1、What is DPA in ISM code? DPA stands for Designated Person(s)Ashore.His responsibility includes monitoring safety, pollution prevention aspects on the behalf of shipowner.2、What is NCR in ISM code? NCR is Non-conformity Report Shipping companies need to establish procedures to ensure the ship fully complies with ISM provisions.If non-conformity is found, NCR should be submitted as soon as possible.3、Where is Good Hope Cape located? It is located in the southeast coast of South Africa.The ship will meet it to transit from the Indian Ocean to the Atlantic Ocean and vice versa.4、Could you list of name equipment component on board? My pleasure, sir!For example: windlass, steering gear, main engine, auxiliary engine, crane, derrick, cargo holds, hatch cover, line, paints, sextant, binocular, pilot ladder, lifebuoy, lifejacket, fire-fight appliance, life signal, navigation light, siren, accommodation ladder, torch, search light, and so on.5、Who takes care of documents on board? Captain, or a senior officer nominated by the captain.6、Who keeps the Master key? The Chief Officer keeps the Master key.In addition, he keeps pass key and accommodation key.大副不仅保存万能钥匙,而且还要保存走廊钥匙、生活区的房间钥匙等等。
7、Who takes care of medicine? In the past, doctor(if one is carried)will do.Nowadays, the second officer will take care of medical chest and he will assist in cases of illness or accidents to crew.8、How often will you have a life drill or fire fighting drill?
One month interval.9、What does flag signal “Oscar” stand for? It stands for man overboard.人员落水时应挂字母“O”旗,放三长声号笛,并转向。目视跟踪落水者,向落水人附近抛救生圈等。
10、Could you list different mooring equipment on board? Yes, sir.For example: open chock, cleat, closed chock, bitts, open roller chock, padeye, bullnose, dolphin, and so on.11、Could you talk different names of pier? Yes, sir.In addition to pier, many other names are widely used.For example: wharf, dock, terminal, jetty, quay, berth, pontoon, and so on.如wharf指一般有仓储功能的码头,dock指船坞码头,terminal指集装箱码头或油轮码头,quay指具有吊货功能的码头,berth指泊位,jetty指突出的泊位,pontoon指浮码头。
12、Could you list different kinds of ship's surveys? Yes, sir.For example: Annual Surveys, Docking surveys, Special surveys, Immediate Surveys, Surveys for renew certificates, and so on.13、Could you list the parts of a stockless anchor? OK.It includes shackle, shank, crown, fuke, hinge bolt, tripping palm.锚卸扣、锚干、锚冠、锚爪、横销、突角。
14、Could you list the parts of an electric windless? OK.It includes motor, warping drum gypsy, brake, clutch, hand wheel of clutch, hand ahead of brake.注:电动锚机由于在前甲板,其使用由甲板部,修理归轮机部,属于共性的问题。
15、Could you list different lines which ships use? Yes, sir.Headline, sternline, headspring, stern spring, breast line, tug line, towing line.16、Can you operate computer? What is Intel? Who is the boss of Microsoft Company? Yes, I can.或 No, I can not.Intel is a model type of computers, CPU has different generations as 386,486,586,686, and so on.The Microsoft Company is a private company in USA.The boss is Mr.Bill Gates.17、Could you list some cargo which you have ever loaded? Many cargo.Such as flour, ore, quick lime, corn, steel, cotton, fertilizer.18、What are main reasons caused cargo damage? Many reasons.Such as damages in inappropriate shifting or handling, damages due to false stowage, damages in poor ventilation or cargo hold conditions, damages in transshipment, damages due to the characteristics of the cargo themselves.19、Could you tell particulars of the ship? My pleasure.LOA(LBP), width(beam), freeboard, draft.They are included three kinds: the maximum particulars related to maneuverability, the registered particulars related to certificates, and the type particulars related to stability calculation, and so on.通常按性质分类:最大尺度、登记尺度、船型尺度三类。
20、What is GMDSS? When was it implemented? GMDSS stands for Global Maritime Distress and Safety System.It was implemented by FEB 1st 1999.21、If one of crew on board was seriously ill, whom will you contact with? Many methods.One of the methods is to contact with the shipowner, and obtain the instructions from the shipowner, or you can ask the agent from the nearest harbour to arrange hospital admission.船员生病的费用一般由两部分承担。船东互保协会承担一个固定数量,其余由船东承担,因此发生费用由船东承担这一事实就迫使在船工作的人员注意一旦船上有病号应及时地与船东联系,一般由船东安排,同时船上还要采取一定地有助于保持病员生命的措施。
22、Who takes charge of fire fighting appliance in the engine room? What does it include? Second Engineer takes charge of it.It includes fire mains, dry power, and so on.23、How often will you perform a fire-fighting drill? Who control on the spot? Once a month.The Chief Officer takes charge of the drill on the spot.If the drill occurs in the engine room, Chief Engineer takes charge of the drill on the spot.24、How long is the lifeboat launched into water? Is it allowed to launch lifeboat in the harbour? Within 3 months.If you want to launch the lifeboat in the harbour, you may enquire the local Harbour Superintendency Administration before launching.25、How many ensigns are used on board? Who takes charge of hoisting and lowering the ensigns? The national flag of the registry country will be hoisted at stern.The company ensign will normally be hoisted at bow when the ship is not proceeding.The national flag of foreign merchant country will be flied at foremast head.all the ensigns will be hoisted at sunrise and lowered at sunset.In general practice, A.B on duty will perform hoisting or lowering ensign.In addition, ship's call sign flag and letter flag(for example, “Q”, “G”, “H”)will be hoisted when arriving at or departing from the harbour.国旗还可以用来与航行中较近距离的本国船舶、军舰或有外交关系国家军舰相遇时互相敬礼。可以用来表示重大国丧,但一般情况下国旗必须升满。Occupation职务篇
26、Who is responsible for the vessel? Master(Captain)is responsible for the vessel.That is, the master is responsible for the seaworthiness and safe, efficient and economical operation of the vessel and management of crew, cargo and ship borne equipment.27、How to comprehend the “SMS” file “3.1.2 The Master shall well know the ship thoroughly.”? The master is the header of a ship.He is the representative of the company.He takes total responsibility for the ship.He should know the ship's condition with certainty.28、How many maritime publications are available for your vessel? Who takes care of them? Many publications are available for our vessel.Such as Port to Entry, Admiralty Sailing Directions, Admiralty List of Light, Admiralty List of Radio Signals, Admiralty Tide Tables, Annual Summary of Admiralty Notice to Mariners.The second officer takes care of them.In addition, Chief Engineer keeps equipment specifications and publications for Engineer Department.29、What does ILO talk about? ILO stands for the International Labour Organization.ILO is an organization on crew agreement.It represents labour interests.Master takes responsibility for the ship.Master should adjust the relationship between shipowner and crew by generous and efficient measures taken in the interests of shipowner.30、What are the documental procedures? Who keeps these documents on board?
Documental procedures are guide line for serving marine transport works.The procedures also tell emergency operation procedures, connecting with company procedure, index to occupational procedure, and so on.31、If the master were not on board, who would assume his responsibilities? According to SMS and common practice, senior deck officer(chief mate)will take over the responsibilities.32、How often will you contact with the company? It just depends.In general rule, master must receive assistance and instruction from company all the time.Master is under the control of his company.On the other hand, if he contacts with company because of a little thing, the master is never-do-well as well as money lavisher.这种回答有隐蔽性,不提向船东要权,而只提一遇小事就向公司汇报会让人感到船长无能,且电传、电报花费较大,对一些视财如命的船东来说,一用钱来“威胁”,就等于要了他们的命。
33、If there is a new port which you have never been to, how do you get the latest information? First ask the agent for required information or ask the harbour authority by VHF while arrival, or ask the company for help.34、What is the name of the longer bars in pilot ladder? What is the length of it? The name is spreader.The length regulated in SOLAS is 1.80m.It can prevent twisting of the ladder.引航梯横档,长度为1.80m,能防止梯子翻转。
35、When will a combination ladder be arranged before embarkation of the pilot? Whenever the sea water to the point to access to the ship is more than 9 meters, pilot ladder as well as accommodation ladder will be arranged.In addition, the pilot ladder will leave from the water about 1 meter.The pilot uses pilot ladder for at least 1.5 meters and no more than 9 meters.36、Who will be arranged to receive pilot? According to SOLAS convention, the responsible officer of the ship will serve for the job.37、How to pay light dues, port dues, stevedore dues? In practice, ship's agent will pay all of these, the master only checks and signs it.But master must check and confirm it very carefully before signature.考察船长签单子之前是否检查与核对。
38、What is the relationship between Master and Chief Engineer? Master is the leader of the ship.Chief Engineer is his subordinate.Master gives chief engineer power to manage his department.39、What should a master do before sailing? He must ascertain the ship's seaworthiness in all respects, such as sufficient stores, provisions, bunkers, fresh waters, personnel, clearance from the departing port, ascertain sufficient update charts available and maritime publications, hold regular meetings for preparation, and so on.40、When will a master be on the bridge? In my opinion, 1)officer on watch calls, 2)restricted visibility occurs, 3)heavy traffic nearby, 4)berthing or unberthing, docking or undocking, anchoring, shifting ship, 5)entered hazard waters, 6)an imminent danger, 7)alternating position where unskilled duty officer handles, and so on.41、How to draw cash in advance? First, Master should send a telegraph to ship's agent before departure, and tell how mush cashes are needed as well as what notes he desired.To pay cash, master must ensure each crew should have sufficient remaining in his account.42、Can you talk something about marine transport laws? Yes, my pleasure.Hague Rules which entered into force in June second 1931, Hague-Visby Rule which entered into force in June 23rd 1977, Hambury Rules which entered into force in November 1993, and York-Antwerp Rules, 1994 which entered into force already.43、What should be put down in the ship's Night Orders? Important things to make deck officers on duty borne in mind.The slogan is “safety is first”.A good master needs to know which deck officer lacks of seamanship.Night Orders should be written according to environment, personnel, weather, and so on.They are completed before master sleeping.44、Who keeps cash on board a ship? What are the requirements? Master takes care of cash.Any loss or illegal embezzlement will not be allowed.When a master relieves, cash must be returned to the company or handed over to reliving master.45、Who will complete Appraisal Form on his senior subordinates? Master will fill in that Form and report required by the company.指船长对下属人员的评估,要求及时地呈交船务公司。
46、What does P&I club stand for? P&I club is an organization established by shipowners.It is a Protection and Indemnity association.If a peril happens, the association will help the loser by covering funds.47、In addition to AMVER, what are the other major automatic guided system? 答:The major automatic navigation guided systems are listed as followed: JASREP, AUSREP, and so on.船位报告系统主要是由岸上进行计算机航线测算于导航的有偿服务。主要船位报告系统缩写如下:AMVER: Automated Mutual-assistance Vessel Rescue-自动互助船舶救助系统;AUSREP: Australian Report system for Shipping-澳大利亚船位报告系统;JASREP: Japanese Report system for Shipping-日本船位报告系统。
48、What is PSC safety management inspection in Panama Canal by Panama Canal authority? 答:1)Testing ship's steering gear and emergency gear.The rudder indicator on the bridge must correspond to in the engine room.The rudder motor is in good order;2)Testing of load of generator.The generator operates in good working order;3)Testing of emergency generator.Keeps emergency lights, communication means, fog founder, steering gear in good working orders;4)testing of ship's Main engine;5)Testing of deck equipment;6)Testing of equipment on the bridge;7)Testing of emergency fire pump;8)Canal Rules published by USA(CFR-35)should be prepared.检查与试验细节如下:1)试验舵机和应急舵,一舵满舵到另一舵满舵不超过28秒,舵机马达运转正常,无渗漏现象;发电机负荷试验,要求在试验中保持航向中须正常运转的机械设备同时运转,包括甲板照明、航行灯、空气压缩机、卫生水泵和消防泵;试验应急发电机,包括应急照明、航行灯、通信设备、烟雾探测器、舵机以及消防泵运转;试验船舶主机,要求在空压机停止状态,所存压缩空气能在连续启动主机12次以上;试验甲板机械,进行抛锚、绞锚试验,要求双锚不松出锚链孔的状态能自由抛下,绞锚速度每节不能超过3分钟;驾驶台设备检查,包括主机转速表、舵角指示仪、汽笛、航向记录仪、船钟、驾驶台与机舱等通信设备以及电话,检查电罗经工作状况,磁罗经最大自差不超过7°;试验应急消防泵,检查出水压力及有效射程,检查二氧化碳并要求主管人员试放,检查消防员装备及主甲板两侧的消防布置图存放是否符合要求;运河规定若没有向运河当局索取。
49、List of Ship's certificates.The major certificates are, for example: National Certificate, Tonnage Certificate, Loadline Certificate, Safety Equipment Certificate, Safety Radio Certificate, and so on.50、When will a master lodge sea protest? Master will make it on any of following occasions: 1)Damage or possible damage to ship, pier or berth after collision;2)Damage or possible damage in touching button stranding or the other incident;3)Damage or possible damages to cargo due to rough sea or stress of weather;4)Any other event in favour of shipowner.51、What does “Port Clearance” mean? 答:Port Clearance is a legal document from the port of departure.It is made by customs house.It means the merchant ship has cleared everything.All ship's documents must be returned to the ship before issuing “Port Clearance”.A ship can not sail until she has got “Port Clearance”.The next port will also sight last “Port Clearance”.52、How to perform Master's Inspections? If possible, master must inspect the vessel daily.The irrespective places includes: messroom, galley to be visited daily;store room reefer compartments, washrooms, toilet, accommodation to be sighted at least a week in order to keep a standard sanitation and cleanliness.船长巡视全船是必须要做的,但巡视次数及间隔不同的公司有不同的规定,这一项的考察是看看你的责任心。
53、What must be borne in mind when change of command(handover)for masters? If possible incoming master should consult with the outgoing master regarding ship's characteristics, maneuvering guidance, personnel conditions, and others.The outgoing master has the duty to answer any information which helps incoming master to safety, efficiently, economically operate the ship.If time is limited, the outgoing master should prepare a detail memorandum for incoming master in order to save joint inspection time.All certificates must be checked and completed.The ship's account must be balanced and handed over to the incoming master.After handover, the entry must be written in the ship's Deck LogBook.船长接班手续虽简单,但包含内容较多,特别是船舶进行现代化管理后,表格化日益增多,接班人(relieving master)和交班人(master being relieved)都十分重视交接班手续的表格化。
54、Could you explain Chief Mate's function? Chief Mate is the executive officer.He is the leader of deck department.He will act as master if the master is absent.He will also be responsible for cargo handling service as well as watch on the bridge.55、What does TEU stand for? 答:TEU stands for Twenty feet Equivalent Unit.下列缩写经常被抽查:MOLOO: more or less owner's option-由船东选择上下限内的装货数量;SHINCL: Sundays and Holidays Included-星期天和节假日包括在内;SHEUU: Sundays and Holidays Excepted Unless Used-星期天和节假日不除外;WOG: Without Guarantee-无须担保;IWL: Institute Warranty Limit-工会保证条款限制;NOR: Notice of Readiness-准备就绪通知书;WIPON: Whether in Port or not-无论在港与否;BENDS: both ends-装卸两港,或交还船两港;COA: Contract of affreightment-海上运输合同;LAYCAN: Layday/canceling date-受载与解约期;WWDSHE: Weather Working days, Sundays, holidays expected-晴天工作日,星期日与节假日除外;FOB: Free on Board-离岸价格;FIO: for information only-仅供参考;FIOST: free in and out, and stowed and trimmed-出租人不负担装卸、积载、平船费;FILO: free in and liner out-船方不负担装货责任但负担卸货费;CIF: cost, insurance, freight-到岸价格;ETA: Estimated(Extended)Time of Arrival-预抵时间;ETD: Estimated(Extended)Time of departure-预离时间;B/L: Bill of Loading-提单;ACCT: account-帐户;CAF: Coast and freight-到岸价格;BAF: Bunker adjustment Factor-加油调节因素;DESP/DEM: dispatch/demurrage-速遣费/滞期费;FEU: forty-foot equipment unit-40英尺型集装箱;DDC: destination delivery charge-目的港交货费用;DHD: dispatch half demurrage-速遣费为滞期费的一半;CFS: cubic foot per second-每秒立方英尺;FCL: Full Container Load-整箱货;LCL: Less than full container load-少于整箱货;GA: General Average-共同海损;PA: port agency-港口代理。
56、Explain “underway” in the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea, 1972.答:It means that a vessel is not at anchor, or made fast to the shore, or aground.57、Explain “overtaking” in the International Regulations for Prevention collision at Sea, 1972.In my opinion, a vessel wishes to overtake another vessel ahead and takes measures should be deemed as overtaking.参阅Part B Steering and Sailing Rules 中section II-Conduct of vessels in sight of one another-Rules 13 专门讲 overtaking.58、Explain “head-on situation” in the International regulations for Preventing Collision at Sea, 1972.When two power-driven vessels are meeting on reciprocal or nearly reciprocal courses, we say they are in head-on situation.59、Explain “vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver” in the International Regulations for Preventing Collision at Sea, 1972.It means a vessel which from the nature of her work in restricted in her ability to maneuver as required by these Rules and is therefore unable to keep out of the way of another vessel.详见Part A general 中Rule 3 General definitions-“g”.60、What is “vessel engaged in fishing” in the international Regulations for Preventing Collision at Sea, 1972? It means any vessel fishing with nets, lines, trawls or other fishing apparatus which restrict maneuverability, but does not include a vessel fishing with trolling lines or other fishing apparatus which do not restrict maneuverability.61、What is “cross situation” in the International Regulations for Preventing Collision at Sea,1972? When two power driven vessels are crossing so as to involve risk of collision, the vessel has the other on her own starboard side shall keep out of the way.It the circumstance permitted she shall avoid crossing ahead of the other vessel.参阅Part B-Steering and Sailing Rules中section I-conduct of vessels in any condition of visibility, Rule 15 crossing situation.62、Explain “safe speed” in the International regulations for preventing collision at Sea ,1972.Every Vessel must always proceed at a safe speed so that she can take proper and effective action to avoid collision and be stopped within a distance appropriate to the prevailing circumstances and conditions.注:请参阅Part B-Steering and Sailing Rules 中section I-Conduct of vessels in any condition of visibility ,Rule 6 Safe speed.63、What is restricted visibility in the International Regulations for Preventing Collision at Sea,1972? 答:It means any condition in which visibility is restricted by fog, mist falling snow, heavy rainstorms, sandstorms or any other similar causes.64、39.问:Explain “stand-on” vessel in the International regulations for preventing collision at sea,1972.答:The vessels meet.One of vessels is to keep out of the way, and the other should keep her course and speed.The latter vessel is called “stand-on” vessel.注:请参阅Part B-Steering and Sailing Rules 中section II-Conduct of vessels in sight of one another的Rule 17 action by stand-on vessel.65、40.问:What is IOPP? What is the effective period?
答:IOPP is International Oil Pollution Prevention Certificate.It is effective within 5 years.注:国际防油污证书是根据MARPOL 73/78 制订的证书,其有效期为五年。66、41.问:How many vessels restricted in their ability to maneuver are there? What kinds of mark should be exhibited in daytime? 答:For example vessels engaged in laying, servicing or picking up a navigation mark, submarine cable or pipeline;vessels engaged in dragging, surveying or underwater operations;vessels engaged in replenishment or transferring persons, provisions or cargo while underway;vessels engaged in launching or recovery of aircraft;vessels engaged in a towing operation such as severely restricts the towing vessel and her tow in their ability to deviate from their course.They must exhibit three shapes in a vertical line where the highest and the lowest are balls, and the middle one is a diamond.注:还有其他请参阅Rule 27 vessel not under command or restricted in their ability to maneuver.67、42.问:What measures should be taken when you are entering fog bank? 答:Many measures, such as stand-by engine, reduce speed, watch on the bow, switch on radar, send whistle or siren.注:有关雾航,船东都有详细规定,除了解避碰规则外,一定要了解船东对雾航的规定。68、43.问:If the vessel ahead of you did not respond your message which indicated your overtaking intention, what will you do? 答:I will reduce my speed immediately.If I must overtake, I will use VHF to contact with the vessel.注:本试题同时也在测试应试船员的处事能力。69、44.问:If you are entering hazard density waters, and you are crossing with the other vessel, and you are stand-on vessel.But the vessel did not take any measures to avoid collision, what will you do? 答:Reduce speed.Stop engine.Hard-a-starboard, but do not cause another close-quarters situation with the others when take measures to avoid collision with this vessel.70、45.问:In hazard density waters, what are the rules if you want to take measures to avoid collision? Do you use radar or ARPA?
答:Measures taken must depend on the current situations.I must strictly obey the COLREG 1972.I must decide which vessel is the second I must make way for her.I often use radar or ARPA radar when I enter hazard waters.注:这一题也是考察驾驶员运用规则及应变能力、工作经验。71、46.问:What signals are used by trawlers? 答:The trawlers with 20 metres or more in length must use: 1)when shooting nets, two white lights in a vertical line;2)When hauling their nets, one white light over one red light in a vertical line;3)when the net has come fast upon an obstruction, two red lights in a vertical line.注:请参阅避碰规则附录二中2.signals for trawlers的全部内容。72、47.问:When a motor vessel is underway and she is not under command, she still has relative movement with sea water at night, what kinds of light signals will she use? 答:She will use not-under-command lights, two-sides-lights.注:这是对避碰规则中灯号掌握与运用的考核。73、48.问:What watch duties must a Chief Officer perform when underway at sea, in port or handling cargo? 答:Keeping a navigation watch when underway at sea;under the control of the Master, Chief Officer supervises at fore part of the vessel when mooring, unmooring, or the other using of anchors, whatever vessel is at anchorage or in port remains on board when the Master is out.If the vessel does not carry a third officer, he must stand 12 hours anchor watch in every 24 hours when the vessel is at anchor;he must perform other duties designated by the Master for the safe and efficient operation of the vessel.注:这种回答方法是国外船东现代管理方法的汇集,在国外为了提高效率,有些船上没有三副,这就要求船长值一个航行班,锚泊时由大副与二副共同承担三副的工作,这是一种减员增效的方式。74、49.问:What is cargo operation duty for Chief Officer? 答:The Chief Officer must ensure that the stability and stress conditions throughout the period of loading, discharging and shipment are always within safety limit and trim is always as required;before loading the Chief Officer must prepare the cargo holds for the reception of the intended cargo and ensure IMO regulations on cargo handling to be strictly observed;the Chief Officer must keep record and pay much attention to all damages caused by stevedores during cargo handling and require stevedores to repair damage before sailing or obtain their written acknowledgement of liability;before sailing, the Chief Officer must check cargo for seaworthiness.He must satisfy himself and make necessary report to Captain;the Chief Officer must be responsible for cargo care on passage to avoid possible loss or damage.He must pay attention to ventilation.On arrival, the Chief Officer must ensure the cargo to be delivered to the designated consignees.注:货运业务是个大题目,你不可能讲的十分详细,你可按上述过程讲出来就可以了。75、50.问:What will a Chief Officer do before dry-decking repair? 答:The Chief Officer must submit to the Master in good time for his scruting a detailed repair list and make out a safety procedure for crew before dry-decking.When the repair is in progress, he must ensure all aspects strictly observe safety regulation.注:进坞维修回答要点:1.做计划及预算;2.安全措施;3.严把质量关。76、51.问:Who makes Appraisal Form and Overtime Record Account for Deck Department? 答:Chief Officer makes Appraisal Form for Deck Department according to every crew performance in contrast to his duty.He also responsible for all overtime work and keep a detail account of it.注:甲板部船员评估表、甲板部人员甲板记帐单都是由大副掌管的,最后要核准无误后交给船长。77、52.问:When the ship is at anchor and the ship is not handling the cargo, what watches must be kept? Where? 答:Navigation watches must be kept, where duty deck officers and duty A B attend the watches on the bridge.注:本问题主要问的是在非作业锚地锚泊时驾驶员、水手值班情况,即他们应该值航行班,地点在驾驶台。78、53.问:When you found a ship dragging anchor and endangered to your vessel, which measures would you take? 答:Stand-by engine, slack away anchor cable, use siren or whistle to warn the ship, or use VHF to call the ship, use VHF to report to Port Control.If necessary, heave up anchor and move another anchoring position.注:这本身既考察了驾驶员的职责又考核了驾驶员的应急反应能力。你可以把你所知道的措施都答上。79、54.问:What safety measures must be borne in mind when mooring or unmooring operations at fore or aft? 答:Put on head covering, gloves operate deck gears or lines according to safety procedures made by the ship.Chief Officer and Second Officer instruct the A.B all the time.Keep contact with bridge.Report situations to remind safety movements of the ship such as distance to the quay, fishing boat nearly, another vessels or other conditions, and so on.注:靠、离泊操作安全行为不仅要保证本船自身安全,而且还要保证人员在操作中的人身安全,国外船东十分重视这一项。80、55.问:When mooring or unmooring operations, the captain and pilot are on the bridge, do you also require to fix positions? 答:According to Port Rules, it is necessary to fix position.But it may depend.If you are at the forward(or at the aft), you can not fix position, you need to consult with pilot or captain.注:本问题不仅考察你对条文的理解,而且考察你的灵活运用的能力。81、56.问:How to prepare receiving pilot at night? 答:Prepare pilot ladder or/and accommodation ladder, lighting, manropes, a lifebuoy with self-igniting lights.Use signals two lights hoisted in a vertical line.The upper is white, and the lower is red.Use VHF and siren to contact with pilot boat.注: 晚上接引航员是相当普遍的情况,任何一个驾驶员一定要心中有数。
82、What is main task for Second Officer? He is responsible for ensuring all charts, publications required for intended voyage are available, and kept corrected;He is under the direction of the Master with laying off courses and preparation of the Passage Plan.Fix daily noon position report to the Master and Chief Engineer;He is responsible for maintaining of Navigation Watch on the bridge;he is responsible for correct operation of all navigation equipment and correct maintenance in close cooperation with the Electric Engineer;he is responsible for mooring or unmooring operations at aft station;he is responsible for winding or checking all chronometers and clocks.Keep good care of all optical instruments on board, sextants, binoculars, azimuth rings etc..He is responsible for keeping Deck Logbook, Abstract Log, Chronometers Log and Record Books of all navigational equipment;he is responsible for keeping a book contained all navigation warnings;he is responsible for anchoring or harbour watch or cargo watch for 12 hours in every 24 hours when does not carry a Third Officer;he is responsible for duties as directed by the Chief Officer, and take active actions in all respects of cargo work;he is responsible for medical care work.这基本上是对二副工作一种概括总结性回答,由于内容较多,为了使对方听起来方便,就用He is responsible for 为主线的平行句。
83、What is main duty for Third Officer? Third Officer is responsible for all life saving appliances and fire fighting equipment to ensure all of them are maintained in a thoroughly efficient state and in valid;he is responsible for keeping all flags and signal equipment to be kept in good working conditions;he is responsible for assistance master in the bridge when the vessel is mooring or unmooring or anchoring;he is responsible for a condition report containing all arrival or departure data to the Master and copies to Chief or departure data to the Master and copies to Chief Engineer as well as Chief Officer;he is responsible for cargo watch duties as directed by the Chief Officer;he is responsible for navigation watch on the bridge when the vessel is underway.84、What kinds of synoptic charts do you use often? Surface Analysis and Typhoon Warning, sometimes I receive Surface Forecast to get more information.传真天气图是船上接收气象信息的主要手段,其中地面分析图(AS)被广泛使用,台风警报图(WT)是避离台风时的重要依据。
85、What does the heading of the fax synoptic chart inform? 答:Generally the heading of a fax synoptic chart is composed of three lines: first, the type and the coverage of the chart and the station call sign providing the chart;second, the time of the chart;third, supplementary explanation.使用传真天气图时,首先应了解图的种类、覆盖区域和播发台站,这些在图题中都有说明。
86、How can you get the bearing of a typhoon with the wind direction? Back to the wind direction, the centre of the typhoon is at my left, 45 degrees to 90 degrees, depending on the strength of the wind.台风是威胁航海安全的主要的天气系统,可以根据“背风而立,低压在左前方”的方法判断其方位。
87、How can you identify the sea areas with poor visibility or heavy seas according to a synoptic chart? On a Surface Analysis chart, the areas marked with FOG[W] are areas with poor visibility and the areas marked with [W], [GW], [SW] or [TW] are stormy waters.浓雾和大风浪是影响航海安全的主要因素,因此需要能从天气图上根据标识识别出这样的海域。
88、On a given surface synoptic chart, how can you derive weather conditions around a station, for example, the wind? The weather conditions around a station are regularly signed around it.For example, the wind arrow indicates the wind vector.The bearing where the arrow stands is the wind direction and the number of the feathers means the speed, the more feathers are, the greater is the wind.天气图上的单站能提供很多气象信息,其中风是最主要的。可以根据风矢杆所在方位判断风向,矢羽的多少判断风速。
89、Could you tell different components of a 'D' lugged joining shackle? Leader pellet, Tapered spile pin, Dovetail chamber, Jaw, Lug, Bolt, crown.90、What is the length of one shackle of anchor chain? One shackle has 25m in length.One cable has 90 feet in length(English system).注:一般锚链一节公制为25米,英制为90英尺。
91、Third Mate, could you tell working parts for an inflatable rubber liferaft? Yes, sir.For example: internal light, external light, knife, safety/topping-up valve, canopy furling tapes, rain catchment, hauling-in line, floor inflation valve, rescue line, external lifeline, drogue line, drogue, cell pocket, plug, sen light cell, canopy furling tapes, water stabilizing pocket, deflation plug, inflation hose, boarding ladder and righting strap, window in inner door, painter patch, painter, quick release for hauling-in line, lanyard, paddles, equipment bag, emergency bag, emergency pack, double floor, internal lifeline, rain catchment tube and bung, double canopy, canopy instruction label/bag.92、Third Mate, could you tell working parts for an ordinary lifeboat? 答:Yes, sir.For example: manrope, oars, ration, securings, launch tracks, slip gears, sea anchor, sea plug, davit, roll, harbour pin, canvas roof, fresh water, fishing gears, medicine, axe, provisions, sail makers lather palm, sail makers needle, beeswax, grommet dies, grommets, serving boards, serving mallets, round mallets, wood hand fids, steel marline spikes, hatch wedges, rat guards, lifejackets, inflatable life jacket, lifejacket lights, lifebuoys, immersion suits, thermal protective aids, retro-reflective tapes, radar reflectors, bailers, hatchets, sponges, lifeboat oil lamps, lifeboat matches, rustproof dipper with lanyard, binnacle containing an efficient compass, buoyant rescue quoits, life-saving signal, survival manual, waterproof electric torch, boathooks, and so on.93、What measures must be taken to the leakage of the ship? Check the leakage location, and fine the beginning and ending.Make holes which are 8-12 mm in diameter, to stop extension of leakage.Weld leakage(includes holes).Finally, find out the reason of causing leakage.94、What is the component of crane? Samson post, Tumber, Topping lift span, spider band, preventer guy, head block, guy, monkey face-plate, bull rope, heel block, guy, cargo hook, runner, gooseneck.95、List different marks on shell plating.Yes, sir.Draught marks, deck line mark, loadline mark(summer loadline, winter loadline, tropical fresh water loadline, winter North Atlantic loadline, timber loadline), tonnage mark, bulbous bow and thruster marks, tug pushing point mark.96、Are you familiar with Garbage Management Plan? 答:A little bit.The garbage is divided into three kinds: Red, Blue and Green.The Red is NEVER allowed to pump out at any place, at any time.Otherwise, it makes dangerous pollution.This garbage includes radiation material, plastics, or dangerous materials, and so on.The Green is produced by daily garbage from accommodation.It can be pumped out to sea with oil proportion of 15 PPM or less.The Blue is between Red and Green.97、Who takes charge of repairing deck equipment if the deck equipment is out of order? Four Engineer takes charge of that work.In the past, we had electric engineer to serve for the job.Nowadays, there is no electric engineer on board any more.98、What will you do if you find the bilge filled? 答:First, I shall check the origin of the bilge.Then report to captain, and put bilge into oily water separator, ask the deck officer on duty to look for appropriate water to pump out.Two respects should be borne in mind: 1)The density is NEVER allowed to exceed 15 PPM.2)The speed must be adjusted in a suitable permitted rate.99、If you fine your vessel leak out oil, which measures will you take? I will report to Pollution Control Authority immediately.Meanwhile, I will take every active measure to control the pollution.100、What should be paid attention to when bunkering fuel oil? 答:Firstly, we must pay much attention not to spill the oil;secondly, the quantity of the oil must correspond to the contract;thirdly, the quality must comply with the required one;fourthly, we must take samples in the mid of bunkering.101、Could you tell the usage of portable extinguishers? Water type extinguishers are most suitable for class A fires;Foam type extinguishers are particularly suitable for fires involving inflammable liquid-class B;Carbon dioxide portable extinguishers are suitable for fighting class B fires involving inflammable liquids and for electrical fires.They are also effective on class C and D fires and small class A fires as there is no cooling effect.102、Who is responsible for cost of transferring stowaway? 答:Before ship's sailing, she should search thoroughly for stowaway.As stowaway was found, all charter parties may bring inconvenience.All losses may be paid by shipowner.Stowaway must be kept guard on board the ship while she is arriving at foreign port.103、What attention should be paid when bunkering oil in the USA? 答:It is most complex and strict to bunker oil in the USA.Many rules are regulated in the port of USA.For instance, the oil man on the behalf of the ship submits preparation measures to harbour.Check all items in check list, by yes(√), no(×).According to the requirements, hoisting oil bunkering flag and plugging all sea valves are necessary.A bulletin written in “NO SMOKING” is ready for use.Stop loading or unloading operations on deck.Don't use naked flames or lights.In general, do not bunker oil at night or at thunderstorm.The supplying and receiving parties must consult the communication means prior to bunkering and acknowledge each other.Do not cause any pollution whenever and wherever bunkering.104、How to prevent piracy? 答:First, we shall look up information from Admiralty publications and make known the sphere of activities of pirates.Safety must be borne in mind all the time.When proceeding at area which pirates possible attack, watchmen need to be arranged on deck.where practical, switch on radar and proceed at full speed.At night, switching on navigational lights is needed.If the pirates embarked, protect ourselves by means of water hoses, fire hooks and axes, call for help by means of communication equipment.In general, pirates are always in small boats and attack merchant ship near coastal waters at night.We also communicate with navy fleet for Army assistance.105、Could you tell something about Admiralty Notices to Mariners? 答:Yes sir.Admiralty Notices to Mariners are maritime publications issued by Hydrographic Department of the United Kingdom.They include Admiralty Notices, Australian and New Zealand Notices.They are published in Weekly Editions, and Annual Summary versions.106、Could you tell contents of Weekly Editions of Admiralty Notices to Mariners? 答:Yes sir.They include six sections.Section I, Explanatory Notes.Indexes to Section II.Section II, Admiralty Notices to Mariners-Corrections to Charts.Section III, Reprints of Radio Navigational Warnings.Section IV, Corrections to Admiralty Sailing Directions.Section V, Corrections to Admiralty List of Lights and Fog Signals.Section VI, Corrections to Admiralty List of Radio Signals.107、How many errors for using sextants? 答:The two major errors are apparatus deviation and adjustable error.108、How to fix chart? 答:First, register the navigational warnings in register book and record the warning number in the card.Select the associated chart affected by the warnings.Use pens, scissors and glues to fix permanent notices.Use pencils to fix temporary and preliminary notices.All of the notices must be used to fix charts and keep chart corrected up-to-date.When fix chart the geographical index must be used invariable.通告的地理位置索号(geographical index)
109、Could you list kinds of Admiralty Chart Series? 答:So far as I know, there are several kinds of Admiralty Charts.Such as, Metric charts, which began to use since 1968, symbols and abbreviations which are put in chart 5011, international charts which are widely used and recognized, Decca charts with the appropriate Decca Lattice, Loran-C charts which cover most of the North hemisphere and parts of central Pacific Ocean, Omega charts which cover non-polar ocean regions, Routing charts which include recommended tracks and distances between ports and fuelling terminals, meteorological and ice conditions, ocean currents, and so on.110、Who takes charges of measuring water level of water tank on board? How to measure? Carpenter must measure all water tanks everyday and record in log and report to Chief.The measurement procedures are as follows: Open the cover if monitoring hole.Whiten the measurement ruler with chalk.Veer act the ruler until the iron of the terminal touched the bottom.Acknowledge it touched the bottom.Walk back the ruler and read the depth of water.Clean chalk and water.Close the cover.注:若船上司职木匠就该掌握量水过程以及量水尺的使用方法。
111、What must be borne in mind when painting? Choose the appropriate paints.Choose the appropriate brushes.Keep the painted area clean and dry.Choose the best weather conditions(usually temperatures vary in 5℃ to 25℃).Paint the painted area well-distributes.Paint in correct order, normally from left to right, from up to down, from inside to outside.Enough intervals should be kept between two times painting.Keep safety measures and protection when painting.112、What would you do if the pilot uses the telegraph too much? I will consult with him to stop using.或 I will maneuver the vessel myself.或 I will let him use at his disposal.113、How to be a good leader? To familiarize with seamanship, to get well knowledge of management, to communicate with his hands, to have the ability of competent skills, to perform his duties perfectly, and to well co-ordinate with other departments.114、If Chief Mate dispute with Chief Engineer, how will you deals with the matter? I will dismiss one of them.或 I will strongly criticize them.或 I will consult with them.或 I will question them about the arguing in more details.或 The solution will vary in the condition of the disputes.115、If the subordinate does not obey your instruction and he did not consult with you, what would you do? I will , no doubt, dismiss him.116、If a crew conspires against you, and his department leader is also in favour of him, what measures will you take? I will let the crew go, then I will talk with his leader.If he conspires me, he will be dismissed as well.117、If the ship operates under charter parties, the charterer suddenly requires to speed up, what will you do? 答:It just depends.If increasing speed endanger to the ship, I will declare or refuse indirectly.If charterer ignores of my suggestion, I shall make a legal document to the charterer that all damages or losses caused by it must be paid by charterer.If increasing speed is not dangerous to the ship, I shall do in favor of the charterer.118、If you were in holidays, and the company suddenly informed you to embark overseas, what would you do? 答:At first I shall prepare for embarkation and buy tickets(whatever travel by air, sea, land)and choose a quickest means to meet the requirements of the company.If there were any agent on the way, I shall phone him.If possible, I also telephone shipping company for obtaining information.119、What kinds of measures should be taken to protect benefits of shipowner? Many measures can be taken according to different situations, such as examined and checked carefully when the ship is repairing, be carefully checked when handing over.List a reference table on consuming fuel oil daily in summer, winter, underway, loading or discharging, anchoring and require crew to obey this in the interests of shipowner, and so on.120、If you use telegraph more often, the Chief Engineer phones you that equipment is overheated, and he can not respond your instructions any more, what will you do? I will tell him that using telegraph is necessary as we are entering hazard water.If something happens, I will take all the responsibilities.121、Do you think when will you call up the captain to come up the bridge? If the captain is at the bridge, he does not indicate he wishes to maneuver the ship, what will you do? When I think the situation is very dangerous, or I can't make sure it is safe for me to maneuver the ship in some waters, I will call up Mr.Captain.If the captain is on bridge and he does not maneuver the vessel personally, I will keep my watch until he wishes to handover.122、How do I communicate with you? Here is my card which records my address, phone number in it.或 I live in ××× street(Avenue, 或 Road), ××× District, ××× City, ××× Province, the People's Republic of China.(或 I live in ××× village, ×××Town, ××× county, ××× Province, the People's Republic of China).My zip code is ××××××.My telephone number is(××××)-××××××.My Fax is ××××××.My E-mail address is ××××××.在英文中地址的表述方式与汉语相反,小地名在前,大地名在后,如要表述,中华人民共和国、辽宁省、大连市、中山区、胜利路128号,英语中为 Shengli Avenue, No.128, Zhong Shan District, Dalian City, Liaoning Province, the People's Republic of China.123、When bunkering oil, what will you do if you find the quantity of filling-in-oil does not meet the requirement you needed? The discrepancy always exits when bunkering oil.In general, the shortage should not exceed 0.5% if the quantity we required is within 100 tons, and the shortage should not exceed 1% if the quantity is more than 100 tons but less than 1000 tons.In the scope of the shortage I above mentioned, we can accept the quantity the bunkering vessel claimed.If the shortage is beyond the scope, we can not accept, and keep contact with bunkering oil vessel in the interest of shipowner.If the vessel still refuses to receive our suggestion, I consider not to sign the bunkering oil sheet.124、Nice to meet you!
It's very nice to meet you!
Glad to meet you!
I'm very glad to meet you!
Pleased to meet you!
I'm pleased to meet you!
A pleasure to meet you!125、What's your name?
Your name?
I wonder what your name is.Could you tell me what your name is?
I am ×××.或 My name is ×××.126、How long have you ever worked on board?
I have ever worked on board for ×× years.127、Which company did you serve? Which company did you work for? I have served for ×××.最好用动词serve而不用work。
128、Where are you from? I am from ×××.语言较差的人应几记住where开头,在开始时是问场所,一般是问籍贯,千万不要听成when。
129、Are you married?
Yes, I am.或 No, I am still single.130、How many people are there in your family?
There are ×× people in my family.My wife, son(daughter)and I.船东一般关心的是小家庭(nuclear family),不太注重大家庭(extended family)。
131、Which certificate do you have now? Which certificate do you hold now?
I have ××× certificate.或 I am holding ××× certificate.或 I am the holder of ××× certificate.主要证书如下:master certificate, chief mate certificate, second mate certificate, third mate certificate, chief engineer certificate, second engineer certificate, third engineer certificate, fourth engineer certificate, first class radio electronic certificate, second class radio electronic certificate, GOC(General Operator's certificate), ROC(Restricted Operator's Certificate), specialized certificate.回答时关键是certificate一词的发音。
132、What kinds of ship have you worked on?
I have worked on many ships.Like ××× ship, ××× ship, and so on.一般做过多种类船的船员竞争成功率高。因而你需要列举。这里列出一些船舶种类:warship(cruiser, destroyer, submarine, aircraft carrier), merchant ship(bulk carrier, general cargo ship, RO/RO ship, L.P.G, L.N.G, VLCC, ULCC, container ship, reefer ship, timber vessel, passenger ship), specialized ship(barge, ferry, ice-breaker, drill platform, dredger, tug, sailing boat, yacht)。但warship种类最好不要说,以防被不怀好意的人窃取国家机密。
133、How many countries have you ever been to? I have been to many other countries.For example, Japan, Russia, India, and so on.大学、学院、中专(技校),英语为university(institute), college, professional school.134、Have you served UMS?
Yes, I have served UMS.或 No, I am sorry, I have not.UMS指Unmanned Machinery space Ship(无人机舱船)。
135、Have you served ×××?
Yes, I have served ××× several years.或
Yes, I have served ××× for a short time.或No, I am sorry, even though I am holding ××× certificate, I have never served for it.船东都希望聘任经验丰富的船员,且年龄又最好年轻一些。因此在回答此项时应注意你是否愿意高职低聘。若愿意可以采用最后一种答案,并提出你感兴趣的职务的意见。
136、Have you ever studied SMS? What is SMS? Yes, I have studied SMS.SMS stands for a safety management system.It's annexed to(attached to)the SOLAS Convention, chapter IX.137、Do you Have ISM certificate? Yes, I am holding ISM certificate issued by HSA, China.或 No, I have not.HSA(Harbour Superintendency Administration)-港监。国外船东对证书的重视程度极高。因为这能说明你胜任工作的能力的证明。
138、How many harbours have you ever been to? Many harbours.For instance, Shanghai, Yokohama(Japan), Jakarta(Malysia), Singapore, and so on.139、What education degree do you have now? I have ××× degree.学历、学位列举如下:post-doctor(博士后)、doctor(博士)、master(硕士)、scholar或bachelor(学士)、associate(专科)、technology(工科)、art(文科)、science(理科)。140、What kinds of main engine and auxiliary engine have you served? Oh, several models, for instance: Main engine: Suzer RND68, 6760kW;B&W 5L45 GA(D)3200kW;MAN KZ 70/1200 5300kW;B&W 6L68 GFCA 7570kW;Auxiliary engine: YANMAR 6ML-HTS 270kW×3.表述中功率的单位一定要用千瓦(kW)表述。乘号(×)读成times,在此表示船上配有台数。
141、Could you tell the power of generator which you have ever worked? OK.M/V Qingyun 270kW×3, M/V Yucai 380kW×3.一般讲功率时不要用HP(马力),而用kW。
142、Are you satisfied with your study record? Yes, I think I am excellent.或 No, I only spend a little time in learning.Because I have many social activities.If I paid much attention to my classes, I will be the best one.注:此问题一般是问刚出校门参加应聘的大中专学生的,因此答案要视情况而定,一般学习成绩不太好的人要多强调一些客观理由。
143、Could you introduce yourself? My name is ×××.I am ××× years old.I graduated from ×××.I have ××× certificates.I have ever worked on board for ××× years.144、How many departments are there on board? Three departments: Deck Department, Engine Department, Service Department.有些现代化船舶无业务部,由甲板部代替。
145、Could you list international conventions concerning marine shipping? Many conventions.For example: SOLAS, STCW, MARPOL, IMDG Code, and so on.船东一般都重视海事法规。他们都希望自己的雇员都懂法、守法、用法,因此船员应该知道国际上生效的各种公约法规,常用的如避碰规则,值班、发证、训练标准化国际公约等。
146、Could you tell the usage of several international conventions?
For example: STCW stands for the International Convention on Standards of Training Certification, and Watchkeeping for Seafarers.As the name suggested, it concerns training, watchkeeping, certificate standards.72 COLREGS concerns the International Regulations for Preventing collision at Sea, 1972.It stipulates traffic rules at sea.MARPOL 73/78 deals with marine environment pollution protection.船东不仅希望雇员了解海事法规的数量,而且希望雇员了解公约内容、生效时间、时间以及修正版本、修正内容等。
147、What is the “generation” for container ships and how many TEU can a fifth container load? Generally speaking, “generation” stands for manufacture model.Because of containerization, the container ship loads more and more TEU.The modernest container ship “fifth container ship” can load 5250 TEU or more.“代”表示产品出厂的先后,同时表示装货能力大小。第三代集装箱船可装3000多标准箱,第四代集装箱船可装4000多标准箱,第五代集装箱船可装5000多标准箱。
148、Where is Hawaii located? What is it used for? Hawaii is located in the centre of Pacific Ocean.It belongs to USA.It can be a relay port for vessels to be bunkered and transit the ocean.149、How many important canals are there all over the world? Three biggest canals: Panama Canal, Suez Canal, Kiel Canal.The most important Canals are Suez Canal and Panama Canal.150、What is the purpose of Classification Society? Could you list some of them? The Classification Society devoted to evaluate the condition of the ship, the management system of marine company and the ships.It is non-governmental.The famous Classification Societies are such as: DNV(Norway), Lloyd's(the Great Britain), and so on.船级社的作用远不止这些。除了对船舶定等级之外,还参与海难调查、院校办学许可评估等等。
151、What is the numbering of cyclone? In China Waters, or Southeast Asia regions, China use year and numbers to mark cyclone with Beaufort force over 8.Winds can also be numbered in services in the other countries.Like in USA, and in some countries cyclones are even numbered with Arabic numbers and names duplicately.台风的编号在中国一直用编号,而美国热带气旋的编号用女人名,但随着女权运动的兴起,现在也用男人名。
152、In which area do ships seldom meet gales? Many places such as between 5 degrees North and 5 degrees South, west coast of South American continent.153、Where are the “trade wind zones”? The Northeast trade wind zone is near 10 degrees North and the Southeast trade wind zone is near 10 degrees South.154、How can you get weather information on board?
We can get it by receiving fax weather charts, weather reports broadcasted by the coast station, MSI, weather routing, and so on.155、What is SMS? SMS is short for Safety Management System.It includes the following functional requirement: 1)Safety and environmental protection policy;2)Instructions and procedures to ensure safe operation of ship and protection the environment;3)Defined levels of authority and lines of communications among shore and shipboard crew;4)Procedures for reporting accidents;5)Procedures to prepare and react to emergency situations;6)Procedures for internal audits and management reviews.156、What does DOC imply? DOC stands for “Documentation of Compliance”.The marine shipping company should establish and maintain procedures to control all documents and data which are relevant to the SMS.Each ship should carry on board all documentation relevant to that ship.157、When were you born?
I was born in ×××.年份说法应分成两半,如1965应说成19-65(nineteen sixty-five)。
158、Where did you graduate?
Which college did you graduate?
I graduated from ×××.159、What is SMC? SMC means Safety Management Certificate.It should be issued to a ship by the Administration or recognized by the organization.160、How old are you?
What's your age?
I am ×× years old.161、What does Y2K stand for? Y2K stands for a key to 2000 year problem.We have solved Y2K problem.If Y2K possibly occurs, we will change to Manual option instead of Automatic option.We have obtained the Y2K compatible certificate issued by our company.2000年问题,也是船检的一个主要内容。162、What ISO standard must shipping company observe? ISO 9002 is the standard to be observed.船舶营运的标准应遵守ISO9002管理标准。该标准是有关营运的,海事院校则执行ISO9001标准。
163、Could you tell components of a Kisbie life-buoy fitted with lights? 答:OK.It includes calcium flare, lanyard of stopper, lanyard, buoyant light, lifeline.164、How to use ship's Marine Stores published by ISO? Ship's Marine Stores can be used as a guide line when the stores are required.Firstly, use the catalogue of the book to look them up, then write down the codes on stores you required.Finally, all stores required to use on board should have their code numbers, and all these numbers need to submit Master.使用《船舶物料手册》时应注意首先要查出所在用品范围,然后找到相应代码,由代码找出相应页码,核对图示、规格,写上代码及方法。该手册是ISO所印刷的,目前流行的是英日对照、英汉对照版本。
1.The vessel head-on and # miles ahead of me。
我相距 # 海里的对遇船
2.The vessel crossing ahead of my port(starboard)bow.从我左(右)舷穿越船头的船。
3.The vessel in latitude.#degrees#minutes n
longitude.#degrees#minutes e,course#degrees.speed# knots.在北纬 ## 东经 ## 处,船向 ### 度,航速 ## 节的船。
4.Incoming(inward)/outgoing(outward)vessel.进口 / 出口船 5.The vessel intending to overtake/cross/turn.打算追越 / 横交 / 掉头的船。
6.What is your intention? 你的意图是什么?
7.I intend(want)to##.我打算 ### 8.I intend to alter course,new course###degree.我准备转向,新航向 ## 度。
9.Alter course to
port(starboard)/reduce speed/keep course and
speed/stop engine.向左(右)转向 / 减速 / 保向和保速 / 停车 10.Advice you mark(steer)course ###degrees.建议你走航向 ### 度。
11.Please keep well clear of me/give me a wide berth.请宽让我12.Keep out of the way of me /give way to me.给我让路
13.Do not pass ahead/astern of me.不要过我船头 / 船尾。
14.I will overtake on your port(starboard)side.我将从你的左(右)舷追越。
15.You should navigate with caution.你应小心航行。
16.I am manoeuvring with difficulty,keep clear of me.我船操纵困难,请让开我。How do we advaid The black container ship crossing ahead of my port bow,this is#calling.The vessel inward(incoming)outward(outgoing)vessel#calling Distance# miles Speed # knots
Which ship is calling me? 哪条船在我
Do you read me? Nothing more,out.无事再会
is I can not read you
Change to channel#/swith to channel# 转到 # 频道
Say again/repeat it
I can not follow you 我没有听清你的话
Speak slowly please 请讲慢一点
I understood/that is correct 我明白了 / 完全正确
You are dragging and drifting to me ,it is
dangerous,please pay attention.你船正在走锚向我漂流,非常危险,请你注意 You message received,I have got my
main engine ready,and commenced heaving up anchor,the vessel is under command.你的信息我已收到,我已备妥主机并正在绞锚,船已被控制住了。
You are getting closer to me
You action is obstructing me
中国海员之家网站船员面试资料系列 大副面试问题及参考答案
第 1 页
大副是甲板上仅次于船长的“第二把手”。大副的好坏直接关系到船舶、货物和人身安全。经验表明,船东在面试大副时也是相当严格和认真的。主要集中在货物的配载、装卸货、货物的 保管、货物单据、管理能力、协调能力等方面。而对于特种船来说,对有关货物装卸货的有关规 定等也要熟知。此外,有关ISM/SMS及其他公约、PSC检查以及船东内外审时的提问也是一个 非常重要的部分。
下面整理了一部分面试试题,供参考。我们建议,大副不但要准备下面的一些问题,也应该 看看有关船长及二副和三副的有关问题,这样才能 达到融会贯通的目的。
1.Can you tell me about your educational background and working experience? A reference answer:
I graduated from Jimei Navigation College in 1992.I studied there for three years.I have worked as a seamen on eight ships for nearly ten years.I have the experience of Chief Officer for two ships.I have worked both Chinese and foreign shipowners in the past ten years.2.Can you tell me the responsibilities of the Chief Officer?
Under the leadership of the Master, the Chief Officer shall carry out the daily management of the deck department, and he is also responsible for cargo handling.The specific duties include:
(1)watch-keeping from 0400-0800 hours and 1600-2000 hours;
(2)safety of the ship and work place, safety equipment;
(3)daily safety and sanitary inspection;
(4)store and spare parts inventory management;
(5)maintenance on deck;
(6)stowage plan making;
(7)supervision of the loading and unloading process;
(8)cargo caring on board;
(9)some other work and duties designated by the master of the vessel.3.Can you talk about the previous vessels(last vessel)you worked on board? It was an ocean-going ship, but it mainly loaded cargoes in Asia and discharged in Europe.It was an old ship about 14 years old.But the general condition of the ship was quite good because we did very good maintenance work on board.4.What types of cargoes have ever been carried on board your last vessel?
I have worked on bulk carriers and general cargo vessels and I have experienced a lot of cargo handling.这是一个很重要的问题,因为大副的一个很重要职务便是货物管理。大副应该对不同货物的 装卸、配载、保管、单据、保险等相关问题有所了解。
5.Where was your last vessel's trading(plying, sailing)area?
It was an ocean-going ship, but it mainly loaded cargoes in Asia and discharged in Europe.She has ever been to New Orleans, Long Beach, New York, Rotterdam, Hamburg and so on.6.Did you have the experience of working with foreign crews? What were their nationalities?
The last two vessels I worked on had crew from several countries.The masters were from Indian, the Chief Engineers were from Hong Kong and Philippine and other seamen were from China, Indian Burma and Vietnam.“中国海员之家”网站(http://www.xiexiebang.com)搜集整理出品,更多航海资料请到网站免费下载。
中国海员之家网站船员面试资料系列 大副面试问题及参考答案
第 2 页
7.Can you tell me how to make a stowage plan?
Based on the capacity of the hold, the stowage factors, types of cargo, loading and discharging ports rotation, I shall calculate the volume of the cargo that is to be loaded into different holds.Then I shall calculate the draft of the vessel and trimming, shear force, bending moment to meet the requirements of the ship.At last, stowage plan is made based on these factors.8.What does a stowage factor of mean?
A stowage factor of any cargo is the figure that expresses the number of cubic units of measure needed to accommodate one unit of weight-how many cubic meters is needed to stow one metric ton of certain goods.Stowage factors should include allowance for dunnage,irregular size of certain goods, pallets and something else.Even the most carefully determined stowage factor is not absolute and it should be used only as a guide while planning cargo disposition.9.If there happens stevedore damage to cargo, equipment or ship' s structure in the loading or discharging ports, what should you do?
If damage happens, I must record it first and then report it in an appropriate written form to the master and other parties concerned.The report must be signed by the liable parties admitting they have(or have not)responsibility for the damage.The damage report shall be carefully worded and shall be supported with photos and other evidence, if any.The damage report should also include the following contents: ship’s name, voyage number, date, geographical location, name of the person who took the photos and his signature, location where the photo was taken, and what is intended to show.10.What precautions do you have to take before cargo operation is carried out? I shall check the pre-cargo operation check lists to make sure that no item is missing.The following procedures are to be adopted:
(1)the Chief Officer shall make a cargo operation plan, in which the following factors shall be considered: the cargo must be stowed in such way that the stability, trim, shearing forces and bending moments are within the limits as laid down by the stability manual; excessive weight on tank tops, tween decks and hatch covers must be avoided; and cargo must be stowed and secured in such way as to avoid damage-which can result in possible loss of life or property.(2)Pre-operation conference with all ship's personnel to be involved in the cargo operation should be held to discuss such matters as cargo disposition, numbers of gangs and working hours, usual and special safety requirements, ballasting and de-ballasting information, special requirements regarding cargo operation, damage prevention and control, personnel organization, cargo watch etc.The Chief Officer must ensure that all relevant personnel have fully understood the intended cargo and all usual and special safety and operational requirements.11.What will you do if cargo damage is found or suspected before loading or during loading?
I shall report to the master first and foremost.The master should decide whether to replace the damaged cargo.For the full-set machines and high-valued products I must ask for the replacement in the loading port if damages are found.If the damaged cargoes cannot be replaced, the Chief Mate shall make remarks on the Mate’s Receipt.“中国海员之家”网站(http://www.xiexiebang.com)搜集整理出品,更多航海资料请到网站免费下载。
中国海员之家网站船员面试资料系列 大副面试问题及参考答案
第 3 页
If disputes happen on the quantity and quality of the cargoes, I shall, at the discretion of the master, ask the cargo surveyor to do the survey.If necessary, under the endorsement of the ship owner, I shall write a Letter of Protest(based on the format provided by the company)to prove the innocence of the seamen on board.During the voyage, if a very small amount of cargo is damaged, with the permission of the master, I shall throw it away into the sea to avoid any disputes with any third party.12.What are the differences between the Bill of Lading and the Mate's Receipt? A Tally Sheet is the basis of the Mate’s Receipt.The Mate’s Receipt is the basis of the B/L.The condition of the cargo is clearly shown on the Mate’s Receipt.It is very important to make sure that the cargo condition on the bill of lading is the same as that on the Mate’s Receipt.The Mate’s Receipt is the legal evidence of the cargo received and the B/L is the legal evidence of the cargo ownership.If the consigner wants the master to issue a clean B/L on the basis of unclean Mate’s Receipt, the master firstly must ask for permission from the company.K the company agrees, the consigner must issue reliable Letter of Indemnity or Letter of Guarantee.13.If the draft survey proves a shortage of cargo after loading is completed, what will you do apart from reporting to the Master? Will you make any remarks on the Mate's Receipt?
In this case, I shall report the problem to the master first.With the permission of the master, I shall ask the third party surveyor to do the survey.K the survey shows there is shortage or damage of the cargo, I shall write remarks on the Mate’s Receipt showing the loss or damage or shortage.The third party is to be invited to make the objective report on the real quantity of the volume of the cargo.K the cargo is proved to be in shortage, I shall write remarks on the Mate’s Receipt.14.What do you know about the ISM code and SMS? How many chapters are there in the ISM Code(as amended)? What are these chapters?
The ISM code is the International Safety Management Code.The purpose of this Code is to provide an international standard for the safe management and operation of ships and for pollution prevention.The objectives of the Code are to ensure safety at sea, prevention of human injury or loss of life, and avoidance of damage to the environment, in particular to the marine environment and to property.The 16 chapters of ISM Code are: general, safety and environment protection policy, company responsibilities and authority, designated person(s), master's responsibilities and authority, resources and personnel, development of plans for shipboard operation, emergency preparedness, reports and analysis of non-conformity, accidents and hazardous occurrences , maintenance of the ship and equipment, documentation, company verification, review and evaluation, certification and verifications and control, certification and periodical verification, verification, interim certification, and forms of certificates.The last four chapters are newly added in the new version of ISM Code.SMS means safety management system, and this system is mad based on the 16 elements of ISM Code, which is a compulsory part SOLAS74.The shipowner or manager cannot get Document of Compliance(DOC)and SMC without audited Safety Management Certificate(SMC)by Class designated by the flag registry country administration.Every
中国海员之家网站船员面试资料系列 大副面试问题及参考答案
第 4 页
company should develop, implement and maintain a safety management system(SMS).15.What do Observation, Non-conformity and Major non-conformity mean respectively?
Observation means a statement of fact made during a safety management audit and substantiated by objective evidence.Non-conformity means an observed situation where objective evidence indicates the non-fulfillment of a specified requirement.Major non-conformity means an identifiable deviation that poses a serious threat to the safety of personnel or the ship or a serious risk to the environment that requires immediate corrective action and includes the lack of effective and systematic implementation of a requirement of this Code.(摘自新ISM Code原文)
以上内容不一定要非常准确详细地背诵,但至少要知道大致的内容,尤其要知道,ISM规则 是变化的、开放的国际公约,其内容经过修改和增加。此外,随着ISM规则的改变,各船东和管 理公司对SMS也要进行相应的修改和补充。
16.Have you experienced any on-board internal audit before?
The onboard internal audit is carried out at the discretion of the Designated Person of the owner.When the auditors come on board, the seamen should give full support to them.If observation or non-conformity items are found in the audit, these items should be treated with due diligence and rectified on time.As the Chief Officer, I should be very familiar with the operation and calibration of the gas detector and the loading computer.17.What is Garbage Management Plan?
The MARPOL 73/78 requires that a Garbage Management Plan should be developed in accordance with the IMO guidelines on board almost all ships.The Plan includes the procedures for garbage collection, separation, processing and disposal, as well as the management and requirements of garbage processing equipment, implementation of the Plan and crew responsibilities.All processing work should be recorded in the Garbage Record Book.18.How do you carry out the deck machinery maintenance?
On board the last vessel, I often ordered my Bosun to organize the deck crew to maintain such equipment as windlass, steering engine, derrick, crane, wires, meters and winch.Chipping and greasing are also among their daily routines as per the PMS(Planned Maintenance System).All maintenance plans for the machines in the deck department shall be made by the Chief Officer.19.As the Chief Officer, what precautions do you have to take to prepare for the PSC inspection?
The Chief Officer should arrange for the checks of the following items: LSA.APPLIANCE equipment, garbage disposal records, gangway safety, ballasting system, sanitary condition, especially in the accommodation area, the galley, provisions stores, cargo operation safety and documents.Besides, the Chief Officer should follow the Master's instructions in organizing the emergency drills.20.What precautions do you have to take before entering an enclosed space? I shall nominate the standby personnel and prepare the ventilation, breathing tool, connecting signals, oxygen, air and poisonous gases testing equipment, and other necessary equipment according to the checklist.I shall then get the Master's signature on the checklist.“中国海员之家”网站(http://www.xiexiebang.com)搜集整理出品,更多航海资料请到网站免费下载。
中国海员之家网站船员面试资料系列 大副面试问题及参考答案
第 5 页
21.What checks do you have make before any hot work is permitted? I must make sure of the following:
There is no gas leakage on cargo deck or pump room area;
The nearby places shall be free of inflammable materials or gases and portable extinguishers are available;
The area where the hot work is done is not piled with solvents of any kind, including diesel oil, kerosene, paint, cleaners and thinners;
Gas testing is also important to make sure no flammable or toxic gas is present at the work site and that the oxygen content is 21% by volume;
Ventilation condition should also be checked before any hot work is done;
The Master's approval must be obtained under all circumstances.While in port, you must also get the port authority approval.22.On board your previous vessels, how often did you conduct a fire-fighting drill? I carried out a fire fighting drill at least once every month.23.What are the Chief Officer's responsibilities with regards to cargo operation? The Chief Officer is in charge of safe handling of all cargo operation.He must submit all cargo plans to the master for approval and discuss any critical stage of cargo operation with the Master.He is responsible for making cargo records, time sheets, port logs and other paperwork related to cargo operation.He must also prepare cargo operation order and get all duty officers to read and understand it.24.What are the Chief Officer's responsibilities with regard to deck maintenance? The Chief Officer should prepare the deck maintenance schedule-both the long-term and short-term onesa promise to carry and deliver the cargo.It constitutes the apparent order, condition, and quantity or weight of goods at the time of shipment.It is also a document of tide(property)of the cargo.A clean B/L is one on which there is not any remark of cargo loss, shortage or damage.An unclean B/L is also called claused B/L, which carries some remarks of cargo damage, quantity shortage and so on.41.What is back dated or anti-dated B/L? What is advanced B/L?
A back dated B/L is a B/L whose issuing date is earlier than the virtual loading completion date.An advanced B/L means a B/L that is signed and issued by the carrier before the completion of loading.Both backdated and advanced B/Ls will bring some dangers and liabilities to the shipowner and charterer.42.What anti-stowaway precautions should you take before the vessel sails from a port?
Before departure from any port, stowaway search has to be carried out.The following spaces shall be searched thoroughly: void space, chain lockers, funnel, and other places where the stowaways can hide themselves.If stowaways are discovered before the ship sails, arrangement has to be made for his immediate disembarkation.Records have to be made in the Ship's Logs and the company should be notified.Necessary steps should be taken to prevent any further re occurrence.43.Who should not be allowed to have the shore leave at the same time?
In view of the jobs on board, the following positions and ranks can not be allowed to have shore leave at the same time: the Master and the Chief Officer; the Chief Engineer and First Engineer; the Chief Engineer and Electrician; the Bosun and Pumpman(in tankers); the Chief Cook and Second Cook(or mess boy); The Chief Officer and Pumpman(in tankers).Any crew who wants to have shore leave must check with the department head for permission and return to the vessel on time.44.What is me maximum blood alcohol concentration(BAC)rate on board? According to the STCW95, the BAC shall not be more than 0.08% by weight any time when being tested, but the CFR(Code of Federal Regulations)requires the BAC to be no more than 0.04%.Watch-keepers are not allowed to drink any alcoholic beverage 4 hours before their watch.“中国海员之家”网站(http://www.xiexiebang.com)搜集整理出品,更多航海资料请到网站免费下载。
中国海员之家网站船员面试资料系列 大副面试问题及参考答案
第 9 页
45.What hand of garbage cannot be thrown into incinerator?
The following garbage can not be thrown into the incinerator: • Any containers that once contained gases under pressure, or aerosol cans;
• The materials that may produce harmful gases or ashes;
• The materials that may produce high temperature and prolonged incineration of such materials that may cause damage to the incinerator.46.What should a Muster List include? What kind of Muster Lists did you have on the last vessel?
A Muster List should include the following points:(1)Details of emergency alarm signal;
How ship-abandon order According to the STCW95, the BAG shall not be more than 0.08% by weight any time when being tested, but the CFR(Code of Federal Regulations)requires the BAG to be no more than 0.04%.Watch-keepers are not allowed to drink any alcoholic beverage 4 hours before their watch.(2)will be given;
(3)Substitutes for the key personnel who may become disabled;
(4)The boat to which each person belongs and duties to be performed in an abandon ship situation;
(5)The specific group to which a person belongs and general duties during various emergencies;
(6)Any additional or specific duties;
(7)Specific assembly point of each group.The Muster Lists must be ready before a ship sails.We had the following Muster lists on board the last vessel: General emergency, fire fighting, fire in the engine, emergency steering, abandon-ship, man overboard, oil pollution prevention station.47.What is heavy weather condition? Under heavy weather conditions, what preparations should you make before sailing?
I think heavy weather means weather conditions of wind force of 8 or above on the Beaufort scale and wave height of greater than 5 meters.During heavy weather conditions, the following preparations should be made:(1)If possible, select a route that can avoid the heavy weather area;
(2)Inform the crew of the predicted heavy weather and issue a warning.Make sure that the warning is known to all crew on board;
(3)Check the hull strength based on stowage calculations, cargo loading and stability documents.Ballast the ship to increase the draught and take action to prevent propeller racing, reduce oscillations and slamming of the ship if the ship is in ballasting condition;
(4)Make sure the following holes are closed: hatches, cargo hold, bosun's store, manhole;
accesses to accommodation spaces and steering gear room; tank air pipes, sounding caps; all water-tight doors and water-tight openings on the ship;
(5)Ensure that measures are taken to prevent movement of cargo and other objects on various parts of the ship;
(6)Ensure that cargo gears such as derricks, cranes and life boat are securely lashed;
(7)Ensure that the conditions of the stowage of anchors and anchor chains are checked;
(8)Keep critical checklists on the bridge for reference.“中国海员之家”网站(http://www.xiexiebang.com)搜集整理出品,更多航海资料请到网站免费下载。
中国海员之家网站船员面试资料系列 大副面试问题及参考答案
第 10 页
48.Under heavy weather conditions, what preparations should you make before sailing?
If navigating in heavy weather, the following should be paid attention to:
Adopt measures to prevent slamming and pounding of the ship, considering the frequency of encounters with swells and change speed or course if necessary?
a)The watch keeping officer shall change over to parallel operation of the steering gear, if possible;
b)If possible, change the auto pilot to “rough sea mode” or change over to manual mode;
c)Master shall frequently check the weather and sea conditions, observe future changes and judge if there is a problem with the present course and speed;
d)Report the weather to the nearest port authority or the ships in the vicinity on the bad weather and ask them to be careful and warn them;
e)The master shall check the abnormalities whenever possible to make the ship in good condition.49.If the stevedores damage the crane, derrick or any other equipment on board, what should you do?
Firstly, I shall ask the duty officer have a careful supervision when the stevedores are loading and unloading cargo and ask the duty officers to report to me any incident or any damage the workers have done to the vessel equipment.If equipment damages occur, usually, I will see how serious the damage is.If the damage is serious, I shall report to the master immediately.If the damage is not very serious, I shall ask the stevedore company to make repair.At least, I shall ask the stevedores to acknowledge their liabilities.But anyway, I shall not allow the stevedore workers to leave the vessel until the damage is settled properly.50.Before and during dry-docking for the vessel, what should a Chief Officer do? The Chief Officer shall prepare a detailed repair list for the approval of the master and the company; adjust the proper trim as per the dock's requirements and make out a safety procedure before drydocking.The Chief Officer should also make an assignment plan for the deck officers and crew during drydocking.When the repair work is being done, the Chief Officer should have a good supervision on the jobs and ensure safety of the workers and the seamen.51.How do you balance the interests between the ship owner and the charterer? Sometimes, the crew are heavily pressured in the circumstances: the charterer just pushes the master to catch time, but there will be no time for the maintenance and repairs for the vessel.But I know that the charterer is very important to the ship owner, so good relation with the charterer is very important to both the master and the ship owner.船东希望大副既能和租家建立良好的关系,又能维护船东的利益。因为大副挣的是船东的工 资,但船东挣的是客户(租家)的钱。
52.What do you know about BC Code?
The BC code refers to the IMO Bulk Cargo Code.In this code, bulk cargo operation procedures are stated.This is a very important manual and the Chief Officer must study it with care and follow the instructions in the Code at work, especially when he makes the stowage plan.53.How should you deal with the garbage on board the ship?
中国海员之家网站船员面试资料系列 大副面试问题及参考答案
第 11 页
MARPOL 73/78 provides for detailed regulations on garbage disposal.Usually, any shipping company should have its own Garbage Management Plan in its SMS manuals.Usually, the Chief Engineer or the Chief Officer is the designated person in charge of carrying out the garbage disposal , but all crew on board should follow the garbage management plan.Garbage is disposed in four steps, i.e.collection, separation, processing and disposal.The Chief Engineer or the Chief Officer should make clear records in the Garbage Record Book.The Master has to make sure the Garbage Record Book is available for checks at any time.The garbage can roughly be divided into two types: the biodegradable and persistent garbage.The former refer to those that can be rotten by themselves, such as food paper, and wood; the latter refers to those that can not rotten themselves, such as plastic, mental etc.The persistent garbage can never be thrown into the sea.54.When should a turnover/handover of watch be deferred or postponed?
Usually, under the following situations, the turnover can be deferred or even postponed:(1)If the officer on watch has reason to believe that the relieving officer is obviously not able to carry out his duties effectively;(2)when bridge maneuver is taking place, turnover of watch must be deferred until the action is completed and the ship is in a safe condition for the relief of the watch to take place.55.Under what situations should you as the officer on watch reduce the ship's speed? Can you give some examples?
The OOW should not hesitate to use engine to reduce the speed for safety.Some examples are:(1)when the ship meets restricted visibility;
(2)when the ship is in heavy traffic area;(3)when the ship is in a close quarter situation.56.What actions should be taken when restricted visibility is encountered or expected?
The following actions should be taken.(1)Call or notify the master;(2)Stand by engine and sail at safe speed;(3)Switch on the navigational lights;(4)Switch on and sound fog signals;(5)Switch on ARPA and Radar;(6)Shift to manual steering for maneuver;(7)Post additional lockout.57.What precautions should be taken 12 hours before arrival at or departure from any port?
Tests on the following should be made before entering or getting underway:
(1)Primary and secondary steering gear.(2)Internal control communications and control alarm.(3)Standby and emergency generator.(4)Storage batteries for emergency lighting.(5)Main propulsion ahead and astern.58.What should you do in case of steering failure?
When steering failure occurs, I shall immediately inform the engine room to change to the emergency steering gear.In the meantime I shall report to the master.K no further incidents occur, I will get the signals hoisted for a vessel not under command.59.Do you know something about the internal and the external audit?
Internal audit is a systematic check of the management and operation situation of the vessel.The internal audit, as I remember, is carried out at least once a year.The external audit is carried out the Classification of the vessel.The surveyor of the Class usually comes on board the check.“中国海员之家”网站(http://www.xiexiebang.com)搜集整理出品,更多航海资料请到网站免费下载。
中国海员之家网站船员面试资料系列 大副面试问题及参考答案
第 12 页
60.What is safety speed during sailing? What factors should you consider in deciding the speed of a vessel during sailing in the sea?
The safe speed is the speed at which the vessel can take proper and effective actions to be stopped in a safe distance.The following factors should be taken into account to achieve safe speed: visibility, number of ships in the area, the ship s maneuverability, wind force, sea tide and current, background lights, draught and available depth of water, proximity of navigational hazards, standard and operation of technical equipment on board, ice condition and so on.61.When navigating in a crossing situation, as a duty officer, what anti-collision measures should be taken?
When the vessels are proceed on head-on condition, what anti-collision rule should be observed? When a power-driven ship and sailing meet in the sea, what anti-collision rule should be observed?
When two power-driven ships are crossing, the ship which has the other ship on her own starboard side shall keep out of way.To do this, this ship can either alter course to starboard side or slow down her speed in order to avoid collision.When two power-driven ships are meeting head-on situation or near head-on situation, each ship shall alter course to starboard so that they can pass on the port side of each other at a safe distance.When a ship sails at a higher speed overtakes another ship, the ship shall sails at higher speed or shall alter its course to avoid collision.A power-driven ship shall keep out of the way of a sailing ship.This can be done by either altering its course or speed up to avoid collision.“中国海员之家”网站(http://www.xiexiebang.com)搜集整理出品,更多航海资料请到网站免费下载。
1.Nice to meet you!(很高兴见到你)
It’s very nice to meet you!(非常高兴见到你)
Glad to meet you!
2.What’s your name?(你叫什么名字)Could you tell me what your name is?(能告诉我你叫什么名子吗?)
答:I am XXX.或 My name is XXX.Where are you from?(你是那里人?)
11.How old are you?(你多大?)
答:I am 27 years old.(我27岁)
3.When were you born?(你什么时候出生?)
答:I was born in nineteen seventy-three.(我1973年出生。)
答:I am from lianyungang.(我是连云港人)
4.Are you married?(你结婚了吗?)
答:Yes, I am.5.How many people are there in your family?(你家里有几口人?)
答:There are three people in my family.My wife, son and I.(有三口人,我的妻子、儿子和我)
6.How long have you ever worked on board?(你曾经在船上工作过多长时间)答:I have ever worked on board for ten years.(我曾经在船工作10年)
7.Which company did you serve?(你在那家公司服务过?)
Which company did you work for?
答:I have served for Lianyungang shipping corp.(我在连云港船务公司服务过)
8.Are those ships you worked all Chinese ones?(你工作过的那些船是不是都是中国船)?
答:No, I worked on Chinese ships about 3 years, and 1 year on board under the Liberian flag.(不我在中国船上工作了三年,在利比里亚的船上工作了一年)
9.What is the name of the Liberian ship and what’s her tonnage?(利比里亚船是哪一类船,吨位是多少?)
答:She is a bulk carrier, her gross tonnage is over 30 thousand tonnage.(是一艘散货船,总吨3万多)
10.Were the crew all Chinese?(船员都是中国人?)
答:No, they weren’t, including me;there were only 4 Chinese in the deck department.We joined the ship at the same time.While the others came from different countries.(不,只有在甲板部有四位中国人,包括我在内。我们是同时上这艘船的,其余的人都是来自不同的国家。)
11.Which country did the captain come from?(船长是哪个国家的人?)答:The captain came from Poland.12.Which certificate do you have now?(你有什么证书?)
Which certificate do you hold now?(你持有什么证书?)
答:I have AB certificate.13.What kinds of ship have you worked on?(你在什么类型的船上工作过?)答:I have worked on many ships.Like container ship, bulk ship.(我在很多船上工作过,如集装箱船、散货船)
14.How many countries have you ever been to?(你去过那些国家?)
答:I have been to many other countries.For example, Japan, Koran.(我去过很多国家,如日本、韩国)
15.How many harbors have you ever been to?(你去过那些港口?)
答:Many harbors.Shanghai,16.How many departments are there on board?(船上有几个部门?)答:Three departments: Deck Department, Engine Department, Service Department.(有三个部门,甲板部,轮机部,事务部)
17.How many important canals are there all over the world?(世界上有多少重要的运河?)
答:Two biggest canals: Panama canal, Suez canal.(两大运河,巴拿马,苏伊士)
18.The sailing route of our company’s ships is very long.Aren’t you afraid of the hardships?(我们公司船舶的航行航线很长,你不怕苦吗?)
答:No, I’m not afraid at all, since I am a seaman.I should not be afraid of any hardships and difficulties.(是的,我不怕,既然来当船员,就应不怕苦,不怕难。)
19.Can you tell me what is the most important thing for a sailor?(你能告诉我对于一名水手来说,什么事情是最重要?)
答:It’s safety, Safety first.Safety.Safety includes the safety for the ship, for oneself and for all the crew.(是安全。安全第一,安全为船舶,安全为全体船员。)
20.You are willing to work in our company, aren’t you?(你愿意到我公司的船上工作吗?)
答:I’m willing to be a sailor of you company.My experience and ability make me confident that I can be a qualified sailor in you company.If you do employ me, then I promise that Iwill definitely follow the company’s instructions and faithfully stitch to my post.I sincerely hope I can draw you attention, and I am ready to offer my efforts for the prosperity ofyou company.(我愿意应聘贵司的水手一职。我相信,我的能力天经验完全能胜任。如果你能聘我担任此职务,我向你承诺,绝对服从工作安排,恪尽职守。我希望,我能得到你的重视,愿为贵公司的兴旺发达出力。
我是xxx。my name is __________./ i’m ________.我今年x 岁。i’m ___ years old.我来自xxx。i come from ________./ i’m hangzhounese.我毕业于xxx 学校。i graduated from ________________________.我的专业是xxx。i major in ______________________________
我曾在xxx 公司,从事 xxx 工作。i’ve worked in _____________________ as a(an)_____________ for _____________.我在 xxx 方面拥有不错的技能。i have good skills in ________________.我的爱好是xxx。i like ________________________________.·i’m very glad(happy)to have the chance for the interview.我很高兴能够有机会参加面试。
·well, it is really my honor to have this opportunity for a interview.我十分荣幸有这个机会参加面试。
·i like my occupation very much.我十分喜爱我的工作。
·i got my _____ degree after my graduation in the year of ____.毕业后,我于 xxx 年,取得xxx 学历。
·i spend most of my time o?n study, i have passed ______./
i have got _____ qualification.我把多数时间都花在学习上,通过了 xxx 考试
(取得了 xxx 资格)。
·i have acquired wide knowledge of my major from my work.我从工作中获得了广泛的专业知识。
·(i think)im a good team player.(我认为)我是一个很好的团队伙伴。
·i’m honest./ im a person of great honesty to others.我很诚实。
·i am able to work under great pressure.我能够在很大的压力之下工作。
·that’s all.大致就是这样
·thank you(for giving me the chance.)
英文面试礼仪 ①开始:进门-(敲门)may i come in?我可以进来么?
come in ,please.请进。
招呼-good morning/afternoon/evening, sir/madam
how do you do ?您好。
入座- have a seat./ sit down, please.请坐。
thank you.谢谢。
can you say it again?
can you repeat it please?
③结束: thank you.谢谢。
it’s my pleasure.不用谢。
nice meeting you./nice to meet you很高兴见你。
me too.我也一样。
问:what’s your job/work/occupation/specialty?你的工作/职业是什么? what do you do(for a living)?你的工作是什么?
have you ever been employed﹖你曾工作过么?
抓词:job工作 , work工作, current job现在的工作, employ雇佣, occupation职业 答:i’m a/an _____at______ for _______.我在xxx公司作为xx,工作过x年。i work as a/an ____ at ______ for _______.(上同)
i have had one-year experience working in_____ as a/an_____.(上同)
问:would/could you describe your job? 你能描述一下你的工作么? describe your daily work and process.请描述你每天的工作和程序。
what work were you responsible for in your previous(last)work?
在你的上一份工作中你主要负责什么?could you explain your job in detail?你能详细解释一下你的工作么?
tell me something about your daily work.告诉我你每天的工作内容。
抓词: describe描述, explain解释, detail细节/详细的,work, job
问:is there any foreigner in your restraunt/hotel?
are there accommodate in the hotel you worked in?
抓词:foreign customer外国顾客,foreigners外国人, lien外国人,outlander外国人 答: yes, we have many foreign(alien)customers.是的,我们饭店/酒店有许多外国顾客。
and i’ve got good skill to communicate(talk)with them.我很好的掌握了与他们交流的技巧。
问:are you willing to work on the ship(passenger liner)?
would you like to work on board?
抓词:ship船, passenger liner邮轮
答:yes, i’d like to.是的,我愿意。
问:will you work hard?
will you try your best to work?
do you excert yourself in work?
抓词:hard努力的, effort努力,endeavour努力,答:certainly, i will.当然,我会的。
i’m hard-working, and i always make great efforts in my work.我是个勤奋的人,并且我在工作中总是十分努力。
问:can you name two kinds of red wine?
can you tell me the name of two kinds of red wine?
抓词:red wine vin rouge/claret/cabernet
答:there are ______ and _______.有xxx和xxx。
________ and ________ are both famous red wine.xxx和xxx都是著名的红酒。希农(chinon), 布尔格伊(bourgueil), 桑塞尔(sancerre),都兰(touraine), 密斯卡得(muscadet)安茹桃红(roséd’anjou),武弗雷(vouvray)
问:would you tell me two kinds of drink and western-style food?
抓词:belly-wash饮料,drink饮料, beverage饮料, western food西餐,western-style food西餐
答: appetizer 餐前酒, cocktail鸡尾酒, beer啤酒, red wine红酒, white wine白葡萄酒, whisky威士忌, brandy白兰地, mineral water矿泉水.borsch罗宋汤,steak牛排/鱼排,spaghetti意大利细面,pasta意大利通心粉,fish and chips炸鱼加炸土豆片, baked mushroom烤蘑菇,bacon培根,sausage香肠
1.船员浴室淡水管一段(直径25㎜×4m)及一只截止阀(直径25㎜)换新。One section of fresh water pipe(dia.25㎜×4m)and one stop valve(dia.25㎜)in crew's bathroom to be renewed.2.大副浴室堵塞的排水管(直径40㎜)清通。
The clogged scupper pipe(dia.40㎜)in officer's bath rooin to be freed up.3.船长浴室破碎的马桶换新。
The broken toilet bowl in captain's bath room to be renewed.4.船员浴室镜子3块换新。(300mm×400mm).Three toilet mirrors(size 300mm×400mm)in crew's bath room to be renewed.5.船员住房舷窗3块玻璃换新(直径313mm,厚9mm,钢化玻璃)。
Three pcs of side scuttle glass in crew's cabins to be renewed(dia.313mm,thickness 9mm,toughened glass).6.驾驶室前窗2块玻璃换新。(6mm×866mm×586mm,钢化玻璃).Two pcs of window glass in wheel house to be renewed(6mm×866mm×586mm,toughened glass).7.驾驶室右舷滑动门换新。(800mm×2000mm)
One wooden sliding door in way of wheel house stb'd to be renewed(side 800mm×2000mm).8.10扇主甲板水密门拆下,修后装复并进行水密试验。watertight doors on main deck to be removed ,repaired ,refitted and watertight tested.9.船员餐厅、住房及走廊损坏的塑料地板方块总计30㎡换新。
The broken plastic tiles in crew's cabins,mess room and alleyway to be renewed about 30 sq.m in total.10.桅上旋转部件拆开,检查,清洁,必要时修理或换新,加牛油后装妥。
Turning accessories on the posts to be dismantled, examined ,cleaned, greased , repaired if necessary and refitted.11.船进坞检查,清洁,油漆和进行水线下修理工程。
To drydock vessel for examination, cleaning, painting and under water work.12.舵吊高卸下检查、清洁和油漆,然后在验船师和大副在场时装妥。
To dismount rudder by means of lifting up for inspection ,cleaning and painting, and then to reset it in good order in the presence of surveyor and C/O.13.空载水线以上的船壳板测厚,每块钢板两点,测量记录一式两份交船。
To measure the thickness of plates above the light loadline, two points each plate, and deliver the records of measurement to ship in duplicate 14.左舷船体上长约150m的焊缝不良,重焊。
To reweld defective weld seam about 150m in length on the port hull.15.更换下列各处损坏的柳钉并做水压试验。
To renew defective rivets and conduct water test in following places.16.二号甲板起重机的1根有毛病的液压管需拆除,用特种钢管和新接头换新。
One defective hydraulic pipe of No.2 deck crane to be removed with extra steel pipe and new joints.17.修理炉灶,厨房地板铺瓷砖。
To repair cooking stove and tile the floor of galley.18.制作并安装餐厅里两只舷窗铁盖。
To make and fit two iron blinders for air port in dining saloon.19.更换机匠舱里损坏的舷窗及旋紧螺丝。
To renew a broken clamp screw for air port in fitter's quarter.20.更换艘尖舱一只测量管的铜盖。
To renew a brass lid for sounding pipe of fore peak tank.21.船舶进坞进行检查,清洁,除锈,油漆和水下修理工程。
Vessel to be drydocked for examination ,cleaning, derusting, painting and under water work.22.船名,船籍港,吃水标志和载重线标志需修饰,重刷。
Ship's name ,port of registry ,draft marks and loadline marks to be dressed and repainted.23.双锚及锚链需除锈,清洁,刷1度黑色水罗松。
Both anchors with chains to be derusted, cleaned, and brushed with one coat of black solution.24.两只锚链舱需除锈,清洁,刷1度水罗松。
Both chain lockers to be scraped ,cleaned and brushed with one coat of solution.25.锚机左右刹车垫片换新。
Port and starboard brack linings for the windlass to be renewed.26.舷梯滚轮需修理。
Gangway roller to be repaired.27.9只失落物测量管罩补齐。
Nine missing sounding pipe covers to be renewed as per attached sketch.28.14只污水沟蜂巢箱按附图换新。
Fourteen bilge roses to be renewed as per attached sketch.29.3号舱右舷1只通风筒罩需换新。
One ventilator cover in way of No.3 hatch on starboard side to be renewed.30.船员厕所里小便池排水管需换新。
Urinal drain pipes in crew toilets to be renewed.31.艉楼甲板上2只三轮导缆钳失灵,需拆卸,检查,活络,加油并重新装复。
Two tri-roller chockers on forecastle deck found ineffective, to be dismounted ,inspected, freed up ,regreased and refitted.32.艉楼甲板上卡住的万向导缆器活络,加油使之工作正常。
The jammed universal fairleader on poop deck to be freed up, regreased so as to make it work in good order.33.第一舷侧水柜(左边)里测量管需换新,直径约50㎜.The sounding pipe in No.1 top side tank(port side)to be renewed, dia.Approx.50mm.34.在第七贷舱和舷侧水柜测量管需换新,外径50㎜.Two sounding pipes of bottom side tanks in No.7 hold and top side tank to be renewed.Outer dia.50mm.35.三舱左舷附近的消防水管需割除,换新长度约5m.The fire pipe in way of No.5 hatch on port side to be cropped and renewed about 5m in length.36.所有水尺,载重线标志,船名,船籍港字涂2度原色漆。
All draft figures , plimsoll's marks ,ship's names and port of registry to be repaired twice in original colour.37.油漆时,舷侧出水孔(共10处)接临时疏水管。
Run off pipes to be connected temporarily for out board scupper(10 pcs in total)during time of painting.38.上述油漆全部由船舶所有人供应。船体各部分需大副检查并以其许可后,方可涂漆。All above paints to be supplied by Owner.Each part of the hull should be examined by chief officer and obtain his agreement before each coat being applied.39.锚及锚链喷砂,涂水罗松2度(船船所有人供应)。
The anchors and chains to be sand-blasted and applied two coats of bitumastic solution(supplied by owner)40.25只连接环拆开,清洁,检查并装复。kenter joining shackles to be dismantled,cleaned,inspected and refitted.41.30只已松的撑挡复紧。30 loose studs to be tightened up.42.左右锚链第一节拆下换装成最后一节。
The first length of both P&S anchor chains to be disconnected and connected as the last length.43.连接环用新钢丝绑扎并涂以红白漆做标志,然后将锚及锚链装妥。
Shackles to be remarked with new seizing wires and red/white paint.Then anchors and chains to be refitted back properly.44.左右锚链舱清洁,锚链舱下半部即从舱底到格珊以上2m处包括格珊,共约80㎡的锈蚀部分敲铲并涂水罗松2度,然后所有面积涂水罗松1度(水罗松由船舶传播所有人供应。)Both chain lockers to be cleaned.The rusted parts about80sq.m in total at the lower half of lockers.From bottom to 2 m above grating,including grating.to be chipped and patched with two coats of bitmastic solution.Then the whole area to be applied with one coat of biumastic solution.(solution to be supplied by owner)45.4只卫生水风浪阀拆卸,清洁,研磨并涂防锈漆,然后装妥。
Sanitary storm valves to be dismantled,cleaned,ground and coatd with anti-corrosive paint,then refitted in order.46.4节盖板间拖链换新。lengths of towing chain between two covers to be renewed.47.进行水密试验,达到大副满意。
Watertight test to be carried out to chief officer's satisfaction.48.10只主甲板水密门拆下,修后装复并水密试验。watertight doors on main deck to be removed,repaired,refitted and watertight tested as follows.49.全部测量记录及负荷试验报告一式三份交大副。
All messuring records and load test reports to be handed over to chief officer in three copies.50.吊杆放置甲板上,吊货滑车,调节跨幅复式滑车,导轮及吊货杆上所有活动部件拆开,清洁,加优质润滑脂。
The derrick to be laid down on deck,cargo blocks,span takles,guide rollers and all moving parts of derrick of derrick to be dismantled.cleaned and greased with special grese.51.鹅颈销拆开,检查,测量。鹅颈销承套中球轴承及格栏清洁,检查,必要时修理,换新,加牛油后装妥。
Gooseneck to be dismantled,examined and measured.Ball bearing and glands in the socket of gooseneck to be cleaned,examined,repaired or renewed if necessary,greaed and refitted.52.桅上旋转部件拆开,检查,清洁,必要时修理或换新。
Turning accessories on the posts to be dismantled, examined, cleaned,greaed,repaired if necessary and refitted.53.所有吊货索,千斤索刷净,清洁,检查并涂油。
All cargo wires and toppong lift wires to be wirebrushed,cleaned,examined and greased.54.按规范以66t负荷进行试验,所有测量及试验记录一式三份交大副。
tons load test to be carried out according to rule.All measures and test records to be handed over to chief officer in three copies.55.所有救生艇吊柱,滚轮,滑车,拆检,清洁,加油并装妥。
All sheaves and rollers of life boat davit to be overhauled, cleaned, greased and reassembled.56.救生艇吊机所有刹车带及刹车片换新。
All brake linings and bands of life boat winch to be renewed.57.左舷甲板消防管(直径80mm镀锌钢管)部分换新,约20m。
Deck fire pipe(dia.80mm, gal.steel pipe)at port side to be renewed partly about 20mmin length.58.桅上汽笛压缩空气管部分换新约5m(直径32mm).Corroded compressed air pipe for domestic use to be partly about 5m in length(dia.32mm)59.甲板日用压缩空气管部分换新(直径25mm,长10m).Deck compressed air pipe for domestic use to be partly renewed(dia.25mm, 10m length).60.第一桅房左右排水管换新(直径80mm,共长18m,带两弯头)
Scupper pipes at port and stb'd of first mast house to be renewed(dia.80mm, 18m length in total with 2 bends).