深圳译国译民翻译公司 全角色技能及有价值物品中英文名称对照表
Blackoak Shield(Luna)简称: Luna
Cleglaw's Pincers(Chain Glove)
Chance Guards(Chain Gloves)
Crown of Thieves(Grand Crown)
Duriel's Shell(Cuirass)
Goldwrap(Heavy Belt)
Gore Rider(War Boots)
Guardian Angel(Templar Coat)
Immortal King's Detail(War Belts)
Immortal King's Forge(War Gauntlets)
Immortal King's Pillar(War Boots)
Laying of Hands(Bramble Mitts)
Lidless Wall(GrimShield)
Moser's Blessed Circle(Round Shield)
Magefist(Light Gauntlets)
Sigon's Gage(Gauntlets)
Sigon's Wrap(Plated Belt)
Sigon's Sabot(Greaves)
Razortail(Sharkskin Belt)
Skin of the Vipermagi(Serpentskin Armor)
Tal Rasha's Fine-Spun Cloth(Mesh Belt)
Tal Rasha's Horadric Crest(Death Mask)
塔拉夏的赫拉迪克纹章------塔拉夏的外袍(死亡面具)The Gladiator's Bane(Wire Fleece)
Valkyrie Wing(Winged Helm)
Waterwalk(Sharkskin Boots)
What we get wrong about China Global Public Square By Bhaskar Chakravorti, Special to CNN Editor’s note: Bhaskar Chakravorti is senior associate dean of International Business and Finance and founding executive director of the Institute for Business in the Global Context at The Fletcher School at Tufts University.The views expressed are the author's own.We now know who will be leading the two most important nations for the global economy – for the next four years in the United States’ case, and for a decade in China’s.By the time President Obama is ready to leave office, China will have passed the U.S.in GDP terms, at least according to a report by the OECD.But with GDP no longer Chinese leaders’ top concern, the country has its sights set on catching up with the U.S.in another area – innovation.On a recent to visit to speak at the World Economic Forum's Summer Davos in Tianjin, I was struck by the sense of urgency among Chinese leaders to close the gap when it comes to innovation.It was clear to me that it is time for the U.S.to pay close attention, because urgency in China is generally followed by execution.Unfortunately, America has worked itself up over the wrong issues as far as “competitiveness” is concerned: we bemoan the fact that China has taken our jobs(and 42 percent of Americans believe that China is already the world’s largest economy, a Pew survey suggested).But those worried about the country’s future would be better served focusing on U.S.competitiveness in innovation, something that has the potential to put this country’s growth back on track.The problem is that there is a general(and misplaced)belief that China will always be a loser, that it can only imitate, not innovate.Critics argue that its society is too top-down and that American innovation will always be buoyed by Silicon Valley.More from CNN: U.S.needs an infrastructure bank But the reality is that it is naïve to believe China cannot narrow the gap in innovation, and the second Obama administration would do well to consider that America could actually learn a thing or two from across the Pacific.And it could start by grappling with some widely held myths: 1.There is no innovation in China, only piracy and imitation.Most innovation begins with imitation;America got its start by imitating inventions from the Old World.Meanwhile, many Chinese “imitations, ” such as Alibaba, Tencent or Sina Weibo, have moved far beyond being mere copies of their U.S.counterparts.Each is solving problems uniquely relevant to Chinese businesses and consumers, something that could create platforms for innovations that are propelled into global markets.2.The Chinese approach to innovation is too top-down and state-led – real innovation only comes from the bottom-up.The Chinese state is committed to bringing China to the ranks of the innovative nations by 2020.Silicon Valley entrepreneurs might shudder at this top-down approach.Yet consider, for example, where the American entrepreneur would be if the U.S.government had not funded the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency that gave birth to the Internet.The state must play a role in investing in foundational innovations, such as the Internet and mobile technologies.Once these foundations are laid, then a competitive bottom-up ecosystem will encourage creative destruction.But sadly, U.S.government investment in such foundational innovations has been on a steady decline.3.Intellectual property rights protection in China is too weak to encourage innovation.China's weaker intellectual property protection could, arguably, make it easier to foster a climate conducive to open innovation.Of course, a balance needs to be struck between open access to intellectual property and protecting it – with no protection, innovation will stall, because investors need returns on their investment.Unfortunately, in the U.S., intellectual property protections block innovation just as much as they promote it.4.In a globalized economy, sustaining innovation requires investment in international markets;China's brand and soft power abroad is weak and dated.Despite several unresolved issues such as territorial disputes and balance of trade, China's influence in the world's fast-growing regions, including Africa, Latin America and East Asia, is growing more rapidly than that of the United States.When Chinese innovations look for inputs or consumers and they turn to these markets, they are likely to have as many opportunities as well-known U.S.brands – perhaps even a better chance.Indeed, when it comes to ties with Africa and Latin America, China is often one step ahead of the U.S.5.China's education model emphasizes rote learning;innovation can only flourish in environments that encourage exploration, critical thinking and a broad education in the liberal arts tradition.The danger with the Chinese approach is that if you don’t expose students to other disciplines and encourage critical thinking, they may lack the breadth to blossom into creative problem-solvers and risk takers.However, the U.S.system has some severe deficits of its own.A recent U.S.Department of Commerce report, for example, highlights a growing gap in science, technology, engineering and mathematics education.Notably, immigrants are the ones filling the education gap – half the start-ups in Silicon Valley were founded by immigrants.Sure, the Chinese model of innovation needs plenty of work, but in many ways China is also learning from the U.S.and following in our early footsteps.As China moves up the curve and adds the uniqueness of its own experience and approach, it may create a new hybrid model that has lessons for other nations, including the United States.Remember, it’s true that the global positioning system is a product of the U.S.Department of Defense.But the Chinese were the ones who gave us the compass in the first place.Chakravorti is author of “The Slow Pace of Fast Change: Bringing Innovations to Market in a Connected World.” 编辑注:巴斯卡·查卡拉沃迪是塔夫茨大学弗莱彻学院(Fletcher School at Tufts University)全球商业研究院的国际商业和金融高级副院长和创始人执行董事。本文仅为作者个人观点。
药物中英文名对照 A
阿太尼Alfentanil 阿卡波糖Acarbose
阿仑膦酸钠AlendronateSodium 阿米替林Amitriptyline 阿普唑仑Alprazolam
阿司匹林Aspirin;Acetylsalicylic Acid 阿糖胞苷Cytarabine 阿替洛尔Atenolol 阿替普酶Alteplase 阿托品Atropine 阿维A酯Etretinate
阿昔洛韦Aciclovir;Acyclovir 艾司洛尔Esmolol
安非他酮Amfebutamone;Bupropion 氨苯蝶�Triamterene 氨苯砜Dapsone 氨苄西林Ampicillin 氨茶碱Aminophylline
氨鲁米特Aminoglutethi mide 胺碘酮Amiodarone 奥氮平Olanzapine 奥芬那君Orphenadrine 9 8 2
奥美拉唑Omeprazole 奥曲肽Octreotide 奥沙西泮Oxazepam
奥昔布宁Oxybutynin;Oxibutynin B
巴氨西林Bacampicillin 巴氯芬Baclofen
巴西昔单抗Basilixi mab 白陶土Kaolin
白细胞介素-2Interleufein-2 保泰松Phenylbutazone 倍他尼定Betanidine
苯巴比妥Phenobarbital;Phenobarbitone 苯丙氨酸氮芥Phenylalanine Mustard 苯丙胺Amfetamine;Amphetamine 苯丙醇胺Phenylpropanolamine 苯海拉明Diphenhydramine
苯海索Trihexyphenidyl;Benzhexol 苯磺阿曲库铵AtracuriumBesilate 苯妥英Phenytoin 苯乙肼Phenelzine 苯茚二酮Phenindione
苯扎托品Benzatropine;Benztropine 吡�酮Praziquantel
吡斯的明Pyridostigmine 苄氟��Bendroflumethiazide;Bendrofluazide 别�醇Allopurinol 0 9 2
丙胺太林Propantheline 丙吡胺Disopyramide 丙磺舒Probenecid 丙卡巴肼Procarbazine 丙氯拉�Prochlorperazine 丙米�Imipramine 丙�Promazine
丙戊酸Valproic Acid
丙戊酸钠SodiumValproate 丙氧酚Proproxyphene 博来霉素Bleomycin 布比卡因Bupivacaine 布洛芬Ibuprofen C
茶苯海明Di menhydrinate 茶碱Theophylline 长春碱Vinblastine
醋竹桃霉素Troleandomycin;Triacetyloleandomycin D
达那唑Danazol 大麻Cannabis 大蒜Allium
丹参Salvia miltiorrhiza 1 9 2
丹曲林Dantrolene 当归AngelicaSinensis 地尔硫�Diltiazem
地芬诺酯Diphenoxylate 地高辛Digoxin
地拉韦定Delavirdine 地塞米松Dexamethasone 地西泮Diazepam
地昔帕明Desipramine 碘化钾PotassiumIodide 碘塞罗宁Liothyronine
碘依可酯EcothiopateIodide 丁螺环酮Buspirone
对氨基苯甲酸Paraminokenzoic Acid 对氨基水杨酸Aminosalicylic Acid 对乙酰氨基酚Paracetamol
多巴酚丁胺Dobutamine 多奈哌齐Donepezil 多黏菌素BPolymyxinB
多黏菌素E甲磺酸钠Colisti methate Sodium;Colistin Sulphomethate
多潘立酮Domperidone 多柔比星Doxorubicin 多塞平Doxepin
多西环素Doxycycline E
恩氟烷Enflurane 2 9 2 二氮�Diazoxide 二氟尼柳Diflunisal 二甲双胍Metformin
二价、三价金属离子药物Divalent, Tsivalent Cations 二硫仑Disulfiram
二氢麦角胺Dihydroergotamine F
反苯环丙胺Tranylcypromine 泛影酸盐Diatrizoate
放射性造影剂Radio-activeContrast 非尔氨酯Felbamate 非洛地平Felodipine 非诺洛芬Fenoprofen
芬氟拉明Fenfluramine;Phenfluoramine 芬太尼Fentanyl
酚苄明Phenoxybenzamine;Bensylyt 呋�妥因Nitrofurantoin 呋�唑酮Furazolidone;Nifurazolidone 呋塞米Furosemide;Frusemide
氟奋乃静Fluphenazine;Flufenazine 氟伏沙明Fluvoxamine 氟卡尼Flecainide 氟康唑Fluconazol 氟尿��Fluorouracil;Fluoracil;Fluracil 氟哌�醇Haloperidol 氟烷Halothane 氟西汀Fluoxetine 3 9 2 G
干扰素-αInterferon-oc 甘草Licorice 肝素Heparin
感冒清热颗粒(冲剂)GamaoqinreGranule 高血糖素Glucagon
格列本脲Glibenclamide;Glyburide 格列吡�Glipizide
格隆溴铵GlycopyrroniumBromide;Glycopyrrolate Bro-mide
格鲁米特Glutethi mide 胍法辛Guanfacine 胍乙�Guanethidine
贯叶金丝桃HypericumPerforatum H
海索比妥Hexobarbital;Enhexymal 红霉素Erythromycin 华法林Warfarin 环孢素Ciclosporin 环丙沙星Ciprofloxacin
环磷酰胺Cyclophosphamide 磺胺甲�唑Sulfamethoxazole
磺胺甲二唑Sulfamethizole;Sulfametopyrazine 磺胺��Sulfadiazine 磺胺异�唑Sulfafurazole;Sulfisoxazole 4 9 2 磺胺异�唑Sulfasomizole 磺吡酮Sulfinpyrazone 灰黄霉素Griseofulvin 活性炭ActiveCarbon J
激素类避孕药SteroidContraceptive 吉非贝齐Gemfibrozil
己烯雌酚Diethylstilbestrol;Stilboestrol 加拉碘铵GallamineIodide 甲氨蝶呤Methotrexate 甲苯磺丁脲Tolbutamide 甲丙氨酯Meprobamate 甲睾酮Methyltestosterone 甲基纤维素Methylcellulose 甲泼尼龙Methylprednisolone
甲羟孕酮Medroxyprogesterone;Methypregnone 甲巯咪唑Thiamazole;Methimazole 甲硝唑Metronidazole 甲氧苄�Tri methopri m
甲氧氟烷Methoxyflurane;Methoxiflurane 甲氧氯普胺Metoclopramide
甲氧那明Methoxyphenamine;Methoxiphenadrin 甲氧沙林Methoxsalen 甲状腺Thyroid 甲状腺素Thyroxin 降糖药antidiatetics
金霉素Chlortetracycline9 2 肼屈�Hydralazine;Sulformethoxine 枸橼酸Citric Acid
聚磺苯乙烯PolystyreneSulfonate K
卡马西平Carbamazepine 卡莫司汀Carmustine 卡那霉素Kanamycin 卡托普利Captopril 卡维地洛Carvedilol 咖啡因Caffeine 考来替泊Colestipol
考来烯胺Colestyramine;Cholestyramine 可待因Codeine 可的松Cortisone 可卡因Cocaine 可乐定Clonidine
克拉霉素Clarithromycin 克林霉素Oral Contraceptives 奎尼丁Quinidine 奎宁Quinine L
拉贝洛尔Labetalol 拉莫三�Lamotrigine 劳拉西泮Lorazepam 雷尼替丁Ranitidine
利多卡因Lidocaine;Lignocaine 利福平Rifampicin;Rifampin 6 9 2
利托君Ritodrine 利托那韦Ritonavir 利血平Reserpine
两性霉素BAmphotericinB 林可霉素Lincomycin 膦甲酸盐Foscarnet
流感疫苗InfluenzaVaccine 硫代硫酸钠SodiumThiosulfate
硫代苹果酸钠金ThiomalateGoldSodium 硫利达�Thioridazine
硫柳汞Thi mersal;Thiomersal;Thiomersalate;Thimer-osal;Mercurothiolate
硫喷妥钠Thiopental Sodium;Penthiobarbital;Thiome-bumal;Thiopentemal;Thiopentone 硫酸镁MagnesiumSulfate 硫酸亚铁Ferrous Sulfate 硫糖肽Sulglicotide 硫唑�呤Azathioprine 柳氮磺吡�Sulfasalazine 氯胺酮Ketamine 氯贝丁酯Clofibrate
氯苯那敏Chlorphenamine 氯丙米�Chomipramine 氯丙�Chlorpromazine 氯氮�Chlordiazepoxide 氯氮平Clozapine
氯化铵AmmoniumChloride 氯化钙CalciumChloride 氯化钾PotassiumChloride 氯环力�Chlorcyclizine 7 9 2
氯磺丙脲Chlorpropamide 氯�Chloroquine
氯霉素Chloramphenicol 氯美�唑Clomethiazole;Chlormethiazole 氯米芬Clomifene;Clomiphene 氯米帕明Clomipramine 氯��Chlorothiazide 氯�酮Chlortalidone;Chlorthalidone 氯沙坦Losartan
氯硝西泮Clonazepam 氯唑沙宗Chlorzoxazone 螺内酯Spironolactone 洛伐他汀Lovastatin 洛莫司汀Lomustine 洛沙平Loxapine M
麻黄碱Ephedrine 马吲哚Mazindol 吗啡Morphine 麦角胺Ergotamine
麦考酚酸Mycophenolic Acid 美拉托宁melatonine 美沙酮Methadone 美替拉酮Metyrapone 美托洛尔Metoprolol 美西律Mexiletine 美雄酮Metandienone 咪达唑仑Midazolam 8 9 2
米氮平Mirtazapine 米诺地尔Minoxidil 米索前列醇Misoprostol 米托坦Mitotane 莫雷西�Moracizine;Moricizine N
纳多洛尔Nadolol 纳洛酮Naloxone 奈法唑酮Nefazodone
奈韦拉平Nevirapine 萘�酸Nalidixic Acid;Nalidixan 萘夫西林Nafcillin 萘普生Naproxen 尼扎替丁Nizatidine 诺氟沙星Norfloxacin P
帕吉林Pargyline 帕罗西汀Paroxetine 哌甲酯Methylphenidate 哌拉西林Piperacillin 哌�Piperazine 哌替�Pethidine;Meperidine 哌唑�Prazosin;Furazosin
泮库溴铵PancuroniumBromide 匹莫齐特Pi mozide 泼尼松Prednisone 泼尼松龙Prednisolone 9 9 2
扑米酮Pri midone
葡萄糖酸钙CalciumGluconate 葡萄柚Grapefruit 普伐他汀Pravastatin
普鲁卡因胺Procainamide 普罗布考Probucol 普罗帕酮Propafenone 普马�Promazine
普萘洛尔Propranolol;Proprasylyte Q
齐多夫定Zidovudine 羟布宗Oxyphenbutazone 羟氯�Hydroxychloroquine;Oxychloroquine 青霉胺Penicillamine
青霉素Benzylpenicillin;PenicillinG 氢化可的松Hydrocortisone 氢氯��Hydrochlorothiazide 氢氯��Hydrochlorothiazide 氢氧化铝AluminiumHydroxide 氢氧化镁MagnesiumHydroxide 秋水仙碱Colchicine 庆大霉素Gentamicin 巯�呤Mercaptopurine 曲格列酮Troglitazone 曲马朵Tramadol
曲妥珠单抗Trastuzumab 曲唑酮Trazodone
去甲肾上腺素Norepinephrine;Noradrenaline;Levarter-0 0 3 enol 去甲替林Nortriptyline 去羟肌苷Didanosine
去氧肾上腺素Phenylephrine 炔雌醇Ethinylestradiol R
人参Ginseng S �苯达唑Tiabendazole �氯匹定Ticlopidine �吗洛尔Ti molol ���Pyrantel �替哌Thiotepa 赛庚�Cyprohetadme
三硅酸镁MagnesiumTrisilicate 三氯��Trichlormethiazide 三唑仑Triazolam 色氨酸Thyptophan 色氨酸Tryptophan
沙丁胺醇Salbutamol;Albuterol 沙奎那韦Saquinavir 舍曲林Sertraline
肾毒性药物nephsotoxicdrugs 肾上腺素Epinephrine;Adrenaline 舒马普坦Sumatriptan 双氯芬酸Diclofenac 双�达莫Dipyridamole 1 0 3
双香豆素Dicoumarol 水合氯醛Chloral Hydrate 顺铂Cisplatin
司可巴比妥Secobarbital;Quinalbarbitone;Meballymal 司来吉兰Selegiline 司他夫定Stavudine 丝裂霉素Mitomycin 四环素Tetracycline 羧苄西林Carbenicillin T
他克莫司Tacroli mus 他莫昔芬Tamosxifen 碳酸钙CalciumCarbonate 碳酸锂LithiumCarbonate
碳酸氢钠SodiumBicarbonate, 10 特比萘芬Terbinafine 特非那定Terfenadine 替马西泮Temazepam 酮康唑Ketoconazole 酮洛芬Ketoprofen 筒箭毒碱Tubocurarine
头孢孟多Cefamandole;Cephamandole 头孢哌酮Cefoperazone 头孢��Cefaloridine;Cephaloridine 头孢�吩Cefalotin;Cephalothin 头孢�肟Cefotaxi me 2 0 3
土霉素Oxytetracycline 托特罗定Tolterodine 妥拉磺脲Tolazamide W
维库溴铵VecuroniumBromide 维拉帕米Verapamil
维生素AVitaminA;Retinol 维生素B6VitaminB6;Pyridoxine
维生素B12VitaminB12;Cyanocobalamin 维生素CVitaminC;Ascorbic Acid 维生素D2VitaminD2
维生素D3VitaminD3;Cholecalciferol;Colecalciferol 维生素EVitaminE;Tocopherol 维生素K1VitaminK1
;Phytomenadione;Phytonadione 文拉法辛Venlafaxine
戊巴比妥Pentobarbital;Mebumal;Pentobarbitone X
西咪替丁Ci metidine 西沙必利Cisapride 西替利�Cetirizine 吸烟smoke 腺苷adenosine
硝普钠SodiumNitroprusside 硝普盐Nitroprusside
硝酸甘油Nitroglycerin;Glyceryl Trinitrate 3 0 3
硝酸异山梨酯IsosorbideDinitrate;SorbideNitrate 辛伐他汀Si mvastatin 新霉素Neomycin 新斯的明Neostigmine
溴丙胺太林PropanthelineBromide 溴隐亭Bromocriptine
选择性-5-羟色胺再摄取抑制剂SSRI Y
亚胺培南Imipenem 亚铁盐Ferroussaets 烟草tobacco
烟酸Nicotinic Acid;Niacin
烟酰胺Nicotinamide;Niacinamide 洋地黄Digitalis
洋地黄毒苷Digitoxin 氧化亚氮nitrous Oxide 叶酸Folic Acid 伊那普利Enalapril 伊曲康唑Itraconazole 伊维菌素Ivermectin 依那普利Enalapril
依他尼酸Etacrynic Acid;Ethacrynic Acid 依托泊苷Etoposide 依托咪酯Etomidate 胰岛素Insulin
乙胺丁醇Ethambutol 乙胺��Pyri methamine 乙醇Alcohol 4 0 3
乙琥胺Ethosuxi mide 乙氯维诺Ethchlorvynol 乙醚Ether
乙酰半胱氨酸Acetylcysteine 乙酰唑胺Acetazolamide
异丙肾上腺素Isoprenaline;Isoproterenol 异泊酚Propofol 异氟烷Isoflurane
异环磷酰胺Ifosfamide 异维A酸Isotretinoin 异烟肼Isoniazid
吲哚美辛Indometacin;Indomethacin 茚地那韦Indinavir 罂粟碱Papaverine
右苯丙胺Dexamfetamine;Dextroamfetamine 右丙氧芬Dextropropoxyphene;Propoxyphene 右泛醇Dexpanthenol
右美沙芬Dextromethorphan 右旋糖酐Dextran Z
樟磺咪芬Tri metaphanCamsilate 脂肪乳fat emulsion 紫杉醇Paclitaxel
左甲状腺素Levothyroxine 左旋多巴Levodopa 唑吡坦Zolpidem
If you can keep your head when all about you Are losing theirs and blaming it on you;
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you, But make allowance for their doubting too;
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,Or, being lied about,don't deal in lies,Or, being hated, don't give way to hating,And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise;
If you can dreamand not make thoughts your aim;If you can meet with triumph and disaster
And treat those two impostors just the same;If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken Twiseted by knaves to make a trap for fools,Or watch the things you gave your life to broken, And stoop and build 'em up with wornout tools;
If you can make one heap of all your winnings And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,And lose, and start again at your beginnings And never breathe a word about your loss;
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew To serve your turn long after they are gone, And so hold on when there is nothin in you
Except the Will which says to them:“Hold on!”;
If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue, Or walk with Kings-nor lose the common touch;If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you;If all men count with you, but none too much;If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty second' worth of distance run-
Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it, Andyou'll be a Man my son!
如果你是个爱思考的人——光想会达不到目标; 如果你遇到骄傲和挫折
如果所有人都指望你,却无人全心全意; 如果你花六十秒进行短程跑,填满那不可饶恕的一分钟—— 你就可以拥有一个世界,这个世界的一切都是你的,更重要的是,孩子,你是个顶天立地的人。
国家/产区 Alianca 阿莲卡酒阁 西班牙/圣格欧Alois Lageder 拉格德酒园 意大利/阿托阿迪 Alvaro Palacios 阿瓦洛.帕拉西欧斯酒庄 西班牙/普利欧拉多Amiral de Beychevelle 龙船将军(或称海军上将,龙船庄副牌)法国/梅多克/圣朱里安 Antinori 安提诺里酒庄 意大利/托斯卡纳 Astralis 星光园酒(克勒雷登山酒庄旗下品牌)澳大利亚/南河谷Aszu Essencia 阿素.艾森西雅酒庄 匈牙利/多凯Balduzzi 碧桃丝酒庄 智利/马利山谷Banfi 班菲酒庄 意大利/托斯卡纳 Beringer Vineyards加州系列 美国/加州/纳帕谷 Beringer Vineyards经典系列 美国/加州/纳帕谷 Beringer Vineyards创始者庄园 美国/加州/纳帕谷 Beringer Vineyards庄园特选 美国/加州/纳帕谷 Beringer Vineyards史东酒窖 美国/加州/纳帕谷 Beringer Vineyards产区系列 美国/加州/纳帕谷 Bernkasteler Doctor 柏恩卡斯特医生酒园 德国/莫索尔Biondi Santi 贝昂地酒庄 意大利/托斯卡纳Blason Timberlay 宝森添百利古堡 法国/波尔多 Bodegas Chivite格兰富都系列 西班牙/那瓦拉 Bollinger 柏林格香槟 法国/香槟区 Bricco Roche 罗西峰顶(杰乐托酒庄旗下品牌)意大利/皮尔蒙特Bridgewater Mill 葡萄之路公司(Petaluma)Julia's Vineyard 坎布瑞Katherine's Vineyard 坎布瑞Conundrum 佳慕酒园Mer Soleil 佳慕酒园Special Selection 佳慕酒园Gravelly Meadow 钻石溪酒园Lake 钻石溪酒园Volcanic Hill 钻石溪酒园巴黎公爵系列 法国E.Guigal 吉佳乐世家 法国/罗纳河谷 Echezeaux 依瑟索酒园(有多家酒庄出产此园冠名的葡萄酒)法国/勃艮第 Edmond Bernard 埃德蒙.贝尔纳酒庄 法国Egon Muller 伊贡.米勒酒庄 德国/莫索尔Erath 艾拉斯酒园 美国/俄勒冈Eroica 英雄酒庄 美国/哥伦比亚谷 7 Esser 爱莎酒庄 美国/加州/纳帕谷Feudi Di San Gregorio 福地酒园 意大利/坎帕尼亚Fleur Du Cap 好望角酒庄 南非 Fonseca 芳塞卡(主产波特酒)葡萄牙/欧泊多 Fortant 罗伯特.斯格利酒园Carta Nevada 菲斯奈特酒庄Cordon Negro 菲斯奈特酒庄至尊经典F牌 法国/朗格多克产区Gaja 歌雅酒庄 意大利/皮尔蒙特 Gancia 嘉琪亚酒庄(主要出产起泡酒)意大利Garvey B.V.嘉味公司 西班牙/赫雷斯Ginestet 吉娜斯 法国/波尔多Glaetzer 格雷策酒园 澳大利亚 Gloria Ferrer 光荣德菲拉酒园 美国/加州/索诺玛县 7 Gosset 哥塞香槟 法国/香槟区 Grace Family Vineyards 葛利斯家族园 美国/加州/纳帕谷Grand Bateau 小龙船(龙船庄附属产品)法国/梅多克/圣朱里安Grands Echezeaux 大依瑟索酒园(有多家酒庄出产此园冠名的葡萄酒)法国/勃艮第 Grappa 格兰帕果渣酒(很多意大利酒庄都有生产)意大利Harlan Estate 哈兰园 美国/加州/纳帕谷 Heartland导演剪辑系列 澳大利亚Heitz Cellar 赫兹酒窖 美国/加州/纳帕谷Henri Bourgeois 亨利博庄园 法国/卢瓦河谷Henriot 汉诺香槟 法国/香槟区 Henschke 汉榭克酒庄 澳大利亚/阿德莱德Huber 雨博酒庄 德国/巴登 Hugel et Fils 忽格父子园 法国/阿尔萨斯Inheritance 珍品酒庄 澳大利亚 Inniskillin 云岭酒厂 加拿大/尼亚加拉半岛
J.Vidal.Fleury 威菲庄园 法国/罗纳河谷 Jackson-Triggs 杰克逊.瑞格酒园 加拿大/尼亚加拉半岛Jacob's Creek 杰卡斯酒庄 澳大利亚Joh.Jos.Prum 普绿园酒庄 德国/莫索尔 Joseph Phelps徽章 美国/纳帕谷Joseph Phelps百花香系列 美国/纳帕谷Kangaroo Ridge 袋鼠山酒园 澳大利亚/东南部 Kendall Jackson精选系列 美国/索诺玛县 Kendall.Jackson调色板系列 美国/索诺玛县 Klipfel Edelzwicker 克利菲尔-埃得兹维克酒庄 法国/阿尔萨斯Knappstein 葡萄之路公司(Petaluma)Art Series 露纹酒园Chairman's Selection 美利酒庄Profile 美利酒庄Starmont 美利酒庄Barrel Select 诺顿庄园Lo Tengo 诺顿庄园Perdriel 诺顿庄园Privada 诺顿庄园White Label 诺顿庄园歌堡白玫瑰系列 法国 Opus One 第一号作品(木桐和罗伯特.蒙大维的联手之作)美国/加州/纳帕谷 3 Oroya 欧罗亚酒庄 西班牙/卡斯蒂利亚 Osoyoos Larose 金玫瑰部落酒园 加拿大/奥克南山谷Paul Jaboulet Aine 沙布勒.安内酒庄 法国/罗纳河谷PenfoldsBin系列 澳大利亚/南部 Penfolds葛兰许(也称农庄酒,顶级品牌)澳大利亚/南部 Penfolds蔻兰山系列 澳大利亚/南部Penfolds珍藏系列 澳大利亚/南部Penfolds洛神系列 澳大利亚/南部Penfolds特级系列 澳大利亚/南部Penfolds托马斯海蓝系列 澳大利亚/南部 Perrier-Jouet 巴黎之花香槟 法国/香槟区 Petaluma 葡萄之路公司(Petaluma)分为白壁/女皇珍藏/旗舰三个系列 新西兰Saint Pierre 圣皮尔古堡 美国/加州中央山谷Saint-Cosme 圣阔斯酒园 法国/朗格多克 Salon 沙龙香槟(罗兰百悦香槟旗下特酿香槟)法国/香槟区Saltram工作台系列 澳大利亚/布诺萨山谷 Saltram玛丽小溪系列 澳大利亚/布诺萨山谷 Saltram新时代系列 澳大利亚/布诺萨山谷 San Leonardo 胜利侯爵堡酒庄 意大利 San Leone 雄狮王(雄狮城堡庄园的一个品牌)意大利/托斯卡纳Santa Mia 圣米亚酒庄 智利 Santa Rita120系列 智利/马泊谷 Santa Rita真实家园系列 智利/马泊谷Santa Rita佳境系列 智利/马泊谷Santa Rita真实勋章系列 智利/马泊谷Santa Rita特酿系列 智利/马泊谷Sassicaia 西施佳雅(圣.向导酒庄唯一品牌)意大利/托斯卡纳Schales 查理天使酒庄 德国/雷哈森Schloss Johannisberg 约翰山堡 德国/莱茵高Schloss Schonborn 勋彭堡 德国/莱茵高 Taittinger 泰廷格香槟 法国/香槟区Tapanappa 塔娜酒园 澳大利亚/南部 Taylor's 泰来酒庄(主产波特酒)葡萄牙/欧泊多Telmo Rodriguez 德莫.罗德瑞兹酒庄 西班牙Tenuta Di Valgiano 华姿山庄 意大利Tommasi 托马斯酒园 意大利/维纳图 Torbreck丝蕾山 澳大利亚/布诺萨山谷Torbreck青春 澳大利亚/布诺萨山谷Torbreck均田制 澳大利亚/布诺萨山谷Torbreck小茅屋 澳大利亚/布诺萨山谷 Torbreck管家 澳大利亚/布诺萨山谷Torbreck小农庄 澳大利亚/布诺萨山谷 Torbreck二世 澳大利亚/布诺萨山谷Torbreck伐木工系列 澳大利亚/布诺萨山谷 Torres王冠 西班牙 Torres宝石 西班牙/佩内德斯Trimbach 婷芭克世家 法国/阿尔萨斯 18 Trio 三重奏(干露酒庄的一个品牌,3种葡萄混合)智利Twinwoods 双栖山庄 澳大利亚Two Oceans 双洋酒庄 南非Valckenberg 沃克堡 德国/莱茵河区Vallformosa 禾富玛莎酒庄 西班牙 Vega Sicilia 维加.西西利亚酒庄 西班牙/斗罗河谷Veuve Amiot 弗朗西丝公司Agapanto 百子莲酒庄Lazuli 百子莲酒庄Sol de Sol 百子莲酒庄Bilyara 禾富酒园Black Label 禾富酒园Eaglehawk 禾富酒园Gold Label 禾富酒园Grey Label 禾富酒园Platinum Label 禾富酒园President's Selection 禾富酒园Red Label 禾富酒园Yellow Label 禾富酒园-黄牌系列 澳大利亚/南部Yalumba 御兰堡 澳大利亚 Yellowglen 黄色峡谷酒庄 澳大利亚/维多利亚