1.公司概况 company profile 2.主要/主营业务 main business 3.业务范围 business scope 4.核心价值 core value 5.核心竞争力 core competence/competitiveness 6.核心应用系统 core application system 7.成功案例 success story/case 8.典型案例 typical case 9.案例研究/分析 case study 10.汽车配件/备件/零件 automotive(spare)parts 11.汽车附件 automotive accessories 12.部件/元件/组件 components 13.汽车后市场 aftermarket 14.配件市场 parts market 15.经销商管理系统 Dealer Management System(DMS)16.英孚思为经销商协同管理系统 Infoservice Dealer Collaboration Management System(INFODCS)17.英孚思为整车销售管理系统 Infoservice Vehicle Sales Management System(INFOVSM)18.英孚思为配件运作管理系统 Infoservice Spare/Service Parts Management System(INFOSPM)19.英孚思为索赔管理系统
Infoservice Warranty Management System(INFOWS)20.英孚思为技术资料发布系统 Infoservice Technical –data Viewer((INFOTDV)
(INFOX)Infoservice B2B Data Exchange Platform 22.经销商订单管理系统 dealer order management system 23.售后配件管理系统 Spare/Service Parts management system(SPM)24.集成管理系统 integrated management system 25.数据分析系统 data analysis system 26.销售配额 sales quota 27.配额管理 quota management 28.配额式订单管理系统 quota-based order management system 29.配额式订单管理模式 quota-based order management mode 30.主数据管理 master data management(MDM)31.操作系统 operating system(OS)32.应用系统 application system 33.实施服务 implementation service 34.一站式服务 one-stop shop/one-stop services 35.综合性的一揽子服务(方案)a comprehensive package of services 36.现场服务 on-site service 37.现场培训 on-site training
38.现场实施 on-site implementation 39.现场分析 on-site analysis 40.现场管理 field/on-site management
41.车厂/主机厂/整车制造商/车辆制造厂 OEM/automaker 42.整车物流(finished)vehicle logistics(FVL)/outbound logistics(注:整车以后可以一致翻为vehicle,如前加finished也可以)43.先进的整车物流 advanced(finished)vehicle logistics(AFVL)44.整车配送 vehicle delivery 45.整车/车辆匹配 vehicle matching 46.4S-整车销售(Sale),零配件(Spare part),售后服务(Service),信息反馈等(Survey)
47.线上车辆状态跟踪 online vehicle status tracking 48.线上预配车模块 online vehicle pre-allocation module 49.车辆滞留时间 vehicle holdup period 50.配车冻结 vehicle allocation freezing 51.生产冻结期 production freezing time 52.提前分销/分配 pre-distribution 53.生产周排产计划 weekly production schedule 54.管线内车辆 vehicles in the pipeline 55.(车辆)下线时间
offline time/ off-production-line time 56.(车辆)上线时间
online time 57.系统上线 system go-live 58.资源配置/分配 resources allocation/distribution 59.产品推广 products deployment(注:本行业产品推广一般是系统推广部署之意,区别与一般产品的推广促销products promotion)60.业务流程 business process 61.持续支持 on-going/continuous support 62.长期支持long-term support 63.订单查询 order inquiry/query(注:前者一般电话查询等,后者一般网上查询)64.签收 •sign-in 65.软件外包 software outsourcing 66.服务站 service station 67.服务中心service centre 68.功能模块 function/functional module 69.召回 recall
70.无缝连接 seamless connection/joint 71.J2EE架构 J2EE architecture 72.J2EE 框架 J2EE framework 73.展厅管理showroom management 74.备件库存 spare parts inventory/stock 75.物料出入库 material issuing and receiving 76.出库/仓库交货 goods issuing/delivery/ex-warehouse 77.叉车厂 forklift truck works 78.库存深度 stock depth 79.库存积压/压库 overstock 80.汽车配件厂 auto parts plant 81.汽车维修厂 automotive service shop 82.汽车修理厂 automotive repair shop
83.汽车维修工程有限公司 Auto maintenance engineering Co.Ltd 84.汽车养护有限公司 car maintenance Co.Ltd 85.汽车美容护理中心 Auto care centre 86.大客户销售经理 Fleet Sales/Key Account Manager 87.订单处理 order processing/handling 88.延期交货订单/欠货订单 back order 89.实时客户订单 real-time customer order 90.客户名单 customer list 91.客户跟进 customer follow-up 92.潜在客户 potential customer/prospect 93.客户服务满意(度)customer service satisfaction 94.客户满意度(指标)customer satisfaction index(CSI)95.客户关怀 customer care
96.客户忠诚度 customer loyalty
97.授权及审批 authorization and approval 98.保修/索赔申请 warranty claim 99.回运件/返修件/旧件 return parts 100.最佳实践 best practice 101.同步传输 synchronous transmission 102.异步传输 asynchronous transmission 103.消息组播
message multicast 104.安全密码认证 Security Password Authentication 105.日志管理 log management 106.多重组网 domain based routing rules
107.批量数据上传 batch data upload 108.电子数据交换 electronic data interchange(EDI)109.数据库连接池 database pool 110..数据源 data source 111.线形图 linear chart 112.柱形/条形图 /直方图bar chart/histogram 113.饼图 pie chart 114.托管/寄存 服务
hosting service 115.绩效考核指标体系设计
performance index design 116.绩效评价体系设计 performance evaluation system design 117.绩效管理体系
performance management system 118.关键业绩指标 key performance index(KPI)119.应用编程接口 application programming interface(API)120.系统部署 system deployment 121.试运行 pilot/ trial/test running(注:本行业常用pilot)122.集中培训 centralized training 123.系统切换system cutover 124.无线接入 wireless access 125.办公自动化 office automation(OA)126.虚拟专用网 virtual private network(VPN)
127.故障管理 fault management(FM)128.故障模式与结果分析 Fault Modes and Effect Analysis(FMEA)129.故障率Failure Rate
130.故障记录Failure Record
131.三包服务 three-guarantee service/sanbao service 132.集中构架技术 integrated architecture technology 133.分布式构架技术 distributed architecture technology 134.集中式服务组合 centralized architecture 135.分布式服务组合 decentralized architecture 136.国际商用机器公司International Business Machines Corporation(IBM)137.硬件及安全网络中心 system support and network security centre 138.物流规划 logistics planning 139.数据转换 data conversion 140.数据移植/迁移 data migration 141.双边/双方承诺 bilateral /mutual commitment 142.项目启动会 project kickoff meeting 143.售后服务after-sale service(ASS)/after service/service 144.质控 quality control(QC)145.质量保证 quality assurance(QA)146.价格管理 pricing management 147.终端市场 end-market 148.横向协作 horizontal collaboration 149.纵向支持 vertical support 150.综合实力 comprehensive strength 151.良性循环 benign/virtuous cycle/circulation 152.前后台运作 front and back-end operation 153.大/关键客户销售经理: Fleet Sales/Key Account Manager 154.产品责任 product liability 155.订单完成率 order fulfillment/completion rate 156.汇报会 report/review meeting 157.双周总结/汇报会bi-weekly review meeting 158.根源分析 root cause analysis 159.滚动需求 rolling demand 160.产供销链 production, supply & sales chain 161.供应链战略
supply chain strategy 162.供应链管理 supply chain management 163.连锁店管理 chain store management 164.经销商销售预测 dealer sales forecast 165.销售支持与费用结算 sales support & expense settlement 166.订单交付 Order to Delivery(OTD)167.刚性生产计划 rigid production plan 168.订单管理流程 order management process 169.营销总部sales & marketing headquarter 170.量化管理 quantitative management
171.项目管理办公室 project management office(PMO)172.灾难恢复计划 disaster recovery plan(DRP)173.电子配件目录 electronic parts catalogue(EPC)174.企业资源计/规划enterprise resource Planning(ERP)175.客户关系管理 customer relationship management(CRM)176.业务流程重组/再造
Business Process Reengineering(BPR)177.战略业务单元/战略性事业单位/策略性事业单位 strategic business unit(SBU)
APQP:产品质量先期策划,Advanced Product Quality Planning
CP:控制计划,Control Plan
PPAP:生产件批准程序,Production Part Approval Process
FMEA:潜在失效模式及后果分析,Failure Mode and Effects Analysis
DFMEA:设计潜在失效模式及后果分析,Design Failure Mode and Effects Analysis
PFMEA:过程潜在失效模式及后果分析,Process Failure Mode and Effects Analysis
SPC:统计过程控制,Statistical Process Control
MSA:测量系统分析,Measurement Systems Analysis
CPK:过程能力指数,Process Capability Index
PPK:初始过程能力指数或过程性能指数,Preliminary Process Index或Performance Process Index
COP:顾客导向过程,Customer Oriented Process
SP:支持过程,Support Process
MP:管理过程,Management Process
PPM:百万分之,Parts Per Million
Acetic: Tasting term indicating an undesirable vinegary smell.醋酸的:一个用来表述不愉快酸味的品尝术语。
Acidic: Used to describe wines whose total acid is so high that they taste tart or sour and have a sharp edge on the palate.酸的:用于形容葡萄酒的总酸度过高以至于尝起来具有辛辣或酸腐味且在口腔中具有锋利的边角感。
Acids: Essential component of all wines.Several different acids are found in grapes and wine.Grapes are one of the few fruits to contain tartaric acid, the major wine acid and the most important source of acidity in wine.Smaller amounts of malic acid, citric acid and lactic acid can also be found, as can acetic acid.See also 'volatile acidity'.酸:所有酒中的基本成分。在葡萄和葡萄酒中能找到几种不同的酸。葡萄是少数含有酒石酸的水果的一种,(酒石酸是酒中主要的酸性物质,同时也是酒的酸度的最重要来源)。除醋酸外,还有少量的苹果酸,柠檬酸和乳酸。也可参考'volatile acidity挥发性酸'.Acrid: Describes a harsh or bitter taste or pungent smell that is due to excess sulfur.辛辣的:形容一个粗糙或苦的味道又或者是由于过量的硫磺而产生的刺激性气味。
Aftertaste: Sensation left in the mouth after wine is swallowed.A long aftertaste is a sign of a complex, high-quality wine.See also 'length'.后味:咽下葡萄酒后在口腔里留下的感觉。悠长的后味是复杂、高质量葡萄酒的标志。也可参考―length长度‖。
Age-Worthy: Describes the small number of top wines that have sufficient flavor, acidity, alcohol and tannin to gain additional complexity with time in the bottle.Most popular wines are meant to be enjoyed shortly after release and will only diminish with age.值得陈年的: 形容少数具有充足风味,酸度,酒精和单宁的顶尖葡萄酒可随着在瓶中的陈年时间而增加其复杂度。大多数流行葡萄酒在上市后短期内就可以饮用且随着年岁的增大而逐渐衰退。
Aggressive: Tasting term, usually indicating a wine with high or excessive acidity or tannin.Wines that are aggressive in their youth may improve with ageing.凌厉的:品尝术语,通常指葡萄酒含有高的或过量酸度或单宁。年轻时凌厉的葡萄酒会随着陈酿而改良。
Agreeable: Pleasant character of a well-balanced wine.惬意的:一款平衡良好的葡萄酒所包含的宜人特征。
Alcoholic: Used to describe a wine that has too much alcohol for its body and weight, making it unbalanced.A wine with too much alcohol will taste uncharacteristically heavy or hot as a result.This quality is noticeable in aroma and aftertaste.含酒精的:用于形容一款葡萄酒由于相对于其酒体和重量而言含有过多的酒精,而出现不平衡的状态。过量的酒精会使葡萄酒出现非典型性地沉重或热(辣)的感觉。这种性质在香味或回味中相当明显。
Appearance: Refers to a wine‘s clarity, not color.Common descriptors refer to the reflective quality of the wine;brilliant, clear, dull or cloudy for those wines with visible suspended particulates.外观:指葡萄酒的澄清度,而非颜色。常用于描述葡萄酒的反射性质:闪耀、清晰,那些带有明显悬浮粒子的葡萄酒通常描述为阴暗、阴沉。
Apple, appley: Tasting term used to indicate the lively fruity acidity of a young white.Bruised apple taste can indicate oxidation, in reds or whites.苹果味:品尝术语,用来指年轻白葡萄酒中含有的活泼的果酸。带腐败气味的苹果味用在红白葡萄酒中暗指氧化的意思。
Aroma: Tasting term used to indicate the smells of a wine, particularly those deriving from the grape and fermentation.See also 'bouquet'.香气:品尝术语,用来指葡萄酒的气味,尤其是指从葡萄和发酵中获得的气味。也可参考―bouquet芳香‖。
Aromatic: Tasting term used to indicate a wine with a positive, agreeable smell.Also, a class of grapes(e.g.the Muscat family)which are particularly fragrant.芬芳的:品尝术语,用来指酒中具有好的,使人愉悦的气味。同时也只具有特殊香味的葡萄种类(如麝香族葡萄品种)。
Astringent: Tasting term used to indicate a sharp bitterness.Usually a fault, a wine may become less astringent with ageing.涩(味)的:用来表示一种尖锐苦涩之感的品尝术语。葡萄酒中出现涩味通常被认为是有缺点的,经过陈年之后葡萄酒的涩感会减弱。
Austere: Tasting term, usually indicating a lack of richness or sweetness.简朴的:品尝术语,通常指葡萄酒缺少丰富度和甜味。
Awkward: Describes a wine that has poor structure, is clumsy or is out of balance.笨拙的:形容葡萄酒的结构差,显得笨拙或不均衡。
Backbone: Used to denote those wines that are full-bodied, well-structured and balanced by a desirable level of acidity.有主干的:用于指均衡的葡萄酒中具有醇厚感,良好结构和一个宜人酸度。
Backward: Used to describe a young wine that is less developed than others of its type and class from the same vintage.后进的:用于形容同类以及相同年份的一类葡萄酒中发展较慢的年轻葡萄酒。
Balance: A wine is balanced when its elements are harmonious and no single element dominates.The “hard” components –acidity and tannin– balance the “soft” components –sweetness, fruit and alcohol.平衡:当一款葡萄酒的所有元素和谐共处且没有单一突出的元素就是平衡的。―硬‖成分-酸度和单宁-平衡―软‖成分-甜度,果味和酒精。
Balanced: Tasting term, used to indicate a wine in which all the elements(fruit, acidity, tannin, etc.)are in harmony.和谐的(均衡的):品尝术语,用来指一种葡萄酒中的所有成分(果味、酸度、单宁等)处于一种和谐的状态。
Bead: The tiny bubbles found in sparkling wines;a small, persistent bead is an indicator of quality.水珠:出现在香槟酒里面的微小气泡;小而持久的水珠是质量的象征。
Beery: Tasting term indicating the malty smell or taste of beer, usually considered a fault in wine.啤酒味:品尝术语,指葡萄酒中含有啤酒的麦芽味或有啤酒味,出现在葡萄酒中通常被认为是个缺点。
Berry: This term has two meanings.An individual grape is called a berry by grapegrowers.It also describes the set of fruit flavors found in many wines, which includes strawberry, raspberry, and blueberry.浆果,浆果味:该术语有双重意思。一个单独的葡萄被葡萄种植者称为浆果。它同时又是描述在大多数葡萄酒里面发现的一系列水果滋味,包括草莓,木莓和蓝莓等。
Big: Tasting term used to indicate a powerful wine with plenty of fruit and structure and possibly high alcohol.宽厚的:品尝术语,用来形容一款具有丰厚果味和构造,且可能酒精含量高的强健的葡萄酒。
Bite: Tasting term used to indicate a powerful initial sensation of acidity or tannin, which grabs attention immediately the wine is tasted.尖刺感:品尝术语,用来形容一种由酒酸或单宁引起的强烈的最初感觉,入口就能马上感受到。
Bitter: One of the four basic flavors which can be detected by the tongue.Bitterness is a fault in excess, but is normally balanced by fruit and sweetness.苦的:舌头能够发现的四种基本味道之一。苦味过重是不正常的现象,但一般能被果味和甜度所平衡。
Blackcurrant: Tasting term used to indicate the often pungent aroma of blackcurrant fruit and leaf, particularly in wines of Cabernet Sauvignon and Sauvignon Blanc.黑加仑子味:品尝术语,用以形容黑加仑子和叶子的刺激性味道,在赤霞珠和长相思葡萄酒中特别明显。
Blind Tasting: A tasting in which the wines are not identified;often the bottles are disguised in paper bags.The goal is to reduce tasters‘ expectations of specific wines, offering a more objective analysis of each wine.In a single-blind tasting, the taster may know which brand or types of wine are in the flight, but not the order.In a double-blind tasting, the taster has no information about the wines in the flight.盲品:一次无法辨别葡萄酒的品尝;通常酒瓶是被纸袋包好的。目的是为了减少品酒者对特定葡萄酒的预料,提供了一个对每款葡萄酒更为客观的分析。在单一盲品中,品尝者可能知道所品葡萄酒的品牌或类型,但却不知道顺序。在双重盲品中,品尝者对葡萄酒的信息一无所知。
Blunt: Strong in flavor and often alcoholic, but lacking in aromatic interest and development on the palate.生硬的:风味强烈且通常酒精明显,但却缺乏果香影响且在味觉上缺乏发展。
Blush: Also known as rose, this term describes a pink or salmon-colored wine made from red grapes.The wine may be dry or sweet.粉红:同时也被称作玫瑰红,该术语描述了由红葡萄所酿成的粉红或鲜肉色,可能是干型或甜型的葡萄酒
Body: Tasting term used to indicate the weight of the wine in the mouth.酒体:品尝术语,用来指葡萄酒在口中的重量。
Bottle Sickness: A temporary condition characterized by muted or disjointed fruit flavors.It often occurs immediately after bottling or when wines(usually fragile wines)are shaken in travel.Also called bottle shock.A few days of rest is the cure.瓶伤:葡萄酒出现的暂时性状况如无生气或果味混乱。通常在装瓶后或者经旅行震荡(特别是脆弱的葡萄酒)后会马上出现。同时也叫做―瓶中休克‖。让其休息几天后就会痊愈。
Brawny: Used to describe wines that are hard, intense, tannic and that have raw, woody flavors.The opposite of elegant.强壮的:用于形容葡萄酒坚硬,强烈,单宁明鲜且具有生的,木头风味。与优雅相对。
Briary: Describes young wines with an earthy or stemmy wild berry character.似石南的:形容年轻的葡萄酒带有的泥土味或带茎的野生浆果特征。
Bright: Used for fresh, ripe, zesty, lively young wines with vivid, focused flavors.明亮的、欢快的:用于形容新鲜,成熟,有风味,活泼的年轻葡萄酒所带有的鲜明集中的滋味。
Brilliant: Term applied to wines, particularly white wines, which are free of any visible suspended matter and have a sparkling clarity.闪亮的:用于描述葡萄酒尤其是白葡萄酒中没有任何肉眼可见的悬浮物质,表面闪闪发亮的澄清特征。
Bouquet: Tasting term used to indicate the smells that develop with ageing.陈香、酒香:品尝术语,用来指随着葡萄酒的陈酿而发展出来的香味。
Browning: Describes a wine's color, and is a sign that a wine is mature and may be faded.A bad sign in young red(or white)wines, but less significant in older wines.Wines 20 to 30 years old may have a brownish edge yet still be enjoyable.成褐色的:形容一款葡萄酒的颜色,并且是一款酒成熟且可能是衰退的迹象。在年轻的红(或白)葡萄酒中这是一个不好的迹象,但在较老的葡萄酒中则显得不是那么重要。20至30年的葡萄酒可能会出现褐色色调但却仍然可以享受。
Burnt: Describes wines that have an overdone, smoky, toasty or singed edge.Also used to describe overripe grapes.燃烧味:形容葡萄酒具有过度的烟熏,烤面包或者是烧焦的尖锐味道。同时也用于形容过熟的葡萄。
Buttery: Tasting term used to indicate a rich taste or smell of butter, usually in white wine.Often an indicator that the wine has undergone malolactic fermentation.黄油般的:品尝术语,用语指黄油的香浓口感或气味,常出现在白葡萄酒中。这种味道通常暗示了这款酒曾经进行过苹果乳酸发酵。
Butyric: Rancid odour of some spoiled wines.坏奶油味的:描述一些破败葡萄酒所散发出的腐臭味。
Casky taste: Taste imparted to wines during storage in new or badly kept casks, by substances extracted from the wood of the containers.橡木桶味:当葡萄酒在新橡木桶或保存不好的橡木桶中存放时,由容器木料中溶解出的物质赋予葡萄酒的味道。
Cats pee: Pungent, even aggressive, aroma found particularly in some Sauvignon Blanc wines.猫尿味:刺激性的甚至侵略性的气味,特别是出现在一些长相思葡萄酒。
Cedar, cedary: Tasting term used to indicate the spicy smell of cedar wood, particularly in Cabernet Sauvignon wines.雪松味,雪松似的:品尝术语,用来指雪松木的香料味道,尤其出现在赤霞珠葡萄酒中。
Chewy: Describes rich, heavy, tannic wines that are full-bodied.耐嚼的:形容丰富,沉重,单宁明显的浓郁型葡萄酒。
Cigar Box: Another descriptor for a cedary aroma.雪茄盒味:对雪松味的另一种表达。
Clarity: Referring to suspended particulate matter in a wine, clarity is described in terms of the wine‘s reflective quality;brilliant, clear, dull or hazy.A pronounced haziness may signify spoilage, while brilliant, clear or dull wines are generally sound.澄清度:指在葡萄酒里出现的悬浮粒子物质,澄清度用在形容葡萄酒的反射性质方面:闪耀,清晰,阴暗或模糊。显著的模糊状态可能意味着葡萄酒变坏了,而闪耀,清晰或阴暗的葡萄酒通常都是健康的。
Clean: Fresh on the palate and free of any off-taste.Does not necessarily imply good quality.干净的:口感新鲜且没有任何不好的味道。不一定意味着优质。
Cleared: Term applied to a wine which was deposited it is suspended material and become clear.澄清过的:用于描述沉淀出其中的悬浮物质后变得澄清的葡萄酒。
Chocolate, chocolatey: Tasting term used to indicate a rich, warm chocolate-like aroma and taste, particularly in red wine.巧克力味:品尝术语,用来指一种丰富的、温暖的像巧克力一样的香味和味道,尤其用于红葡萄酒中。
Closed: Describes wines that are concentrated and have character, yet are shy in aroma or flavor.封闭的:形容葡萄酒浓郁且有个性,但香气或滋味却还没开放出来。
Cloudiness: Lack of clarity to the eye.Fine for old wines with sediment, but it can be a warning signal of protein instability, yeast spoilage or re-fermentation in the bottle in younger wines.朦胧:看起来不够透明。对于带沉淀物的老龄葡萄酒而言无伤大雅,但是对于年轻葡萄酒而言则可能是蛋白质不稳定,酵母坏死或者瓶中再次发酵的警告信号。
Cloudy: An evident lack of visual clarity.Fine for old wines with sediment, but in younger wines cloudiness can be a warning signal.阴沉:看起来显著缺乏澄清度。对于带沉淀物的老龄葡萄酒而言无伤大雅,但在年轻的葡萄酒当中阴暗朦胧可能是一个警告信息。
Cloying: Describes ultra-sweet or sugary wines that lack the balance provided by acid, alcohol, bitterness or intense flavor.反胃的:形容超甜或甜葡萄酒缺乏由酸,酒精,苦味或者强烈香料味所提供的均衡度。
Coarse: Usually refers to texture, and in particular, excessive tannin or oak.Also used to describe harsh bubbles in sparkling wines.粗糙的:通常指葡萄酒的质地,特别是指过多的单宁或橡木所产生的质感。同时也用于形容气泡酒所产生的粗糙的气泡。
Complex: Tasting term used to indicate a wine with many different layers of flavours and sensations.Complexity is one of the hallmarks of a great wine, as opposed to the one-dimensional simplicity of an easy-drinking wine.复杂的:品尝术语,用来指葡萄酒有很多层次的味道和感觉,复杂感是优质葡萄酒的特点之一,与入口简单朴素的易饮葡萄酒相对。
Complexity: An element in all great wines and many very good ones;a combination of richness, depth, flavor intensity, focus, balance, harmony and finesse.复杂度:所有佳酿以及许多十分好的葡萄酒里面的一个因素;结合丰富度,深度,风味强度,集中,均衡,和谐且精细。
Cooked: Describes a dull, stewed flavor associated with wines adversely affected by excessive heat during shipping or storage.煮熟的:形容一种呆滞,受热的风味,常与葡萄酒在运输或存储过程受热过度相关联。
Corked, corky: Fault in wine caused by a contaminated cork.Corked wine is easier to recognise than to describe: it is woody, mouldy, stale and mouth-puckering.带木塞味的:受污染的木塞所引起的葡萄酒中的不愉快感。酒中的软木塞味虽难以描述但很容易被辨别出来:带有木材,霉朽和陈腐的味道,且口感粗涩。
Crisp: Tasting term used to describe a wine with a lively, refreshing acidity.清脆的:品尝术语,用于描述葡萄酒具有着活跃的、提神的酸度。
Decanting: Process of separating a wine from any sediment that may have formed.This is essential for Vintage Port and for older reds(which naturally throw a deposit).Aeration is a by-product of decanting, though wine is most efficiently aerated('allowed to breathe')by swirling in the glass.滗析、醒酒:一个把葡萄酒从已经形成的沉淀物中分离出来的过程。这对陈年砵酒或较老的红葡萄酒尤为重要(通常都形成了沉淀物)。虽然通风是附带着滗析过程而产生的,但葡萄酒通过在酒杯中旋转能最有效地通风(可以呼吸)。
Deep: Tasting term used to indicate a wine with intense color(and/or flavor).深厚的:品尝术语,用来指葡萄酒有着强烈的颜色(或风味)。
Delicate: Used to describe light-to medium-weight wines with good flavors.A desirable quality in wines such as Pinot Noir or Riesling.精雅的:用于形容具有很好风味的轻度到中等酒体的葡萄酒。这是黑品诺或雷司令葡萄酒中一种渴望得到的性质。
Dense: Describes a wine that has concentrated aromas on the nose and palate.A good sign in young wines.浓厚的:形容一款酒在嗅觉和味觉上具有浓郁的果香(芳香)味。这是好的年轻葡萄酒的标志。
Depth: Describes the complexity and concentration of flavors in a wine, as in a wine with excellent or uncommon depth.Opposite of shallow.深度:形容葡萄酒中风味的复杂度和浓郁度,如一款具有出色或非比寻常深度的葡萄酒。与―浅薄‖相对。
Developed: Tasting term indicating a wine with some aged character and maturity.已发展的:品尝术语,指一款葡萄酒有着陈年的特性且成熟。
Dirty: Tasting term used to indicate a wine with an unattractive smell, often caused by hydrogen sulphide.肮脏的:品尝术语,用于指有着不愉快的味道,通常是由硫化氢所致。
Disjointed: Describes wine with components that are not well-knit, harmonious or balanced.The timing of the components may be off;upon tasting, a disjointed wine might first reveal big fruit, followed by a blast of screeching acidity and finishing off with a dose of tannins.脱节的:形容葡萄酒的成分结合不紧密,和谐或平衡。成分可能会适时消失,在品尝的时候,一款脱节的葡萄酒可能首先展现出大量的果味,接着是一股尖锐的酸度且收尾时带到一定量的单宁。
Dry: Tasting term used to indicate an absence of detectable sweetness.Many wines contain a little residual sugar, while still tasting dry.干的:品尝术语,用来指酒中没有明显的的甜味。很多葡萄酒含有少量残余糖分,但尝起来仍然是干的。
Drying Out: Losing fruit(or sweetness in sweet wines)to the extent that acid, alcohol or tannin dominate the taste.At this stage the wine will not improve.过干:葡萄酒失去果味(或者甜酒失去甜味),以致酸,酒精或单宁在味觉上过于突出。处于这一阶段的葡萄酒将无法得到改善。
Dull: Term applied to wines which have a distinct colloidal haze, but which are free of visible suspended material.暗淡的,沉滞的:葡萄酒中含有明显的胶状薄雾,但不存在肉眼可见的悬浮物质。
Dumb: Describes a phase young wines undergo when their flavors and aromas are undeveloped.A synonym of closed.晦哑的:形容年轻葡萄酒处于滋味或芳香还没发展出来的阶段。与―封闭的‖同义。
Early Harvest: Denotes a wine made from early-harvested grapes, usually lower than average in alcoholic content or sweetness.早收的:指一款由早收的葡萄所酿成的葡萄酒,在酒精含量或甜度方面通常会比一般的葡萄酒低。
Earthy: Describes wines with aromas or flavors of soil or earth.In small amounts the aromas or flavors can add complexity and be positive characteristics, but become negative as the intensity increases.Frequently associated with Pinot Noir.土味的:形容葡萄酒带有土壤或泥土的芳香和滋味。量少的时候能够增加葡萄酒的复杂性且是正面特征,但随着强度的增加则会变成负面的。常常与黑品诺联系在一起。
Elegant: Used to describe wines of grace, balance and beauty.优雅:用于形容葡萄酒的优雅,均衡且美好。
Empty: Similar to hollow;devoid of flavor and interest.空的:近似于―空虚的‖,缺乏(全无)风味或能够吸引人的东西。
Esters: The fragrant chemical compounds responsible for the aromas and flavors;found in food and wine.酯:形成芳香和滋味的芳香化学成分;出现在食物和葡萄酒里面。
Ethyl Acetate: A sweet, vinegary smell that often accompanies acetic acid.It exists to some extent in all wines and in small doses can be a plus.When it is strong and smells like nail polish, it's a defect.乙酸乙酯:一种美好的酸味,经常伴随着醋酸一起出现。或多或少地存在于所有葡萄酒中,适量就会产生正面效应。但是当它过强,闻起来像指甲油味时则是一个缺点。
Extract: Richness and depth of concentration of fruit in a wine.Usually a positive quality, although high extract wine can also be highly tannic.萃取:葡萄酒里面浓缩果味的丰富度和深度。通常是一个好的性质,然而高萃取的葡萄酒同时也会显得单宁过强。
Fading: Describes a wine that is losing color, fruit or flavor, usually as a result of age.衰退:形容葡萄酒正在失去颜色,果味或风味,通常是老化所产生结果。
Fat: Full-bodied, high alcohol wines low in acidity give a “fat” impression on the palate.Can be a plus with bold, ripe, rich flavors;can also suggest the wine's structure is suspect.肥厚:醇厚的,高酒精低酸度的葡萄酒在口中产生一种―肥厚‖的口感。连同浓厚,成熟,丰富的风味在一起可以是正面的;但同时也可意味着葡萄酒的结构令人产生怀疑。
Feminine: Describes wines with more feminine qualities: smoothness, round, gentle, finesses, elegance and delicacy.See also masculine.阴柔的:形容葡萄酒具有更女性化的性质:柔滑、圆润、温和、精细、优雅且微妙。同时参考―阳刚的‖。
Field Blend: Describes the wine produced from a vineyard planted with several complementary grape varieties, which have been harvested —and blended— together.地块混酿:形容葡萄酒产自一个种植了几个补充葡萄品种的葡萄园,这些葡萄被一起采收且一起混酿。
Fine: Term applied to wines of high quality.细腻的:用于描述具有高品质的葡萄酒。
Finish: The key to judging a wine's quality is finish, also called aftertaste--a measure of the taste or flavors that linger in the mouth after the wine is tasted.Great wines have rich, long, complex finishes.收尾:判断葡萄酒质量的关键就是看收尾,同时也叫回味——测量品尝葡萄酒过后其味道或风味在口中逗留的时间。好酒会有一个丰富,持久,复杂的收尾。
Firm: Tasting term used to indicate a wine with positive, assertive attributes, such as fruit, tannin and acidity.坚定的:品尝术语,用来指葡萄酒具有肯定的属性,如果味、单宁和酸度。
Flabby: Soft, feeble, lacking acidity on the palate.松弛的:柔软、无力,在口感上缺乏酸度。
Flat: Having low acidity;the next stage after flabby.Can also refer to a sparkling wine that has lost its bubbles.无力的:酸度低,紧跟在―松弛‖后面。同时也指气泡酒失去了气泡。
Flavor: Impression given by wine taken into the mouth.Includes sensations gained by the taste organs and also by the olfactory reception.风味:喝入口中的葡萄酒的印象。包括从味觉器官以及嗅觉所获得的感觉。
Fleshy: Soft and smooth in texture, with very little tannin.肉感的:用于形容一款具有柔软平滑的质地,单宁含量很低的葡萄酒。
Flinty: Tasting term used to indicate the aroma(and sometimes taste)of fresh, pungent whites, particular from the Sauvignon Blanc variety.燧石般的:品尝术语,用来指新鲜的、刺激性的白葡萄酒的香味(有时味道),尤其是来自于长相思品种。
Floral(also Flowery): Literally, having the characteristic aromas of flowers.Mostly associated with white wines.花香的(同时也作像花一样的):字面解释是带有花的香味特征。通常与白葡萄酒联系在一起。
Fortified: Indicates wine whose alcohol content has been increased by the addition of brandy or neutral spirits.Port and sherry are two examples.加强的,加烈的:指通过加入白兰地或酒精令到葡萄酒的酒精含量增加。砵酒和雪利酒就是两个例子。
Foxy: Tasting term used to indicate the wild, earthy flavour of wines made from hybrid grapes or native North American varieties.狡猾的:品尝术语:用来指用杂种葡萄或北美州本土葡萄品种制造葡萄酒中的野性,朴实的风味
Fragrance: Term applied to a well developed and pleasing aroma.芬芳:用于描述发育良好且令人愉悦的香气。
Fragrant: Term applied to wines with pronounced pleasing aroma.芬芳的:用于描述香气显著宜人的葡萄酒。
Fresh: Tasting term used to indicate a pleasantly youthful and vigorous character, often associated with relatively high acidity, and a complete absence of oxidation.清新的:品尝术语,用来指令人愉快的年轻和充满活力的特征,经常与相当高的酸度和完全没有氧化联合在一起。
Fruity: Tasting term used to describe the attractive flavour of wine made from ripe grapes, which may be reminiscent of a wide range of fruits including citrus fruits, red and black berries, and stone fruits.果香:品尝术语,用来描述用成熟葡萄酿造的葡萄酒中的迷人风味,可能有多种多样的果味,包括柑橘类水果,红浆果以及黑浆果,还有核果类。
Full: Tasting term used to describe a wine giving a positive, satisfying sensation in the mouth, possibly associated with ripeness and high alcohol.丰满的:品尝术语,用来描述葡萄酒在口中产生的一种肯定的、令人满足的感觉,可能会结合成熟和高酒精含量。
Full-Bodied: A rich, extracted wine with a mouth filling sensation of weight or mass.See body.醇厚的、浓郁的:一款在口中充满重量和份量的萃取丰富的葡萄酒,参考―酒体‖。
Glycerin: Produced during fermentation, glycerin contributes to the wine‘s body.甘油, 丙三醇:在发酵期间产生的,甘油是构成葡萄酒的酒体元素之一。
Graceful: Describes a wine that is harmonious and pleasing in a subtle way.优美的:形容一款葡萄酒以精细微妙的方式给人以和谐愉快的感觉。
Grapey: Tasting term indicating a wine with smell or flavour reminiscent of fresh grapes or grape juice.葡萄的,葡萄似的:品尝术语,指葡萄酒带有可令人联想到新鲜葡萄和葡萄果汁的气味或风味。
Grassy: Tasting term indicating a wine with the smell of freshly-cut grass.Complimentary when applied to a fresh young white.草味的:品尝术语,指葡萄酒有着刚剪过的草味。用来形容一款新鲜年轻的白葡萄酒时有表示赞赏的意味。
Green: Tasting term indicating a lack of ripeness, particular in red wine.Not complimentary.青涩的:品尝术语,指缺乏成熟度,尤其指红酒。不是赞美的说法。
Grip: A welcome firmness of texture, usually from tannin, which helps give definition to wines such as Cabernet and Port.紧致:通常来自于单宁的一种受欢迎的质地,这一质地有助于说明葡萄酒种类如嘉本纳Cabernet和砵酒Port。
Hard: Tasting term indicating a wine with tough tannins or aggressive acidity.硬的,不协调的:品尝术语,指葡萄酒有着粗糙的单宁或凌厉的酸度。Harmonious: Well balanced, with no component obtrusive or lacking.协调的:均衡度良好,没有突出或缺少的成分。
Harsh: Used to describe astringent wines that are tannic or high in alcohol.粗糙的:用于形容涩味葡萄酒的单宁或高酒精含量高。
Hazy: Used to describe a wine that has small amounts of visible matter.A good quality if a wine is unfined and unfiltered.朦胧的:用于形容葡萄酒中具有少量可见物质。如果未经澄清或过滤则酒质还是良好的。
Heady: Used to describe high-alcohol wines.猛烈的:用于形容葡萄酒的酒精含量高。
Hearty: Used to describe the full, warm, sometimes rustic qualities found in red wines with high alcohol.亲切的:用于形容在酒精度高的红酒里面发现的丰满,温暖的,有时是粗朴的性质。
Herbaceous: Tasting term used to indicate the smell or taste of green plants.草本植物的:品尝术语,用来表示绿色植物的气味或者味道。
Hollow: Tasting term used to indicate a wine lacking in depth, particularly on the middle palate.空洞的,中虚的:品尝术语,用来指葡萄酒缺乏深度,尤其在中段味觉。
Horizontal Tasting: An evaluation of wines from a single vintage;the wines may highlight producers from a single region or the same grape variety from many regions, among other permutations.水平品尝:对来自单一年份的葡萄酒的评价;葡萄酒会突出来自单一地区的生产者或来自众多地区的相同葡萄品种,其他排列之一。
Hot: High alcohol, unbalanced wines that tend to burn with “heat” on the finish are called hot.Acceptable in Port-style wines.热(辣)的:酒精度高,不协调的葡萄酒在收尾时产生的燃烧般的―热度‖就叫热(辣)。出现在具有砵酒风格的葡萄酒当中属于正常。
Hydrogen sulphide: Rotten egg gas.Often produced during fermentation, but should have been dealt with by the time a wine is bottled.Occasionally develops in bottle(such a wine is said to be reduced or dirty).硫化氢(味):臭鸡蛋味。通常在发酵的过程产生,但应在装瓶前予以处理。有时也会在瓶中形成(这样的葡萄酒被认为是还原的或肮脏的)。
Intensity: Intensity relates to appearance and aroma.When evaluating appearance, intensity describes the concentration of color.The more concentrated and opaque a wine's color, the higher its intensity.Common descriptors for color intensity are pale, medium or dark.When evaluating aroma and flavor, the more pronounced or evident the characteristic, the more intense the wine.强度:强度与外观和香味相关联。当用于评价外观时,强度用于形容颜色的浓度。葡萄酒颜色越浓缩和不透明,强度就越高。常用于形容颜色强度的词有苍白,中度或黑暗。当用于评价香气和滋味的时,特征越显著或明显,葡萄酒就越强烈。
Lactic Acid: A smooth(not sharp)acid created during malolactic fermentation.This acid is also found in milk.乳酸:在苹果乳酸发酵中产生的一种圆滑(不尖锐)的酸。这种酸也存在于牛奶中。
Lanolin: Tasting term used to describe a wet-wool aroma or taste.Particularly associated with the Semillon grape.羊毛脂味:品尝术语,用于描述湿羊毛气味或味道。尤其与赛美容葡萄联系在一起。
Leafy: Describes the slightly herbaceous, vegetal quality reminiscent of leaves.Can be a positive or a negative, depending on whether it adds to or detracts from a wine's flavor.叶子般的:形容轻微的草本植物的性质令人想起叶子。可以是正面的也可以是负面的,取决于它是增加了还是降低了葡萄酒的风味。
Lean: A not necessarily critical term used to describe wines made in an austere style.When used as a term of criticism, it indicates a wine is lacking in fruit.贫乏的:一个非必要的评价术语,用于形容葡萄酒被酿成一种简朴的风格。当用作一个批评术语时,指葡萄酒缺乏果味。
Leathery: The scent of old leather club chairs, most frequently associated with older red wines.皮革(味)的:俱乐部椅子的旧皮革味,通常与较老的红葡萄酒联系在一起。
Legs: Tasting term used to describe the pattern formed when drops of wine trickle down the inside of the glass after the wine has been swirled.'Good' or persistent legs indicates a high viscosity and is sometimes associated with high alcohol.挂杯、酒腿、酒泪:品尝术语,用来描述葡萄酒在酒杯内经过旋转后流淌下来的样子。―好‖的或者持久的挂杯预示高粘度,有时也与高酒精度相联系。
Length: Tasting term used to indicate the duration of the aftertaste, once a wine has been swallowed.Good length is a sign of a high-quality wine.长度、持久性:品尝术语,用来指吞下葡萄酒后回味的持续时间。好的长度是高质量葡萄酒的一种标志。
Light: Tasting term used to indicate a wine pale in colour or lacking in body or mouthfeel.轻盈的:品尝术语,用于指葡萄酒的颜色淡或者缺少酒体或口感。
Limpid: Clear.Term applied to a wine free from suspended mater.清澈的、澄清的:用于描述没有悬浮物质的葡萄酒。
Lingering: Used to describe the flavor and persistence of flavor in a wine after tasting.When the aftertaste remains on the palate for several seconds, it is said to be lingering.逗留:用于形容风味以及葡萄酒在品尝后其滋味的持久性。当回味在口腔中保持了好几秒,即被称作逗留。
Lively: Describes wines that are fresh and fruity, bright and vivacious.活泼的:形容葡萄酒新鲜且具有果味,明亮且活泼。
Long: Tasting term used to indicate a wine with a persistent aftertaste.See also length.长的、持久的:品尝术语,用来指葡萄酒有持久稳固的回味。也可参考长度length。
Luscious(or Lush): Describes wines that are soft, viscous, fleshy and round;more often associated with sweet white wines than rich red wines.甘美的(或味美的):形容柔软,粘稠,丰满圆润的葡萄酒;与丰富的红葡萄酒比起来更常用于甜白葡萄酒。
Maderized: Tasting term used to indicate a wine that has become over-mature, oxidised, and with a cooked taste.过熟的:品尝术语,用于指示葡萄酒变得过于成熟,被氧化和有煮熟味。
Malic Acid: A sharp, tart acid found in grapes as well as in green apples.Less-ripe grapes or grapes grown in cooler climates can contain high levels of malic acid;the resulting wines often contain aromas and flavors reminiscent of green apples.Converted to smoother lactic acid during malolactic fermentation.苹果酸:在葡萄以及青苹果里面发现的一种尖锐,辛辣的酸。较不成熟的葡萄或生长在气候较冷的地方的葡萄会有高含量的苹果酸;所酿成的葡萄酒通常含有令人想起青苹果的芳香和滋味。在苹果乳酸发酵期间会转化为更圆滑的乳酸。
Masculine: Describes wines with more masculine qualities: firmness, power and strength.See also feminine.阳刚的:形容葡萄酒具有更阳刚的性质:坚定、强劲有力。同时也参考―阴柔的‖。
Mature: Tasting term indicating a wine that has aged sufficiently to be ready to drink at its best.成熟的:品尝术语,指葡萄酒经过充分的陈酿而达到最佳的饮用状态。
Meaty: Describes red wines that show plenty of concentration and a chewy quality.They may even have an aroma of cooked meat.肉(味)的:形容红葡萄酒展现出大量的浓郁度以及一个耐嚼的性质。甚至还会有煮熟的肉味。
Mellow: The smoothness which quality wines acquire with age.Often associated with richness in extract and glycerine.圆熟:优质葡萄酒经多年陈酿而获得的平顺品质。常伴随着萃取物丰富和高甘油含量而存在。
Meniscus: The thin rim at the edge where the wine meets the glass.新月:葡萄酒和酒杯接触边缘所形成的淡薄的边。
Mercaptans: An unpleasant, rubbery smell of old sulfur;encountered mainly in very old white wines.硫醇:老硫磺所散发出来的令人不舒服的,如橡胶般的气味,主要出现在非常老的白葡萄酒里面。
Meritage: California vintners invented this term for their Bordeaux-style red and white blended wines.The grapes approved to use this term are the classic Bordeaux varieties: for reds, they are Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Cabernet Franc, Petite Verdot and Malbec;for whites, Sauvignon Blanc and Sémillon.有助陈年:加州葡萄酒商为其波尔多风格的红混酿葡萄酒和白混酿葡萄酒创造的术语。被认可用于该术语的经典波尔多品种:红葡萄品种,它们分别是赤霞珠、梅乐、品丽珠、比特福多和玛碧;白葡萄品种,长相思和赛美容。
Metallic flavor: Unpleasant flavor of some wines heavily contaminated with metals.金属味:当一些葡萄酒被金属严重污染时所带有的令人不快的风味。
Mouldy taste: musty taste.Flavor imparted to a wine by mouldy grapes or storage in mouldy casks.霉味:由于葡萄发霉或贮存在发霉的酒桶中而使葡萄酒带上的不良风味。
Mousiness: Disagreeable flavor and aroma of wines recalling the smell of mice results from bacterial infection.鼠臭:令人联想起老鼠味的恶劣气味,是由细菌侵袭葡萄所产生的。
Mousse: French for the frothy head that forms at the surface of sparkling wine.慕丝:法语用于形容在起泡酒表面形成的泡沫顶部。
Mouthfeel: Describing the sensation of wine in the mouth.Most descriptors are related to texture;for example, silky, smooth, velvety and rough.Mouthfeel is influenced by wine components, as acidity can be sharp, alcohol can be hot, tannin can be rough and sugar can be thick or cloying.口感:形容葡萄酒在口中形成的感觉。大多数与质地相关;如,柔滑、圆滑、柔软和粗糙。口感受到葡萄酒成份的影响,如酸度可能会产生尖锐的感觉,酒精可能会产生热辣的感觉,单宁可能会产生粗糙的感觉以及糖可能会产生浓稠或反胃的感觉。
Murky: More than deeply colored;lacking brightness, turbid and sometimes a bit swampy.Mainly a fault of red wines.黑暗的:比深色更浓;缺乏亮度,混浊且有时显得有点如沼泽般松软。主要是出现在红葡萄酒中的缺点。
Musky: Tasting term used to indicate a floral, perfumed aroma, typical of aromatic grapes of the Muscat family.麝香味的:品尝术语,用来指花香、香水味,麝香族葡萄典型的葡萄香味。
Musty: Tasting term used to indicate a stale, unpleasant aroma.霉味的:品尝术语,用于指陈腐的、使人不愉快的气味。
Nose: Tasting term used to indicate the aroma and bouquet of a wine.香气:品尝术语,用来指葡萄酒的果味和酒香。
Nouveau: Light, fruity red wine bottled and sold as soon as possible after fermentation, meant to be drunk up quickly.Applies mostly to Beaujolais.新产的(酒):在发酵后装瓶并尽快销售的清淡型的果味红葡萄酒,意味着必须尽快饮用。大多应用于Beaujolais宝祖丽新酒。
Nutty: Used to describe oxidized wines.Often a flaw, but when it's close to an oaky flavor it can be a plus.坚果般的:用于形容氧化了的葡萄酒。通常是一个缺点,但当它接近橡木风味时则是好的。
Oaky: Tasting term indicating the presence of oak flavour on the nose or palate, typically a smell of freshly sawn wood, or vanilla.Well-integrated oak may not be detectable, giving added complexity without dominating the flavour.Excessive oakiness is considered a fault by many wine lovers.橡木味:品尝术语,指出现在气味和味觉上的橡木风味,通常为新锯的木材或者香草的味道。完美结合的橡木味可能很难被察觉,只增加酒的复杂感又不完全主导了酒的风味。而过多的橡木味被许多葡萄酒爱好者认为是个缺点。
Off-Dry: Indicates a slightly sweet wine in which sugar is barely perceptible;usually contains 0.6 percent to 1.4 percent residual sugar.微甜的:形容一款几乎觉察不到糖份的有点甜的葡萄酒;通常含有0.6%至1.4%的残余糖份。
Oxidized: Tasting term indicating that the wine has suffered from contact with air, resulting in browning in white wines, loss of fruit and freshness, and possibly a high level of volatile acidity.氧化(味)的:品尝术语,用于指与空气接触后发生质变的葡萄酒,会导致白葡萄酒变为褐色,失去果香和新鲜感,而且还可能生成大量挥发性酸。
Palate: Tasting term used to indicate the range of sensations detected in the mouth(rather than on the nose).Also, a competent taster may be said to have a good palate.口感(味觉):品尝术语,用于指在口中察觉的各种感觉(而非闻到的)。同时,一个好的品酒师可能会被认为拥有很好的味觉。
Pasty, doughy: Term applied to some very heavily colored wines rich in dry extract.浆状的、糊状的:用于描述某些颜色非常浓郁,富含干萃取物的葡萄酒。
Peak: Technically speaking, the period of time that a wine is at its most complex, having developed bottle bouquet without yet diminishing or fading.顶峰:技术上而言,一款葡萄酒正处于它最复杂时期,已经发展出瓶香却没有减少或出现衰退。
Perfumed: Tasting term used to describe an attractive, delicate floral or fruity aroma.香水味的(芳香的):品尝术语,用来描述吸引人的、精致的花味或水果味。
Petrolly: Tasting term used to describe an oily smell which is typical of fine, aged Riesling.汽油味的:品尝术语,用于描述油味,常出现在优质,陈年的雷司令酒中。
Pharmaceutical taste: Unpleasant taste sometimes acquired by wines stored near odoriferous chemicals.药味:当葡萄酒贮藏在有味道的化学物质附近时,有时会带上的一种令人不快的杂味。
Phenolics: Tannins, color pigments and flavor compounds originating in the skins, seeds and stems of grapes.Phenolics, which are antioxidants, are more prevalent in red wines than in whites.酚类物质:来自葡萄皮,种子和葡萄茎的单宁,色素和芳香混合物。酚类物质属于抗氧化剂,相对白葡萄酒而言较普遍出现于红葡萄酒中。
Plateau: The time during which a wine is at its peak.高峰:一款葡萄酒处于其顶峰时期。
Potent: Intense and powerful.有力的:强烈有力。
Pricked: Term applied to wines spoiled by acetic acid bacteria.尖刺感的:用于描述葡萄酒受醋酸菌侵害而变质。
Pruny: Having the flavor of overripe, dried-out grapes.Can add complexity in the right dose.普努尼:具有过熟的,干萎的葡萄的风味。适量的时候能增加葡萄酒的复杂度。
Puckery: Describes highly tannic and very dry wines.干涩的:形容单宁强且非常干的葡萄酒。
Pungent: Having a powerful, assertive smell linked to a high level of volatile acidity.刺激性的:指葡萄酒具有大量
Putrid: Term applied to a wine having a foul nauseating odour of organic decomposition.腐烂的:用于描述发出令人作呕的有机物质腐朽味的葡萄酒。的挥发性酸而产生的一种强劲,张扬的气味
Racy: Describes a wine with pleasantly high acidity and bright flavors.活泼的:形容一款葡萄酒具有舒适的高酸度以及欢快的风味。
Rancio: Tasting term used to describe the rather pungent smell of intentionally oxidised wines, such as wood-aged fortified wines and older vins doux naturels.哈味:品尝术语,用来描述经故意氧化过的葡萄酒的所具有的相当刺激性味道,如用木桶陈酿的加烈葡萄酒fortified wines和较老的天然甜葡萄酒。Raisiny: Having the taste of raisins from ultra-ripe or overripe grapes.Can be pleasant in small doses in some wines.葡萄干(味)的:从超熟或过熟的葡萄里得到的葡萄干的味道。在一些葡萄酒中少量的葡萄干味是令人愉快的。
Raw: Young and undeveloped.A good descriptor of barrel samples of red wine.Raw wines are often tannic and high in alcohol or acidity.生的:年轻且尚未发展的。是对红葡萄酒木桶样品的一个很好的描述。生的葡萄酒通常是高单宁且高酒精或高酸度。
Reduced: Tasting and winemaking term used to indicate a wine that has developed a dirty smell reminiscent of rotten eggs.Before bottling this can usually be remedied by aeration of addition of copper.When it develops in bottle, vigorous aeration sometimes removes the reduced smell.还原(味)的:品尝和酿酒术语,用于形容葡萄酒形成一种不好闻的气味,令人想起臭鸡蛋的味道。装瓶之前可以通过通风和加入铜粉来进行补救。当这种作用发生在瓶中,长时间的通风有时可以除去其还原气味。
Residual sugar: Sugar remaining in a wine after fermentation and once it is ready for bottling.The level of residual sugar determines whether the wine will be dry, medium dry, sweet, etc, though even the driest wines contain a little residual sugar.Adds sweetness and body.残余糖分:装瓶前经发酵后留在葡萄酒中的糖分。残余糖分的水平将决定葡萄酒是否属于干型、半干型、甜型等,但即使是最干的葡萄酒也含少量的糖分。增加葡萄酒的甜度和酒体。
Rich: Wines with generous, full, pleasant flavors, usually sweet and round in nature, are described as rich.In dry wines, richness may be supplied by high alcohol and glycerin, by complex flavors and by an oaky vanilla character.Decidedly sweet wines are also described as rich when the sweetness is backed up by fruity, ripe flavors.丰富的:葡萄酒具有大量丰富令人愉悦的滋味,通常是自然的甜美和丰满,就被形容为丰富。在干型葡萄酒中,丰富度通常是由高酒精和高甘油含量,复杂的风味以及一个带有橡木般的香草特征形成的。当甜葡萄酒的甜度具有果味,成熟的风味作为后盾也可称为丰富。
Robust: Means full-bodied, intense and vigorous, perhaps a bit overblown.精力充沛的:意指浓郁,强烈且有力的,可能有点过盛的。
Rough: Describes the drying, furry mouthfeel associated with higher levels of tannins and course tannins.粗糙的:形容伴随着高含量的单宁以及粗糙单宁所产生的如烘干,毛茸茸般的感觉。
Round: Describes a texture that is smooth, not coarse or tannic.圆润:形容质地平滑,不粗糙或单宁不明显。
Rustic: Describes wines made by old-fashioned methods or tasting like wines made in an earlier era.Can be a positive quality in distinctive wines that require aging.Can also be a negative quality when used to describe a young, earthy wine that should be fresh and fruity.粗朴的:形容用旧法酿制的葡萄酒或葡萄酒尝起来像是在较早的时代酿制的。在需要陈酿的特色葡萄酒中这是肯定的性质。而当用于形容一款应该是新鲜且果味的年轻、简朴的葡萄酒时则是一个否定的性质。
Salty: One of the basic tastes.Mainly due to mineral salts.咸的:一种基本的味道,主要来自矿物盐类。
Sediment: As red wines age, color pigments and tannins bond together and fall out of solution, producing natural sediment.While the sediment is not harmful, it tastes bitter and adversely affects the wine‘s mouthfeel.Sediment is most frequently found in older(10+ years)darker red wines, which typically have more color pigments and tannins such as Cabernet Sauvignon, Bordeaux and Port.Rarely will lighter reds like Pinot Noir throw sediment.沉淀物:随着红葡萄酒的陈年,色素和单宁结合在一起且不再溶解,产生了一种天然的沉淀物。虽然沉淀物无害,但尝起来有苦味且对葡萄酒的口感形成不利的影响。沉淀物通常在具有特别多的色素和单宁的较老(10年以上)较深色的葡萄酒里出现,如赤霞珠葡萄酒,波尔多葡萄酒和砵酒Port。较清淡的葡萄酒如黑品诺则很少会为沉淀物感到苦恼。
Sharp: Tasting term used to indicate an acidic or bitter taste.Usually uncomplimentary.尖锐的:品尝术语,用来指酸或者苦的味道。通常作为贬义词语使用。
Short: Tasting term used to indicate a wine with little aftertaste.See also length.短暂的:品尝术语,用于形容一款余味短暂的葡萄酒。参考长度‗length‘
Silky: Tasting term used to indicate a voluptuous, smooth texture in the mouth.柔滑的(丝滑的):品尝术语,用来指在口中一种艳丽的、细腻的质感。
Smoke, Smoky: Tasting term used to indicate the smell of wood smoke on the nose.Desirable if it is not overpowering.烟味,烟熏味的:品尝术语,用来指鼻子中闻到的木材的烟味。这种味道如果没有过量的话是合意的。
Soft: Tasting term, usually complimentary, indicating a wine with a mellow, unaggressive character.Also used to qualify fruit and tannin.柔软的:品尝术语,通常是称赞的,指葡萄酒有甘醇、平和的特征。也用来修饰果味和单宁。
Sour-sweet, sweet-sour: The taste of a wine which contains excess acid and is at the same time sweet.Sometimes due to the presence of mannitol and lactic acid formed by bacteria.酸甜的,甜酸的:当甜葡萄酒中含有过量酸时的口感,有时是由于葡萄酒中存在甘露醇和由细菌产生的乳酸。
Spicy: A descriptor for many wines, indicating the presence of spice flavors such as anise, cinnamon, cloves, mint and pepper.Red Zinfandel and Côte du Rhone often described as spicy.香料(味)的:一个用于大多葡萄酒的形容词,指出现香料的风味,如茴芹、桂皮、丁香、薄荷和胡椒粉。仙粉黛红葡萄酒以及隆河谷葡萄酒通常被形容为具有香料味的。
Spoiled, unsound: Term applied to wine showing some evidence of spoilage.败坏的:用于描述表现破败和病害迹象的葡萄酒。
Stained wine: A white wine which has acquired a pink tint through being placed in casks which previously held red wine.Wine made from grapes with white juice and colored skins, containing trace amounts of anthocyanins.染色葡萄酒:由于储放在原来盛放红葡萄酒的容器中而浸染了粉红色调的白葡萄酒。也指以有色葡萄品种生产的白葡萄酒,酒液中带有极少量的果皮花色素。
Stale: Wines that have lost their fresh, youthful qualities are called stale.Opposite of fresh.陈腐的、走味的:失去其新鲜,年轻性质的葡萄酒就叫做陈腐。与新鲜相对。
Stalky or Stemmy: Describes an unpleasant greenness and astringency from overlong contact with the grape stems or the use of underripe grapes.似茎(味)的:形容来自与葡萄茎过长时间接触或使用不够成熟的葡萄所产生的一种使人不愉快的生涩的感觉。
Structure: The interaction of elements such as acid, tannin, glycerin, alcohol and body as it relates to a wine's texture and mouthfeel.Usually preceded by a modifier, as in “firm structure” or “lacking in structure.”
Subtle: Describes delicate wines with finesse, or flavors that are understated rather than full-blown and overt.A positive characteristic.精妙的:形容精致的葡萄酒带有精细感,或指朴素而非丰盛明显的风味。一个肯定的特征。
Sulphur taste: Taste of wine containing excess of SO2.硫味、二氧化硫味:当葡萄酒中含有超量的二氧化硫时所具有的气味。
Supple: Tasting term indicating a soft, easy-drinking wine, with no sharp or bitter flavours.柔顺的:品尝术语,指柔软的、易饮的葡萄酒,没有尖锐的或苦的味道。
Sweaty: Tasting term used to indicate a pungent, leathery aroma.Some tasters like this in New World Shiraz, for example, but others regard it as a fault.汗味的:品尝术语,用来指刺激性的、像皮革的味道。一些品酒师喜欢新世界切拉子Shiraz葡萄酒中的这种风味,但其他人则认为这是一种不正常的味道。
Sweet: Tasting term used to indicate a wine with a significant level of residual sugar, or possibly a dry wine with rich, ripe fruit giving an impression of sweetness.甜味:品尝术语,用来指葡萄酒有着明显的残余糖分含量,又或者可能指一款给人甜美印象的,带有丰富成熟果香的干葡萄酒。Tanky: Describes dull, dank qualities that show up in wines aged too long in tanks.带桶味的:形容在桶里陈酿过长时间的葡萄酒所出现的沉晦,潮湿的性质。
Tannic: Tasting term used to describe the quality and intensity of tannin in red wines.Young wines may have harsh, bitter tannins, reminiscent of stewed tea that will mellow with age.Ideally, the tannin is well integrated and in balance with the fruit and acidity.单宁的:品尝术语,用来描述红葡萄酒中单宁的质量和强度。年轻的葡萄酒可能含有粗糙的、苦涩的单宁酸,类似于煮过的茶叶的味道,它会随着陈酿而醇化。理想的单宁应该是完美结合且有着平衡酒中果香和酸度的作用。
Tannin: Wine component — found mostly in red wines — derived primarily from grape skins, seeds and stems, but also from oak barrels.Tannin acts as a natural preservative that helps wine age and develop.Excessive, un balanced tannin can taste bitter and leaves the same drying, furry sensation in the mouth as very strong tea.Common tannin descriptors include smooth, velvety, mouth-drying and rough.单宁(酸):葡萄酒成分-通常出现在红葡萄酒中-主要来自葡萄皮、种子和葡萄茎,但也有来自橡木桶的。单宁作为一种天然的防腐剂有助于葡萄酒的陈年和发展。具有过量,不均衡单宁的葡萄酒尝起来如同浓茶一样会在口中留下相同的烘干,毛茸茸的感觉。常用于形容单宁的词汇包括圆滑、柔软、干口和粗糙。
Tart: Sharp-tasting because of acidity.Occasionally used as a synonym for acidic.尖酸的:由酸度所产生的尖锐的感觉。偶尔用作―酸的‖同义词。
Tartaric acid: Naturally occurring acid found in grapes(and almost nowhere else)and the most important acid in wine.A good level of acidity is essential for balance, the refreshing taste of crisp whites, and ageing potential in all wines.In hot regions, extra tartaric acid is added to 'correct' the acidity.酒石酸:在葡萄中发现的自然形成的酸(几乎无处不在),也是葡萄酒中最重要的酸。良好水准的酸度对平衡以及白葡萄酒中爽脆的口感至关重要,还有影响到所有葡萄酒的陈酿潜力。在热的地区,需加入额外的酒石酸来―纠正‖酸度。
Tartrates: Crystals which sometimes form in wine.When this happens to white wine in bottle it is usually considered a fault, though it doesn't affect the taste and is not dangerous to health.Most wine producers treat wine before bottling to protect it against tartrate precipitation.酒石酸盐:有时在葡萄酒中形成的晶体。白葡萄酒在瓶中出现这种情况通常被认为是不正常的,虽然这不影响味道也不危害健康。很多葡萄酒生产商在葡萄酒装瓶前会对葡萄酒进行处理以防止酒石酸盐沉淀。
Taste of Lees: Unpleasant taste acquired by wines kept for too long on their lees.酒渣味:由于葡萄酒与酒渣接触时间过长而带上的令人不快的味道。
Tasting: Determining the quality and characteristic of wine by means of the organs of taste and smell.品尝:通过味觉和嗅觉器官确定葡萄酒品质与风格的过程。
Texture: Describes how wine feels in the mouth.Closely related to taste, but since the sensations of taste and texture occur simultaneously, we do not usually distinguish them as separate.Sweetness has a smooth, rich feeling that seems to coat the mouth.Sourness feels sharp and may cause the mouth to pucker and salivate;imagine biting into a lemon wedge.Bitterness has a drying, astringent feeling, like the sensation you get after drinking very strong tea.See also mouthfeel.质感、质地:形容葡萄酒在口中的感觉。近似于味觉,但因为味觉和质感是同时发生的,我们通常都不会对它们进行分开辨别。甜味具有一个圆滑,丰富的感觉如同涂满了口腔。酸味会有尖锐的感觉且可能导致口腔皱缩和流口水;想象一下咬柠檬。苦味具有一个干涩的感觉,如同喝浓茶之后的感觉。同时参考―口感‖。
Thin: Lacking body and depth.单薄的:缺乏酒体和深度。
Tight: Describes a wine's structure, concentration and body, as in a “tightly wound” wine.Closed or compact are similar terms.紧密的:用于形容葡萄酒的结构,浓度和酒体,如在一款―tightly wound‖的葡萄酒。―封闭的‖和―紧密的‖都是意思相近的术语。
Tinny: Metallic tasting.似锡的:金属味。
Tired: Limp, feeble, lackluster.疲弱的:柔软,无力,暗淡。
Toasty: Describes a flavor derived from the oak barrels in which wines are aged.Also, a character that sometimes develops in sparkling wines 烤面包味:形容来自葡萄酒所用的陈酿木桶的风味。同时也指有时在气泡酒里逐步展现的一个特征。
Tough: Tasting term used to indicate a wine with a harsh taste, usually as a result of high tannin content.坚硬的:品尝术语,用来指葡萄酒有涩味,通常是单宁酸含量高的结果。
Turbid: Term applied to wine which is not clear because of the presence of large amounts of colloidal material or suspended particles.混浊的:用于描述存在大量的胶状物或悬浮颗粒而显得不澄清的葡萄酒。]
Umami: Although there is no direct English translation, umami is essentially the fifth taste.Discovered and noted by Chinese gourmets over 1200 years ago, the concept is fairly new to western scientists and gourmets alike.Mushrooms, consommés, long-cooked meats, cured meats, shrimp, dried tomatoes and soy sauce all contain umami.This taste tends to bring out tannins or the oaky character in wines.尤麻谜:虽然没有直接的英文翻译,尤麻谜实质上是第五种味觉。1200年前就被中国美食美酒家们发现和记录,然而这对于西方科学家和类似的美食美酒家而言却是相当新的一个概念。蘑菇、康森美思consommés、长时间烹煮的肉、咸肉、小虾、番茄干和酱油都含有尤麻谜。这种味觉趋向于带出葡萄酒中单宁或橡木的特征。
Unbalanced: Term applied to a wine in which the various components are not in harmonious proportions.不平衡的:用于描述各种成分之间比例不协调的葡萄酒。
Unctuous: Term applied to wines which are smooth, soft and full on the palate.肥厚的、丰满的:用于描述口感平顺、柔和、饱满的葡萄酒。
Vanilla Tasting term used to describe a vanilla-like aroma, often a result of ageing in new American oak barrels.香草昧:品尝术语,用来描述一种像香草的味道,在新的美洲橡木桶中酿造往往能形成这种香味。
Vegetal Tasting term used to describe a vegetable like aroma.Usually pejorative.植物的:品尝术语,用来描述一种像植物的香味。通常用作贬义。
Velvety Tasting term used to describe a textured, opulent mouth feel in wine.柔软的:品尝术语,用来描述具有质地的,丰富口感的葡萄酒,天鹅绒般的!
Vinous: Literally means “winelike” and is usually applied to dull wines lacking in distinct varietal character.葡萄酒的:字面意识是―像葡萄酒的‖,通常用于缺乏明显品种特性的沉晦的葡萄酒。
Vintage Year in which the grapes used to make a wine was grown, also used to describe the harvest period.年份、酿酒年份:指用来酿酒的葡萄生长的那年。也用来描述葡萄的收获期。
Viscous Tasting term used to indicate a heavy, dense wine.See also 'legs'.粘性的:品尝术语,用来指深重的、浓厚的葡萄酒。也可参考挂杯'legs'.Volatile acidity(VA)General term for the substances in wine that are formed by the oxidation of alcohol(mainly acetic acid and ethyl acetate).All wine contains some VA but when a vinegary smell can be detected it is considered a fault.All wine will develop VA if it is left in an open bottle over a few days.挥发性酸:由于酒精氧化而形成于葡萄酒中的物质的总括(主要是醋酸和乙酸乙酯)。所有的葡萄酒都含有一定的挥发性酸,但当酸味能被察觉时则认为是不正常的。所有的葡萄酒开瓶后放置几天都会产生挥发性酸。
Well-Balanced: Tasting term used to indicate the harmony of wine components.平衡良好的:用于表述葡萄酒中各种成分之间具有协调关系。Wood Tasting term used to describe the flavours in wine derived from ageing in barrel.木味:品尝术语;用来描述从橡木桶陈酿中得到的葡萄酒的味道。
Woody Tasting term used to describe unpleasant flavours derived from old(dirty)barrels or from stalks.木头般的:品尝术语,用来描述源自旧的(脏的)橡木桶或来自葡萄茎的令人不愉快的味道。
Yeasty :Tasting term used to describe the distinctive smell of yeast(as in unbaked bread dough).In wine this usually indicates a fault, though the smell of freshly-baked bread can be desirable in Champagne and lees aged whites.酵母味:品尝术语,用来描述酵母的特殊味道(就像生面团味)。在葡萄酒中,这种味道通常被认为是不正常的,然而新鲜的烤面包味在香槟和酒渣陈酿白葡萄酒中却是受欢迎的。
Zestful :Tasting term used to describe a fresh, crisp wine, usually white, with a good balance of fruit and acidity.有滋味的:品尝术语,用来描述新鲜的、清脆的葡萄酒,通常是白葡萄酒,具有良好协调的果味和酸度。
(一)OTS:Off Tooling Sample 译为“工程样件”。
SOP:Start Of Production
译为“开始量产”,即产品可以进行大批量生产了。EOP:End of Production
APQP: Advanced Product Quality Planning译为“先期产品质量策划”,是QS9000/TS16949质量管理体系的一部分。定义:是一种用来确定和制定确保某产品使顾客满意所需步骤的结构化方法。
FEMA:Failure Mode and Effect Analysis 译为“失效模式和效果分析”,是一种用来确定潜在失效模式及其原因的分析方法。是FMA(故障模式分析)和FEA(故障影响分析)的组合。
DFMEA:Design Failure Mode and Effects Analysis 译为“设计失效模式及后果分析”,是指设计概念形成之时或之前开始,并且在产品开发各阶段中,当设计有变化或得到其他信息时及时不断地修改,并在图样加工完成之前结束。其评价与分析的对象是最终的产品以及每个与之相关的系统、子系统和零部件。
PFMEA:Process Failure Mode and Effects Analysis
SPC:Statistical Process Control
MSA:Measurement System Analysis
PPAP:Production Part Approval Process
译为“生产件批准程序”,包括生产件和散装材料在内的生产件批准的一般要求。PPAP的目的是用来确定供应商是否已经正确理解了顾客工程设计记录和规范的所有要求,以及其生产过程是否具有潜在能力,在实际生产过程中按规定的生产节拍满足顾客要求的产 品。
5.Process flow diagram过程流程图;
11.Cpk & Ppk-初始过程能力研究;
12.Control plan生产控制计划;
1PP-First Phase of Production Prove-Out 第一次试生产
4SSale, Spare part零配件, Service, Survey信息反馈
ABSAnti-lock Braking System
Benchmark Data 样件资料
CB-Confirmation Build 确认样车制造
CC-Change Cutoff 设计变更冻结
Characteristics Matrix特性矩阵图
CODCash on Delivery 货到付现 预付货款(T/T in advance)
CPOComplementary Parts Order
CUV Car-Based Utility Vehicle
ERPEnterprise Resource Planning
IPO Individual Parts Order
ISIR Initial Sample Inspection Report
JIT Just In Time
KO Kick-off
LP-Lean Production 精益生产
LS Launch Support
MPV Multi-Purpose Vehicle 多用途汽车
MTP-Make to print supplier 照图加工供应商
N/A-Not Applicable
NDA Non Disclosure Agreement保密协定
onetime adj.过去的,从前的PA Program Approval
Passenger Vehicle乘用车
PPSR Production Preparation Status Report
PQA Process Quality Assurance
PRProgram Readiness
Pre-Launch 试生产
price-driven costing 价格引导成本
Production Trial Run 试生产
QR-Quality Reject 质量拒收
QSQuality Standard
PPAP-Production Part Approval Process 生产件批准程序
RFQRequest For Quotation询价
SOPStart Of Production
OTSOff Tooling Samples