜欢绿色的特点。最后,教师可以再次播放录音或VCD,找几个小朋友分别扮演故事里的角色,边听录音,边表演。


这项活动是让学生根据不同颜色的交通灯所表达的意思,进行TPR活动,从而让学生加强交通安全意识。其目的是让学生使用“look!It’s a red light.”“Red light now.Stop!”“Look!It’s a green light.” “Green light,now.Go!”进行交际。活动开始的时候,教师先让学生举起交通的图片,自己带学生边说边做相应的动作,然后换过来由教师举交通灯图片,由学生边说边做相应的动作,最后,由学生采用同桌或者前后座位互相问答的方式进行交际性的TPR活动。教师应要求学生用所学的句子完成交际。最后,教师还可以抽查几个组看是否已经理解和运用正确。



游戏开始,扮演交通警察的学生向坐在下面的学生举起绿色的牌子,大家提示参赛的学生说:“Green light,go.”这时,参赛的学生向终点走去。当扮演交通警察的学生举起红牌子时,大家说:“ Red light,stop.”参赛的学生就不能走。最后,没有违反游戏规则,准确作出反应,最快走到终点的学生为胜利者。

教学反思:有时候,听完一些英语课,觉得课堂的确“ 热闹”,气氛活跃,游戏接二连三,但仔细一琢磨,这些游戏多是多,但是只是充斥数量,而无质量,究竟这些游戏起了什么作用呢?不得而知。反而弄得一些学生一头雾水,只知道游戏很好玩,很搞笑。还有的英语课堂中,每天使用的都是那些老游戏,老调重弹。例如,那些看图片猜单词,看口型猜单词,大声和小声等游戏。学生久而久之,对这些游戏失去了兴趣,这些游戏也调动不了任何积极性,学生已熟悉其模式、玩法等,每次也都能拿名次,游戏已没有任何挑战性。因此,我们应设计些形式新颖,学生感兴趣的游戏,应让游戏多变,随教学内容和教学方法而变。游戏活动不可滥,要精,要有的放矢。

Lesson Three To the zoo

目标:Able to give explanation of a place or things. 语言输入:zoo animal tiger lion hippo deer 所用教具:挂图 录音机 动物图片 动物头饰 教学建议:


这首歌谣的目的主要是为了帮助学生熟悉动物园里动物的名 称。这里提供的动物名称近十种,不一定要求学生全部记住。教 师可以先让学生看课文插图,分别学会或复习“tiger”、“lion”、“happy”、“wolf'’、“monkey”、“rabbit、“deer”、“fox”等动物的名称,然后引导学生看图找出动物们在干什么。教师可以用动作引出“dump'’,“jump”,“bite'’和 3 “fight”的意思。教师在朗读或播放歌谣录音的时候,提醒学生边听边用手打拍子,掌握歌谣的


本歌谣押[ ]韵和[ai]韵,教师要指导学生读好“bump”、“jump”和“bite”、“fight”等词。




这个故事讲述大家向Hello描述动物园的情况。Mr Park告诉Hello。他们去动物园,Miss Lee告诉他动物园就是动物的家。Hello不懂动物是什么,Mary又告诉他猫和狗是动物。Hello以为动物都很小,所以动物园定很小。Kay告诉他有些动物是很大的。说着话,汽车已经来到动物园。动物园的大门是一只猴子的嘴巴,Mr Park说这就是动物园,Hello大吃一惊,原来动物园这么大。这课的重点是通过举例帮助他人了解情况。主要语言输入是提问和回答。教师在讲述故事前,可先问学生Hello他们要去哪里玩,以导人动物园的主题,并复习“cat”、“dog”、“house“、“animal”等单词。播放录音或VCD时,教师可以用肢体语言和表情帮助学生理解故事内容和疑问、吃惊的情节。播放后,教师可以问学生Miss Lee,Mary和Kav是怎样帮助Hello理解“zoo”和“animal”这两个单词的,以引导学生掌握运用背景和已有知识学习新知识的学习策略。最后,教师可以再次播放录音或VCD,找几个小朋友分别扮演故事里的角色,边听录音,边表演。


这项活动是让学生通过观察动物不同的家,提高学习的兴趣,复习所学过动物的名称。其目的是让学生使用“what is it?”和“The cat’s house.”进行问答。活动可以采用同桌相互交际或者自由组合进行对练的方式。教师应要求学生一定要用所学的句子完成提问与应答。最后,教师还可以抽查一两个学生与老师进行交际,或相互进行对话,并进行同伴或师生之间的评价。


游戏的目的是利用搭乘汽车的情景练习:“Where' re you going,Little Mouse?”“To the zoo.”操作说明:一个学生扮演司机,边模仿开车的动作,边走向其他学生。其他学生头上分别戴着老鼠、猴子、猫、狗、猪、鸭子的头饰。开车的学生对着一个带着老鼠头饰的学生说:“where're you going,Litlle Mouse?”该学生说:“To the zoo.”开车的学生对他说:“Come on,please..”戴着老鼠头饰的学生搭着开车学生的肩膀,好像开着车一样继续行走,边走边说:“We're going to the zoo.”如此类推,加入新的学生,队伍越来越长,可有四个或以上的学生搭着肩膀,一起边走边说:“we’re going to the zoo.”


Lesson Four A big cat!

目标:Able to describe tiger and lion and make simple comparision 语言输入:mouth teeth big sharp happy sad

所用教具:挂图录音机附页图画动物头饰 教学建议:


这首歌谣描述小老鼠和大老虎对话的情景,突出本单元“A big cat!”的主题。小老鼠以为大老虎是只大猫,向前讨好似的与它搭讪,大老虎认为老鼠将自己看成是只猫,很不高兴,让小老鼠走开,并声明白己是老虎而不是猫。歌谣语言简单,全部都属于输入范围。教师可以在朗读歌谣或播放歌谣录音之前,用教鞭指着挂图上的老鼠和老虎,让学生辨认“rat”和“tiger”,并让学生比较老鼠和大老虎的异同,如大小、外形、颜色等。播放几次录音后,领学生一句一句地朗读,然后连贯朗读。等大家熟悉歌谣后,教师可以采取小组集体朗读的方式,让两组学生分角色朗读,进行比赛。然后让学生两人一组表演对话,再找几对学生在全班表演,边朗读边做动作,加深学生对歌谣内容的理解。

本歌谣押[ ]韵,教师要指导学生读好“cat”、“sad”、“rat”和“happy”等词。


这是一首容易引发学生观察和思考的歌曲。目的是为故事教学做铺垫。歌曲的语言风趣、自然,也容易唱。其中的“sharp”、“teeth”还是课文的重点语言。“why is your mouth so big?”“why are your teeth so sharp?”则是新的句型,教师可以通过特定情景和问话帮助学生理解。播放录音前,教师可以领学生朗读几遍,注意学生的发音。歌曲的旋律是电影《卖花姑娘》的插曲,学生可能比较熟悉。3/4拍的节奏与孩子自问自答的意境相符。教师可以多次播放歌曲录音,直到学生能唱后,挑选一些小组代表表演,全班评判谁演唱得最好。



肢体语言来诠释故事内容。播放后,教师利用挂图让学生再次学习“tiger”、“lion”、“big”、“sharp”这四个单词,并描述老虎与狮子的嘴巴与牙齿。教师还可以利用这个机会帮助学生复习“What’s this?”“What’s that?”“This is„”和“That is„”这些问句与句型。最后,教师可以再次播放录音或VCD,找几个小朋友分别扮演故事里的角色,边听录音,边表演。


这项活动是让学生在玩拼图游戏的过程中学会询问和应答。其目的是让学生使用“Where is„”“Its...is„”进行问答和交际。活动可以先采用同桌相互竞赛的方式,看谁先把图画拼出来。作为拓展玩法,可以把前后左右座位四个人的拼图合起来玩,难度就会 大一点,好玩些。教师应要求学生一定要用所学的句子完成问答。最后,教师还可以抽查一两个学生,让他们用感叹句描述图画,培养学生的观察力和欣赏力。


这是个借助小孩子熟悉又喜欢的“石头、剪刀、布”输赢开展的游戏。游戏操作简单,为了增加气氛,可以将为“lion”和“tiger”两组比赛,主要练习本课新学习的动和“big、“small”等词。比赛的两个学生边猜拳边说:tiger,I am big”或“Lion,lion,I am big.”赢得多的那组方。如果最后胜方为tiger组,全组同学说:“Yeah,the tiger is big.”教师还可以用学过的词,按上述句型,编新的句子边玩边念。


Lesson Five He has a long nose!

教学目标 1.new words about our body: ear nose teeth leg

2.new adjective words:big long sharp strong 教学重点1.Able to sing the song:A big animal

2.Able to describe elephant using the new words.教学难点:Able to describe elephant using the new words.教具:教学光盘及自己制作的教学课件


(一)热身活动/复习(Warm up/Revision)

1.Sing the song “The animals in the zoo”

2.Watch the the story of lesson 3.Ss should read after it.T guide the Ss do the body languages of big and small.(二)引入新课(Presentation)

1.Present the picture of elephant step by step.T: What is it? Ss: A nose.A leg/ A mouth/ An eye… Oh, it's an elephant.The elephant is big.Present the picture of hippo step by step.(The same way as above.)

T: Look at them.Elephant’s nose is long.Hippo’s nose is short.(Ss read after the T)2.Practise big and samll, long and short.3.Hello doesn’t know the difference between the elephant and the hippo.Now let’s watch the video.Ss listen to the video for the first time.The second time they read after it..1.Hello went to the zoo with his friends.But can guess what’s in the zoo? Ss:…

The pictures of the animals can be half seen.(hippo, bear, rabbit, deer, fox, wolf, tiger and lion)

4.Ss read the words.(one by one, row by row, loud voice and low voice ect.to practise)

5.Listen to the rhyme and the T does the actions to help them understand the meaning of bump and fight.(三)语音练习(Practice)教学反思:通过几次教学发现让英语游戏有效地在课堂上进行,教学的“张1.T gives the pictures to the Ss the elephant and the hippo.T describes first.Then let the Ss describes them in their group.2.T points to the elephant.Big ears and long nose.Wow it’s a big animal.Ss listen to song.T uses the body langugages to help them understand.3.Ss sing it and do the action.4.Match between groups.(四)巩固及延伸(Consolidation and extension)

1.T gives the other animals’s pictures for the Ss to decribe.(rabbit, deer, fox, wolf, pig ect.)T: Wow, the zoo is very fun.The other animals want to go there, too.They are little mouse, cat, dog, duck, pig and so on.T to be the bus driver.Where are you going, little mouse? S1: To the zoo.T and S1 : We are going to the zoo.…

2.Group work.(4 groups)

3.Sing the song “ The animals in the zoo”

4.Rhyme.作业:Listen to the tape twice and repeat the text.板书设计

Lesson 5 He has a long nose!

ears nose teeth leg big long sharp strong 1 2 3 4 ★

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教学反思:本节课的重点是几个关于身体的单词及几个形容词,通过游戏、不同单词搭配不同动作等不同方式让学生熟记单词,学习目标基本完成,老师可适当多教学生读rhyme 及 song部分,尽量做到学生会读又会唱。

Lesson Six What a long neck!教学目标:1.Able to read the new words:giraffe neck leaves.2.Able to distinguish the differences between “neck” and “leg”.3.Able to say:giraffe giraffe,long long legs.giraffe giraffe, long long neck.教学重点:1.Able to distinguish the differences between “neck” and “leg”.2.Able to say:giraffe giraffe,long long legs.giraffe giraffe, long long neck.教学难点:Able to say:giraffe giraffe,long long legs.giraffe giraffe, long long neck.教具:教学光盘及自己制作的教学课件 教学过程:

(一)热身活动/复习(Warm up/Revision)

1.Sing the song “A big animal”

2.Watch the the story of lesson 5.(二)引入新课(Presentation)

1.Present the picture of giraffe step by step.T: What is it? Ss: A nose.A leg/ A mouth/ An eye… Oh, it's a giraffe.The giraffe is tall.2.Ss describe the giraffe.Its legs are long...T teaches them the word neck.Ss practice the words neck and giraffe.3.Ss listen to the song “ My giraffe ”.They sing after the tape sentence by sentence.4.T gives the picture of giraffe to the Ss.They describe the picture.Then T: Its legs are long.Its neck is long, too.Look!

5.Ss listen the the rhyme.The second time they read after it sentence by sentence.6.Ss read the sentence.(one by one, row by row, loud voice and low voice ect.to practise)


1.Group work.Ss sing the song with actions.2.Some of them come out to present.3.Ss open the book P35.They colour the animals.4.T makes a model for them first.“ Look at my elephant.Its nose is blue.Look at my monkey.Its eyes are green.5.Group work.Then the T ask some of them to present.(四)巩固及延伸(Consolidation and extension)

1.Ss listen to the story.T uses the body languages to make them understand.2.Sing the song “ My giraffe”.3.Ss colour the animals in P35.4.T makes a model.5.Group work to introduce their animals.6.Ss present.7.Sing the song “ My giraffe”

8.Rhyme.作业:Listen to the tape and learn to sing the song.板书设计:Lesson 6 What a long neck!giraffe giraffe, long long legs.长颈鹿,长长腿

giraffe giraffe, long long neck.长颈鹿,长脖子 1 ★

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教学反思:本节课的重难点giraffe giraffe,long long legs.Giraffe giraffe,long long neck.学生掌握的都不错,只是学生对字母“l”及“n”的发音仍然存在小错误,部分学生不能正确的发音。今后将加强学生对字母及单词的发音。

Lesson 7 An animal show Teaching Aims: 1.Can use the sentences like “Hippos are singing.” for simple description.2.Can say and act the rhyme “An animal show ”.Important points: 1.To show their talent 2.Description Difficult point: Can say and act the rhyme Teaching Tools: Word cards and pictures, teaching cards, headdresses, PowerPoint Teaching Method: Communicative Approach Teaching Procedure: Step1.sing a song: “The animals in the zoo”(CAI)Step 2.Warming-up and Revision a.listen and do :Singing ,dancing , drawing, running , reading , jumping „„(T: sing Ss: Do the action)b.Look and say.(CAI: show the picture Ss: singing)Step 3.Presentation A.T: It’s a fine day today.let’s go to the zoo , OK? Look , here comes the bus.Let’s get on the bus and take a seat.T: Look!Here’s the zoo.Let’s get into it and have a look.B.Look!They are having an animal show: see the story.(CAI)T: What a naughty monkey!How funny!Teach “fun”.C.What is it? a.Quick look(hippo)T: What is it ?(It is a hippo.)T: Yes.Great , who want to be a hippo?(have 2 students act like hippos)(1 hippo ,2 hippos)

T: Hippos are singing.(The 2 hippos do the action of singing)practice : first follow the teacher the read the sentence, then give the microphone to the students to act and say the sentences.b.look and guess(panda)

Teacher show the picture of the panda with asking “what is it?”(it is a panda)T: Who want to be a panda?(Have 2 students act like pandas)(1panda,2 pandas)T: Pandas are dancing.(the 2 pandas dance)practice: put the garland on the kids’ head to make them dance and say the sentence “pandas are dancing”

c.watch and guess(monkey)ask 2 student to act like monkeys ,and the others guess what it is.Ss: monkeys.(1 monkey, 2 monkeys)Monkeys are counting.The 2 monkeys count from 1 to 10 Practice: group 1,2 say “monkeys are counting” group3,4 “ count from 1 to 10”.d.listen and guess(shouting)Show the voice of shouting on the computer, and then make the students guess.Shouting(low and high voice)T: You are shouting.Ss : You are shouting.T: I’m not shouting.All kids are shouting.Practice(say the sentence one by one)Step 4.Practice A.Passing the voice :choose 2 groups of students to pass the voice of the sentences one by one , then the last student say the sentence loudly such as “hippos are singing.” Step 5.rhyme Let’s learn the rhyme “An animal show”(CAI)a.listen to the rhyme and try to follow it.b.Tty to act the rhyme with action.Step 6.consolidation Watch more animals and then learn to describe the picture like this: Elephants are dancing.Birds are flying.Cats are playing.Dogs are running.Ducks are drawing.Fishes are swimming.Bees are singing.Step 7.Talent show(group work: to make a new rhyme)Elephants are treading.hong!hong!hong!Dogs are barking.Wow!Wow!Wow!Cats are playing.Mew!Mew!Mew!Ducks are swimming.Quack!Quack!Quack!这作为一个例子,让学生读一读。Step8.Homework: Act the rhyme on page 37.Make a new rhyme.教学反思:

本节课内容较多,每个环节的教学都必须紧凑,这节课的语言在生活中也 会经常用到,所以,在日常生活中也应多提醒学生运用本节课语言。

Lesson 8 What do they eat?

Teaching Aims:Able to explain what animals eat.Important points: 1.To show their talent 2.Description Difficult point: Can say and act the rhyme Teaching Tools: Pictures, computer, headdresses.Teaching Procedure: A.Warm-up a.Greeting.T: Good morning, boys and girls.I’m Hello.How are you? S:Good morning, Hello.I’m fine, thank you.T: The animals are lovely, let’s go to the zoo, OK? S: OK.T: Sing the songand do the action.b.Play a game: Flashing cards game.(复习动物单词:tiger, cat, panda, monkey, elephant...)T: What animal? S: Tiger.T: Act like a tiger.S: Tiger, tiger, I am a tiger.The students do the action.B.Presentation a.T: I am hungry now.Ding ding dong, ding ding dong, time for lunch.(Watch a story twice)b.T: The monkey likes bananas, but what do the tigers like? Let’s watch the rhyme.c.Teach the sentence: Chicken, beef and other meat.d.Play a passing game.When the music stop, the students ask: “Tiger, tiger, what do you eat?” One student puts on the headdress and answers: “Chicken, beef and other meat.”

e.Teach the sentence: Apples,pears and bamboo leaves.f.Passing game.Ss: “Panpa, panpa, what do you eat? ”S1: “Apples, pears and bamboo leaves.”

g.The whole class read the rhyme after teacher.h.Group 1 act the tiger, Group2 act panda.i.Group work.Act the rhyme in groups.j.Check.C.Extension a.Play a game: Act an animal, then ask and answer.Ss: Monkey, monkey,what do you eat? S1: Bananas, bananas!b.Make a new rhyme like this: Lion, lion, what do you eat? Chicken, chicken.Elephant, elephant, what do you eat? Leaves, leaves.D.Homework a.Act the rhyme with your partner after class.b.Make a new rhyme.教学反思:


Lesson Nine On the boat 目标;Able to show one’s feeling and give instruction on safety.语言输入:hill come back boat 所用教具:挂图 录音机 教学过程: 1.歌谣

歌谣的大意是小魔船像架飞机,飞越河流和湖泊,一群孩子翻山越岭,在奔跑,追着小魔船。歌谣主要暗扣“On the boat”这个主题。歌谣语言简单,全部属于本课语言输入范围。教师先指导学生看懂插图,看他们能否认出Hello的小魔船。指着插图的小魔船问学生:“What is it?”让学生回答:“Magic boat.”学生在第一册中已学过“magic chair”。教师朗读歌谣或播放歌谣录音的时候,让学生边听边用手打拍子。听了几遍后,让学生一句一句朗读,然后进行连贯朗读。等大家熟悉歌谣后,教师进行小组朗读比赛,看哪一组读得整齐、准确,节奏最好。

本歌谣主要押「i」韵和「 」韵,这里教师要着重指导学生读好“hill”、“will”和“low”、“boat”等词。2.歌曲

这是一首以动作为主的游戏歌。这首歌描述了一群孩子划船到公园时的情景。目的是让学生学会如何邀请别人加入活动,如何提出请求。教唱歌曲前让学生看图猜一猜歌曲大意是什么,然后重点朗读一下几个难句,如:“Come and join me on the boat.”“Could you wait for me?” 学生上口后分成3人一组演唱歌曲,或排成行做划船的动作演唱,并用真实名字替换 “Mary”和“Terry”。3.故事

这个故事主要描述孩子们乘船去游乐园的情形。他们在老师的带领下来到湖边,登上游艇。游艇开得很慢,Jack让Hello使游艇开快一些。Hello马上跳到水里,拖起游艇在湖面上飞跑,两个老师急得喊他快上来。这课的重点是交通工具的对比,主要语言输入是交通工具名称以及表示速度的形容词。教师在讲故事前先帮学生复习“bus”、“boat”、“fast”和“slow”等单词,然后解释“come back”的意思。在播放录音或VCD时,教师用挂图和肢体语言描述故事内容。播放后教师通过发口令让学生复习各种动作单词,并用挂图让学生复习“bus”和“boat”。教学反思:


Lesson 10 On the train

教学内容: Kid’s English Book3 Lesson 10 On the train 教学目标: 理解A Rhyme的内容,能初步听说并表演。

教学重、难点: click-clack、train、track等的正确发音


Step 1:Warm up.1.Free talk.⑴T: Good morning, boys and girls.How are you? Ss: I am fine, thank you.And you? T: I am fine, too.Thank you.Nice to meet you.Ss: Nice to meet you,too.问候个别学生(2个学生)T: Hello!What’s your name? S1: My name’s … T: How old are you? S1: I am…

T: Nice to meet you.Ss: Nice to meet you, too.(Shake hands)

T: Look,The weather is so good.It’s sunny.(将“太阳贴在标题旁边”)简单的带读sunny。T: Let’s do some morning exercises.OK?



A:T: Now, Let’s play a guessing game.There is a kind of transport.Listen carefully!And them tell me what it is.Ok?(屏幕上传来汽 车喇叭的声音),问学生what is that? What colour is it? 学生回答后,教学The car is yellow.Beep, beep, beep.(升降掉各教学一次),全班到小组机械练习。

T:The car is going to start.Let’s go now.学生基本掌握后,和学生一起开汽车(画面在路上,随指示路标前进,改变方向), 开车的时候,模仿汽车的声音,增加趣味性。

T:Hello is also going out very early.Let’s see where did he go? And how did he go there? 观看story,第一次看完后,T: They are going to the Kid’s Park.(简单教学并将图片贴在黑板上。)How did he go there? Ss:火车。


T: Is the train fast? 加动作解释


T: Do you want to go to the Kid’s Park?

Ss:Yes.B:Here comes the train.T: What colour do you like?

Ss: I like…(复习句子What colour do you like? I like…)

T: The train is„


例如: The train is blue and black.(为后面的替换练习做铺垫。)Step 2:Presentation.T: The train starts.播放火车开动的画面。Now,let’s be a little train.教学click-clack 全班跟老师做火车开动的动作,然后分小组完成。完成后,出示gif(火车慢慢开动),全班根据火车开动的速度,练习click-clack的发音。



⑶结合句子Click-clack,the train is blue and black.全班演练该句子。T: You did a good job, so you can have your own track.Look, this is the track.(这时将火车轨贴在黑板上)One track, two tracks。Now, your own train is going to be on the track.出示火车,示范和教学on the track, on the track, the train is on the track on the track, on the track, the train is on the track…先总体朗读一次,然后教学该句子,教学动作


T: Now, here we go.Let’s get on the train.Are you ready? Ss:Yes.T: Let’s go.Step 3:Practice.听、说、读、演rhyme:

听:动画播放第一遍仅仅是听,感受原音,第二遍听时可以轻声跟着读。说:接着,全班小朋友跟老师做动作,尝试把整首rhyme 说出来。读:为了强化,读分为全班齐读、分角色读。⑴全班听2次。⑵老师带读1次。⑶跟录音机读一次。⑷分角色朗读。⑸学生自由朗读。⑹小组表演。⑺Make a train.(每组挑一个同学示范,然后该同学戴上火车头饰,不断邀请同学门加入火车队拨伍,组成一辆火车。)


T:Now, there is another train with different colours.The train is green and yellow.全班替换演唱歌曲。Step 4:Emotion

Sing a song:come and take my seat.交通工具是现代的生活中不可缺少的一个部分,陆地上的汽车,海洋里的轮船,天空中的飞机等等。公共汽车是我们经常搭乘的交通工具,乘坐交通公共汽车的时候,如果遇到下面的情况,你会怎么做呢?



Lesson Eleven 目标:



4、会经过图意来讲A story中的故事内容。重、难点:


2、会读并会用肢体语言来表达A rhyme中的内容。



2、教学A rhyme中的内容。

3、听录音,跟读A rhyme中的内容。

4、放录音,学唱A rhyme中的句型。

5、让学生看图说出A rhyme中的内容,并根据图画说出故事内容。

6、让学生看图说出A task和A game中内容,并学习重要的句子。教学反思:

在本节课中,教学内容相对较少,但A game中的游戏较难掌握,教师须对学生进行较多的指导。

Lesson Twelve 教学目标:

1、单词seesaw ,swing, slide.2、high/low, up/down

3、会经过图意来讲A story中的故事内容。

重、难点:对单词seesaw ,swing, slide的学习和掌握。教学过程:


1、Free talk


3、Sing a Song.二、Presentation.1、出示图片教学单词seesaw。

2、对单词swing, slide的教法例同。


4、利用录音机教学歌谣,在学习歌谣的同时,让学生复习单词seesaw ,swing, slide。

5、让学生看图复述A story中的内容,再教学A story。

6、A task,A game中的游戏。







教学目标:能听,说,会读句子:No pain,no gain。能整体感知课文大意,并简单表述。培养学生热爱劳动的精神,反对不劳而获。

教学重点:No pain,no gain.教学难点:用自己的话复述全文。







请同学说说你看到了什么?(小鼹鼠和小猴子的故事)具体看1到6幅图,说一说。可加一些修饰性的词语,如:第一幅,一个阳光明媚的早晨,住在一棵大树上的两只小动物(小鼹鼠和小猴子)收到了小天使给的礼物:两粒种子。以此类推。3 教师提示一些单词:

seed 种子pick 找出peanut花生peach 桃子delicious 美味的hungry饿的师生共同总结,解决一些有问题的句子。思考:冬天到了,为什么小鼹鼠有吃的,而且很快乐。而小猴子的近况却是饥寒交迫?


出示第七幅图的句子:No pain,no gain.,解释:一份耕耘,一分收获。联想:

把“一份耕耘,一分收获”用运到我们的生活学习中。8 请同学试着复述课文。


通过小鼹鼠和小猴子的故事,我们知道了热爱劳动的重要性,且学到了这样一个真理:一份耕耘,一分收获。让我们大声地对自己说No pain,no gain.。





No pain,no gain


教学反思: 教师给予评价。


Unit 2 This is Danny Deer


This is Danny Deer.二、教学目标:

1、掌握单词:a book , a pen , a pencil , an eraser , a ruler , a pencil sharpener , a pencil box.2、能听懂句子:Show


三、教学过程: me a(pencil),并根据指令做出相应的动作。

Booky’s story time.这是一节小学二年级的英语常规教学,课前教师作了这样的教学设想:通过提问What’s this ? 引出所要学的新单词:eraser ruler pencil sharpener pencil box 等,获得这些单词的听、说、读的能力。教师事先准备好了有关单词的卡片、实物、录音机及相关内容的磁带,设计将堂课分成如下几个步骤:

Step 1: Warming up Sing a song “What’s your name? My name’s „„”一方面让学生进入学习英语的状态,另一方面以便复习句子:What’s your name?

Step 2 : Presentation Present new words by question “What’s this?”学生先用学过的句型回答:“This is a pen book pencil ”, 之后引出涉及的新单词:pencil sharpener ,pencil box ,eraser , ruler.并操练句型:“Show me(an eraser)”。

Step 3 :Practice:

分组操练句子:Show me a(pencil)并按指令做出回应,以及分角色表演 Uncle Booky’s

Story time.第一步,孩子们合唱熟悉的英文歌曲:“What’s your name? My name is„„”很快他们就进入了学习状态。这时,教师开始引出了这节课的教学任务,同学们所熟悉的文具:eraser , ruler , pencil sharpener , pencil box , pencil , pen , book 等。教师把这些单词范读、带读几遍,使同学们熟悉单词。接着教师把学生分成四人小组进行练习,每个同学都拿出自己的文具,运用 What can you see? I can see„„, What’s this? This is„„, Show me a„„ 等句型练习所学的单词。同学们积极主动地参与,兴趣很浓。

在教授 “Uncle Booky’s Storytime” 这个部分时,教师带领学生听两遍录音,之后分


CoCo Mommy : Come on!Come on!CoCo : Mommy , Mommy!Mommy : Look ,my baby , An eagle , Be careful.CoCO : Mommy ,Look.Mommy : This is a worm.CoCO : Mommy , Mommy , an eagle.Mommy : This isn’t an eagle.This is a sparrow.Sparrow : Hello ,What’s your name ? CoCo

:Hi , I’m CoCo.Ken : Hello , This is for you.Mommy , COCo : Thank you.同学们很快就进入了角色,理解了故事的内容,于是,教师将同学分组进行角色表演。他们个个都信心十足,大胆发挥,把故事表演得有声有色。“兴趣是最好的老师。”培养学生学习英语的兴趣,调动学生学习英语的积极性。



高中二年级英语教案Lesson 57 Step 1 Revision 1.Check the homework exercises.2.Ask the students some questions quickly about their daily life.Step 2 Presentation 1.Read the introduction aloud.Ask the students to listen to the tape and then answer the questions: Why did Mr.Ball call on Mrs.Zhu? How much do you know about Dr.Zhang? 2.Let the students to answer the questions in pairs and check with the whole class.(1.To him a massage about the date for the conference;2.He lives in Guangzhou;is on a visit to Beijing;has some personal affairs to see to;is visiting some relatives.)3.Ask the students to guess the meaning of the new words.Step 3 Dialogue 1.Play the tape for the students to listen and follow.2.Go through the dialogue briefly and make sure the students understand it.3.Play the tape again, and the students to listen and repeat.4.Ask the students to practise in pairs.Step 4 Language points 1.Mr.Ball has just called on Mrs.Zhu to give her a massage.* call on: to visit sb.formally 拜访,去会见某人;call at 拜访某地

I hope to call on you at your office at 3 o’clock today.She called on the old teacher once a month.We often call at the place of interest.* drop in at/ on : visit unexpectedly or informally顺便拜访 Drop in and see me when you are next in Beijing.He often drops in for coffee.He often drops in at my place on his way home.We dropped in on our teacher when we went to town.2.Do come in.* do 用在祈使句中或肯定句中加强语气. Do come and jion us.Please!Do be quitet a moment.I do hope you will go with us.3.I’ve got some personal affairs that I have to see to.* have got = have 拥有,具有 I have got a new car.Have you got any money with you? She hasn’t got much time for the moment.* see to = deal with 处理(某事),负责做(某事),照顾(某人)

I have got a lot of things to see to this afternoon.Who is seeing to the arrangements for the next meeting? I’ll see to the guests when they arrive.4.It’s time I went and pick up my little girl from school.* It’s time +主语+动词的过去式.“是某人该做某事的时候了”, 虚拟语气.It is time you went to bed.It is time they did cleaning.It is high time that you studied hard.* It is time for sth./ It is time to do sth./ it is time for sb.to do sth.It is time for supper.It is time to go to school.It is time for us to go to school.* pick up 1)拾起,捡起.He picked up a wallet on the ground and handed it in 2)采摘They are picking up the apples on the trees.We must try our best to prevent children picking up the flowers in the garden.3)获得,学会.She picked up English when was in Beijing in the 1930s.We picked up so much knowledge when we were in the countryside.4)看到,测知,收听到.My radio can pick up BBC.We couldn’t pick up the news yesterday evening.5)中途搭人, 带货.The bus stopped to pick up the passengers.6)恢复, 振作.A bite of something might pick you up.Have a rest and pick up your flesh.He picked up his courage and went on studied hard.7)加速,提速.The train picked up speed.Let’s see how fast you can pick up from a standing start.8)收拾, 整理.The farmers are picking up their tools.She is picking up her room.9)逮住, 捉牢.The police managed to pick up the thief at the end.10)跌到后使自己爬起来.He slipped and fell, but quickly picked himself up.Step 5 Practice 1.Read through the phrases with the students.Then books shut.Do a repetition drill with the class, paying attention to intonation.Books open.Ask the students give some example sentences with It’s time I„ Then let the students practise in pairs.2.For the second activity, read the instructions aloud.Ask the students to make a similar dialogue, using other words and phrases Step 6 Workbook 1.Ex.1.Revise the everyday English expressions.Then get the students to do the dialogues in pairs.Check the answers with the whole class.2.Ask several pairs to act out the dialogues.3.Ex.2 should be done orally in class.Point out the different patterns with similar.Encourage the students to produce as many as sentences as possible.4.Ex.2.Ask some students to come to the Bb to write out the sentences.Step 7 Homework Finish off the Workbook exercises.Do Ex.2 as written work.Get the students to do vocabulary preparation in Lesson 58, Part 1.



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