
时间:2019-05-13 22:14:30下载本文作者:会员上传


Unit 3 Troubles Hello, everyone.I am Xiao Jin Ju.Today I’m very happy to be here to talk about some of my teaching ideas.My topic is Troubles, Unit 3.Since the text is a reading passage, so I have designed the following steps to train the students’ ability of reading.There are six steps.Greetings and Leading-in;Pre-reading;While-reading;Post-task;Summary and Homework.Now I want to talk about them in details.Step 1.Greetings and Leading-in First of all, I will greet the whole class as usual.And then, Leading-in, I will show the picture on the screen and ask the students to look at it.Ask them whether they can understand the meaning of the picture.So I can bring in the new subject: Troubles.(I will write down troubles on the blackboard)Step2.Pre-reading I will show some new words and expressions on the computer and learn them with the students together.For example:


deal with b).伸出,取出

hold out ect.(I will write down troubles on the blackboard)


1.Ask the students to observe the pictures beside the story and ask the following questions: a)Who were arguing in the first picture? b)What was the man doing in the second picture?(I will give the students five minutes to guess the answers to the questions)

2.Ask the students to read the text as quickly as they can and try to answer part A1 questions on page 34.a)What is the man doing with the bag in the first picture? b)Which people are arguing? c)Which person is Liu Wei? d)What is Liu Wei’s farther doing in the second picture?(I will give the students five minutes to find the answers and deal with the questions with them)3.Ask the students to read the whole text carefully again and answer the part A3 questions on page 35.a)b)c)d)e)Why did the man hold out a bag? Who do you think had the purse? Why did Liu Wei’s farther not get on the ferry? Did the man run away in the end? How can you tell? Why did Liu Wei say “You are so great” to his father?(I will ask the students to discuss freely and then we answer the questions together)Step4.Post-task

I will show the important sentences on the computer and ask the students

to pay attention to them and underline them on the text.I will also explain those sentences to the students.b)The man held out a bag and showed it to the women.(拿出···)c)Everyone stared at the three people.(盯着看)(I will write down troubles on the blackboard)

1.If time is permitted, I will show some synonymy sentences to them as well on the computer.For example: do with means deal with.3.I have designed some exercises to develop the ability of students.Ask the students to read reading part A carefully again and finish the following exercises:(I will use the multimedia to show the exercises on the screen.)Task 1 is to tell whether “ it is true or false ”

Task 2 is to choose the right phrase and fill in the blanks in the right form Step5.Summary 1.Ask the students what they have learned today.2.Check some key words and phrases again.Step6.Homework 1.Read the story after tape and try to use some key words to retell the story.2.Ask the students to do the exercise A4 on page 35.That is all.Thank you for your attention 3


Name : 赵娜

Number : 2009061304 Title : what does he look like ? Teaching aim : by the end of class , students will be able

Knowledge : learn : Words : tall , curly , hair , short , straight , medium ,height , thin , heavy , medium build ……

Structures : What does … look like ?

She is … She has … Ability :Speck : what does he look like ?

Talk about : some people’s appear.Understand:let them understand the new sentences and words’

means Attitude: students can use the new words to describe people’s outside Important points : the new words.The new sentence : what does he look like ? Difficult points :while student can use the new words to describe somebody.Type : listening and speaking

Teaching aids : blackboard , video , chalk , multi-media.Procedures : lead in : Use the multi-media to broadcast some people’s

pictures.T: Wow , so many people.They are look very different.Can you use Chinese to describe the people ? Look!This people.S : 她——(样子)

T : But can you use English to describe him ?

S : No , we can’t.T: Ok!Today , we will learn how to describe people’s appear.The title is “What does he look like ?”

Presentation : words: multi-media broadcast some new word’s picture

and let the students read it.Structures: asking the students : “what does he look like ?”

when the multi-media broadcast the picture.Practice : 1a : let them match the words.1b : listen to the video

Ask the students what does the video say ?

Find out who is Amy’s friend.1c : divide the students some groups to talk about it.2a : let students listen to the video repeat it and ask some students to fill in a form in the blackboard.2b : listen to it

Answer the following questions

Production : ask student to describe herhis classmate , the other students guess who is she he.Conclusion : learn some new words and sentences.students can speak and understand them.Homework : write a short essay to describe your parents , friends , classmates and so on.


Uint 5 If you go to the party, you’ll have a great time!


教师寄语:practice makes perfect


against,chance,tonight,charity,injured,sincerely,lawyer,tonight,mobile,go to college, travel around the world, make a lot of money, get an education, a professional althlete,seem like, make a living, all over the world, all the time, play sports, get injured, in fact, tonight

能力:Describe dream jobs


[Important points] If you become a professional athlete, you will be able to make a living

doing something you love.学习过程

STEP1 预习导学及自测

be happy________be famous___________ get an education__________



In each group, one student as a reporter, the others as interviewers“怎样活得更幸福?”(talk in English using if…)

________________________________________________________________ STEP3听力(2b)

Complete the sentences

1.If you join the Lion, ________2.If you become a Lion, ___________

5.but if I do not do this now,_______

A.you will be famous.B.I will never do it.C.you will become a great soccer player.D.you will never go to college.E.you will travel around the world.STEP4小组活动

Read the article about 3a

(1)T or F

()1.It is easy for many young people to become a professional athlete

()2.Few athletes give money to schools and charities

()3.Sometimes, being a professional athlete is very dangerous

(2)Answer the questions

What will happen if a professional athlete is famous?

Are the professional athletes happy?

Step 5 Writing(3c)

Write about your own plans using sentences with “if” and “will”


1.There will be a football match _____(今晚)

2.I will speak ________(反对)anything I know to be wrong.3.It is a good c________to go America with your aunt this summer.4.-What are you going to do tomorrow?

-We will go fishing if it______rain tomorrow.A.willB.won’tC.isn’tD.doesn’t

5.--When is the good time ____the party?--On Friday evening, I think.A.hasB.haveC.havingD.to have



1.We’ll ____ learn English well soon.A.canB.be ableC.be able to

2.Maybe I _____my bag in the car.A.leftB.forgotC.leave

3.My life will be ______ than it is now.A.more betterB.much goodC.a lot better

4.Hurry up!There is _____ time left.A.littleB.a littleC.few

5.The child is too young to ____ himself.A.wearB.put onC.dress



Don’t play with your mobile phone in class, or your teacher


It’s my dream to 3.他靠洗车谋生.Heby cleaning cars.三.完形填空

For students, school is not just a place to study in.It is 1 a place where you learn to get along with people.2 this is not always easy.What can you do if you don’t 3 one of your classmates? The most important thing is tolerance(宽容).Tolerance means that you 4 be able to understand and respect(尊重)other people’s differences.We can’t change other 5 , so it is important to learn to live happily 6 them.Tolerance will make 7 get along better with each other.Getting to know someone may help 8 understand why they do things differently.Something 9 doesn’t always mean that it is bad.Tolerance teaches us to keep an open mind.If you tolerate something, it doesn’t mean that you have to like it.No one is asking you to change 10.Tolerance just means that you should understand the differences in others and not try to make them change.()1.A.often B.also C.usually D.always

()2.A.Because B.And C.So D.But

()3.A.know B.like C.understand D.believe

()4.A.can B.may C.should D.must

()5.A.people B.students C.things D.ideas

()6.A.in B.between C.with D.without

()7.A.someone B.everyone C.no one D.anyone

()8.A.him B.her C.you D.them

()9.A.different B.difficult C.important D.necessary

()10.A.themselves B.yourselves C.ourselves D.yourself


On morning Mrs Peter said to her husband, “Jack, there is a meeting of our ladies club(俱乐部)at Mrs.Green’s house at lunch time today, and I want to go to it.I’ll have you some food for your lunch.Is that all right?”

“Oh, yes,” her husband answered, “that’s quite all right.What are you going to leave for my lunch?”

“This tin(罐头)of fish,” Mrs.Peter said.“And there are some cold, boiled potatoes(土豆)and some beans(豆子)here, too.”

“Good” Then Mrs Peter went to her meeting.All the ladies had lunch at Mrs Green’s, and at three o’clock Mrs Peter came home.“Was your fish nice?” She asked.“Yes, but my feet are hurting,” he answered.“Why are they hurting?” Mrs Peter asked.“Well, on the tin it was written: Open the tin and stand in hot water for five minutes.”

1.Mrs Peter wanted to _______________.A.meet her husband B.meet Mr.JackC.go to Mrs Green’s house D.see Mrs Green

2.Mr Peter had to _________.A.have lunch outsideB.have lunch at home by himself

C.cook dinner by himselfD.ask his wife to buy some food for him

3.Mrs Peter asked her husband to eat ________ for his lunch.A.some cold, boiled potatoes, some beans and a tin of fish.B.some beans, some cold potatoes.C.a tin of fish, some beans and tomatoes.D.some cold potatoes and a tin of fish.4.Mrs Peter had her lunch ___________.A.at homeB.at Mrs Jack’s houseC.at a restaurant D.at Mrs.Green’s house

5.Mrs Peter’s husband’s feet were burting because ______________.A.the tin of fish hurt his feetB.he fell down and hurt his feet.C.he stood in hot water for five minutesD.his wife hurt him with that tin of fish


Mr Grant moved to another town.One day he went to see a doctor.He sat down in the waiting room and looked round.The doctor’s degrees(学位证书)were on the

wall.Suddenly Mr Grant remembered there had been a classmate with the same name in his class at school, and he had become a doctor.As he went in to see the doctor, he remembered a young, handsome student and he was sad to see how old this man looked.He said to him, “Good morning, Doctor.Did you go to King High School?”

The doctor answered, “Yes, I did.”

“Were you there from 1942 to 1946?” Mr Grant asked.“Yes, I was.” the doctor answered.“How did you know?”

Mr Grant laughed and said, “You were in my class!”

“Oh?” the doctor said and looked at him carefully for a few minutes.“What were you teaching?” he asked.6.Mr Grant went to see the doctor because _________.A.he had nothing to do that dayB.he was ill that day

C.he knew the doctor very wellD.he was very busy that day

7.Mr Grant suddenly found the doctor’s name was the same as one of his ________.A.teachersB.studentsC.classmatesD.friends

8.When Mr Grant found the doctor was old, he __________.A.became worried B.got angry at onceC.felt very happy D.was very sorry

9.Who was in King High school from 1942 to 1946?

A.Both Mr Grant and the doctor were in King High School.B.Only the doctor was there.C.Neither of them was in King High School.D.Only Mr Grant was there.10.Mr Grant thought the doctor was old, but the doctor thought Mr Grant _________.A.was as young as heB.was even olderC.was much youngerD.was as old as he




说课 Unit1 Good morning, Ladies and gentlemen : I’m Zhang Qing.My topic is Unit 1 How often do you exercise? Section A from Junior English For China Students’ Book(Grade 8).I hope you can enjoy my presentation.First, the language goal in this unit is to make students talk about how often do you do things.Through this unit, students must master some new words and phrase and the grammar point--Adverbs of frequency.There are some structures are also important , like : What do you usually do on weekends? How often do you read English books? What does she /he do on weekends? And so on.I may use some cards, pictures and a tape recorder to help my teaching.In my teaching plan, I mainly divide my teaching process into 3 periods.The first Period(1a-1c)The first Period is from 1a to 1c in page 1.Teaching aims are name of activities in the pictures and Adverbs of frequency.Through this class, I hope the writing skill, Listening skill, Communicative competence of students' will be developed.OK.Let's get in the teaching procedure: Step1.Greet the class I will introduce myself briefly and talk about something the students did in summer vacation.T : First I’ll introduce myself.I’ll be your English teacher this term.I hope we’ll get along very well.I’m not only your teacher, but I can be your friends.We’ll be happy together.OK , I want to know what did you do in the summer vacation ,did you have some interesting stories? Did you have travelling ? Did you have shopping ? Did you have eating many delicious food ? Did you have doing homework or reading books? Did you have doing some exercise? Let's share together.After the students answering...Now let’s begin our class.This class we’ll learn Unit1.How often do you exercise? Please open books at page 1.Step 2.Teaching the Section A 1a in Page1 First look at the picture.I will ask a few students to say what they see in in the pictures.Like--T: What are they doing ?(Each picture shows what a person does on weekends.Help the students to answer)Then let students name each activity.Ask them to repeat each one.a.The girl is shopping.b.Another girl is reading.c.This boy isexercising d.The boy is watching TV.e.These girls are skateboarding.Then ask students to list all the activities in the pictures.Then ask the students who finishes first to write the answers on the board.At last , check the answers on the board and ask students to correct their own activities.(1.Look at the picture(学

识图).2.Name each activity.T: What are they doing ? —

—They are shopping /reading /exercising /watching TV /skateboarding.(Help the students to answer)3.Write the activities on the line 4.Check the answers on the blackboard.Correct their own activities.5.Practise reading.)Step 3.Teaching the Section A 1c in Page 1 First I will ask two students to read the dialogue in the picture.What do you do on weekends? ——I often go to the movies.Now work with a partner.Make your own conversations about the people in the picture.For example.What does she/he do on weedends ? ——She /He is often watching TV.1.First ,Focus on the conversation in the box 2.Let students practise reading.3.Then go into the Pairwork : Use the activities in pictures to make new conversations.Step4.Teaching the Section A 1b in Page 1 1.First read these adverbs and explain: always, usually, often, sometimes, hardly ever, never, explain them.How often多久一次 Hardly adv.几乎不;几乎没有 Ever adv.曾;曾经

2.Play the tape twice.Let students write the letters on the line.3.Then check the answer Step5.Make summary of this class.Watching TV, skateboarding, reading, shopping, exercising Always, usually, often, never, hardly ever, sometimes This class we’ve learnt some names of activities: watching TV, reading, skate boarding, exercising, shopping.And we also leant some adverbs of frequency: always, usually, often, sometimes, hardly, ever, never.Step6.Give homework to students Today's homework is : keep a weekend dairy showing what you do on weekend.(You can write down what you have do from the time you get up until you go to sleep.)Next class,we will learn 2a to 2c , please preview it.Ok , class is over , see you The second Period(2a-2c)The second Period is from 2a to 2c and the grammar focus in page 2.Teaching aims are name of activities in the pictures and Adverbs of frequency.This part is also useful to students' Writing skill , Listening skill, Communicative competence and also Reading skill.OK, Let's get in the teaching procedure: Step1.Greet the class Step 2.Learn some new words Now please look at the list of activities and read after me.Watch TV Exercise …

1.Let students read the activities and the answers of “how often …sentences”

2.Let students practise reading.Step3.Teaching the Section A 2a in Page 2 In 2a students should know the activities they hear.First ,Play the tape , students only listen.Play the tape for the second time, let the students number the activities.After they heard from the tape, Let one student read his/her answer.Play the tape the third time.Check the answers.Step4.Teaching the Section A 2b in Page 2 In 2b students should know the answers of how often Cheng does the activities.First,Play the tape , let the students match Cheng's activities with the number of times he does them.Let one student read his/her answer.Play the tape again.Check the answers Notice : In this part ,we should pay attention to “how often”引起的特殊疑问句及回答.Now please look at the chart in Activity 2a again: The heading—How often? Ever day Once a week Twice a week Three times a week Once a month Twice a month Match them with correct activity according the tape Step5.Teaching the Section A 2c in Page 2 First ask a student to read the list of activities to the class: Watch TV , Surf the Internet , Read English books, Go to the movies , Exercise Let them practice reading.Then tell me how often do these activities: You can write your answers under the list of How often.After filling the chart,check the answer and let them do pairwork to make conversations.1.Focus on the conversation.2.Read the activities in the left box.3.Fill in the chart.4.check the answer 5.Pair work: Make conversations.Step 6.Teaching the Section A Grammar Focus in Page 2 Explain “how often”引起的特殊疑问句及回答.Let them Practise reading : Let students read the questions and answers.Step 7.Make summary of this class.This class we’ve leant some adverbs of frequency: every day, once a week, once a month, twice a month.And we leant to talk about how often people do things.Step 8.Give homework to students Today 's homework is : 1.Copy the new words.2.Review Section A 1a-2c Next class ,we will learn 3a to 4 in page 3 , please preview it.Ok , class is over , see you The third Period(3-4)The third Period is from 3a to 4 in page 3.Teaching aims are Adverbs of frequency and how often sentence and the answer.Reading and writing skills is important in this lesson.OK , Let's get in the teaching procedure: Step 1.Greet the class and check the homework Step 2.Teach some new words of this period Show the new words on the screen and teach students how to read , explain them and ask them to repeat.Step 3.Teach the Part 3 of section A in page 3 Now please open your books at page 3.Look at 3 first.1.First Call students' attention to the survey Make sure the Students understand the chart.T: What activity do ninety-five percent of Green High students do every day ? ——Students answer.(If necessary , give them help.)

2.Then look at the information in the green box with Students.3.Let the students read the article.4.Then let them look at the survey and fill in the blanks in the article.5.Next I read it to the class and explain s(I’ll read each line of the survey to you.)

6.Check the answers.7.Let them practise reading.Step 4.Begin the Group work in page 3 1.Put a question : What can you do improve your English? 2.Let students think of more things they can do to improve your English and write them here.3.Ask several Students each question.——Read English books Sing English songs watch English movies How often do you do the things?(Collect the answers on the blackboard.)4.See: Who is the best English students in the class Step 5.Make a free discussion(if time is enough)Ask students to talk about how often their family members do things.For example, My mother cooks dinner every day.We eat in a restaurant once a week.My father goes to the United States once a year.… Step 6.Make summary of this class.This class we’ve read a magazine article and done an exercise.I hope you can study hard and to be good students.Step 7.Give homework to students Today 's homework is : 1.Revise and copy the new words.2.Prepare for Section B.(If time isn’t enough, leave the exercises of workbook as homework.)Ne

xt class ,we will learn section B in page 4 , please preview it.Ok , class is over , see you That’s all.Thanks for listen my presentation.


初中英语教案:新目标英语七年级unit6 Do you like bananas?

2007-05-22 01:38



为了能较好地 实现既定的教学目标,结合本单元教学内容和学生的学习规律,将本单元授课时定为四课时。

Period 1 Section A 1a /1b /1c /2a /2b.Period 2 Section A 2c /3 /4.Period 3 Section B 1a /1b /2a /2b /2c /3a /3b /3c /4a/4b.Period 4 Summing up SectionsAand Band the grammar.四、教学过程设计 Period One(第一课时)

一、教学目标 1.知识目标: 1)单

do,don’t,does, doesn’t,strawberries,like,have,bamburgers,orange,tomatoes,icecream,broccoli,salad,French fries, bananas.2)句型:Do you like bananas? Yes, I do.No, I don’t.2.能力目标:通过学习本课,学生能够用英语互相讨论喜欢与不喜欢的食品。3.情感目标:讨论美食,享受生活美味,提倡健康合理膳食。


三、教学难点:学会使用交际用语Do you like bananas? Yes,I do.No, Idon’t.四、教学设计:


T: Today we are going to learn Unit 6.Look,what’s this? Ss: It’s a fridge.T: Right!There are many kinds of delicious food in it.Can you guess? S1: Apple.T: Yes, there are some apples in it.Are there any oranges in it? S2: Yes.T: OK,Maybe you are right.Now let’s open the fridge and check them out.Look,what are they? Ss: They are bananas.T: How do you spell it? Ss: B-A-N-A-N-A,banana.T: Anything else ? S: French fries.T: Maybe you are right.Let’s see.Look!What are they? Ss: They are French fries.T: Can you spell it,please? Ss: F-R-E-N-C-H, French, F-R-I-E-S, fries.T: Yes,very good!Who can write it on the blackboard? S: Me.T: You please.Step2.布置一项任务:老师手持一个盒子, 让同学猜猜老师最喜欢的食物.规则为学生只能问老师问题而老师只用 “Yes” 或 “No” 回答。


T: You see, there are so many things in the fridge.I know each of you has your favourite food.Right? I have my favourite food, too.Now I want you to guess it.You can ask me questions to find it out.Think over, what question can you ask ? S: What’s your favourite food ? T: Yes, you can ask me in this way, but I want you to guess it.I can only answer “ Yes” or “ No”.How can you ask me ? S: Do you like bananas ? T: Yes, I do.Yes, good question!So all of you can ask me like this, clear? Ss: Yes!S: Do you like hamburgers? T: No, I don’t.I don’t like hamburgers.S: Do you like oranges? T: Yes, I do.They’re sweet.S: Do you like ice cream? T: Yes, I do.It’s my favourite food in summer.OK, I think one of you has got the right answer.Now my favourite food is in this box!Ss: Chocolate!T: No, I don’t like chocolate.let’s open and see!Look!What’s this? Ss: Orange!T: Who got the right answer? S: Me!T: OK, congratulations!And this orange is for you!完成Section A, 1a, 1b.Step 3.布置拓展性任务:要求同桌学生合作编一个小型对话,主题为询问别人喜欢或不喜欢的食物。要求使用刚学过的食物类单词以及句型,同时也可以适当地加入课外单词(老师请一程度较好的学生先进行示范)。本环节课堂节录:

T: Now let’s do the pair work.Make a dialogue with your partners.Ask your partners like this to find out their favourite food.I will ask some pairs to act it out.Two minutes.(Two minutes later)T: OK, stop here.Who’d like to be the first pair? You two,please!A: Hello.B: Hi.A: Let’s go to eat breakfast.Look, do you like hamburgers? B: Yes, I do.A: Oh, I like it, too.Do you like French fries? B: No, I don’t.They aren’t healthy food.A: OK, let’s eat hamburgers.B: Great!Thank you.Step4.完成课文32页Section A听力练习activity 2a, 2b.Setp5.当堂听写:听写单词与句型,进一步巩固本课学习内容,并将本课应掌握的单词和句型落实到“写”上,使学生不但会说同时会写。Homework 1.Copy the new words and try to learn them by heart.2.Make up a new dialogue about likes and dislikes then write it down in your exercise book.五、课后反思:本单元的主题为食物,贴近学生生活,因此学生很喜欢该主题,上课气氛比较热烈。课堂布置的任务使学生在完成的过程中不知不觉地掌握了单词与句型,从而达到教学目标。

Period Two(第二课时)

一、教学目标 1. 知识目标:



如:Do you /they like salad? Yes, I /they do.No, I /they don’t Does he like French fries? Yes, he does.No, he doesn’t.I(They)like oranges.I(They)don’t like bananas.She likes bananas.She doesn’t like ice cream.2.能力目标:能用英语熟练地交流喜欢与不喜欢的食品,并在班上提问同学展开调查。3.情感目标:通过谈论美食,进一步引导学生享受美味生活,同时培养学生的合作学习精神。



四、教学设计: Step 1.复习前课所学单词与句型:通过看图片说单词的方式复习单词,并通过询问学生“Do you like bananas/ oranges…?”的形式,复习前一课的句型。


T: Yesterday, we learned many words about food, right? Do you still remember? Now please look at the screen.T: What’s this? Ss: Apple.T: Do you like apples? Ss: Yes, I do.T: And what’s this? Ss: Banana.T: Yes, What about this one? Ss: Broccoli.T: Do you like broccoli? Ss: No, I don’t.….T: Yes, good job!You have good memory!Step 2.导入新课:分别请一男孩和女孩回答老师的问题,说出他们喜欢与不喜欢的食物,然后就这两位学生的情况向全班提问,以此介绍主语为三单和非三单时的各种句型。本环节课堂节录如下:

T: Now I’ll ask a boy and a girl to answer my questions.First I’d like to ask a boy.(To a boy)Do you like pears? B: Yes,I do.T: Do you like French fries? B: No, I don’t.T:(To the class)Class, Does he like pears? Ss: Yes, he does.T: Does he like French fries? Ss: No, he doesn’t.(Then ask a girl to answer the teacher’s question.)T:(To a girl)Do you like pears? G: Yes,I do.T: Do you like French fries? G: No, I don’t.T:(To the class)Now class,Does she like pears? Ss: Yes, she does.T: Does she like French fries? Ss: No, she doesn’t.T:(Pointing to the boy and the girl)Class,Do they like pears? Ss: Yes, they do.T: Right.They like pears.Do they like French fries? Ss: No, they don’t.T: Yeah, they don’t like French fries.Good job!(边说边板书重点句型.)Step 3 布置任务:四人小组活动。其中两位互相询问对方喜欢与不喜欢的食物,另两位转述他们所说的情况。

eg.A: I like chicken.Do you like chicken? B: Yes, I do./ No, I don’t C:He /She likes chicken.Does she /he like chicken? D:Yes, he /she does./No, He /she doesn’t.Step 4完成课本33页Part 3中的Pairwork..Find out what Bob and Bill like and don’t like.Then draw in the chart.Step 5简单总结一下语法。然后布置拓展性的任务:假如明天是你的生日,你打算邀请一些同学来你家做客,你事先已了解他们所喜欢的食物。你和妈妈讨论准备去买一些他们喜欢吃的东西。要求和同伴合作编对话,然后上台表演。(教师事先与一学生做示范.)eg.A: Mum, tomorrow is my birthday.Jim, Kate, Lucy and Lily are coming to my party.B: Good.Let’s give them something nice to eat.Does Jim like oranges? A: Yes, he likes them very much.B: Does Kate like oranges ,too.? A: No, she doesn’t.She likes pears.B: What about Lucy and Lily? Do they like ice cream? A: Yes, they like it very much.B: Ok.Let’s go and get some oranges, pears,ice cream and some other things.A: OK.Let’s go.T: Good job!Next Sunday I want to invite some students to my house, please help me to make a survey in our class and tell me what they like and don’t like.Step 6接着完成课本33页 Part 4中的Food survey。要求学生就表格中的食物向同伴提问:Do you like…?找出他们喜欢与不喜欢的食物,填好表格,然后向全班汇报。

eg.Liu Li likes tomatoes, but Zhao Jun doesn’t like tomatoes.He likes potatoes.Liu Mei and Chen Yan like bananas, but Li Lei and Bill don’t like bananas.They like oranges.…

Homework 1.Write a report about your food survey in your class.2.Finish off the exercises in the exercise book.Period Three(第三课时)


2. 知识目标: 1)单词:have, has, eat, eats, like, likes, oh, for, carrot, runner, lots of, dessert, egg, apple, chichen, fruit, vegetable, breakfast, lunch, dinner, eat, run, star, healthy, food, list.2)句型:What do you have for breakfast/ lunch/ dinner? For breakfast, I have…

What does he/ she have for breakfast/ lunch/ dinner? For breakfast, he/ she has….2.能力目标:学完本课,学生能够用英语描述一日三餐的食谱。3.情感目标:懂得一日三餐应合理搭配饮食,才会健康,快乐。




Step1.Memory challenge Show some words about the food in groups of two, four or six on the screen quickly, let the students say out the words as many as they can to revise the words.完成Section B, 2a,2b,2c.Step2.导入新课:在大屏幕上出现三个盘子,分别代表一日三餐,并将刚复习的食物放入盘中,引导学生表述三餐的食谱。本节课堂实录如下:

T: How many meals do we have every day? Ss: Three.T: Yes, and what are they? T: Right.So I have three plates for you.The first one is for breakfast, the second one is for lunch and the third one is for dinner.Now I put the food into each plate.According to it.What do you have for breakfast? S: For breakfast, I have hamburgers, tomatoes and salad.T: Yes, great!Then what about lunch? What do you have for lunch? S: For lunch, I have eggs, broccoli and carrots.T: Right!How about dinner? What do you have for dinner? S: For dinner, I have chicken, salad and ice cream.T: OK.Well done!


T: Do you like the food I chose for you? Ss: Yes/ No.T: It’s your turn now!choose food for yourself and make a dialogue with your partners.Ask your partners what they have for three meals.Two minutes, and I will ask some pairs to come here to act it out and you can put the food into the plate by yourself.Two minutes , start!(Two minutes later)T: Time is up.Who’d like to be the first one? Ss: Me/ Let me have a try.T: OK, you two first.Let’s welcome!A: Good morning.B: Goodmorning.A: What do you like for breakfast? B: I like hamburgers and bananas.A: What do you eat for lunch? B: For lunch, I eat chicken, broccoli and ice cream.What do you have for dinner? A: For dinner, I have rice, fish, vegetable soup and cucumbers.B: I think your dinner is very delicious.A: Thank you.Let’s go to KFC.B: Really/ OK.Let’s go!A: Not bad!与学生讨论哪些是健康食品,哪些是不健康食品。

T: You have eaten healthy food.Let’s look at Sandra.What kind of food does she eat? Now let me tell you.Listen carefully and answer my questions.Step 4.完成34页Section B的听力练习activity 2a, 2b以及Pairwork 2c.Step 5.巩固描述一日三餐食谱的方法:同步阅读“ Runner eats well!” 然后完成SectionB activity 3b.Step 6.完成Section B Activity 3c:Write about what you like for breakfast, lunch and dinner.Step 7 Groupwork: You are going for a picnic with a group of friends.1.Make a list of food to buy.2.Read your list of food to the class.Homework 1.Eating healthily is very important.It can make you healthy and happy.Please write about what you like for breakfast, lunch and dinner.五、课后反思:学生在前一课的基础上进一步学会了如何表达一日三餐的食谱,也明白了合理搭配饮食,才会健康,快乐。Period Four(第四课时)





3. 能力目标:学会综合运用英语交谈喜欢与不喜欢的事物以及一日三餐的食谱。4. 情感目标:懂得饮食合理、健康。





T: Look at the screen.Who are they? Ss: 蜡笔小新和樱桃小丸子.T: Yes, they meet each other on Sunday.What do they talk about? Ss: Hamburgers,French fries……(Show the conversation.)T: OK.Let’s read it together.Boys: Good afternoon.Girls: Good afternoon.Boys: Let’s go to the KFC together.Girls: great!I’d like to go.Boys: What do you have for lunch? Girls: I have hamburgers and salad.What about you? Boys: I have rice, fish and broccoli.Girls: What do you like for dinner in KFC? Boys: I like hamburgers,chicken and rce cream.And you? Girls: Me, too.Boys: OK.Let’s go!T: Now please make a conversation like this with your partners.Two minutes.(Two minutes later.)T: Now, I’d like to ask some pairs to act it out.You please.A: Nice to meet you.B: Nice to meet you.A: Oh,it’s seven o’clock now.Let’s go to school.B: OK.A: Do you like apples? B: Yes, I do.A: Do you like strawberries? B: No,I don’t.It’s too sour.Do you like French fries ? A: No,I don’t.It’s isn’t healthy food.B: What do you have for breakfast? A: For breakfast,I have hamburgers, eggs and orange juice.What about you ? B: I have hamburgers, French fries and coca cola.A: Let’s have lunch together, OK ? B: OK.Bye-bye.A: Bye.(A is a girl,B is a boy.)Step2.归纳本单元语言点:可数与不可数名词。(注:由于初一学生对于语法讲解不太熟悉,为便于学生们理解及掌握,本环节以中文讲解为主。)本环节课堂实录:

T: Next let’s review the grammar together.Please take out your notebooks.T: 英语名词可以大致分为两类,是哪两类? Ss: 可数名词和不可数名词。

T: 对,可数名词又可以分为两类:单数和复数名词。


2.不可数名词。比如:water, milk, bread, news等。不可数名词一般没有复数形式。表示其数量时要用计量名词。比如a glass of water,一杯水,a piece of news一则新闻。

3.有时既可当可数名词又可当不可数名词。如:ice cream, salad,chicken.T: 好的,接下来我们来看可数名词的复数形式。


1. 词尾加s,如apples,oranges.2.以s, x, ch, sh, o结尾的加es, 如bus--buses, box--boxes, watch--watches, brush--brushes,tomato--tomatoes.但有些例外。如:radios,photos, zoos.3.以y结尾的,去y加ies.如story--stories.4.以f或fe结尾的,去f或fe加ves.如knife--knives.5.不规则变化:如child--children, man--men, tooth--teeth.T: 关于名词的复数形式,清楚了吗? Ss: 清楚。T: 好,接着我们再看看动词变化。

1. 陈述句中,主语如果是第三人称单数,谓语动词加S 如:He likes hamburgers.He has chicken for dinner.(have-has)2. 否定句中,主语如果是第三人称单数,用doesn’t.主语如果是非第三人称单数,用don’t.doesn’t和don’t后面动词变原形。

如:I don’t like hamburgers He dosen’t like ice cream.3. 一般疑问句中,主语如果是第三人称单数,用doesn’t开头提问,主语如果是非第三人称单数,用don’t开头提问,后面动词变原形。

如:Does he like pears? Do they like Salad? T: OK.These are the main grammar points of unit six.Do you have any questions? Ss: No.Finish off Self-Check.Do a short test about the grammer above.Homework 1.Make a survey and write a report.(抽样调查现在中学生的早餐状况并提出合理化的建议)

Unit 6 Do you like bananas?




Do you/they like salad? Yes,I/they do./No,I/they don’t. Does he/she like salad? Yes,he/she does./No,he/she doesn’t.I/They like oranges.I/They don’t like oranges.

He/She likes ice cream.He/She doesn’t like bananas. 单元总体目标




1.词汇:breakfast,lunch,dinner,runner,eat,run,star,lot, lots of,healthy,food,dessert

2.基本句型:For breakfast,she likes eggs,bananas,and apples.What do you like for breakfast?








1. 能自由讨论自己喜欢或不喜欢的食物 2. 能用英语进行一日三餐的营养搭配

3. 能用英语做简单的报告或归纳并复述交谈内容

4. 培养表演能力,概括能力,想象能力,创新能力以及合作探究的能力








了解中西方不同的一日三餐营养搭配 Teaching procedures

Task 1:A salad-made competition Step 1:Warming up 1.A duty report 2.Sing a song Step 2:Revision

1.Show the pictures of all the food learnt these days.Ask: Do you like…?

2.Groupwork: What is your favourite food?

Report to the class.3.Do 2b in P35.Step 3:A competition

1.In groups of four: Every group make a fruit salad in five minutes(Materials are ready beforehand.)

2.One of group members introduce their salad to the class.Choose the best group and tell them why.Task2: A healthy recipe Step 1:Ask &answer

T: I like porridge,milk,bread for breakfast.I like vegetables,rice and fish for lunch.I like meat,vegetables,rice and eggs for dinner.What does your mother make for your three meals?

Ask a few students.T: I think most of your meals are delicious ,but can you make a healthy recipe yourself?

Step 2:Groupwork: Make a recipe in two minutes.Report it to the class.Learn 3a in P34.Step 3:Write

Do the exercise of 3b in P35.Task 3: Go to a restaurant Step 1: Preparation

1.A video watch :Ordering food in a restaurant

2.Groupwork: One will act as a waiter/waitress,the others will act as customers.Ready for a few minutes.Step 2: A competition

1.The students’group show 2.Choose the best group Writing exercise:

Like likes don’t doesn’t good delicious Waiter: What do you like to eat ,Tom?

Tom:Well,I like salad,It’s____for our health,but I_____like broccoli.Waiter:And your friends? What does he like to eat?

Tom: He _____oranges and bananas.He ______like hamburgers.Bobby: And I____ice cream.It’s_______.Homework:

1.cook a meal for their parents.2.Search the Internet: What is the difference between Chinese meals and western meals? 本课总结


Unit 6 Do you like bananas? Section B

Words: breakfast, lunch, dinner, egg, apple.Chicken, fruit, vegetables, run, runner, eat, star, lot, healthy, food, dessert, list

Sentences: She like eggs, bananas and apples for breakfast /lunch / dinner.Grammars:

I like bananas.I don’t like bananas.Do you like bananas?

She likes apples.She doesn’t like apples.Does she like apples? 教学反思

通过本部分的学习,学生应基本掌握行为动词一般现在时各种句型结构,特别是能意识到动词“单三”形式的使用场合以及掌握动词“单三”形式的变化规律,因此在本部分的教学中教师可对所学的语法规则进行适当的总结和归类,以帮助学生记忆和巩固。在总结中一定要注意一个术语“第三人称单数”,对于这一术语,学生以前的理解就是指“他/她/它”,这时要让学生知道“第三人称单数”是指“he, she, it,不是you,不是I的其它任何一个单数形式”,在这种情况下,谓语动词都要做出变化。当然,从理论上给学生以指导,其目的还是指导实践,要让学生真正掌握这一语法结构,进行大量的句型变化练习是必不可少的



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